#but we're finally out of the knit stuff.. next up will be *actual* sewn stuff
somedaytakethetime · 1 year
And back on another note, let's get to part 2 (of lord knows how many) of my quest to re-write myself into a new person. Still on inspiration images...
I went through all my crap stuff today! Sorted out all of my accessories, sorted my fix pile and donated all the clothes that I'll never wear so there's no point in taking them in to fit me. I'm pretty sure that I'm still going to get rid of more clothes in the upcoming months as I go through the things I have and what I'll realistically wear but I feel much better having cleaned up even more things now!
But that's not the point, the point is that today I'm going to sort through the rest of the knit items. So... let's get the move on 😩
Starting with colourwork sweaters! I didn't save a ton of those, because realistically... I love knitting colourwork. Small colourwork projects that is, sweaters? Meh.. not a huge fan. BUT.. I like the look of them and I would like a few little things that say 'themed holiday' 🥺
Let's start with things that can look normal:
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(links: image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5, image 6, image 7)
All of these can look perfectly fine for daily wear if they're knit in very subdued shades, I think. Granted that umber 7 is definitely very much 'gingerbread biscuit' but if winter isn't the time to dress like a cookie then when is the right time?? 😤
Now... let's look at something else...
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(links: image 8, image 9, image 10)
I'm honestly convinced it's the blonde lady's fault that I have so many things saved.. I'm not sure if I actually want the sweaters or if I want to smooch her 😶 BUT ANYWAY LET'S FOCUS! Do I want a Valentine's sweater? Yes. Do I need one? Probably not. And tulips? SHEEP?? DO I NEED A SHEEP SWEATER?? MY BRAIN WOULD SCREAM IMMEDIATELY 'YES' BUT THE ANSWER IS PROBABLY NO! These are adorable in my eyes, but would I actually wear them? Only the hearts one and probably not in red..
Now let's look at something totally different. Skirts and dresses! Never made them in knit, but they sure look cute
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(links: image 11, image 12, image 13, image 14, image 15, image 16, image 17)
So here's the dilemma: I think these are really cute (I'd make things in neutrals again, nothing bright or super colourful. Except skirt 14, it reminds me of folk skirts from several places in Europe and I love it so much) but a) would I wear them? Also.. would I like the way I look in a knit dress or mini skirt? Spoiler alert and sort of trigger warning I guess: I don't really love the way I look all that much, if anything, I sort of hate how I look and I feel stumpy, ugly and pudgy.. my legs, being as short and stubby as they are, are likely my least favourite thing along with the massive size of my hips and derriere (Hi, I'm pear shaped! I have a set of child-bearing hips that's... atrocious to me..). So, I do love the look of these but.. I'm not the level of slender and tall most of these women seem to be, so I would look rather different in these clothes... it's on the table, but also very much up for pondering. Unless I can stop hating myself? Probably not going to happen..
Now let's move on to happier pastures. Scarves!
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(links: image 18, image 19, image 20, image 21, image 22)
I'm a huge fan of a silly little scarf. And a neck warmer. And just a big ole scarf in an interesting patter. I have a choking kink, I guess, I like something choking me out during the winter.. plus, neck warmers? Perfect for the scoop neck and lower necklines that I have! These are just a sample of what I have saved up, I have a small big obsession with neckwear and I don't know why.. probably the choking kink
And finally last category for the knits? Mittens, beanies and socks!
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(links: image 23, image 24)
I'd change that condomhead look of number 24, not a huge fan of that vibe, but all in all I don't need a ton of these. I also have a balaclava and a few kerchiefs saved but I'm not sure if I'll make those. Maybe just one balaclava? For the construction of it. Also because I do get that cold even if my country isn't super cold at all..
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(links: image 25, image 26)
Simple and all I need: one or two pairs of convertible mittens/gloves and some fingerless mittens. Don't need more than this. I have many fancy designs ones, but those, if I were to make them, it would be because I REALLY love the design and I'm in a world of LOTS of patience..
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(links: image 27, image 28, image 29, image 30)
Now socks? Socks I'll need to make some decent amount of them. I wear socks year-round, so I would need a few pairs of them to go through. I've rounded up a few different heel constructions, toes I think they're all the same for the exception of number 28 where you can pick a choose (I can't remember the rest honestly, I don't remember the descriptions). I want to learn a few different methods for sock making, I'm really interested in a toe up sock. I've made socks before but they were cuff down, I don't have beef with sock making, I just enjoy learning new techniques.
I think with that I've rounded all the knitwear. Well, for the most part. There's still things that I didn't mention like my interest in making knit bras just because. I think they would probably be really comfortable for me, I'm an A cup so I don't need any support at all and I have a fierce hatred of The Brassiere™.. I still need to plan out really well what I want to make and which colours I want to use. I want to create sort of a minimal wardrobe type of thing, I'm just old and tired of owning a lot of stuff and feeling suffocated in piles and hoards..
Up next, I'll actually round up outfit inspiration images. Just for a visual of which style I actually gravitate towards, plus what would actually look good on my stumpy, lumpy, wee self. If I learn how to hate myself and how I look less, that would be major help too for all of this 😂 I need to make a proper narrowed list of basic things I truly need, everything else will be add-ons just because.. but that requires severe planning first so... yeah.. 😩
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