#but this is something I secretly headcanon/think about when I write Sydney
unmerrymagdalene · 4 months
Peaks head out of hole Idk if this is me creating stuff out of nothing but Sydney imo is such…a lonely person?
Like he acts really nice and polite to people, but that doesn’t translate to making friends/hanging out with people his age? Students mostly treat him like the annoying churchy kid who writes on them and they aren’t like, wrong
And all he does is work, so that definitely cuts his social time to barely anything. Too busy to worry about having friends, or even think about his loneliness! It’s also why he practically clings to PC, he’s probably dying for someone, anyone to care about him (other than like Sirris but that’s…yeah)
Also if I were Sydney and the last friendship I had got nuked into orbit I’d probably stop actively reaching out to people
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Do you have any hcs about Dom and Pyro's family backgrounds, how they got their powers, etc? Any shipping dynamic headcanons? No reason, I just figured you might and I'd like to hear them!
You have opened Pandora’s box, my friend, because I have so, so many head-canons.  
I’m afraid this is basically all Pyro. He’s the character that I really obsess over in that ship.  Avalanche is cool, too, but I’m all about Pyro.  Maybe someday I’ll do Avalanche head-canons after I think more about his background.  But for now, I’m going to rant about Pyro in ridiculous detail.
Pyro’s Marvel bio only mentions an unnamed grandmother under relatives, so I head-canon that he was raised by his grandmother.  His parents were both teens that quickly abandoned him – his dad before he was born, and his mother a few months afterwards.  Adult St. John doesn’t really feel any resentment or angst about it. Since they abandoned him as a baby, he doesn’t take it personally – they just didn’t want to be parents, and he can understand that.  (He sure as fuck doesn’t want to raise any kids, either).  His grandmother was strict, and he got yelled at a lot, but it didn’t really cross the line into abusive.  Little St. John often felt like he was being punished for someone else’s crimes, but he also grew up feeling fairly secure that “Gran” loved him and would take care of him.  He was born in Sydney (according to his bio), but he grew up out in the countryside north of Sydney.  They were lower middle-class, sometimes dipping down into poverty if Gran didn’t get enough hours at her job, but not dirt-poor.
St. John wasn’t especially interested in fire until his powers began to develop in adolescence, then he couldn’t help but be drawn to it.  He could, on some level, “feel” it in a way he could never quite describe.  Gran banned candles from the house because St. John couldn’t resist reaching out to touch the flame, marveling at how he’d never get burned.  He eventually discovered that he could make fire actually DO things – leap off the wick and fly around, form into shapes.  Despite being a fairly outgoing, impulsive kid, he keeps this as a “fun” little secret. For a while he was convinced that he was a fairy changeling, and that Gran was secretly a witch, and he’d get pulled off on some kind of magical adventure.  Until he first saw a news report that used the word “mutant.”
I’d like to give St. John a good relationship with his grandmother into adulthood, but my mind automatically jumped to an angsty head-canon, and I had to run with that.  When St. John was about 16, their house was threatened by a massive wildfire.  They were late to evacuate, mostly because St. John had been off in the bush fucking around like a dumb teenage boy, wanting to get close to the fire.  When he gets back, Gran is frantically trying to drag him into the car, and he is arguing with her that they can stay.  He’s confident that he can use his powers to direct the fire around their house so they won’t lose everything, but only if he stays.  So he finally shows his grandmother his powers.  It’s the first time he’s told anyone.  His grandmother is already in full-blown panic mode, she’s been trying to track down her grandson all day, terrified that they are going to burn to death, and now suddenly he’s not her grandson anymore.  He’s a creature.  He’s one of those unnatural creatures that she heard about on the news, and she just can’t handle it.  So she does something that she later never forgives herself for.  She gets into the car and drives away, leaving St. John behind. After driving for about 30 minutes, she snaps out of it, and realizes what she is doing.  She tries to go back, but the roads are clogged with people evacuating, and the police aren’t letting anyone go towards the fire, even on foot.
