#but yeah silva got it out and got away instead of something terrible happening to her in my dream
talpup · 3 years
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Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud. He knew there would be trails. He knew trouble would come his way. Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant. What he didn’t know. Didn’t expect. Was that literal Chaos would come his way. That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble. Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealously of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, sexual behavior, and other possible triggers. For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Sorry about the late update. My mom passed a few years back on Mother’s Day and last weekend hit me harder than expected. Please don’t feel the need to give any sympathy's. I’m not asking for that. Anyway, hope you all enjoy.
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Chapter 98
“Light cannot exist without Darkness for without Darkness how would we...”
“Shut up!” Yami roared.
“...know what Light was.” The all too familiar voice finished.
Yami was sick of the voice. He hated it and wondered if he would instantly recognize the voice if he heard it out in the waking world. While it was similar enough to belong to the same person as the Crazy, Happy, Killer voice that spoke when he and Teris received the History of Chaos; it was also different enough for him to question if it indeed belonged to the same person.
Yami blinked remembering what he had forgotten from the last time the page of Chaos had contacted him. “You were right. The Future of Chaos wasn’t in labyrinth two hundred thousand—whatever.”
“The Future of Chaos is not to be found in labyrinth 297,353. The Future of Chaos has long since been taken and moved. Joined where it can be safe.” The voice said.
Yami puzzled at the word “joined”. But the voice was always saying strange things that didn’t make sense, so he instead focused on another question he had. “How did you know? How did I remember?”
Truthfully, Yami hadn’t actually remembered anything concerning his past dreams with the page of Chaos the night Alowishus had taken Teris and him into the labyrinth. But his distinct feeling that evening, the certainty he had that everything would be alright proved that some unconscious part of him remembered these dreams.
“You remember what you must when it is necessary. Even Chaos must bend to the will of Fate. You and the Light alone are destined to have the Future of Chaos. It is not meant for Death. Death cannot have it.”
“At least we agree on that last part.” Yami muttered.
“The time of Darkness is nearing. Your strength will rise in truth once the Light’s power reaches it peak and begins to dwindled.”
“You’re talking about the Summer Solstice. The days growing shorter and all. Not Teris’ actual power dwindling. Right?”
“The time of Darkness is nearing. Your strength will rise in truth once the Light’s power reaches it peak and begins to dwindled.” The voice said again.
Yami growled. The only thing more annoying than these forced communicative dreams with the page of Chaos, was how the voice repeated itself when it didn’t want to answer a question. Thinking of another question, Yami asked. “Why two years for my supposed rise of power? Teris didn’t have that.” Or did she, he wondered. There was no way to know for sure since they had known nothing about it until last years Summer Solstice.
“You must persevere least the world descend into Darkness. You must remember the Light and not consume it least your wrath fall upon the world.”
“Why would I forget Teris? What do you mean consume her?” Yami was disturbed by the memory of his, or more correctly the Darkness’ hunger for the Light and the way the Darkness had drawn the Light into its bottomless abyss.
“Light cannot exist without Darkness for without Darkness how would we know what Light was.”
“Shut up with that and answer me!”
There was a loud slam and slight reverberation that woke Yami up with a start. He sat up feeling groggy despite having gone to bed early. “I’m awake.”
Door still rattling on its hinges, Jax stormed. “I told you to be downstairs and ready to go before breakfast. Not only were you not downstairs but you’re far from ready.”
Yami shook off the disorientating fog of restless sleep, not feeling all there. “Just give me half a minute.”
Jax watched Yami roll out of bed and stumble, falling to a knee. “You’re not hung over, or worse still drunk are you?”
“Nope.” Yami pushed to his feet and sat on the edge of the bed, putting on his pants.
Jax watched a moment longer.
Yami’s movements became quicker and more sure as he pulled on and laced his boots.
Jax relaxed seeing his Vice Captain become less clumsy. “Did you do as I said? You’re not going to get into a fight with Nozel Silva if I take you, are you?”
“Depends. Braid Face gonna start one?” Yami asked, standing and grabbing the clean white muscle shirt.
“My only concern is that you don’t antagonize or strike first.” Jax said.
“I think I can manage that.” Yami grabbed the two belts off the bedpost, first putting on the sword belt Teris got him that helped hold up his pants and carried his grimoire.
Jax watched the younger man wrap the second belt around his waist. “About last night. I hope you understand my reasoning.”
“Would it change your command if I didn’t?” Yami asked, slipping his sheathed katana into place.
Sorry he had bothered trying to smooth any hard feelings, Jax wondered aloud. “You sure you’re good to do this? The questions Alowishus posed might be unnerving. Never mind what questions Nozel and Fuegoleon might've answered. I told you to work out this aggression you’ve been feeling and you’re still brimming with it.”
“Yeah, and who’s fault is that? You’re the one who said we couldn’t go out.” Yami said.
Jax sighed and turned away. “That’s it. You’re staying.”
Cursing his temper, Yami called. “Captain, wait”
Jax stopped at the closed bedroom door.
Resting his hands on his hips, Yami told. “I won’t antagonize or start a fight with the Royal Ball of Pride. You have my word.”
“I’m holding you to that.” Jax told.
Walking out of Healer’s Hall with Randall beside him, Fuegoleon found Teris waiting outside. Stepping to his cousin, the Crimson Lions Vice Captain embraced her in a tight hug.
“Leon. I can’t breath.” Teris croaked.
“Deal.” Fuegoleon told, his hold loosening slightly when his still healing wounds complained. Eyes closed in relief and gratitude, shame began to fill him. He didn’t care what anyone said. It was his fault. The Agents of Chaos had used him to get his cousin to comply with their wishes.
Releasing her, Fuegoleon gripped Teris’ shoulders. “Never scare me like that again. You hear me.”
“Scare you? You’re the one who--” Teris stop, unable and unwilling to verbalize the truth. Fuegoleon had almost died. If they had gotten him to the healers just a few minutes later… She shook away the terrible thought and hugged him again.
“Leona said you came by yesterday.”
Teris pulled away and nodded. “You were asleep. I didn’t want to disturb or tax you.”
Fuegoleon almost argued that he would've gladly given up rest to see her; but he didn’t. The visit from the Crimson Lions had taken a lot out of him. But he had endured it. As Vice Captain, he had to show the Crimson Lions he appreciated their care and efforts. More than that, he had to let them see that he was well and able to continue his duties to serve the Kingdom, its people, and the squad. After what had happened to Quince and the lingering un-healable injury that had left the previous Vice Captain unable to return to duty; Fuegoleon felt it necessary to reassure any fears or questions the squad had about him. Once his report was written and he was fully debriefed, he would go out on a mission and waylay any lingering doubts the squad might secretly have about his fitness.
Fuegoleon smiled gently. “I’m just glad you’re alright.”
“There you go stealing my line, again.” Teris smiled back.
Fuegoleon’s smile faltered. After what had happened during last years Summer Solstice, he had feared that the Agents of Chaos might’ve had something similar planned for Teris and Yami this time too. When Mereoleona had told him about the labyrinth and its missing contents, Fuegoleon’s relief had been overwhelming. Still, he had betrayed his cousin; breaking down and answering Alowishus Spade’s questions when they had begun torturing Nozel to make him speak. He was hardly mad at Nozel for his own worse state because the Silver Eagle had remained silent so much longer than he had. If anything, it added to Fuegoleon’s shame.
Teris saw Fuegoleon’s expression change and shook her head. “Leon, don’t. If you or Nozel had...” She swallowed unable to bear the thought of a world without either of them. Still, she knew something of the guilt Fuegoleon was feeling. She had been there too often herself. Staring up at him, she told. “If you really feel so terrible about it, I’d be happy to give you a penance.”
Randall stepped forward incensed at Teris’ unbelievable nerve.
“Anything.” Fuegoleon said, head lowered.
“You have to promise to do as I command.” Teris said, eyes hard and piercing.
Randall opened his mouth to call a stop to this; but before he could speak, Fuegoleon replied.
“Just tell me how to make this right.”
Teris gripped her cousin’s arm. “Forgive yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over this. You’re ashamed at being taken by these crazies. Yami and I have been abducted and set upon so many times it’s embarrassing. You feel bad for being used. I’ve been used by these lunatics far more than I care to admit. You feel as if you betrayed me. I nearly destroyed the four kingdoms and beyond during last years Summer Solstice. Talk about betrayal.”
Fuegoleon shook his head. She didn’t understand.
“They were torturing your best friend, Leon. I would've answered any question they posed if in your place.”
“I should have been stronger. Held out longer. Nozel managed to.”
“And then Nozel would have been just as bad off as you were, if not worse.” Teris argued.
Fuegoleon exhaled, knowing she was right. It had been an impossible situation. Perfectly planned to be one.
As if reading his thoughts, Teris said. “Alowishus knows what he’s doing. He’s planned this for who knows how many years. Mana knows how many people he has helping him see it through. Using our love and care against us is what they do. They think it’s a weakness, meant to be exploited and manipulated. But it’s our strength. It’s why we go on and won’t break. Why we fight and won’t lose the war, no matter how many battles they win against us.”
Fuegoleon nodded. “We’ll beat them.”
“Do you forgive me?” Before Fuegoleon asked what she meant, Teris went on. “For our argument. For my slapping you. Do you forgive me?”
If it had been a normal argument, Fuegoleon would’ve said I don’t know, then asked if she forgave him. But their fight had been far from normal. And given what had led to it, jokes of ladies undergarments and learning Yami had taken one of Teris’ unmentionables. With the matter still unresolved, he definitely would've insisted that Teris promise to get the garment back, and probably would've demanded that she also distance herself from Yami or at the very least have some decorum where the man was concerned. But this encounter with the Agents of Chaos made issues even as important as that feel insignificant; at least at the present.
Overcome, Fuegoleon pulled Teris into squeezing hug. “Always.”
Teris had a light breakfast with Fuegoleon and Randall at a nearby cafe. Through an unspoken agreement the two cousin’s avoided mentioning Yami and Nozel, neither wanting to cause another argument. After, Teris made her way to Magic Investigations for a meeting with Marx.
Entering the building, Teris recognized the Counter Clerk Manager but didn’t recall his name. “Good morning.”
Axus looked up from his book. “Is it? Hadn’t noticed.”
