#but unsurprising. i miss this friend every time I'm reminded of her and i hate that i can't reconnect
asiananeurysm ยท 1 year
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punkscowardschampions ยท 5 years
Rio & Buster
Rio: It was so good having you back Rio: everything smells like you again Buster: I feel that Buster: If I could've taken back half your wardrobe with me to miss you less I would've Rio: Never gonna be Brazil levels of hot here so sadly I need them or I'd let you Buster: I'll take what I can get Buster: It's so quiet here Buster: I could hear your every breath right now if you were here too Rio: That'd be nice Rio: I like you being the only thing I hear and see Rio: but selfishly glad Indie isn't in School right now for the same reason Buster: Admittedly I didn't see much of her but she seemed better than I expected Buster: Or better at pretending to be anyway Rio: Yeah, she's really trying to be alright Rio: she don't want him to fuck her up and I don't blame her Buster: Me either Buster: He ain't worth any of that Rio: Just wish it was the same for Edie Rio: but there we go Buster: Yeah Rio: It'd be so scary having to do this alone Rio: having a baby, I mean Rio: or with a useless father fucking shit up, even worse Buster: I was gonna say Buster: I don't wanna but I keep thinking about Chlo and James 'cause like what the fuck Rio: She's probably as much use as him though Rio: if not less so Rio: I don't know, can't picture her worrying about anything real Buster: Still, he's flirting with a girl at school every time I see him, I swear Buster: As much as I hate her, that's uncalled for Buster: And it's a car crash Rio: Yeah, again unsurprised Rio: Nance reckoned it wouldn't be long before they were cheating on each other Buster: There's no love lost between Nance and him either but she's right nonetheless Buster: I should've gone to see Astrid, speaking of, but since that means a high chance of also seeing my aunt Buster: Next time, I'll get Nance or Indie to sneak her out Rio: It is sad though, like, not gonna shed a tear but I doubt she's getting any herself in her state Rio: I think we're gonna take her to the park later, Indie's going stir-crazy Rio: I'll take pictures and stuff Buster: She was never gonna be a MILF like you, babe Buster: But yeah Buster: How are you feeling, besides missing me, obviously? Rio: Obviously Rio: I'm feeling pretty good though, revamped all my socials and cam pages so they look more professional Rio: Productive to keep myself from missing you too much Buster: I'm proud of you Buster: Do you reckon you'll have to take a break when my boy starts showing or is anyone gonna think you look hot like I do? Rio: Hmm, I don't know Rio: Like, it's a fetish because everything is but maybe I won't be feeling hot regardless of how viewers feel Buster: True Buster: You don't know how you're gonna feel yet Buster: You might want the time off Rio: Also depends how much we need the money Rio: 'cos we will when he's here Rio: maybe I'll work 'til I drop, Ma always did Buster: Don't worry about that Buster: I'll make sure he has everything he needs and wants Rio: Not if you get cut off for him, babe Buster: That's not gonna happen Rio: I hope not Rio: I'm just considering every outcome Buster: Baby, trust me Buster: It's gonna be fine Rio: I do trust you, baby Buster: I'm gonna look after you both Buster: If I have to beg my parents for anything or whatever else, I'll do it Rio: I know Rio: but I'm prepared to do whatever I have to too, you know Buster: That's why I love you and I know you're gonna be the perfect mum Rio: I love you so much Buster: I love you too Buster: Both of you Rio: You're so fucking perfect, you know that Buster: We are Rio: How are you, I haven't even asked, rude Buster: I'm good, don't worry Rio: I won't even ask what you're up to today though 'cos I know Buster: Yeah, same shit, different day Rio: You're doing so good though Rio: you're gonna be top of your whole year Buster: That's my plan Buster: Not only 'cause then my mum won't be able to refuse me anything, like Rio: Hot Rio: I'm not gonna refuse you anything either, just FYI Buster: Damn Buster: Is that how it is? Rio: Of course Rio: You're gonna earn so much more than A*s baby Buster: Now I'm distracted Rio: Whoops Rio: meant to be incentive Buster: I don't have to be there and see your face to