Back at the house, St. John gathers a few sentimental possessions, and a few valuable items to sell (anything he can fit into a backpack), and then spitefully lets the house burn.  He tries to sit right in the middle of it while it goes up in flames (for maximum teenage drama), but realizes quickly that even if flames won’t hurt him, he can’t breathe smoke.  He also sends the fire towards neighboring houses, really enjoying how powerful he feels, and reveling in the destruction.  He doesn’t kill anyone, and he doesn’t want to (he’s not in that mindset yet), he’s confident that everyone has evacuated.  Eventually he sets a barn on fire, and hears the horses that were left behind screaming in terror.  That’s enough to snap him out of it, and he just wanders around for a while, stealing any cash or valuables he finds in abandoned houses until he makes his way to the coast.  Then he jumps on a cargo ship that needs extra deck hands, and works his way around Oceania, pretending to be older than he is, having adventures, and generally being an annoying little dumbass that the crew tolerates because he works hard and is brave in a pinch.  A few years later he comes back to Australia and is annoyed to discover that he’s been declared dead, and has to jump through a bunch of administrative hoops to be “alive” again.  He never seeks out his grandmother, nor has any desire to see or speak to her again. He can forgive his parents, but her abandonment really was a personal rejection of him, and it hurts deeply. It largely sets his views that humans are not to be trusted, and that they will turn on him in an instant if they find out what he is.  (Not that Gran is responsible for his many crimes later.  She’s not.  He makes his own choices.)
After getting a degree (his bio actually lists college level education), he starts working as a journalist and traveling around Oceania again, and banging out romance novels on the side. He uses his powers only in emergencies, generally to save his own skin, but occasionally to help others, if he thinks he can get away with it.  He probably starts a few fires as well, mostly by accident.  He tries not to be too obvious, but still winds up associated with enough strange fire-related phenomena that Mystique eventually tracks him down and makes him an offer.  He’s not really a “true believer” in mutant supremacy, but he thinks that humans will turn on mutantkind eventually, and he’d rather “get them” first.  Especially since it’s getting harder and harder to hide his powers.  Mostly, though, he’s in the Brotherhood for money and adventure, his two favorite things.
Sexuality: Because of the whole “Byrne imagined Pyro as gay” thing, I absolutely head-canon him as gay.  I don’t care if he sleeps with dozens of women and declares himself straight in Marauders, he’s gay as fuck.  He’s also deeply closeted – not in denial or self-loathing, just very private about it.  Since he appeared as an adult in the 80’s, I imagine he grew up in a time when “gay” wasn’t something that could ever be openly discussed (ignoring Marvel’s sliding time-scale here).  It would easily get him fired or ruin his career, and with the rough crowds he hung out with, it could even get him killed.  He tends to have anonymous one-night stands, or short affairs, old habit from when gay relationships could not be open.  He has no qualms about sleeping with married men, since back in the day there was no chance they’d ever leave their wives (and what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right?).  I’m afraid I’m making him sound like a negative gay stereotype here, but basically Pyro is a selfish jerk, and he’d have no qualms about sleeping with married women if he were straight or bi.  He does occasionally sleep with women, just to keep up an appearance of straightness, but he spends way more time flirting and then making excuses to not take them home.  He wound up channeling a lot of his feelings into his novels – giving the female main characters the kind of grandiose romances that he could never have.  He’d never admit to this, though, he’ll claim that he just writes trashy romance because it sells well and it’s easy.  Avalanche knows and completely accepts him, although they never discuss it openly. The rest of the Brotherhood/Freedom Force have a vague idea, no matter how much Pyro might try to perform heterosexuality.  It’s generally a “don’t ask, don’t tell” situation with them.  As long as he’s not open about it, they’ll pretend not to notice. (And as times change, I think most of them just don’t care).
With Avalanche – honestly, I can enjoy their relationship as platonic best buddies, or as a couple.  If they are buddies, I imagine Pyro kinda pines a bit for his straight friend who put him in the “mate zone,” but mostly just enjoys his company.  If they are a couple, then Avalanche is definitely bi (he has a wife in his bio), and was largely in denial about it until he got dragged out of the closet by his good-looking, chatty, obnoxious Australian team-mate.  Avalanche tends to be the quiet, reserved one, while Pyro drags him out to bars and keeps up this constant patter that just becomes pleasant background noise.  Dominic pretends that he finds it annoying, but he really likes the companionship, and having someone lavish so much attention on him.  (He misses it desperately after Pyro dies.)  Pyro is a huge flirt, and is also the one most likely to cheat.  But mostly, he just enjoys driving Dominic wild with jealousy, then taking him home for intense make-up sex.  After years of basically being the secret “fling on the side,” Pyro actually really enjoys Dominic being openly possessive of him.  Dominic probably didn’t realize he had feelings for St. John beyond “good buddy” until he was dying (or possibly until he was dead, if you want maximum angst.)              