“That it’s morning? Or that it’s a good one?” Teris questioned, smiling.
Axus’ lips twitched upward. Scowling, he pulled them back down into their usual frown. “What do you what?”
“If you would please inform Marx Francois that Teris Nova is here for our meeting.” Teris said.
Axus scrutinized her a moment, acting as if he didn’t recognize her from before. “You’re Lord Julius’ sister, eh? You look nothing like him.”
“He doesn’t make you call him Lord Julius, does he?” Teris questioned, humored.
“No one makes me do anything.” Axus snapped wondering when he had begun to show the Azure Deers Captain such respect. He turned away. “Give me a moment to call up Marx.”
“There’s nothing I have to fill out or sign for today's visit?” Teris asked.
“Not this time.” Axus said, setting down the communication crystal.
He wondered what Marx could be doing with Julius Nova’s sister that he had asked for her visit be kept off record. Axus didn’t really care. All that mattered was that Marx had asked a favor and it never hurt to win points with the person who would likely be the next Wizard King’s Advisor; especially when you liked and trusted them more than the current Advisor. There was also the case of barrel aged whiskey Marx had given him for the favor…
Axus’ lips smacked at the thought of the nine beautiful bottles waiting for him at home.
Teris lifted an eyebrow. She had found it curious waking up to find Marx had sent message requesting her to meet him at Magic Investigations this morning. Marx struck her as someone who liked to plan well in advance so the spontaneous meeting seemed odd. Adding to the wonder of it was the timing; Nozel was being debriefed at Magic Knights Headquarters at this very moment. And now she didn’t have to sign in when all visitors had to do so, unless they were the Wizard King or Magic Knights Commander.
The two turned at the sound of a door opening.
“Thank you, Axus.” Marx stayed at the door behind the front counter.
Teris gave the Counter Manager a departing smile. “Thank you.”
Axus didn’t know if it was her cheery demeanor or the fact that she remembered he existed once she had gotten what she wanted; but he found his lips tugging upward again. He pulled them back down with a grunt and inclined his head.
Teris followed Marx down a long hall and up several flights of stairs.
Marx opened a final door for her and entered behind, closing it shut. He gestured to the rectangular table. “Please, have a seat. I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here.”
“To show me something you couldn’t take out of here?” Teris guessed.
Marx paused in his trek around the table.
Teris shrugged a shoulder. “Why else would you ask for a secret meeting here when we’re having a secret meeting with everyone else this evening? That’s what this is, isn’t it? I didn’t have to sign in, and I’m sure Advisor Ellara is sitting in on Nozel’s debriefing which is going on right now.”
Marx blinked, mildly impressed by her deduction. He blinked again when Teris changed the subject with barely a pausing breath.
“Have you figured out who might've moved the Future of Chaos? Or where they moved it?” Teris asked.
“Magic Investigations is working on that. As are Julius and I.” Marx sank into the straight backed chair across from her. “Are you disappointed the Future of Chaos wasn’t in the labyrinth?”
“Hardly. Alowishus would’ve got it.”
Marx shook his head. “That’s not what I meant. I mean do you want the Future of Chaos?”
Teris frowned. “No. The History of Chaos has been more than enough trouble. I’d be crazy to want to add to it. Even if, when, we’ve moved passed this mess and done away with the Agents of Chaos; I still wouldn’t want the Future of Chaos. It’s too much responsibility.”
“What if someone else were to find it?” Marx wondered.
“I’d feel sorry for them, but glad that stupid prophecy was wrong and it wasn’t Yami and me.” Teris answered, without hesitance.
“But wouldn’t you at least want to have a look at it?” Marx asked.
“I admit my curiosity can be comparable to Julius’. It’s certainly seen me get into enough trouble over the years. But when it comes to the Future of Chaos, I have no interest in ever seeing the thing. I’d probably be like Yami and have ignored the History of Chaos if it weren’t for the possible help it could be in dealing with the Agents of Chaos and figuring out their plans. Not that it’s been any help.” Teris griped under her breath.
Marx wondered if maybe that was why Yami and Teris were destined to have the Future of Chaos. Because neither one wanted it or its information. While Marx may not have wanted the burden of having such a thing in his grimoire, he had to admit he had a great desire to see and read the piece. Destiny was a funny thing, he thought.
Getting to the matter he had called her for, Marx said. “You’re half right. I did ask you here because I wish to show you something. Sadly my magic does not allow me to copy such things as detailed as drawings or images, or I would’ve done that and waited till our meeting this evening. But the reason for showing you doesn’t involve you so much as what you have. The History of Chaos.”
Teris straightened in her seat, interest peaked.
“Captain Jax once mentioned he overheard you ask the History of Chaos about the Master of Master’s and Alowishus Spade.” Marx said.
“Not that it’s done any good. The ink just swirls around on the page then says insufficient image.” Teris grumbled. At least after seeing Alowishus Spade for the first time, she understood why the page of Chaos had said such a thing, unable to display his ever changing image.
“Have you ever asked it about Yurist?” Marx questioned.
Teris blinked, mouth falling open. Yurist was the one who had written both the History and Future of Chaos. How was it that she had never considered asking the page about its author?
Seeing her expression, Marx sighed. “Are all the Nova’s guilty of ignoring the painfully obvious? Or is it just you and Julius?”
Teris bristled; but held her tongue.
“Please do so when you get a chance. For now,” Marx pushed a long, wide, leather clad folder across the table toward her, “please look at that and ask the History of Chaos.”
“Ask it what? What is this?” Teris pulled the hard backed folder closer.
“It’s a small portrait that was found in the ruins of an unearthed city. The team of Magic Investigators assigned to the task have been focusing on what we believe use to be the building that once held Yurist’s lab.”
“Why haven’t I heard of this!”
Marx tilted his head. “Do I know of every mission you Magic Knights go out on?”
“No but--”
“Even Magic Knights Commander Greywright doesn’t know every assignment Magic Investigations is working on. You, Vice Captain, certainly have no right or expectation to know everything that goes on in this division.”
Teris’ shoulders tensed even as they hunched, her form shrinking.
“For your information, I came in before sunrise this morning to learn a fellow Investigation Mage had unearthed that.” Marx inclined his head to the still closed folder. “Which is why I sent you message asking you to come, not knowing when Advisor Ellara would be away again to give us chance for you to see and question the History of Chaos about it.”
“Sorry.” Teris mumbled. She was so use to people, especially her superiors keeping secrets from her and Yami about matters that concerned them that she had assumed this had been more of the same.
“We do not know who the couple in the portrait is, though a number of us here have theories.” Marx said.
“So you want me to what? Look at the picture and ask the History of Chaos about the people in it?” Teris asked, not understanding why. “It doesn’t work that way. It only answers questions about the history of Chaos.”
“If that were true why would it attempt to show you the image of Alowishus Spade?” Marx questioned.
“And fail, saying insufficient image.” Teris retorted.
“If all the History of Chaos did was just strictly cover the history of Chaos why would it even make an attempt at showing you the image of Alowishus Spade or the Master of Master's? However old Alowishus Spade is, I truly doubt he’s old enough to have been alive during the time of Chaos’ reign and defeat which brought about Order.”
Teris frowned, having never considered that. Her eyebrows pulled together, wondering at Marx’s pointed question. Shadows of fragments flinted through his mind trying to coalesce and puzzle something out, but something else pieced together first.
Teris’ eyes lifted to Marx, realization dawning. “You think the portrait is of Yurist.”
Yami found Teris out at the Saber Wolf pens. His appearance announced by the beasts long before Teris heard or saw him.
“I’ll have you know I had to use my mana sense to find you. What are you doing out here?” Yami almost asked if she wanted to go for a ride, but remembered Jax’s order and bristled.
Teris gave No Name the signal to return to his kennel. “I thought we agreed not to do that unless necessary.”
“When I’d still be walking around searching for you, I consider it necessary. It’s a stupid agreement anyway.”
Teris latched the kennel gate. “Privacy is hardly stupid.”
“If there’s no secrets between us why the need for privacy?” Yami half teased.
Teris turned to him, questioning brow raised. “Do you really want to know every time I go to the baths?”
“Do you really have to ask?” Yami grinned, lewdly.
“Yami.” Teris scolded, lightly. Blushing, she closed the gap between them, burying her face in his chest.
Yami chuckled, holding her to him. “Let me see that pretty blush, Princess.”
Teris shook her head, burrowing deeper into him. It was stupid, but she suddenly became emotional about what happened during this mornings meeting with Marx. Her arms tightened around Yami, seeking his soothing strength. She didn’t even know what she was so distressed about. It wasn’t like the History of Chaos could have been talking about Alowishus. No one could be that old. Then again the man did use corpse magic. And when had anything surrounding Chaos or the works Yurist wrote not spelled some kind of terrible for them.
Yami looked down at the top of her head, growing serious. “What’s this?”
Teris shook her head again.
Yami frowned, a sudden swell of anger bubbling inside him. His teeth ground together, muscle in his jaw ticking in cold burning rage. His arms tightened around Teris. He couldn’t even say what he was so mad about. All he knew was that Teris was upset and he wanted to obliterate whatever had upset her. Pressing his lips to the crown of her head, Yami’s eyes slipped closed. He took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled, soaking in Teris’ calming warmth. With effort he forced his fisted hands to relax and uncurl; reasoning with himself that he didn’t even know if it was something or someone he could hit.
“Teris. What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.” Teris mumbled against Yami’s strong chest, praying that it truly was nothing.
“Look at me and say that.”
Teris lift her head at Yami’s tone. He sounded angry. But when her eyes met his there was nothing but love and concern.
Yami caressed her cheek. “Talk to me, Ikigai. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Iban paused in plucking mushrooms and looked at a bird flying overhead. Unlike the other creatures of the forest, the Jay wasn’t startled away by the slithering presence of the person who stalked closer. Odd, since Jay’s were rarely seen without their mate nearby and Iban’s keen eyes hadn’t seen the flashier male.
Leveling his head, Iban turned to the stalking presence. “It doesn’t matter how quiet you are. I always know when you’re about.”
“Why haven’t you mentioned that the Darkness within Yami had reach such strength so soon?” Ellara demanded, getting right to the point.
“I figured your plaything would have told you. Whether he wanted to or not.” Iban said.
“I’ve used Olsen far too much of late.” Ellara told, angry she had been forced to use him at all.
