#the one violently against it tries to confront them but the one going along with it pretends not to know what they mean
kkl1nch0r · 2 months
title: chase of lies (blade x fbi gender neutral reader PART 1)
notes: im back (idc i just wanted to write one day after over maybe a year of abandoning this shitty account) and I was like WAIT WHAT IF BLADE FBI AND YOU so I did my best. I'm rusty because of school on my ass. this is multiple parts and this is part 1 of blade and you getting down freaky. (NOT THAT FREAKY) NOT FREAKY NOT FREAKY MY BAD
“Fu Xuan, just—”
“Are you trying to work yourself to death, Y/n?!” the girl cries, throwing up a pile of papers in the air for dramatic effect as you sigh, shaking your head in denial.
The Xianzhou Investigation Unit— Division Six, Violent Crimes and Major Offenders, the office barely filled with its agents— was rarely this rowdy in the morning.
You reach out a hand to place a consoling hand on Fu Xuan’s shoulder, to tell her it would be all right, but you knock your mug of coffee along the way.
The drink spreads steadfast over the pile of unsigned papers, and Fu Xuan sighs, taking the mug, fetching tissues from her pocket almost magically. “Y/n, you shouldn’t just give your life away like that. We have enough to do as it is, and you’re still injured—”
“Which gives me more of a reason to help you guys out!” you interjected, grabbing the soaked papers, and turn around to face the broken-down printer. It was out of ink, and you sighed. “I can’t just let you guys work to death without me. That’s just unfair.”
Fu Xuan crosses her arms, facing you with her trademark steely glare. You wince.
You twisted your stiff ankle uncomfortably, still trying to get used to walking again. From the last mission, the chase for the Stellaron Hunters had caused you to unfortunately fall and twist your ankle, aside from the several broken ribs and fractured wrist that had taken months to heal.
Returning to the office was a great slap of reality to the face. No more herbal tea, no more reading by the fire, no more relaxation. Not that you were complaining.
And here you were, looking up at Miss Number One Workaholic of Division Six. The girl was absolutely against you taking up another case that had just “intrigued” you.
“I need to help around a little,” you tried, and Fu Xuan raised a skeptic eyebrow.
“Yeah, right,” she countered, and you braced yourself for the running tangent she was about to go on. “You just want to take this case up because you know it involves the Stellaron Hunters, and nothing stops you from persecuting them. From what I know, not one– not one! Of your cases contain something unrelated from that faction. You’re going to get yourself hurt like last time… not to mention you could actually die.”
She hit every nail right on the head.
“Gosh, Fu Xuan,” you gushed, batting your eyelashes, cupping the side of your face with a hand. “You just know me so well.”
“Thank the Aeons I do,” Fu Xuan snapped. She was having none of it this morning, it seemed. “Because who else would know when you’ll throw yourself into a pit of lava or something?”
“Fu Xuan!”
“You know I’m right!” she called, walking from your desk. “I’m talking to Jing Yuan about this. He’ll probably slap some sense into you.”
“Come on!”
The agent had disappeared behind the heaping piles of paper on the desks. You groaned, slumping back into your seat as the chair creaked— at least Division Six had chairs on the more comfortable side. If it weren’t for the cushioning your back might have just torn in half.
“Thank the Aeons for those,” you mumbled to yourself, looking at the clock ahead hopelessly. You looked back at the case, nonchalantly tossed onto your desk. File X. The file name stared right back at you, like a tantalizing treat in front of a hungry child.
Focus, Y/n.
You scowled, picking up the inkless pen, scribbling over the notepad before groaning again, hauling the pen across the room.
“Stupid pen.”
When lunch rolls around, you’re ready to grab the pile of papers and fling them at the Investigation director. 
But instead of confronting Jing Yuan in his office, you head downstairs and out of the office. Sunlight blasts in your eyes, but you make a break for the cafe across the street, opening the door with a pleasant chime.
