#but you think I would've noticed something in the THREE YEARS since I outlined the chapter!!!
dittomander · 1 year
ohh nnnnoooOOOOOOOO
oh my god i fucked it up
I got so caught up in the euphoria of fixing the desk problem that it completely slipped past me that I wrote a chapter with Gabe in it during a time where he ISN'T EVEN IN THE COUNTRY
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mysterynoel · 2 years
1 Like = 1 Answer (AO3 edition)
So I did one of those "1 Like = 1 Answer" posts on Twitter, and I decided I would share my answers here as well with a little more words!
1. Favorite story written? It would be a toss-up between "And Today, You" (Fire Emblem Awakening, Lucina & Child Lucina) and "Love Persevering" (Fire Emblem Three Houses, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/f!Byleth Eisner). The former because it was a piece focused on Lucina that I had been working on for 1.5-2 years. It holds such a special place in my heart. The latter because I love writing sad, angsty things and it was fun getting to return to that with a dimileth fic.
2. Most popular work? If we go by kudos, it's "Like Her Eyes" (Dimitri/f!Byleth). I wrote it for a prompt challenge and was dropping it in review exchange threads for a year because it was a fluffy one-shot that worked well fandom-blind.
3. A work you wish was more popular? I feel really bad saying this, but "And Today, You." It's actually where it should be for a gen fic posted in the Awakening fandom and I'm really grateful for that. Still, I can't help but wonder about how it would've done had I finished and posted it not long after I started it. Or five years ago. You know, sometime when the fandom was still active.
4. Favorite trope to write? "You can't sleep either, huh?" Easily my favorite thing to write! I love those quiet bonding moments at night where people may act differently than they would during the day! I've written a one-shot ("Late Night Talks" Big Hero 6, Tadashi Hamada/Honey Lemon), a chapter of a fic ("Tell Me a Story" chapter 7, Dimitri/f!Byleth), and a multi-chapter fic ("Nights Under the Azure Moon" 4 chapters, Dimitri/f!Byleth) based around this type of discussion.
5. Least favorite trope to write? Cheater's answer: smut. Thought out answer: probably horror/suspense/thriller. Not the biggest fan of reading horror outside of a few fic authors, so I have no idea where I would start with writing it.
6. Something you want to write but don't know where to start? I have two long fics in my folder ("The Boar Prince of Remire" about mercenary!Dimitri and "Will you forgive me if I can't see your light anymore" about Dimitri's five years in exile) that I would love to actually be able to outline and write instead of simply writing random scenes. Slowly chipping away at them hoping 2023 will be the year I can post first chapters.
7. Longest work written? Currently, it's "Nights Under the Azure Moon" with 12,605 words and four of five chapters posted. I think "Notice of Transfer" (FE3H & Dead Like Me, Dimitri/f!Byleth) will overtake it once I finish and post the last chapter.
8. The shortest? Shortest fic is "Time's Flow, Interrupted" (gen) at 754 words. I think I have a chapter of "Tell Me a Story" that's shorter at around 600 words.
9. Author you would like to collab with? There's a lot of authors that I think it would be fun to come up with something with, but I'm sure I would end up falling into a beta reader position since that's what I'm used to. At that point, it basically becomes a group project where one person isn't doing their share and just going along with anything that happens, and that's not fun nor fair to the other author. However, if el_pepe ever ends his indefinite hiatus, I would love to join forces for some of the Persona 3-5 story ideas we discussed if he was cool with it.
10. What tag would definitely be included in all of your works? Definitely "fluff & angst!" I love adding some angst to make the fluff sweeter! And sometimes, nothing's better than upping the amount of fluff to make the angst hit like a ton of bricks.
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morimallow · 4 years
Hello. This is the third and last part of Morisuke is a Nerd. Read the first and second part first and leave a like! Thank you all so much!
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There you were, standing in front of your highschool gates again after 7 years. Spring is finally here. Cherry blossom petals are falling and dancing with the wind.
You were savoring the moment before finally stepping inside your Alma mater when the annoying voice of your niece interrupted your peace.
“Y/N-neesan! Let's go inside already. My friends are waiting,” she whined and grabbed your hand and pulled you inside the already-loud school spring festival.