“Is that not what he is for?” Iban questioned.
“What’s it matter to you what I use him for? It’s you who had a deal with the Master.” Ellara said.
“A forced deal to stay out of your way and not interfere with your Master’s plans, or tell anyone anything I know.” Iban said.
“And have you kept that deal?” Ellara asked.
Iban thought of the bit about his family's past that he had told Yami, and what little he had told Jax three weeks ago. Clearly the vow of silence Alowishus had forced him into seemed to think he had kept the deal since the people he cared about were still alive.
Iban wondered if the Captain had found the journal he had told him about. The journal that had belonged to one of the earlier Agents of Chaos’ Masters. The Master who had battled and lost to the Clover Kingdoms last light magic user before Teris. Jax had returned five days after Iban had told where he might find the journal only to leave with Yami and Teris shortly after returning. It wasn’t as if Iban was going to ask the Captain if he had found the thing. He had tested Jax enough with his comments about Bronn the day he revealed what few secrets he could. He had certainly tested the binding vow and jeopardized his loved ones enough.
Looking at Ellara, Iban answered. “My family's existence depends on that deal. Your Master made sure of that.”
Ellara glared, not trusting him.
“Though was such care necessary when a simple traitor could turn himself in and confess all your Master's plans? No doubt your puppet Sir Jorah, along with Magic Knights Commander Greywright and countless others know all about your Master's plans by now.” Iban said.
“As if the Master is careless enough to let a low level follower know his plans.” Ellara shot back.
“Do you know his plans?” Iban asked, pointedly. “Wife and follower you may be, but people like your husband and Master hold all sorts of secrets. Like how to kill a traitor from afar.”
Ellara’s eyes widened. After Greywright had stolen point in dealing with the traitor Flic, she had returned to her office and sent word to Alowishus. Her Master's brief response had been clear. She was to stay well away from the prisoner. When Flic had died yesterday evening, she knew Alowishus had been the cause; but figured he had sent some other follower to infect or slowly poison Flic.
Iban’s golden eyes seemed to glow in the heavily shaded forest. “I know a dark magic decay spell with I hear of its symptoms. It is a slow, terrible way to die. Does your Master have a piece of all his followers? How did he manage to get each of you to willing hand a piece of yourselves over?”
“What do you mean?” Ellara asked, breathless.
“I suppose your Master or some loyal follower could have been lucky. Found some bit of Flic’s person to use for the spell. But Alowishus Spade does not strike me as the type of person to leave things to luck. If I were to guess, I would say it came in the form of an initiation ritual for joining the Agents of Chaos. It is how I would have done it. Something easily done and given with little to no question, and soon forgotten about in the joyous rapture of family found and collective cause.” Sensing Ellara’s quickening heartbeat, Iban cooed. “Do not beat yourself up, Advisor. You are hardly alone in being tricked into willingly, if not happily giving up a piece of yourself. How many other fools—excuse me, followers have joined Alowishus Spade’s supposed cause?”
“Shut up!”
“I doubt he would do to you what he did to that traitor. You are his honored and beloved wife, after all. If he would harm you, what hope does anyone else have of being spared?”
Ellara sneered. “You’re a snake hissing nothing but lies. Twisting and turning peoples words and deeds. Now unless you wish to see the Darkness within Yami bleed out and start to effect him. Tell me just how bad it is.”
“If I am such lying snake who does nothing but twist and turn peoples words and deeds, why would you believe anything I say?” Iban asked.
“Do you want the power within Yami to consume him? The Darkness inside is greater than expected.”
“Greater than you expected.” Iban corrected. “I knew from the start that Yami Sukehiro was more than just a vessel for the Darkness. As to your question. No. I do not wish to see the Darkness consume him. The world would end if it did. Which makes me wonder why your Master wouldn’t want that. Isn’t that the purpose of all this? To end this existence in the foolish hope of beginning the next? Unless that is not his true goal.” Before Ellara could speak, he went on. “As for how bad it is. The Darkness in Yami is already bleeding out and affecting him. He has been more volatile. Angrier than usually. Possibly even more desirous of Teris and the Light that is inside her.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? The deal--”
“The deal made with your Master does not include feeding you information. That is something you tried to force upon me. I went along with for a time because it was fun and suited me. But I have long since grown weary of it. If you want such information, try affecting your plaything. Not that you will get anything of use. Olsen has little care unless it is for life's beauty or the romantic. Even if he were around more, he would not see much.”
Ellara raised a brow, realizing. “You’re protective of your sole friend.”
“Hardly.” Iban silently cursed, unable to make himself believe the lie let alone convince her of it.
“So Iban Halvor does have a heart. Interesting.” Ellara would've been glad to have something to use against the Blood Mage. But her own care for Olsen wouldn’t let her hurt him to force Iban into anything.
Iban watched Ellara turn around and step away.
“The Darkness within Yami cannot overtake him before it is time. We will handle it.” Ellara said.
It was an effort for Iban not to use his magic to end the woman then and there. Thankfully she used her transportation charm and disappeared before his control was tested further. No longer in the mood to be surrounded by life and fresh air, Iban looked down at the basket of harvested herbs and mushrooms. He didn’t have all he needed for the brews and potions he was making. But he had enough to get started.
Waving a few bees away, Iban headed back to the base.
Seated in his bedroom, Bran’s eyes cleared. Even though the encounter he had witnessed had happened deep inside the property’s forest, he turned to the closed door half expecting to see Iban standing there.
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Comments are VERY MUCH appreciated and really make my day. Thank you to those who have left hearts. And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently commented or re-blogged. It really means a lot.
Next chapter snippet:
“Yami is not the concern here. It is Teris. At this rate she will not survive the Ritual of Darkness. If she doesn’t grow stronger the Darkness within Yami will kill her and the Light inside her with it.”
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silvadraconis · 3 years
The Use of a Ghost
A little blurb I wrote of Silva, and dealing with some of the feelings of being a ghost in another's body Silva had been quiet the past few days, barely coming out, hardly even manifesting. During training she was there to lend Guada her power, but after the fact she faded to the background again. Guada tried a few times to talk to her, with not much response beyond an "I’m fine, don't worry about me" She didn't really know what to do anymore. Despite sharing a body, she was the furthest thing from being able to figure out what was wrong.
After about a week of this, Hektor comes to find them in their room, greeting Guada with an easy smile "Hey there you two, don't suppose you got time for this old man do ya?" Silva perks up a small bit from where she resides, nestled away, but doesn't speak "Guada can handle this, I'm not needed for this" Guada answers with a smile of her own "Of course! I'm just hanging out right now, what's up?" He comes in and sits down on the bed next to Guada "Well to be honest with you I was hopin to talk to Silva, had a few questions for her bout some training if that's alright?"
Guadas eyes flash with understanding "So that's why he's here, well, I wish you luck Hektor" She mentally nudges Silva, and reluctantly she uncoils from wherever she laid dormant inside of her, and comes to the surface Guadas hair subtly changes, then ends growing longer and lightning, and her eyes shift to the familiar brown of Silva as she takes over She looks at Hektor, not quite sure what he wanted "So, what questions did you have for me?" Silva notices with a bit of confusion how Guada fades into the back, cutting of herself so she can't hear "That's odd, why would she-"
Hektor looks at her with care and concern plain on his face "Well to be honest with you, I wanted to talk to you in particular. You've been awful quiet lately, and frankly it's startin to worry me a bit. So I wanted to sit you down and just, ask what's wrong, or at least talk to you a bit if you can't get yourself to say it"
Silva blanks for a minute "Oh no this is a trap, nopenopenope time to leave Guada your turn" Smiling at him she says "Hektor im fine, I'm just taking a breather is all, isn't that a normal thing to do?" Meanwhile she's frantically trying to force Guada back to the surface, with not much success, when did she get so good at that? "Silva, this is you we're talkin about, you and breathers are strangers, and even if you were taking one, it's been a quite long time for "just a breather". So don't try to lie to this old man, it wont work. What's wrong, honestly?" She looks down at her hands for a moment Not my hands not mine none of this is mine "It doesn't matter Hektor, I'm just here to help is all, I've been doing that just fine. If you have something to talk about training wise i'll answer your questions but other than that it doesn't matter. I'm just a ghost, it's not like i need to eat, or sleep, or any of that" Hektor sighs a bit with a soft smile at that, then scootches closer suddenly and picks her up and plops her in his lap "H-hey, Hektor what are you-" "Silva, you may be a ghost but that doesn't mean you are just here as a glorified mana battery, you have thoughts and wants and needs too, you're not just a combat accessory" She -not her not her body this isn't mine- freezes in his grasp He softly takes one of her -no guada’s not mine- hands in his "You can feel this yeah? My hand in you twos?" She responds flatly, desperately shoving down her feelings "It's not mine, its Guada’s. This body is hers, these hands are hers, I'm just a parasite who comes with a few benefits" He hugs her at that, fully pulling her into his embrace "You're no parasite, just cause you gotta borrow the body doesn't mean the feelings aren't yours, doesn't mean that you don't have needs and wants just like everyone else" She -whywhy this isn't mine why is it doing this??- shakes in his grasp at that a small bit Those emotions aren't getting put away, in fact they were starting to come full force to the surface despite her best efforts "But i’m-i’m just, it's not mine none of this is mine, it isn't right for me to have this" Why were there tears?  Hektor gently rests his head on top of hers -not hers, guada’s- "Your feelings are yours, you're allowed to want contact, to want food. Doesn't matter if you're a ghost. To be honest that probably means you need those things even morso. You're not a burden, you're our master and our friend, just like Guada. That's all there is to it" She starts crying in earnest now, and despite it being Guada's body, its her cry, its silent, quiet Hektor calmly holds her as she cries, gently holding her hands in his "You're just as much a person as the rest of us master, hell heroic spirits aren't really much more than fancy ghosts. Would you say we shouldn't eat? Shouldn't get a hug every now and then? We technically don't need all that after all, we're here to fight for you both, end of story" She shakes her head in protest "N-no, never but, I’m, it's different" He chuckles a bit, sensing her arguments are starting to lose their steam "Oh really? How so? Cause you don't have your own body? What about Lobo? Him and Hessian share a saint graph after all. Or Orion? He can't even fight without that wife of his" She sighs in frustration, the tears slowly stopping "You know that's not-not the same" He gently runs a thumb across the back of her hand "Well, may not be quite the same, but there's a lot of odd folks here in Chaldea, you're in good company master, that I can assure you" She can't even argue that After a moment she quietly says "I just want to help. I'm already such a trouble to keep track of, for command, for-for Count when I-" she shudders again He hugs her tighter "I can't imagine that being any sort of pleasant. Must be hard coming back from a place like that and feelin like a person again eh?" She shakes in earnest now It's been happening more and more frequently, her falling into that terrible place. And even her usual nightmares were being plagued by that horrid emptiness instead Suddenly she turns and hugs Hektor in earnest, trying to stave off more tears "Its, it shouldn't be, an issue for me I've, I've had worse" He hugs her back tightly "Just cause you've had worse doesn't mean that it isn't awful, that it isn't affecting you. You're not a burden Jade, not by a long shot. No ones gonna judge you for this, and if they even try you got plenty of people who will say something before you can even blink" he chuckles a bit as he hugs her, holding her steady Her name, her name A memento of what she was before She presses her forehead into his chest, choking back emotions "Do I, do I help though? Even with all this am I, am I able to help?" she asks almost desperately, for some reassurance that she's not just something to deal with He sighs a bit, debating on arguing that she doesn't need to help to be allowed to exist, to enjoy life. But she doesn't need that right now "You do, you help, hell you help a lot more than some of us that's for damn sure" he chuckles again then continues in a softer voice "You do Silva, you help, much more than this old man can say" She relaxes against him with a sigh of relief "Thank you Hektor, thank you" He hugs her tightly again for a moment before pulling back, giving her a hair ruffle "Of course master, now why don't we go get somethin to eat eh? I imagine it's been awhile for ya" he says with another chuckle and a warm grin She chuckles against him, then takes a deep breath "Yeah id-id like that" He smiles with a cheeky grin then stands, picking her up with him "Alright then master, lets go get something" "H-hey! Hektor! I can walk!!" He just chuckles as he carries his stubborn master to the cafeteria It wasn't fixed, not by a long shot, but he got her to laugh, at least a little
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A Hunter’s Prey: Wine and Confessions
Once the cloud of romantic happiness faded, some awkwardness settled across the room. It was as if both of us wanted to speak but words were too hard to express. I decided to break the ice.  “What was that thing you did earlier?” I asked.
