#but yeah bounces up and down i wrote some bangers for this one
didsomeonesayventus · 5 months
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Hello engage and tarot fans, happy and pleased to make an official announcement (and preview) that I contributed to the supporting prose and writing for the Emblem of the Arcana!
This project was super fun to work on and I loved translating my love for tarot into my (slightly more recent LOL) love for the world of Elyos, and invite you to take a peek at all our excellent contributors!
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23 - Van Halen - 1984
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Starting with a sentence that is pretty much guaranteed to piss off my dad: i was never a big Van Halen fan. (Look, if you heard "Right Now" as many times as i did growing up, you'll understand.)
That said, a few of the songs on this one are among the songs by them that i do actually like, and the cover art cracks me up every time i see it.
Also, my wife is exactly one day older than this album, and i just think that's neat.
• 1984-
Spacy synthy intro song. Not what i was anticipating this album to start off like. Kinda dig it, though.
An absolute classic. As I'm fond of saying: "it ain't about the fall down, it's about the bounce back", and that's the whole idea of this one.
Also, that guitar solo is fucking insane.
One of the songs that broke Noriega, and i think the govt used it solely because of the irony of the title being used against a Panamanian asshole dictator.
Personally, i like the idea of using songs over bombs in combat. Fewer pieces of bodies to pick up afterwards.
That said, what the actual fuck does the nation of Panama have to do with this song that's about a hot lady being described somewhat like a sports car? The world may never know.
Fuckin banger, though.
•Top Jimmy-
(But, i hardly know Jimmy!)
Holy shit, Eddie, are your fingers okay? Because goddamn that's some fast fingering on those harmonics.
Top Jimmy cooks, you say? Well, let him fuckin cook!
Another kick-ass solo, naturally.
Didn't know this one before today, but it fuckin slaps.
•Drop Dead Legs-
To be honest, i always figured Diamond Dave was a tits man, but apparently he also appreciates "a giant butt". Good for him.
All in all, gotta say that ZZ Top wrote the better leg-song.
•Hot for Teacher-
A song that has been relevant a number of times in my life, and that's all I'm gonna say on that matter.
That drum intro absolutely whips ass, and the guitar coming in only makes it better.
It's a little skeevy, lyrics-wise, but overt horniness can't stop it from being an all-time banger.
•I'll Wait-
Oh, that early-to-mid 80s synth. 😍
Kind of a weird one, since it's literally just about jerking off while looking at a legally-distinct-from-a-Playboy magazine. Not the best song on the album, for sure, but it's interesting enough to keep my attention.
I still can't believe this was a single, though.
At the end of the day: the centerfold isn't gonna fuck you, dude. Oh wait, shit, you're David Lee Roth... never mind, yeah, she might, actually. Go for it, bro.
•Girl Gone Bad-
"I'm in love with a prostitute", the spiritual prequel to "I'm in Love With a Stripper", i guess?
•House of Pain-
Just couldn't fuck dirty enough for that girl, could ya? Or, from a different, much darker point of view, kinda feels a little Josef Fritzl-y.
So, yeah, this album is pretty fucking great, (surprising nobody, considering it's their best-selling album).
Funny (but also lame as shit) fact: "The front cover was censored in the UK at the time of the album's release. It featured a sticker that obscured the cigarette in the putto's hand and the pack of cigarettes.".
For real... Are y'all okay over there?
Favorite Track: Hot for Teacher. Every aspect of it just kicks ass.
Least Favorite Track: House of Pain. On one hand, it's creepy. On the other hand, it's very creepy.
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ksj-com · 5 years
Request #1
One Night, Two Parties
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- Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
- Genre: Highschool!AU, Enemy2Lover!AU, smut
- Warnings/Tags: (kinda) slow burn, alcohol mention, drug mention, party competition, flashing, partying, arguing, rough kissing, hickies, neck kissing, wall sex, rough sex, protected sex, fingering, slightly drunk sex, shirtless Jungkook
- Word Count: 6,015 words
- Summary: You and Jungkook have been popularity rivals for two years, and you don’t want to admit it’s just because you’re jealous of how easy he can make friends. You’ve been planning a party for the past week now only to find out that Jungkook has a party happening today as well. This is your time to show him who’s boss at this school by having a competition on who has the most people at their party.
|| To read Jasmin’s story with Namjoon, click here ||
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     The sound of chalk on the board made the palm you were leaning on more and more comfortable by the minute. Equations with unknown meanings sprawled across the green slate in front of the classroom. The teacher has his glasses drooping to the brim of his nose; he was so in-the-zone that he wouldn’t even glance back to the class to explain what he was writing. 
     On the other end of the room, your eyes were beginning to become out of focus as you daydreamed about tonight. Maybe you’ll get plastered enough to bring someone in your room tonight and get freaky. The imagination of your mystery man slowly pulling your sticky clothes off and kissing all over your bare skin made you purse your lips together to keep yourself contained. Sex wasn’t a huge part of your life like some of the girls that you went to school with, but you couldn’t help the occasional daydream. Especially under the circumstances, it being the last and most boring class of the day.
     A piece of paper bounces off your head from behind and snaps you out of the fantasy you built inside your head. Knowing exactly who it was, you roll your eyes and ignore it. You close your eyes to hopefully catch a few zzz’s before class ends. Another paper bullet hits your head, making you annoyed enough to turn around. The boy sitting behind you, Yoongi, passes you a note. His face was clearly just as annoyed as yours from his note-taking being disrupted. You grasp the paper and open it up to see what’s inside.
     ‘You ready for the banger tonight? My house.’ You read the words written in terrible boy handwriting. You look around behind you to meet eyes with Jungkook. He smiled deviously at you in return to the scowl on your face. He really thought he was going to take tonight from you and be smug enough to invite you to his own party? Not happening.
     You flip the paper over to write your own note for him to see. The anger pushing through the pencil a little too hard seeing how it broke under your fingers when you were done writing. ‘Too late. People have been knowing about my party since the beginning of this week. Parents are out of town and everyone’s getting fucked up. Best party of the year for sure.’ Being satisfied with what you wrote, you turn back around and hand it to Yoongi to pass to Jungkook. Yoongi makes sure to show you how you’re being annoying by rolling his eyes before passing the note back to Jungkook.
     You turn back around to be slapped in the face with the gibberish written all over the board. Calculus was a bitch and you’ll regret not copying down the notes later, but you didn’t have the energy to care about it right now. Surely someone else will send you pictures of the notes over the weekend for you to copy down anyways.
     Jungkook didn’t hand you back a note until after the bell rang. You were placing your notebooks back in your backpack while Jungkook slid the note on top of your desk. You immediately unfold the paper to read ‘We’ll see about that then.’ You look up to see him by the door looking back at you, him making a throat cutting motion and a wink before walking out the door. You roll your eyes and sling your backpack over your shoulder. Yeah I guess we will.
     There was always a tension between you and Jungkook ever since he was new sophomore year. He instantly made friends from doing absolutely nothing other than being slightly attractive, at least that’s what every girl here thought. On the other hand, you were popular from actually being involved in extracurriculars, still having a social life, and not being a bitch. You couldn’t help but feel a bit envious at how he showed up out of no where and took your spot in people’s lives. It’s now senior year and your feelings for him haven’t changed. You both hated each other.
     “I just can’t believe he thinks he can ruin my party by throwing his own, like, I swear he goes out of his way just to ruin my life!” you rant as you looked at yourself in the mirror. A light green, skinny strapped, cropped tank top with a high waisted black skirt that ended at the middle of your thighs. You looked at yourself proudly. Playing sports and being active kept you in shape and you had a pretty set self esteem, so wearing tight clothing didn’t bother you. You had already freshened up your makeup, applying some dark nude lipstick as well. To complete the look, you let your straight hair fall around your shoulders.
