thenewladyliberty · 9 years
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“I’ll tell you about the time Arthur fell off his horse and landed in a puddle of mud in front of his queen.
“Alright deal. What do you want me to do? I expect the full story after I do what you want though.” Amelia smirked. She loved some good blackmail on Arthur every now and then.
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
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“Just do it for me this once, Amelia!” She pleads.
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“What’s in it for me then?” she asked, flicking her eyebrows up. Amelia would probably do the task, but a little fun was always nice.
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
“That is a poorly executed remark. England is minuscule compared to your land!” Arthur didn’t bother to deny it, he should go out to see more of the world. The trouble was, he was not as free to roam as he was back then. He had become more rules orientated and found time to travel narrowing each decade. The risk of building up more work for himself the longer he was away was enough to keep him stuck to his seat. He wouldn’t tell her that, of course, because it would only confirm her claim. “Alright, alright, I suppose we should plan something. I am not going anywhere where you’re not driving.” He once–five–ten–he forgot–drove on the wrong side of the rode. He doesn’t trust himself driving in America. “Yes, but I didn’t venture. My mind and body committed to the research room, conference rooms, and my hotel. I wouldn’t exactly call it visiting.”
“What an excuse!” Amelia laughed, sticking her tongue out at Arthur. It wasn’t her fault Arthur was a bit uptight every now and then- well more all the time, but at least he tried... occasionally. Her feet continued to walk in the direction of one of her favorite pubs. “I’ll drive don’t worry. I don’t need you to end our lives in a fiery automobile.” she said, quirking her eyebrow up. Amelia figured he would be business everywhere he went, it was sad to see an old adventurer reduced to strictly what was required of him. “It’ll be great fun. There’s nothing like blowing too much money.” 
In a matter of minutes, the pub was within sight. She walked towards the door and opened it so Arthur could walk in. “After you milady.” 
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
Arthur didn’t think showing her this section of the library was worth any reward, and was about to stop her. However, that would ruin his chance at teasing her.  A small smirk pulled the corner of his lips as his arms came up to cross them over his chest.  “Sounds like a date to me.”
Amelia rolled her eyes. “Hardly,” she lied, turning to pluck the book off of the shelf. She looked at Arthur for a moment, looking him up and down. “Does buying you a drink have to be a date? Or are you worried about your tough guy look again?”
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
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“You flatter me, but you’re gonna have to do more than just ask.” 
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
Tell me what you think of my roleplaying anonymously.
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
Amelia was a beautiful young lady, he had forgotten how much she had grown since her independence. He waited on Monroe to leave before walking around his desk and approaching her. “I can say the same thing.” Francis grinned and moved some hair behind his ear. “He made a good decision, not that Alfred wouldn’t be fit for the job, you need to do the negotiating as well.”
His hair didn’t change a bit. Empires always gave off this aura of power. Amelia, a new country, was nothing compared to the Frenchman, but with the negotiations she was hoping to build up a bit of her area. “I’m surprised you look so good after everything. I was a wreck after the whole new country ordeal. I’m glad you’re willing to give up land... we are asking from New Orleans and West Florida. It might be too much to ask?” she looked unsure. The negotiator must have said his case already. 
Louisiana | Francis & Amelia
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
Francis sat alone at his desk, waiting for what he thought was Alfred to discuss this deal. He was ready to sell the whole territory, well, Napoleon was. The Frenchman was unsure about it, but he couldn’t exactly argue with this one. The empire stood up when he saw the door opening, he looked a little surprised when he saw Amelia walk in, wondering if Alfred was elsewhere. “Welcome, Amelia.” He smiled happily, “Do you mind speaking alone?” He glanced up at Monroe. “At this point in time, I’d rather make this deal between us nations.”
Amelia smiled back a bit flustered when she saw the nation again. She had always secretly adored Francis when no one was around. An innocent little crush she liked to think. “Hello, and no I’m fine with speaking alone.” she nodded, looking at Monroe who simply agreed. The other men left the room so that Amelia and Francis could have their privacy. “I haven’t seen you in such a long time.” she folded her hands in front of her. Was it just her or did Francis become more attractive? “My president wanted me to negotiate rather than Alfred.”
