#but what's that second smear though 🤨
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Currently working on “The Curious Case of the Phantom TLC Spot”, better known within the scientific community as “What the Actual Fu Heck Ended Up in My Test Tube (Other Than What Was Supposed To)?”
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all fun and games til bb acts offended to throw him off “so ur talking to other bitches??🤨 maybe i’ll call jacob back for that second date”
“If you can have more than one girlfriend, then I should be able to have more than one boyfriend. It’s only fair.”
“I mean, be my guest. I think we both know it doesn’t get any better than me, but if you wanna try to expand your horizons, go for it.”
“Maybe I’ll call Jacob. He seemed eager to bite. Literally.”
Harry’s lips quirk at the unintended irony of her joke. “I don’t blame him. If you want to, go ahead. But just know that if you ever come over to my place and you have fake tanner smeared all over your face, I’m not kissing you until you scrub it all off.”
“Now that we’re on the topic, he actually texted me the other day.”
The grin stringing the vampire’s mouth immediately drops, and the action is so quick, it’s comical. “He what?”
“Yeah, he wanted to know how I was doing. I hadn’t talked to him since our first date, so he didn’t know we’re together.”
“But you told him, right?”
Y/N purses her lips to hide an evilly amused smile. “It might have slipped my mind. All for the better, though, ‘cause now I can make my proposal! Be right back.”
“Okay, I think that’s enough.”
“Is it?”
“It is. You’re my girl, and I—”
“I’m not yours, I don’t belong to anyone.”
“I have a couple videos on my phone of you moaning and sobbing otherwise.”
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