“Good morning,” says the staff at the counter, and you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose in exasperation. Okay, you take that previous note back– the cushioning does next to nothing about your back. It’s been hours since you’ve got up and stretched.
“Good afternoon,” you reply, smiling, and place your order. 
The staff fumbles the tablet— and your entire order. He nervously giggles, sporting his neck awkwardly.
You’re not amused. You arch an eyebrow.
“Sorry, I’m not really familiar with all these flavors,” he says, and you bristle at his voice. He looks familiar.
“Your green eyes,” you say, and the staff jumps. “Have we met before?”
Come to think of it, you have. Striking green eyes and indigo hair. Stocky build.
Sampo swallows nervously, holding up two hands in surrender. “Okay, uh. We’re getting ahead of ourselves here. What’s the difference between French vanilla and Vanilla?”
Your eyes narrow.
“You would’ve fooled me better with a fake mustache and glasses,” you reply, completely ignoring his previous question. “What are you doing here working at a cafe right across the Xianzhou Investigation unit, Sampo?”
“...That’s a great question.”
“Can’t you catch a break?” Fu Xuan sighs back in the office. “You’re out for a break in the cafe and suddenly a wanted man turns up on your radar.”
“You can’t blame me, Fu Xuan,” you reply. “Anyways, Gepard’s going to be furious. A wanted man he’s spent eternity tracking down just strolls into the cafe right across the street. What a day.”
You pause as Fu Xuan organizes her papers on her desk. “Okay… you know what would be a day? If you talk with Jing Yuan about File–”
“No more Stellaron Hunters,” Fu Xuan snaps, and looks up at you from her desk. “No more File X. You’re supposed to work here until further notice.”
“Fu Xuan,” you plead, and the girl closes her eyes in frustration. The papers she’s dealing with sit abandoned at her desk, and she sighs. You sigh. It’s about to turn into a sighing competition when she raises her hand. 
“Can we just— talk about how dangerous it is?”
You sense hope. She’s going to talk to Jing Yuan. You’re sure of it. It’s just so close! Fu Xuan just needs a push.
Fu Xuan’s lips turn down, her eyebrows knit together in concern. She looks disappointed, worried, and sad at the same time. “Do you know how you’re disregarding your life in search of a case impossible to solve right now?”
“That’s my job, Fu Xuan.” and it's true. Nobody devotes their life to the Xianzhou Investigation unit without knowing what they’re getting into.
“There’s a line between going into a mission and having an idea of what’s going to happen. That’s called being prepared. But you’re being reckless, Y/n. You’re rushing into something head-on without thinking what it could do to you.” Fu Xuan is throwing objection after objection after you, but you shake your head in reply.
“It’s what I’m choosing to do. This is my life, Fu Xuan. Not yours.”
The girl throws her hands up in exasperation. “Does it pain you to just think about the consequences for once?!” you bite your lip at her outburst. Fu Xuan looks like she’s about to cry out of frustration, her eyes rimmed with red. “I just don’t want the only other investigator here to just d– disappear along with the others.”
I just don’t want the only other investigation here to just die, is what she’s saying. You understand. You understand her so well it hurts. 
The girl puts her head in her hands, looking utterly distraught. “There’s only so much I can do, Y/n. You know– the last time when I saw you come back I thought–” Fu Xuan’s breath hitches. “You were on the verge of death. I don’t want to see you like that ever again.”
“You can’t protect me like that forever,” you reply softly, and Fu Xuan sighs. She knows that well too. “I can take care of myself. I know it sounds stupid saying it like this right now when I have no idea what’s going to happen, but…”
You trail off, and Fu Xuan looks up at you, looking defeated.
Finally, the girl nods grimly, standing up from her chair and heading towards the director’s office. “I’ll talk to him.”
What seems like hours later File X is approved, and you’re getting ready to go on an undercover mission to stalk the Stellaron Hunters and capture one of them, learn their motives, and the usual yada yada you can’t help but ignore.
The whole team– Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, Yanqing (an Investigation unit under training), and Sushang had gathered to see you off.
