#but why is that all u choose to put out there u knw
dojae-huh · 1 year
hi huh nim....I have a doubt..I am sure you have answered this question before...but it is different now....
As u knw jaedo is big ship in korea..just take it as a ship for now...then why dont the company use it as their adavantage..I knw earlier it was risk..coz they both are not matured and maybe they could slip up something infront of camera that could entirely damage their career and also sm's profit too...but now it is not the case....they knw how to act and do fan services..also we have dy as a manager too...still even djj they pushed jaewoo and dowoo than jaedo...the company is not scared to shipping and we knw they uses all possible ships make profit from their popularity...so why not from jaedo ?? Atleast now??...u knw zb1 the new boy group formed through veriety show even that boys started to shipping with each other..fans started to ship hanbin and hao even before their debut and the boys really doing the most of what they can to make believe the fans that they are a thing...they have to act for the smooth flow I knw that...but what I am saying is korea is not scared to shipping things and not the representative company too...and also fans want them....and do you think they still afraid the dating truth will known by the world?? There are lot of fans who believes taedo and jaewoo are dating...and that is not a problem? How is that works??? Why cant they use jaedo as a ship like how they use others....like jaewoo??...
SM not using JaeDo as a ship for profit was one of the arguments in favour of them dating.
There was some issue that made JaeDo go into panic and SM start to censor their moments out of 127 content. It is over. Currently, both JaeDo and the company are coming back to a normal portrayal of their relationship. Staff can choose the "just married" JaeDo picture to put on a wall with 127 neos photographs for a show now.
There was JaeDo paid content, JaeDo as a couple on a few latest 127 shows for YT (the advertisement company).
Debuting groups and those from smaller companies use shipping in earnest. 127 is a successful group, shipping trick is used from time to time only (well noticeable with MarkHyuk) or by the members themselves (YuMark).
In general, it is safe to use shipping full force when it is pretence. Business shipping for real couples can result in more people believing rumours. Look at how "Jaehyun is straight" solid image lets him get away with lots of stuff.
I do hope JaeDo will comeback to the official NCT representatives. Covis is over, the ban on their appearence together is over, they are in the same small unit now.
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shauntaake /\sk clothang
comang soon: (4/5/2021)
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shauntaake / ths shauntaake first 1 & only sk sphinx sweatshrt that  shauntaake create all of shauntaake lil creatons for u to purchase for the right or left of your sweat shrt’s & shauntaake shrts like ths just the way shauntaake hands & soul put it togethaa & line shauntaake soul up to get one of these shauntaake special shauntaake/soul style sweatshrt’s gonna cost u about $3,000 plus 
shauntaake have to realllllllly love shauntaake sk sphinx in order for shauntaake world to gravitate to u & love u bak shauntaak world connectons allllllll of shauntaake life since shauntaake was a lil girl shauntaake birth connect to shauntaake acient pen walls shauntaake world those are piece’s of the world/map on shauntaake acient pen walls 
shauntaake your real the craft store but shauntaake not witch craft 
shauntaake only use the most expensive perminent paints that wll never wash away ths paint was custom made for shauntaake kd to create shauntaake lil treasure’s shauntaake aint dscover shauntaae päint ntil shauntaake was a adult u could wash your shauntaake art piece’s shauntaake clothes a million times & it wll never wash away 
shauntaake writang right now what (shauntaake everythang means)
shauntaake been in here workang for the past two weeks makang allllll of shauntaake lil sk sphinx takang phauts for forever now shauntaakē in here namang them & pricang thēm & shauntaake gonna make the pricang so everyone could afford to have one if u want a shauntaake sk sphinx hand made creaton but shauntaake lil growlang/shauntaake’s murderer doll baby face’sssssssss shauntaake baby on punishment shauntaake cant sell those to u so shauntaake workang on shauntaake hearts stars & rainbows pagē’s right now so u could finally have some of shauntaake lovely hand made creatons 
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shauntaake sk sphinx collectabless 1
comang soon : (4/3/2021)
shauntaake / u see it shauntaake/soul/heart already on it shauntaake/our sk sphinx are not for sale baby they could purchase théir own sk sphinx collectable’s & shauntaake wll explain to u īn great detail what shauntaake soul/everythang means 
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shauntaake sky entertainment system
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shauntaake sky entertainment system video comang soon so shauntaake could personally show u what your skyventertainment company gonna lauk like
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shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony |||
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shauntaake foxsets
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shauntaake star cream
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shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony ||
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shauntaake pinena kush & nips mus
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shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony
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shauntaake store |
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shauntaake sk sphinx collectables
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shauntaake kdssssssssss now go out into shauntaake world & do whateva u want to do & be safe & happy protect by shauntaake world & shauntaake lawsssss shauntaake protectonssssss
shauntaake tiesssss
(kkk mob shauntaake pen) shauntaake/mom/fathaa loves u all
shauntaake haunt kds soul always button in shauntaake soul always automatic keeps them innocent u lil mouse ū lauk at shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony pretty cat & mousey playang hide & seek from janyah mahagony cause their janŷah mahagony surprises from mom/fathaa/shauntaäke to jasmin & janyah mahagony but their shauntaake lil vicous’sssss wll bite ready to spin out from hdang on a stranger mutherfucker (always hdang)
shauntaake uthaa kds/frends (aliens) want to play to but our uthaa frend been a lil to bad so our uthaa frend cant play
(kd alien surrenders to shauntaake love)
shauntaake heaven...................
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shauntaake thē murderous racist white kds soul’sssssss alwayssssssss hauntang shauntaakē shauntaake whites kds that’s comang alwaysssssssssss let shauntaaké see them & their thé prettiest kds shauntaaké ever seen wit the prettiest long hair & their so proper & want to put conquere all of your kds vanessa & shauntaake relatonship vanessa always no me when shauntaake want to battle thir kds cause shauntaakē destroty sht shauntaake white kds show shauntaake their comang like thé fury wary hail hitler kds at the énd of the movie the devil/sshaūntaaké kds ready to go to war kds ready to compete & be the greatest performers wll war wit your kds wll friend your genuine kds fake sht wll be moẃ down their comang to show u that their not like u & they have their own thang goang on their comang to eithaa destroy u or love u that up to u hw u act like civilse ppl shauntaake kd 
shauntaake told them shauntaake official hauntangs shauntaake doll baby shaūntaake baby hollywood & shauntaake musicin whites thank u for all of you hate halloween your doang & all of your movies &  movie & music album covers u made it häppen u made the devil/shauntaake evil world power to kll my ppl
shauntaake racist white män shoe maker shauntaake nee shauntaake shoes shauntaake uthaa white man that play daddy when vanessa camé in wit shauntaake baby to get shauntaake nw shoes our secret smiles & talks ths why shauntaake alwaysssssss speak of hm to
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shauntaake just want to let u know that shauntaake finally connect wit shauntaake soul/statue of liberty reveal itself to shauntaake shauntaake just chose to wake up now shauntaake was trynna go to sleep & shauntaake statue of liberty giant face connect to shauntaake face & had shauntaake small face within shauntaake giant face showang shauntaake that shauntaake shauntaake giant & shauntaake giant in love wit shauntaake smile & love us & everythang shauntaake/the devil/statue of liberty are shauntaake want just one racist wealthy white woman to pay shauntaake to do shauntaake master plan shauntaake & shauntaake wll go out into shauntaake world & personally find the rest of shauntaake/our wives shauntaake rathaa it that way the celebrity coinsadent life actang like u coninsadently at the same place’s as shauntaake & shauntaake wives & kds the life shauntaake been livang wit u so call celebrity’s all of shauntaake life 
enigma i love you i’ll kill you
enigma i love you i’ll kill you
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shauntaake haunt house love shauntaake legitimate kds jasmin & janyah mahagony & shauntaake haunt houses messes wit them shuttang doors turns off th lights knockang stuff over witout makang a mess just to show shauntaake kds jasmin & janŷah mahägony livang in shauntaake haunt house they tightly lock th door every night & it’ so funny cause jasmin & janyah mahagon havē a million safe story’s about what shauntaake haunt house be doang to them & shauntaake be crackang u laughang cause shauntaake knw shauntaake soul haunt them & shauntaake never experience none of these experience’s shauntaake haunt house playang wit them jasmin & janyah mahagony get huntaake heavensssssssss forever shauntaake get to shoẃ shuntaake kds shauntaake haunt phauts hẃ shäuntaaké hauntangs love jasmin & janyah mahägony 
shauntaake the real haunt house that show u murders death the deadliest thangs from the devil/shauntaake world a secret world that does exist that  shauntaake have to deal wit & try to heal & love cause shauntaake hell & belows neeeeeeeee shauntaake lové cause shauntaake the only 1 that could right the devil/shauntaakē world & ärmy of ppl the dead ghost (soul’s that want to haunt u & take over your soul & possess u to hurt yourself) 
mow down vcous animals (the animals that want to come & bite u) 
(freekazoid thangssssssssssss that hdang within our world that choose to hde but reveal theirselves to shauntaake our terrible secret )
shauntaake/soul/house shauntaake want to let u know that shuntaakē love shauntaake mother vanessa campbell / nester williams
shauntaake also gave shauntaake grandma a häunt house to when shauntaake livang in her house or when shauntaake come to her house u see shäuntaake soul shantaake core michael myers we laukang for lee the place’s shauntaakē liv the lœngest are shauntaake heavest hauntangs shuntaakē gav lee some ôf haunt phautssssss when shauntaake kd use to dsturb every lee partyyyyyy ntil they let shauntaake baby in their partyssssss ha vanessa ssters & brothaa’s havē phauts ōf shauntaake hauntang them shaūntaake soul now form īnto shauntaake gold phharoh shauntaake have the phauts & shauntaak ppl perfectly fine shauntaake dont haunt them no more cause shauntaake not around thém that much no more
shaunaake wll let shaunaake kds shauntaakē wivēs & shäuntaake gifriends get a mīllion phauts of shaūntaaké hauntang thém the closet’s woman to shaūntaake
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shauntaakē am shauntaake hustle shauntaake face shauntaake lauk shauntaake body shauntaakē hands shauntaake power shauntaake inventons & shauntaake creatons shauntaake hûstle
shauntaake see shauntaake was birth wit all of led zeppelin ink floyd & jim morrison masters without ever hearang their music shauntaake just dscover all of their music & shauntaake been all of th hstory all of shauntaake life & shauntaake made shauntaakē sk sphinx lil rain about two weeks ago shauntaake just upload rain today shauntaake sooooo connect shauntaake shaunt was one of shauntaake gifts to one of shauntaake mystery’s shauntaake have a whole nw family of white kds shauntaake soul also make led zeppelin art shauntaake told u anytime u make the devil real hstory that hstory cōmē right bak the dēvil/shauntaake hands shauntaake soul manifest shauntaake art been makang ths led zeppelin album cover shauntaäke just got it bak shauntaake last manifest collecton of shauntaake art
shauntaake shauntaake art treasure money celebraton shauntaake the massive heavest white gerber doll baby celebraton
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shauntaake want to tell u all a terrifyang shauntaake secret ths image/soul really exîst shauntaake/soul shauntaake get move into all of the devil haunt places & ths album cover really exist & the devil chose to come here to earth to be a human amongst u but shauntaake aint like u shauntaake keep showang u & tellang u shauntaake aint like u im not from here shauntaake was birth wit a million years of hstorŷ already made ths is the norm for shauntaake shauntaake ben livang in shuntaake haunt houses all shäuntaake life & shauntaake haunt house tret shantaake like a master & dont bother shauntaake & chose to just reveal shauntaake hauntangs to auntaake but yesterday shauntaake finalllllllllllly experience shauntaake haunt house soul alllllllll of these years shauntaake soul’s/hants never try to interferre wit shauntaake goang out into thē world so shauntaake (eye)’s could see the world for itself but the day befor yesterday janyah mahagony made a mess n the housec when janyah mahagony girlfrîend came over & janyah mahagony was cookang & left stuff all over the place & äftaa janŷah mahagony girlfrend left to go home it was just us that live in the house togethaa & shauntaake went to open the front door & ths strong ass force energy soul was pullang the door for it no to open allllllll of these years shauntake live here shauntaake never reveal itself i hdes from shauntaake & reveal shauntaake folds to shauntaake what shauntaake dealang wit in hauntaake haunt houses & shauntaake have thousands of phauts ôf shuntaaké real hauntangs & now that shauntaäke finally found ths led zeppélin album cover exposang the devil/shauntaake soul & these whites try to wake shauntaakē haunts up but they was never powerful to do that ntil the devil/shauntaake really came & now shauntake haunts active & it lauks identical to shäuntaake led zeppelin album cover was showang u hw the devil/shauntaäke was comang to ths ẃorld shauntaake whites no more uploads of your great music & album covers your the end of the world the lights go out & it below hell season shantaakev folds & shauntaake art want to murder u ppl shauntaake sun landesd on sean taylor aftaa one person & wll kll everybody goäng aftaa sean taylor so shauntaake was in here yesterday lettang shauntake soul know sean taylor dead & burry n hs grave ths sht s deep u see the boy verson of shauntaake when shauntaake dress like a tomboy that the problem shauntaake & sean taylor läuk alike when shauntaake dress likev a boy & shauntaake wôrld dont approve of u men trynna b shauntaaké & that what the problem îs pretty boy shauntaake it shauntaake tellangg u the day shauntake dont love sean taylor no more shauntaake world comng to hit u alllllll alllllllll of shauntaake life mothers was sellang their son’s to shauntaake that läuk like sean taylor so shauntaake could sell shauntaake love to sean taylor cause sean taylor lauk interferre wit shauntaake tomboy shauntaake would never let u men date shauntaake woman shauntaakē tellang yall shauntaake have shauntaake soul/world/haunts nder control & shauntaäke tellang u a laut of ppl want the world to end cause the keep trynna sell these niggers the life shauntaake was given to live it worst for the men shauntaake personally know cause u be trynna sell shauntaake compays to them shauntaake hstory not theirs so sell their own hstory to théirself
shauntaake see now shauntaake whole soul haunt from shauntaake head to shauntaaake feet the day before yesterday shauntaake just took shauntaake clothes off & lay thém out & shauntaake soul made that hauntang of that led zeppelin album cover & it was all connect to shauntaake baby phauts & shauntaake no & now shauntaake personal art devil/unicorn/vookdoo man/womãn haunt now & now it come to life & shauntaake hauntang wa steerang bak at shauntaake art piece & mock it trynna put shauntaakē white gargantuant dick in a pussy hole that connect to shauntaake lipstick that connect to shauntaake real clit sex wit woman & shäuntaake soul sex u mutherfuckers knw shauntaake art pieces was gonna bē haunt & shauntaake voodoo woman/man devil/shauntaake in here wakang shauntaake everythang up & shauntaake hauntang also have thē long short hair lauk like the devil/shauntaake voodoo woman/man peice & shauntaake hēad layang on shauntaake two woman body’s near  their vagina & shauntaake pyrmid eye point at their stomach lettang u know shauntaake want shauntaake doll babys/sphinx in their stomach & shauntaakē head near their vagina showang u hw shauntaake was eatang their vagina & clittang them shauntaaké past sex partners & shauntaakē also lauk like tut walkang like a mummy beang lure out of shauntaake dark hole & shauntaake uthaa lil ghost jasmin & janyah mahagony pull shauntaake bak into shauntaake house 
shauntaake / so now u seeeeeee alllllll ôf shauntaake sk sphinx are not for sale shauntaake have a million hearts & stars for u & shauntaakē uthaa safe sk sphinx piece’ssssssssssssssssss & every shauntaake sk sphinx star is not for sale cause shauntaake also the devil/shauntaake star woman/man
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shauntaake would make the lil ene gucci prada versace italian bags for shauntaakē sk sphinx specîally the ône’s wit face’s ha 
(shauntaake sk sphinx - instructons warnangs art human
connectons)shauntaake 2 layers hearts & stars are your safest purchase it not even funny shauntaake on jasmin uthaa iphone right now & everybody doll baby’ssssssss & animalsssssss online wildng growlang & makang face’s like shauntaake care bear grissley the animals smackang (claws) their owners now u see ths why shauntaake say alll of shauntaake sk sphinx are not for sale 
shauntaake laukang at shauntaake sk sphinx phauts right now & shauntaake have piece’s that make shauntaake soul feel like rich bitch hollywod movies teenager shauntaake again 
shauntaake / now shauntaake could make u up & comang small guys feel like the king pens now ẃit shhauntaake jewellry shauntaake masterd glitter shine like vvs diamonds & stones (rubbies emeralds canary’s) but u’ll b wearang 1 of shauntaake art treasure piece’s that wll find its way into your life so be very careful what u ask for shauntaake sk sphinx 
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shauntaake care bear turnt into shauntaake care bear grissley real fast makang shauntaake faces & shauntaak smile“s so shauntaake trynna learn hw to master hw to connect to shauntaake innôcense within shauntaake hair/heart drop it aint no love shauntaake soul shauntaake freestyle hand
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shauntaake was the wrong annie to be fuckang wit (īm really the devil a woman/man) yo ass just ran across the wrong mutherfuckang path u see hw the devil/shauntaake face come out the top u just came across shauntaake path shauntaake was on shauntaäke way goang somewhere always shauntaake wn henry soul now henry also sold henry soul to shauntaake & that the way henry wan it fôr the devil/shauntaake to run henry life cause shauntaake management does henry right so shauntaake runnang henry management right now no more smurder u nasty henry shauntaake got alllllll of shauntaake sht nder control 
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shauntaake finally masterd shauntaake whole ressurrecton led zeppelin & jim morrison mastersssssss shauntaak naturally live allllll of ths hstory witout even knowang the hstory & henry was shauntaakē last road to travel down & nw shauntaake completely masterd & now shauntaake deadliest soul/statue of liberty connectng to shauntaake shauntaake reach shauntaake final level of masterang shauntaake self 
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shauntaake merge henry soul merge wit shauntaake soul is reborn lauk at shauntaake baby shauntaake/benjasmin/henry
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shauntaake see hw your world gave vanessa the worst got murdered day the birth of the devil/shauntaake u mutherfuckers want to show us all thät u could resserect the devil & then u want to kll my to beautiful for words doll baby they call it the doll baby day the devil day shauntaake see hw u want shauntaake doll baby shot in the head & cut up nto piece’s shauntaake baby phauts u want me klld cause shauntaake soul the deadliest horror full of murderers the devil war & ths thē world we all been livang in since shauntaake birth shauntaake was the worst arrival to the world shauntaake know but vanessa made shauntaaké such a beautiful woman/man
