#but yeah gunnies Dying and im making it zoras problem lmao
mudskip-muses · 2 years
@escapedartgeek remember how i said short- (X)
There were a million different things Gundham could have done instead of taking the hit for Zora made by one of his overzealous demon kin, the brute attempting to cut them down while the pair was distracted with investigating an old warehouse after rumors of magical happenings within it had reached the halfblood. He had only seconds to react, the demi-demon once again finding himself between one he cared for deemed worthy of his protection and a threat, though this time it was himself that threatened to burst into hellfire along with the assailant. 
The fellow demon’s claws sunk into his chest just as his knife embedded in their own, the poor fool giving a hellish scream before they burst into flames in Gundham’s grasp, the exposed skin of his hands sizzling as it reacted with his angelic half. It wasn't as bad as if he were a full blooded “pure” being, but the fire left behind reddened skin in it’s wake and the smell of burning in the air as the bandages on his left hand began to smolder. 
Everything seemed to freeze for a moment after that, Gundham stuck standing there in wide-eyed shock before his body seemed to catch up with him, the halfblood falling to his knees, and then forwards to his hands a moment later. With a wet cough, blood spattered out of his mouth to the floor below, everything smelling so very much like sulfur that it was making him feel sick. “I b-believe we...have- h-have found our source-” There was more to that thought, but it couldn’t be spoken, the halfblood teetering before fully crashing to the floor in a heap, trying so very hard to hang on to his last thread of consciousness. 
“My...my in...inner p-pocket, there is...a vial of-” Another cough, this one worse than the last. “It glows. I need- I-I need...you...to...” Was...the world supposed to turn like this? And...had it always been this cold? “To...”
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