haippp · 9 years
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haippp · 9 years
Hari kemenangan Aku bangga Cuma hanya mampu menumpang gembira Kalian beruntunglah Dan tahniah Ini hari untuk kalian Rahmah dari Dia
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haippp · 9 years
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Eid al-Fitr prayer in al-Saraya square downtown Gaza - Palestine
July 16, 2015
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haippp · 9 years
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How is cat possible to be this cute cat-overload.tumblr.com source: http://i.imgur.com/6S2GxZf.gif
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haippp · 9 years
Hidup masih bertuhan, dan selamanya bertuhan sayang :)
Tahu apa yang lebih manis dari kasih sayang si dia, ibu mahupun sesiapa ? Pabila bangun bersujud disebalik pekat malam, Kamu jumpa manis yang paling indah Pabila menyelak mashaf Kamu jumpa tenang yang paling istimewa Sungguh , Indahnya lebih dari segalanya .
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haippp · 9 years
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haippp · 9 years
Ramadhan #13 : Ada Hamba yang Melampaui Batas
Mungkin kau pernah merasa lelah akan dirimu sendiri. Bukan karena terlalu banyak berlari, atau berjalan, namun karena dosa-dosa mu yang menumpuk. Dosa-dosa yang terasa sudah membuat hati menjadi hitam, hinggga membuat kepala pun terasa penat. Dan langkah menuju kebaikan terasa berat. Mungkin aku sudah terhisap terlalu jauh, sehingga aku lupa kalau tuhan yang tak pernah mengantuk apalagi tertidur itu mengawasi hidupku. Mungkin kau pernah merasa kenapa tidak terlahir menjadi orang-orang yang shalih. Akupun bukan terlahir dari golongan hamba yang shalih, aku adalah seorang manusia yang mungkin dapat dikatakan tidak tahu cara berterimakasih yang baik dan benar. Aku terlalu banyak membuatnya kecewa, tak menepati janjji ku seperti yang kusebut dalam doaku, melanggar semua yang ia larang padahal itu untuk kebaikanku. Mungkin kau pernah merasa sangat dungu di hadapan-Nya. Akupun juga begitu aku yang memang bebal tak pernah jera selalu saja membuat-Nya kecewa. Namun aku hanyalah manusia, yang memang diciptakan lemah. Aku tak memiliki tempat lagi untuk berlari, karena saat aku mencoba menghiraukan-Nya, maka begitu pula hatiku terasa sesak. Semakin aku mencoba membangkang, semakin itu pula kurasakan hatiku sakit. Mungkin kau pernah merasa kau sudah berada di ujung segalanya dan yang kau temukan hanyalah sebuah kekosongan, akupun begitu, dan pada akhirnya aku menyerah, suatu hari aku tak sengaja membaca firmannya, ia berkata “Katakanlah, hai hamba-hambaku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri. Janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya dialah yang maha pengampun lagi maha penyayang (QS: Az-zumar:53)” Lalu, Aku bersimpuh dalam ketidak berdayaanku. Dan aku pun mulai merintih ampun padanya lagi. Allah ta’ala memang maha pengasih ia memberiku bertemu Ramadhan lagi, seolah menjawab rintihan ketidak berdayaku, menjawab seluruh risauku, dan mengobati hatiku yang sakit, membersihkan hatiku yang hitam dan kotor. Semoga Ramadhan berikutnya hatiku tak sehitam kali ini, sehingga aku dapat membeli tiket yang bernama surga itu, bukan untuk bersenang-senang didalamnya dan sejenisnya, namun hanya ingin bertemu, melihat dan berbicara dengannya karena ingin ku sampaikan permintaan maafku secara langsung pada-Nya, Tuhan Semesta Alam Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Ameen.. Tulisan dikirim oleh : Rauzaai Munavvara Al-Hifzi Yogyakarta, Munavvara.tumblr.com
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haippp · 9 years
Totally lie ,
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haippp · 9 years
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From  Taiyou No Ie
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haippp · 9 years
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Being one of the few Muslims studying in Manila, there are times I experienced unfair treatments, awkward stares, and silly questions. There are those times when the discussions in class suddenly turn out to be a topic related to Muslims and when they talk about Muslims, they talk about wars, oppression of women, and injustice. That is awkward especially when I’m the only one wearing hijab in class. There were times when I asked myself, am I just someone who has a Philippine citizenship but isn’t 100% welcome to live in this country? I don’t blame anyone for seeing someone different is really strange. But, being that someone is the best thing for me. - I believe that’s the beauty of having your identity. When you believe in a certain thing, you become someone who has a destination. You adhere to a set of rules to follow, a book to guide you, role models to inspire you, and beliefs that make you whole. Unlike when you are doubtful of your identity, even you think you are free, you feel lost. - Claiming Muslim identity is one of the challenges of the youth especially in this time when we are greatly distracted by so many influences around us that make us confused of who we are. It is the time when the doubts and identity crisis are high. It is the time when everyone is on the race to materialism. They don’t notice that they are already being owned by this dunya forgetting their real identity, their real purpose in life. - Sadly, there are a lot of Muslim youth who hide their Muslim identity. They prefer to be called with their westernized nicknames, and present themselves in a way that no one will recognize them as Muslims. May Allah enligthen our hearts and guide us to the right path. - We may be few, strange and awkward for many but if we understand and find the true beauty of Islam, we will not feel lonely but grateful for being among the few. - “Go on the path of truth and do not feel lonely because there are few who take that path, and beware of the path of falsehood and do not be deceived by the greatness of the perishers.” - Ibn al-Qayyim - #islam #muslim #Quran #ramadan
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haippp · 9 years
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#136 The Quran 17:53 (Surah al-Isra)
“And speak that which is best.”
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haippp · 9 years
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haippp · 9 years
And [there are] others who have acknowledged their sins. They had mixed a righteous deed with another that was bad. Perhaps Allah will turn to them in forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. — التوبة
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haippp · 9 years
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تعليم الاطفال حفظ القرآن فى الاجازه الصيفيه في تركيا _ Teaching children the Quran in the Summer Holidays Turkey
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haippp · 9 years
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Have somebody ever forbidden your culture? Have somebody ever beaten you in the street without a reason? Have somebody ever requested the cost of the bullet that they used in your child’s execution from you? East Turkestan lives it everyday. The only guilt is to be a Muslim Uyghur Turk… Your brother is bleeding where the sun rises, do you hear?
#freedomforeastturkestan #stopterrorisminchina #killerchina #china #EastTurkestan #Uyghur #UyghurTurk #Japan #Japanese #Turkey #Turkish #Türk #Muslim #Allah #Quran
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haippp · 9 years
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Subhan'Allāh, why do we chase this dunya? ….
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haippp · 9 years
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°˖✧ Ramadan Reminder - Day 7 ✧˖°
Dont give up. Allah is training your patience. Be thankful for your trials. If you’re being tested, you’re being perfected. Allah has mentioned in the Quran (2:286) that He will never burden a soul with more than it can bear. So whatever you’re going through will pass.
Our troubles erase our sins, while patience with them raises us in status, and when Allah loves His creation, He tests him.
Think Positive!
Think Positive of Allah and positive things will come.
Prophet Muhammad said:
“Allah says: ‘I am as My slave thinks I am, and I am with him when he calls on Me.’” (Al-Bukhari 7405 and Muslim 2675)
quote on the picture by Mufti Menk
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