#but with the Bishops already defeated they just want to live a peaceful life....... unaware that the After is going to shit
justarandomlambblog · 20 days
guess who got another story idea. thats right this rando
I'm thinking of an AU where Lamb and a companion/friend/sibling perhaps figure out why exactly the sheep are being hunted down and have a "fuck it if we're gonna die for something we MIGHT do let's die actually doing it" and spend years researching magic and breaking into the old Realm of Death's (Sleeping Hollow), and eventually figure out a way to bypass the Bishops' chains through ritual, a lot of very daring theft (needing ichor from all four bishops so legit just stealing their bloodied and ichor-stained bandages after they've been changed) and finding like 100 people willing to give some of their blood to make the strongest ritual a sheep working with fate can create
So imagine you're Narinder, The One Who Waits, just chillin in the After waiting for the Liberator with your two bored guardians, and then the ground around you just lights up. Aym and Baal panic and rush over and then they're all three pulled through the summoning circle, the chains crashing to the ground.... alongside the red crown :)
And then three cats, all average looking except for Nari's third eye, just tumble into the old Temple of Death and. Well. They have no clue who they are, where they are, or anything.
And then Lamb (sans the friend/sibling who will likely die giving the three cats and Lamb a chance to escape being chased) goes on a journey to fight the Bishops with three amnesiac cats on their side, and the Bishops absolutely freak when they see Narinder-
But Narinder has no idea who they are at all.
Meanwhile the red crown is still in the After....
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