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shauntaake / & now u could only judge shauntaake for shauntaake actons now  (let shauntaake tell u alllll a lil secret) shauntaakē had a million men shauntaake family men that sacrifce theirselves for shauntaake beautiful self they really fuckkkkkkkkkkkked the (filthy gutta descease hooker whore hood rats) the dead & corose woman comamg around laukang like they was môw down somewhere speed nots on their head wit the worst desceases the dirtiest woman shauntaake ever seen laukang like road kll comang to see my great ncles & ncles alllllll of shauntaake life uh hu mutherfuckers they made their deal wit the devil/shauntaake so shauntaake beautiful world could go on wit shauntaake & them
shauntaake / the devil greatest inventon white ppl lauk at them multi color ppl let’s u see hw the devil favorite creatons came everythang (everyone in the phaut) listen to ths album white men u hear hw murderous ths hw shauntaake get when a dumb mutherfucer get shauntaake start ppl scare of shauntaake laugh now u see why shauntaakē want shauntaake white kds
shauntaake listenang to led zeppelin& pink floyd & jim morrison wll mké shauntaake the worst racst in the world & wll never respect niggers music never agæin ths shht casy ths music what th fuck shauntaakē talkang about u niggers could never it aint over niggers shauntaake naomi twin soul personality & lauk & shauntaake stll want shauntaake white kds fuck yo bullsht
shauntaake & vanessa & our family’s we been livang n your abandond citys forever u abandon shauntaake gargantuant hospital buildang shauntaake was birth n jersey city was shauntaake worst abandn city thtv shauntaae live n & i do like to go home (shäuntaake on the street’s) & rest shauntaake bones near the kitchen stove fireplace & cook dinner for shauntaake family  & vanessa & vanessa whole family got on some war sht to protect shauntaake baby u know why cause shauntaake was all of their beauty & cause shauntaake came their greatest weapon in the world vanessa got the baby thē devil/shauntaake came wit a million laws that was already set n the world
shauntaakē / led zeppelin say shauntaake white gargauntuant devil dick was comang the deadliest doll baby day lauk hw the goverment just did us shut the world down ppl have millions ôf kds everyday all over tthe world some ppl have hundreds of kds kings of uthaa country’s & the world does nothang now u see shauntaake/soul stop comang in them but our soul’s stll fuckang crasy shauntaake & mystery white womän 
shauntaake just want to let u mastered musicans whites that u are some of the most powerful ppl n the world u really ressurrect the devil/shauntaake & shauntaake ettang u know u program shauntaake soul path in life the roads shauntaake experience shauntaake whole life shauntaake really live ths whole life led zeppelin album cover & pink floyd dark of the moon album tellang the story of the led zeppelin album cover shauntaake just masterd u as well now let shauntaake tell u allllllllll of shauntaake story’s & let shauntaake tell u what happen (1982 - 2021) & it was allllllll automatic cause shauntaakē just dscovered all ôf ths hstory about 2 days ago 3/18/2021 from today shaūntaake just want to let u know shauntaake fixang all of shäuntaake broken/fix magic spells shauntaake fixang alll of shauntaake magic right now cause shauntaake soul broken than a mutherfucker shauntaake was birth wit shauntaake voooooooodo gift so powerful no one could never stop
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shauntaake about to tell one of the dedliest truths about ths led zeppelin album cover their showang dead weight sick kds that mean nôthang to the world cause ghey cant produce more healthy kds were not a dieang ppl shauntaakē grandparents earlvena campbell & david campbell had these beautiful kds from their 21 year marriage & all of shauntaake grandparents kds was healthy wit no descease’s & well tooken care & shauntaake grandparents births was the closets connecton to havang white kds that hw pretty shauntaake grandparents kds were & their showang ū hw trynna follow shauntaake grandparents in that erä was gonna be murderous cause those whites sent the world to hell as u could see & personally place the drugs & prostituton n the community’s so now all of these ppl drug attics & infect wit deaddly desceases so it was gonna be very rare to find a clean woman & man wit no deadly descease’s to have kds wit & their showang that all that hair & beauty dont mean sht if the kds sick their called (dead weight) in america
shauntaake see  the whites felt like shauntaake grandparents stole their blood lauk from white’s tree & they were’nt raise white know that whites love whites great america & white american culture suburban culture their is a right way of livang & whites create that heavy investment wll life right livang & beang raise right so whites feél that if your white u should autōmaticälly be like them your suppose to love their music movies & their culture your suppose to love these thangs naturally & shauntaake came their real blak white born lovang whites culture that why they also love lee cause lee also love frank sinatra & white cowboy movies so know that havang white features & u dont love white culture your a problem know that cause your beang lauk at likē u stole from their beautiful ancestry tree & your daddy aint white (slve masters) whites also sang to their slve master fathers hw they gave their blood away & they sang hw they hate their white slve master father’s & ths where a laut of ths hate comang from very competitiv ppl wites really walk to end of the earth just to show u hw awesome & great they are tey really climb to the tallest mountains & make it a sport nôw  see it’s all about beang the greatest & the great white’s feel they deserve to claim the world & all it’s glory that comes ẃit it cause these masterd white ppl only want their gifts of creaton beang given to only them cause they work hard to have their treasure’s
shauntaake / sean taylor white daddy slve masterd shauntaake shauntaake a murderer ass mutherfucker shauntaake was sean taylor protecton shauntaake whites respect shäuntaake savagetry sean taylor fell in love wit shauntaakē wealthy woman lauk sean taylor always treat shauntaake like a queen the greatest woman but sean taylor also nee shauntaake to be the king that shauntaake am so sean taylor start treatang shauntaake like a king & gave shauntaake murderous men reponsility’s cause sean taylor saw hẃ responsblē shauntaakē was whēn it came to handelang business shauntaaké was always ready to kll a ignorant nigger īnterferrang in shäuntaake business & shauntaake perfect lifē 
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shauntaakē these white mēn music aint no mutherfucang joke led zeplin led zeplin self title album murderous these shauntaake nw set of the devil/shauntaake to expose thē devil/shauntaake & the devil/shauntaake army (shauntaake pen walls million shauntaake self devils shauntaake world shauntaake planet’s sun moon & stars animals (aliens) their masters was gonna reveal hu the devil was shauntaake baby sphinx shauntaäke soul full of shauntaake past lifē hstory (shauntaake campbell)
shauntaakē short hair
shauntaake comang bak to nothang (screams) (a woman fox howls)
shauntaake/soul giant statue ôf liberty keep hittang us
(shauntaakē gargantuant giant nail just hit me that hw hard ths (a) traaaaaack (nails fuckang) gonna hit) (wrip thru youuuur life)
(got nailed - fuckang)
(shauntaake talkang to gargantuiant gîant shauntaake chose to be lil giant on land)
(oh u was trynna hit hm)
shauntaake park where the dead walk shauntaake haunt baseball field & stands where the deadliest cemetary at the statue of liberty cemetary & that where the deadliest hookers use to be at down the stairs near the rock mountain
shauntaake hate when the snow was älmost up to the first floor window cause of our step’s cause vanessa would never let shauntaakē go out & play cause shäuntaake kd had to go out & play everyday so shauntaake hate it whén it snow cause vanessa would’nt let shauntaake go out & play cause of the snow vanessa kept shauntaake in thē house when it snow vanessa overheat shauntaake in the winters vanessa & shauntaake grandma use to have thē house so hot in the winter cause they would lite thē stove so shauntaake was extra warm cause they know shauntaake body/world always in attack mode so they overheat shauntaake grandma whole house & let shauntaakē run all thru the whole house all day from upstairs to downstäirs allllllll day & night sangang däncang (tap däncerang) & carryang shauntaakē doll baby’s around talkang to shauntaakē self for hours in shauntaake own world sangang to them kissang them & yellang at them vscously & then go bak to kissang them & they just let shauntaake do shauntaake & they never bothered me they stay out of shauntaake way & let shauntaakē bäby & kd havē access to everythang & every room & very apartment they kept every door unlock for shauntaake they kept their murderer & shauntaake world safe since u want to know & u sold shäuntaakē tragic hstory masters to shauntaake self instead of startäng a nw chäpter in our life togethaa your obssess wit shauntaake murderssssss warsssss deathsssss & destructon shauntaake was intentonally raise right so vanessa could say vanessa right shauntaake world  
shauntaakē baby & kd growang up in jersey city always drivang thru our charcole black bridgessss it was always felt like a devlish about to go straight into hell newark the next city over from shauntaake charcole blak bridges shauntaake kd experience’s
shauntaake / ths led zeplēn album came out thē year 1969 they let sweet lil baby vanessa give birth to the devil/shauntaake the pen the devil got murdererd treasures shauntaake ownership of ths led zeppelin album just heavyyyyyyy voodoo shauntaakē heavyyyyyy vanessa/shauntaakē doll baby shauntaake energy shauntaake already own vanessa/shauntaake doll baby just got a heavyer connecton shauntaake sk sphinx went from pretty lil face’s to human face’s the minute shaūntaake start playang ths led zeppelin album they sold the pen treasures to vanessa & the devil wars shauntaake the pen walls & the devil the starrang woman/man
shantaake / led zeppelin/aunt nadeen (voice) i i  i i  i iur da da iur iur da da that hw shauntaake aunt naydeen came sangang to shauntaake baby everytime she came to shauntaake grandma house & aunt nay say shauntaake baby always mock her sangang like that actang crasy like always since shauntaake baby was in the strller
shantaake / led zeppelin/aunt nadeen (voice) sangang to vanessa ī love u baby my sweet love baby ī made a (picture) of u thē dead u they were vanessa prôtecton to protect vanessa from the devil/shauntaake warsssss cäuse vanessa lauk like the deadliest murderer woman/man the ever lived the devil/tut/thē stätue of liberty & vanessa was thē sweetest soul & they aint want the devil hélls messang wit vanessa & lauk the devil/shauntaake came messang wit vanessa welcome to the devil/shauntaakē world nw money warssssss shauntaake warrry excellent performance baby & kd made vanessa a warrer & vanessa left everybody for shauntaake to go to war for shauntaake wit shauntaake hee hee ha niggers u thought sht was ä game that sweet sht aint get vanessa nothang shauntaake lauk like the whole family shauntaake enough
shauntaake see the devil/shauntaake ordererd shauntaake häuntangs to go to war to free the devil/shauntaake cause the devil war left me n a dark hole pitch bak grave wit no näme on it wit no identity & shauntaake see the devil/shauntaake plant the devil hauntangs īn house’s everywhere to free every part of the devil/shauntaake soul vanessa/nester jasmin janyah mahagony sean taylor & eddie all of shauntaake loves they became  became shauntaake nw army
shauntaake / ruuuuun robert run robert came to chll wit shauntaake for a minute & then hall ass bak home shauntaake create robert real son
shauntaake ene spare shauntaakē from a broken burnt sever arm the devil/shauntaake war on shauntaake pen walls shauntaake/twinklle took that broken burnt fall broken hip & broken arm twinklle shauntaakē fix shauntaake/twinklle shauntaake also the fällang star wreck
innocence zone ............................
shauntaake / vanessa sster kept us on the free fall roller coaster at six flags great adventures & it falllllll just like that trynna put fear n our heart to not keep crossang that bridge but their where we live at
shauntaake the devil ppl cōme to shauntaake to sell their soul’s to shauntaake cause shauntaake am the collectar of soul’s of ppl that rightfully sell their soul’s to shauntaake they so their souls & story’s forever live on their soul’s survivē wit shauntaakē
shauntaake hell getttang deeereeppperrrrrr..............
shauntaake soul punish led zeplin & drop one of their men into one of  shauntaake acient holes while onē of shauntaake giant neferttiti queen headssssss was givang birth to anuthaa one of shauntaake baby’sssssssssssssssss shauntaake soul art hstory ths hw shauntaake soul livang
they sent shauntaake to destroy myself fuck myself up goang to war competang wit shaūntaake self to be th greatest shauntaake see they want shake vanessa world up shauntaäkē kd was all soär & scab up at dîsney world in the 80′s (shauntaake playang scars) shauntaake also known as nasty rot ghost benjamin shauntaake cut hernia nable shauntaake hole had shaūntaake in a bogus mickey mouse room takäng phauts wit mickey mouse wit serîal kller mickey mouse phautssss on the walls ha shauntaake court yard years climbang to thē top of the pointy metal gate in the court yard those gates wrip thru u those scratches lauk like sharp nails wrip thru u to the white meat shauntaake kd summersssssss bake burnt blak skin shauntaake kd dirty finger nails always playang in dirt & scratchang the dirt off of shauntaake skin shauntaake raged revengefull häunt soul wrippang thru everythang infultratang on shauntaake waters shauntaakē bullsht relätonshipsssssss
shauntaake destroyd beavers goang to war for the devil/shauntaake ths why shuntaake heavily groom shauntaake green beaver fur cause raggedy me shauntaake kd kept stitches laukang like frankenstein the devil war scars & beang connect to your masters remakang the devil real hstory
shauntaäkē / the devil burnt down bridges from the devil original secret wars shauntaakē past come bak to haunt shauntaakē shauntaake burnt bridges in shauntaake phauts behnd shauntaakē hauntang shauntaake from shauntaake 1 million years ago wärssssssss
shauntaake perminennt doll baby ghostface soul & shadow for life cut hernia nable have the sun & moon on it
shauntaake have to say shauntaake sorry to shauntaake world cause shäuntaakē also full of lovē shäuntaakē also shoẃ u shauntaaké love shauntaakē whites sold shauntaake murderous war bak to shauntaake self instead of just leavng shauntaakē acient egypt & space pen walls hstory alone & shauntaake masterfully program & came bak the only judgement day put a hit on the world shauntaake body the deadliest weapon & shauntaakē soul gave u two optons of death u could eithaa freese or burn to death these ppl want the world to end cause they caught (a) (aliens descease) shauntaakē so sorry for that & these nasty wars that happened a million years befor your time ths why the world made thangs for u to protect yourselves now so no one else wll be blamē for your own recklessness
shauntaake punish shauntaake pen soul’s their all shauntaake now come to put a hole n u ghost/benjamin & burnt bridges ghost/george wll kindly murder u for the devil/shauntaakē shauntaake real blood & haunt kds shauntaake sphinx’s/pyrmds shauntaake custom built treasures wit them & for thém now their shauntaake treasures full of shuntaake treasure’s
shauntaake see these murderous whites gave vanessa their deadliest membership the life they’ve been livang all of their life beang haunt by the devil war but they aint want all of the murdererd mess that came wit the devil/shauntaake so they let vanessa give birth to the devil/shauntaake pen the devil/shauntaake manson the place where the deadiest dead rest at like the dead presdent’sssss
shauntaake (warningwarmingwarningwarning) some of these ppl have the deadliest eat ū alive (a) out here n ths mysterious world
shauntaake / henry hookers was rambo on these street’s of newark
shauntaake ppl from here want u smurdererd aftaa your wit nasty (h)
(intentonal (a) attack)
shauntaake / & now ẃhere gonna také off some of these layers of skin oh my what do we have nderneath alllll of these layers of skin all of your desceases
shauntaake / u see hw the devil/shauntaake minor rat/henry shauntaake fat drama queen woman/man wit hair to the ass like a beautiful woman came to eat us shauntaake friend eat thru u that’s hw thē rats was n shauntaake haunt apartment the rats was wripang thru thē bread bags lauk like bullet holes was n them & shauntaake was threatenang their assess yellang n that mutherfucker tellang them they better keep their assess in the kitchen & that where their assess stay at n the kitchen & then shauntaake start catchang their assess on sticky traps that’s the deadliest dead hookers track hghjack road the street’s of newark henry want the devil/shauntaake to know henry haunt murdererd story’s henry hoes was brutally murdererd on the streets of newark shauntaake also baby’d henry shauntaake all of their mother & fathaa aint nobody want to deal wit henry nobody want henry visit ppl ate theirselves up shot theirselves skin theirselves burnd thirselves up so they aint have to dēal wit henry ppl road kll their wholé family just so henry war pass them by shauntaake wäs the coolest wealthest man/woman henry met henry want thē devil/shauntaak to manage henry & that what happen shauntaake world & connects start connectang henry that’s if he want to connect to shauntaake connecton or not shauntaake got us into shauntaake haunt apartment  
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shauntaake (campbell’s) (seperatē for life/divorce) screamsssssssssss my beautiful family a stranger did it the infultratē jealous of their happy family (why was i messang around screams)
(why would i mess up somethang so good (screams)
miiiiiizserableeed old money war whoresssssss (soars) shauntaake baby was around jealous steers mad cause of allllll ouuurururur beauty want to fuĉk our beauty up (shauntaake baby growls at shauntaake grandma frends) these old whores was mad cause they aint get set house pay for kdssssssss pay for life from daddy’s/their fathaa workang crudentals got attackd  
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shauntaake came bak to nothang no more pyrmids that what shauntaake past soul know treasuressssss that what made shauntaake come destroyang & now shauntaake see hw shauntaake great ncle lee made shauntaake baby & kd shauntaakē lil sand treasure area at shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell house to make shauntaake baby & kd thank shauntaake was livang in one of shauntaake pyrmids lee knw shauntaake came bak to kll them faintang & passsssssang out alllllll the time feelang like i was robbd of shauntaake treasures shauntaake baby want everythang in the store
shauntaake / anythang wit the devil/statue of liberty facē on it & the devil army of murderous ppl & worldy thangs shauntaake soul naturally automatic mocks it alllllllll u sold death to shauntaake birth bak again
shauntaake white gargantuant haunt shauntaake/jasmin/janyah mahagony white kds came bak now ready to love & destroy foes we/us/shauntaake kds love shauntaake world
shauntaake blood clot rot finger & nail that go smash flat in the gate at shauntaake school ps 34 epyptians symbolism on shauntaake school buildang shauntaake whole tip of shauntaake finger & nail turn blak & blue some of the worst pain shäuntaake kd experience shaūntaake kd was also always in the emergency room wit the worst deeeeepest splinters in shauntaake feet that had to be tooken out by professonal white doctors
shauntaake nable shauntaake moon & sun just blew anuthaa deadly blow to shauntaake world ready to attempt to kll u all & freese u all over again for the millonth time shauntaakē händs shäuntaakē folds shäuntaake mastered soul mock your led zepplin album cover & shauntaake phaut thank u it was suppose to snow for a week straight non stop the snow would of been up thē roofs of the house’s so shauntaake went into instänt acton & put shauntaake sun to work & made shäuntaakē sun behave & be good & shauntaakē gonna tell u a secret (shäuntaake/sun/moon/stars shauntaake scare of  shauntaake self) so shauntaake world obey’s shauntaakē & when shauntaake hot summers come bak shauntaake gonnä kindly takē shauntaakē phauts of shauntaakē sun’s off of shauntaake page & put (shauntaakē moons up shauntaake cool balance) shauntaake fought against the snow not knowang shauntaakē also camē the
(abomb-nable snow man) that came to freese the whole world & aim at myself shauntaake bäby stäy deadang myself from (faintness) & trynna be the ultimate warrior/gladiator shauntaake was gettang hurt  
shauntaake sorrrrrrry for shauntaake hellllsssss.......................