Jing Yuan looked just as grim as Fu Xuan. His eyebrows were knit together in worry but he managed a warm smile nonetheless, hands behind his back in thought. “Best of luck, Y/n.”
Fu Xuan, with her arms crossed, looked upset, but as you managed a sad smile towards the girl, she huffed, nodding. Both Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan had tensed shoulders, but there was no convincing you otherwise. “Be careful. And make sure you look out for yourself; you never seem to register that.”
You laughed. “Will do, Fu Xuan.”
Yanqing looked enthusiastic, tugging on Jing Yuan’s sleeve. He looked up at you with bright eyes. “I wanna be just like you, Y/n!” he said with admiration. “Going on an undercover mission!”
Fu Xuan rolled her eyes, but was almost toppled over when Sushang let out a cry, rushing forward from the group— she was still in training as well— and embraced you, sniffling.
“You’ll be back, right?” she asked tearfully, looking up at you with tear-stained cheeks. “It gets so lonely here… and Yanqing’s not really good company anyway.”
Yanqing bristled at her words. “Hey!”
You smiled, patting the girl’s back reassuringly. “Make sure to work hard and behave,” you said. It looked like a meeting before your funeral, but it was sweet nonetheless.
“Be super careful!” Sushang called the team following you to the lobby and out of the building. It was dark out, but you nodded in return, waving like it was your final farewell.
What if it was?
You pushed that thought down. Sushang elbowed Yanqing to do the same, and he grumbled, raising a hand to wave. “Be careful!” he repeated.
“I will, I promise!” you called back, stepping out.
“You better, Y/n! I still need to beat you up to death after this!” Fu Xuan yelled across the street.
You sighed. There was no stopping her, was there?
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aita for waiting until after opening gifts to confront my grandmother?
my (25f) mum (50f) experienced a severe psychotic mental break last winter. i ended up living with her and my siblings (seven, all younger than me) for the better part of 2023 to help take care of the house and kids AND support my mum financially, and only moved back out into my own place in november along with my partner, my 19yo sister, and my sister’s gf.
during my mum’s breakdown, my maternal grandmother completely took my mother’s side against me even in the midst of her delusions, disagreed with me when i tried to get her into a more intensive therapy program, and generally refused to acknowledge my role as a caretaker for my mum AND my siblings. when i told her i was worried about my siblings mental health and well-being after watching this happen to my mum, she spun my words and then told my my mum that i thought she was a danger to her kids, something i never said. it hurt a lot and seriously damaged our relationship, and she never apologized to me for it.
now, the holidays have finally rolled around, much to my dread. i avoid celebrating family holidays as much as i can, since after a childhood full of trauma, i’m not fond of them. our little household have planned a small winter solstice celebration for the four of us and a few other siblings who can attend, and that’s basically enough holiday for me. but my grandmother wanted to hold an extended family dinner, and invited me and my partner specifically. i decided i’d go. i also knew she’d be getting both of us gifts, so i got her something in return.
the day before, however, i found out some really horrible information about other family members - without going into detail, it involved sexual abuse, and the abuser has been allowed to attend all of our family get togethers despite my grandmother knowing what he’d done. i was horrified, and i blame my grandmother for allowing him to attend functions where my young siblings will be. i’m not the best at handling conflict, so i froze up significantly and was not sure how to approach this. the abuser had already left the holiday dinner when i arrived, which is good, because i probably would’ve started a verbal-and-maybe-violent altercation with him. (it wouldn’t be the first time. again, i’m not the best at handling conflict. i’m in therapy about it.) instead, i was awkward and uncomfortable the whole dinner, and at the end of it when it was just me and my grandmother, i snapped at her. i think all the built up frustration ive had towards her since last year combined with this just exploded out, and i accused her of refusing to consider my siblings’ well-being our entire lives and prioritising her own kids instead, even when they’re the ones endangering us. she cried, i yelled that i would never be attending one of her family dinners again, and finally i stormed out and left with my partner.
after i got home, i had calmed down a bit and saw the gifts she’d gotten for me and my partner, and that’s the only time i’ve felt guilty about this. should i return the gifts she got me? was it wrong for me to wait until AFTER i’d opened our gifts to yell at her? maybe i shouldn’t have gone to the dinner at all.