     “Listen, I think you’re a tad over dramatic. Yes, it was a dick move to plan a party when he probably already knew you were going to throw one, but who cares? We’re gonna be loaded with shit that I doubt he will be, so who’s house is everyone gonna choose? Yours,” your best friend, Jasmin, crosses her arms while meeting your eyes in the mirror. She always knew how to cheer you up and make you confident in anything you weren’t. She was your ride or die to say the least. You’ve known her throughout your highschool years, and unlike most of your close friends, she’s always been by your side. “Now move bitch, so I can see how I look,” she laughs and pushes you aside.
     She fluffed up her blonde curly hair, inspecting her blue eyes and freckled face. You watched her; she was absolutely gorgeous. “Plus, I doubt he knows anyone over 21 around here to get him anything he wants like we do. Hobi should be coming any minute now to give us our deliveries,” she shrugged, her step brother was always willing to plug anything you guys wanted for your parties. Although she was right and comforting you, the thoughts in the back of your mind couldn’t help but resurface.
     “You’re right. I guess I’m just over thinking it,” you watch her. The roles now switched as she looks at her outfit now. She turns around with a smile planted across her face as she approaches you.
     “So...your eyes set on anyone for tonight?” she wiggles her eyebrow. You can feel a laugh rise in your throat as your unrealistic daydream replays in your mind. She must have noticed your cheeks flush when you told her no one because she didn’t believe a word you told her. “You’ll get a little frisky when you start drinking anyways, so I guess I’ll find out what you’re getting all red about later,” she jabs your side.
     “You’ll see that I’m only looking to have a good time with myself and my best friend, AKA you,” you lie to her and yourself. You didn’t want to admit that you wanted to catch someone’s attention tonight— not anyone in particular, but having people scan your body up and down gave you a thrill. Even if you wanted what you said to be true— it wasn’t. Since Jasmin could read you like a book, she could tell it wasn’t true either.
     “Mmhmm... okay (Y/N). Should I bring up the last time we had a party? After that drinking contest, you had no problem basically fucking that guy Jin in the middle of everyone dancing,” You pushed your fingers in your ears to make the story stop. God, you were such an embarrassing drunk sometimes.
     “Okay, fine. What about you? Who are you going for tonight?” You ask, watching her jokingly lick her lips.
     “Namjoon,” her voice straining while saying his name in a low tone. You couldn’t help but laugh at her poor imitation of him. But after your laughing fit, her answer finally set in making you scrunch your nose.
     “Going for a straight edge tonight? Changing it up I see,” She hits you lightly and just as she was about to reply, the doorbell buzzed throughout the house. You both exchange looks before heading towards the front door. 
     Hobi stands at the front door with booze hugged to his chest. You always had the hots for him while being friends with Jasmin, but you both decided he was off limits for you. You didn’t want to put Jasmin in an uncomfortable situation if something was to ever happen, even though you doubt it would ever anyways. “Well are you just gonna stare, or are you gonna help me carry these all in? There’s more in the trunk,” he scoffs and steps inside.
     You and Jasmin walk out to the open trunk. You both see the heaping amount of boozes from different assortments of Svedka, Bicardi, Vodka, Fireball, Smirnoff, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Jack Daniels, etc. Not only were there bottles of liquor, but there were bags of joints and blunts. Thankfully, that was all there was since you didn’t feel like being the reason someone became addicted to coke tonight. 
     “Hell yeah,” you and Jasmin both say in unison before everyone empties everything out of the trunk and aligning it on your kitchen counters. Red cups were in stacks next to the liquor and the weed was spread across the table.
     The party started at nine and the clock was just passing eight. You both thanked Hoseok by paying him back and started pregaming when he left. You guys didn’t want to get too fucked up before the party actually started, so you both made sure to snack while drinking a little bit. It was safe to say that you felt a little tipsy, heat resting on your cheeks constantly and you feeling a bit more giggly than normal. You greeted the people that walked through your doors, slightly shouting over the music playing. It was already 9:30 when you realized how little of people showed up. You kept telling yourself that more people will show up later, but it really started to bother you when people began to complain about it.
     You agree that something is off and look out your window to see Jungkook’s house filled with people inside and outside. Him living across the street from you made it even more of a smack in the face at what was happening and you weren’t just going to sit and let it happen. You drag Jasmin out to your front porch, visible to everyone flooded on Jungkook’s front yard. You, having had a few drinks already, came up with an idea that your sober self would probably look in disgust at. You whisper your thoughts to Jasmin and she agreed with no hesitation.
     You both shout and wave your arms to get people’s attention. Once everyone’s eyes were on you two, you followed through with the plan. “Before you spend the rest of the night at Jungkook’s, make sure you know there’s a better party across the street,” you both shout and raise up your shirts. With no bra on for the both of you, your breasts flash everyone outside. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, nervous from the reaction you would receive. Luck was on your side tonight as everyone cheered and began flooding towards your house. People inside noticed the movement from everyone outdoors and followed, figuring there must be a reason a big crowd was leaving. Thank god.
     You were sure to greet everyone and tell them where everything was while they all walked in. Casually glancing over to Jungkook’s house to see if he was going to walk out as well. Sure enough, a couple minutes later Jungkook walks out bare chested and confused. What a meathead. He locks eyes with you and you take the perfect moment to mimic the same throat cutting motion he gave you earlier today. Clearly annoyed, he shakes his head and heads back inside his house.
     You eventually slide yourself with the crowd of people coming inside. The smell of marijuana faintly covering the room. Not a lot of people gravitated towards it to your surprise, most people already having a vape in hand. Either way, the room had a slight fog in the air. You planted yourself in the kitchen with the drinkers having shots. You join them only having a few for yourself since you were already tipsy. You were smart this time and there was no way you were going to let yourself get black out drunk. Jasmin was the polar opposite as you, she didn’t care and you were more of the ‘mom friend’ to her.
     She was out dancing like an idiot to Kodak Black, she was clearly already drunk. She jumped around aimlessly, people around her looking equally gone. You laughed as you jumped in next to her to the music. Smiles were on both of your faces and you were having a blast. On the corner of your eye, you saw Namjoon join Jasmin from behind. She grinds into him when she realized who it was after you gave her a wide eyed look. She looks at you with a giant grin on her face as you watch Namjoon’s hands grip at her waist. You gave her a secret thumbs up and scan the room to try to find a guy to do the same with. Your eyes stop on Jungkook.
     You approach him and stand in front of him while he dances. “Your party so boring that you had to join mine? Last time I checked you weren’t invited,” Your face twists as you watch him having a good time in your house.
     He scoffs, “Last time I checked most of these people weren’t invited to your house either, but here they are.”
     “Well they aren’t assholes like you are!” you shout, the alcohol coursing through your veins making it difficult to hold back what’s really on your mind.
     “Isn’t the alcohol supposed to make you a less uptight bitch?” He shoots back with disgust on his face.
      “How about you just get out of my house? My party, my rules,” you cross your arms with a look that could kill someone.
     “Gladly,” he taunts. He stops dancing and looks at you. The music abruptly stops causing everyone to start complaining. You whip around to see Taehyung, one of Jungkook’s minions, have his hands around the cut cords of your stereo. “Party back over at Jungkook’s! There’s actually music playing over there!” Jungkook cups his hands around his mouth to project his announcement. You bite your cheeks to hold in the tears while you watch everyone follow Jungkook back over to his house. 
     Once the house was basically empty, you rushed over to the cut up cords. You felt your stomach drop at the sight of the damaged equipment that wasn’t even yours. You look around for Jasmin to help think of what the hell to do in a situation like this, but she wasn’t in the room. Now that the house was silent from no people and no music, the sounds of moaning were muffled from the walls separating you both.