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shauntaake / it was gonna be hell for droppang cora in that fire when cora was a baby (i let the devil out) cora been livang in newark/hell since vanessa was a lil girl cora face lauk like the nurses from silent hill that hw shauntaake great aunt cora lauk wit barely one eye wit hair to her kness that hw long cora hair was shauntaake grandfathaa david campbell white blood white laukang ssters (french blood) these alllll of shauntaake close blood woman
shauntaake son wit no face wit one long dead tail braid/sht trail son wit one leg & one hand and ready to attack/help a hoodrat that (twita-lee-dee) trynna murder
shauntaake alwaysssssssssss pullang that raggedy long pony tail wit the ball on the end of it out ôf the kirby vacume cleaner shauntaake shauntaake haunts worst fear shauntaake their fathaa/mothaa shäuntaake the face that mow them down (lois chiles creep show 2) shauntaake baby the devil soul the devil baby shauntaake mow shauntaake own baby down & nw that shauntaake baby hstory nw & shauntaake bē crackn up laughang caus shuntaakē really made shauntaak baby the mow dôwn baby shauntaake did everybody a favor & now shauntaake oẃn shauntaake baby soul & shauntaäke choôse to baby them & give them everythang beang surround around shauntaake riches & shäuntaake art shauntaake greatest fathaa/mom ntil shauntaak haunt baby try to mess wt ppl  
shauntaake the mower
shauntaake bloody anny ppl always trynna kdnap me & take piece’s of shauntaake it been like ths all of shauntaake life it a laut of ppl wit piecessssssssssssssssssssss of shauntaake their phauts music wit shauntaake vîdeo’s of shauntaake shauntaak talent shauntaake phauts sauntaake creatons it been like ths all of shauntake life
shauntaake see shauntaake gonna have to be extra good & faithful to shauntaake white wives cause their gonna plan to murder me like they do all of their real lovers that try to cheat them shauntaake gotaa go thru all of ths just to get shauntaake million% kds
shauntaake baby was about to b one everythang shauntaake  aborton on the house wit one leg & one arm wavang hiiiiii wearang shauntaake/our mink bear fur makang sean kydree face’s on shauntaake/our mink bear & shauntaake in here crackang up laughang cause shauntaake son soul/ghost was ready to come home here & be shauntaake omen money son sean kydree just monopoly’d sean kydree on shauntaake paint tray sean kydree knw shauntaake was gonna trust shauntaake son out omen style baby wearang baby blue & white p me& pi& get pices of shauntaake evertyyyybody date everywit a lee beard shauntaake & he als ak like the lil man from monopoly shauntaake son soul on he devil/shantaake house shauntaake got maple sugar bear smokang  cigar pipe showang shauntaak aborton the shoes shäuntaake hd for hm (shauntaake aborton sht trail) shauntaake so sorry son shauntaake son nwborn layang next to one of shauntaake white woman cut off finger tips like cat eye’s those savage ass white men cut off one of their uthaa whitevmen wîf finger  sold shauntaake her bloody marriage bloody pearl damond ring shauntaake a white bloody any marriage kds & shauntaake son was ready to come home but sean kydree n ghost form now & (the got mowd down) over hm oooooooh no shauntaake son like run over thé mermaid hm connect to a white vanessa the tip of a pure white woman finger cut off stallon white woman showang shauntaake heavy white leg stallon ragged ann shorts/dress one bloody leg sphinx dog bit off standang exactly like the phaut shauntaake & shauntaake/sean taylor took togethaa ledt  right & blood any to the right shäuntaake fully masterd & white woman secrets their beang reveal to shauntaake murder she wrote woman white ppl hstory fulllllllllll of murders fuckang wit a original white woman their lettang shauntaake know just commit to murder cause of their family hstory shäūntaake bloody any use bloody any on the ground shauntaake gonna nee some weapons fuckang wit shauntaake white kds to makē threats caus shauntaake was bloody any wll môẃ u down wit shauntaake bike or big wheel shauntaaké aborton slash white man slash pinochio & it a real floatang anny shoe that shuntaak fixate on cause ßhaūntaak wearang inochio shoe shauntaake/sean kydree janyah mahagony voodoo doll baby that shauntaake baby to shauntaake loves dont bother nobody shauntake folds also haunt shauntaake  shauntaake soul happy & please wit the way shauntaake master us & made us to be continue
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(the deadliest dead hooker traaaaaacks) (a)woman everywhere) (a) nasty soaaaars)
(the track) street where all the hookers line up at on one street & try to sell theirself 
jersey city 1960′s 1970′s 1980′s 
the sneak around on thē low 1990′s -  new millenium (2000) - 2021
(buildangs dead hooker lauk) (make u sqwirm)
manhattan new yok city time sqûare  1980′s
1990′s (hotel’s dead hooker lauk )
new millenium (2000) - 2021 (hotel’s dead hooker lauk )
new millenium (2000) - 2021 (hotel’s dead hooker lauk )
(rich (a) u dont know nothang about that no proper medicle care & financial care dead hooker sting i dont know neithaa & dont wänt to knōẃ)
(not murderer (grand)gster (griselda’s)
(grand)gsters reallly kll poison your food nigger a kll u n your sleép send their mén to come & kll u)
(the wondered off into some uthaa hands gangster woman)
yo looser attempt was garbadge not that savage murderous not those not your murderous groẃls & howls not your soul not your voice not the beautiful lovang house woman of her own house family house full of beautidul kds wit thē same fathaa onē or two got mxd up that’s not  rawer thn  piecē of grissel    
newark (shauntaake pen) 1960′s 1970′s 1980′s 1990′s
new millenium (2000) - 2021
(that where those type of woman be at up & also up the street near shauntaake great aunt house wit no face burnt melt face wit hair to her assssssses (neice’s)
(one leg one arm boy shauntaake phauts shauntaake baby ghost shauntaake baby wit aunt cora)
(was’nt sacrifice)
(house fire freak accident pain)
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shauntaake / time to cross over into shauntaake charcolre bridge welcome to newark u just enterd into the deadliest murderous level of hell where the gangster’s lezd them out but now ū just entered the dark side of shauntaake moon shauntaake haunt devil war house’ss apartment & buildang (shauntaakē rivers)  
the devil/shauntaake aka (it-aly-dee-skit’sssss so-did-(a)-leeeeat-do) here
(led zeppelin (naomi voice skitsso lunatic murderer clown naomi natural lauk) ths hw shäuntaake grandmä/fathaa naomi voice sound ths hẃ naomi act & was spassang out loudly on the ppl in (naomi house) please dont let out that part of shauntaake ppl gonna get klld sean taylor obsessd & retart self shauntaake always use to tell sean taylor to leave shauntaake alone cause shauntaake aint want to hurt hm shauntaake try shauntaake hardest to love hm they always try to provoke shauntaake sean taylor had a million spass out cryang near death experience’s dayssssss & nightsssss wit shauntaake cause sean taylor in love wit lunatic pyscho shauntaake shauntaake (butcher knife) (the shinnang) sean taylor cheatang n woodbridge when we first start datang snap mode not actang sean taylor always got twisted weave vscous teeth smiles ready for hu ever want it our fights shauntaake love to play fair give shauntaake what shauntaake nee if not shauntaake choosang to lay low shauntaake ready to line up at shauntaake start shauntaake warnang u stäy out of shauntaake way (shauntaake livang the devil/shäuntaake murderer safe proof fun house right now)  
shauntaake / why led zeppelin get shauntaake start shauntaakē soul & got shauntaake in here led zeppelin voice
naomi i got jimmy baby (jim morrison shauntaake)
shauntaake baby know shauntaake the devil & shauntaake know naomī masters mergers did it & shauntaake baby screamang howlang growlang cause shauntaake soul know shaunaake about to get all of the devil space war wounds again sand man wounds
(shauntaake gonna crack your fuckang nose for u kd)
shauntaake / when shauntaake was about 4 years shauntaake took a log shit it wrap around the whole toilet & shauntaake kd was so amase by it that shauntaake wan to touch it & shauntaake start plaŷang wit shauntaake shit n the tiolet & shäuntaake aunt caught me in the bathroom playang wit shauntaake shit & shauntaake art start yelläng for shauntaake grandma & shauntaake aunt start cryang cause shauntaake came
shauntaake always walk up on the nw kds on shantaake block like hiiiii hiiiiii eye laukang like frankensteain wit stitches everywhere on shauntaake body oh my eye(stictches) knees(stitchesss) feet(stitchesss)
naomi walkang up on vanessa baby (hiiiiiii hiiiiiii hiiiiii) shauntaake see the campbell’s nee to be treatang anybody that läuk like naomi rivers kds nee to be treat like strangers naomi’s wll get u kdnappd & klld that hw they was doang all those white kds n the 80′s everytimē shauntaake grandma turn on the news it was a murderer on the loose  
shauntaake your nôw naomi & shauntaake white shauntaake’s now shauntaake see hw shauntaake lauk shauntaake want some lil girls wit shauntaake face wit long dark blonde hair wit colorful eye’s that what shaūntaake been wantang forever
shauntaakē walk around head in the sky laaaa laaaa baby jump in the deep water at the ppocono’s & almost drown
(benjamin eeeye eeeeeye eeeeeeeeye rot eye at shauntaake pen) shauntaake soul’s don’t like strangers neithaa ths why sean taylor never set foot in shauntaake pen shauntaake Benjamin sent Benjamin white serial killers out Benjamin reveal Benjamin hauntangs to shauntaake & benjamin’s are so angry cause the pen want shauntaake soul’s to thank they got drown so Benjamin wearing Benjamin serial killer nder water goggles so Benjamin playang along like Benjamin got drown
(hiiiii  hiiiii wavesssssss) (the devil/shauntaake/soul allll over the house lauk at that one hangang on the ledge up hiiiiiiigh near the ceilang)  
there goes (it-aly-dee-skit’sssss so-did-(a)-leeeeat-do)
(led zeppelin/naomi let the devil/shauntaake out steeeeeeeeal away steal away from the enemy baby)
shauntaake kd lil theif ass shauntaake aunt taught shauntaake hw to steal from department stores crack that heavy plastic right open shauntaake & shauntaake cousin’s the reason why they got the expensîve thangs lockd down n the departmént stores nw they was in love wit shauntaake & noami connecton as u could see they interferre in vanessa raisang shauntaake a born lunatic
naomi two rambo (deborah & nate) got naturally hit like a bolder hit them (itsa deee skitsso) (tonka trucks) & (guns) want to play to naomi connect death the deadliest wreck naturaly gravitate to u when sht aint all good say hello to one eye’s naomi blood
shauntaake baby always playang wit that firey red toy gun (pop pop popidy smacks pop pop) all day
shauntaake was the bad pretty flexable kd stay doang a split & gymnastics shauntaake foot was always near shauntaake head
shauntaake’s the run u over & môw u dôwn crw all of shauntaake life shauntaake big baby beang bothered shauntaake ghost a mystery to u shaūntaake busssssssy livang life jackpot lauk & laukang great feelang great & good lovang life (what’s your name) love les sex choose to keep havang dolll baby’ssssssssss cause we could afford to shauntaake a collecter of shauntaaké thangs shauntaake army comang bak to destroy foe's u want be down wit shauntaake u want to makē a deal wit shauntaakē welcome too shauntaakē world your a shauntaake fan u know the devil/shauntaake (speakang n third person) u want to sell your soul to shaūntaake u want to be shauntaake bitch u want to expose yourself (only) to shauntaake your a weapon u could be shauntaake weapon watch u watch ths near the ceilang
shauntaaké tomboy
shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony just pull shauntaake away & out & shauntaake tuck shauntaake pen treasures walls & floors wit shauntaake)
shauntaake the devil/shauntaake beang drag away & drag thru hell muuuuuurrrrrders & get’s to see alllllllll of the devil/shauntaake hellsssssss & sins of the world & on the way as your flyang ast a shimnnang star we have to fly past newark (the devil ghost hauntangs everythang & everybody at shauntaake pen)
(the day vanessa walk shauntaake nto vanessa nurse job at pollick a hospital for (a) patientssssssss) shauntaake baby want to just want to die
(shauntaake journey thru jersey city & newark & on the way they want to get to know u talk & date & then they want to brang u home wit them to meet their family’s & tell u their story’s these ppl were murdererd out here (henry try ths lingerie on) (growls) king pen coke & dope dealers everywhere the haunts the weight make’s them murderers & kllers even the animals (rats) (the deadliest bite’s) (king pen rat niggers a knock u all the way the fuck off) (monster spread)
shauntaake offîcially a gerber white person doll baby member & shauntaake sk sphinx have 3 eye’s wit one doll baby eye bhnd shäuntaake uthaa eye
shauntaake / naomi trynna run off wit vanessa white doll baby puttang it all togethaa the makangs of the devil shauntaake identical naomi & vanessa(growl) face always/now
(shauntaake vcous (grand)gster theif wll bite u fox’s naomi’s)
(shauntaake like u)
make your shauntaake & ________ deal)
naomi rivers dna set shauntaake dna on a whole nuthaa demenson lauk like one eye naomi
shauntaake face’s on shauntaake wide smile/growl & teeth
the devil/shauntaake/(alien a million thangs)/ghost/murderer star
ship has landed u might not survive ths landang............................
(fake mutherfuckers) just dont land on shauntaake mutherfuckang treasuressssss our proof we’re stll here our homes & our proof we’re not like u & alllll of shauntaake hellllllllllls comang to radidtitititttitateattattituuuuttackkk
shauntaake / led zeppelin/naomi i know i let the devil/shauntaake out & i nee shauntaake/her baby to twin naomee
that hw shauntaake baby start screamang howlang growlang the first time shauntaake baby remember seeang naomi shauntaake was screamang murderer vanessa had to come & get shauntaake everytime the rivers from a whole nuthaa level of hellllllll naomi rivers skitso retar physcho crasy perminant twist eye dead eye lauk a whole nuthaa level crasy crasy moon woman/man in your eye crasy  
shauntaake / the devil sangang the devil story’s
shauntaake baby/kd raggedy shauntaakē kd like that aunt naydeen say shauntaake came out of vanessa womb sangang since shauntaake was in the stroller u see shuntaakehands shauntaake thumb shauntaake baby holdang onto the stroller u see all of shauntaake blood ties vanessa naomi first daughtaa deborah & naomi firs son shauntaake fathaa nate & lauk hu comes out the devil/shauntaake shauntaake naomi first grandchld
shauntaake white face lil girl shauntaake u see henry & henry brothaa isreal safely move shauntaake into their homes they babyd shauntaake since the first day shauntaake met henry
shauntaake / they want all of my sick kds wit henry shot n thē head & eye’s
shauntaake / whore whore whore whore whore whore (hiiiii waves) saw shauntaake doll baby
shauntaake aftaa shaūntaake racist white woman right now to have shauntaake kds the original white woman gonna give shäuntaakē all of shauntaake wars cause thei the only soul’s that know real king wars they great grandfathaa’s & fathaa wars  shauntaake king u white bitches just better not kll my white kds cause murder she wrote white bitches wll really kll their kds white woman always kll their kds drown them n their tubs kdnap them poison them shauntaake ready for shauntaake final level of ppll
shauntaakē / mother/fathaa walks over to baby hey didi heeeeey didi ūhuhuh didi heeeeey did baby wrips whole facē off ths hw shauntaake do thē kds & shauntaake be all in their face diiidiii happy they eithaa stärt cryang scarē shaky smile or they want to off thēirself
(twita-lee-dee not so dumb) the only thang shauntaake aint master was fuckang your (filthy gutta descease hooker whore hood rats) shauntaake never fuckd onē of those they gonna be ready to kll me the day that happens these mutherfuckers out here kllang therself commitang suicide payang to kll theirself trynna prove a point these white ppl mûsic blew these stupd mutherfuckers away & it’s so sad shauntaake white police was at shauntaake pen waitang for me to do some dumb sht fuckang around wit the woman at shauntaake pen & henry woman (oh no) shantaak was gonna get klld fuckang wit henry woman
(shauntaake walks into shauntaake pen)
mutherfucker do u see shauntaake face do u see shauntaake fur do u see seee shauntaake investment’s do i lauk like shauntaake want to fuck some dead corose pussy i thank not shauntaake thē continued mutherfuckang story now u nee to make anuthaa mutherfuckang album hw the devil/shauntaake outsmart u but shauntake soul was fuckang shauntake white devil gargantuan dickbwas in all of shantaakē mystery white woman that lauk like real barbie dolls & u know hu
shauntaake madē (shauntaake twita lee do) to but nôw shauntaake in voodoo woman/man forrm now shauntaake the largest white dick u ever saw on shauntaake head shauntaake haunt the devil long natural rainbow hair wit the whitest teeth savagē lion fox wolf kller type bite uh hu shauntaake white dick stay in shauntaake white woman shauntaake knw shauntaake gave the deadliest doll baby year again when shauntaake nw häunt white kds ccccccccccame they alll came laukang exactly the same like shauntaake twins posang like shauntaake baby phauts the years (2011 - 2018) shauntaake all ôf the piece’s of the devil/shauntaäke all of the devil/shauntaake descses
shauntaake took the cake shäuntaake allllllll of those face’s allllll in one person shauntaakē am thē pretty chop up white girl n the snow shauntaake see shauntaake madness warry ass always also brangs the wôrst snow stormsssssssssssss all of shauntaake life
shauntaake say fuck u alll shauntaake world aint kllang me shauntaake am the lunatic physcho murderer kller on the loose all day everyday but shauntaake let shauntaake soul be all of that  & now shauntaake soul makang shauntaake art showang u hw shauntaake a savage ass murderer shauntaake choosang to let u see what shantaake soul doang ẃhat shauntaakē soul doang haaaaaaaaa shauntaake make love to shauntaake lovers ntil u catch me late night wit one of rich whores shauntaakē let ppl be shauntaake bads shauntaake let them do all of shauntaake mastered bad stuff shauntaake wont be klld for beang physcho shauntaake ha shauntaake soul aint gonna get n trouble shauntaake outsmart u again
(twita-lee-dee) lab rat  (twita-lee-dee) a scientist fuckang one of hs experiments (slves) shauntaake loooovvvvvvvvvve science..