What are these acronyms?
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questionablemorally · 3 months
- Stormy Skies -
A SeBard Fic
The dull light of morning shone through the windows, casting the rooms of the manor into grey as clouds swarmed the sky.
Sebastian looked out of the window, watching the raindrops fall like tears, and sighed. Today was to be the day he and the young master travelled to London, now it had started raining. Just their luck.
He carried out his morning tasks diligently. Ironing the newspaper, preparing a pot of tea, loading the cart… it was repetitive, but his aesthetic demanded that he performed these mundane tasks with dignity, so he did.
The cart’s wheels squeaked - an irritating sound - as he rolled it along the corridors, stopping by his master’s room and entering.
“Good morning, my lord,” he greeted the boy with his signature smile, “It is a rather dreary day today.”
Earl Ciel Phantomhive - the butler’s master - blinked his eyes open, rubbing the sleep out of them with a fist and yawning. In the early hours, he seemed innocent, resembling his small age. He’d gain his snarky attitude and cold expression later in the day. The boy looked out of the window with sleepy eyes.
“It looks horrible,” he stated simply, already frowning, “But we must go to the town house.”
“Understood,” Sebastian responded.
As the morning progressed, the weather became bleaker, and intensified tenfold. The wind whipped branches and leaves against the walls of the manor, the rain battered down abusively, and thunder began to rumble threateningly in the distance.
Needless to say, it was turning out to be less than optimal conditions to travel in.
He bowed, “My lord, perhaps we should postpone your trip to London for another day?”
The boy sipped his tea, barely sparing a glance out the window before sighing, “I would, but I must go today. The Queen needs this most recent case cleared up as soon as possible, and it is my duty to fulfill that for her.”
“I see. We shall leave in two hours.”
Midday rolled around, though it was hardly to be considered it. The sun was nowhere to be found, hidden behind layers of angry weather that continued its siege upon the earth violently.
He loaded his master’s belongings onto the carriage, harnessed the horses, and gave final orders to the servants. They were the same as always - protect the manor while they were gone.
“You’re goin’ out in this weather?” The chef had piped up in disbelief, “You’ll catch your death out there.”
“It’s so cold and wet outside,” Mey Rin joined in, “Why can’t you wait a day or two? It’ll clear up by then, it will.”
He soothed their objections with practiced words, “Unfortunately, it is necessary the young master leaves today. I will ensure no harm or ill-health befalls him.”
Despite his assurances, the unconvinced look in the chef’s eyes hadn’t gone unnoticed by him.
Along his route to collect the young Earl, Sebastian was intercepted by one of the servants. The man stood between him and their master’s room, giving him a stern look.
This was, really, the last person he wanted to see currently. After Bard had aided in healing his wound from the Campania, the air between them had remained awkward and tense. Neither confronted the other, so they’d returned to their usual rhythm.
“Good afternoon, Baldroy. What can I do for you?”
“What can ya do? The weather is crazy right now! You’re not actually goin’ out, are ya?”
“The young master is needed in London.”
The chef seemed taken aback by the obvious statement.
“What is that important that it can’t wait a day? Nuthin’ is worth goin’ out in this storm.”
“I understand your concern, but the young master has ordered me to—”
“The kid’s health is the priority, Sebastian!”
With a sigh, Sebastian tried to move past the chef with a dismissive wave, “I won’t let his health be put in jeopardy. He won’t so much as catch a cold with me there.”
The man grabbed his arm firmly. This was enough to make the butler look back at him, but he resisted the urge to tear his arm out of his grasp for a moment, willing to hear Bard’s argument.
“And what about you?”
“What about me?”
He paused, relaxing his stance but still holding onto his arm.
“Will you be alright?”
