#but yea there's more talk about the different type of popularity that bts has in that tag and i think twice members do get brought up
sanstropfremir · 2 years
do u think that twice will fall under the same curse of bts where the members are so tied to the group name, it’ll be hard for them to branch out?
not really. there already are some twice members that are well known on the variety circuit and one of them did literally just launch a very successful solo, so they're already ahead of that and they have been for a while. but also the other members that are less popular are probably not going to be able to branch out at all, but that's just the reality of the industry. tbh it's not really a comparable situation because the contexts are too different. bts is tied to their group identity because they made that their brand intentionally and heavily courted an intl audience without paying the dues back home, so to speak. twice has a massive domestic audience and are likely just to age like any other popular gg, with some members that will be more popular in different fields than others. some will have successful solo careers and some won't, them's the breaks.
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jeonjeonyourwayhere · 7 years
Youtuber!BTS AU (1 of 7) - Taehyung
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So i wanted to start writing more but i’m going through a weird writer’s block
like i cant really write in proper paragraphs but ideas are filling my head constantly
but point form works great
also, i really wanted to make moodboards more because they’re loads of fun heh
anyway so here goes
Taehyung would be a very independent content creator like he doesn’t give a shit about the trends on social media and refuses to cave into popular demands
he only does what HE WANTS like strictly, he needs to enjoy the content he puts out
he once tried doing a challenge video like maybe the smoothie challenge
(i really like that challenge btw it’s funny heh)
but as he was filming it he just wasn't feeling it
so that’s how he ended up dragging Yoongi into filming the video with him and like changing it up making it more intense (or gross)
Yoongi hates him for it of course
not for long because tae is his baby and a younger brother he could never stay angry at for long but we’ll know more about yoongi in another post
Taehyung starts off his youtube channel with challenge videos but eventually deviates from it after he realizes his passion for prank videos (and occasionally gaming videos with Jungkook)
with the occasional aesthetic vlogs when he takes his periodic trips with Jungkook
Jungkook likes dragging him to Japan because that’s the heart and soul of Anime and Jungkook could never resist
but that’s also a story for another day
So Tae does daily vlogs during those trips and those videos would have transitions so damn smooth like a baby’s bottom and the scenery would be so beautiful especially with the filters he would use
Taehyung actually has a very good eye for matching color schemes and aesthetics
He also has pretty good luck with seasons as Jungkook tends to bring him to Japan when each season was at it’s peak
but he doesn't do those videos often because the inner perfectionist would chide him constantly and he’d end up abandoning the project because he just! cant! do! it! justice!
so sometimes his viewers end up a little confused with his posts because one day it could be
and the next week would be “Travelogue Day 01: Cherry Blossoms!”
But his content is always 300%
and he also refuses to create separate channels to separate his prank content and aesthetic content
“i’m too lazy ok i don’t want to keep logging in and out of both accounts”
(same tae same)
so one day he’s out filming a prank video with Jimin where he goes up to random strangers and asks them for directions or sth
and Jimin comes up from behind carrying a packet of fake (but pretty realistic) knives
and oh! accidentally bumps and drops the knives on taehyung’s wrists
and BLOOD OH THE GORE but really it’s raspberry puree
you were his 4th target of the day and he’d come up randomly to you asking you for directions to the subway station
and you’d seen Jimin coming towards you both looking all casual like he’d just done shopping
and as Jimin “trips” and empties his knives on Taehyung
You pushed Taehyung away and screamed as your hands went out reflexively to grab the knives
but WOW! MAGIC! the knives weren’t real
Jimin was left shook
And Taehyung wasn’t sure how a stranger he’d just met would push him away from danger and risk themselves instead
So you were left there for a second, kinda confused as to why you weren’t bleeding the fuck out until Taehyung comes up to you and is like
hey there!!! are you ok!!!
i was doing a prank video and I'm a youtuber
but you’re really cool!!!!!
like how the heck would u just push me aside and do that???