She just dragged you to every stall that sells food and let you pay for it. Annoying devil. Just because she knows that you're a (dream profession) and they pay you well.
After an hour of roaming in the oval, she decided to go upstairs and check out the other booths. Your niece got dragged by her friends and told you to bring her back to the school gates once they're done.
Walking along the hallway leading to the library, thinking of nothing in particular, screams of delight and adoration filled your ears. You looked outside the window and you saw the Nekoma Volleyball Team when Kuroo was their captain but your eyes looked for him.
They were all wearing suits. But he caught your eyes once again. Wearing the perfect three-piece suit, hair slicked back, and a pair of sunglasses over his eyes that you missed so much.
He looked up in your direction and just assumed that he was looking at you. Your hands were over your mouth, struggling to keep your whimpers to your self and a few tears escaped your eyes. He took off his sunglasses and smiled widely at you. Wiping your tears with your hands, you smiled back at him as if you were saying, “I knew you could do it. I'm so fucking proud of you, Mori.”
After your sweet faraway encounter, his former team mates called his name so they could go on in the festival but before joining them, you swore you saw him wink at you and that almost made your knees give up. If you could control yourself around him using his charms back in highschool, but now your resistance was still the same but his charms blew up to a hundred.
You continued to walk towards the school library. You probably spent two hours there, reading books that you read back in highschool.
But then your feet dragged you to the shelf where you first met the love of your life. The wooden stool was still there and you used it to reach and grab the same Physics book. You stepped down and stayed standing there as you flip through the pages. Various solutions you and Mori did in pieces of papers were still stuck in the pages. Looks like no one used this but us?
The light dimmed as you felt him move towards you making you remember your first encounter. You waited for him to strike a conversation and he did in the most cheesy way, “Who would've thought I'd meet my mushroom in the library of all places?”
You smiled at the memory. You tried so hard to refrain yourself from jumping on him and instead replied, “You're a strange, happy man and you have my heart.”
He snaked his arms around you and placed his chin on your shoulder. Sighing contently, you relaxed in his arms and leaned your weight on him. It was the same warmth from your highschool days. The same feeling of being protected. But one thing changed. The amount of love and affection emitting from his body towards you was different. He then placed a long and loving kiss on your shoulder and whispered, “I found you.”
You smiled at his words and shook your head. You turned your head to look up at him because he grew a lot taller than you and kissed his jaw, “We found each other, Morisuke.”
You and Mori spent an hour solving problems and equations again until you both realized it was already near dark.
“Love, come. I heard awhile ago that there's gonna be a firework display in about.. ” he trailed as he looked at his watch, reading the time, “probably in a minute.”
You stood in front of the window nearest to the door and Mori placed himself behind you, giving you another back hug. Not that you're complaining. Without your knowledge, the rest of the volleyball team was behind you, phones ready. Mori, sensing that someone's watching and feeling the urge to hold you in his arms, he pulled you into a deep kiss just after the fireworks display started.
You heard some clicking of cameras followed by a series of 'fuck's, 'keep it down's, and you don't doubt one bit that you heard Kuroo saying, “Lev, are you dumb?”
But then you felt Mori smirk into the kiss. Just as he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, you asked, “You knew they were here, didn't you?”
He chuckled lightly, sending the butterflies in your stomach go into frenzy as he gave you a peck on the lips. He replied, “Or maybe I just missed you.”
“Smooth lines, Russian boy!”
“Finally grew some balls.”
“Can we go home now? It's nearly 9 o'clock.”
And a sudden thought zapped through your brain: your niece.
You looked at Mori with sadness and disappointment and said sincerely, “M-Mori, I know you're a busy man but I need to go home. I promised my niece that—”
Kuroo interrupted your sentence and asked, “Is this your niece?” and you saw that she had her legs dangling on Kuroo's shoulders.
“Y/N-neesan? Kuroo-niichan said they'd keep me safe and walk me home. I'd choose them over you everytime so go out with Yaku-nii,” the little devil of a niece you have said straight to your face.
Mori didn't let go of your hand even while he was driving. He'd place soft kisses whenever there's a stop sign, draw soothing circles, and throw secret glances of adoration when the road's clear.
And you just enjoyed his touch. After 7 years, he's finally back, and this time, you won't ever let him go.