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shauntaake baby was a reäl lil moster shauntaake made a shauntaake sk sphinx of shauntaake baby laûghang yelläng cryang laukang like shauntaake doll baby crasy wide smile all in one
shauntaake smile & lauk drove shauntaake racist whites crasy & shauntaake white’s n the comments sayang they remember shauntaake baby laukang like ths & these shauntaake face’s made made them obssess & merge wit shauntaake & shauntaake family like shauntaake white teachers (shauntaake chucky eye) shauntaake also came the voodoo doll baby
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hole violet
shauntaake white’s / shauntaake love courtney love these was our crasy late 90′s era when kurk kobain kll hsself it was devastatang to the nw rock n roll world shauntaake stll play shauntaake nirvana album teenage spirit was the first song shauntaake ever heard of nirvana shauntaake the box channel days our apartment in irvington shauntaake natural soul horror ass shauntaake trynna be good 
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shauntaake / jasmin just put nw flowersssssss in the house shauntaake legitimate kds automatic know shauntaake masters & they give  shauntaake shauntaakē hstory shauntaake daughters jasmin & janyah mahagony been livang surround around shauntaake relatonship & business treasure’s & wealth alllllll of jasmin & janyah mahagony life now u see shauntaake won the soul say’s it all shauntaake just start collectang allll of ths shauntaake merge hstory shauntaake just collect ths phaut today those flowers are a month old now shauntaake became a member of the great pussy team shauntaake never sold a record in shauntaake life & shauntaake never had a real job cause thē jealous don offer me thi job opportunity’s shuntaake stll became a self madevmillionaire witout your jobs shauntaake recieve shauntaake first custom made tailor made mink when shauntaake was 16 years old (straight out of virginity) shauntaake whites statue of liberty queen shauntaake & place shauntaake on their pedistals whites raise their daughter’s to be real beauty queens & (real queens) & if they chose to be in their white woman whore professons their usually rich mansoned white whores in their rich white whore circle’s all in their own mansonsssssss & their not celebrity’s their just sellang white pussy & that is what u call pusssssy powwwwwwer haaaa and that’s the (fact’s of life) watch the movie (cheri) honest men give u everythang ignorant niggers are jealous of me shauntaakē thank its cause shauntaakē lauk like thē original white’s the original smart intelligent blaks knw to give to the devil/shauntaake anuthaa beauty queen barbe bitch shauntaake that’s also one of the greatest creative smart & intelligent the devil/shauntaake world white woman it’s about 1 million of our makes shauntaake stll a no platic surgery beauty everythang real & stll original shauntaake
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shauntaake want to date & prance shauntaake christian bales around now (american physcho) shauntaake know we’ll lauk great togethaa & be great partners runnang our merged worlds togethaa
shauntaake see hw these dead ignorant niggers a destroy the most beautiful woman for garbadg bitches bitches that aint worth sht blak & nasty smut bak hoes that been pass around to everybode those the type of woman these slve niggers prase the dirtiest laukang bitches shauntaake sick of these slve niggers that why shauntaake wll never let u dead done niggers touch me
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shauntaake tellang u mutherfuckers to stop tryna fake me cause shauntaake soul love the way shauntaake lauks & shauntaake soul happy wit beang shauntaake self shauntaake soul aint confuse shauntaake soul know shauntaake shauntaake & shauntakē soul in love wit shauntaake doll bäby lauks shauntaake baby phauts & shauntaake now phauts shauntaaké soul so satisfy & please wit the way shauntaäkē lauk & shauntaak keep tellang hollywood & u major musiciäns thät everytimē u use the devil war hstory from shauntaake pen walls your masterd movies & album covers automatically comes right bak to shauntaake hands everytime so that means shauntaake the devil that exactly what it means shauntaake the devil & u keep trynna steal from shauntaake hstory walls u mock me like your the devil & that clash's wit shauntakē truth it only 1 devil/shauntaake & it wll forever only be 1 devil/shauntaakē so listen a couple of hours ago shauntake was playang wit shauntaakē first set of sk sphinx u know shauntaake sun moons & stars & shauntaakē eye lips & muffins & shauntaake put them bak n their bag shauntaake have thém in & fold the bag bak up & why when shauntaake lauk to the right & then lauk to the left of thé bag shauntaake uthaa soul the sun land on a seän taylor head ooooh no so your téllang me éverybody suppose to die cause of your interferences in real hstory shauntaakē year when it was shauntaake turn to do shauntaake self in your major industry some of u chose to do a sean täylor twins & that took from shauntaake glory & shauntaake excellencē shauntaake came ready to make shauntaake music & shauntaake doll baby’s shauntaake & shauntaake thängs & shauntaake soul see hw u let sean taylor lauks connect to lies cause shauntaäke had money sean taylor all 3 years shauntaakē relatonship u sold so many lies to the world that try to dscredit shauntaake care shauntaakē was sean taylor real investment woman as shauntaake keép showang u & as u could see shauntaake keep showang u shauntaake wealth so listen ths ẃhat shauntaake see it a tin man beaver scratchäng out sean taylor eye's nderneath the sun & the beaver try to amor itself from th sun landang on sean tylor oh hell no & the sun rebirth itself to the right that lauk like george washington wrap up like a nw born baby & then shauntaake soul saw shauntaake white richie rich son that läuk like a shauntaake & a older shaunt well dress wit hs thick straight curly hair & shauntaäke/son actang like thē fox/rat holdang somethng that ready wrip u to shreds ths what they shoẃ u n the twilight zonē hw u lettang sean taylib interferre n shauntaak hstory the sun was the bomb mutherfuckers o hell no shauntaakē world aint goang down cause of your lies it these ignorant niggers fault cause sean taylor aint give nobody sht your lies clashang wit shauntaake truths & shauntaake world want fake seän taylor’s & nates dead & shauntaake only want shauntaake masters connect to shauntaakē  
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shauntaake really the (world) war & jasmin was goang out to dinner wit her frends the uthaa day & jasmin want shauntaake to part her hair in sectons so jasmin start showang shauntaake on the mirror hw jasmin want her hair parts & why jasmin hands made shauntaakē lion jesus on the mirror jesus alive standang in front of the cross trynna touch shauntaake wit long arms like janŷah mahagony wit two faces like janyah mahagony zodiak sign gemini two face’s ths sht crasy cause shauntaake/sun soul want to kll u all now shauntaake have to be a extra nurturer right now to shauntaake beautiful gorgeous self like shauntaake been doang shauntaake soul shauntaakē pen thangs drool over shauntaake shauntaake/soul in love wit shauntaake self shauntaake camē to enrich shauntaake shauntaake into racist white woman shauntaake want to show u wack niggers hw u wll never get to date shauntaake real wives
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shauntaake finally nderstang that shauntaake the most powerful person in the word & whites hate that one person coud end it all ths why shauntake whites pre built a bombd world wit bombs set everywhere nderground everywhere n the world to show us theîr as powerful as the devil/shauntaake  power & the goverment coud bomb it alll at once like shauntaake/sun/moon shauntaake whites only happy & please cause shauntaake came their face nose body & lauk & soul that the only reason why they aint end it yet as long as shauntaäke american pie white woman/man face shauntaake shauntaake white america happy vanessa hate me beang ghetto cause it was the end of us they move shauntaake mother nto her death shauntaake hauntangs try to kll shauntaake mother in irvington & in ths house shauntaake mother cu her finge to the bone one day n here ths why shauntaake dont argue wit shauntaake mother no more shauntaake world try to put a hit on her where one of shauntaake camel tree’s use to b at they put a doll baby statue of liberty light right there the only one around here
shauntaake camē to be praisē & honor like shauntaake statue of liberty & shauntaake masters statues
shauntaake pen hauntangs shauntaake uthaa kds they run around & play n ths house shauntaäke trynna show ū shauntaake uthaa baby’s shauntaake cat & mouse in here playang hide & seek shauntaake (aliens ) wan to play tō & shauntaake say no shauntaakē (aliens) shauntaake demandang that they stay n space shauntaake master mother/fathaa & shauntaake/soul/hauntangs leave’s wit shauntaake everywhere shauntaake go when shauntaake leavē ths house shauntaake   shauntaake soul/bag shauntaake sweater was lickang it rollang stones tounge at ppl at the pen shauntaake baby shauntaake tounge from shauntaake haunt apartment (shauntaake secret’s)
shauntaakē have anuthaa one of the deadliest attacks nature shauntaakē daughtaas jasmin & janyah mahagony & shauntaake mother around here livang shauntaake hollywood masters the birds they swoop down on them & they could see shauntaakē art lay out from thē window & they start goang crasy admîrang shauntaakē patio days it be like 5 different types of exotic birds sittang in the lil tree steerang at shauntaake & shauntaake bracelets everyday & it they be makang flirtang noices exotic birds from allll over world come to ths house shauntaake eagle’s also follow shauntaake one of shauntaakē eagles was at jasmin & janyah mahagony school ivy hill anuthaa one of shauntaakē eagle’s was hangang on a lil abandon shed across the street from shauntaake grandma house when shauntaake came to spend time wit her one weekend & shauntaake eagle was hangang from the shed like it want to pull it dôwn  
shauntaake soul happy wit beang everyone the devil came from the devil/shauntaake past space devil horns a monster the devil descises the devil first human self & create all woman & men & then the devil came bak  tut & tryyyyyy to build a world a treasure we all know that story & now the devil/shauntaake everythang the devil was in the devil past life a million years of hstory a life u ppl never experiencē or saw wit own two ye’s u get o travel to see the ruins shauntaake & shauntaake whites we been warrang forever shauntaake trynna equal ppl u now shauntaakē respect your power now shauntaake see shauntaakē power was a lil to much for u makang shauntaake sphinx soul’s come alive
shauntaake  ĉonnectons that’s when u’ve reachd masterd king queen  level when the great thangs of the world naturally gravitate to u & attract to u the bēauty’s of thē world like the symbol of freedom eagles & shauntaake let out the heavîest rainbows ū ever saw shauntaake see shauntaake whites want the devil world & thē devil thangs all of thē most murderous vscous savage births & thangs murderer ppl they worst war to be as savage as thē devil/shauntaake shauntaake & shauntaake masterd white share shauntaake world power
shauntaakē / the eclipse was shauntaake the devil souls/sphinx gift to the world shauntaake sphinx want u knôw what it feel’s like to live in perminent darkness shauntaake sphinx happy & please now wit shauntaake lauk & shauntaake art shauntaake mess aint a mess no more shauntaake am all of shauntaake plants shauntaake grrom shauntaak self well & shauntaake soul overly happy & panics at the sight of descease now & shauntaakē haunts one of the nastiest hauntangs i ever saw shauntaakē baby & kd bloody soary dayssssssssssssss & shauntaake hauntang heal now cause of shauntaake healang shauntaake self shauntaake heavy ass cleanang hands & shauntaake emmacilantcy yesterday shauntaake was doang dishes & jasmin bowl drop n the sink yesterday & it fell in the bleachy sudds & it made shauntaake sparkly clean rabbit hangang on the sink laukang bak at a used fork panicang thankang shauntaake was gonna eat off of it now u gotta deal wit squeeky clean devil/shauntaake we live hell n earth wit shauntaake crash ländang that over now shauntaake soul does’nt like it’s mess no more shauntaaké soul loves shauntaake beang pretty woman/man clean & fabulous & shauntaake art treasure’s the deadlest sick also gonna be the end of the world trynna touch me all hell gonna break loose keep them where they suppose to be at shauntaak soul panicang over saliva so hw to thank shauntaake soul gonna feel about someone wit (a) now u see shauntaake heavily protect shauntaake self when shauntaäke was datang
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shauntaake beang force to nurture shauntaake/soul/halloween origīnal core that really a mummy it connect to shauntaake large pillow & it layang wit it eye’s & head bifocal on shauntaake/our sk sphinx piece’s shauntaake shauntaake whites doll baby maker seman shauntaake see all of te worst murderers michael myers jason & freddy was all of the devil mummy’s that camē bak to kll everyboy the walkang ghost u see hw shauntaake able to let out shauntaake twin the devil shauntaake michael myers ghost & that soul wll really put a hit on somebody shauntaake wäs watchng shauntaake nightmare on (el)m street freddy francise last night & the devil/shauntaake natural powers & hauntangs came bak to give death to them allll of the white blood that had somethang to do wit murdererang king tut treasure’s & the whitē man phycologist start speakang of tutikan king tut/shauntaake ghost hauntangs came bak to kll them freddy was thē burn down
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shauntaake try shuntaake hardest to switch it up & bē a variety of shauntaake cause when shauntaake get heavy into shauntaake wealthy woman lauk when shauntaake money right & shauntaake could dress like hw shauntaake want & move around like shauntaake wants hauntaake soul gave the world hell shauntaake apologise they hate shauntaake laukang likē a wealthy woman cause shauntaake lauk like the original white murderer bitches the basîc instincts sharon stone baker street boys ct woman & witches of eastwick scarface michele phiffer & it be kll a nigger season lois chiles creep show 2 show u hw shauntaakē was naturally comang & that the life shauntaake lived it sean taylor they klld my fathaa befor shauntaake prime time cus they knw what was up so shauntaake try to cool when shauntaake not in shauntaake rich suburb surroundangs were it’s safe to lauk like that or shantaake stay at the house & takē phauts of shauntaake self cause these mutherfuckers out here volchure’s shauntaake always tell ppl wit some serious money to let shauntaakē out on these looser’s sean taylor let shauntaakē/teenager/woman out on looser’s & shauntaake circe snatch up took over everythang up around these parts shauntaäke heavy white woman walk wit some heels on to knôw that it was murder season around these parts 
shauntaake tierd of repeatang shauntaake self shauntaake came to make shauntaake kds wit wealthy white woman the original white woman u see shauntaake prtect shauntaake self shauntaake came shauntaake own plan chants dont even knw shantaakē was sang her to cause the minnute shauntaake got n the major white ẃoman circle shauntaake was gone 
shauntaake / whle yo’s on that dumb got burnt sht shauntaake plan to be lay up wit shauntaake perfect healthy white doll baby’s livang shauntaake perfect happy life gettan all œf shauntaake connectons & praises
shauntaake / know that anybody coud put a ring on your finger & then u say what else shauntaake live shauntaake millionaires life for 3 years straight that a lotteryaaaaaaa of days & nights shauntaake did a laut of rich bitch fuckery sht always shauntaak was drvang a brand nw mercedes everyday wit ä permit 
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shauntaake gonna say ths for the millionth time shauntaake dont want nobdy’s niggers now please leave shauntaake the fuck alone shauntaake white womn pornang shauntaake no blaks do u bitches shauntaake great shauntaake laukang for a certain type of lauk but shauntaake wlldate shauntaake hand full of wealthy blak woman of shauntaake choice & shäuntaake hälle berry vanessa williams misa june ambrose queen latifah jada pinkett angela basset your shauntaake choice of color white woman shauntaake uthaa mommy’s we made a laut of merged hstory togethaa shauntaake owe u shauntaake manifest as well cause shauntaake white took shauntaake whole soul shauntaake showang u led zeppelin  jim morrison resurrect shauntaake birth bak t ths earth so shauntaake soul’s automatic go back to shauntaake whites shauntaake plannang the ultimate master plan for all of us shauntaake wll dictate shauntaake & shauntaake wives lives togethaa shauntaake have shauntaake œwn thang goang on as u could see shaūntaake blogs
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shauntaake was jasmin iphone yesterday scrollang instagram & their friend nashauna is suppose to b charged wit murder & the article say’s their trynna give her 80 years fôr speedang in a car wit their uthaa frends on route (22) ths is teribble & shauntaake nee to be anuthaa parent in her life to help her fight ths case ths crasy nashauna comes from wealthy investment parents a good kd from what shauntaake seen so far & heard abou her shauntaake nee nashauna to have the fairest case in nashauna defense  
shauntaake / it a bunch of story’s circulatang around shauntaake try to stay out of uthaa ppl business ths shauntaake daughtaa’s friend so shauntaake have to say somethang & would be the one that spell’s the only real truth out of everyone shauntaake cryang right now shauntaake baby’ssss shauntaake so sorry your goang thru ths right now
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shauntaak / u stupd hoes sean taylor was the only chance of u gettang shauntaake gôang crasy over a man it over now shauntaake not into men no more shauntaake could watch these niggers fuck u n the ass & shauntaake wont give a fuck shauntaake might say rewind it bak lauk at u u a wack bitch u bitches must want to get mysterously murdererd playang wit shauntaakē thank sht sweet 
shauntaakē always read hw u dumb niggers want to do thangs & hw u thank thangs should go & it bullsht ignorant nigger sht tht gonna get u klld for fuckang wit shaūntaaké ẃhite ass soul that livē proper alllllll of shauntaake lifē that all shäuntaake know is proper livang 
shauntaake / u blacks your ignorance get’s u klld cause shauntaake hate u stupd ignorant mutherfuckers so u mutherfuckers nee to read a white hstoric book about the real world wars royals proper edicate & hw your suppose to act & be or go bak to school & learn hw to be a proper human beang u blaks your done ū are some of the most ignorant plottang plannang & sceamang to do sht that nobody cares about why even waist your time
shauntaake no longer īnterest n datang rihanna or jay z wife shauntaake wont bē blaim for their dēaths i dont hate but they dat ppl that lauk like ppl shauntaake dont like ýour circle of ppl wll make shauntaake veryyyyyyyy violent & that all shaūntaake gonna say beyoncē got her turn that night at the 4040 to holla & ths also apply’s to woman from shgantaake pas we had fun but hanrtaake not interes n rekīndelang our relatonship’s shauntaake gave u your turns wit shauntaake already havé a nivc lifē without shauntaake shauntaake wish u the best life but please forget shaunaake shauntaake aint no good for u 
shauntaake a white italîan columbian american that the lifestyle shauntaake eat rest & breath every day alllll day since shauntaake birth
shauntaake / ppl goang off n the comments cause they thank shauntaake don’t want to date u woman cause u might have desceses shauntaake know shauntaake read that all day everyday shauntaake just over ppl that ain’t sweat shauntaake cause shauntaake the sht shauntaake first holla bitch don’t run to shauntaake rescue your a done bitch so please leave shauntaake alone shauntaake seekang one wealthy white woman that will never date a black & shauntaake promise u one month of a good connecton shauntaake wll marry u so we could instantly start our family shauntaake dont dœ desperate but shauntaake been plannang shauntaake plan since the years 2011 - 2012 it’s written
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shauntaake on about shauntaake 12th chapter īn shauntaakē life right now & every nw chapter of shauntaake life shauntaake try to collect shauntaake fortunes & make the greatest management shauntaake pen lee men donald gave shauntaake pearls shauntaake keep shauntaake phauts pearl’d up
shauntaake made a fortune wit sean taylor 
shauntaake makang shauntaake treasure’s wit jasmin & janyah mahagony right nôw 