know you aren't that sorry Rio: ๐Ÿ˜‹ Buster: I miss you Buster: Take some pics just for me before you get to the park, yeah? Rio: Of course Buster: [Sends some pics of his own 'cause only fair] Buster: For incentive or distraction, whichever Rio: Inspiration, I think Rio: Gotta up my game Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Buster: I don't believe you Buster: You're so fucking beautiful Rio: I swear, I'm knackered still Rio: got no makeup on Buster: Nothing you've said changes what I said Rio: You really love me, don't you? Buster: You know it Buster: You should go rest if you're tired though Rio: No ๐Ÿ˜  Rio: Don't make me Buster: Come on Buster: Be good Rio: I wanna be with you Buster: Talk to me from our bed then Buster: Go lie down Rio: Are you telling me? Buster: Do it Rio: ๐Ÿคค Rio: I'll do it but I'll miss you Buster: I've left enough clothes there, put something on Buster: It'll help Rio: Imma wear this hoodie out Rio: it's like a dress and I don't want anything between my skin and your clothes Buster: Well now I definitely need pics Rio: Oh no I just had such a sad realisation Buster: What? Rio: I'm gonna have to take my nip piercing out to breastfeed ๐Ÿ˜ž Rio: Acc gutted, like Buster: Me too Buster: I didn't think about that Rio: I was looking and people say you can keep it in but I'm not shoving tiny metal choking hazards in my baby's mouth like drink up kid, you selfish hoes ๐Ÿ˜‚ Buster: We could bottle feed him? Or is that more selfish, like? Rio: Nah, breast milk is liquid gold babe Buster: I know you're right Buster: But very unfair of you, son ๐Ÿ˜‚ Rio: I know, he ain't the only one benefitting from these titties, like Buster: Maybe we won't have 11 kids 'cause ๐Ÿ˜’ Rio: Aww, is daddy jealous already? ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: I am now Buster: Gonna have to make the most of these next few months, aren't I? Rio: Oh yeah Rio: Shit, when are you not meant to fly when you're pregnant, how many months Rio: I won't be for the summer will I? Buster: Hold on, I'll look Buster: After 37 weeks or 32 if it's twins Rio: Phew Rio: We're fine Rio: I didn't think it was too early Buster: I'd have to have words with my boy if he was being that much of a troublemaker, like Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ Rio: go off daddy Rio: gonna clue him in you a soft touch though Buster: Shh Buster: I am not Rio: Oh yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know how strict I am Rio: I do have the reminders on me Rio: but that side of daddy is just for me Buster: Can you still feel them all or do I need to be more strict next time? Rio: I can Rio: but I still want more Rio: and harder Buster: Good Buster: I know you'll earn every one Rio: Working on it already Buster: I bet you are Rio: Just letting everyone know how much I miss you right now Buster: Yeah? Rio: Mhmm, check your snaps Buster: Baby Buster: Fuck Rio: You look so pretty between my thighs Buster: When did you even take that? Buster: So sneaky Rio: You were very focused, I couldn't resist Buster: All I wanna do now is recreate that Buster: I'm so mad you aren't here Rio: Me too Rio: I'm so fucking horny today I blame hormones entirely Buster: I blame you for giving me everything I want except coming back to London with me Buster: I just get used to having you whenever I want and I have to go back to missing you Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Don't Rio: I wanna be there so badly Buster: Come here then Buster: Bring Indie with you, you've done it before Rio: I don't doubt she'd jump at the chance to get away from here Rio: It's your parents too though, I'm not trying to give them all the reasons to hate me Buster: Just give me until my exams start Buster: At least Rio: Tell me it'll help you focus or something Buster: It would Buster: That's not a lie Buster: I'm so horny right now I can't concentrate on anything Rio: And only I can fix that, yeah? Rio: In person, has to be Buster: I need you, babe Buster: It's an actual plea Rio: Baby Rio: Okay, I'm coming Rio: I'll see when the next flights are Buster: Do whatever you need to do first Buster: But also, like, hurry up Rio: I will, I need you now Rio: Indie's off School for this whole week so she's good Rio: It'll be tonight Rio: Give us time to take Astrid out still as we promised Buster: 'Course Buster: I wanna know how she