     “Gross,” you mutter to yourself as your focus turns back to the cords. You were so screwed. This was your dad’s stereo and you had no idea how to replace it by the time they came back home. You didn’t have the money nor do you know where it’s even from. Your body started to boil, you frustrated at the fact you couldn’t even look at the cords without three other versions of it twirling around your vision. How could Jungkook go that far just to take all those people back?
     Before you could process what you were doing, your feet were stomping over to Jungkook’s house. The music blaring outside of his house. You could call the cops on him to throw back a little bit of the ‘going too far’ medicine, but you threw a party too and didn’t want to risk it. Hot humidity hit you when you stepped into his house full of people. Pushing threw the sticky dancing bodies, you finally make it to Jungkook. He stood behind a bar handing drinks out to people. You yank him aside to a room away from music so you could both actually hear each other.
     “What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t you think cutting cords from an expensive ass stereo is a little too far for a fucking party? My parents are gonna kill me and here you are having a good time not giving a damn about what damage you just did to my house! Such an inconsiderate asshole!” You push him roughly while screaming into his face.
     He doesn’t hold back when he pushes you back with the same force, making you stumble on your feet a bit. Now it was his turn. “Do you really think I give a shit about what your parents are gonna think? Hell, I would actually love to see their reaction, see you get grounded and cry about it like the baby you are. You have despised me ever since I moved here, even though I haven’t done shit to you. You make everything a rivalry when I’m just trying to have a good time. You have to ruin everything by needing constant validation that you are the most important one in this school when, in the end, no one gives a shit,” his words burn into your body. “And the worst part of it all is no matter how much I want to hate you, I can’t. You never leave my mind,” his voice drops as he tries to raise his hand to your face.
     You scoff and smack his hand down. “How drunk are you to try that cheap shit on me? I’m not going to run into your arms like every girl here. Just because you can smooth talk your way into every girls panties doesn’t mean I apply.” you watch his face twist with rage and embarrassment.
     “Who the hell do you think I am? I don’t manipulate anyone for sex and I wouldn’t do that to you. Why do you hate me so goddamn much, (Y/N)?” His voice is so loud that you wouldn’t be surprised if everyone would be looking when you both walked out.
     “I don’t hate you, I just- I-“ your mind was spinning. Why couldn’t you be sober right now to put together a proper sentence? He slowly walked towards you, your eyes drifting down his bare chest. Toned and shiny from the perfect amount of sweat. Snap out of it. You’re drunk. “Just pay me back for the stereo,” you push past him, knocking his shoulder aside.
     After pushing your way through the party once again, the air was a nice relief. You took a deep breath of the crisp cool air to try to cool your adrenaline from the argument and confusing words Jungkook just told you. You figured that he hated you just as much as you hate him, but now that you think about it, how could you say that when you don’t really have that strong of a dislike for him? Yes, he was annoying in every way possible, but it’s not really his fault that your friends started to gravitate more to him than you. At the end of the day, those friends weren’t really your friends if they left you.
     Your thoughts stop when you reopen your front door to reveal how big of a mess the short lived party created. You groan into your hands, but suck it up to grab a garbage bag. Empty cups, crushed chips, spilled drinks, a puddle of unknown liquid scatter the floor. You inspect the thick cream color liquid with disgust. Puke, maybe?
     You started at one end of the room picking up and cleaning your place. Your mind went back to how undeniably good Jungkook looked as he was approaching you. The dimness of the room carved out the ridges of his abs and glistened on his sweaty high points. You kept telling yourself that he was only average for the past couple years, but you couldn’t deny that the thought of his looks now made your body tingle. You couldn’t understand if that was Jack Daniel’s making you soft for him or if you’ve finally have come to realize he’s really not the villain you have made him out to be.
     You never leave my mind. But, did he mean that in a good way or a bad way? He didn’t leave your mind either, but that’s because you always complained about something he said or did. So was that the same for him, or did he mean something else?
     You snap up when you hear someone’s feet slap the hard floor. Jasmin waddles her way over to the fridge for some water. Her hair tangled and frizzy while one of her shirt straps draped past her shoulder. “Where did the party go, hm?” Her words strung together, making her voice barely comprehendible. Her eyes watch you lazily as she filled up her cup. The mascara crumbling off of her lashes.
     “Jesus, look at you. I’ll tell you all about it when you’re able to understand what I’m saying,” you watch her roll her eyes at your comment.
     She slams the water in her cup, not hesitating to refill it up. She licks her lips, “so what were you and Jungkook talking about? Saw him giving you those ‘fuck me’ eyes before you walked over there.”
     You snort a laugh. “Excuse me?” You face was sour, yet your cheeks speckle with heat.
     “God, you’re so boy-stupid (Y/N),” she shakes her head and disappears with her second glass of water.
     “Says the one who only makes a move when she’s plastered!” You yell for her to hear with a joking smile on your face.
     “Hey! Rude!” She replies, fumbling up the stairs as she tries not to spill.
     You shake your head and laugh, resorting back to picking up your mess of a house. You notice a broken bottle on the floor, glass pieces pointing dangerously upward. Wiping the sweat off your forehead, you grab a broom to sweep up the pile. But, the sound of a door bell stops you in your tracks.
     Jungkook stands at the door looking down at you while you stare at him with furrowed brows. “Yes?”
     “Need some help? Kind of partied out,” he leans his arm on the door frame. “Here, by the way,” he digs in his pocket and gives you a roll of money.
     “Where did you even-“
     He interrupts you by saying, “Listen, I’m sorry about the stereo. You’re right. It was too far.”
     You look up at him to see if he was joking with you or not. You never thought you would hear the words ‘you’re right’ come from his mouth, but he was serious. You stuffed the money in your pocket because, hell, you needed it. Although he was being weirdly nice right now, you didn’t want it to be ruined by inviting him in. Who knows if another argument would fire up? “Well, thank you. I don’t need any help though,” you blow a strand of hair out of your face.
     “Suit yourself,” he turns around and begins walking back. Head down and hands in pockets as he steps down your front porch steps. 
     You chew at your lip while watching him. Maybe you should let him in to see what has been going on with him tonight. What’s the worst that could happen? You guys have already been ‘worst enemies’ so it wouldn’t be anything new if it was back to that after tonight. “Wait!”
     He turns around, only being at the bottom on your steps he looks up at you. His eyes scan down your body as you stand there in silence. Fuck, what do I say now?
     He spins on his heels and walks back up the steps. You gulp as his figure approaches you. He looks at you with the same look in his eyes as earlier, yet this time he crashes his lips on yours. The force makes you stumble back, so you both are inside the house now. He kicks the door closed behind him and pushes you against the wall next to it. Your mind is spinning at the turn of events, yet you really didn’t want to stop it.
     He pushes his lips against you roughly as his hands rest at your waist. You would have never thought the fantasy you daydreamed about earlier would end up being Jungkook, but here you were, not having a single problem with it. Your lips matched his when you both found the right rhythm. Your hands travel from his chest to being wrapped around his neck giving him the opening to feel you up. His hands stop at your breasts over your shirt giving them a squeeze.
     “I guess this answers my question about if you thinking about me all the time was a good or bad thing” you disconnect your lips with a smirk.
     He looked down at your lips while you spoke, both of you out of breath from the adrenaline pumping throughout both of your bodies. “Shut up,” he laughs breathily. Your mouths meet again, passion filled with each touch. His tongue licks around your mouth causing the kisses to become a bit messier and impatient. You tug at his bottom lip, releasing a quiet growl when it snaps back.