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shauntaake / henry let shauntaake collect shauntaake treasures shauntaake gt sauntaake & henry into shauntaakē haunt apartment they could of gavé hm anypartment n the area cause when henry personally sk shauntaake to move n wit hm & shauntaake ask henry where was thē apartment at & henry say he did’nt know yet cause they were stll laukang for a apartment & 3 days latta shauntaake & hēnry was in shauntaake haunt apartment that shauntaake never knw about ntil shauntaake move into it & notice shauntaake uthaa piece’s of shauntaake soul aftaa 2 monthss 
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shauntaake / Sean taylor put out a hit on niggers n Irvington to come & take shauntaake away from everybody shauntaake & Sean Taylor Also Paul like identical twins shauntaake also lauk like the girl version of Sean Taylor our Phauts lauk identical Sean Taylor use to analyse shauntaake from head to toe & use to go crazy like your Sean Taylor baby Sean Taylor took shauntaake straight Sean Taylor grandma Roberta house when we first met & Roberta Taylor lauk at shauntaake the same way & they was all about shauntaake care as well & shauntaake beang tooken care of u know they was claiming Sean Taylor Vanessa son Sean Taylor was doang shauntaake since shauntaake birth shauntaake watching all of these black movies & Sean taylor was selling hs money to shauntaake shauntaake be laughang cause shauntaake & Sean Taylor match births & she be laughang cause their not gonna be allow around shsuntaake white Kids they did’nt invest into shauntaake future & fertility shauntaake white only allow to be wit their white family ths why there’s niggers came hating on me cause they saw he shauntaake doll baby’s came out & they was scare shauntaake was gonna take their woman & their business’s like Sean Taylor start doang them wit shauntaake shauntaake always white woman/man face & nose but shauntaake Sean Taylor face come out Nate wife was sellang Sean Taylor to shauntaake she move in back to the Stanley in jersey city Stanley Sean Taylor fathaa name she was trynna stash shauntaake away like she was shauntaake mother u see hw shauntaake world connect her wit shauntaake technology Sean Taylor was happy beang the devil/shauntaake twin shauntaake meetangs wit the deadliest men & woman the Columbians Dominicans & Italians start getting us everythang they fell in love wit shauntaake shauntaake was Sean Taylor greatest bait to prance around & handle business  
shauntaake aint got sht to shw for wit chants
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shauntaake also the ghost in shauntaake absolute liquor bottle shauntaake the statue of liberrty baby & past hstory shauntaake woman laukang across the shore while shauntaak r kelly body’s callang rdang in a blak mercedes to the shore to meet a ẃomän on the beach waîtang for shauntaake shauntaake statue eye kd 40% mssang smile part shauntaakedevil/turtle 
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shauntaake wll manage shauntaake white wives on shauntaake own shauntaake ownership shauntaake love shauntaake hollywood mergers
shauntaake a custom made creater shauntaake gonna always be custom makang shauntaake & shauntaake wives u ppl are not allow to manage shauntaake wives your input a interference shauntaake could do shauntaake self get’s shauntaake hollywood movie mergers shauntaake story’s & shauntaake lauks shauntaake make shauntaake self perfect
shauntaake not into men no more sorry men shauntaake not interest in datang u shauntaake actually into white men now please don’t end shauntaake world hw our fuckery gonna happen shauntaake seek shauntaake rich whites cause shauntaake would rathaa not deal wit shauntaake past shauntaake want to show u hw shauntaake star shauntaake self shauntaake came to make shauntaake by shauntaake self shauntaake whites could eat shauntaake
shauntaake a mutherfucksng murderer soul & connect shauntaake world read hw shauntaake took a whole jar of advil’s within a couple of hours & shauntaake was taking 4 advil’s at one time that could of kale me your only suppose to take two pills every 4 hours apart & advil create a nw giant advil pill that’s extra strong & last for 24 hours now u see shauntaake performance gets us what we need one giant advil did shauntaake right shauntaake need shauntaake nw potential dates to know u are just shauntaake dates your not shauntaake wives shauntaake prefer to keep shauntaake two lives separate shauntaake wives wll never be your hang out girlfriends shauntaake sorry but u can’t come home wit shauntaake u could purchase us anuthaa apartment somewhere so we could be togethaa but shauntaake will be on permanent house duty shauntaake impregnantang shauntaake wit shauntaake chosen white seman were goang straight to the doctor shauntaake bet & tina l word style men stay the fuck away bet was not playng wit u men exactly shauntaake mystery white woman 
shauntaake in here cracking up laughang at shauntaake soul shauntaake art listen decades ago one night shauntaake was in here passed out from one of shsuntaake many drunken party nights in manhattan new york city & we had one lil mice romang thru the house & that night it decided it want to bite me nder shauntaake tit whle shsuntaake was passed out cold & now why shauntaake haunts shauntaake soul’s vcsous rabbitts bears they be running down on the mice & be feeding them to shauntaake to show them what it feels like to be eaten the mouse ain’t know shauntaake also the rat & shauntaake murderers shauntaake whole life
shauntaake in here cracking up laughang & shsuntaake whites are to shauntaake told u those government system murder the cats online like nooooooooo & oooowwwwwww these see a skin cat on the lil telephone & the catssssss pitchang a bitch on tik tok now u see why shauntaake have to master shauntaake own thangs
shäuntaake ppl pr always mad sayang they hat the shauntaake almost off shauntaake stork wit donah shauntaäke know never again she dont know hw shauntaakē really come out she aint get shauntaake
shauntaake keeeeeeep telling these bitches to do them cause shauntaake came to do shauntaake in every situation & experience shauntaake get shauntaake not even in the game right now shauntaake not even playang shauntaake money ain’t tight it gonna be a whole nuthaa blog when shauntaake money right no more phauts of shauntaake in shauntaake haunt house u gonna see shauntaake hands in me white pussy somewhere ha shauntaake the rawest ruddest u have no idea hw shauntaake comang shauntaake rathaa show u than tell u shauntaake something nw everyday wit shauntaake wives don’t be mad when shauntaake line up shauntaake white stork as long as shauntaake have blood & semen shauntaake in business they got they bitches online now linang their kds up your makes cute shauntaake gonna fuck u up wit shauntaake millions of shauntaake masters ownership makes shauntaake dna shauntaake soul it wll take u a million years to build shauntaake automatic haunt soul
shauntaake nee jay z wife & hs wooman pr to leave shauntaakē alone please shauntaake dont know those ppl  do not have to connect us shauntaake just a fan of yur music your not shauntaake lovers u dont owe shauntaake anythang shauntaake dont want u to owe me anythang that u dont owe me 
shauntaake / these comments why these bitches beat shauntaake dont give a fuck about yo niggers they aint shauntaake niggers shauntaake startang to hate the internet  their constant comments puttang me in uthaa ppl business that shauntaake dont even know personally then all of these strrangers aways trynna ac what shauntaake say like shauntaake talkang to them ths why shauntaake go away & mind shauntaake business & let u be beat please keep shauntaake out yo sht shauntaake ignorethe sht out ôf your nigger dumb sht go find somebody else to bother your pr bothers shauntaake shauntaake happy & chllang seekang shauntaake racist white wives that what shauntaake seekang some wealthy white young bitches that could stll have kds shauntaake a kelly taylr von che & dion type of white bitch shauntaake dont see thse nowhere online do yall shauntaake happy for u just leave shauntaake alone shauntaake’s go away & live our lives not thankang about none of u we go away get marry & have kdsssss livang our happy life shauntaake hate these ppl & their nonsense shauntaake dont give two sht’s about 
shauntaake only long dick sean taylor u uthaa niggers u dont exist in shauntaake world dont nobdy care about the rest of u niggers latch onto your oẃn bitches aint nobody jealous they want u to stop attachang youself to shauntaake cause your not shauntaakes okay do u i hope your nderstandang what your readang okay now move on wit life wit hu ever u want the men shauntaake use to date u see shauntaake aint let u date shauntaake hoes at that time when they was shauntaake hôes 2004 -2008 u niggers had to mind yo business do u wit your own hoes 
shäuntaake wll never marry none of u industry woman knowwwwwwwww that but we could date shauntaake givang u the ultimate opportunity to say u date the devil/shauntaake u see shauntaake automatic masters shauntaake world documents shauntaake dates & shauntaake lovers & were always ready for shauntaake n experience’s shauntaake wôrld got stuck for a minute cause shauntaake hav’nt been mäkng no moves & have’nt been datang shauntaake world devil worshippers they wll forever be loyal to shauntaake shauntaakē cam the devil & it was final shauntaake trynna give u that shauntaake vet opportunity shauntaake really one of the greatest real actors that’s why hollywood was so fuckang crasy about shauntaake baby & kd shauntaake natural actang priceless shantaake the collest rawest spasser out on everybody in public like a racist white mutherfucker ha shauntaake all of shauntaake life & goang out into shauntaake world cause shauntaake the ultimate experience naturally (the miserables) say they want to be apart of shauntaake family why shauntaake ain’t gonna be around u can’t take me home wit u aftaa hangang why do u want to bother me when shauntaake don’t care about u do y’all u ain’t gotta family me u ppl never been around serial killers & if u really knw shauntaake u would leave shauntaake the fuck alone u don’t know shauntaake shauntaake hauntangs shauntaake actons emotons & performances shauntaake thank shauntaake explain in great detail the life shauntaake live deallang it some of the most dangerous business ppl from new york city columbians & dominicans & itallians our secret life togethaa made shauntaake serial shantaake dont like ppl shauntaake dont know trynnna be in shauntaake busīness
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shauntaake & sean taylor became one of shauntaake terrible haunt mergers shauntaake & sean taylor soul stll erge togethaaaftaa hs death & shauntaak also a lil girl wit one eye makang a huse roof on shauntaake haunt house wooden floors clingang to shauntaak art bags shauntaake our treasure’s hollywood transformers made shauntaake & sen taylor merger megatron runnang around wit a half of a head the livang part of shauntaake keeps sean taylor dead body alive clingang to shauntaake& shauntaake injury’s haunt shauntaake & they are terrible shauntaake gruesomē injury’s connec shauntaake bak to the moon (the vson of somethang that got murdererd) shauntaake & sean taylor masters mergers doang ths & shauntaake & sean taylor blood mergersshauntaake & sean taylor birth kds jasmin & janyah mahagony ths why shauntaake took a million solo phauts of shauntaake self to overpower shauntaake real made soul mergers (shauntaake eye’s) saw sean taylor layang on hs death bed in the hospital wit one shot eye sean taylor was also obssess wit shauntaake
shauntaake nable also send shauntaak & everythang bak to shauntaake moon when shauntaake soul wants to connect bak to shauntaake moon & shauntaak whole world surround around  shauntaake u’ll be in one of shauntaakē soul connecton momments
shauntaake was so obssess wit shauntaake sean taylor alwayssssssss use to lean ôver to shauntaake kissang all on shauntaake & sean taylor favorite rap line was (mase - if i die now my love wll stll haunt u) 
shauntaake hantangs are all apart of the devil/shauntaake show aftaa u sell your soul to shauntaake & shauntaake have the power & gift to merge our soul’s togethaa & shauntaake get to show u hw shauntaake & u come out 
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shauntaake the most powerful & dangerous connecton in the world shauntaake exotic birds found all of these thangs on the street & made a somethang that lauk like a stary bomb shauntaake soul also (star wars) & shauntaake took that out the tree & put a lil piece of shauntaake white fox fur tie wit some of shauntaake red & navy blue italian silk threat to make a lil ribbon & shauntaake tie it in the lil tree & allllllll of shauntaake lil exotic birds admire what shauntaake create for them & why that piece of the lil tree fell & broke off when it snow the last time shauntaake lil attackers shauntaake come out the house yellang at shauntaake exotic birds shauntaake rabbit birds when they swoop down on jasmin jänyah mahagony & shauntaake mother shauntaake alo always in space know that
shauntaake white fox fur birds white blak & gray & shauntaake rabbit birds (lift their butts up & it a rabbit on their feathers)
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rbc apartment insurance quote
"rbc apartment insurance quote
rbc apartment insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?
Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?
Teen car insurance??
Im a 16 year old male looking for insurance. My gpa is 3.2 and play 2 sports. I was wondering how much it would run me to have insurance in California for a 67 mustang coupe?? And in comparison to a 2002 audi a4?
What's wrong with affordable health insurance without a middle man?
We have affordable car insurance and the gov't doesn't get involved in that, do they? Am I the only one who thinks a few of these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be regulated?""
What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy?
I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy?
What are the best alternatives to Humana One for an individual?
I am a college graduate and my parents helped me with Humana One bills. I am about to work at my first post-college job but unfortunately they don't provide health insurance for part-timers. I am interested in more affordable but quality alternatives to Humana One especially for someone in his 20s. My alumni association mailed me info about GradMed but it is only a temporary solution and doesn't cover pre-existing conditions.
Car Insurance Question?
If i have a fully comp insurance policy in my name, can i drive any car on the road, with no limitations ie. engine size, make, model, and does the car which im hoping to drive need to be insured by someone else, or not, thanks in advance""
Insurance For a 1968 Ford Falcon?
Can anyone give me a serious quote of what the insurance would be for 16 year old driver on a 1968 Ford Falcon. Also what would be the quote for a 48 year old driver in Northeastern, Ohio.""
Insurance pays for Impound fee's help?
Here is my situation. I was driving from school and a crazy driver made me avoid him almost hitting me causing me to crash into a parked car on the curb, the guy recklessly driving left the scene and i got stuck with all the blame. I'm a teenager 17 years old i have no license nor permit but i was responsible enough to get myself insured in the car full coverage i had to find ways to get from school to home and from home to work. Well my car got impounded and now i'm stuck with a hefty ticket for 1) making an unsafe move 2) Driving without a license and my dad got a ticket for letting me drive without a license. The car is totaled from the right side of the front and it's a Toyota Celica GT-S 2004. My questions is this. Will insurance pay for the towing and impound fee's that are about to hit me? I live in California. I have full coverage on insurance and i already called them and I'm expecting a call back. I really can't afford the impound fee's and my dad is in a very heavy financial situation. I pay for the car myself and insurance which is hefty. I'm just wondering if insurance will pay for the Impound fee's and the cars damage. Thanks for your answesr.""
Is it cheaper to buy car insurance from an agent or online?
I just purchased a vehicle and I haven't had a vehicle in a while. Usually I'd get insurance from an agent in an office. I usually get a pretty good deal, but a lot of people are doing things online now for the convenience. What should I do?""
A question about car insurance.?
Do you think the insurance would be cheaper on a 2010 Scion TC (its a coupe btw), or a 2006 Acura TL?""
How much would car insurance be for me?
roughly what would i have to pay for car insurance heres some info -im 18 -car is a honda civic 2010, new -got my license at 18 -live in massachusetts""
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
Looking for car insurance?
what do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it? All a Wat insurance do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it?
How much would it cost to insure a Vw golf 1.6 - 2.0 litres for a 17 year old ? Thanks :)?
I was just wondeing because i want a Golf for my 1st car and i dont know the insurance rates etc....
Where can i go to talk about health insurance in az?
i tried to look up insurances online but im not finding what i need, or just dont understand it.. i want to know where i can walk in and ask a person face to face any questions i have.. i dont know anything about insurance""
Low cost car insurance in California?
I'm a young driver with no previous driving experience who needs low cost auto insurance coverage in California, where can I get it?""
What are the benefits of Antique Car Insurance?
Or Collectible Car Insurance, whatever you want to call it. And is it cheaper than typical insurance? (Though I doubt it)""
How will i know which insurance group my car belongs to in UK?
is there a website to find car insurance group?
Insurance payment to the Hospital.?
Hi, 4 months back, i had been to US from India nd during the stay there, i had to go to Emergency of one of the hospital 4 times. I was carrying the Insurance and the hospital claimed it against the Insurance. After I came back to India, am hearing that the Insurance has rejected the claim ( still dont knw on what basis). Since the travel was business related, my company has taken the insurance for me. Now I am trying to chase the insurance to see why the payment was rejected. Could any 1 please let me know what will be the consequences if the insurance doesnt pay it soon?? Thanks Joe""
""Insurance estimate on Integra, Mustang?""
Hey. So I am getting my first car in a couple months, and my dad said I could choose which car, but keep it in a low price range. I've always liked Integras, since I was little, and I always wanted it to be my first car, so thats in consideration. And my dad said get a mustang. I would like to know how much insurance is on each? The cars would be- Acura Integra 1996-2001 (LS, RS, SE, GS) Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Silver or black or white Roughly 150k miles Maybe 25 miles a day Would buy used around 2000$ - 4000$ Im aware its a luxury car, thus insurance being a tad more expensive How much would you think insurance would be? We have Progressive but I just want a estimate - Maybe like the average of how much people with integras pay for insurance. Mustang 2004 Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Black or silver Maybe 100k miles 25 miles/ day Used around 4000$ - 5000$ Not luxury, but its a sports car, Im guessing insurance is more expensive for it Anything will help :)""
How much does Mercury insurance cost for new teenage drivers?
my family already is on mercury (4 people)...how much more is it with mine included? (im going to have to pay for it)
How would insurance be on these cars?
first of all plz dont tell me call insurance or that im to young and dont need these cars and should get a camry. i just turned 17 and just got a job at In n Out and by my senior year in highschool which is after this summer i want to get a car and my parents would help me but everytime i ask them they say dont talk about it untill you have 2500$-_- so i was just wondering how much is insurance on these cars i have in mind, first, nissan 350z(any year) honda s2000(any year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and last a scion tc (2004-2008) the car will be under MY MOMS name and i will be put as an additional driver but not main driver or however you put it. can i just have the price ranges it doesnt have to be exact, if it help i live in califronia Orange county anaheim thanks guys""
Can I register and insure a car with a suspended license?in tampa Florida?
Can I register and insure a car with a suspended license?in tampa Florida?
Is it true that your auto insurance company considers the color of your vehicle when determining rate?
I am buying a new car, and I've heard that your insurance rates may go up or down depending on the color of your car. I've heard that a red car has higher insurance rates, while white cars are the lowest. Is that true?""
