#but yea i fell in love with the little bike dude and i entered a trance
ninjani · 2 years
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Cyclizar used Dragon Dance! It's Speed and Attack were raised!
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Adventure: Part 5
Pairings: John Winchester x Reader (SOA/SPN crossover)
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst.
Word Count: 3,128
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
It took all night to get Emma to calm down and finally go to bed. She screamed her poor, little heart out through her bath, over the music you played on your phone, and even after you wrapped her in John’s shirt. The only time she didn’t scream is when she ate around ten-thirty pm and four am and you thanked the lord when she cried herself to sleep at five-fifteen. Which lasted all of an hour when someone began pounding on the front door.
“I got it, lass.” Chibs said sleepily as he shuffled past the guest bedroom with his gun hanging by his side. You nodded as you rolled out of bed and went over to the pack and play.
“Come on, Em. Give mommy and grand pop a break, little girl.”
“Hey… what’s all the crying for?” John asked softly as he dipped into the room. You looked over your shoulder at him and burst into grateful tears as Chibs went back to his room and shut the door a little sharply to finally get some sleep.
“Thank God.” You said as you passed off Emma. “I’m fine just make her stop, please.” He smiled and nodded as he cradled his little girl to his chest.
“Hi princess. Hey.” He cooed as he walked back over and closed the door. “It’s OK, Emma. Daddy’s here. Yea, daddy’s here.” As if he was a magic pill, Emma almost instantly quieted down and fell asleep on his chest. He chuckled as he sat down on the bed beside you.
“You stink.” You said as you curled up in a ball against his side.
“Spent the night in the woods, baby girl. I should stink.” You nodded your head and closed your eyes as he ran his fingers through your hair. “Sleep, sweetheart. I got her.”
You woke up a couple hours later to a loud, squealed laugh from the bathroom across the hall from your bedroom. A smile pulled at the corner of your lips as you rolled off the bed, stretched for a moment, and followed the sound to the bathroom. Chibs’ door was open so you figured he had left as you pushed open the bathroom door.
“…yea, then your brother shot him right in the head with the flair gun.” John said in a sing song voice as he brushed his fingers through Emma’s hair to wash the honey apple baby wash out of her brown curls. “Yea, he did.”
“Are you traumatizing our child already?” You asked as you leaned on the door frame to watch with a smile.
“I’m educating our child.” He said with a smile as he got some water in his hand and rinsed off his daughter. “Yes, I am.” He glanced over at you and blew you a kiss as he poured more water down the back of Emma’s head. “Chibs left. Said to stick around, he’d come back to say bye in a couple hours. And she ate breakfast.”
“Thank you, baby.” He nodded and smiled back down at Emma.
“I missed you both so much.” He said as he kissed her forehead.
“Oh, we most definitely missed you too. Want me to take her so you can finish up?” He nodded and you pushed off the wall to grab your daughter. “Come here baby.” You said as you grabbed her towel off the closed toilet seat and tossed it open over your shoulder. John opened the door and handed you Emma, who nearly instantly started to cry.
“Aw, it’s OK, princess. Daddy’s right here.” He chuckled as you wrapped her in her towel.
“You spoil her to much, John.” You said with a shake of your head.
“She’ll be back to normal in a day or two. I promise.”
“Hey, now. All you’ve done is cry, baby girl. What’s all that about, huh?” You asked as you carried her into your room while toweling her off. “What do we wanna wear today?” You asked yourself as you put Emma in a diaper while she was distracted by the fan above your head. You grabbed your duffle and set it on the bed with a hum as you put your knee on the bed beside your daughter so she didn’t roll. You smiled as you grabbed a pink onesie you found in a thrift store that read ‘I’m cute, mom’s hot, dad’s screwed’ and put her in that. You were just putting a pair of cute, ruffled, black bloomers when John came in.
“So did you have fun here?” John asked as he came in to get dressed.
“Well I don’t know if you can call it fun.” You said as you picked up Emma and put her in the new bouncer. “Interesting would be a more appropriate word I think. Got this.” He looked over at you as you grabbed the manilla envelope out of your bag and tossed it on the bed.
“Holy shit.” He said as he grabbed a stack of cash and ran his thumb over the edge. “There’s gotta be like…”
“Almost two hundred thousand dollars? Yea, Jax sold our house. Saved over half of it for me. I spent some of it on stuff we needed for her and then opened up a bank account in Emma’s name with fifty grand in it for college and shit. Hope that’s OK.”
“No that’s fine, sweetheart. That’s good thinking.” He put the money back in the envelope and handed it back to you. “It’s your money, baby girl…”
“Our money.” You said as you shoved the envelope back in your duffle. “And Jax is selling my old car for me, too. So we’ll have that. Maybe we can consider adding a star or two to our hotel every couple months?”