     You could taste the liquor on both of your mouths while you kiss. The sweet and bitter linger that each kiss provided made you never want to stop. Your hands claw through his dark brown hair, tangling each finger against his scalp. Every slight tug made a groan rise from his throat.
     Once he was done being teased, his hands gripped your ass. The yelp that came from your lips caused a smirk to spread across his face. He watches you squeeze your eyes shut from the pleasure. Lust filling his hooded eyes. He licks your lips before dipping to attach himself to your neck. Your eyes flutter while your neck cranes back, begging to be touched. A moan escapes your lips from him sucking the tender skin. The care of hiding hickies from your parents currently eliminated by his lips gently kissing the marks.
     You wrap your leg around his back side and pull him closer. His rock hard dick pushing against you cause your breath to hitch. He’s still focusing on your neck as his hands feel you up again, yet this time he’s under your shirt. His fingertips glide over your sensitive skin and stop under your bare breast. He draws back and bites his lip when he forgot that you weren’t wearing a bra. You whine for him to continue touching you by arching your chest towards him. He palms both of your breasts, squeezing them lightly dragging over your nipples. You whimper from the sudden and quick feeling of him touching your sensitive nipples. The feeling shooting throughout your body.
     One of his hands leaves your breast and travels up the inside of your bare thigh. Going up your skirt and stopping on the outside of your underwear. “Tell me you want it— that you want me,” he looks at you. 
     Talking during sex wasn’t really something you’ve done before. With that being said, you haven’t really been in a lot of sexual encounters to begin with. Your cheeks flush and you look at him shyly. “I want you,” your voice coming out softer than you would have liked.
     He tries to hide the smile that threatened to come across his face, so he brushes his nose over yours before connected your lips with him. This time the kiss was soft and sweet, almost innocent. The lust reappears when he makes you gasp by pulling your underwear aside to rub around your pussy. You gripped onto his hair as you moan uncontrollably in his mouth. You were already wet from before, but now you were drenched.
     “So wet for me? I thought I’d never see the day,” he whispers in your ear. All you could pull out of your mouth was another moan as his rubbing became rougher. Two of his fingers trail down your folds and wiggle into you inch by inch. Curling and pumping in and out of you at an unforgiving pace. You whine as you grind down into him and grip his shoulders. While he pumps fiercely into you, his other hand pinches and gropes your breasts. His breath is hot against your skin, watching you so vulnerable under his touch.
     “I want more,” you pull your lip in between your teeth. He pauses to meet eyes with you, batting your lashes playfully. He pulls your underwear past your hips and down to the floor. You step out of them and watch him unzip his jeans. He lets them fall to the ground around his feet after pulling a condom out of his pocket. His dick rises from the lack of restraint the jeans provided causing your legs to squeeze together from the excitement. You watch him pump his length a few more times before sliding the condom on.
     “I didn’t know that the famous Jungkook practiced safe sex,” you giggle. You honestly didn’t care since you were on birth control but it’s better to be safe then sorry.
     “I didn’t even know the famous (Y/N) had sex to begin with,” he glances up at you with a smug smile.
     Barely, you thought to yourself. You stayed silent since he already started to cease the space between your two bodies. You pull your shirt over your body, leaving you with just your skirt on. You begin to tug it down, but his hands stop you. 
     “Keep the skirt on,” his voice raspy. You could feel his dick resting between your legs. You couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. You weren’t usually the one for casual sex; you figure that’s all this really was. In all honesty, you hope it isn’t. He could tell the uneasiness on your face when he asked,” Are you sure you want to?”
     You nod eagerly. Fuck it, even if it was casual his dick will probably be bomb given the massive size of the thing.
     “Just tell me if it ever hurts or anything,” he kisses your forehead and trails his lips to your lips once again. One of his arms wraps around the back of your thigh to lift, completely exposing yourself under the skirt. He keeps your leg lifted as he slowly slides in your impatiently dripping pussy. Your eyes screw shut, the delicious stretch has your hands latching back on his hair. “Fuck...you’re so tight baby,” his breath stutters. Despite the dirty actions, you feel your heart skip a beat at him call you baby like this. Your feelings for him have completely changed since the beginning of the night, and you hope he won’t crush you when you finally begin to grow feelings for him.
     He pushes and pulls at a constant pace, enjoying every bit of you while doing so. The heavenly tug your fingers give his hair while the suction of your pussy, wanting to keep him in while he pulls out, almost makes him want to let go right now, but he doesn’t want to blow this opportunity. The opportunity to show that he can make you feel something other than anger. He wanted to show you that you guys could function together without wanting to shoot each other’s heads off. Of course, sex wasn’t going to make you realize everything he wanted you to about him, but it was a start given the circumstances of tonight.
     His kisses are the only thing holding you both from screaming each other’s names. Wet sounds and slapping skin hid the sounds of the moans you both made in each other’s mouths. His free hand snakes around your waist to hug you against him creating a friction every time he pounded inside of you. The friction against your clit made your eyes roll back while your walls clench around him. You could feel your core ignite as each stroke hit blissfully against your spot. As you felt yourself grow closer, your arms pressed up against the wall trying to hold something that wasn’t there. Your moans became higher in pitch, almost as squeaks. His fingers dig into your skin from him trying not to release his load. As if you thought he couldn’t get any deeper, the hand on your back drops down to your ass to pull the cheek. His strokes rise into you, causing your body to jump up every time.
     He growls before lifting your other leg under his other arm, guiding you to now wrap both of your legs around his waist. His hands hold you up below your ass along with the force of being pushed against the wall. He slams into you as he holds you in place. It was obvious that you both were going to reach your high any second now. Your moans barely even making it out of your throat as you watch him. The sweat on his forehead making his messy hair stick to it and his adam’s apple bob as he groans over and over again— music to your ears. You felt yourself explode from pleasure as water floods on the floor below you two. Your tight clenching pussy drives him over the edge as he fills the barrier between both of you. You hug him close as you bounce on his dick to ride out both of your highs.
     Your legs reached the ground again, immediately shaking from how weak they feel. You both look at each other panting with wide eyes. You both can’t believe that just happened. He’s still inches from your face and his hands glide up and down the curve of your hips.
     “I guess this means we don’t hate each other anymore right?” he chuckles, but the look he gives you when he meets your eyes is telling you that he’s hoping he’s right. 
     You pull away from his stare to pull your shirt back on, so he takes the moment to pull his pants over himself as well. “That might be something I have to think about,” you wink at him to be a tease.
     “Do you have to think about us going on a date sometime?” He loops his belt around his waist, acting casual about what he just said.
     “What?” you freeze in disbelief.
     “You. Me. Dating. Squashing this beef we’ve had for, I don’t know how long. I’m over it. You’re a great person minus the ‘hating me’ part and you’re beautiful...like seriously,” his hand combs through his tangled mess. 
     You laugh from being shy from compliments. “I would love to go on a date with you,” you look down at your feet. His smile grows. “On one condition, we don’t throw parties on the same night anymore.”
     “Silly girl, we’ll be throwing one party together from now on, duh.” he boops your nose. You both spend the rest of the night side by side at the party. Brushing off everyone’s shocked faces whenever he pulled you into a kiss.
     Who would’ve known you’d end up being head over heels over the one you once thought ruined your life?
Requested by: @penguinkyung
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Horse Power.
The Nest’s writer-director Sean Durkin talks about creating atmosphere, watching films without judgment, and the best movies of 1986.
Downfalls in Hollywood movies tend to be chaotic, dramatic and a lot of fun along the way. From Citizen Kane to The Wolf of Wall Street, outsized ambitions are realized on screen in castles, exotic holidays, wild parties, sweeping us up in the extravagance of it all, before the inevitable crash. The Nest takes a slower, far more British view of ambition and its effects on family—or, as Charlie writes, “this movie is a reminder that people who call themselves entrepreneurs should instead be stay-at-home dads”.