As a writer – St. John is a good writer, sometimes even a great writer.  He’s not a literary genius, but he doesn’t really want to be.  He just wants to have fun.  If the books sell, he’s reasonably happy, although he hates it when he feels like a book isn’t up to par.  Even writing trashy romance, he had to bend to publisher demands and couldn’t stray too far from the formulas designed to sell.  In a fit of frustration, he once wrote a parody of his own work, with all the insane plot twists that he was forbidden from publishing, and then posted it online as fan-fic under the pen-name “Firebrand.” It’s the most popular fan-fic in his small online fandom, but no one has figured out yet that he actually wrote it. He’ll always claim that he writes to make money, but he truly loves it, and can’t really stop.  He’s been writing stories since he was a child, an activity that Gran encouraged since it kept him quiet and out of trouble.  He enjoys reading other romance authors, but he absolutely despises Nicholas Sparks, because Sparks (in his mind) is a pretentious wanker who thinks he’s too good for the romance genre.
As a team-mate – Pyro is an absolute vicious, callous bastard if you face him in battle, and if you’re a bystander. He doesn’t hesitate to kill if that’s what the job calls for.  But if you’re on his team, then you’re his “mate” (unless you give him a reason to dislike you), and he’ll be friendly, banter, drink with you, watch your back in battle and expect you to watch his.  He has no problem working with the X-Men as a Marauder, because hey, they’re on the same team now!  They’re all in the same boat, both literally and figuratively, so it doesn’t matter that they fought each other in the past.  He may betray them at some point, or have his own agenda (I don’t know where the book is going with him), but in my head-canon, he’s just going with the flow. The X-Men are letting him basically be a pirate, so what the hell?  He generally doesn’t like to think too much about what he’s doing when he’s on a team, whether the Brotherhood or Freedom Force.  A job is a job, and he tries to turn his mind off about it.  He’s pretty comfortable just being hired muscle, and has no desire to lead or be in charge of anything.  He doesn’t mind following orders, as long as the leader treats him well enough. I’d like to imagine that all of the Marauders will eventually get tangled up in scheming and intrigue between the Hell-fire club factions – except Pyro, who has no idea what the fuck is going on, and no desire to know.            
Marauders Pyro – I love him, he is a trashfire disaster.  I think he is being a bit wilder than he has been in the past because he isn’t really over dying and coming back to life.  He’s having, not a mid-life, but a post-death crisis.  I mean, he literally got a skull tattooed onto his face.  Which seems pretty significant when you think about how the Legacy Virus wore him down until he was basically looking at his own death every time he looked in the mirror.  (But he’ll say he just did it because it looks cool.)  I don’t think Pyro minds the idea of dying (he’s pretty upbeat about it in a Freedom Force mission when he thinks he and Mystique are about to get gunned down), but the Legacy Virus was hard on him, because it was so slow and inevitable.  It was slow and agonizing and (in his mind) undignified, and he was basically staring down the barrel of it for years while his strength slowly failed - no longer able to control his powers, no longer able to be of any use to his team-mates. He hated it.  He hated the idea of dying in a hospital bed.  He wanted to get his head shot off on a battlefield somewhere, not die in bed.  And now that he’s alive and healthy for the first time in years, he’s just reveling in it, and trying to live life the fullest.
Other random head-canons:
Pyro is terrible at video games. Terrible.  Again, because he showed up as an adult in the 80’s, I imagine him growing up without them, but even with the sliding time-scale I don’t think he really got into video games as a child.  He had a pretty low-tech house-hold with Gran.  He’ll play Smash Brothers with the other Marauders just to hang out, but he has no idea what he’s doing.  He just mashes buttons, and every now and then manages to knock someone off the stage with a lucky shot (which is infuriating to whoever gets knocked out).  He routinely forgets which character he is.  Once he “played” through a round with his controller unplugged and didn’t notice.  (Kitty won $50 off Bobby in that bet.)
Keeping with the low-tech theme, he tends to write by hand in spiral-bound notebooks, old habit left from his journalist days.  He’ll write an entire novel by hand, then edit as he types it up, a laborious process that often involves a lot of booze.      