“Oh,” Illumi said while noticing the left over pins that scattered the ground near the door. “You must remember them. Father taught me to use them as a disguise. It was how I got my hunter’s license without Killua noticing and gained this room. You can’t be too careful when on missions.” Illumi walked back to his room and started to pick up the haphazard pins. 
I followed him but he’s already cleaned them up front the floor and went into his hotel room. “How’d you get this room?” I ask while looking around the small space. I didn’t dare ask about how Chrollo had one a bit bigger as to not invite an unneeded fight. 
“The arena. I won and you get a room after the 200th floor. Father sent me here after Killua.”
“Killua fought here?” I ask while taking a seat on the queen sized bed. “He’s so young. I wouldn’t imagine him fighting in this place with people like you, Chrollo, and Hisoka.”
“This was almost eight years ago,” Illumi said while placing his needles in a small pile on the kitchen counter. His back was turned to me so all I saw was his flowing hair. “Father told him to not return until he had passed to the 200th floor.”
“Eight years ago” I mumbled more to myself than Illumi. The math didn’t want to add up in my head. I didn’t know Killua’s age but he was young. All of this didn’t make sense. Why would Silva place his sons in such a terrible place with no hope of returning? From old matches that I watched as a girl, sometimes contestants would get hurt to the point of being paralized or worse. That is not a place for a child. “What did you do at that age?”
Illumi stiffed his posture. The only sound was soft breathing by me as I pondered if I had upset him. His back still was pointed towards me. Instead of answering, he went to get some water from the small fridge. Illumi walked over and sat down next to me. He handed the bottle to me as a gesture of silence. “You don’t want that answer.” 
I took a sip from the water. Illumi only stared at me with a slight smile on his face. Behind his eyes, held a different emotion. It held the flashback of a past that no one wanted to remember. His quiet thought held behind his own exterior. There was so much that he didn’t want to tell me. So much that needed to be said yet he refused. “Yes, I do want the answer,” I respond. 
Illumi put his hand to my hair and moved it down to my face. “I promise you that you don’t.” He sounded so sincere that my heart almost stopped. Rather than answer, I nod my head while holding his hand on my cheek. 
“I understand,” I said. Illumi mirrored my own nod. “Although, if you ever want to tell me, then I’ll listen.” 
Illumi pulled away from my touch. My body leaned in with the hope that he wouldn’t actually leave. It’d missed his calm quietness and soft touches. They were so rare that it was a treat to receive anything. 
“Why did you return home?” he asked. I was caught off guard by Illumi wanting to know something about me. Usually, he knew most of my information from illegal measures or from his constant watchful eye even before I met him. 
“Home.” I repeated. Truly I was not home. I was with Illumi; however, I knew his sentiment. I was home with him. “I came back because I missed you.” 
“Good. If you hadn’t, I would’ve taken you back and we’d have to start at square one again. Mother will love to hear that the wedding is still on.”
The smile on my face dropped as quickly as he had said the last statement. “Why is marriage so important?”
“Because Mother and Father say it is.”
“Illumi, I-I’m not ready for marriage. We have a lot to discuss and learn before I will say yes.”
Silence fell upon us once again. It was a staple at this point that anything Illumi didn’t like would be met with an eerie silence. “We can discuss it here. What would you need to know?”
“You’re past.”
“Then I won’t say yes.”
“Then you will never say yes.”
“That’s your choice.” 
Our voices never raised; rather, we were having an actual conversation. It was the first time we could peacefully speak our minds without resorting to silence or shounting. I, however, could still feel a little but of Illumi’s anger while sitting still. We both did not like each other’s answers, yet we weren't going to budge. 
“Illumi,” I sighed, wishing that I had the guts to hold him like I wanted. “I need to know. You don’t have to tell me now but it needs to happen. I’d rather us go on dates like normal people and live a happy life. I just want to be with you but you need to realize that I’m on your side. I’m not your mom or your dad. I am me. And I love you for the moments that you’re not under their control. You’re your own person. You don’t even get to control the Zoldyck estate. You shouldn’t have to listen to your parents. Your mom doesn’t decide when you marry. I do.”
Illumi turned to look at me once again. “You love me?” 
I hadn’t realized I said it. Those three words ran through my head so much that I didn’t think they would come out. Not now. I wanted to wait for the right time. I sheepishly turned away. “Yeah, that’s the big epiphany that made me come back to you.”
“You love me?” he repeated. 
“Yes. I love you, Illumi.”
“Nobody has ever told me they loved me before.” His comment broke my heart. I turned to look at him. His face was still the broken shell of a man plastered until there were no cracks. Rather than respond, I place a short, soft kiss on his lips. He responded by kissing me back with vigor. His hands wrap tightly around my frame as if to never let me go. We stayed like that for so long; viciously trying to feel something so soft and warm.
I pulled away first. “I’m sorry no one has told you that before. You deserve love like the rest of us. Maybe even more.”
“No. But I think I love you too.” A smile crossed my face as I reached out to touch him the same as he touched me. As soon as my fingers brush his cheek, he reacts by moving back. I try once again and he lets me. Finally, I was able to run a hand through his beautiful hair. 
“I want to marry you. But I want to get to know you. Not the person you try to put out there. I want to know you.” 
“I will try,” he said while grasping onto the hand that ruffled through his hair. Trying is all that I could ask for. 
After a long time of talking about nothing, we’d finally hit our grove of taking while being an actual couple. We spent more time kissing than asking questions or being open. It was a nice release compared to the stressful time. 
“Why did you decide to come here?” I ask. “Chrollo said you’d be here but I didn’t believe him. Something about your relationship with Hisoka.”
“Ah yes, Hisoka,” sighed Illumi. “He asked me to come. He said it was important.”
“But why?”
“We’re acquaintances.”
“Sounds more like friends.”
“I have no friends. He uses me like I do to him. It’s mutual.”
“Okay,” I said, yet I refused to believe him. Suddenly I remembered what Chrollo had said before he left to take care of business and I left to find Illumi. “We need to not be in the arena tomorrow.”
“Why? I promise that I’d be in the front row.”
“I don’t know. Chrollo didn’t plan with me around. All I know is that we need to not be seated in the arena. We’re to watch on the screens outside.” 
I could tell that Illumi was getting uncomfortable with the mentions of Chrollo in a normal conversation. “He’s a friend. That is all. If you want to watch over Chrollo then you have to join the troupe. Luckily, you have a way in.” 
“You completed your mission?” he asked a little too excitedly. 
“Of course. Did you expect any less of me?”
“No, my love. I didn’t.”
We spent the rest of the night celebrating with an expensive bottle of wine that Illumi ordered from room service unknowing the mess that would take place tomorrow. 
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Octavio Is Live: And Drunk ||Octane On Loss||
||Welcome, Octavio Silva, you are now streaming. Say hello!||
The cheery words had Octane seething as he fixed his camera, dropping back into his super plush beanbag chair, grinning up at the camera and giving his signature rock sign.
“What’s uuup. Another drunken stream! Whoo!” he threw his hands up, yelping as some beer got on him with the motion, whining as he wiped it off.
Prior to the stream, he had three shots of tequila, this being his sort of way of tracking his thoughts. He could do holo logs or a diary, but he liked to be transparent, even if it hurt like a bitch.
He knew his experiences helped people, so why not give them this chance to see him with all his guards down, mask and goggles at his neck, looking like he just touched down from his recent solo win.
And he looked like hell.
“So! First question is the hot topic for this stream, choose wisely, amigos!” he grinned, because that was all he knew to do, to hide and protect himself.
The computer registered the first line of text with a little question mark beside it, and his heart sank instantly as he bit his lip, taking a long swig of his beer then sighed.
“Way to hit home, amigo, I’m sorry.” he sounded pained as he shifted, smile wavering.