Then you snap out of it and you’re like IM OKAY IM FINE IM NOT BLEEDING
and honestly Tae finds you the most adorable thing eVER
and you look at his face properly for the first time and you’re like fUCK bOi hE’s cUtE
like really fucking cute
but you also recognize him after like 10 seconds of staring straight at his face
and you’re like HEY UR TAEHYUNG
and he’s like YEA DAS ME
Jimin this whole time is just staring between both of you like whAT
then Tae goes on to ask you if it were okay for him to leave the clip of you in his video like what you did was super cool and he really wanted to keep it in
you were a blushing and fumbling over yourself and like yE IM COOL
and he just hugs you once and grins his boxy smile and goes on his way while pulling Jimin away with him
you pull yourself together and go on your own way too
but i mean
you were a tad bit OK A LOT BIT sad that you couldn’t get to talk to him more or sth
but oh well what could you do right? pretty boy probably has a country of girls after his ass
on the other hand, as Tae is re-looking through the footage back at his place in his swivel chair and chewing on marshmallows
jimin stares
“tae…did you just what me?”
“DID YOU NOT SEE THE WAY THAT GIRL SAVED YOUR ASS i mean it was fake knives but”
“She was amazing like yO i’ve never seen such a quick reflex and she was really pretty and-“
“and you didn’t get her name or number or anythin-”
so Tae goes on a little panic spree and he like totally regrets just skipping over talking to you and stuff
like he was so ecstatic over the fact that someone actually reacted completely differently during his pranks and like he wanted to edit the video you know
like pronto
“needa put out that quality content in 0.5!!!”
so he starts pacing in his apartment and he’s like wHAT DO I DO
Jimin kinda slaps him over the forehead and is like brO YOU HAVE FOOTAGE JUST USE IT
Tae kinda realises how much of an idiot he is and gets to work immediately
6 hours later and it’s like 2am and his editing table is filled with caffeinated products and his hair is in a mess that kinda defied gravity and was pointed all upwards
his eyes were bloodshot from staring at the screen constantly but he was ay okay!!!
because he finally completed the video and he was gonna find you!!!!!
so how does he actually find you? he doesn't
you kinda find him
one day you wake up and your best friend was blowing up your phone
so you shift your way out of your blanket burrito and rub your eyes clear and all you see is 21038364213 links to the same damn video on youtube
yeah you get the point
so you’re like half asleep and all hazy in the head after studying the whole night away
you finally come online and your friend is like “FINALLY BITCH” and you ignore her and proceed to click on the link and it redirects you to youtube
and WEW it’s a certain someone’s channel!!!
of course, taehyung would use those obnoxious titles
so you’re like ok go on and you press play
and his intro song plays and it goes right into the prank video where he introduces what he’s going to do and what’s gonna happen
then right after the 3rd person’s reaction, the screen blanks
you blink once
and pretty boy’s face pops up on screen!!!!!
“Hey guys!! So like what you’re about to see is pretty damn amazing and this girl right in that video, I kinda need help to find her”
“So please, like PLEASE start blowing up her phone if you happen to know her and let her know that I’m looking for her!”
“If you’re the person I’m looking for then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come contact me on any social media you want, I’m not picky!!”
He grins once more and it goes right back into the prank reactions and wew there’s you!!!
You’re rubbing your eyes more violently this time and you see the footage of taehyung approaching you and jimin comes from behind
then there’s your heroic act of protecting the boy who was still a stranger to you at that point in time
the screen shifts back and taehyung appears once more
“this girl was SO amazing like yO her reflexes!!!!! Keep an eye out for this girl and blow her phone up if you find her for me! Stay cool and peace out!”