You can never offend Pyro with Australia jokes.  He knows all the Australia jokes, and he’ll make them before you do.  He sometimes uses obscure Australian slang to mess with people, and sometimes just completely makes shit up to see what he can get away with.
He doesn’t actually like Vegemite all that much, but it’s a very nostalgic taste and it’s hard to get outside of Australia, so sometimes he finds himself absolutely craving it. When Avalanche commented that Vegemite was disgusting, Pyro ate an entire jar with a spoon while staring him down the entire time.  He was starting to feel really sick by the end of that, but he had a point to prove, damn it.
Pyro is smarter than he often acts. This doesn’t stop him from being an impulsive dumbass.  He’s fairly literate, and can quote famous authors while also smashing an empty beer can against his forehead.  He likes to read when he’s got downtime and nothing else to do.  He’s especially fond of Jane Austen (because she’s witty) and Wuthering Heights, because it is a novel about horrible, dysfunctional people self-destructing and taking everyone else down with them, and he lives for that drama.
He secretly watches soap operas and dramas, they play up to his interest in romance.  His deep dark secret is being a major fan of the 1960’s supernatural soap opera Dark Shadows.  If ever caught watching it, he’ll flip it off and claim he was watching the most disgusting porn imaginable, because that is less embarrassing to him than watching Dark Shadows.    
I think that’s it for now.  I have too many thoughts about Pyro.  Thank you for giving me a reason to write this all down.  Bless you if you’ve actually read this far.
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sprydecreates · 5 years
ferry lookout
requested: nope
warnings: mentions of drinking, language
pairings: calum hood x reader
type: fluff w an angst scene ; headcanon/list ; 3.4k+ words ; gender neutral
summary: you and college!calum finally thought you had found something with each other. too bad there was a miscommunication. or is it?
a/n: i originally intended for this to be a valentine’s day thing, but it never felt right for it. so i spruced it up, and i think it finally feels decent.
i’ve been off my writing game for a bit, so i’m sorry if it feels different halfway through (this is due to being off me game and also changing the idea completely). hope you like it either way! i think it’s sweet.
it was a kind of restless night, and you and calum were having a drive to a lookout.
everyone had things to do, except cal.
ash had a night at the club
mike and luke were studying for an exam they both had the following day
so, cal texted you and asked if you wanted to hang out.
you and calum exchanged numbers the semester before
you sat together for economics, and contacted each other for homework help usually
since it was during spring semester, you both went your separate ways for summer, and didn’t really contact each other
there were the occasional likes on instagram, and texts of memes about how awful the professor was, but nothing else
pretty much an excuse for you two to still talk
you both thought the other was cute, but you didn’t know how to come forward with it. as, you could see, all you two talked about was class, and memes relating to the class
when classes started again, you got a text from calum asking what you were taking
you didn’t have any of the same classes, as your majors were polar opposites
but, he did wish you a good year, and said if you needed any help with your math course, he’d be glad to help
you two spoke every other day, but nothing huge
the lookout was popular with locals, but you hadn’t ever went up there, or heard of it rather, so calum insisted that was where you two would go.
initially, you were just going to grab some late night snacks and head back to his apartment
but on the way, you passed the lookout.
“where’s that little road go?”
“what do you mean where does it go?”
“uh, like, is there a house up there?”
calum pointed to the lookout sign, “are you talking about that one? with the huge ass sign saying ‘ferry lookout’?”
“so, it leads to a lookout?”
“...have you never been?”
“no..? is it big or something?”
calum gives you a playful side eye, then focuses on the road again, “i’ve been up there so many times i can’t count. i can’t believe you’ve never heard of this place. this calls for a change of plans, we’re going up there.”
so, after grabbing your respective late night favorites, you and calum headed towards the lookout.
on the drive, you took this opportunity to ask calum how long he has lived here
“uhh, like. five years, maybe?” calum answered while turning into the road to the lookout.
“ah, i see. so you’re from australia, right?”
“yup. accent give it away?”
“yeah, i mean i noticed you say your i’s like ‘oi’. like you pronounce your friend michael’s name as ‘moie-kol’. but i noticed on instagram that that’s where you went for summer, and you have sydney as your hometown.”
“oh, yeah. i always go back home for the summer to see my family.”