“Miroctaneluver101 says; Hey, good game. I’m sorry, I hope this doesn’t get the top, but I’m honestly kinda feeling down in the dumps. I just lost my grandfather and I’m honestly feeling like life isn’t worth it. He was everything, the one thing to hold me up, to make me proud. The only person in my family to understand me. Have you dealt with loss, and if so, what do you do to cope?” his voice was shattering as he read the message, cursing as he rubbed at his face, ridding himself of the tears as he stood, walking off camera with a tiny sound of pain.
He kicked something, watched it burst across the stream and into the other side, off screen, to clatter against the wall. He returned with a tall glass of scotch this time, dropping into his seat with a sigh. He could see a billion messages of support to the person and worried comments to him, to which he took a swig and licked his lips.
“Where to get started, huh? First of all, please don’t kill yourself. You have so much to live for! Your life has just begun!” he set the drink down, leaning forward into his ‘Serious Papi Octavio’ mode, twin coloured eyes hard as they looked right into the camera.
“You are amazing as you are. I am sure your abuelo would be so proud of you.” he felt the tears and blinked them away, firm and sharp in his resolve. “If anyone says otherwise, tries to tell you to change, that you’re not worth it, fuck ‘em! They aren’t worth your time, your breath, your attention nor your life. Get rid of them, right away.” he flopped back, fetching his drink on the way down, with a huff, sinking into the plush embrace.
“As for loss? Not talking games here for a lightening effect, but... My great grandfather, Fuego Silva.... The only Silva I cared for... He was... Everything to me.” he looked to his glass, turning it over as he swallowed hard.
“Growing up... Well, you’ve seen what I could show you, the first camera, the first vlog? Was because of Fuego.” he smiled now, taking a swig of the amber liquid. “He loved it. Loved getting to see me as much as he could, even when he was away... He used to fight, god, it feels like an eternity now.” he laughed as he remembered back to the past.
“I told him I wanted to be a star, and he gave me this rinky dinky little thing, shit focus, terrible memory and even worse pixelage. Like we are talking using a potato for a camera would be better!” he chuckled, grinning into the glass. “But Fuego always loved it, would send it to him on the fringes of space in his vessel, so he’d have something to wake up to, something to pump him up.” he ran a hand through his hair as he laid back, splayed out for his fans to see.
“Mr and Mrs Silva were always... They weren’t great. It’s why I was taken into the Diablo Del Alma’s so early on in life. I remember the day I broke the camera. I was doing a dumb stunt, jumping off a roof, something small. I landed on it, and it broke rather than my arm. Fuego was grateful I wasn’t hurt, but my heart was broken. That was my camera, and a gift from him.” he felt the tears itch at his eyes, so he just closed them, lifting his head to take a long swig before returning to his slumped position.
“I remember the whole crew pitched in to get me a top of the line model, fit with different lens options and even slow motion at the flick of your eyes. It even had a high quality stabiliser built in that could be turned off. They almost didn’t make it, but Fuego pitched in the last hundred and said ‘to my rising star’, even engraved it on a panel on it himself.” he jolted, snapping up and scrambling around, finding the camera and returned, holding the piece up to show his fans, the intricate designs around the words written in both English and Spanish.
He then dropped into the chair with his camera in hand, tracing the words.
“He was there from day one... Even when he was out fighting... Everytime he came home, we livestreamed, made videos, we did everything together. He was practically my padre.” he smiled and sighed, hugging the camera as he laid back. “He would always say, ‘Octavio Silva. Siempre debes recordar esta frase. Nunca te rindas y nunca te rindas.‘ Always remember this phrase, never give up and never give in.” he closed his eyes again, living in the memories, even as they brought tears to his eyes.
“He used to tell me if I dreamed it I could do it. Pushed me beyond my limits. Even gave me my first tattoo!” he flapped his arm, a bright grin on his face. “I was so scared, but he said the words as he started, and it’s been my mantra. It’s why I never give up, no matter how helpless it is.” he sat up suddenly, looking to the camera in his lap.
“Fuego... He.... He got sick. Like real sick. The last few years, he was in the hospital. I would stream, you guys know this, with him still. He pushed for me to break the record. I knew his time was short, so... I improvised.” he laughed, something hollow this time. “I’m told he died with a proud smile on his face.” the tears were falling now, the pain lancing through him, but he shook his head firmly, wiping them away.
“My last talk, I told him of the Apex Games, of how I longed to be in them, of how it was my dream to have a banner of me! I told him there was no way I’d be able to, and he turned me to him. He told me those words again. I laughed and said ‘maybe after I break this record’. I woke with no legs, and no Fuego. I thought my life was ruined.” he slumped down, then slapped his leg with a huff, running fingers over the intricate metal.
“Ajay Che, she and I go way back. Beautiful woman, but not my type. Too.... Well, you all know I’m a trans gay guy, so... Yeah.” he smiled shyly and idly brushed the engravings. “She heard about everything, asking my Diablo Del Alma Padre what happened recently. When she found me, I was in a wheelchair craddling the helmet he wore, staring at a gravestone in the rain.” his throat threatened to close and he swallowed, taking a shaky breath.
“I still say I guilted her. I just started talking and talking, about the dreams, about my promise to Fuego that nothing would stop me, and now here I was, completely in lockdown.” he wiped his face again with a growl of frustration.
“But the second I got those legs, I was off, even if I fell over at first. I wasn’t going to give up. I had been harassing the nurses with zooming around in the wheelchair.” he laughed at the memory, remembering the laughter in their voices. “So, do I know loss? Yeah, I do. I experience it every time I go into the ring and watch my friends die. I know they are safe, some wicked tech they have in the background, allowing us a second chance... As long as we have something for them to fix.” he laughed and shrugged.
“As for coping? Reach out. You have a whole community here who will hear you out. Go out, and do something for yourself. Write, draw, paint, sing, dance, run, swim, anything, the world is your playground, so play. Hell, I know someone who was tricked into eating a whole cake in one sitting by a personality in their head. They were vomiting for hours, but they chose to live if only to ensure he never got cake again.” he laughed and shook his head.
“It’s hard. Trust me, the first few months are the worst. Then it’s the first couple anniversaries. I take a drink for Fuego on the day he moved up to better things. His favourite. Doing something like that to honour them is never bad. Take pride in your joys, and do them. I know a writer, the same one about the cake thing actually. He suffers from... A lot. Suicide is almost always on his mind, constantly itching at him, making him want to just say ‘fuck it’ and be done. But he finds a keyboard or a pen and paper, and writes instead. It’s messy and all over the place, but he is proud, because he’s survived the wave.” he shifted to look at the camera, tears clear, now done with hiding it.
“And that’s what it is, its waves. And sometimes you need everyone to hold you up over it all, and it’s terrifying to do that. Fuck, I don’t even do it. I usually drink and drown in all the things I shouldn’t do, stand on cliffs, half kicking my landing gear off before I even know what I’m doing. And it fucking sucks because all I want is a fucking hug, to be craddled close, to have my hair smoothed and to be told it’ll be alright.” he tugged at his hair before sighing, smoothing it back.
“But I’m scared to trust, because trust means people can stab you in the back, trust means investing yourself in someone, which means their life is my world. I don’t think I could survive another Fuego.” he took a shaky breath and smiled, something so worn out and tired as he pulled up a holoscreen, swiping through things.
“Believe me. It does get better. Not by much, but it becomes bearable. You find ways to live each day in honour of those we’ve lost, who can’t witness the day. dont beat yourself into the ground and ruin yourself like I have in the past. Remember, you are worth it. And if no one else is gonna say it, then listen to me right now.” he looked to the camera, eyes alight with a fire as he stood up, leaning close so they could see him in the whole monitor.
“I am proud of you. You are amazing and perfect as you are. Non terre plus ultra, and never give up, never give in. You have got this!” he fist pumped the air before sticking his tongue out and giving his signature hand sign.
Then, he dropped back into his seat.
“Go check out the song I’m about to share to the stream. It’s a big pick me up that I use. That and Ska, but that’s a little out there for this moment.” he laughed as he threw up the songs. “It’ll play in a sec. After it, we are doing never have I ever!” he grinned and threw back a swig of the amber liquid, bouncing up to get more booze.
||Octavio Silva Has Shared A Song.... Playing now....|| ||The Stream Will Return Shortly....||
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talpup · 4 years
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Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud.  He knew there would be trails.  He knew trouble would come his way.  Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant.  What he didn’t know.  Didn’t expect.  Was that literal Chaos would come his way.  That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble.  Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealously of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Chapter 89
“Why do I have to go?”  Yami questioned yet again.
“Cause your the one that found the girl and you haven’t seen her since Bran’s family took her in.”  Venice said as they flew.
“You say that like it answers my question.”  Yami said.
Aggravated herself, Teris didn’t have the patience to deal with Yami’s foul mood.  Flying beside him, she said.  “How about cause Jax said you had to go.”
At Yami’s deepening frown, Tobin offered.  “How about this?  It’s a reason to slack off and drink.”
“I can do that at home.”  Yami said.
“You people are going about this all wrong.”  Olsen said.  He looked over at Yami.  “Even if the Captain wasn’t making you go.  You’d be going anyway.  Why?  Because your lovely lady is going.”
Yami glared at the Water Mage but said nothing.
“See?” Olsen smiled at the others.  “Easy.”
Yami resisted the urge to knock Olsen off his broom.  Instead, he found something else to complain about.  “Why is the Lion Cub coming?”
“Because Vanessa invited him.”  Teris’ tempered tone put an end to that complaint.
“And your letter of Vanessa’s invitation said that Zora would be there too.”  Fuegoleon added, interested in seeing how both Vanessa and Zora were fairing.
Teris scowled at her cousin, none too please by his presence either.  She flew closer beside Yami.  “Why are you in such a mood?”
“Just hate flying.  That’s about all Bronn was good for.”  Yami grumbled, not sure why he was so irritable.
“Can you please refrain from comments like that?  Gilly will be there.” Teris said.
Yami huffed.  “It’s not like Gilly didn’t know Bronn was an ass.”
“Yami.” Teris scolded.
Yami looked at her expectantly.
Teris’ expression harden.  What was with him today?  Finally she said.  “If you don’t have something nice to say, just don’t speak at all.”
The Black Bulls shared various expressions of amusement.  Even Fuegoleon raised a wry eyebrow.
Tobin outright laughed.  “He’ll never talk again.”
Ignoring Tobin, Teris told Yami.  “Just in Bronn’s case.  Just for today. For Gilly and Jax.  Please.”