The new film from writer-director Sean Durkin, the brain behind cult-survivor slow-burn Martha Marcy May Marlene, is less “strap in and enjoy the ride”, more “slow disintegration of all sense of sanity”—a tense psychological drama focused on the person who usually gets hurt the most: the wife. And that horse-lovin’ dream wife Allison, as played by Carrie Coon, is a character to behold (and the subject of many obsessive The Nest reviews on Letterboxd).
Just as Durkin takes time to carefully explore Martha’s vulnerability in his earlier film, in The Nest, he closes in on Allison, as she and their children adjust to 1980s life in an English manor, far from the comfort of Allison’s American home, while wheeler-dealer husband Rory (Jude Law) chases a new opportunity.
There are thematic similarities in both films; a case to be made that ambitious men wreak a comparable mental destruction on their families as cult leaders do on their followers, breaking them down with charm, persuasion, false promises. There’s also something about the juxtaposition of periods in the film—the fifteenth-century manor vs the ’80s bangers on the soundtrack—that adds to The Nest’s unnerving atmosphere (other parts of the soundtrack are composed by Arcade Fire’s Richard Reed Parry in his first film-score credit).
Keen to understand more about Durkin’s influences and memories, Jack Moulton put him through the Letterboxd Life in Film interrogation.
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Carrie Coon as Allison O’Hara in ‘The Nest’.
The Nest feels like a very personal film. In what ways are the emotions of the premise personal to you? When I was making Southcliffe in 2012, I was back in England where I spent my childhood and I hadn’t been back in close to twenty years. It really struck me how London and New York felt very similar now but they didn’t when I was a kid. I thought maybe I wanted to make a film about a family that moves in that time and how a move can affect a family. As I wrote the script, I became a parent, so it became as much a reflection of modern adulthood as it did about my childhood in the ’80s. Although it’s a period piece, I wanted to make it feel very close to today to look at the celebrated values of the time and how those are still very relevant.
The mansion the family moves into is the titular ‘nest’, and the use of space and atmosphere contribute so much to the film’s subtext. What were you looking for when location scouting for the house? Was it an easy or difficult process? Yeah, it was difficult. It was like doing an open casting call. I had a very specific idea in my head but [my production designer] was able to put it into actual architectural terms so we were able to find a house that a successful commodities broker would live and commute from in Surrey. We needed something beyond that, but if you go too far, you get small castles. Once we located the right exterior, there were a bunch of [houses] that would’ve been great, but when we got inside, there were no open spaces. I wanted to have long hallways to be able to see through multiple rooms to create that isolation—the opposite of the cozy American house that they were living in before, to really highlight the good life they left behind.
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Carrie Coon and Jude Law in ‘The Nest’.
We love the soundtrack; not just the choice of songs but the way that they’re mixed. Can you give us some insight into the song selection? When writing, I build a playlist that I write to. This one was a mix of personal memories from childhood—like Simply Red, which takes me back to falling asleep in the back of my dad’s car—so there’s a way into writing there on a sensory level, and then I build upon it with songs that I love from the time. I was listening to Richard Reed Parry’s Music for Heart and Breath album a lot and he ended up being the composer of the film, so his music was always part of the heart of the movie as I was writing it.
I would spend my drives to set with my assistant talking about music and he would turn me onto some stuff that would make it into the movie. It was a mix of a long-running preparation and things that I pick up in the moment then making that all work at the right level so it feels of the world. Like with The Cure, we actually played that off a tape cassette when Allison walks into the room.
Since your debut feature in 2011, you’ve had a prolific career in television and as a film producer; you’re a founding member of Borderline Films with fellow directors Antonio Campos and Josh Mond. Do you see yourself more as a producer who only occasionally directs films yourself? No, I don’t really consider myself a producer. I’ve produced movies for filmmakers and friends and I help people where I can. I’m not someone who’s out getting properties and thinking about how to put together a film, I’m only thinking about my own work as a writer and a director. Between finishing Southcliffe in 2013 and The Nest in 2018, I had a five-year gap where I was developing lots of projects one after the other—two features and a television show—that were both so close to [being greenlit] but something fell through, which was really bad luck.
What film made you want to become a filmmaker? The Goonies and Back to the Future were those movies as a kid that first made me want to make movies and tell stories, but the moment where I realized what filmmaking is was seeing The Shining. I saw it for the first time when I was eleven or twelve and a friend showed it to me because his older brother had the VHS. It was my first time understanding atmosphere and direction and I just had a sense that I could do it too. It was a really crucial moment, and I kept that thought to myself for a very long time.
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Cinematographer Mátyás Erdély shoots Carrie Coon in Soho.
What’s your scariest film that is not technically horror? AKA, your area of expertise. Oh man, scariest? Something I’ve watched recently is The Vanishing and it’s probably one of the most unsettling films I’ve ever seen. It was incredible to rewatch it because I’d last seen it when I was in college—I watched everything back then—and I’d also seen the American remake, so when I watched it this time, I was trying to remember things [that were different] from the remake. I was like “he’s gonna get out, right?—oh no, that’s in the American version!” I find it an astonishing movie. There’s a real human element to the pain of the killer.
Let’s nerd out: what’s your top film of 1986, the year that The Nest is set? [Laughs] I’ve no idea what came out in 1986. Can I look up a list and I’ll tell you? Let’s see, films of 1986… This is fun! Alright, “popular films of 1986” I’m seeing: Blue Velvet, Short Circuit, Stand by Me, Platoon, The Color of Money, what else have we got here? River’s Edge… Pretty in Pink… Ferris Bueller’s Day Off—Ferris Bueller’s gotta be up there. Big Trouble in Little China! That’s it! I’m sure there’s other things, but from my quick search, I’d say Big Trouble in Little China. That was a movie that was always on in my house because it was one of my dad’s all-time favorites.
Which is Jude Law’s best performance? I love The Talented Mr. Ripley so much. I constantly rewatch that movie—it’s perfect. I also loved him in Vox Lux recently.
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Sean Durkin and Jude Law on the set of ‘The Nest’.
What is the best film about marriage and why does it resonate with you? Shoot the Moon was really influential for me. I’d say it’s a bit more about divorce and family than it is about marriage but [it depends on] if you take the ending to mean that they’re going to stay together—I kind of do. You could say a separation is part of a marriage. I love that movie for how it finds light in humor. Albert Finney is struggling with his masculinity where, even though he’s the one who left, he still thinks he owns it all, and Diane Keaton is quite liberated by this scenario. It’s like their journey to find language again. I find it very beautiful.
Which film was your entry-point into international cinema? I’m trying to think back to what I would’ve seen, there certainly wasn’t a lot growing up. In college I really discovered Michael Haneke and Michelangelo Antonioni. L’Avventura made a huge impact on me. I think [because of the way] the mystery kind of dissolves and it’s about the journey, not the solution.
What film do you wish you’d made? I don’t. Filmmaking is personal and it’s so much an expression of perspective when done with care and love—though obviously, there’s stuff that’s just churned out. I never see something and say “I wish I made that”. One of the things I find hard is when people critique films and say they would’ve done this differently. I’ve become very sensitive to that over time because every choice you make as a filmmaker is so specific and thought out. I try to consume movies without knowing anything about them or making any kind of judgment. I just let them be what they are and wash over me.
