#but youll see the date hasnt changed and they're just trying different things hoping this activity will get them out
killjoy-prince · 2 years
Two people are stuck in a timeloop. The way they handle being in the loop is opposite to each other. One person plays along like everything is fine. The other is violently against it, denying everything. They think the other is responsible for putting them in the loop.
#prince's talk tag#whenever im doing a task at work where i can kinda shut my brain off my head sometimes comes up with prompts i wanna see#this one is my most recent one#has this been done somewhere? i feel like it was#its not original but i love me some timeloops no matter how much its been done#adding more to it is like the person going along with it is losing their mind as much as the person violently against it#but keeps it together bc they think the other is the one causing it and doesn't want them thinking they're winning#on one hand i saw it as the one violently against it being the main focus with them trying various ways to get out of it but to no avail#and then at one point switching the pov to the one going along with it and seeing they are also stuck and putting up a good facade#on the other hand i thought the one going along with it being the focus#and they do something different each day making you think it's a different day each time#but youll see the date hasnt changed and they're just trying different things hoping this activity will get them out#but once you get to see what they're really thinking you can see them losing their mind#and the one going along with it thinks the one against it is responsible and vise versa bc they noticed they're doing different things#even though the day is the same and everyone else is doing what they were doing on repeat#the one violently against it tries to confront them but the one going along with it pretends not to know what they mean#while the person going along with it thinks the other person is playing mind games with them#idk im rambling at this point#if you read this far thank for sticking til the end
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