Then he does his signature V sign with his fingers and his outro plays
you almost drop your phone but immediately snatch it back and go straight to dialing your friend’s number
it was an emergency and you needed immediate consultation on how to approach the situation at hand like HOW DO YOU CONTACT HIM? WHERE DO YOU CONTACT HIM? WHAT DO YOU SAY?
you do end up heading onto twitter, searching up his account and hesitantly clicking on the message button
you start typing a bunch of greeting messages but backspace is your best friend and you don't know how to start
“hey! it’s me!” NOPE
“greetings taehyung” NOPE
“it is I! Y/N!” Hell to the fucking no
so you end up just going with “boo”
and it’s almost an instantaneous reply where he goes “IS THIS YOU”
and you go “ye”
“ye dis me”
Taehyung swtiches to your profile in the meantime and ignores all the mentions he’s getting from his viewers (they all link you to him btw like jesus tae your followers are great stalkers)
he looks at your profile picture and it’s definitely you in an oversized grey hoodie with totoro ears and you’re absolutely snuggable
so you guys eventually meet up at a cafe that happens to be round the corner down your block and he’s already there legs crossed on his chair
you both happen to wear oversized hoodies and you both looked absolutely adorable and comfy
he buys you a drink and you both end up chatting for hours getting all jittery from cups of coffee and it starts raining and it gets all cold and it’s just gREAT
you guys continue texting for the next couple of weeks and y'all head to more cafes to hit up that caffeine
then one night Taehyung just NEEDS you to come over to his place and this sounds too quick but don't jump all ahead and hear me out
he calls you while you’re like halfway through one of his random videos
“how would you feel about playing a round of mario kart with me? your defeat shall go straight up onto my youtube channel for all to watch”
“prepare your ass for your own defeat”
“HOOOO you’re gonna regret that”
So you throw on some clothes that are somewhat presentable but still screaming “i cant be bothered”
he invites you in immediately and you guys charge straight towards the tv and grab your controllers and it’s really natural like you’ve been talking for maybe 2 months and you’re really comfy around each other and it’s great
you do end up beating his ass in mario kart
tho he gets back at you in the next round
He did film the entire night so you weren’t surprised that his workaholic ass churned out a 20 minute long video in just 5 hours of editing
“you need to cut down on caffeine tae”
“yes indeed i do”
he posted the video that night and when you woke up the next day, you were honestly expecting death threats from his fans
yes there were a few, like this world isn’t that nice sweetie
but what surprised you was the sudden surge of shippers that flocked to both your social media and tae’s
(not that you were unhappy, it was quite the opposite in fact)
they started labelling you as TAEBAE
because yknow
Tae’s Bae
Then that morning, you receive a message from Tae
“What’s with the taebae”
“DAT YOUUUUUU and i’m almost outside your place so you’re coming to the zoo whether you like it or not”
your first date ends up to be at the zoo and at that point you weren’t even aware that it was a first date like tae is a little fast-paced but you catch up real quick
you guys are terrible at planning so once you get there
you buy hotdogs and slushies and head towards the animal enclosure in a zigzag fashion across the entire zoo
one moment you’re watching the lions lie on their bellies and the next moment tae is giggling over butterflies landing on your head as you walk through the butterfly enclosure
dont forget that tae vlogs the entire day on his gopro
halfway through the day, tae finally grabs a map and finds out that there’s one last animal show and you both race towards it
only to get front seats at the aquatic animal performance
you guys get swamped with water but you both cheer at the seal’s performance because it’s a seal and it’s beautiful!!!!!!!!!
But it’s honestly the best date you’ve ever had considering your history with guys like not many of them even knew basic respect
you guys continue running the entire day making it to every enclosure and re-naming every animal
like the lion is richard, tiger is damien, giraffe is steve and ur fave was felicia the butterfly
at the end of it all, your legs were falling off and tae was practically dragging you back out the exit
you and tae end up going to the nearest drive-through and getting burgers before parking at the nearest outdoor carpark and just camping in the car and chilling with food
tae definitely drags you for getting the typical cheeseburger but you stand by your choices in life
it gets a little late and it’s around midnight already but you never want the day to end but you still don’t really know what you are to tae
“Tae, what’s going on?”