“wait so you’re out here on your own?”
the car neared the parking spaces for the overlook, and calum parked the car in the middle of the lot before continuing his story, “yup. i, well, me and my friends, moved here when we were younger for our band. i was about seventeen at the time.” calum reached into the 7-eleven bag and popped open his bag of pretzels, “we moved here because our first album went kinda big, at least on social media. so we made the choice to pack up, and see what america had for us. we got here, got too cocky, and it all went to shit. had to go back home for a little, live with my parents, save enough money, and then came back.”
“well?” you had already gotten your snack ready, munching from time to time while calum spoke.
“you want the full story?” he glanced over to you, chuckling a bit after seeing you scrunched up in the passenger seat, eager to hear his story for once.
“hell yeah! i wanna know what happened to this band of yours. pleeeeease?”
he quickly swallowed the pretzel he was chewing, and took a gulp of his slurpee, “okay okay, fine. we’re called bromance, by the way. but after we came back, we were still together, just not so hard. like, instead of us making music for fame, we made it because we wanted to. like we sat back in straya talking about what we needed to do, cause we went from thinking we’d hit it big, to having to ask our parents for money for a plane ticket back home. we already had two year leases on two apartments, and we couldn’t exactly break them, so we worked until we had enough money to cover a few months rent on our own, and then we came back. got more jobs, and stabled ourselves.”
you nodded, and closed your jaw which had been slacking with admiration, “is that why you went to college here too?”
he nodded back to you, “mhm. that’s why i’m twenty-two and in second year classes still - i could only afford to take like three courses per semester, if that.”
you held up a hand and shook your head, tilting it downward while doing so, “no judging here, i’m only here because i won a scholarship. i’d be back in my hometown in the local community college if it wasn’t for it, honestly.”
calum raised an eyebrow, “damn, you got a scholarship?”
“yeah, i wrote an essay about my life struggles, and they gave it to me.” you shrugged, and then realized how ungrateful you sounded, “don’t get me wrong, i’m grateful for it, i just don’t see how i got in with it.”
calum pushed and stretched out his bottom lip in both agreement and confusion before he spoke, “well, it must’ve been good if you got in.”
“eh, whatever. tell me more about you, though. i wanna know about your family, and this little bird named ‘mali’ you have tattooed on you.”
for the next hour or so, you and calum explored each others past, and present. the conversation kind of went dry when it came back to this lookout, as you two pretty much knew everything about it that you needed to.
calum was staring out at the vast lights carrying the city to sleep, and he spoke softly to keep the mood, “i still can’t believe you’ve been here for two years and you haven’t been up here. it’s like, the most romantic spot i know.”
you scoffed, raising your hand and shooing off his last comment, “bold of you to assume anyone has asked me on a date since i got here.”
he scrunched the left side of his lip up while looking over to you, “you’re kidding.”
“well, halfway,” you began, lightly speaking with your hands, “i’ve been asked out, but it’s only to fuck.”
calum turns his head back to the view, “i can see that. i never got that bit; i love going on dates, and hanging out and stuff. i don’t know why it’s been looked at as a joke from 2017 on.”
“right?!” you snap your head to calum, “it’s like, what the fuck ever happened to just chilling with a person for a couple of weeks or something and getting to know them that way instead of playing an over-sexualized game of twenty-one questions?”
calum widened his eyes, pointing his index finger at you while you spoke, “honestly!” you two exchanged feelings about current relationships standards and past relationship complications, until it got kind of serious on calum’s ends: “that’s why i don’t really believe in love. cause like, i always try to be a nice guy, like an actually nice one and not a ‘m’lady’ neckbeard thing, but i always get fucked over. and i try, but it’s like, why even attempt if you know something will never come to you?”
you sighed, nodding along with what he was saying, “i get that. but at the same time, you gotta look at the world around you. there’s what, nine or ten billion people in the world that you haven’t met?”