“Or we can get a house.” You looked up at him as you buttoned your shorts and shook your head.
“I don’t want one, John. I don’t want to settle down anywhere. I like being…”
“And you don’t know what you’re really signing up for with a baby on the road long term in the hunters life, (Y/N). You’re gunna either be leaving her behind, alone, while we go and hunt or you’re going to be left behind in a hotel room with her while I go hunting…”
“So being in a house is so much better? Being on the road you at least come home to us every night. We settle down and you come home, what, maybe once a week? Once a month, if I’m lucky? Fuck, I coulda stayed married if I wanted that…”
“OK, OK.” He said as he came over and gave you a hug to interrupt your slightly panicked rant. “No house. We don’t need a house.” You nodded against his bare chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist with a sigh.
“Sorry, it’s just… Charming makes me crazy.”
“You’re always crazy, baby girl.” He chuckled. He rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head before pulling away. “Alright, let’s get the truck packed up so we can get out of here when Chibs comes back. We’ll go find a three star hotel to stay at for a couple days. Maybe scar our daughter a little more by making a second?”
“Not happening, John. One baby is more than enough. You’re too old to chase after two.”
“Hey! I’m not that fucking old!” He laughed as he whacked your leg with his towel.
“Yes you are baby. But it’s OK. I love you all the same.”
“Hey (Y/N), is this bag going in the trash?” John called out from the living room as you folded the last load of clothes in the laundry room.
“Is it by the black couch or the brown couch?” You called back as you put a pair of your panties on your pile.
“No, that’s getting donated.” You yelled as you snagged the last sock from the dryer and tossed it on John’s pile. “Wait, let me see to make sure.” You said as you grabbed both of your and Emma’s pile of clean clothes and headed out of the little laundry room off the kitchen into the living room. You looked at the bag of clothes from your car; all stuff that you hadn’t worn since you were a teenager and nodded. “Yea, that’s donation. This one is all trash. And make sure you don’t mix them because some of them are blood stained and we don’t need to explain why.”
“Got it.” He said as he set the donation bag down and grabbed the trash one to take it out back. You continued on to your bedroom, where you had every article of clothing your family owned neatly stacked on the bed to be repacked with some semblance of order in your duffles, when someone knocked on the front door. You dropped the clothes in your arms quickly and ran to the door before who ever was at Chibs’ house could ring the door bell and wake up Emma. You were absolutely not expecting the female officer on the other side of the door.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I’m looking for Filip Telford?” You nodded your head as you put your foot behind the door and closed it a little bit.
“Right house but he’s not here. And you are…?” She sized you up and glanced over your head into the house.
“Lieutenant Jarry. San Joaquin county sheriffs… do you mind if I come in and wait?”
“Do you have a warrant?” You asked without missing a beat, knowing full and well that if you let a cop into a Sons club members house without one you’d be dead in a minute. Her eyes met yours and there was a slight familiarity to them.
“Just a friendly chat. Who are you?”
“None of your Goddamn business that’s who.” She cocked her eyebrows at you as you stood your ground in the sliver of the door way.
“Technically, you’re breaking and enter…”
“Oh, please.” You said with a sarcastic scoff. “I don’t know who you are, lady but I have more right to be here than you do. Not that it’s any of your fucking business but I’m his daughter…”
“Kerrianne?” Your head reeled as you tried to figure out who this woman was as Chibs finally came home.
“Dude, who are you?” You barked over the rumble of the motorcycle. Chibs killed his engine and got of his bike with a shake of his head.
“Althea… no’ a good time.” He said as he headed up the walkway toward you. Your face paled and your stomach rolled as you looked at the woman you only knew by name.
“Althea Jarry of Fresno?” You asked as your head began to spin. She looked over at you a little terrified and nodded her head slowly.
“How did you…?” She asked as you held onto the door for balance.
“You left your two day old daughter at a fire station when you were seventeen with a note that said you were sorry you couldn’t be a parent yet. I’m (Y/N) and you can go fuck yourself.” Without another word to her, you turned on your heel and slammed the door in her face, which woke up Emma again.
“(Y/N)…?” You shook your head at John and continued down the hall to your crying daughter. 
“Get me out of this fucking state.” You whispered as you shook your head. You heard the front door slam once more behind you as you started packing your bags quickly.
“Luv… I didn’ know.” Chibs said as he stuck his head in your door way as John picked up Emma and started to sooth her.
