#but yeah gonna give it ONNNNE LAST SWEEEEEP and then post ideally in the evening
villa-kulla · 2 years
pausing in my finale vibes to climb back into my laloward clown shoes, but yet ANOTHER parallel between them which hadn’t occured to me until now, is how they treat their mentor figures. When Howard and Lalo interact with Chuck and Hector respectively, there’s a certain dignity they afford them in their interactions. Even though the rest of the world eventually writes them off and dismisses Chuck and Hector and doubts their credibility, both Howard and Lalo make them feel like they’re still players in their world. These were both figures who probably groomed them in accordance with their values, and certainly would have been these towering figures to Howard and Lalo when getting started in the business. And then both had to see these heroes become paralyzed and trapped by their conditions, Chuck betrayed by his mind, and Hector betrayed by his body. And while there was some pity there, they still visit them regularly, treat them like they’re relevant, listen to them, and show they still value their advice (and bring them alcohol). They probably both needed the reassurence of these interactions too,  but through their actions they allow these broken figureheads to feel like they still matter, and yeah, there’s just a level of integrity to those interactions that’s kind of touching for both characters.
anyways, started as gravemates but turns out they were soulmates all along, I don’t think i can do this anymore, besties <3
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