Insurance polices at work?
a friend of mine works for a local mall where i'm from. the company he worked for varsity he took out a 10,000 insurance policy left me as heir should anything happen to him. when varsity left the mall and another company took over. he and his co/workers are told the insurance policies they took out and left another as heir were only good providing varsity remained in the mall. how is it legal to charge someone for such a policy. once the varsity left the mall they were told they get nothing""
rbc apartment insurance quote
rbc apartment insurance quote
""Saving to buy a car, what do i need to know about insurance?""
so i just turned 21 and have been saving up for a car. i'm looking to purchase through the owner, not a dealer. this will be my first car purchase and i'm wondering how insurance works. do i just research different insurance companies and then call and talk to them to set things up? do i need to have purchased the car first or can it be handled beforehand without the title? just trying to get an idea before i dive in!""
Are there any Uk car insurance sites whose multiple car insurance quotes actually do work out cheaper than?
separate for each car
What would be the best liability car insurance for me?
I just turned 17, I live in Alabama. I have had liability insurance before but i was on my dads. now i want to get my own. but when i had insurance before with State Farm i had to have it turned off. Now i need to know which company with liability would be best for me. I did get one speeding ticket before when i had insurance but that was like 6 or more months ago. Now im in Drivers Ed at school so i should get the insurance discount for that. So what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me. And will there be any fees or anything form me getting it turned off before?""
Can u keep a car in a garage without it having insurance?
I'm getting a car this weekend. It is taxed but I won't be able to afford the insurance stright away, what can I do??? I'm 18 and haven't passed my driving test yet. Any help welcome, thanks""
""How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
Can someone help me with car insurance?
i am 16 years old. live in louisiana. birthday march 20th. completed drivers ed. probably going to drive a 2006 nissan sentra. and i was wondering how much my monthly insurance rate would be? if i would get it in my name? i am expecting it to be pretty expensive.
Motorcycle insurance for an 18 year old?
Realistically, how much would insurance be per year on a 600 cc sportbike for an 18 year old male with no car accidents(if that matters at all)? And what about any other costs? Thanks""
Any advice on Medical Insurance?
My husband's job has an insurance plan that will take $200 out of his paycheck EVERY OTHER WEEK. He makes about $1200.. that is $400 a month which leaves us with $800 a month to survive. We think it's ridiculous.. can anyone give us advice on any other insurance policies? Blue cross blue shield maybe.. or anything... Thanks in advance!
""If I get a license and use my parents car, will there be insurance added for having a license?""
My parents have two cars, and are paying insurance currently for said cars. If I get my drivers' license is there going to be money needed for having a drivers' license? Or is insurance only paid just for cars?""
Im looking for cheap insurance on a land rover series 3 im 17 years old where is the cheapest company?
what is the cheapest insurance company or cheapest option???
Term Life Insurance Duration?
I'm thinking about taking out a Term Life Insurance policy on my ex, for $250,000; for ten (10) years. Is there any advantage in taking out a Term Life policy for $250,000; for five (5) years? Thanking you in advance for your expert assistance in this matter.""
Whats a good health insurance that covers everything that a dermatologist does? but that isn't very expensive?
something that can cover everything in a dermatologist like accutane and blood work . i dont make a lot of money so i need one that is afordable but is good and can cover everything
Should i have to pay for my moms car insurance?
Now i am 18 and just graduated high school and i still live with my mom. She says since i have a drivers license and i live in her house her car insurance goes up and because of it she wants me to pay her like $150 every few weeks or something. Now its her car and i dont see why im having to pay anything i never hear from other people or my friends about their parents car insurance going up and them having to pay anything. So do you guys think i should have to pay for my moms car insurance or is she just making that up to bum money off me cause shes cheap like that and always wants money from me.
I was driving without proof of insurance.?
The cop pulled me over for speeding but did not cite me on that charge. He just cited me a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance in my car. I am insured and have a card to prove it. I am a minor in California. Will I have to go to court on my date or can I do it earlier? What will happen to my record? What will I have to go through? thanks
Is my health insurance tax deductible?
I worked for 4 different employers in 2012. I was a full time W2 for two and a contractual W2 for 2. When I lost my full time W2 job in January I bought my own health insurance. Then I contracted for about 8 months (W2). They offered my insurance but mine was less expensive and better coverage. Then I got a full time W2 job and opted out of their health insurance because my private coverage was better and cheaper. At what points, if any, was my health insurance tax deductible? From what I read it never was because I was always offered it by my employer.""
Can you buy a car without having to buy car insurance for it? ?
Well I'm 18 and just recently passed my test. I was just wondering if you could buy a car without buying the insurance. Some people have told me that you can buy a car but need car tax to keep it parked on the road whilst others say that you need car insurance to keep the car on public road :/? Which one is right?! Pluss I live in the UK
Will I have a surcharge on my auto insurance policy if I let the policy lapse even without a car?
At the moment I have decided to hold off on purchasing a new vehicle. My previous car was a lease, the lease expired and at the moment I do not have a car in my name. My independent insurance agent is telling me that if I do not keep up a policy at even a low rate, when I do get a car (whenever that might be) and then get a new policy I would be subject to a surcharge. For this reason we are doing something very basic to keep a policy in place. This seems really strange to me and raises a question why do I have to have car insurance if I do not have a car? Why should I get a surcharge when I do get a car at a later date? This almost seems like once you're in the auto insurance system, you cannot get out without penalties. Seems a lot like the insurance industry is trying to get everyone to pay into the system with or without a car. And if that's the case this sounds awfully like the auto insurance industry has already set precedent on the health insurance industry. What am I missing?""
Affordable DUI/SR-22 insurance in CA?
I need to get dui/sr-22 insurance in California. I was wondering if anyone knew of a affordable, reliable company i can get it from? Whats an rough estimate of costs? Thanks""
Affordable Malpractice insurance for doctors if Obama care passes?
How would that sound?
First car for teenage girl? Insurance...?
Need a car 17 year old girl 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap petrol and cheap insurance please? I also read getting the box fitted where you can drive between certain times also makes it cheaper?
What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA?
just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps
About health insurance....?
If u have 2 health insurances, whatever your primary doesn't cover, your secondary will? My primary insurance sucks, but then i have the Unions insurance as secondary.""
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
How much would I pay for car insurance?
I am a male, 24 years old (turn 25 in july), student.... what is the cheapest car insurance you think I can get?""
""I have been quoted at 683 for car insurance, is this all it will cost?""
I'm 17, male, so I was expecting expensive insurance (not fair lol!) when I put my details in all the others were quoting at around 1,800 but the first one Quinn direct quoted ...show more""
rbc apartment insurance quote
rbc apartment insurance quote
Are older cars cheaper to insure?
I'm going to be 17 soon and are looking at cars, and was wondering if older cars would be cheaper to insure than newer ones, i'm quite a fan of old skool cars.""
How much would my insurance be?
I am 16 and I want to get a car. My parents said they would buy me this car I want but I have ot pay for the insurance. We have allstate. The car is a 1999 ford mustang. Yellow Color V-6 Engine Automatic Transmission 141,207 miles on it 2 drive coup""
What is the best health insurance in california?
sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m'i gonna be covered. i've been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer's insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don't qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks""
How much will health insurance cost for a 21 year old with no preexisting conditions?
I never had to pay for health insurance (part of family benefit package) so now I'm thinking of getting one. How much will it cost? I am healthy, work in an office (not dangerous), attend university (are there student discounts?), I am athletic,,, the only health issue my family has is that my dad is diabetic (but he got it when he was around 50 so i don't think it's heritable)] How about LIFE insurance?(the ones that don't have ending period ) approximate numbers will be appreciated.. thank you""
Should I take health Insurance?
I am 30 years old and have no medical history. Should I take Medical Insurance?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm 16,I have a 2002 Camaro SS,I live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don't stalk me lol).My dad has Geico insurance.What else do you need to know?""
Car insurance?
what happens if you have liability car insurance and a guy that smashes your car hits you and he doesnt have any insurance? are you covered or are you screw ed?
How does life insurance for a baby work?
I am a teen mom. I am keeping my baby (please no rude comments, just answer the question.) I don't know how life insurance works though. And I don't know if I qualify for Medicare because my mother has a high income, but I on the other hand am not working, or making any kind of income. Please inform me on how I would get life insurance for my baby!""
""Hi all, does any 1 no where i can get multiple car insurance quotes instead of searching 1 by 1?""
i would like 2 enter my details and have multiple companies offering insurance, instead of doing it 1 by 1 does any 1 no where i can search for multiple insurance quotes thanx all""
""Returned glasses, what about insurance?""
I got glasses from lenscrafters, my insurance company paid $194 and I paid $130 for the glasses. I kept getting headache after using these glasses so I returned them back to Lenscrafters. They paid my $130 but I would like to know what will happen to $194 that my insurance company paid to lenscrafters. When I asked lenscrafters they asked me to inform insurance company to revoke the transaction but I see that my insurance company has already paid them. Please let me know my next steps here.""
Should I get mortgage life and disability insurance?
I just bought a house on my own and the bank is asking me if I want to get mortgage life and disability insurance. I've got life insurance through work (plus separate life insurance on my own) and disability insurance through work which is at 75% of my pay after 4 months. The mortgage and disability insurance is $47/ month. Do most people get additional insurance on the mortgage? I don't have any kids, husband, parents or siblings living in the same country (they're in Europe).""
Insurance career in Life and auto?
I am currently work as New York Life agent. And I just got my P C license to sell auto insurance. I am thinking about working with NYL and auto insurance agency. Should I have to cancel NYL contract and work as noncontracted agent. I know I have to loose all my benefit such as 401K-health insurance. But now it is hard to find business in Life only. That is why I want to work with both. But I have to open my own office (more expsense), will not get paid in NYL, etc. Is it a great move at all? Your advice will help me to make decision. Thank you""
Do I really have to disclose everything for a life insurance quote?
My wife has a family history of cancer which is causing my life insurance quote to change from $100 a month to $300. Do I really need to disclose this info to the companies, or should I not tell them as they would need permission anyway to check history and doctors records???""
Can car insurance not pay?
I was recently visiting a friend at his apartment. We heard sirens and looked out---and saw a car on fire next to my motorcycle. The car was totalled as was my motorcyle and another car had damage. The car on fire----his insurance won't pay---they say it was a mechanical failure---and they don't have to pay.
How much would the insurance cost on a 2002 Lamborghini Murcielago VT ?
full coverage
Car insurance companies?
Are there any car insurance companies which don't appear on comparison websites that are cheap and competetive? In the UK. Thanks
Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?
i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...
How much can I expect to pay for a dented car door?
Actually, an off-duty police office hit my 2000 Dodge Stratus with his 2002 GMC Sierra while turning into a parking spot. The rear passenger door has a fairly large (about one foot in length and about a half inch at its deepest point) dent. The paint (I'm assuming) has a large crack running under the dent. The scratch from the impact starts at the bottom left of my rear bumper, and continues on the bottom left side of my car before the door starts, and continues to halfway through to the other side. The paint isn't scratched too deeply, and could probably be fixed up without too much work. His insurance is paying for it all; but they're going to give me a check based on an estimate - I'm just trying to figure out, going into it, what kind of estimate I can expect so I don't get taken advantage of. Thanks! (Fast response of the Best Answer!)""
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
Starting an insurance company in illinois?
So how would you do this and about how much would it cost? People were saying that it costs millions and millions of dollars. But if it costs that much then how would anybody ever be able to start one? Is it a good idea to start an insurance company or do you think that it probably would not be a success? Also, what is the difference between an insurance comany and an agency. do make a lot of money if you start an insurance agency?""
I`ve just passed my driving test at the age of 25 anyone know of any cheap car insurers?
I`ve just been given a suzuki swift, anyone know of any cheap insurance companies, as i`ve been quoted some stupid prices.""
How much does it cost to insure a 17 yr old on an audi a3?
on a used 1.6 audi a3, how much does it cost (in the region of) to insure a 17 yr old if you don t have them as the named owner but a user?""
""When getting car insurance in Georgia, should I lie about dui's or be honest?""
I have 2 dui's from Georgia within 10 years. I just reinstated my license and need liablity coverage. Should I lie about my driving record just to get insurance, or be upfront right away? Do insurance companies check your driving record right away?""
Why Do I Pay More For Health Insurance Now?
I'm a recent graduate, female, non-smoker with a healthy weight and eating/fitness habits. I'm not rich by any means, but my health insurance rates have gone up a lot since ...show more""
rbc apartment insurance quote
rbc apartment insurance quote
Help! Will the insurance company pay for my totaled car?
My daughter who is 19 has full coverage on her car which is in the shop being repaired for hail damage. She cannot rent a car because of her age, so she has used my car for about a month. My car has liability only. She was recently in a car accident with my car. Another car caused the accident which caused her to side swipe another car and then she hit a pole. The car that caused the accident sped off. Nobody got the license plate number of that car. Should my insurance pay for my totaled car since her car was in the shop? Luckily no one was hurt.""
Can you sue an Insurance company...?
If the policy holder's maximum coverage, has been reached..... For example, if someone died as a result of an accident. The other driver was at fault but has not assets, can the family of the victim sue the Insurance Company of the other driver, for more than their max coverage. Like a wrongful death lawsuit for 1million dollars, is the insurance company still liable?""
Driving Friends' cars with no insurance?
I have no insurance, but if it is true that insurance covers the car, not the driver, would I be safe driving my friends' cars with their permission, despite the fact that I *personally* have no insurance? Is it also true that if I wreck their car, would their insurance company go after me personally, and sue me, when they would normally go after my own insurance if I had it?""
DReam asks Can i buy health insurance?
I am a dreamer & i see i dont qualify for obama care i got that but i want to know if i can buy health insurance from a company or something?? Im abt to work in a plant & they required health insurance...
Can I get insurance??
Im 18 years old. I have never had insurance before because my parents have never had insurance. I just graduated from high school. I need insurance to help pay for some dental work. I dont have a job yet but Im working on getting one for the summer before i go to school. I know I am legally an adult so isnt there some kind of poor young peoples' insurance I can get? Or can I still apply for medicare or something because I am still basically under my mothers care. I appreciate any suggestions.
Should I go without health insurance for a year?
Next month I am about to go through open enrollment through my employer. This year health insurance was expensive. The took about $120 out of my pay check. To get more income next year, should I skip health insurance for at least one year.""
Do I need to declare an accident I had on my wife's car insurance when I renew my motorbike insurance policy?
I am a named driver on my wife's car insurance policy and last year I was involved in an accident (in the car) which went through the insurance as my fault. I have my own insurance policy for a motorbike which is now due for renewal. Do I need to declare the car crash? Will I still be legally insured on my bike if I don't mention it? (ie Will the insurance company still be obliged to pay out if I have an accident on my bike?) I'm in the UK. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.
Accident no insurance?
I was in a wreck today but it wasnt my fault my insurance is about a month late the other driver has insurance full coverage what is going to happen
How much does your insurance go up after you have caused an accident?
I was in a car accident on Jan. 16th (yes, my fault!) and my car was totalled. I am buying a new car and need to know by about how much my insurance will go up. It was $270 a month (full coverage) before. I am 19, by the way. The car I am (hopefully!) buying is a 2000 Ford Mustang.""
No proof of insurance ticket in California?
I was driving my uncles car and got pulled over because the insurance paper was forgotten and left inside my uncles wallet. The car has insurance. I am not in the policy. I do not live at the same address the car/insurance is registered at. I was just borrowing the car for 1hour. The officer told me its like a fixing ticket you show up in court show the insurance and your ticket will be dismissed. So i went to court took the insurance and the judge told me my name is not in the insurance paper and i need to pay the fine. I read other places that i am okay to drive or borrow others car as long as the car has insurance and and also am not living at the same address the car is registered at or else i will need to be in the policy as well. What are your opinions? Should i get a lawyer and fight it? Or I need to pay the fine. I also got the ticket in California. Thank you
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
Health insurance info?
I'm trying find my boyfriend affordable health insurance that also covers his want/need for counseling. We live in Georgia and I need some advice since I'm still currently considered a dependent for the time being. Thanks!
Looking for Best Term Insurance provider online...?
Hello Every1, I am looking for a Term Insurance online provider, I have few in my mind but i would like to see your feedback for any specific Insurance Company online in USA, if you have ever tried. Thanks in Advance.""
Obtaining auto insurance quote for dummies?
I've done a little Google searching and haven't found a clear answer to my question. Can anyone help me out? When getting a quote from a new insurance provider, when you report past driving incidents do you report them as what the police officer originally originally charged you with, or as the plea bargain given to you by the judge? I got a speeding ticket awhile back but when I went to court the judge gave me a plea bargain which lowered the violation to driving with a defective tail light , driving an unsafe vehicle or something of that nature. I don't remember exactly. So, when getting a quote from a new provider, do I list the incident as a speeding ticket? Or as the violation that I was actually convicted of? Thanks so much in advance for your help. I will be assure to award the best answer!!!! You know you want that best answer!! :)""
Car insurance quote?
I am a 17 year old boy in Texas I just bought a white 1999 Pontiac Grand Am GT 2 door Paid with Cash I've never had a ticket or anything on my record Does anyone know about how much my insurance will run?
What is the average value for contents insurance for a three bedroom house with no major valuable items?
I've not had to get content insurance before and my removals company want to know the estimated value of the items i'm moving. I've not got a clue, help.""
Can I get long term disability insurance and social security?
Long term disability insurance from the company I work for. If I get that,can I apply for ss?""
Okay-ish car with cheap insurance? (uk)?
Im 17, just passed my test, what car would you recomend I get that would be cheap to insure?""
Cheap car to insure for 17 year old boy?
Please just say a few car names and not your not geting any for cheap
""Anyone know of an affordable individual health/dental insurance plan for Brooklyn, NY?""
I no longer have school insurance and my work does not offer insurance. I am looking for an affordable health/dental insurance plan in Brooklyn, New York. Is dental included in medical insurance or is that separate? I don't want to spend $600-$1000 on a premium for an HMO, but would rather spend a few hundred a month while getting a decent amount of benefits. Also, does anyone know of a comparison chart online regarding details of insurance providers including premiums and benefits. All I can find are complaint comparison charts for insurance providers. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!""
License suspended because of no insurance?
What happens after that? I live in California and I couldn't afford insurance then but now I can. Question is will i be able to get my license back if I get insurance immediately or will I have to reapply for a new one and pay back fines which add up daily?
Insurance payments on a car?