is, I mean that Rio: You're so good Rio: I think Ro was going to get her hair done whilst we're out so that's good Rio: sign of normality returning Buster: Yeah, she's not being a total recluse, like Rio: She's said a few civil words to me and actually let me in when me and Indie have brought her back so Rio: Never gonna be my biggest fan but I'll take it Buster: That's like huge progress in terms of her Buster: Maybe our son can actually be friends with Astrid one day Rio: Aww Rio: that's so cute Buster: Hopefully they won't fall in love like we did but you know Buster: I'll send you money for your flights, yeah? Rio: Lord, don't Rio: You just paid for your own Rio: Not to mention spoiled me Rio: I got this, babe Buster: You sure? Rio: I'm sure Rio: Focus on all the other ways you're gonna treat me when I get there Buster: Already done Buster: I'm so focused Rio: Care to share with the class, McKenna? Buster: Not yet Buster: It'll be better when I just show you Rio: But I'm already desperate Rio: This is gonna be a long day Buster: Poor baby Buster: Let me help you Buster: [Sends more pics] Rio: Are you tryna help or hurt Rio: I'm trying to get ready here and now Buster: Do you want me to stop? Buster: Just say the word Rio: NO Rio: Never Buster: So tell me what you need, babe Buster: We have time Rio: You'll play with me? Buster: Always Rio: That's why you're the best daddy Rio: I need you to tell me how bad you want it to be tonight already Buster: You know I'm aching for you, don't you? Buster: I need you so bad, Rio Rio: Are you gonna eat my pussy again, baby? Make me so wet and ready before you fuck me? Buster: I'm gonna make you beg me to fuck you Buster: You know I love that Buster: How sensitive you are when you've already cum so hard for me Rio: It feels too good I can't handle it but I want more and you know it Rio: You never stop Buster: I'm not gonna stop tonight either Rio: I wanna lose track of how many times you make me cum Buster: Good 'cause I'm planning on turning that maths brain off for you Rio: Fuck me 'til the only thing I can think about is your cock making me feel so good Rio: 'Til I forget my name but all I can say is yours Rio: Please please please baby please Buster: I'll fuck you until you pass out. You're gonna rest one way or another, baby Rio: I'm whimpering like a little bitch right now, I'm so fucking weak for you daddy Rio: Cum on my belly again, it was so hot Buster: You're so hot Buster: I'll do anything you want Rio: I want anal Rio: Didn't it feel so good Rio: so tight Buster: I was hoping you'd say that Rio: I'll put a plug in now, get stretched for you Rio: I'm already so distracted so Buster: Jesus, I'm gonna be thinking about that until I can take it out of you Rio: I'll put the toy in my cunt on the plane too, both holes ready for daddy Rio: make me cum before I even get to you Buster: Oh god Buster: You're really spoiling me Buster: This was meant to be about you Rio: It's all about you Rio: you've been working so hard, you need this, don't you baby? Rio: take out all that frustration on your little girl, she wants to help you Buster: You're gonna take it all for me, aren't you? Rio: Yes daddy, every drop, every inch and every worry, all of it Rio: You're gonna feel like the God you are when we're done Buster: You're so good at making me feel like that Rio: Good, I want you to always feel like that Rio: You're King and I'm Queen and we worship each other Buster: I fucking love you Rio: I love you Buster Rio: I can't wait to show you just how much with my tongue, like Buster: Me too Buster: You think you can get ready for me, but you just can't, baby Rio: Jesus Rio: I want you to do it 'til I'm in tears Buster: I told you, I'm not stopping Rio: Can I touch myself now Buster: How much do you need it? Buster: Tell me Rio: I've been bad Buster: Yeah? Rio: Everything you said was making me so squirmy so I put your pillow between my legs Rio: now it's all wet and I just wanna make it wetter Buster: You better do it then Buster: It's too late to be good now Rio: Have I earnt my first spanking, daddy? Buster: We do have to make sure you learn a lesson, yeah Rio: Oh fuck yes Buster: You've gotta do it properly though, 'cause I'll be checking when you get here Rio: Yes sir Rio: I'll make you proud again but I want to enjoy you being mad at me first Buster: Show me my pillow then