Louisiana | Francis & Amelia
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
"Okay for one you're the one who rear ended me." Amelia crossed her arms. "I don't even know my insurance at this point cause no one has ever been crazy enough to hit me. How is that an opinion, Gilbird."
Amelia paused and looked up from her phone. “Wait, so you’re saying this is my fault?” she said, motioning with a pointed finger to her chest. “I had no say in what happened.”
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
Amelia paused and looked up from her phone. "Wait, so you're saying this is my fault?" she said, motioning with a pointed finger to her chest. "I had no say in what happened."
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
Louisiana | Francis & Amelia
Amelia had agreed to go to France for land negotiations. She had dealt with ship travel and she knew what to expect, but this also had been her only opportunity to have a say so far regarding her country. Jefferson believed that her past interactions with Francis would surely land them a deal of New Orleans port and West Florida. There were other reasons he told Amelia to go, but she preferred not to think about the idea of flirtation and indecency. Her president did not trust the negotiator Richard Livingston it had appeared because Jefferson soon asked Monroe and her to set for sail to Paris, France.
The trip alone across the water bankrupt Monroe, she felt terrible for not being able to offer much compensation, but what the president said was an order. She offered to clean Monroe’s clothing or tailor some of his pants, but he insisted he was alright with paying for her trip.
Right off of the boat, Amelia and Monroe took a carriage to meet the French foreign minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand and Livingston somewhere in the heart of France. There was no doubt that Francis would be accompanying the men. Perhaps her first task as a nation would be easy. After all Francis was a kind man. Right?
Her hands were shaking in anticipation. Why couldn’t Alfred join her? Alfred would be listened to far more than she would be heard. All she had to do was convince Francis that they needed New Orleans and West Florida. Though the port would be crucial, she was confident that Jefferson’s request could easily be fulfilled for the amount of money her government was offering. 
Monroe helped her step out of the carriage, and the two walked into the building where the purchase would be discussed. Rubbing her palms on her dress, she followed Monroe through corridors until they came into a room where three men resided. Her eyes set on the form of Francis Bonnefoy. Determination was key. She was ready to do everything in her power to prove that she was fully capable of governmental matters.
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
“Now that I can believe,” Arthur nodded accepting that explanation as he followed her along. He tried to avoid bumping into the crowd as much as he could. “Not for very long. Only when I have business. I usually go wherever you and Alfred are.” Which made him realize he didn’t really come to America for any other purpose. He never visited the west side all that much…at all. “I think that may be one of the reasons. I’m more comfortable sticking to places like the New England region. Not to mention I find  interest in those older looking towns up north.”
Amelia frowned. Had Arthur seen much of America other than the old colonies? Her mind was racing. She had to get him to the West part soon... for a little fun. “You’re dull! I’ve been to your place how many times?” her argument wasn’t very valid due to the fact England was so tiny compared to America. “You have to venture out. Learn more new things! You’re all about experiences right? All that adventure you used to be into.” she elbowed his arm, grinning like an idiot. “I’ll find business that needs to be taken care of that involves you somehow out West. What about that company BP? They caused us some issues with that spill awhile back. Didn’t you need to go at least to the south for that?” she asked. Amelia knew little of where Arthur had been globally, but based on the old empire- it had to be a lot.
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
“Do you? I’ll have to watch myself around you.” He winked, “Hmm, then how about we keep that to ourselves. You know I’m educated and continue to find me appealing and I get to keep my ‘tough guy’ image. Win win.” For him, he joked, before turning into an aisle. “Here’s where the nonfiction books start and it stretches all the way to the back.” 
“I suppose I can keep it to myself.” Amelia tapped her chin. “I don’t want to get rid of my new personal librarian.” she added, smirking. Her eyes scanned the aisle. She didn’t want Arthur to disappear yet though. “How about I get you a coffee or tea or whatever? Just to repay for your help of course,” 
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
"Well of course I have. I try to update things every now and then... I'll admit I have a few antiques from the forties just because I loved the style then." she responded so he could hear her. "I've had worse, besides doesn't it heal correctly either way? Even now I have no clue about out healing process or whatever people call it." she rested her chin on her hand. "Vampires? I mean I am unremarkably attractive. I mean the sun is alright, I'm more of a night gal." she stuck her tongue out. "Like the saying goes, sleep when you're dead."
