#but you can't help but being grateful with dentists: yes you robbed me blind
madsotc · 10 months
I became that dentist fucking nightmare too at least. the cavity developed under a layer of filling and the tooth was a whisper away from needing to be devitalised but he managed to save it. And when we got to the root canal portion of the event he fiddled in there for forever, muttering under his breath, eventually gave up and did another x-ray. When he called the assistant over to check, she just went "what in the world". And they wouldn't say anything more to me until he was done with the root canal (which he eventually managed), then he showed me the x-ray. The canal in that specific tooth is crooked like a hook (i was given to understand that is not common). His parting words to me were "if everyone's teeth were like yours I would not be doing this job" and then robbed me of an exorbitant amount of money.
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