The question came as a shock to Sebastian - who let the conversation fall silent for a few seconds. It dragged out to what felt like hours.
“I will be fine,” he said after a while, “You have no reason to concern for my safety.”
“I do. Ya like to act all high an’ mighty, but I’ve seen ya at your worst, ya can’t blame me for bein’ worried.”
“Baldroy, do forget that,” he retorted sharply, head turned away.
The reminder that he’d failed on that godforsaken ship was like salt in the wound. He - a demon, sworn to protect his contractor with his life, sworn to fulfill every whim of the soul he’d carefully cultivated - had failed an order, and gotten badly hurt. Usually, wounds had no effect on his kind. It was their physical bodies that became injured, not their true forms.
But the wound he’d gained had slowed him down exponentially, only having enough fight left in him to protect his master from any further harm rather than capture the Undertaker, like he’d ordered. He supposed the injury was a fatal one - something that would’ve killed any mortal - and was by the blade of a reaper’s scythe.
Still, the memory of returning to the manor, limping and wincing at every movement that was too much for his physical form, remained too fresh to be prodded at in such a way. He’d tried to forget the way Bard had found him almost passed out. He’d tried to forget the way he’d been forced to lie down, his wound being treated delicately as if he were a fragile thing. He’d tried to forget the way he felt he needed someone in the room with him to sleep, a display of vulnerability he never wished to resort to.
“No, I’m not gonna forget it. It was the first time I’ve seen ya in that state, and you survived. Now ya pretend like nuthin’ happened.”
He hissed out, words laced with a venomous hostility, “Because it is a distracting thought. I must be focused on my duties, much like you should be focused on yours.”
“A ‘distractin’ thought’? Well, yeah. I can’t stop thinkin’ about the way I had to stay with ya, how deep that fuckin’ thing was, how much blood ya lost…”
The command slipped from his lips instinctively. He didn’t want to hear any more about it, it only served as a reminder of his shortcomings. Baldroy obliged, now holding an even more worried look in his eyes, and he gently held Sebastian’s wrist in his calloused hands.
Taking a sharp intake of breath, Sebastian looked the chef in the eyes.
“Thank you.”
“Is that not what you wanted? I am grateful for your help.”
He couldn’t help the slight bite in his voice, bitterly lashing out to avoid thinking about what happened.
“No, I didn’t want anythin’, I was… I was jus’ worried. About you, I guess.”
Another beat of silence passed between them, before Sebastian softened his tone and shook his head.
“I’ve already told you there’s no need to worry about me,” he went to turn away, before stopping after one step, “But… I suppose that is rather kind of you.”
As he went to continue on his way - now 5 minutes behind schedule, he noticed with a frown, the butler was pulled back to face the chef again. This time, however, he found himself spun around and pulled down to merely inches away from the man’s face.
“Stay safe, fuckin’ idiot.”
With those few words said rather aggressively, Bard smashed his lips into Sebastian’s.
He could pull away if he wanted to, he could push Bard off and chastise him or tell him to get his chores done… but he didn’t.
Sebastian’s eyes fell shut as the two stood there for a moment - rough, scarred lips against soft ones - until the need to breathe overwhelmed the chef. He pulled away with a flushed face, and let go of the butler.
Not quite knowing how to react, Sebastian merely stood there for a moment, brushing his fingers over where Baldroy’s mouth just was and blinking.
“I will,” he smiled.
The storm outside had not lessened since they’d left, and so their first day was not very productive at the town house like they’d hoped, meaning they had to make up for it the next few days. Busied with constant work, they found themselves jumping from location to location.
What certainly didn’t help, either, was the lingering feeling of Baldroy’s lips against his own and the unexpected care he’d demonstrated before they left. Sebastian found these thoughts infiltrated little parts of his everyday life, even though they were away from the manor.
It was, thankfully, only spitting as he and his master returned to the mansion. As he piloted the carriage along the usual route, he allowed himself to dip into his complicated thoughts, letting his body drive automatically through muscle memory.