She stretched her right leg out and scrunched her nose at the small twinge of pain. It was really nothing compared to other situations she had been in, but Arthur knew what he was doing more than she did. "Just be careful, I'm delicate boned."
“Honestly has anyone told you about an update? You still have furniture from the 1600s around her it looks like.” she teased and watched Arthur disappear to go get the first aid kit. “I think my ankle will heal… Probably.” That was usually the perk of being a nation.
Amelia distracted herself by looking around Arthur’s house to guess what age different things were. It was nice seeing old things. Amelia always shoved her memories in the attic cause of the clutter. “I like to think my tv shows are very realistic. Vampires must exist at this point.” she snickered.
    “You have. Many times. I like it! Reminds me of better days.” Arthur justified, loudly saying it for her to hear from the bathroom. Ah, there it is. He came back and kneeled down. “Yes but you want it to heal correctly. And for now, not put more pressure on the injury.” It was a small thing but as was his head. Still painful but he knew no permanent damage would be done.
    Gesturing her to stretch out the leg that hurt, he took out the compression wrap and clips. “Frankly, I think we are the vampires. Aside from the usual tropes: bloodsucking and hating the sun–though with you staying up til god knows what hours, I’m sure you despise the sun.” He teased. 
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
"I mean my dad's in the military. I know a move or two." Barely any. "The tough guy image? I find an educated guy much more appealing." she smirked back and rested her hands on her hips.
“My brother is too nice to me sometimes.” Amelia smiled at the thought of Alfred. Her twin was always so kind to her unlike the stereotypical everyday brother. “You should become an unofficial librarian then.”
“Ah, all for the better. Though, you learn some good fighting skills with pricks as brothers.” Good times, good times. “A Librarian? That would ruin my image.” Arthur joked, giving her a crooked smirk, tilting his head towards her just a bit.
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
"So Alfred had a little influence too." she added with a snicker. When Arthur piped in no alcohol she patted the man's back. "Don't worry I'll have a few Shirley temples. That should satisfy me." she started off towards a pub she knew for good reviews. There was numerous groups of people around the street mostly because they were around the smithsonian. "Well I like car rides enough... I like the north because it reminds me of the closeness of Europe. Go out west and each state is practically a country." Amelia adjusted her bag. "Have you ever been to Vegas? You would love Vegas." All the gambling and alcohol was one reason the girl enjoyed the place a bit. Plus the strips of hotels were lovely to go to.
“I learned my English from you after all.” she teased the man. “I might know a place we can eat. But most of the nice places around here are flooded with tourists.” Amelia grumbled. DC was a tough place to get food in, and the woman often found herself living off of the food areas in the Capitol building when congress was in session. “Yeah Washington keeps growing I remember when it had a post office and a bunch of trees.” she commented. “It’s easy to get lost. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve driven into North Carolina by accident!”
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thenewladyliberty · 9 years
Amelia looked up from the coffee, offering Alfred one of her small smiles. "Hey Alfie," she said, stirring the sugar into the mug. She let out a small laugh about being in bed. "Hardly... I don't see sleep in my future." she joked. Her feet carried her over to the cabinet to see if they had creamer. No luck. She could handle her coffee mostly black. "How was work?" she asked, sipping the liquid gold.
Her eyes took in her brother's appearance. The bags under his eyes looked even more defined then they were yesterday which made the woman alarmed. "You should go to bed, Al." she stepped over to her brother, placing her wet hand on his shoulder. Her hair lost its original curl and now sunk on her head. She needed a shower, but the idea of the water bill made her hold off on the luxury. "You had to work all day."
Perhaps she could pick up some extra shifts at the diner. It would be more money for everything in general. The idea made her stomach ache. She rubbed her head feeling a headache on top of the rest of her sore limbs. There was no medicine in the house. Too costly to buy though Amelia thought about breaking her budget rule just for a few moments of pain Alfred and she had been dealing with for a couple of years now. "I have to fill out that paperwork the Capitol sent me. I'll give it to you tomorrow morning."