“No one did.” You said as you as you frantically shoved clothes into both bags without thinking. “Not a single soul knew I knew her name. No one knew she left me a letter. No one knew because she didn’t fucking matter in my life. She didn’t want me and I sure as fuck don’t want her. And I don’t want you telling her anything about me. Nothing at all. Nor about Emma. She gave up that chance to know her daughter…”
“(Y/N)…” John said carefully but you shook your head.
“No, fuck her. I…”
“Baby girl!” You looked over at him with your eyebrows raised and your wild eyes searched his. “She wants you. I can’t feed her.” You took a deep breath and looked at your fussy baby girl who was chewing on John’s finger and started to hyperventilate. Tears started pouring down your cheeks as your emotions overwhelmed you.
“Come ‘ere, luv. ’s’a’right.” Chibs said as he grabbed your arm before your knees gave out. He helped you over the pile of clothes and onto your bed. He told John he’d come back in a bit with some water before excusing himself. John climbed up on the bed next to you and gently laid Emma in your arms.
“Fuck her.” He said simply as he unsnapped your nursing tank top while you cradled Emma to your chest. “She’s nothing to us.” You nodded your head slowly and leaned into his side as you helped your world latch on for her lunch. Once you were sure she was eating, you turned into John’s shoulder and simply sobbed.
“She’s pulling me over.” John growled as he looked at your birth mother in his rear view mirror.
“I see it.” You said as you looked away from the side view mirror and turned in your chair. You sighed when she hit the siren once and shook your head. “Just pull over.” He nodded his head and pulled the truck over to the side of the road as you leaned into the back seat to pull up the sun shade you had to block your daughter from her view.
“She’s coming around to you.” He warned. You looked up at him through your lashes as you put a rattle Chibs had picked up for your daughter in her car seat beside her.
“Is this really happening?” You inquired as Althea stopped behind you and looked at your back through the tinted window. He nodded his head slowly as she reached up and rapped her knuckle on the glass. With a sigh, you rolled your eyes and sat back in your chair to roll down your window. “How can I help you, officer?” You asked with forced smile.
“Can I just talk to you?” She asked as she took a step closer to the truck.
“Let me ask you something.” John said as he put his arm over the back of the bench seat and turned toward the passenger side window. “Parent to… well, I guess I can’t really call you a fucking parent but we’ll just throw that term in loosely, how about that?” You smirked and quickly covered it with the back of your hand as you looked over at his straight, emotionless face. 
“I have three kids. Two are in their late twenties and one is under a year. My boys lost their mother when they were just babies, one of them no older than my youngest is now. I lost my house, I lost my job, I lost every single thing I had to my fucking name when my late wife passed away except my boys. We lived out of a Chevy Impala, traveling around the country as I looked for whatever fucking work I could find to keep them alive and healthy. Mind you, I was fresh out of the Marines when my oldest was born. Sure, I could have taken the easy way out and put them in the system. Dean was old enough that he’d only partially remember he had a family but Sam was just a baby. He’d remember nothing. They would have been just fine… or they could have ended up like the kid you dumped at a fire house.
They could have bounced around from group home to group home, foster family to foster family, realizing every single day that no one loved them. They could have had to fight for their lives every single moment of every single day to make it through to see the next sun rise. They could have had to live in their car just to get the hell out of the system in any way they could, gotten mixed up in a biker gang at sixteen years old, married off at eighteen, and treated like a piece of shit for the next ten years by the person that was supposed to love and cherish them for the rest of their life because that’s all they felt like they fucking deserved!” He roared before he took a deep breath to control his anger as you turned to give Emma her pacifier. 
“Now you tell me.” He continued as he glared at Althea through the cab around you. “Do you really think you have the fucking right to talk to her? Because I know for a fucking fact if I had dropped my boys off at a fire house, or if I had walked away from (Y/N) and the child we have, I would never, EVER expect to talk to them ever again, even if they were standing right in front of me. And the fact that you think that just because you have a badge, you have the fucking right to talk to her is fucking sickening. Now, unless you were planning on writing me a ticket for something I know I didn’t fucking do, I suggest you get your ass back in your fucking car, turn it around, and drive back to whatever hole you came out of. And you need to stay the fuck away from the woman that you wanted nothing to do with until it was fucking convenient for you.” He dropped his arm and put his truck into drive as Althea nodded and took a step back from the truck.
“You’re such a papa bear.” You said to him as he pulled back on the street while you put the window back up. “So cute.”
“Shut up.” He huffed as you reached over for his hand. He laced his fingers with yours as he pulled your hand over and kissed your fingers. “Love you, baby girl.”
“I love you, too.” You said as you squeezed his hand. “Alright, where we going next? After that shit show weekend, we need to relax.”
“Honestly, I don’t even care.” He said with a glance over at you as he pulled onto the interstate headed out of California. “As long as I have my girls, I’m good.”
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