After a while, Mori parked his car in an underground parking lot and rode a lift to his penthouse, all while still holding your hand.
“And welcome to my humble abode in Japan,” he said as he opened the door to his penthouse for you to come in. Humble wasn't even the right word to describe the place. It was huge enough for a family of maybe 5 or 7.. or maybe 10.
You blushed at that thought and Mori noticed this. Assuming that you're just feeling hot, he asked, “Do you maybe.. want to take a shower?”
“Oh, uhm.. ” you trailed off, thinking if a shower would do you good or just make your blush worse when you see the products he uses everyday.
Mori wasn't used to this side of you and he's kinda liking it. You're so sensitive and vulnerable when he's around when in fact back in highschool, you'd shout and scold him like how he scolds Lev.
“Mori?” you called out as you remember you didn't have any spare clothes. “Could I borrow one of your shirts?”
You heard movements from outside the bathroom of his room and heard him say, “Come out. You can wear this.”
Clutching on to your towel, you eyed the shirt laid on the bed. It was his jersey when he joined the Japan National VB Team. It covered until your mid-thigh so you didn't find the issue of not wearing shorts.
Standing up, he kissed your forehead, “I'll take a shower, too. You go rummage my kitchen for dinner.”
After whipping up something simple for dinner, you come back to his room to call him but your eyes were met with Mori's more defined back muscles with water droplets reflecting the light in the room and being absorbed by the white towel loosely hung around his hips.
He didn't notice your presence because he was too immersed texting someone on his phone. You climbed on the bed and crawled up behind him.
You slowly snaked you arms around his torso. With your fingers tracing the lines along his abs, you said with a pout, “I thought you missed me, Morisuke Yaku.”
“I do, my love. I really do. Let me just.. ” and he started typing on his phone again. You didn't want this one. He always had his eyes on you ever since highschool. And now he won't look at you even if you're clinging onto his back?
Lightly grazing your fingertips on his toned stomach, you wrapped your legs around his waist as well, as you whispered in his ear the three words you haven't exchanged in years, “I love you.”
He laughed and blushed. Putting his arm around your shoulder and giving you a peck on the lips, “I'm still very much in love with you.”
Feeling a little bolder, you shower him with kisses on his jaw, arm, neck, and the area near his ear. “A-Ah.. ”
You smirked at this new found discovery. You wondered if his ears are sensitive as well and you tested it out. Licking the outlines of his ear and nibbled the top part while sneaking whispers of ‘I love you's’ here and there. His breathing was erratic, sensitive to your tongue. His moans became harder to suppress as you make lewd wet noises with and in his ear. You kissed it tenderly, pulled away, and laughed.
His nape was warm colored with a tinge of light pink. Continuing to tease him more, your hands found and cupped his pecs, holding him in place as you breathe slowly trying to steady his breathing. “Who would've thought the great Morisuke Yaku's weakness is getting his ear lick—”
He faced you and plopped you on the bed. His towel falling down as he hovered over you. You roamed your eyes over his hot body and just as you were about to see his package, you heard his deep voice dangerously near your ear, “Eyes on me, princess. Feeling my cock molding your tight and pretty pussy into the shape of it is much better than to look, don't you agree?”
You were waiting for this day to come. For Morisuke to be your first. “Well, are you just all bark and no bite? Come at me,” you boldly said as you raise your hips to find any form of friction for your aching pussy.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he mockingly said as he lifted his lower half up away from yours. “Come at you or come inside you? Your choice, baby,” his hands started to glide up under his shirt you were wearing.
His finger purposely grazing the area near your erect nipple. Just as you were about to moan, he placed his hand on the curve of your waist, drawing circles on your stomach with his thumb. He showed you his perfect set of white then his smirk, eyes squinting with amusement, “If you won't choose, I won't even touch you all night.”
You pout at him upon hearing his words, thinking it might charm him the way he was whipped during highschool and expecting he knows your answer. His thumb moved along your lower lip and you sucked it lightly while showing him your pleading eyes. He scoffed playfully and said, “Acting cute won't make me give what you want. Use your pretty little mouth, baby doll.”
With that, you kneeled by the bed and made him sit in front of you. You grabbed the base of his erect dick, pubic hair tickling the side of your palm.