Olsen opened his mouth to tell Teris she’d get better results asking Yami to behave for her; but Yami silenced him.
“Shut up, Water Fairy.”  Yami looked back at Teris.  His angry expression softening slightly.  “I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”  Teris breathed.  Yami trying was the best she could hope for given his terrible mood.
Teris wondered what had put Yami in such a bad mood.  Whatever it was had to have happened upstairs in the guys wing; because Yami had been sour since the moment he sat down for breakfast.  Jax bailing out on coming to Vanessa’s birthday party while telling Yami he had to go, certainly hadn’t helped.  Neither had Fuegoleon’s appearance. Though admittedly Fuegoleon’s attendance hadn’t helped her mood either.
Yami flew closer to Teris.  “What’s with you?”
Teris turned to him and scoffed.  “Me?”
“You’ve been quiet and testy all day.”  Yami said.
Teris blinked, unable to believe Yami’s nerve at calling her testy when he’d been nothing short of an angry bear all day.  He had literally growled at Tobin for accidentally elbowing him at the breakfast table before they left for Bran’s family home before sunrise this morning.
“Well? You gonna tell me what’s up?”  Yami asked, impatient with her silence.
Teris ground her teeth.  “Only if you tell me why you’ve been such an ass.”
“Language, Teris.” Fuegoleon rebuked.
“Screw you.”  Teris snapped.
Fuegoleon opened his mouth to scold again but was stopped by Tobin.
“I’d leave it, Lion Cub.  Teris has been in a mood since morning.” Tobin said.
Venice frowned at her boyfriend.  “As if Yami’s been any better.”
“They’ve both been angry ass’.”  Abril said.
“Excuse you.”  Fuegoleon turned to Abril in clear disapproval.  He and Teris may not have made up since their fight before the Star Awards over a month ago.  But they were still family and nobody bad mouthed his family.
“Irritable.” Olsen said, soothing the offense. “They’ve both been irritable.”
“We can hear you, you know.”  Teris said.
“So then tell us.  What’s the matter with you two? You have a fight or something?”  Tobin asked.
“Don’t be stupid.”  Yami snapped.
They flew in silence after that.
Teris thought of Zora.  Bran’s parents had been kind enough to let her invite him.  And Zora’s Aunt had said Zora could go.  It would be her first time seeing Zora since she learned the truth of Zara’s murder.  She hoped Zora wouldn’t ask about Magic Investigations supposed findings and conclusion.  Teris didn’t want to perpetuate the falsehood. Nor did she think she could look Zora in the eye and repeat such a lie. But the truth was so terrible Teris didn’t think she could tell Zora that either.  She had been tempted not to invite Zora at all just to avoid the chance of such questions.  But she needed to see him.  Friend bond bracelet or not, she had promised to be Zora’s friend.  Zara had been her friend.  She owed it to Zara to make sure his son was doing alright.
“We’re here!”  Bran sped on ahead with Abril right behind him.
Gendry’s already brooding expression darkened.
Teris tilted her head in Gendry’s direction and asked Yami.  “What’s the matter with him?”
Yami glanced at Gendry and shrugged.  “How should I know?”
“Cause he’s one of your closest friends.”  Teris said.
Yami looked her over.  “You’re my closest friend.”
Teris ducked her head trying to hide her blush; but her hair had been tied back for the flight.  “Fine.  Cause he’s one of your close friends.”
“Don’t pay much attention to my close friends.  Just my closest friend.” Yami toyed.
Teris shook her head.  “You’re impossible, Sukehiro.”
“And you’re beautiful.”  Yami told, loving how her blush deepened and spread to her neck and ears.
Landing their brooms, Yami was once again struck at how child-like Bran could still be.  The guy was just a couple months out from turning seventeen.  Yet the excitable way Bran pulled his mother along to meet them reminded Yami of the way Julius got when he saw new magic.
“Mum. This is Yami”  Bran introduced.
There was a moment of silence.
Yami’s eyes darted to Teris; the rest of the Black Bulls waiting for Bran to go on.
Attempting to cover for her son, Melody Host smiled at Yami.  “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Is this some met the parents dinner date we didn’t know about?  Yami, I thought you were with Teris not Bran.”  Tobin joked.
Yami elbowed Tobin in the gut, and rubbed the back of his neck.  He had known Bran idolized him; but hadn’t realized it was this bad.  The way Bran introduced him and his mother said it was nice to finally meet him made it seem as if Bran wrote home about him.  Oh mana please, he hoped Bran didn’t write home about him.
“And this is Teris, Julius Nova’s sister.”  Bran belatedly went on, embarrassed blush in his cheeks.
“She’s also co-Vice Captain and the woman I’m gonna marry.”  Yami added.
Tobin, Venice, Abril, and Olsen cheered in various levels.  Fuegoleon frowned.
Teris turned beet red.  Yami might’ve confessed that he wanted to marry her a year ago, but they hadn’t talked about it since; a fact she was thankful for.  She didn’t want to pull Yami into the mess of her refusing to wed Nozel, and still thought she could avoid doing so.  Finding her voice, she told.  “And a person in my own right.”
“That too.”  Yami grinned, loving her red cheeks and sputtering response. Tearing his eyes away from Teris, he turned back to Bran’s mother. “Nice to meet you Bran’s Mom.”
“Melody. Please.”  Melody said.
“Yeah. I’m not gonna remember that.”  Yami said.
“Yami.” Teris scolded.
“What? I’m just being honest. You’ve heard him tell how big his family is.” Yami said.
“Yami’s right.  There’s no way I’m going to remember all those names.” Tobin agreed.
Teris turned back to Melody.  “Thank you for taking Vanessa in.  We’re sorry our Captain couldn’t make it.”
“Vanessa’s been… interesting.”  Melody said.  She looked the rest of the Black Bulls over.  “Forgive me.  But I’m with Yami and this other young man.  There’s little chance I’ll remember all of your names with a single introduction, so why don’t you just make yourselves at home until it’s supper time.”
Teris’ eyes widened.  “Oh.  We can’t do that.”  She glanced at Yami and Tobin in particular.  “It’s best we think of ourselves as guests.”
Melody patted Teris’ hand.  “This farm has survived my children, and my husbands siblings before that.  There isn’t a wall in that farmhouse or any of the outbuildings that hasn’t been rebuilt because of a little roughhousing.  So don’t you worry about your people breaking things.”
“Where’s Papa?”  Bran asked.
“Where’s Ricte?”  Abril questioned.
“Where’s Vanessa?”  Yami wondered.
Venice looked at Abril.  “Who’s Ricte?”
Melody eyed Bran.  “Have you forgotten what a proper workday looks like? Your father's out in the fields.  He’ll be in at the usually dinner time come sundown.”
It struck Teris that they might've disturbed the Host family's regular schedule since the dinner they’d been invited to for Vanessa would start in a couple hours, well before sundown.
Answering Venice, Abril told.  “He’s Bran’s friend.  I met him when we came to drop off Vanessa.  We’ve been writing each other ever since.”
“Writing to each other.”  Venice echoed, casting a glance toward Gendry.
Well that explained Gendry's ill-humor, Teris thought.
“It’s not like that!”  Abril asserted.  She looked at Gendry, growling when he avoided her gaze.
Looking at Yami, Melody answered.  “Vanessa is--”
“--right there.”  Melody finished.
It was late afternoon and the Black Bulls base was quiet for once.  Jax sat in his favored chair in the great room trying to read.  It was actually too quiet.  All of the Bulls except he and Iban had gone to Bran’s parents.  The flight there long enough that they would be staying the night and wouldn’t return until just before supper time tomorrow.
Jax had stayed because he wasn’t ready to see Gilly again.  But in the houses silence, his thoughts were too loud to ignore. Had he been wrong to stay home?  Surely Bronn would've wanted him to go check in on Gilly.  Make sure what she said in her letters about doing alright was true.  But Jax didn’t want to go.  He didn’t want to see her and be reminded of the happiness he had taken from her.
Book forgotten, Jax sat talking himself sick with the same argument he’d been having with himself for three days straight.  Finally he got to his feet.  It was pointless to think about it anymore. He had made his choice.  The others would soon arrive at Bran’s parents, if they weren’t there already.
Leaving the book on the chair, Jax made his way down to Iban’s lab.
Though the lab shared a wall and blocked door to the kitchens, the place was cold and dark even in the middle of summer.  He ducked beneath rows of herbs hung to dry and came face to face with the golden eyed Blood Mage.
“Captain. What an unexpected surprise.”
“Tell me exactly how you and Yami are getting along.”  Jax ordered.
Work, Jax thought.  If he focused on his job as Captain he wouldn’t have to deal with haunting memories, or shame-filled regret.
“He hasn’t cut off anymore of my fingers.”  Iban offered.
A wry smile tugged at Jax’s lips. “Always a good thing.  Other than not cutting off parts of your anatomy, how are things between the two of you?”
“Out of self preservation and respect for the force that is strengthening within him, I do my best to stay out of co-Vice Captain Yami’s way. That, along with following his decree to stay away from co-Vice Captain Teris has seen us exist amicably enough.”
A cold prickle shot up Jax’s spine. “You said the force that’s strengthening inside him.”
Iban inclined his head.
“That sounds like terminology the Agents of Chaos would use.”
Iban’s eyes glittered darkly in the low light.  “Trust me, Captain.  The Agents of Chaos currently interested in Yami and Teris are far from the first to speak in such ways.”
Jax stood stock still, dazed for a moment.  The barest vibration rumbled underneath the men's boots.  The Black Bulls Captain ran a hand roughly over his face, struggling to get his mana under control.
Never once had Iban spoke of knowing the beliefs the Agents of Chaos held about Yami and Teris.  Never once had he mentioned anything about the supposed Light and Darkness that was in them.  Not even when he had questioned Iban after the Summer Solstice; asking if he had ever heard or knew the meaning of a seventh son of a seventh son of a seventh son.
Then again that wasn’t how Iban Halvor worked.  The Blood Mage didn’t volunteer information.  Even when questioned directly, Iban often spoke in riddles.
This was his fault, Jax thought.  He should've asked.  It didn’t matter that he had no reason to question Iban.  He was Captain.  He should have known.
Gathering himself enough to speak, Jax asked. “What do you know of it?”
“Only what my Grandmother told me.”  Iban said.
