#but yes removing app access would reduce usership
mixelation · 3 months
Absolutely floored by how many posts on the “TikTok ban bill” I’ve seen today completely fail to engage with any of the actual reasoning for the ban. And by “how many” I mean every single post that made it into my dash or popular blogs I checked are about “anti bullying” or an elaborate conspiracy to censor/shut down marginalized creators and community engagement.
The bill is part of ongoing anti-China legislation for “national security” purposes, folks. The bill attempts to force the owner to sell to a non-Chinese buyer or else TikTok will be banned from app stores. Any news source besides tumblr dot com journalism covers this. You can debate if this is a slippery slope into US censorship of social media, you can discuss if TikTok is an actual national security risk or just usual US government Sinophobia and fearmongering-slash-showboating, and you can talk about how a ban from app stores would undoubtedly have the off-target effect of negatively impacting tons of people. But if you leave this part of the ban out, you are spreading misinfo.
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