#but you did give me the circus fart nuke scenario
greyias · 11 months
Me, quietly, desperately trying to find a reliable guide to some of the triggers in Act 3, because I may have gotten myself into a pickle, and Ari may never sleep again because:
Having exhausted everything to do in Rivington that I could find (rip strange murder ox), I saved and:
Waved my junior detective badge at the bridge (among the five other objects in my possession I could have used), and immediately had Gortash hitting me up to watch him be crowned super duper duke of everything Baldur's Gate
Having heard that you shouldn't sleep after that because it'll just happen/people will wind up dead(??) I went inside, talked to Mizora who taunted Wyll because devil's gotta devil man, then explored the coronation room and triggered the coronation scene
Where naturally he tells me that Orin's infiltrated the camp teehee
We pick up the notification that Florick is in prison (scheduled to be executed)
And I head back downstairs and suddenly Mizora's like "Oh haha Wyll your Dad who you literally talked to five seconds ago has been banished to prison Imma visit you tonight at camp so we can chat"
And I'm like "well... shit", because that sounds like a nightly encounter.
So because I was quicksaving like a fiend during all of that, I backed up and experimented with seeing what happens if I long rested right after the coronation but before talking to Mizora, and suddenly I get the scene where Orin reveals who Ari's randomly selected kidnapping victim is: Lae'zel
I'm also presented with an insanely high (DC 25) persuasion/intimidation check in order to prevent WANTON CHILD MURDER. So I'm further like "well... crap", and so it seems that the moment Ari goes to long rest, kidnapping plot is on. Other fun things the internet seems to think will happen, but I can find no consensus on:
Can I walk past the coronation scene and put if off so it doesn't, you know, trigger the child murder DC check? Is it a proximity trigger? Or a timing trigger? Do I just not short/long rest before starting it?
Can I long rest and still have Wyll talk to Mizora post-coronation scene? Will that conflict with Orin's murdery murderness? Can I even walk off and do something else before walking back and triggering that?
Since I started the Open Hand Temple Murders and entered the lower city, if I long rest before warning the victims on the list, do they all die? I should probably do that right?
Apparently the poor circus dryad may not have had to die??? If I had just talked to two other people in Rivington first? RIP Dryad lady but that's way too far to go back and retrace our steps
If I trigger other things does that delay the kidnapping plot reveal? Because like, it kind of seems like maybe I should go save my kidnapped friend from being ritualistically murdered. But I'm getting conflicting information on: how safe kidnapping victim is for how long, if killing Orin triggers some endgame stuff and locks out other quests
Because if the answer to any/all of that is "uh yeah, get chopping", then before precious yodeling paladin can sleeps, she must:
Attend a coronation
Talk to a devil
Finish solving the murders
Find all the potential murder victims and warn them so maybe they don't die
Do a prison break
NOT trigger any more time and or proximity based missions
THEN save a tiny child from death by passing a very difficult DC check
Like game. I love you. I love you a lot. But this ridiculously interwoven web of intrigue without knowing if I'm going lock myself out of content or risk having to backtrack literal hours of progress is not super duper fun.
Also I really should've rolled back and gotten that super buff at the beginning of a day rather than near the end. So you know. She can have an extra +d6 to prevent the child murder.
My kingdom for a proper guide that lets me know when it's safe to, you know, sleep. Without people dying.
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