“yeah, but it’s like, if i were meant to fall in love, shouldn’t i have already found a trace of something real?”
you raised your eyebrows, gaining a stern but gentle tone with him, “calum you can’t base love off of what you got when you were seventeen and in your first real relationship. we were kids, and we’re bound to break ‘love’, no matter what age we are. people fall in love at forty, some at twenty - some with their hometown best friend, some with a person halfway across the world. love isn’t dead because it didn’t happen to you like it did in the movies. wouldn’t you rather have something real as to something scripted?”
and with that, calum mentally took note, and decided maybe he’d give love a chance again.
but, that was roughly four and a half months ago.
it was now the end of april, and you and calum had gotten closer than ever.
after the night drive and you both got home safely, he texted you and said, “Thanks for a fun night. It’s cliche as hell, but I think you’ve opened my eyes a bit. Hope to hang soon.”
of course, you two hung out two days after. and two days after that. and after that, and so on.
it was really cute though
lots of sweet banter
couple of deep conversations at each others apartments at two in the morning
which would turn into sleep overs after you two talked more
comments on instagram that were kinda flirty, but still open-ended
any lovey dovey stuff, really
your notes on calum:
really, really good guy. god tier guy.
very romantic, but not a huge fan of pda
insecure but passes it off as humor and refuses to take a compliment or believe someone might like him
offers you hoodies when it’s upwards of seventy-five degrees inside
has made you several home cooked meals
doesn’t shame you or put you down if you’re having bad mental health days and need space
says your name reeeeaaaalllly giggly if he’s feeling soft
knows stan language and actually made a stan account for his own band to secretly interact with fans because you told him about an au where that happens
he of course didn’t tell you to make a stan account for him so you can recreate said au
brought you back a surfboard key chain with your name on it from his trip to australia for christmas
you’re in love with him
calum’s notes on you:
pushy in the right ways
honest, but sometimes in a backhanded compliment type of way
fashion forward, has given him a couple of new styles to work with
encourages him to try new things and to fully be himself
plays with his hair in order for him to fall asleep
leads to cuddling because he had his arm around your waist and head on your upper torso
gives him confidence to try out ‘feminine’ things (painted nails, (heart stud) earrings, etc)
up to talk about his problems with him
gets along with his friends, and doesn’t act weird because they went viral a couple of times
also interacts with fans as though you’re a stan account yourself
stays around to help with homework, even if you don’t know a thing about what he’s doing
comfortable silence is brought up here too
he’s in love with you
spring is of course, the season of budding romance. or, at least it is to you.
you know, flowers blooming, warm sunsets and seeing each other in golden hour, an overwhelming sense of acoustic guitar playing in the background; that sort of thing.
so, you know what that means?
you decide to ask calum out on a date.
yeah, you! you know he likes you, what could go wrong? 
on a friday evening, you got dressed up, and decided to take calum on a fancy dinner date.
you were ready to go at about six, and gave calum a ring.
“hey (y/n)!”
“hey calum,” you were smiling ear to ear at this point, “whatcha up to?”
“eh, nothing too big. what about you?”
“oh, you���re up to something?”
“umm! kinda but not really?”
your smile drooped, and your tone changed, “oh, alright. cool.”
calum was silent for a second before speaking in a concerned, soft tone, “everything alright?”
you were breathing in through your nose to stop the tears brimming, “yeah, not a problem. i’ll leave you to it. see you.”
what the fuck?!!?!!!!!!!!!!/!?!!!!!!!!!e,me39834,m?!?!?!?
calum? going out????
he wasn’t seeing anyone?E>.dW>QDLWE<
oh my god it was that girl commenting on his pictures that he followed back
he played you
coincidentally, your best friend, (y/f/n) called:
“hey! whats up?”
since you and calum were never an official ‘thing’ (even though you told your friends you thought something would happen), you decided to keep it calm, “not a thing, why?”
“wanna come help me get ready? i’m going to the club an-”
“sure, be over in ten.”
(y/f/n) seemed a bit off, but you didn’t really pay attention. you were just trying to get wasted, and throw away the feelings you thought were finally, fine.
this being said, you two jetted to the club.
“hey, (y/n)?” (y/f/n) asked, turning their head to face you.
you turned your head to (y/f/n) while you waited in line to get into the building, “what?”
“is everything, like, good?”
you turned away from them, nodding once, “i’m gonna make it be.”
about an hour and a half after you both got into the club, you received a text from calum.
“You busy?”
left on read
“If u sent something, I never got it”
left on read
“Is everything okay?”
left on read
“Dude what’s going on?”
you rolled your eyes, and angrily slid your phone onto the table in front of you, grabbing what’s left of your second drink and taking a swig. (y/f/n) watched and started to question.
“what’s up?”
you finally broke, “calum.”
(y/f/n) rose an eyebrow, “what about him?”
you sighed, “i finally thought we were gonna be something. i thought he liked me, but right when i got up the courage to ask him out, he told me he had something planned.”