Which newcomer director should we all keep our eyes on? I don’t think I’m looking out for new stuff necessarily. Once I get to see something, everyone else already knows about it. One person I would say is Dave Franco, who I just worked with on The Rental. I was an executive producer and I was a creative bounce-board for Dave through the process. It’s his first film and it’s astonishingly directed. We were getting dailies from the first week and we were like, “This is his first movie? This is insane!” I think he will do some exciting things.
Finally, what’s your favorite film of 2020 so far? I was absolutely blown away by Eliza Hittman’s film Never Rarely Sometimes Always. I miss having retrospectives at local theaters, which I’m always keyed into no matter the city I’m living in. I’ve started watching a lot of Criterion Channel and I watched a movie recently that’s taken over my brain: Variety, by Bette Gordon, from 1983. It’s set in New York City around Times Square, and it’s this incredible journey that this woman goes on that captured my mind.
Related content
Sean Durkin’s Life in Film list
Sean Durkin’s Sight & Sound Top 10
Clarissa’s list of films that burn slowly
Everything Carrie Coon watched during quarantine (and the best of that huge list)
Tracy Letts and Carrie Coon’s 24-Hour Movie Marathon
Follow Jack on Letterboxd
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ororowrites · 6 years
T’Challa Fic: Keisha’s Way (ch. 1)
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Taglist: @heyauntieeee @babygirlofwakanda @theunsweetenedtruth @sisterwifeudaku @90sinspiredgirl @airis-paris14  @afraiddreamingandloving @iliketowrite1996
This is my taglist from July (when I posted the synopsis) If you want to be added, let me know. :) 
“Damn baby, ride that shit,” the middle aged man moaned, under Keisha’s slow grind. Her hips swiveled in a circle as she tried to ride the dollars out of Dr. Curtis Nelson’s dick. The doctor had promised her a semester of school paid in full and she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity. Hoping her flexibility and hard work got her a little extra cash to put on her books, Keisha was putting her best moves on the doctor. “Shit, girl!” Curtis pushed his hips forward, meeting Keisha’s slow bounce when she switched up her technique. 
Her thighs were on fire but she needed the nut and Dr. Nelson’s cash. The doctor’s hands gripped Keisha’s ass, the round flesh slapping against his palms. 
“Fuck, I’m about to cum,” Keisha cried, leaning forward to take the sting out of her legs. Shifting her weight, Keisha placed her hands on Curtis’s chest. The student’s hips bucked violently when she neared her climax. 
Curtis wasn’t ready for his bed partner to unravel, yet. He flipped them over and settled between Keisha’s chocolate thighs. “Baby, I’m about to have you calling me daddy,” he teased, making the young woman cringe. All she wanted was the dick and money, mostly the money. The classes and books wouldn’t pay for themselves and being a graduate student made it hard to get scholarships and financial aid. 
Keisha smiled uncomfortably when Curtis’s head disappeared between her thighs and his eyes stayed set on hers. Did he have to stare at her while he ate her out? Yes, she needed the money and to knock off her edge, but Keisha wanted this sex session to end as soon as possible. Watching his salt and pepper head bob up and down between her legs was an erotic site that made her warmth a bit wetter. It was the dangerous and forbidden fruit aspect that excited her. Dr. Nelson was her father’s good friend and colleague. 
Keisha had been sleeping with him for the past two years. The man wasn’t the best in bed but his head game was something to write home about for sure. Curtis’s lips smacked as his tongue explored the depths of Keisha’s folds. “Ohhhh, right there,” she moaned, spreading her thighs and pushing Curtis’s head deeper. As her hips rolled forward, the doctor flicked his tongue against her sensitive nub, sending vibrations down her legs and making her toes curl. 
His gaze stayed stuck on his sugar baby as he ate her like a Sunday dinner. Seeing his tongue make slow circles around her clit, pushed Keisha closer to her climax. She kept her hazel eyes on Curtis as he asked, “You tryna cum or what,” inserting two fingers inside her throbbing pussy, Keisha’s hips shot up, offering an endless amount of juices to quench his thirst. 
“Shiiiiii- why’d you stop,” Keisha moaned, trying to continue fucking Curtis’s fingers through her orgasm. But before she could finish her statement, she was on her stomach with her ass in the air. 
“You gotta finish me off before you go,” he answered, shoving his piece back inside Keisha’s already quivering tightness. “Damn, your shit is still as tight as I can remember. Throw that ass back.” The doctor roughly stroked her, his balls colliding with Keisha’s ass with a crisp slap.She moved her hips back against his, the friction of their rough sex making her kitty drip. It didn’t take much to make Curtis cum. He was shouting her name and spilling into the condom two minutes later before pulling out and falling on the bed. Keisha was disappointed that she didn’t get her nut. She stuck two fingers inside herself and came at the beat of her own drum.
“Whew, you’re going to kill me, Keke. I’ll deposit that $10, 500 into your account on Monday before you leave,” he murmured, half asleep already. Good, she didn’t have to worry about the rest and would have extra money to put on the next semester. 
“Okay, I already alerted the bank about the transfer so we shouldn’t have any problems this time. Just don’t do the deposit all at once,” Keisha grabbed her sweatshirt and jeans. 
“Deal. Thanks for a good time, I’ll page you,” Dr. Nelson said, giving Keisha her cue to leave. Since his wife passed away, Curtis was very generous with money, so another sugar baby was probably on the way to take Keisha’s place. 
“Thanks, doc,” Keisha gathered her shoes and bags, leaving Curtis there to attempt to get it up for the next tenderoni.  
Packing to move across the country was a task bigger than Keisha wanted to deal with at the moment. Her baby sister was sitting on her bed, blasting Ice Cube through her Walkman. 
“Naomi, turn that shit down before you bust an ear drum,” she snapped, watching Naomi bop her head, letting the lyrics roll off her tongue. 
Keisha shook her head. The girl wanted to be from Compton so badly while they were born and raised in Orange County. You couldn’t tell Naomi that and she swore dating gang bangers meant she was hood. 
“Aye! Turn that down or get out,” Keisha yelled, this time pulling one of the cans from Naomi’s ears. “I’m trying to concentrate.” 
“What!... oh, sorry,” Naomi replied, snatching the headphones off and throwing them to the bed. “So do I get your room when you leave?” 
“No, leave my shit alone,” Keisha warned, throwing a drawer of underwear onto the bed. A pink sex toy fell out with the array of panties but luckily, Naomi missed it. 
“You are such a bitch, but I’ll miss you,” the kid sister teased. “Rashad going too?” Rashad was Keisha’s ex of two years that seemed to pop up every now and then. Most of the time it was when they both needed an itch scratched. 
“Rashad is already down there, sadly. Hopefully that nigga stays down by the Morehouse campus because he’s trouble.” Keisha admitted, her lady parts tingling thinking about their last run in. Dude fucked her so hard, she couldn’t sit right for two days. 
“Mmmhm, you’ll be fucking him as soon as you land. Hoe ass,” Naomi scoffed, shaking her head at her sister’s antics. 
“I’m not a hoe. Rashad is my first and only one I mess with occasionally. Now go find something to do other than be in my business,” Keisha lied. Sure, Rashad was her first but no one knew about her situation with Dr. I can only keep it up for five seconds Nelson. Not even her sister and they told each other everything. 
“If you say so. I’ll leave you to your packing. Make sure you leave those black pumps here for me. Those are the only heels I can walk in.” 
Keisha’s head popped up from her suitcase. “I knew your ass was snooping around in my closet.” Naomi dodged a shoe that Keisha had chucked her way. It hit the wall with a thud.