The feeling of longing was strange - it left a gap in his mind that he wasn’t used to, and he wished for more of what he’d been given. It had been about a week’s duration at London, and Sebastian felt impatient to go back to their usual environment the entire time. He told himself it was to go back to the normality of their routine in their usual place, but there was another reason hidden beyond that he didn’t dare to unveil.
The carriage pulled up, he opened the door for the young master, the servants came rushing out.
“Master Ciel! You’re back!” Finnian squealed excitedly, practically jumping up and down on the spot.
“Welcome home, master!” Mey-Rin joined the commotion, hands clasped in front of her.
“Glad ta see you’re back,” Bard smiled widely, “An’ you’re both healthy? That storm worried me a little.”
Tanaka merely chuckled.
Sebastian gave the chef a warm look - a rare occurrence, something to be celebrated, honestly - before trailing after the Earl indoors, taking his coat for him. The servants followed.
“Thank you for protecting the manor, as always,” his master nodded to the servants in acknowledgment, “I will return to my study.”
All three of them replied in unison, as if trained, “Yes, sir!”
The small crowd dispersed, and Sebastian promptly began walking to his next job - cleaning the library. It was not quite late enough to begin preparations for dinner, but not early enough to bring his master some tea.
Arriving at the library, he set to work immediately. He had to dust the surfaces, rearrange the books, water the flowers… all of this, and yet he hesitated to move on after finishing one. There was a presence at the door.
“Er- mister Sebastian?”
“Baldroy,” he craned his neck to see him, “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I jus’… wanted to apologise.”
He quirked an eyebrow, “Apologise? For what?”
“Well… for, uh, kissin’ ya? I realised it was a bit outta the blue, so…” he stammered out, hand rubbing his neck nervously, “Jus’… wanted to fix it and make sure you’re okay an’ everything—”
Sebastian was suddenly a lot closer than he was earlier, and he had a sly smile on his face.
The butler pushed the door shut before grabbing the collar of Bard’s uniform and leaning down to join their lips.
It was an intoxicating embrace, and Baldroy’s hands found their way to Sebastian’s waist, and then his face, and then his hair.
As Bard played with the man’s hair, the butler hummed into the kiss, before pulling away completely.
“That was my thank-you,” he let go of the man, though fiddled with his collar to make him appear presentable, “For overseeing me while I was injured, and for your concerns.”
Inspired by the hc that Bard had to take care of Seb after BOA because he couldn’t heal properly. This was a very quick little one-shot instead of just doing another list of hcs, so I hope you enjoyed and tell me if you want more of this stuff.
(I tried my best to edit it, I lost motivation very quickly… in my defense I had to wake up at ungodly hours today, so please excuse any mistakes or issues)
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jokerislandgirl32 · 4 months
So Zach, you used to be a villain but when Varina was born you became good and started working with your besties, the wild kratts? But when you youngest started dating a villain you went back to villainy again? What happened? How did Violet feel?
Hehe, *pulls collar of sweater,* this question?
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Ugh, fine…Below the cut because it’s a long explanation…
Well, I can’t say I’m proud of this decision…I truly changed my life for the better after Varina was born, and it created a wonderful life for me, Violet, and our children for many years. There was no fear of losing everything from my villainous actions, I reconciled with the Wild Rats Crew (yes I still call them that, that’s never changed), and it helped me gain such a great appreciation for animals, nature, and others around me. I was finally able to get over myself long enough to well…to put it in words that’ll make Violet squeal in adoration: “see the beauty in the world around me.”
This change in my life affected me so dramatically that it caused me to eventually develop an aversion to the general thought of villainy. I ended up having to go to therapy to try to get past the pain and anxiety I experienced on a daily basis from self reflection on my past actions.
I had just gotten to a much better place mentally when Victoria, our youngest daughter, approached us with the revelation that she was involved with a man who was quite a bit older than her, but worse yet was a villain. The man, Eric Espinoza, rose as a villain after command of the Wild Kratts Team was transferred over to Vera, Nolan, and a handful of the other former Wild Rats Kids.