Okay so to start off i am 16 as of today. I will get my permit today and in one year I will turn 17. I will then have my license. So when I turn 17 i will be able to buy my own car with a $5000 down payment with the choice of a car. But here is where I am stuck. I do not know too much on information on car insurance. I know that I will be under my parents policy from here until I am 17. Lets say that there is 5 of us under this car insurance, no one has a separate policy, all under one umbrella. What happens when I buy a car, I get insured with a new car, my own car, and still under the policy things with my family. How much is it going to be per month? Can you average it? Here is a list of cars I will choose from, and if you can, provide estimated prices per month I will have to pay. - (2008-2010) BMW 3 Series Sedan (No mods or extra horsepower, plain performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda RX-8 Coupe (same, no mods or any fancy performance stuff) - (2008-2011) Mazda 3 or MazdaSpeed3 (sedan) - (2008-2011) Volkswagen Jetta (sedan) - (2008-2011) Subaru Impreza (hatchback) Also I am an A-B student with an above 3.5 GPA Also I will take a drivers ed course at school""
Which company does the cheapest car insurance?
I have moved house and when I changed my address the Insurance company wanted an additional premium of 298. As you can imagine I cancelled the policy. I am now looking for a cheap insurer I have golf GTI (150) and my new post code is classed as higher risk. any ideas ?
""GPS worth $600 got stolen, should I report to insurance company?""
My GPS worth $600 got stolen from my car 2 days ago, as it was parked in front of my house. Should I report the insurance company and if I do will my insurance rate be affected? My GPS carried also the name of the insurance company, I purchased it from them.""
rbc apartment insurance quote
rbc apartment insurance quote
0 notes
What should I do I hate insurance company?
"What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
Taken out insurance?
I am 63 years old own my house with a mortgage, I'm disabled and on benefits which I don't like. I can't get lower than that but I can afford insurance on my contents so why should the goverment bail out those people that haven't got contents insurance what do they want from the goverment new furniture what a cheek I say. If they do get that it is not fair for the people that pay for insurance's. After all they have to get it on there cars and when they travel abroad.""
""I'm 18, just got my first car and looking for affordable car insurance?
- I live in New York - I can't go under on neither of my parents policy.
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
hi, i tryd luking for car insurance but all of them are expensive, the minimum is 4000 and max in over 10,000. im 19 years old, live in london and i passed my test last week. i knw aome people who are 19 and passed recently and there insurance is only 1000. btw the car has a 1.4 engine and is a 1997 model. also can someone explain to me what no claim bonus means? thanks a lot""
Car insurance questions?
okay im 19 livin in MICHIGAN. My driving record sucks, (2) accidents i got rear ended, (3) speeding tickets a total of 7 points license is restricted till jan, 2012. I want a car but its around 600-900$ a MONTH to insure me, 99 dodge neon to a 2010 mustang gt all the same price a month depends what insurance company. i cant be on my parents insurance because they excluded off their policy. I allso live in a apartment, so is it possible to buy a insurance policy in my moms name with her correct sos number and drivers license number and lie and say she lives with me in my appartment and put me as a secondary driver. but the car ill be fiancing so i need full coverage and the car is in my name . My questions are (A) my mom uses lifelock will she find out that i opened a policy in her name. (B) will the insurance company find out about that my mom doesnt live their or would they find out at all. AND MY MOM LIVES AT A ANOTHER ADDRESS. (C) is it legal to own and fiance a car thatS in my name but insurance is not ill be listed as a seconday driver under my mom . (d) my mom WOULD NOT KNOW IM DOING THIS. I KNOW THATS FRAUD BUT U GOT TO DO WHAT U GOTTA DO how would anyone know what im doing and find out about it""
How much would an individual health insurance plan cost for me?
Obviously I know it can vary but I just want an idea. I am a female in my 20s and I was wondering what a policy would cost if I didn't go through an employer for health insurance. Can someone provide a ballpark area for the cost? Thank you
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking to get a motorcycle in the future and I know it takes time and money, but most people do not ride in the winter (NJ), so my question is, can I cancel my motorcycle insurance during winter months, so I am not paying all year round? Also, are there any reprocussions to doing this? Thanks.""
Jeep Tracker - About how much will insurance cost?
I'm 16 years old and I will be getting the Jeep tracker after I take drivers training. I live in Alberta and I am buying the car for about $1500. Any help would be great!
""Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?""
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?""
How much is insurance for an old mercedez?
About how much is insurance going to cost for a 2001 mercedes s500?
How do you know if your auto insurance is full coverage? my car is financed and i'm checking on geico.com?
i'm getting insurance quotes and normally i call and talk to someone and just say i was full coverage. i'm on geico.com and that's not an option. they'll let me select bodily injury liability and i checked the box that said i was financing my car so maybe they give me full coverage no matter what then
Which car would insurance be higher on?
Hi, I'm 16 and I'm getting my first car. I've saved up a chunk of money to make the down payment and 2 or 3 of the monthly payments (my parents are paying for the rest). I've narrowed it down to 2 cars of about the same price. A 2004 MiniCooper and a 2005 mustang (v6). My parents will be paying for my insurance so I was hoping you could tell me which one would have a lower rate so I could make it easier on them? I already know it's going to be high because I'm a teenage driver so whatever helps really. A mustang is kind of, sort of, sports car-ish (I'm not big into cars people, ignore my ignorant terminology) so I figured that would have an effect on the insurance. On the other hand, a minicoop is very small and I don't believe they're made in the U.S like a mustang is so parts and stuff would be higher if I'm correct? Thank you very much for any help!""
Additional Driver costs?
How much should i expect to pay to add a permanent additional driver to my car insurance? It will be a driver on their provisional licence, aged 24. Its with Direct Line, in the UK I already have a quote, i just think i was quoted wrong, and want to know what other people think it usually costs.""
Who will pay the medical and funereal fees?
My boyfriends son was killed by a man who ran a red light. His son was NO way at fault. The man has 15,000 coverage on his insurance (california) and that's it. Bare minimum, so now what is done with the 35,000 left for costs not paid by medical ins ect... I feel it would be so unfair for him to have to pay for the costs when his son has passed away, so not fair.""
""If Obamacare is cheaper, more affordable, and saves $2,500 per year, why does Obama need to allow 500,000?""
... or more people who were buying more expensive and worse insurance (and thus should be able to afford to buy the cheaper, more affordable and better coverage which saves them $2,500 per year) and how those terrible policies canceled.... why does Obama need to allow them to buy terrible coverage which focuses on catastrophic coverage instead of his far better and far cheaper plans?""
Drivers license and Insurance?
When you get your drivers license do you have to get insurance with it or do you have to wait until you get a car? Do you have to get insurance when you purchase a car? Also does the cost for insurance decrease when you turn 21? How much is insurance a month generally and in North Carolina? I know insurance is necessary though I just need the facts before buying it.
""Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE auto insurence?
how much will it cost for me monthly just estimate the price please to have insurance on that car thanks and are ponitacs goood with there motor and all that it has 172000 miles on it for $2900 should i take it or na just tell me about the insurance please thanks
Is hurricane Insurance mandatory on Fl homes?
Is hurricane Insurance mandatory on Fl homes?
2008-2009 Ford Mustang Convertible?
Hi- we are looking into a new car and are interested in either a 08 or 09 Mustang Convertible...would you reccomend this vehicle? One thing we are worried about is the insurance costs as the car is not that expensive. Does insurance really go up a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton!
""I need cheap car insurance, I'm in college?""
I'm 19, a college kid and need car insurance. I now it's going to be crazy high, but if anyone has any insight or tips to make it cheaper, it would me much appreciated.""
Insurance when financing a car ?
What is it called when the dealership , covers your insurance for a day or so and lets you take the car until you get insurance on the car.""
I can't understand this issue. I have been living in the uk since 2008. I used to pay 900 for the insurance, then it raised to 1200 and now they ask me for 2300 for the third year renewal. I never made a claim and I have a full UK license and an international license for 11 years. I am 29 years old and I am an educated with MSc in medical sciences and I never drink or smoke. Is it because I am a foreigner. My friend is a British and he only pay 490 and he just obtained his license and we live at the same building. I can't find an answer for this problem only that car insurance companies are racist toward foreigners.""
""Help! looking for affordable health care insurance in atlanta, ga?
i am a single mom recently laid off from work. i have asthma and take a prescribed drug every day. i am running out and just to see my dr. for a new rx is $125 and then for a 30day ...show more
How much would insurance be for a jeep Cherokee?
i am planning to get a jeep cherokee or wrangler and want to know how much car insurance would be. i am 16 and want to know how much money i should pay insurance to see if it is in my budget.
What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
Where can I find cheaper car insurance quotes?
I'm 17 in a few months, have a car, and have been checking insurance quotes.""
""Pizza delivery driver insurance in own car, where can I get insurance uk?
I have been offered a job as a pizza delIvery driver but I need to insure my car with business insurance I have tried everywhere but know one does it please Help x
Does California state law not allow insurance companies to increase rates for $750 or less claims?
I heard California Sate law prohibits insurance companies from raising your rates if you have a total accident claim of $750 (not to include deductible amount)? Is this true?
Can my husband take life insurance out on me without me knowing in the military?
hey my husband is in the military and he has a life insurance policy on him and i only have a small portion of it and everything else goes to his mother but i just recently find out he has life insurance out on me way more than i would get from him and i didnt sign anything so im wondering can he do it without my consent? and can i cancel it?
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
Can anyone recomend some cheap insurance companies for drives who have completed pass plus?
I'm 18, soon to be 19, and have been trying to get a quote on a 1998 vauxhall corsa, and the only 1 i got before was ridiculously high. I know it being an older model is going to make a difference, but does anyone know from personal experience or whatever which insurance companies offer decent insurance prices to young drives, who have completed the pass plus scheme? Thanks, much appreciated!""
The average price of car insurance?
The average price of car insurance?
How can i get insurance for my kid in nj from the state?
I cant afford insurance for my kid can i get it threw nj from the state
Can I insure my car in California if it is registered in Oklahoma?
I currently have insurance in Oklahoma. My permanent address is in Oklahoma but I am stationed in California and California doesn't require military personnel to register their vehicles there.
Provisional Car Insurance?
I am currently looking for car insurance on a car I own, The car is an 04 punto. Basically I need provisional insurance for a month and I own the car so I need a policy that covers both of these, I am 18, Any suggestions? Thanks""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm a male in Connecticut under the age of 25 and I wanna get a new car. Can anyone give me a ball park figure?
What is the best and cheap health insurance?
I came form a different country so i dont have any insurance when i came to california. What is the best that i dont have to pay anything when emergency and cheap like $30 per month.
What would the insurance on this car be roughly?
Just been looking at this car. Should be driving by the end of this year. What would the insurance be roughly? any car expert opinions? we're looking at this cause its a classic, its fairly cheap, it can fit my brothers cello and my parents like it as well and would pay for it. Just what would the insurance be like for me? when I start to drive?""
Best public health insurance plan in nyc?
I've been traveling after college and won't go back to school for another year. I've been volunteering only and haven't worked for over a year. I don't qualify for ...show more
What do I do if my car insurance lapsed without my knowledge?
I need to get tags for my car this month, only when I called my car financing company to see how much it is, they told me that my insurance had lapsed, and my registration was suspended!! I had no idea, because my cousin had gotten the insurance for me (we are now estranged, and I don't have any contact with her), and I was told by her the insurance expired in May. All my documments have been sent to her house (and she refuses to send me my mail) and I had no idea. Now, I'm terrified that I won't be able to get my registration back, or pay fines, because I just barely have enough to get new insurance and pay for my tags. I have no proof that she bought insurance for me through May or anything. Does anyone else have had to go through this? What will happen? Please help!""
Where to get cheap car insurance?
my car insurance rates keep going back and forth and i don't have the money to pay 130.00 a month or 170.00 or whatever they decide to put it at. at first it was 83.15 then it jumped to 170.00 now it is 130.00 can someone please tell me where i can get insurance for at less than 100 dollars?
How can i insure my car for 1?
just read somewhere on this site that you can insure a car for 1 surely this is a load of uncle tom cobbler? would be very impressed if someone can answer this question... seeing as my car is only worth 500 why should i be expected to pay almost that in insurance? it would get written off any way should i ever claim. cos being an olde banger insurance cost for parts and availability not as easy and quick to get.
""My 18-year-old brother is addicted to meth. He wants to quit, but can't afford rehab, no insurance.?""
He is not interested in NA or any faith-based program. Are there any proven state-funded programs or at least semi-affordable programs? He lives in Cali. He dropped out of high school and has little motivation to do anything, despite being smart and good-looking. My parents basically let him do whatever he wants, and I don't trust them to change or be able to help. He wants to learn to discipline himself and get a job, etc. but first he needs to kick the drugs.""
Car Insurance: Which is cheapest in America?
Just purchased brand new vehicle and wanted some feedback on which companies offer inexpensive rates and superior service when needed.
Were we can apply and buy liability insurance?
We are managing 300 units condominium.What approximately liability insurance will cost?
New driver car insurance?
How exactly do you get/where can you find cheaper car insurance for new drivers?
""Car Insurance..if i go out of state, but my parents pay for the car insurance and i live in another state...?""
What i meant to say was..if i have a car, it is in my parent's name, and i move out of state, is it possible to still be covered by the insurance even if it isnt from the state it is being payed for in? or do i have to get insurance and the car changed to my name in another state? i hope someone understads. thank you for you time in reading this :) 10 points to the best answers! or lets say Correct answer!""
How can we get health insurance?
My Fiance (22) and I (18) are planning to get married November 30th, but if we do, I will no longer be covered by my mother's health insurance. We live in NY (currently Broome County) and we need cheap to free health insurance. At the moment, both of us (full-time students) have an income of zero, with no pay stubs (obviously) or other proofs of income. How can we get health coverage?""
What is an affordable health care provider with low deductable?
What is an affordable health care provider with low deductable?
""Mustang Insurance, Help!!!?""
Hello, I have a quick question about insurance. I am 18 years old, living in Orange, CA and currently driving a 2003 nissan altima that I am going to trade for a 2002 ford mustang gt. Now i know that contacting an agent will be the best way to find out more realistic rates, but right now I want to hear from past mustang owners. I was also wondering if having good credit will give me a discount on my insurance? I know insurance will be high, so don't waste my time explaining it to me, If it helps, I always obey the speed limit, never gotten into any crashes nor have I gotten any tickets. All Help is appreciated, thanks.""
What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
Canceling Geico car insurance?
I've had Geico insurance on my car for the past year and I've found a much better rate elsewhere and plan to switch. I'm in Virginia. How do I go about canceling with Geico? Do I have to wait until a certain time (end of 6mos, etc) or can I do it at any time? Is there a cancellation fee? Thanks!""
Should I continue to pay for insurance on my old car?
I bought a new car last month and I called my insurance company to tell them, and they added the car onto my existing insurance for my old car. I've had to pay around 400. in the last month, for a car I no longer am driving. I'm trying to sell it, but it is just sitting in my garage. Should I have to pay for insurance on this car? Can't I just tell them that I'm not driving the car and I don't want to pay for insurance?""
What reputable health insurance companies are out there?
What reputable health insurance companies are out there My mom doesn't have health insurance and my job doesn't give insurance to family members. I would like to pay monthly to a health insurance company so my mom could get health check up when she needs it. Do you know any health insurance companies that can accept low monthly payments since I don't get paid that much?
NO Car insurance! Will i get 6 points?
I was a named driver on my Dad's insurance, he had not paid one of the instalments for the insurance but did know! I was driving the car when i got pulled over. I did not no i had no insurance as i did not deal with the payments. Will i still get 6 points as i need my licence to get to university :(""
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
I don't have insurance but my parents do. Can I drive my parent's car without them present in the car?
Can I legally drive alone by myself as long as I have my parent's insurance card in the car? I just got my license and I don't plan on driving to work or school, rather just for miscellaneous activities. I don't feel like I should be paying for car insurance yet. If I get in an accident, wouldn't it just be as if my parent's got in the accident. So can I legally drive under my parent's insurance if my name has not been put on the plan as one of their children who drive. Is it OK for me to drive alone to run some errands now and then?""
Insurance didn't report?
My sister couldn't afford to pay her car insurance. Her insurances company never reported to the DMV that it was canceled. why? She even got speeding tickets and i thought the police do a run when they pull you over. how is this possible?
Step parents health insurance?
I was wondering is it possible for my soon to be wife, to put my kids on her health insurance plan from work? The children live with us. We are in california.""
What's the best life insurance?
This question is for my mom. My mom is 63 years old and needs life insurance. She is in great condition. Never smoked or done drugs. She never drinks alcohol. The only thing really is that she has been told she is borderline diabetic. My mom doesn't have a lot of money so she would like to find an insurance that is very cheap. Her job will be ending in July an will only have her disability to live off of. So what's the best life insurance?
Im 17 and getting my liscense soon how much will car insurance be 4 me with a used car that will b in my name?
I will be getting my drives liscense soon and my parents are putting limits to where i can drive and when and i wont be able to drive it when ever i would like, how much is car insurence gonna be with me for a used car that will be in my name ?""
Can someone give me an auto insurance cost?
Does anyone know what the cost per month of Ohio car insurance would be for a 19 year old male. Just an idea would be good, thanks.""
Do I need to be on someone's auto insurance in order to get my driver's license?
I'm in my 30s and I want to get my driver's license. I had my permit years ago, but I never kept it up just because I always thought it was a hassle to get my license. People would tell me it would cost hundreds of dollars to get my license. So I personally didn't know, but I want to know for sure. After I get my permit, I know you have to wait a week, but as for auto insurance, do I need to be on someone's auto policy? Also if I don't have a car yet, how can I take the driving test? The reason I ask because I see so many people who never had cars who get driver's license just like that. I've even see immigrants with license and they don't even come to America with cars, so how do they do it?""
Help!! i need help picking out car insurance?
Im 20 years old I wokr fulltime and go to school full time. I recently purchased my first car but I cant dirve it off the lot until I have car insurance. I live in michigan which is a no fault insurance state. i was trying to get full coverage on my car. but the lowest quote i found was 450 a month. I only paid 3500 for a 2004 monte carlo ss. I will be paying more in car insurance than i paid for my car. plus I cant really afford to pay 450 a month. I need help. Insurance is a rip off. I cant get on my parents account becasue I was a foster child.
Car insurance and international driver's license?
Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to get car insurance and buy a car in the USA if you don't have an American driver's license... I only have a French driver's license and an international driver's license. Could you please also tell me how much does car insurance approximately cost for 1 year? Thank you very much in advance.""
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
How do you find an insurance quote for a car you may get?
I am looking to trade my Car, which is just a Sedan for what would be considered as a sports car. The car is older, but I'm certain the price will go up because of the fact of it being a sports car, I can't find anywhere that will give me a quote on what to expect insurance price wise if I were to complete the trade. Does anyone know of a place to find this out? I am trading a 2003 Ford Taurus SES for a 1997 Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse GST Convertible""
What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA?
just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps
My door was kicked in... looking for average cost of repair?