Buster: We'll see how mad I am Rio: Okay, but I'm not moving it, it's in just the right spot right now Rio: so I'll have to be in the picture too Rio: [Pic] Buster: Fuck Buster: You were really grinding, weren't you, babe Rio: I told you, it still smells of you Rio: me too now Buster: Well, you better not stop Buster: I want you to smell of me all day long Rio: I won't, not 'til you tell me too Rio: I'm being good again, promise Rio: I'm gonna be wearing your hoodie all day, 'til I see you again and you take it off Buster: You're so good Buster: And you look even better Rio: I feel it Rio: How am I this close already holy shit Buster: 'Cause you want to please me and I want you to cum Rio: You do? Buster: You have to Rio: Yes, tell me what to do Buster: Ruin that pillow so I have to rest my head on your stomach whenever I'm tired Rio: Oh my God Rio: My two boys Buster: I don't ever wanna sleep anywhere else Rio: You never have to, I want you with me and on me always Buster: You make me so happy Buster: I need you to feel this good so go harder, okay Rio: Yes baby Rio: I'm trying to do it how you would Buster: Good girl Rio: Tell me how hard I've made you Buster: I'll show you Buster: [Pics] Buster: Look what you did Rio: I swear I can fucking taste it Rio: You need to cum with me and show me how big a load you shoot Buster: How could I refuse? Buster: God, it's like I can feel you, everything you'd do Rio: Please don't, I'll work harder for it but mamรฃe need daddy's cum Rio: You're just really good at all sex, I swear Rio: even online Rio: it's better than actual sex I've had with people that aren't you Buster: I feel that Buster: And I've fucked a lot of girls so you can take the compliment Buster: You're just the best Rio: Because you're mine Rio: I own that dick, always have, you know it Buster: You own all of me Buster: Always have and always will Rio: No girl has ever made you feel like this, have they? Buster: No Buster: Only you Rio: Right answer Buster: It's the honest answer Buster: You're so special, Rio Rio: Shit Indie and her friends are back but I'm so fucking close Buster: You can be quiet Buster: Prove it Rio: But Rio: I wanted to moan for you Buster: There's plenty of time for that later Rio: Okay Rio: but I'm gonna have an attitude all day now Rio: and they're gonna have to deal 'cos it's their fault Buster: I'll make you feel better Buster: I promise Rio: how daddy Rio: i'm listening ๐Ÿ˜‹ Buster: I'll make twice as much noise Rio: Make sure you say my name Rio: Lots Buster: I'm saying it right now Buster: Really loud for you Rio: Oh baby boy Rio: How do you know exactly what I like Buster: 'Cause I know you Buster: I always have Buster: And you know me Rio: Yeah Rio: I wish I'd known we'd end up here together Rio: I loved you so much Rio: More now but I mean Rio: as a kid, I really did Buster: Everything that you've ever wanted to do with me, I've imagined us doing it so many times 'cause I loved you too Buster: We have forever to make up for lost time Rio: We do Rio: Plus we probably would've beaten my parents record and had so many babies by now so good thing really Buster: There was shit we both had to do first Buster: But I'm all yours now Rio: Growing the fuck up, namely Rio: Mine forever Buster: Exactly, I wasn't ready for you then Rio: and we got each other's best first, no matter what Buster: Yeah Buster: You know, I think you can make some noise, babe. I bet they're being really loud themselves Rio: ๐Ÿ™„ Honestly Rio: I think I will Rio: 'cos now I'm shamelessly daydreaming how much better my first time with you would've been than what I had Buster: Fuck Buster: Cum for me like you would've Rio: I'd be telling you how long I'd wanted this Rio: how I'd waited for you and you were better than all my wet dreams had told me you'd be Buster: Thank god there's nobody here 'cause I'm being louder than I promised Rio: It's such a good fantasy Rio: You'd cum so quick and you'd blush so pretty and be so adorable but I'd just kiss you and play with you until you got hard again for me Buster: You know you wouldn't have to wait long I used to cum so many times a day just thinking about you Buster: But you are gonna need something harder than that pillow if you're imagining me Rio: Would you tell me? Probably not, maybe after we've done it a few times and you can see how much you turn me on and I think about