She sighed, looking like the walking dead. "Hey, do me a favor? I can't get my uniform off and I just need you to unbutton the back if ya could, Al."
Heavy Hits from the Depression|Alfred and Amelia
Lady America:
The walk home from the diner was miserable. There was a terrible rain storm hitting the area right when Amelia had gotten out of work. She had nothing but her heels and uniform to keep her covered. She thought about buying a newspaper to keep her head dry but that costed money and wasn’t worked into her budget list despite the kind tips she had received from young and old men alike. Her charm helped a great deal… Along with her unbuttoned uniform, but in order to stay hired at that diner you had to take in good costumer reviews.
Her body struggled to walk along the sidewalks due to the new idea she had adopted. If you can survive without food there’s no need to eat it. Especially with money so tight and Christmas coming up, the depression was causing a lot of financial issues in the Jones household.
Not only would her own government give her a job, Alfred wasn’t even getting paid as much as he should have been. It want something that she liked to think about. Her brother being worked to the bone was enough to make her blood boil. Hoover was being an asshole about sparing some money to them too.
Amelia let out a small sigh, listening to the heavy patters of rain drops on her house’s street. For the neighborhood she lived in, the majority of her money went to paying the bills. By that time she had just enough for food, but instead she had focused her money on a gift for Alfred that upcoming Christmas… and gifts for Alice…
Her eyes settled on her house. It had been a good three hour walk that Amelia endured. She lied to her brother so he wouldn’t waste his money on his car. It was selfish to make Alfred go such a long way to get her. With a small hope that he wasn’t home, the eighteen year old walked into the door, kicking her ruined shoes off by the staircase. More money to waste on new shoes. Maybe she could patch them up. Her dress clung onto her body and the more she tried to wiggle herself out of it the more it refused to slip off.
She gave up on the uniform and walked into the kitchen to see if they had any coffee. She couldn’t sleep because she had to stay up and fill out all the paperwork sitting on her desk. For a woman who wasn’t allowed any say about her country, she got the small liberty of filling out stacks of papers monthly. There was a loud bang which only made her groan. Alfred was home.
     It took every ounce of willpower Alfred had to walk home and not just sleep on the streets. His whole body ached from the cold, the hunger, and this sickness that he couldn’t shake. When he heard of nations getting colds he’d always laughed it off. It was only a nightmare, like the stories Arthur used to tell him, but now that it happened to him… Well the blonde never thought he’d be around to see the day. ‘Jokes on me I guess..’
     As his feet continued to trudge on, his home was finally in sight. A flicker of hope and happiness sparked inside him only to be replaced with confusion as he saw someone enter the house. He shared the flat with only one other person, and said person was supposed to be home filling out paper work… Alfred’s pace quickened, despite the protest his body gave him, as his protective nature threatened to come back out.
     It was no secret that Alfred hated her jobs. He hated the way that the other men would treat her and hated the fact that she couldn’t work with him in the capitol. There he could keep her safe from the animals that appeared in this disaster, but no matter how many times he would beg, plead, and scream that she was just as much help as he was none of the big shots in Washington would listen. If he could have his way Amelia wouldn’t have to work at all and she could live like a queen, like they both used to, but even he knew that his wages, which were getting smaller and smaller by the day, weren’t enough to keep them going alone. 
     This was especially true with the holiday season coming up. He didn’t want this to be the first year he didn’t get Amelia something for Christmas, and so he picked up extra jobs when he could get them. It was hard, not only for the fact that jobs were few and far in between but also because it killed Alfred to see one of his people go without work, and possibly without food for his family, because of him. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, which only served as a reminder of how his people were suffering worse than him, and as he reached the house it only worsed at the thought of some food laying behind that door.
     However, more important things were behind that door and the food that was stored in the cabinets needed to go to someone else. Shoes were discarded next to another pair and his coat and hat was hung up near by. The brief case full of paperwork dangled in his grip as Alfred walked into the kitchen. There his suspicions were confirmed, and he felt guilt churn in his stomach once more. “Hey,” he said, tone laced with exhaustion but small traces of joy clung to it. “Shouldn’t you be in bed by now?” Maybe a joke would help keep the situation light and keep his mouth from saying something he shouldn’t.
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