#but yes i am once again advocating for clingy bokushi
active-mind-15 · 5 months
Accidental Siblings AU Headcanon #13
[Ramblings related to my fic, Accidental Siblings.]
Bokushi has his own room, of course, but whenever Seijuro is visiting home for any period of time, Bokushi prefers to sleep in Seijuro's room instead. He's still kind of not over the whole "separate body" thing just yet. So he will try to be close to Seijuro whenever he can because that's what he's used to and also when he feels more comfortable.
Because he's still working on being verbal about things like that, he tries to be sneaky about how he worms his way into Seijuro's room at night. It could be something as simple as wanting to play a game of shogi and suddenly "oh look now that the game is finished it's pretty late so I might as well sleep here." Basically, he'll find any excuse to come in and then any excuse to stay.
Seijuro pretends not to know what Bokushi is actually up to because, between the two of them, only Seijuro knows what it's like to not share a headspace with anyone. Bokushi was created after his mother passed, which meant there were 10 or 11 years where Seijuro's headspace was his alone. Bokushi has never experienced that. He has always shared a headspace with Seijuro and so the transition from being an alter in Seijuro's mind to being a tangible human being with his own independent thoughts is jarring and Seijuro can understand why it kinda freaks Bokushi out, even if he doesn't say it out loud.
So yes, similar to my second headcanon I made some time ago, Bokushi becomes a little bit more attached to Seijuro to make up for the natural silence in his head. Dare I say it's borderline separation anxiety, but not quite as severe. It's a similar concept, though. Bokushi just feels...odd...whenever Seijuro isn't present.
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