you too Rio: You want me to fuck myself now daddy Buster: I'd have to tell you, I've never been able to keep shit from you Buster: You always know Buster: You'd love it though Rio: I seriously would, I'd be even more distracted in School, thinking about you and when the next family party was so we could sneak off alone and play Buster: We'd be expecting everyone to walk in on us every minute but that'd just make it hotter Rio: And we'd find out how loud we are Rio: like we want to get caught Buster: And how hard and fast we'd have to fuck Rio: We'd come back in all sweaty and red-faced Rio: our hair so crazy Rio: and no one would ever guess Buster: You'd look so beautiful it'd just make me want you more Buster: You'd have to stop me from ripping your dress Rio: And if I was wearing a dress, which I would be, hitched up even shorter so you could see I wasn't wearing any knickers for you, I'd have to make sure you got every last drop of cum before we went back in to the party Buster: You'd have to cover every mark the next day but you'd get too distracted touching each one and remembering how I did it Rio: I'd always be late to School because I'd have to fuck myself in the makeup mirror looking at what you'd done Buster: And I'd be late too 'cause I'd spend too long in the shower fucking myself to the vivid flashbacks Rio: We'd get into so much trouble, baby Rio: our parents wouldn't know what was going on Buster: Yeah we would Buster: You know none of it would be enough and we'd have to touch ourselves at school too, any chance we could get Rio: Yeah, all the time and so much texting and sending pictures in lessons Rio: and we'd get our phones taken off us and we'd have to pray the teacher's didn't see anything Buster: I'd get so many detentions for you Rio: I'd make it up to you Buster: 'Course Buster: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Rio: Back at you, Buster McKenna Rio: I like saying your name Buster: Half of it's yours now Rio: Yeah it is Rio: I've changed all my bank and bills and shit and it felt so good Buster: It's his too Buster: We just need the other half Rio: It'll come to us Rio: we've got time Buster: It's gotta be perfect Rio: Like him Rio: We'll brainstorm Rio: fucking gives me the best ideas Buster: Tell me something I don't know Buster: You get so focused, babe Buster: It's fucking hot Rio: You love a ๐Ÿค“ Buster: Just you Buster: If you were any sexier, forget my promise for later, I'd be the one passing out right now, like Rio: You're so fucking cute Rio: it's rude, how are cute and hot, pick a lane Rio: 'cept don't Buster: I'll pick one when you do Buster: But you can't 'cause you're everything Rio: If I wasn't part of us I'd find us sickening Buster: If I wasn't with you, I'd have to kill whatever cunt was in my place Rio: And there you go, being hot again Rio: Jealousy is such a turn-on I don't care what anyone says Rio: it was so hot when we knew we wanted each other but we hadn't admitted it yet, never mind done anything about it so we got with each other's friends Buster: Sorry I didn't have hotter friends for you, babe, but not that sorry Rio: Made it easier to think about you so Rio: not that mad Buster: Who was the best, other than me? Rio: Oh what was his name Rio: Think he was Italian or Swiss or something Rio: The one you made me go on a double date with you with Buster: Laurent, yeah he's very Swiss Rio: What does that even mean? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Buster: I mean, the level of European where the gay jokes write themselves as far as the rest of the lads are concerned Rio: Gotcha Rio: Well if he is gay he's very convincing to the contrary Buster: He obviously ain't Buster: He never declared his love for me Buster: Do you wanna go marry him or? Rio: That settles it then Rio: Shame he ain't even bicurious, we could thruple Buster: Don't sound so enthusiastic about it, damn Rio: See ๐Ÿ˜‹ so hot Rio: and so easy Buster: Calling me a slag as well now Buster: Rude Rio: Poor boy Rio: What have you married, huh Buster: Go marry your real love, I'll get you off the bigamy charges as a final favor, like Rio: Giving to the end Rio: I'll give you a good reference Buster: Enjoy Switzerland 'cause he splits the year between there and here Rio: Ooh Rio: I'll have to learn how to ski Buster: I'll be back for my kid when he's ready Rio: Damn, forgot