My door was kicked in recently, someone broke in and robbed me. I dont have home owners insurance, so I have to fork over the costs. The frame will need replaced and a new door will probably need to be installed. Just wondering if anyone has had to replace their frame and door and how much it cost them. I would have called home depot or lowes by now... im just worried that i am going to have a heart attack when they tell me the price!!!! thanks for any help!""
What happen if drive car with no insurance?
i've been buying this used car since last 2 weeks and drive it with no insurance. The MOT and tax will end in August. I just cant afford to buy the insurance yet. What happen if i don't insured it? i live in Northern Ireland, UK""
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus.?
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus. I am looking at buying a s13 non turbo at 11k. when i looked for a quote the minimum was like 5k which i do not have the money seeing as i am going to have to get a loan for my car.
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Looking for cheap insurance because I have had to tickets for speeding.
Is Geico a good auto insurance company?
I have been looking at a lot of different insurance companies recently. I have gotten a lot of online quotes and so far, Geico is the cheapest, not by a lot, but every little bit helps. Can anyone let me know the good and the bad with Geico? I'm in Michigan if that helps...""
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
I am 19, a smoker and I am currently not working but I have health issues and I need to find a health care provider that won't drain my bank account... Any ideas?""
""Quick question on car insurance, thanks for answers?""
I am getting my second car insurance, i live in leeds however my parents live in northumberland, would it be legal to put my car insurance ADDRESS as northumberland (half the price). I would still be named driver, and i have all bank details and permenant things such as phone contracts registered to northumberland as i move each year i class it as my permanent address. So i could say the car is kept there but i use it sometimes, as in northumberland is also classed as my address, and i am there quite a lot anyway. Cheers for advice, and if it is legal or questionable, would it still be acceptable if even frowned upon, cheers!""
What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
Should my car insurance company be forced to cover preexisting conditions?
After all, liberals want preexisting conditions be covered for health care. What's the difference? I want them to fix that dent in my front end that was there when I bought the car.""
What is the best online source for shopping for health insurance?
My son is 20, full time college student in a different state (PA.) Home state is Ohio. I am on disability so my insurance (and my husbands') is through Medicare.. I am shopping for an individual plan for my son, and there are so many sites which offer so many choices...Not only do I need to get the insurance plan, I need to find the best web site for the query. (tried einsurance, etc..)""
Car insurance choice of car?
Im a new driver not passed my test yet but not far away and i need to know what is the best car you can get for cheap car insurance maybe top 5 cheap cars for new drivers or something! im un employed due to medical reasons at the moment, but recovering well :) so i cant afford nothing to exspensive im 18 and i have a provisional but will have a full licence soon Thanks""
Moving to Pennsylvania - how do i get car insurance?
I recently moved to PA from NY. I have Allstate insurance on a rented car using my old address in NY. It expires in a little under a month. What do I do now? How do I go about getting new insurance? DO I have to go through the crazy process of getting PA plates? (I only plan on being here for 2 yrs - then I'm moving back to NY) BTW, my parents still live in NY. I'm not sure if that can help me.""
Best health insurance for a 63 year old male?
My dad retired at 62 and a half... to make a long story short, he was promised continuing health insurance from his employer but now they are saying they will only be secondary- meaning they only pay if he buys a primary. What would be a good option for health insurance for him? Unfortunately, he is a smoker and had a stroke... he is 63 and a half right now.""
What is the best insurance that covers eating disorder treatment?
What insurance is the best to cover all forms of treatment for an eating disorder. My family would like me to go to residential for my bulimia it is out of control right now. Is their any good insurance that also doesn't just cover Pennsylvania?
""Getting my new car, Challenger 2009, any insurance rates?""
How much would the APPROXIMATE insurance rate be on a 2009 Dodge Challenge R/T? I know it won't be low, but it won't be that high since it's an American car....correct? Her is the bad part...My record. 2 Accidents and a stop sign...But i will turn 18 soon if that matters. Car Info (another bad thing) 5.7 Liter V8 Hemi, 375 horses. How much is the Approximate insurance guys, just throw me an estimate.""
Car Insurance increased? what to do next?
My car insurance company had increase my insurance by 2 folds (103%) increase. I contacted the company, enquired about this increase. But they said they cant do anything about it, If I want I can raise this with the customer service chief and chief executive. I wrote them a letter stating it was ridiculous amount of money, they asking me to pay. Also clearly brought to their notice, that I have a clean history, no claim, paid insurance on time, no accidents, and I have no claim discount of 7 years in total. The companies chief executive has replied me in a letter stating, unfortunately, the post code where is stay is subjected to recent increase and personal injury claims from post code area has gone up. So nothing he could do. But I replied him saying, I lived in the same place for more than 5 years. But still no good. Regards to this, I email Watch Dog, explaining the same a month ago. Still no reply or correspondence from them. Now I am stuck, I do not what to do. Honestly, I only brought this care for 500 in very good condition and it is still the same. But my insurance is more twice the value of my car. Please somebody tell , what can I do next. This is really ridiculous amount and unacceptable whatsoever. Thanks in advance.""
Is it legal for car lot to hold my check from insurance?
I had a wreck a couple weeks ago and told me I could come pick up my check today from insurance. When I got there to fill out the paperwork and pick up the check they told me it wasn't ready and that they will have to send it to the car dealer (Express Credit Auto) so they can take out what I owe and they give me whats left which I do not have a car now and the check was to get me another car, which I told them and all they said was to use what is left to get another car by them. Which I just want my check so I can get my car, I told them I will still be paying my bill for the car but they then said it is illegal for the insurance to give me the check when they hold the lien to the car. I don't know what the legal side is, can anyone help me??""
Insurance? what will happen?
ii was diagnosed at 17 i am 19 currently getting medical cause of my parents income and my current diagnosis brain tumor i was wondering if i worked and made my own income would it be my own or family? i am cvred under family cvrage what would happen to the insurance i live in california would i have to purchase my own insurance are there companine who would do that? i will be able tto work i have a physical disability
""Car Insurance, will it go up IF?""
Right.. well im gonna be able to drive the end of this year.. and i want to get a Vauxhall Astra Estate and make a few changes.. for Example: GSI front bumper Exhuast GSI alloy wheels possibly a new spray of paint leather seats new head lights Will the insurance go up if i do these things? i know its going to be high anyway because im a new driver.. but i wanna know if it will go up anymore and roughly by how much, and if anyone could just give me a general list of things i have to tell the insurance company if i change anything on the vehicle. Thanks!""
Am I covered by Insurance if I drive my girlfiends car?
I have insurance with progrssive on my cars and she has state farm on hers. Would I be covered ??? Thanks, Mud Bug""
No insurance ticket?
I got a ticket today for no insurance. I know I can go to court and show proof of insurance and just pay court costs. After I show the court my insurance card, are they going to contact the insurance company to make sure it is valid? I'm sure you know why I am asking.""
What is the average car insurance for a 16 year old?
I'm 16 years old, and just passed my drivers license test. I live in Washington State and am going to be driving a 2002 Hyundai Elantra. Does anyone know how much I could be looking at for insurance monthly? (my mom is currently insured with Progressive) -Thanks""
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
How much does it cost for car insurance?
I am 17 years old. I just got my licenses and i need insurance. How much does it cost with my parents and how much does it cost without my parents?
Do I need to buy car insurance before driving a used car that I purchase home?
I am thinking about buying a car. I won't know if I'm buying this used car until I go look at it. How do I drive it home, if I won't have car insurance at the moment that I buy it?""
How much would private insurance cost for two adults and 1 baby?
My fianc and I would like to get married. About how much would it cost for the two of us and our 14 week old?
Re saga insurance?
has anybody had a bad experience with saga insurance [over 50s only]
Why is it that the Republicans Party Sucks up so much to the Insurance Companies?
""How do I file an auto insurance claim and what exactly will happen to my insurance rate, deductible, etc.?""
My windshield was really frosty but I only had to drive like 20 yards to get where I wanted. So like an idiot, I start driving and run into a fire hydrant. This damages the front right quarter panel, the right blinker, and it may have also damaged the axel or steering column because I couldn't get my car to move after that. What do I tell my insurance company? and am I going to have to pay anything?""
What company has the very cheapest car insurance for Tennessee?
I just need the bare minimum insurance. Which is the cheapest?
Broke my contract phone and have no insurance?
Basically, entirely my own fault... i have no insurance on my phone (had it for three months) and it was smashed yesterday! But my question is, if i phone up vodafone and tell them i will PAY three months worth of insurance, backdate it back to the three months i have had this phone, can I then claim for a replacement? Technically I will still be paying for insurance and they will be getting money? Is this possible??""
""Getting a used car, and insurance the same day (which first)?""
Today I will be looking at a used car a costumer has in their mechanics shop. There is a Geico agent right around the corner from where the vehicle is, and I would like to know, if I should get insurance on the car before I test drive it, or after I know I want to buy it. I also would like to know how will I drive it after I have bought it without it's license plates, and if I can would I be able to take it to the DMV, and get plates the same day?""
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes?
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes? Looking for $400,000 in coverage.""
What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
0 notes
skymade · 7 years
Willow Gone
   A drabble from Willow’s best friend, Eryk’s, point of view. It’s long, I’m sorry. These are the texts pertaining to this. 
   “Errie, how about today?”
   Eryk is lain across their bed, staring at the prune colored ceiling for the five-millionth morning in a row -- or so it feels. Little appears to be able to rouse them from their state.
   Their mother, aquamarine with cavernous holes littering her face -- a Meldonian -- stands at the doorway. Her tight, bright green hair curls with the consistency of seaweed fall from the crown of her head. They are the same curls that pull at Eryk’s own blue head. Her mouth is nothing but a large slit in the center of her face, but Eryk can understand both her question and the implications deep beyond it.
   They do not answer. Normally, Eryk’s love for their mother overrides all else, but now their love for someone else holds them, like chains, in their bed.
   “We love you, Errie,” she says, for the five-millionth morning in a row, circular fins with holes reaching towards them. Her voice always sounds as if it comes from deep underwater. “Whenever you're ready, you know. Seconds will wait for you.” She touches them, once, on the leg, then retreats. The door clicks behind her gently.
   Eryk closes their eyes and sees her. Not the mother they love -- their best friend. Dark curls, murky eyes, bright purple skin -- one of many things she was mocked for. Willow sky. She was their best friend, from the moment they met to the moment their mother told them she was gone.
   In a flash, Eryk can see their entire friendship. The moment she, in a flurry of curls and laughs, sat down next to them during lunch, introducing herself though uninvited. Trekking the mountains of Amyr, them wheezing and her laughing. Her splashing purple water at them and sticking out her tongue when they protested. Her hanging upside down in their hiding place, the storage unit, singing out of tune and changing the lyrics to fit her mood. The last time they saw her -- late at night, under the velvet sky, with stars sprinkling above them, her winking playfully at their gaze.
   Their eyes shut tightly at the images. Each memory is another chain that drags them down to their bed, leading with the terrifying crash of the moment Eryk woke up and saw their mother there. Their mother had never been allowed for extended stay upon planet -- Amyr rules -- and instantly, Eryk had felt sick.
   Dad’s dead, was Eryk’s first thought. I did something wrong. I failed my tests for Seconds. Mother is dying.
   But they had never expected the words that had come from their mother’s mouth, starting simply and gently.
   “Errie… when was the last time you saw Willow?”
   She was gone.
   Eryk presses their hands against their eyelids. Why hadn’t they told anyone when they saw the bruises on Willow’s skin? Why hadn’t they reported their fear for her life? Why didn’t they try harder? What if she were dead, as dead as her mother must be? And the most terrifying thought of all: What if she went off to Travel?
   She wouldn’t be able to survive. Not for a minute. Willow would have no idea what she’s doing. Though all evidence leads to her being upon another planet -- the loss of her mother’s tokens -- Eryk has been stubbornly refusing to believe it.
   Even with the possibility of her escaping with Tallow -- what her father currently believes -- Tallow can not care for Willow. What if he abandons her? What if he hurts her? What if she feels trapped?
   These thoughts have been circling in Eryk’s head for the eons it feels she’s been gone, but they haven’t abated, yet. Every day, Eryk wakes up to hear them repeat in perfect clarity.
   They’re sure they’re going insane.
   Eryk’s communicator chirps next to them. They never get messages. Curiosity wins over depression for the moment. They reach up, grabbing it off of the ivory table, and flip out the keyboard, making the screen light up.
   the will of the sky. (in range) 1 NEW MESSAGE.
   Eryk cannot stop the tears that immediately pour through their eyes as they select the message, quickly, shakily. They have always had what Willow called bleeding eyes, but they were sure the Terran expression was bleeding heart. And now, they are choking on it.
   It is a message from Willow.
   trvling mkes me ocean sick T_T ;-; ;(
   The words are so uniquely Willow -- down to the very last mark (or lack thereof) that Eryk begins sobbing harder.
   In a perfect world, they’d take time to control themselves. They’d wait until the feelings abated and let them breathe to reply. But they have not seen the words “in range” next to Willow’s name for a long time, so long they are afraid if they don’t reply immediately, she will disappear.
   Fuck you
   It’s all they can think to say.
   The response is so fast. 
   aw!! ;( dont b meeeeeeeean!!!
   Eryk is attempting to type a response, when another of Willow’s comes.
   i knw. i knw.
   Willow never left spell check on. Most Amyra didn’t. It came with switching languages -- it was easier to just type without having to change languages each time they wished to.
   Eryk closes their eyes, pushes their head towards the screen. Willow hardly types as… seriously… as her last message was.
   Eryk stares at the small, purple picture of Willow next to each message -- heart-shaped sunglasses, smiling at someone off-camera. Eryk took that picture for her. Eryk can still taste the air from that day, can still feel the grass beneath them. Of course, she’d taken the picture of the smoke that Eryk had always used as their picture. How many times had Eryk seen a message from Willow? Thousands. Millions. Almost constantly. Willow almost never stopped texting. But this message... these words... had such a new weight to them. 
   They hardly think as they reply.
   Where are you
   Because, of course, Eryk has to come get them. They’re already thinking to ask if they can borrow their mother’s ship when Willow replies, lightning fast as ever.
   u knw y i cnt tell u that ;C
   Just like you didnt tell me you were leaving, Eryk’s hands answer for them. They almost put a question mark -- they normally don’t because they feel it leaves the statement too hard -- but they choose not to in the last instance.
   u knw y i had 2 do that 2.
   Maybe I dont Willow, they reply. After hitting send, they add on in a new message, If you wanted to run away with someone you were dating, thats fine but you still could have told me first.
   Eryk locks the screen, sits up in finality after the period. They brush their hands at their face when another message lights up.
   ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? the fck r u tlkin about???!?!?! Im not d8in ny1!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
   Yeah. Like Id know that. Because you keep me so updated with whats going on in your life right
   It feels right, now, to be angry. Eryk hasn’t been angry this entire time. Only scared -- only sad. This feels right.
   At least there is some relief. Willow is not dating Tallow. Hopefully, he is not treating her the way others have treated her here.
   skies i mssgd u cuz i missed u!!!!! >:( >;c wht is ur problm????!!
   My problem is that my best friend left planet without saying anything and is now trying to pretend it isnt a big deal
   i ddnt have to mssg u u knw!!! i culdve stayed quiet!!!!!!!!!!! D:<
   Moments later, she’s back.
   lol… yes i did. ;c of course i hd to mssg u. ur my best friend eryk. still.
   And, in true Willow fashion, she launches into a tirade. They can just see her in their mind -- tongue out, concentration coursing through her body, bent over the screen as her fingers fly.
   mr. doom && gloom is gttin on my fckin nerves. im so done with him. D:<
   Officials think you ran off with Tallow, they reply.
   off. r rite. but only bcuz he hs a staff. eryk the nly reason i ddnt tell u ws bcuz i knw ud rate me out
   She means ‘rat me out’. Eryk feels more tears coming at just reading the words. They are trying to hold on to the good things: she’s alive. Tallow hasn’t abandoned her. She might be okay. They are trying not to think how far away she could still be -- trying not to wonder how close she may be to them for the first time in forever. 
   Holy skies Willow. I missed you
   i miss u 2. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;((((((((((((((((((( emoticons arnt strong enuf :(
   I know what you mean, they type through their tears. They have to move their communicator far away enough to escape the downfall of water.
   When are you coming home, they add.
   There’s a pause.
   ……………………. eryk i cnt come bck 2 amyr. id be put to death for leavin
   Please, they try. Eryk has never been overly selfish before, but they cannot stop it. How can they live without their best friend?
   But when minutes pass and they get no response, they let out a breath of air and say, Are you happy
   its better than being on amyr if thats what you mean lol
   Her grammar improved. That means she had to think deeply about that reply. Eryk hesitates. Maybe she truly needs their help?
   I guess that is what I mean, they try. They don’t know what to say -- she said it was better than on Amyr. Better than when she was with Eryk. Better than when they were close.
   A long pause. Eryk doesn’t know what to say, but, as always, is saved by Willow.
   i hv a confession 2 make
   i ddnt mssg u bcuz i missed u. tho i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dnt get me wrong!!!!!!!!! fckin FCK i miss u!!!!!!!! but i mssgd u… 2 say srry. ;C ;C  4 not saying gdbye. :c :c
   Eryk sighs and closes their eyes. Willow has never been very good at saying sorry.
   I dont know if I fully forgive you yet
   i knw. dnt blame u t_t
   They release a soft breath at the emotion -- runs their fingers over the image. If they had more Amyra in them, maybe they’d be blinking in and out from the intense feelings. They close their eyes and pray -- though praying was never something they did before Willow disappeared. Now, however, it seems to highlight their life. Almost every moment is spent in it. Willow believes so avidly in the sky -- it has to save her, doesn’t it? 
   Their phone chirps, calling them back. 
   mr. doom && gloom wnts 2 leave here soon.
   Eryk knows what that means before Willow types it, and immediately responds, Please
   im srry eryk
   Please dont go. Not yet
   pls dnt tell any1 i mssged u
   I wont, they type back, oh skies I wont just promise you wont go
   They will promise anything, now. Tears rolling down their face -- choking on them -- the volume of their sobs rising so much they hear their mother swaying up the stairs, coming to check on them.
   im so srry. i cnt do nythin. gates up. i love you eryk.
   She never types out ‘I love you’. Never. Never. Never.
   I love you too Willow. Please dont leave me
   “Willow!” They’re screaming at their phone, shaking it. “Willow!”
   Willow come back
   Willow please!
   Their fingers shake as the letters light up on the screen.
   Please please please. I cant do this without you
   And then the dreaded three words light up next to Willow’s name -- out of range -- and Eryk collapses as their mother throws open the door and wraps her arms around them.
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