“What are you yapping about”
“Like, seriously, what are we?”
Tae goes on an entire monologue about how he was sure he’d hear this question sooner or later and he hops out of the car and rounds to the back and opens the trunk
the car wobbles a little as he grabs whatever he needs from the back and makes his way back to the driver’s seat again
he knocks on the window and gestures for you to head out to the back with him which you follow with the raise of an eyebrow
he gestures to the trunk and when you get back there you kinda just gasp like really loudly and stare at the box that sits right in the middle of the trunk and you don't know what to do
“go on, go grab it”
you freeze once more before going for it and touching the smooth surface
you’d recognize it anywhere
it was the latest nintendo wii and you knew it cost a bomb
“but wHY”
“because my girl needs to train up on mario kart so we can trash Jin at it”
“hell yeah baby”
and you leap into his arms
not because he got you a new game console with a pile of mario games
but because you really loved the boy in your arms
it didn't take long for him to creep into your heart and he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon :-)
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th3memories · 7 years
And just like that another Dayton year over and done with. I really do love being apart of winter rather than fall. Reasons why are just because I'm surrounded by a much tighter and friendlier group. It's as if we can all speak the same language front ensembles and drum lines. Even going to Dayton is even better. Although I'm going to talk about my first Dayton experience as a tech. So be prepared for long long stories. Read at your own desire. Honestly I think the one thing that irked me the most was that I was the only one my age during this whole trip. A fucking 19 yr old hanging with old ass late 20-30 yr olds. Basically no one else my age RIP me. It made me think am I supposed to act older or just be myself and not let any of that kind of attitude affect me. However I guess I ended up having to assimilate towards it. If you can beat them join them. Fuck. Let's just say I got my fair share of drinks but no bad affects. Well one thing is for sure ya girl ain't a lightweight. Anyways practice days were tiring, the kids had a freaking 9-9 like wtf is this drum corps?? I even ended up burning and peeling like wtf?!?! Aghhh and I wore sunscreen 😭 then came the show days those were fun semis was probably the best day for me. Thankfully the kids made finals went from 9th-7th-9th so made top ten. That day we were blue to watch some really great shows like holy fuck MCM is amazing or their show is just crazy. Pulse I like the music ish and the show concept idk it's always so engaging. The bird show was meh. Sorry jota jota you still played well. RCC was interesting to watch like very interesting kinda liked it more than broken city TBH. Idk broken city confuses me sometimes they have really nice samples and a few of my friends in the ensemble so that's cool. And yeaaaa idk maybe I'm just not that much of a fangirl anymore. In a way I think it just gave me the motivation to get out there and perform again. At the end of it all there was always just a lot of waiting around which is usually what happens I mean at least grateful for not loading anything or having to be chaperoned ALL the time. FUCK that. Idk one thing that sure did get me super heated was the fact that we were trying to get ready for finals. Obviously we came back to the hotel to get ready change and look nice. I got ready right on spot and I was just chilling waiting to go down. I saw the message that they were going down but at the same time no one ever posted the time to go downstairs so it was never clear. Anyways I heard my phone ring and boba lover was calling saying in his serious tense/ mad tone "do you wanna go to finals or not" and I fucking ran out the door. I swear to god to tried to play it off as he was joking but it was so obvious he was fucking pissed that we were gonna be late. And honestly it wasn't even my fault we were sitting in that van for a good 5 min after me because my roommate Anna was taking her sweet ass time talking to kmtobia about Coachella and shit and didn't get ready til last minute so honestly wtf. But idk I got the vibe he was taking it out all on me!!! So WTFFF man, I mean honestly I would take the blame if we were late, if the performance didn't go well, if someone got injured. YET NONE OF THAT FUCKING EVEN HAPPENED!!! God fucking damn. He barely talked to me kept giving me rude