3 days later 
Packed and ready, Keisha was ready to take on ATL. Leaving California behind wasn’t that difficult even though she hated leaving her sister behind. Naomi was her best friend and she wanted her to come with her but Naomi was too busy chasing some knucklehead boy. Their mother, Gina Lane, was an interesting character. Motherly instincts didn’t come naturally to her though she was a Pediatrician. Somehow her own children, especially Keisha, didn’t get the same love that her patients did. Keisha hated her father and that was not in her character to hate anyone. But Kevin didn’t even deserve the title of father when it came to Keisha. Naomi on the other hand was his pride and joy. This hatred put an extra strain on Keisha’s relationship with her mother. 
“Keke, it’s almost 7. We need to leave,” Gina yelled from the foyer. She had patients later that morning. 
“On my way, ma,” the brown skinned beauty took one last glance at her room before turning off the light. She threw the letter she wrote for Naomi on the 20 year old’s bed and jogged down the spiral staircase. “Is Kevin already at work,” Keisha questioned, knowing her father didn’t even come home the night before. 
Gina’s face fell instantly, “Um, yeah. He sends his love.” 
“Hmm,” Keisha hummed, grabbing her bag of mixtapes. “Okay.” 
The ride to the airport was silent. Neither of them had a thing to say and Keisha wasn’t about to force it. Moving to Atlanta was probably the best decision for her and the family. That way, Gina and Kevin weren’t forced to act like they loved their eldest child. Once they reached Gate C, Gina placed a quick peck on her daughter’s cheek, mumbled an “I love you” and turned to leave. Life was cold like that, making Keisha’s heart even colder. 
The flight from California to Georgia took 4 hours and the young woman couldn’t be happier when she finally landed. It took about another 2 hours to get her luggage and arrive at her off campus studio apartment. It resembled a dorm with the dark brown bookshelf, coffee table, desk and lofted bed. Keisha would make the space her own once she got settled in and a part time job. Her savings account was about to be wiped clean unless Curtis was feeling generous. So far, he had only paid for her education which was all she asked for.
Keisha wasn’t a gold digger, but she had big dreams. Her family was capable of helping her but she was left to do it herself. That meant getting it done by any means necessary. 
Before she did any unpacking, Keisha headed down to the neighborhood coffee shop for a energy boost. Blasting “If Your Girl Only Knew” on her Walkman, Keisha walked the few blocks quicker than she thought would. The smell of coffee beans and fresh muffins warmed her senses as she neared the corner cafe. 
“What may I get you ma’am,” the young barista asked. 
“Um, I’ll take a...I’ll get a banana nut muffin and small black coffee with a little cream?” 
“That will be $2.56.” 
Keisha cussed under her breath, she forgot to grab her wallet out of her suitcase. “Shit.” 
“I’ll cover that,” a male’s voice crooned and then a $5.00 bill invaded her space. 
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that...thank you,” Keisha replied, turning to face the handsome man. She tried to keep her mouth closed when she was greeted with his good looks and intoxicating cologne. 
“It’s no problem. I understand how important coffee is to a student. Trust me,” he stated. 
Keisha collected her coffee and muffin and thanked the nice guy again. “Thank you...” she paused waiting to hear his name. 
“T’Challa,” he grinned. 
“Thanks T’Challa. I’m Keisha, by the way.” 
T’Challa nodded, “Keisha. Nice to meet you. Enjoy your coffee.” 
Was it possible to impregnate a woman with just a look because Keisha was sure she was expecting after meeting Mr. T’Challa. 
Face claims: 
Naomi Lane
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Dr. Curtis Nelson
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Doing another one of those looking back surveys ‘cos it’s fun to do that sort of thing as a way to cap off the year. This is one of the first surveys I took, all the way back in 2012. Let’s gooooo. [Edit: I wasn’t able to finish this by the end of the year, so I guess I’m opening this year instead with a throwback hahaha]
Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? Closed. I’m pretty OC, so if I leave them opened I’d only end up irritated. Now: Closed. Why the hell would I leave my closet open?
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? My mom does. Now: Dear 14 year old Robyn, I don’t know what you were observing but your mom definitely never took anything from the hotel??? But to answer the question, no I don’t. The most I’d take is probably a notepad. Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room? No. Now: Six years later, yep.
Where is your next vacation? My family haven’t decided yet! Now: We’re flying over to somewhere in Bicol a couple of months from now.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Nope. Now: No, that’ll never serve me any sort of purpose lmfao.
Who do you think reads these? Meh, no one. Now: Surprisingly, both my old survey blog and this one have earned its share of followers, so I guess at some points my surveys are being read. I say ‘surprisingly’ because both blogs were just meant to be a feelings dump for myself, and I never expected anyone to read my posts. 
Do you have a calendar in your room? Like, one that’s hanging on wall? No. Now: Nope. I have one on my phone, which is more convenient. 
Where are you? I’m in my house. On a bed. In my room. Now: ^ Literally the same answer. I guess little has changed when it comes to this.
What’s your plan for the day? Finish Romeo and Juliet and start on that Friar Lawrence essay. Now: Hahahaha freshman year. Well it’s New Year’s Eve, so my crazed mom is gonna take us to church to idk I guess ~commemorate the end of the year because apparently god still has to be involved in that. We normally celebrate NYE at home since our rooftop has the best view of the fireworks, so I’m guessing we’ll have media noche and then wait for the clock to strike midnight.
Are you reading any books right now? Yeah. Romeo and Juliet. Now: I’m reading Bret Hart’s Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling. I’m also reading AJ Lee/Mendez’s (I never know what to call her anymore) Crazy is My Superpower, and sometimes I’ll skim through Chris Jericho’s The Best in the World: At What I Have No Idea because Jericho’s always a good read. Obviously, wrestling autobiographies are my thing.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Occasionally. Now: I literally never counted my steps. What the hell was young Robyn so loud for?
Have you ever peed in the woods? No. Now: Nope.
Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Yes…maybe it’s why I have no friends? Now: ^ Stop trying to sound cool, you hate dancing with every atom in your body. I don’t dance, even if there is music playing; but the grand exception to this is when I danced my soul out at my Paramore show last August. I’d be crazy not to have.
Do you chew your pens and pencils? Uh. Yuck. Now: Never did. I liked chewing on my lollipop sticks though.
What is your “Song of the Week”? Night On Earth - The Bouncing Souls Now: Haven’t listened to a lot for this depression break, but let’s go with Paramore’s Franklin. Night on Earth is a fucking banger though.
Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Of course. Now: Of course.
Do you still watch cartoons? You bet I do. Never letting the kid in me go. Now: If I catch a rerun of Spongebob then yeah. But I generally still agree with the answer I gave. We Bare Bears is a favorite.
Whats your favorite love movie? Titanic, Love Actually, Friends With Benefits. Now: The Proposal, Love Actually...do Revolutionary Road and Eternal Sunshine count?
What do you drink with dinner? I drink water most of the time. Now: Water’s still my bet.
What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in? Barbecue sauce. Now: Whatever’s available, but barbecue seems to be the default dip.
What is your favorite food/cuisine? I enjoy pizza and fried chicken. Now: Indian food for days. Also sushi. I’m not much of a pizza person anymore; I’d get it while on a date with Gab but my heart belongs to sushi this time around.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Titanic! Now: Yeah...Titanic’s still That Bitch. But also Ferris Bueller’s Day Off! That’s a fun movie to see if I just want to spend a fun two hours watching something.
Last person you hugged/kissed? Last one I hugged was Gabie; I’ve never kissed anyone. Now: My five-year-old cousin went in for a hug when I came over to see her the other night. My girlfriend was my last kiss.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Nope. Now: Never been.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Never. Now: Never.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Last month during my class’s recollection. Now: One of my friend groups did a secret Santa, but we also required everyone to write a letter alongside our gift/s. That said, I wrote a reeeeally long, handwritten letter to Laurice, who I happen to have grown close to this year.