(y/f/n)’s eyes widened, and they started to stutter, “he uh, he said he had something, planned? when? like right now?”
you nodded while you spoke, “yeah,” your hand flew from the crossed position it was in and pointed to your upside down phone, “right before you called, he told me he had something to do.”
“what do you think he’s doing?”
“no clue. he usually tells me he’s going out with his band mates, cause he had to call me one night to help him get one of ‘em home. so he’s always told me to keep me on standby. this time, he seemed really giddy, and like nervous.” you sat quiet for a few seconds, debating on whether or not to stop yourself from tearing up again, “so i’m guessing he found someone and didn’t wanna tell me.”
(y/f/n) picked up their phone halfway through you speaking, probably to look people up to mark out suspected people for later, “i dunno (y/n), i think you’re over thinking a bit.”
you gave (y/f/n) a defeated sigh, shrugging afterwards, “i don’t know. i mean i hope not, but i’m not gonna hold my breath.”
after a few minutes of tense silence, (y/f/n) suggests you two leave, and head back to your apartment to talk.
on the way back, you got to complain about how you thought calum was made for you.
(y/f/n) did keep smiling weirdly. were they the one calum was seeing?   
thoughts came to a standstill, though.
calum’s car was in the parking lot.
or at least it looked like it. you didn’t have his tag memorized, obviously.
(y/f/n) parked, and finally turned to you with a not really well hidden smile, “sorry you thought something was up.”
you had your eyebrows furrowed, “what?”
all they said was, “have fun,” and ushered you out of their car.
you, although confused, walked up to the front door and started towards your room.
when you unlocked your door, you heard a soft guitar playing from what sounded like your living room.
you tiptoed into the dimly lit room, and turned the light switch on. there sat calum, a yellow tinted acoustic guitar sat on his thigh as he strummed it, and started to sing the good side by troye sivan.
it was one of those songs you told calum about, and how it reminded you of him.
not in a ‘we broke up and one of us felt worse than the other’ way, but more or less, ‘we’ll meet in the spring’, as you two did come back to each other during that season; ‘traveled the universe twice’, where he came from australia and stayed by fate; ‘i got the good side’, as you found growth and goodness through each other in hard times. so, in a ‘i love you, and the universe wanted us together’ way.
throughout the song, you had found yourself sat in front of calum, your heart beating as though you had just ran a marathon, and it only sped up as the song ended.
you sat with your palms pressed against the insides of your calves, staring at calum as he let a wide smile settle on his face. he spoke while he sat his guitar on the table in front of the couch where you both sat, “sorry about lying.”
you finally found the strength to whisper, “about?”
he had positioned himself closer to you, now looking into your eyes, “being busy. i mean, i was kinda busy, setting this place up and all.”
you took the opportunity to look around for once, seeing that he had picked up a bundle of your favorite flowers, and scattered them around the room. he had a couple of candles lit that you had smelled since you walked in. and you didn’t know if he meant to, but he was wearing the shirt he wore when you two went to the overlook for the first time.
after taking it all in, you turned back to him, “you did this, all, for me?”
he nodded, giggling a little at your surprise, “mhm. you look beautiful, by the way.”
“wait, did you know?”
“know what?”
“that i liked you?”
“wait, you?” he cocked his head to the side, trying to form a sentence.
“yeah? i was going to take you out to dinner tonight, and like when you said you were busy, that’s why i got so distant, cause i you know thought you were entertaining someone and i got jealous-”
you were cut off by calum cupping your cheeks, “i’m so sorry, i didn’t think to word it differently i just thought you were having like, a night or something and got annoyed not because you thought i liked someone else.”
your palms found their way to calum’s cheeks as well, “no it’s nothing now, i just got freaked out and overreacted without giving you a chance. i’m sorry too.” calum had started to rub his thumbs against your cheekbones, and it threw off your thought process a bit.
this was all you wanted. this, is all you wanted, and it’s right here in front of you; rambling, and shaking, and loving.
“please.” you shook out of your realization, and asked him to repeat himself, “kiss me, please. i’ll pay you if need be.”
to say the least, he paid you in rent money when he moved in five months later, in tickets used to meet his and your family, in presents exchanged during holidays, in a down payment on a house, in baby clothes for your four dogs, and obviously, in all the love he had ever given / had for anyone he had ever met: you. his soulmate that he fell in love with due to an unplanned first date.
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