“Y/N, you don't have to—” you kissed the tip glowing in a dark shade of pink, same as your boyfriend's lips. “F-Fuck.. I'm sensitive there.” You took that as a sign to continue torturing his tip.
Your teeth grazed near the slit then you licked it, overpowering the pain by pleasure. Spitting in your hand, you used that to smoothly pump his hard cock. You looked up at him, a perfect moaning mess: his disheveled hair, sweaty torso, teeth doing a not so good job at keeping his moans at bay.
You pumped him harder, your other hand massaging his balls. “C'mon, baby. Let me hear you moan when I'm making you feel good.”
As you tried to take his whole length inside your mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat, he fired a handful of your hair and pushed you down, forcing you to take it whole.
“Your mouth feels so fucking warm, so fucking good,” he moaned as you gagged, unswallowed saliva dripping from your mouth. “I'm gonna fuck your hot mouth cunt and cum.”
You bobbed your head up and down in a fast pace, loud and hot groans from Morisuke became your encouragement. You felt him tense and started to shudder in pleasure. Knowing he's close, you focused your tongue on the tip and used your hand to pump the rest of his length.
“I'm cumming.. cumming, princess!” he moaned as he grabbed your head with his two hands, steadying you to shoot his cum inside your mouth.
He leaned back, propping his elbows. Not knowing where to spit, you swallowed probably half of his load when he offered to spit it on his hands.
“That was disgusting. How can people swallow that shit?” you looked at him with disgust as he washed his hands in the sink.
He walked towards you and placed you on the bed underneath him, “Well, Ms. Genius, ejaculation is part of the males' normal discharge.”
Before you could reply, he claimed your lips. He pushed your shirt up just enough to reveal your breasts with perky nipples ready for your boyfriend to nip and suck them as you moan underneath him. His hand travelled south and spreads your wet folds with his index and ring finger, the middle one is circling around your aching hole, ready to enter.
You bucked your hips, eager and impatient for his finger to enter you. And just then, he inserted his middle finger in your hot cunt, clenching around him as he enters you.
“If you're already this tight for just one finger, I wonder how good this tight pussy will wrap around my cock.” The image passed through your mind and clenched harder as he moved his finger in and out of you.
You were moaning, pulling his soft brown hair as he fingered you to heaven. “A-Ahh, fuck! Right there, Mori.. ” He briefly hit the sensitive spot in your cunt.
You let out a whimper as he took his finger out but let out a breathy moan as he positioned himself at your aching entrance.
Cupping your cheek, he looked into your eyes and said, “This will hurt but keep your eyes on me, okay?” You nodded in response as he put the tip in.
He took your hand, intertwining with yours and propped one elbow beside your head and his other hand guiding his length into you, you moaned out his name as he stretched your virgin walls.
“M-Mori, you're too big.. ” he kissed your lips as he enters you inch by inch. He groans into the kiss when you squeeze him. “Relax, baby. You'll milk me dry even before I put my whole dick inside you.”
After tons of moans and grunts, he was finally balls deep inside you. As you get accustomed to his size, you can't help but squeeze him inside you again. “S-Stop that, I'm gonna cum,” and you continued to clench around him as if testing if what he said was true.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he buried his head in the crook of your neck as he shot his load straight to your womb. Followed by his sexy moans and the feeling of his warm seed inside you made you cream his dick good.
“Fuck, Y/N, you're too good,” he said and started to move just after you both came making you both sensitive and a moaning mess.
You wrapped your legs, heels against his firm ass as he drilled your drenching pussy. “Morisuke, Morisuke.. ” you chanted and moaned his name as you were nearing your second orgasm.
With Yaku sucking on and nibbling on the skin of your delicate neck, you convulsed beneath him as he continues to thrust in you, chasing his own release. After a few more hard pumps, he buried his seed inside you for the second time. “That was so fucking good. It makes up for the seven years we've been masturbating separately, no?” he said as he laid his head on your chest.
You ran your hand to the previously slicked back hair of his and hummed to agree.
Morisuke placed a kiss on your chest, where your heart is, and said, “Let's be together until they run out of problems in Science, my love?”
You grabbed his hand, kissed it, and placed it on your cheek, “For a lifetime, my sweet.”
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