vibes and shit so fuck that man. For the rest of the night I hung out with LOL and Anna watching broken city's lot and chillin in the stadium. It was fun greeting the kids and stuff after it was over and also got to see cernie-kins. Another thing but this was just my jealousy side was the fact that the kids liked biffany a lot during this trip or especially the girl seniors. I think someone fucking said "there is finally a feminine side apart of the tech staff" and I was like WTF AM I NOT A FEMALE?!?!?! Some bitches. And idk I mean they said it doesn't count cause we played with you. Idk I guess but at the same time that was shitty for me. Ok back to Biffany. What I've learned is that yes she is very feminine with her super high voice, and all her flirty techniques like holy shit if there is any other flirt like my boss it's her. Not that it's a bad thing but that's just what I learned. But fuck those seniors love her AND it was her birthday?!? So then it made her even more popular the kids even got her a ballooon omfg. I never get that shit. I guess it makes sense because she always messes around with them and is with them also 24/7 making them clean. And maybe it's an age thing. Lmaoo I miss my open kids. O well. Third point it's just weird that I wanted to talk about was the fact that boba lover and biffany were pretty close on this trip. I mean her flirting skills were high but what surprised me was that he was reacting back to her in a positive way. It's so funny to think because he would talk shit about her before especially in Fresno holy crap. Now they acted like two little love birds that couldn't get enough of each other. Like shiiiiieeeeeet. Who knows. I guess he deserves happiness YIKES typing that made me sound hella rude. Everyone deserves happiness. Idk I don't want to be mad at him at the end of the trip. Let's just talk about boba lover. Honestly at the end of this trip I told myself I can be annoyed and mad at him but once we leave and depart I'll get over it and seem like nothing happened. It's just knowing him for so long I've realized he has more good moments than bad. It's just when he is in a bad mood it's hell for everyone around him. He stresses out Too fucking much especially when it's a show. Like that stress is gonna kill you man!!! He honestly couldn't even relax at bargos due to the amount of pressure he was feeling for finals day. Like fuuuuck dude ITS JUST BAND. Haha lemme just say this. Boba lover you were really sweet but your harsh mad personality makes people cry even me sometimes.... "welcome to your tape." HaHaHa jk haven't really cried yet from him just hella mad. Next up was BT only thing was that I get super annoyed by his speeches. HE ALWAYS drags on saying too much information and losing the kids attention. Like dude get your shit together you make fun of retardation yet you fucking act like one when giving speeches to the kids. took forever that I almost didn't get to talk to them before finals. Bish. It's ok I forgive u. Although as for positive moments I think I've really grown to like Mr. Costco. He is a great boss way better than meldaughter. Idk at the beginning I disliked him during fall but I've realized that he truly loves the kids and everything they have to offer. He always wants to make the show better be better he loves his mom, he can hold his liquor unlike dummy boba lover. He is well known in the percussion community very sassy yet polite and is just great overall. Pretty thankful to have worked with him. Also S/o to LOL for grabbing me a drink and just actually talking to me during different moments. It was cool to get to know you better through this trip. You're cool. Most fun moment was cheering a toast with Vinceiesha at the hotel and chillin at bargos overall. Damn right I can hold my own I turn red but I'm still good. Although what wasn't fun was getting pimples from traveling and being Stupid shit sick!!! All I kept doing was coughing and feeling the mucus in my throat. Not fun at all!!! Idk I can't really think of anything else. I did go on a spontaneous DQ run for ice cream. Wasn't bad TBH. I just needed a getaway from all the shitters. Six days together IS pretty long. But yea overall this was my big summarization and rant on the season, cause probably and hopefully foresure I'm not coming back to teach or at least not for awhile. Idk honestly I still wonder why am I still here I feel as though they don't even need me. Ugh I shouldn't be thinking that but ugh idk sometimes it happens and I feel shitty. Whatever.
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