Jax’s eyes lifted.  “What did she tell you?”
“A lot of things--”
Jax grabbed Iban’s shirt collar, pushing him back against the opposite worktable.  Disturbed clay jars and glass vials rolled along the tables surface.  A couple fell to the floor, breaking.
“Don’t toy with me!  I’ll don’t care what memory mage I have to use. I’ll know everything you do even if it leaves you drooling and catatonic.”  Jax said.
“Just make sure you don’t call upon Advisor Ellara Shaw.”  Iban said, hands lifted in yielding submission.
Jax’s eyes widened.  Then widened again when he realized he had physically attacked a member of his squad.  He released Iban’s shirt and stepped back.  He didn’t apologize.  Though he did scold himself for the outburst.
Iban straightened.  He didn’t bother smoothing his hair or clothes. Instead he turned to the tipped over jars and vials, tisking at the mess.
Righting some of the more costly and difficult to make brews, Iban stated. “You have questions, Captain.”
“Damn right I do!”
Iban turned back to him.  “All you need to do is ask.  I’ll gladly tell you whatever you wish to know.”
“No.” Jax scowled.  “We’re not playing your games.  Not in this. People have died.”
“Ah, yes.  Bronn.  It’s a shame the Vice Captain died for nothing.”
The house trembled around them.  Jax swallowed thickly, battling his own will.  A part of him didn’t want to get control of his mana.
The exterior stone wall of the partially subterranean room opened up to the outside. The stones reshaped to form into a stairway leading up to the back lawn. It would be safer for the both of them if they continued this outside.
“Climb.” Jax ordered.
Outside, Jax faced Iban and demanded.  “Tell me everything.”
“There’s not much I can tell.”
“I highly doubt that.  Now talk.”
Taking a deep breath, Iban told the Captain the same thing he had told Yami about his family’s past.
“Your third great grandfather was the Leader of those crazies!”  Jax stormed when Iban was finished.
“They were hardly the radicals you are currently dealing with who are foolish enough to believe ending this existence will bring about the next.”  Iban said.
Jax thought back to the information Sir Jorah and Marx had said the Clover Kingdom had on the Agents of Chaos.  That over a hundred years ago there was a change in the group that saw the Agents of Chaos going dark.  That it led many to think the group had disbanded or been taken out by a rival faction; leaving the group to eventually be forgotten about entirely, until now.
He shook his head, the Agents of Chaos’ past didn’t matter.  What mattered was Iban could tell them Alowishus’ plans.
“If you think I can help you, Captain, I am sorry to say you are sorely mistaken.”
“Your family was a part of them.  Your grandmother’s grandfather the Master of the group.  You know about force strengthening inside Yami.”
Iban rolled his head, sighing.  “I know-- how is it those of this kingdom phrase it?”
Jax didn’t say that Iban and his parents were of this kingdom.  He knew Iban and his family kept to themselves and refused to assimilate. It’s why Iban still had a Spade Kingdom accent despite him and his parents being born and raised in the Clover Kingdom.
“I know enough to get myself in trouble.”  Iban said, recalling the phrase.
“In trouble with who?”  Jax asked.
“The truth is, Captain.  I do not know what Alowishus Spade’s plan is passed that of using Vice Captain's Yami and Teris to awaken Chaos.”
“Isn’t that enough.”  Jax growled.
“Not if you are wanting details.  My Grandmother was young when they were cast out of Sanctuary.  And though she did her best to teach me the family’s ways, the Agents of Chaos my Grandmother came from is quite different from the Agents of Chaos you are facing.  My grandmother’s grandfather was the third sequential Master of Chaos who didn’t agree with a long ago and previous Master who sought to awaken Chaos.  As such he was the third Master to steer the group away from such apocalyptic aims.”
“So what?  The Agents of Chaos your ancestor led wanted to save the world from hell and create a utopia?”  Jax scoffed, in disbelief.
“Utopia could still be hell depending on whose utopia is brought about.” Iban said.  Watching the Captain, he told.  “The order of the Agents of Chaos is old.  Ancient.  And every subsequent Master since the Master of Master's has sought to mold the group into their own interpretation of what the Master of Master's taught.”
“And what is that?”
“That Chaos is the beginning and the end.  And it is only a matter of Time before Death’s rise and Chaos descends.”
Jax tamped down a shiver.  Silly as it was, he wondered if that was capital ‘t’ time; as if time was some primordial force.  Though no one had ever mentioned time was a primordial force, nor had any group of crazies even shown an interest in Julius; Jax opened his mouth to ask.
Before he could pose the questioned, Iban spoke first.
Looking about the yard, Iban sighed.  “I can tell you what my grandmother’s grandfather believed, but it has no significance on what interests you.  More then that, I literally cannot tell you what little I know of previous Master’s of Chaos or what I suppose Alowishus Spade might be planning.  I cannot even speak my Grandmother’s name or her grandfather’s name.”
Jax’s eyebrows pulled together, his question forgotten for another.  “Why?”
“Remember what I said about knowing enough to get myself in trouble?”
Jax’s breath caught, realization dawning.  “Alowishus came to you.  Threatened, or did something to you.”
“Yes. He came and offered a deal I could not refuse.  A binding vow that took the words from me so I cannot speak or write them.  And if I were to try despite not being able to, my family whom he so graciously allows to live, would die.”
“We can find a way around it.  To stop or undo it.”  Jax said.
“There is no way, Captain.  It was binding vow made in blood.  For the sake of my family, I went into it willingly.”
“If your family was threatened you were hardly willing.”  Jax argued.
Iban smiled at the Captain's innocence.  “Do you truly think black magic vows stop to consider such inconsequential things as morals or coercion?  No, Captain.  For the sake of my family, I will be of no help to you.  Though take heart, whatever help I could have provided would not have been of any significance anyway.  Truly, I know no details of his plans.  That said, there is something that might be of assistance.”
Though Melody Host had been against it, saying no guest of hers would be put to work, Yami had gone out with Bran to help repair a downed fence. Fuegoleon, Tobin, and Gendry had offered to assist, Olsen’s offer notably absent; but Yami had waved them off.  He had been meaning to speak to Bran, and with Bran at ease on the farm he grew up on, Yami figured now was the perfect time.
Walking through the field back to the farmhouse, Bran glanced over at Yami. “Thanks for helping.  My brother-in-laws would usually see to the repair before my father had a chance to ask for help.  But it’s a busy time of year for all of them.”
Uncomfortable at the gratitude, Yami replied.  “You’re their eldest son and I’m your Vice Captain.”  As if that alone was enough to explained why Bran should see to the matter and why he had helped him.
“Still. It means a lot.”  Bran persisted.
Bran stopped walking.
“No.” Yami snapped.  “Stop thanking me.  Stop venerating me.  I’m no one to look up to.”
Bran’s expression fell.  “I just want to be your friend.”
“I have three friends too many already.”  Yami huffed, thinking of Tobin, Gendry, and Jack.
“You can never have too many friends.”  Bran said.
Yami’s eyes narrowed.  “Since when did you start challenging me?”
Bran’s eyes widened.  “I didn’t mean to!  I—I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.  If you wanna be my friend you gotta have a backbone.  Know when to stand up to me.”
“But you just said you had too many--”
“And when not to talk back.”  Yami added over him.
“Yes, sir.”
“I’ve got a job for you.”
Bran’s head lifted, eyes full of hopeful excitement.
Looking over the twilight field, Yami went on.  “It’s off books. Personal.  So you don’t have to take it.”
“I’ll take it!”
“Hold your horses.  You don’t even know what it is.”
“If it’s for you its got to be important.”
“Have you met me?”  Yami laughed.  “If it’s for me.  Chances are it’s to fetch me another ale.”
“Is it to fetch you an ale?”
Yami couldn’t tell if Bran was being sarcastic or honestly asking and willing to get him one. After skipping out on the Host’s early family dinner to fix that fence, he could sure use a drink.  He shook away the tempting thought.  “It could land you in trouble.  Possibly in danger if you’re caught.”
Bran sobered at that.
“Still want to say yes without knowing what it is?”  Yami questioned.
“If it’s for you.  I’ll do it.”  Bran told, firmly.
Irritated, Yami darkened.  “What did I just tell you about venerating me?”
“This has nothing to do with looking up to you.”  Bran argued.  “I trust you.  And not just cause you’re my Vice Captain.  If you’re asking me to do something dangerous that might get me in trouble there has to be a reason.  It must be important.”
Yami sighed.  Bran was right in that.  If it weren’t important, he wouldn’t be asking.  He didn’t like asking others for help.  Didn’t like putting people in dangerous, potentially deadly situations.  He realized that that was what being a Magic Knights Captain pretty much was.  Sending your squad out on missions they might never return from.  Bronn didn’t come back and the bastard had been Jax’s best friend.
“Loyal idiot.”  Yami muttered, about both Bran and Bronn.  Looking at Bran, he grumbled.  “Fine.”
“Why are you acting like this is a favor for me?”
“Who said anything about favors?”
“Well, if it’s personal and off the books…”  Bran said with a shrug.
“Shut up.  This isn’t a favor.  If you do this, I owe you nothing.” Yami said.
“I wasn’t asking for anything.  I only said--”
“I told you to shut up.”
Bran clamped his mouth shut.
“I need you to keep an eye on Olsen and Iban.”
Bran’s eyes widened.  “Why?  What are they--”
Yami scowled.
Bran fell silent.
“You can spy, right?  Watch and listen in on stuff with your magic while controlling mice and bugs and stuff?”
“Bees are best for listening.  They’re really sensitive to vibrations and I can somehow interpret it when people speak.  I’ve tried listening with smaller mammals.  But their higher brain function and awareness makes it hard.  I can’t listen in through them for long and it takes a lot of mana.”
Yami frowned.  So maybe this wouldn’t be as perfect and easy as he had hoped.
“Why do you want me to listen in on Olsen and Iban?”  Bran asked.
“I need you to tell me if and when they meet with Advisor Ellara.”
“Advisor Ellara!”  Bran balked.
“And if either of them say anything about the Agents of Chaos or Teris and I.”  Yami went on.
“To Advisor Ellara?”  Bran asked.
“In general.”
“Do you think--”
“I can’t tell you more than that.”  Yami interrupted.