Can you change the oil on a car? No. Now: Nah. I leave that to my dad.
Ever gotten a speeding ticket? No; I can’t even drive yet. Now: I dunno if the Philippines actually has a speeding rule? People here drive like death when the roads are miraculously clear (they never are except for Sundays and holidays) because it’s bumper-to-bumper traffic in the city 24/7, but they’re never pulled over. There are speeding rules on the expressways but people don’t seem to mind that as well, so I doubt getting pulled over for speeding is actually a thing here.
Run out of gas? Nope. Now: No that’s like one of my biggest fears. What happens when your car runs out of gas? I imagine it to be like that scene in Toy Story where Buzz and Woody are trying to chase the moving truck, so they use RC to move faster, but then his battery dies and he just kind of slows down lmao.
Favorite kind of sandwich? Chicken/gourmet. Now: Sandwiches aren’t my go-to so I don’t really have a favorite. I don’t know what I was talking about when I meant ~gourmet sandwich, what a feeler haha.
Best thing to eat for breakfast? BACON. Now: I like eating waffles with bacon inside. Omelettes with everything put in is great too, and so are scrambled eggs.
What is your usual bedtime? On school nights, 9 PM. On Friday nights it ranges from 10 to 12. When I’m on summer vacation I don’t sleep at all. Now: Yeah, I pretty much still sleep at 9 at the earliest on school nights. A bitch needs to function the next day. On Fridays and weekends I’d sleep at 1 AM at the latest, but that depends because sometimes I’ll have school stuff on a Saturday.
Are you lazy? The laziest. Now: I have my periods but when I do work I bust my ass off.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Tinkerbell! Now: Various stuff...I was Tinkerberll, I was a pirate, I dressed up as my former best friend, I was AJ Lee, I was Daria. I’ve had a lot of costumes through the years.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope. Now: No, I was never subscribed to any. I did buy Total Girl every month when I was like 6 up until I was maybe 11 or 12. It’s an Australian magazine for girls, or, as they liked to call my age group at the time, ~tweens.
Which are better, legos or lincoln logs? LEGO! Grew up playing those. And I’d end up crying after I stepped on them. Now: I was never familiar with Lincoln logs. We had crates of LEGO blocks though.
Are you stubborn? Very. Now: Yep, ‘very’ sums it up nicely.
Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Dunno. Should I give a crap about them? Now: I definitely don’t give a crap about either now...I mostly watch Fallon if I want to see celebrities doing silly gags, cos he does a great job making his show super entertaining.
Ever watch soap operas? Yes, when I want to laugh at horrible acting. Now: 14 year old me didn’t have to be so mean. No, I’ve never been into soap operas.
Afraid of heights? Yes. Now: No, only when I’m in a ride, which is partly why I stopped going to amusement parks altogether.
Sing in the car? Don’t we all? Now: All the time, but only when I’m alone.
Dance in the shower? No. Now: Just really rarely.
Dance in the car? When there’s enough space yes. Now: Literally never. Wtf was I lying so much for??
Ever used a gun? No. Now: Never, but lately I’ve been really interested in the idea of going to a shooting range for funsies.
Do you think musicals are cheesy? No. I think they’re the best. Now: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What the fuck Robyn!!! You’ve hated musicals ever since and you hate it now. Stop lying and stop trying to sound cool!!!
Is Christmas stressful? Yes. Waiting 25 days to open that awfully tempting, beautifully wrapped present under the Christmas tree is really stressful honestly. Now: Buying gifts is stressful. Receiving gifts and opening them have leveled down on the excitement factor these days. Such is getting old.
Ever eat a pierogi? A what? Now: Nope.
Major annoyance right now? The fact that I have to write an essay about Friar Lawrence from Romeo and Juliet. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy writing but when you’re forced to write something you’re not really enthusiastic about, it’s just. Not. Fun. Now: I have to go back to school by next week and I just want to be on a much longer break.
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A fireman. Now: Fireman, astronaut, veterinarian.
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Now: I’m always open to the idea.
Ever have a deja-vu feeling? Like once a week. Now: Pretty often, yeah.
Do you take a vitamin daily? No. Hardly do. Now: Nah, not anymore.
Wear slippers? Occasionally. Now: Only when I’m at the beach or a pool.
Wear a bath robe? Yes. Now: Sometimes.
What do you wear to bed? Tank top + shorts. Now: I wear t-shirts more now, but yeah I woul wear tank tops on warmer nights.
Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart? None of the above. I haven’t entered any of these stores yet, because I live in boring, old Philippines. Now: I don’t care about any of these.
Nike or Adidas? Nike. Now: I like them both and have sneakers from both.
Cheetos Or Fritos? Fritos. Now: Fritos.
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts! Now: Peanuts. I’ve never had sunflower sees.
Ever hear of, “gorp”? Never heard of it. Now: No, I’ve still never heard of it seven years later.
Ever taken karate? No. Would love to! Now: Nah. I think I’m too unathletic to even try.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? No. Now: Yes.
Can you curl your tongue? Yes. Now: Yep, but only in two. I know some people can curl it even more.
Ever won a spelling bee? Dude, I always get first place. Probably the only thing I’m good at besides writing. Now: Before.
Ever cried because you were so happy? Countless times. Now: I cry more because of wholesome videos or instances that make me happy, but not because something so huge that made me overwhelmingly happy happened to me.
Own any record albums? No. Now: I’d collect them if I actually had a turntable.
Own a record player? I sadly don’t D: Now: See above.
Regularly burn incense? No. The smell is annoying. Now: Yeah I’d still find the smell annoying, but only because it reminds me so much of church.
Ever been in love? Maybe. Now: Yes.
Hot tea or cold tea: Neither. Now: Hate tea.
Tea or coffee? Coffee. Now: Coffee for daaaaaysssss.
Favorite kind of cookie? Burnt chocolate chip cookies. Hnnng. Now: ^ Well...still that...except remove the ‘burnt’ part? Idk what I was thinking but I just enjoy chocolate chip cookies period. Anything with peanut butter is also a yes for me.
Can you swim well? Oh, no. I look like a dying fish when I swim. Now: I know basic stuff, but I know I don’t look good when I do the strokes, especially the backstroke eugh.
Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose? Yes. Now: Sure.
Are you patient? NOPE Now: In some aspects. But I hate waiting in traffic or in lines.
Ever won a contest? Yes. Now: Here and there.
Ever had plastic surgery? Never. Now: Never.
Which are better black or green olives? No idea. Now: Olives are the worst.
Can you knit or crochet? No, which is the reason why I failed Home Economics last year. Now: Home econ was “LAST YEAR” at that point??!!?! That’s absolutely crazy. And no, I still don’t do either. I still wouldn’t even if it were graded.
Wash room or bathroom? Bathroom. Now: I use both.
Do you want to get married? Someday! Now: ‘S all I’m looking forward to.
Who was your High School crush? I’m only in my freshman year, but I’m having this crazy, suicidal infatuation with CM Punk. Now: I wish I could talk to 14 year old Robyn and tell her how delusional she sounded in her first few surveys. This is why Punk blocked you on Twitter sis. Anyway, Gab was my high school crush through and through, but I didn’t start liking her til about halfway through sophomore year.
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? I don’t, but when I want things to go my way and they don’t, I give everyone the silent treatment and roll my eyes every like, two seconds. Now: No I don’t, I just keep quiet until it fizzles out.
Do you have kids? No. Now: Nope.
Do you want kids? Yes. Now: Yep.
What kind of mom are you? …I’m a mom!? Now: ...Still not a mom.
Do you miss anyone right now? Sure. Now: Always do.
Who do you want to see right now? No one really. Now: My girlfriend.
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