The new Wild Rats Team, the former Wild Rats Team, myself, and Violet, along with my reformed villain friends, teamed up to take down this threat to the creature world. This jerk, Espinoza, created a powerful device that was able to control any animal via a special chemical compound, you can think of it as something like pheromones. All he had to do was press a button on his remote, and it would trigger any varmint that was exposed to the chemicals to react violently.
He was causing such great destruction to the creature world we were at a loss for what to do to stop him, that’s when Victoria stepped up and said she’d go bargain with him, because she figured given the nature of their relationship he would listen to her. Well, it appeared she did more than bargain because after a few meetings with him she came to us with the joyous news of her elopement to him. It turns out they decided to marry secretly because they feared with his status as a villain we would not accept him.
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Eric and Victoria’s Elopement Pic Picrew Link
She figured right….I was livid. Not only was this older man trying to seduce our daughter, but he was also trying to corrupt her! I knew he was trying to convert her to a life of villainy too, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and end this threat against my family and the creature world.
I honestly felt like I’d lost control of my life with this revelation, and I decided the only way to combat the feral varmints Espinoza was creating was to pit them against the failed inventions of my past, albeit with modifications. I set to work gathering up all the necessary varmints for the battle against him. I equipped the varmints with their battle wear and pitted them against Eric and his army of violent animals.
By some miracle I was able to defeat him…I was able to get access to him long enough in the middle of the battle that I got ahold of his chemical compound, and I was able to reconstruct this compound to make an antidote to save the affected varmints whenever he tried to unleash the chemical compound upon them.
But, this didn’t bode well for my family, Violet was furious over my actions and Victoria was so hurt that she stopped talking to me and her mother altogether. Violet and I only mentioned divorce or separation in our marriage twice, and this was one of the times. The confrontation was quite intense, but eye opening.
“Zachary! I know you were hurt by Victoria eloping with Eric, I know you were upset about the horrible acts he was committing. But you don’t understand what you’ve done. When we had Varina you made the decision to turn your life around for the better. You made the choice to not harm innocent animals ever again or use them as spare parts. You made the choice to be a better man for your children, for me, and for yourself. And you’ve gone and thrown all of that away just because you didn’t approve of your daughter’s partner and his occupation?
Victoria isn’t a child, she can make her own decisions, Zachary! Sure, she may have decided to elope with an older man, with a villain…but she only did that because she was so afraid of what you would think, of disappointing or hurting you! She thought that by marrying him maybe you would come around, maybe you would even use your experience of becoming a reformed villain to help him change his life for the better. But you didn’t!
You were so angry that you didn’t think about the consequences! You hurt innocent animals, you hurt our family, and you’ve hurt our marriage. I’m not going to divorce you, I’m not going to leave you, I love you and care for you too much to do that, but we’re not in a good place right now. I might need some time away from you…ARGH! I feel so angry! I feel like you’ve betrayed me and everything we’ve worked so hard for! I never thought the day would come that my own child refuses to speak to me, but it’s happened and it’s destroying me.
In case you’ve forgotten…I fell in love with a villain too. But I saw the good in him, and I loved him flaws and all…I still do…so, I know exactly how Victoria feels…I just wish you had realized that too…because now it’s too late.”
Violet and I soon reconciled, I completely swore off villainy for good, but it took longer for Victoria to come back around…it was the death of her husband Eric and learning she was going to become a mother that brought Victoria back into our lives. And now Victoria, little Eric Zachary Espinoza, and I are inseparable.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 year
Since Killer canonically steals and bargains for other people’s souls in order to do research on them, I Hc that he tries to talk to them while he does.
It’s an attempt to keep them calm, because he knows what it’s like to have someone messing around with your soul against your will and not being able to stop them.
If I remember right, only human souls persist after death. I think Boss monsters might as well, or at least stay around longer.