Yami’s jaw tightened, hands curling into fists.  He remembered how secrets had been keep from him and Teris.  He told himself that this was different.  That none of this was about Bran.  That none of this concerned him.  But if Bran agreed to do this, then if would concern him.
“Sorry.” Yami apologized, hating how he felt like a total hypocrite.
“Don’t be.  I know there’s a lot of stuff surrounding you and Teris that can’t be talked about.  I’m just sorry that it sounds like Iban and Olsen might be suspect.  Especially Olsen.”
“Yeah. Iban’s a creepy bastard.  There’s not a bad thing I wouldn’t suspect him of.”  Yami muttered.
“Is it true he used his magic on you and Teris during your first year? That you’re the reason he’s missing some of his fingers?”  Bran asked.
“He hurt Teris.”  Yami said, by way of explaining why he had done such a thing.
Bran nodded in understanding.  “You really love her.”
Yami open his mouth to say he loved Teris more than life itself.  That he would do anything for her.  But he caught and stopped himself.  Easy to talk to brat, Yami thought scowling at Bran.  “So will you do it?”
“I already said I would.”  Bran told.
“That was before you knew what I was asking.”
“You’re my Vice Captain.  Personal or not.  I’ll do what you ask.”
“Loyal idiot.”  Yami said again, hoping he wouldn’t get Bran killed.
“I take it no one can know.”
“No one.”  Yami said.
“Even Teris?”
Yami thought of Teris’ insatiable curiosity.  Of what she might do if she learned about Iban’s past family connection to the Agents of Chaos.  Of what she might think of him if she learned that he had considered whatever black magic thing Iban said would allow him to remember the communicative dreams with the page of Chaos.
Looking at Bran, Yami told.  “Especially not Teris.”
Teris sat next to Zora under a tree. With most of Bran’s family having returned to their homes an hour or so after supper, things had finally settled down enough for the two to have a quiet moment.
“Have you been able to talk to Fuegoleon at all?”  She asked.
“A bit.”  Zora muttered.
Teris looked across the open field.  Fireflies blinking in and out of the darkening twilight.  She wasn’t a mother figure.  She hadn’t the faintest idea what to say.  Still, the silence wasn’t as uncomfortable as one would have thought.
Finally, Zora mumbled.  “They said they couldn’t find my father’s killers.”
Teris frowned.  Getting justice for Zara was an added reason why she had to make Magic Knights Commander.  Swallowing her anger and guilt, she told.  “It may not be how either of us would’ve liked.  But I promise.  I’ll see him avenged.”
“Not if I get to them first.”  Zora gritted, fists clenching.
Teris turned him.  “And how would you go about that?”
“By killing the men who killed him.”  Zora said.
Teris blinked, breath catching in surprised dread.  “If the report said--”
“I don’t need no report.”  Zora seethed.  “I just need to see them again.  I’ll know them when I see them.”
Hope welled in Teris’ chest.  “You saw them?  When?  That night? Zora.  If you know something--”
“You think they’ll believe me? A peasant?”  Zora spat, thinking of the laughing nobles he had seen and heard at his father's grave sight. “They’ll just call me a liar and cover up the truth.”  His eyes lowered, the toe of his boot kicking at a tuft of grass.  “The life of a peasant, even one who’s a Magic Knight, means nothing compared to a nobles.”
Teris reached out, hand hovering over his shoulder a moment before she pulled back.  “Zora...”
“I’m not asking anything of you!”  Zora yelled, fists trembling.  He took a shaky breath and looked away.  “I don’t need you.  I don’t need anyone.”
“We all need someone, Zora.  I promised to be your friend.  Remember?”
“You want to be my friend?  Then train me.”
“Train you?  Train you in what?”
Zora glared out over the field.  “You’re a Magic Knight.  You have to work by the law.  Abide by what they say.  I don’t.”
“I don’t need you!  I certainly don’t need your approval!  I just need you to train me.”  Zora said, fiercely.
Zora’s outburst took her back to the first time Julius had returned home after their mother’s death.  She had yet to go live with the Vermillion’s.  And though Fyntch rarely came out of their father's office, he had made her life miserable in the orders and expectations he had for her.  She had shouted something similar at her eldest brother.  Telling Julius that she didn’t want him home.  That they didn’t need him.  And then begged him to stay.
The contradiction didn’t strike her then, just as it probably didn’t strike Zora.  Zora’s words made her realize just how heart wrenching her own words to Julius had been.  Cause even though she knew Zora didn’t mean what he said about not needing her; it showed just how much he was hurting.
“When I turn fifteen and get my grimoire, I’ll begin my search.  Till then I’ll bide my time working on my technique and strengthening my natural magic.”
Teris released a breath.  If Zora meant what he said, that at least gave her a few years before she had to worry about him striking out to get revenge.  The plan was honestly fairly mindful.  Most would have simply acted already and gotten themselves arrested or killed.
“You’re right.  Because I’m a Magic Knight there’s little I can do.  But if ever I become Knights Commander--”  Teris shook her head. Telling Zora her own plans would only get his hopes up and possibly endanger him.
“I don’t blame you.”  Zora told.
Teris’ shoulders eased some at that.  “I see you still wear the friend bond bracelet I gave you.”
Blue eyes darted to her wrist.  It was the first thing Zora had noticed upon seeing her again.  That she still wore the thread bracelet he made and given her.  “If you’re really my friend, you’d help train me.”
Thinking aloud, Teris murmured.  “It’s not like I can lock you away or stop you from doing what you think you must.”
Zora looked at her with expectant, hope filled eyes.
Teris stared back, expression stern.  “I need you to promise me, Zora Ideale.  Promise that you’ll wait to do anything.  At least until you get your grimoire.  Even if you see one of them before that.  You wait.”
“And what do you promise in return?”  Zora asked.
Teris blinked at his boldness.  Then again, if her father had been murdered...
Zora took her moment of silence as hesitance and pressed.  “Train me. It doesn’t have to be often.  So long as we meet up at least twice, preferably four times a year.  You can evaluate me and give me tips and pointers.  Agree to that and I’ll agree to wait until I get my grimoire no matter what.”
“Zora. Proper training takes more than two to four meet ups a year.”
“Fine. Then don’t call it training.  Call it instruction. Direction. Whatever you like.  Start giving me homework in the letters you write. I promise I’ll start writing back.  Tell me what I’m doing wrong and how to fix it.  What I have to do to get better.  Give me goals to reach.  Books to read.  Give me battle scenario’s that I have to figure out so I learn how to think about and look at stuff. Please, Teris.  I swear I’ll be the best student you ever had.”
“Even if this were to work.  Which it won’t.  This isn’t right.  Your father wouldn’t want this.  Me training you to get revenge...”
“It’s better than me trying to learn on my own.  Getting my grimoire and going after them.”  Zora argued. “I’d likely die at the hands of the first person I faced. You think my father would want you to leave me to that fate?”
Teris looked away.  She knew Zara would want what was best for his son.  But she could talk herself dizzy trying to figure out what Zara would've considered best for Zora in this situation.  If she did as Zora asked, he’d likely get himself killed or imprisoned.  But if she didn’t help him, he’d definitely get himself killed or imprisoned.  Rubbing her forehead she wondered what Julius would do.  No.  In this circumstance, that wasn’t the right question.  What would Commander Greywright or Jax do?
“Alright.” Teris said, at length.  “But you have to keep your word.  No seeking these people out.  No doing anything against them.  Even if they cross your path.  Not until you’re fifteen and have your grimoire.”
Zora held out his hand.  “Deal.”
Teris looked at the friend bond bracelet hanging on the wrist of his outstretched hand.  Squinting a grimacing eye shut, she silently apologized to Zara and shook Zora’s hand.
Julius exited his office, grateful to call it an early day.  “Commander?” His heart dropped at Greywright’s brooding expression.  “What’s going on?”
Greywright pushed passed Julius to enter the Azure Deers Captain's office, sitting heavily before the desk.
Julius and Jon shared a look.  The Captain turned and stepped back into his office, while Jon sighed and returned to his desk outside his Captain's office, keeping watch.
“Can I get you anything, sir?”  Julius offered, closing the door.
“Sir?” Julius moved around the desk.
“What are you and Jax up to?  I clearly remember stating I wanted to know any and everything the two of you learned, dealt with, or planned regarding the Agents of Chaos or this mess with Ellara.”
Julius stared at the Knights Commander in confusion as he sank into the chair behind his desk.
“Jax took off.”  Greywright told.
“Well there was that party for the young Witch Yami found--”
“I know about that.”  Greywright snapped, temper made short in his concern.  “Who do you think approved his ask to give all but one member of his squad two days off so they could go to that thing.”
“Jax was debating about going himself.  Gilly was going to be there. Maybe he decided to go last minute?”  Julius continued after the Commander's interruption.
Greywright frowned, realizing Julius knew nothing of Jax’s plans.  Though relieved that the two Captain's hadn’t disobeyed and kept anything from him; he was also further distressed.
“No.” The Knights Commander pulled Jax’s hastily penned letter from his cloak.  “I returned to my office a couple hours ago to find this. Lucky for Jax, he was already long gone.”  He handed Julius the letter.
Julius opened the missive and read: Learned of something that might help.  Going to fetch it.  Be back in a few days.
“Learned of what?”  Julius asked, brows furrowed.
“That’s what I was hoping you’d tell me.”
“I don’t know.”
“I figured out that much, Julius, thank you.”
Julius read the three short sentences over again.  “He doesn’t even give a date for his return.  Just saying he’ll be back in a few days.”
“I’m aware.”  Greywright said, tapping down his worry.  After losing Bronn to this mess, Jax going off on his own, without giving date of his expected return…
Julius dropped the letter on his desk and simmered.  “He’s going to get an earful when he gets back.  Going off on his own without saying where he’s going, for what, or when he’ll be back…  He knows better.  With everything’s that’s happened and dangers still out there--”  He stopped, not wanting to voice his fears as if doing so would bring them to fruition.  “This isn’t what friend's do.”
Comments are VERY MUCH appreciated and really make my day.  Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently commented or re-blogged. It really means a lot.
Next chapter snippet:
Eager to get back to Teris, Yami closed and latched the gate.  “It doesn’t matter.  Let’s go back.”
Dark eyes glinting in the moonlight, Ellara told.  “You’re not going anywhere, Vice Captain.”
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