#but yeah very excited :) four months away oh god that doesnt sound close but it also doesnt sound far
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randomsevans · 4 years
Summary: celebrating chris birthday
30 days of chris @jtargaryen18
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Waking up on a morning your excited for yet been dreading. It's a dread that only grows through out time . Thought your life . As you age . It was the morning Chris was dreading the day he celebrates his last year of being in his 30s . He doesnt even want to think about next year went it's his big four zero .
As Chris crawled his way out of the cold bed due to the absent warmth . He quickly rubs his eyes and stood up. As he exited his old room back at his moms (her request ) he began to make his not so quite way down the stairs .
At this point in his life , be thought hed have a a wife , kids a successful carer. He was getting closer to his all round American dream . A successful career yes he had and was very much grateful for . Child not yet but hopeful soon . As he reached the bottom of the stair he heard laughter of the two most important women in his life . He made his way to the kitchen. Were his mother welcome him in open arms
"My boys all grown up big 39 , happy birthday son " she reach for his cheeks and gave them a tap with a devilish smirk " god I feel old "
"Ma you feel old , what about me ! " Chris boston accent shinning through as always when his back home , this caused you to giggle as you stood at the stove flipping his birthday pancakes, watching the mother and son bond
"Oh your never too old !" .
Your laughter caught the attention of the birthday boy , as he marched his way towards you with a devilish smirk . You quickly resumed your persion acting as if you didnt know he was making his way over .
You felt a height weight meet your back causing you to stumble forward abit, but was intently pulled back by two big muscles arms . Met with a sloppy open mouth kiss on on your neck .
"Morning love ... you wernt in bed this morning " Chris said with his morning raspy voice, as you plated the last pancake and turned to face him , with a still face . " I was realise looking forward to my morning present " he said with a smirk and mischievous glare in his eyes as he eyed you up and down in his shirt and your shorts . Knowing full well what he ment you swatted him with a tea towel that was close by .
"Christopher Robet Evans it my be your birthday but you mother is around " you tried to say in the most serious voice you had as he gave you puppy dog eyes .
"Dont worrie dear iv heard and done alot worst "
"Ma ! " Chris replied with a face of disgust " I did not need to know that on my birthday " he muttered. You could help but giggle as you could clearly see where Chris gets his mischief form .
Your giggle cause Chris to smile towards you and tighten you in his hold " what's so funny ?"
You chose to ignore him and do a little turn to your left and pick up the plate of pancakes as stared "happppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyy birrrrthhhhdayyyyyy to you ...happy " as you continue chris kep protecting
"No ! "
"You know I dont like that song !"
It only made you continue with a smile and you walked forward causing chris to walk backwards into chair , shaking his head as he sat down. While you continued to sing to him . He pulled you into his lap once you finished.
"Thank you " he said pecking your lips
"What for the pancakes or cuz I stopped singing " you giggled
"Both "
"Oi" you were silenced with a long kiss .
"Happy birthday my love " you picked his lips one more time as you got up . But Chris caught you left hand and brought it to his lips . As he placed a kiss on were your diamond ring sat .
"It certainly is " he began as he released you and you made your way back into the kitchen. " think of it one my next birthday you'll be mrs Evan's "
"And then I can shower you with as many morning gifts as you want. " you put on a play ful smirk ,as butterflies grew in your stomach at the thought of you soon becoming mrs Evans
As the day progresses. It only got busy , as you and lisa rushed around preparing Chris's party . The both of you ended up snapping at Chris more then once as he tried to help but you and lisa order him not to move a muscle until he needed to get ready .
With the party full swing. Chris weared a simple white t shirt and blue shorts. Chris was inside the know still greeting everyone . And getting the oh so helpful reminder of his age . Chris's anxiety began to creep in as the amount of people increased and the attention it brought with it . But as soon as he glanced outside . His blue eys landed on you sitting on the grass with his nieces and nephews . It was his hourly reminder on just how lucky he was to have you . It brought a small smile to his lips .
As everyone gathered outside ,as the wind began to come in ,bring a fresh ful breeze into the oncoming summer heat . The music was blurring as chatter and laughter filled the outside. Until the music came to a stop causing a ripple effect though out the back yard , silencing everything apart form the odd whisper and last giggle . All eyes turned to the poach . As well as Chris blue eys that landed on you standing there in your summer dress. Your hair lose in wind and the curls began to fall out . A wide , sweet smile placed on your lips with eyes filled with excitement and anxiety. This was another hourly reminder for Chris on how much he loved you , everything about you , oh how he couldn't wait for this to be over so he could have you all to him self .
You cleared your voice , you were quite nervous you have never had so many eyes on you .
"Hi everyone , thank you for coming..." you began " we are all here to celebrate Chris birthday but dont worrie we ain't going to sing the song , trust me a got an ear fill this morning " that caused a small giggle form the crowd form in front of you . Your eyes caught those blue ones you loved some much as you kept eye contact with him , you saw a pink raise in his cheeks no doubt you do to now .your heart began to harmer even more .
"Chris is special to us all in his own little way . That's why your all here unless you only came for the free drinks . " another round of laughter as you kept your eye contact with Chris " but I wanted to say just how special Chris is to me .... yeah .. yeah get ready for the cheesy stuff . But I mean it when I say I love you Chris , everything about you ... how your caring sweet and how that s gonna make you the ... " you pushed as your hands became sweaty and your heart raised even more .
".... the perfect father "
Silence . Everyone just nodded in agreement as Chris grew an embarrassing smirk. You guessed there didnt quite get the message just yet.
"What I'm trying to say is Chris ..."
"In about 7 months you will become the perfect father "
Now this silence was deafening as everyone months were wide open and eyes wide . Chris was well . You never saw so many emotions crash on to some one face . He took a step forward so he was almost infrount of you .
"Y.... you..re pr...pregnant" a single tear escape his eyes as you bent down to wipe it away, placing your lips on onto his .
"Yes" was all you could answer as you began to chook up on your own word . Everyone cheered and screamed . Including your self as Chris lifted you of the ground , smashing his lips to your .
"I'm going to be a father " he looked up to you still high of the ground in his arms and your hands went around his neck .
"The best " you nodded .
"But I'm old " he almost sounded like a winning child .
"Your never to old "
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