about that Rio: Better stick with you then Rio: not up for the custody battle tbh Buster: You never know, Laurie might have the fetish Buster: Or his dad might Buster: If you wanna trade up worthy of leaving me, like Rio: If he did, he'd surely be piping Chlo by now, but that aside 'cos you've got my attention Rio: is he heir to the Hublot fortune or? Clue me in, babe Buster: He could well be fucking her for all I'd know Buster: Either of them could Buster: Oh, you wish, babe Rio: How dare he not be pining for me forever, I'm fuming Buster: I can tell Rio: Where's the loyalty? Rio: Honestly Buster: You gotta give him a repeat at least first Buster: And probably remember his name that time so you can moan it out, like Rio: Can you remember the name of your double date then? Buster: I'm not claiming she was good enough Rio: Yeah, you were not feeling it, I recall Buster: How could I when you showed up looking like that? Buster: Not that it stopped you, apparently Rio: I know you can't remember what I was wearing boy, 'cos I can't so ๐Ÿ˜œ Rio: I felt pretty bad actually, 'cos he was alright unlike most of your friends and I could barely keep the conversation going 'cos I kept looking over at yous Buster: Fuck you, I can Buster: I've got a great memory Rio: Oh yeah? Buster: You look especially good in red so yeah Buster: It really clung to you, being silky, which of course was intentional as hell Rio: Oh Rio: That's right, actually Rio: As if you remembered that Buster: I know it's right, I can see it in my head right now Rio: Why you even studying, babe? Rio: You're gonna ace these tests so easy Buster: 'Cause how fucking stunning you are isn't on any of my A-levels, sadly Rio: You should complain Buster: Call the exam board for me, babe, they'd do anything you say with that voice Rio: Too smooth for your own good, you Buster: It's all true Buster: Speaking of, you are really coming tonight, right? Rio: Yes baby Rio: [Shows booking] Buster: Okay Buster: Good Rio: You want us still, yeah? Buster: More than anything Buster: That's why I asked, it's hard to believe I keep getting everything I want Rio: Surely not, par for the course, golden boy ๐Ÿ˜‰ Rio: but no Rio: I know Buster: Stay with me, yeah? Buster: Even if I am a moody prick about exams Buster: I actually do need you Rio: Of course Rio: I know you do Rio: I'm not just coming to fuck you Rio: though obviously, not that much of a pricktease Buster: Good to know Buster: But obviously, I'm glad 'cause you do need rest too, I'm serious Buster: And I need my boy for good luck Rio: We're coming Rio: ๐Ÿ€ in tow Buster: I can't wait until he can properly hear what we're saying to him Rio: They can first hear around 18 weeks Rio: so if you've got anything really fucked you wanna say, get it in now, like ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: Will do Rio: Right, she's finally ready for the park ๐Ÿ™„ Rio: Said as if I haven't been happily entertaining myself but you know Buster: ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: Did she hear you or not? That's my only question Rio: Did she hear us or not, that's my question Rio: awkward way to find out I'm pregnant Buster: It would say you a convo though Buster: save* Buster: Seriously, I know I need to be more careful about what I say but like, I can't help myself Buster: You're just so Rio: I don't care Rio: I wanna be happy about this Buster: Do you mean that? Rio: Yeah Rio: Seriously Rio: Heaven forbid anything happens, you're not just seamlessly moving on without anyone noticing so Rio: if people find out, they do, we get to be as excited as we want and talk about it how we wanna, it's our baby Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck it Buster: We made him, we can talk about him as much as we want, whenever we want Rio: Exactly Rio: and we wanted him, we're not ashamed Buster: I'm not scared either Rio: We've got each other Rio: All 3 of us Rio: everyone else can like it or leave Buster: Agreed Rio: Good Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too Buster: Go have fun at the park, like Rio: I will Rio: Send you all the snaps like promised ๐Ÿ’• Buster: I know Buster: It won't be that long until we can take him for all kinds of family outings, even if it feels like too long to wait at the moment Buster: Think about that, babe
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