With monster souls at least, since they’re souls of AUs of people he’s known, maybe he talks to them like they’re actually the same people from his timeline. His Papyrus, his Toriel, his Grillby.
It doesn’t work to calm the souls most times, of course. And Killer doesn’t really apologize for doing it, just explains why he’s doing it.
Why he needs their souls, how they’re connected to their codes. How his own soul and codes have been changed to the point they aren’t recognizable anymore. (Even if he doesn’t go into details.)
How his soul can and has been used against him, to control him. How he doesn’t fully understand what even happened to him. How he’s attempting to fix and understand it—himself—so he won’t be used as a tool for someone else’s bad intentions.
A lot of the souls don’t want to hear logical things while they’re actively dying, least of all from the person who killed them. But STAGE 2 can’t really offer emotional comfort or reassurance, nor does he see the point in it.
Justice souls probably dislike him furiously. But kindness souls are probably enough to make a grown man cry, the way they’re still kind and understanding despite it all.
Determination souls..the ones Killer has to study the most. He despises them. He’d rather they all just die painfully.
I don’t think he talks or explains himself to them. Maybe he assumes they already have an idea why.
Either way, despite the violent urges he always gets while holding Determination in his hands, he resists. Tearing their souls to shreds wouldn’t benefit him.
Instead, he settles for their fear in his hands; knowing they can sense exactly he wants to do to them. Savors it even.
He disposes of them swiftly as soon as their use is up and he no longer needs them.
After disposing of a Determination soul, though, he probably has to go somewhere to release all that pent up anger and—although he won’t admit to himself—fear.
Probably the training room in Nightmare’s castle. If this is a Bad Sans AU, he probably drags his partner—Cross (& XChara, although he’s usually just along for the ride)—to the training room for some sparring.
And he can handle it if Killer gets a little too..aggressive.
Cross (and by extension, XChara) are probably the only people he tells about his illegal soul research in Nightmare’s basement. He has no clue if Nightmare knows or not, but Killer hasn’t told him and Nightmare hasn’t confronted him yet.
Given Cross’ own situation with his own soul, Killer assumes he might be able to understand in a way the Boss, Horror and Dust can’t.
And while Killer’s raving on and on about all the things he wanted to do to DT souls, XChara’s just insulting him and calling him insane/crazy the entire time; knowing Killer can’t hear him.
Maybe X is a little creeped out, given what his own soul is. And it’s also just how X is. But hopefully he trusts Killer enough to believe he won’t decide to do any of those things he’s talking about to XChara’s soul.
Maybe even a little scared, given what XGaster did to his soul.
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carf-writes · 4 months
Batman Timeline (Personal Canon)
Beginning of Batman
Bruce returns to Gotham at the age of 25 to much media fanfare. He decides he is ready to finally enact his plan. Meanwhile, Lieutenant James Gordon is transferred to the GCPD after becoming persona non-grata in his home town of Chicago. He moves with his wife, Barbara Gordon, and she later gives birth to their son, James Junior.
In his first outing, Bruce encounters Selina Kyle and nearly dies. When a bat flies through his window, he comes up with the idea of Batman as a symbol which will make him more powerful than a simple man. Selina is later inspired to become Catwoman and focuses her heists on Carmine Falcone. Batman and Jim Gordon oust the corrupt police commissioner and become allies. (Batman: Year One)
Bruce reconnects with his old friend, Harvey Dent, now an assistant district attorney. Bruce attends his wedding to his wife, Gilda, and endorses him for district attorney.
The Red Hood gang carries out a series of violent robberies. When Batman confronts them at the Ace Chemical Plant, Red Hood One, the ringleader, falls into a vat of chemicals and doesn’t resurface.
Batman battles Hugo Strange who is now experimenting with turning people into deformed giant mutants. (Batman & the Monster Men)
A vampire cult forms in Gotham and is foiled by Batman. (Batman and the Mad Monk)
The Joker makes his first appearance with Batman realizing he was Red Hood One who fell into the chemicals but not what his real name was. Joker is declared legally insane and sent to a high security hospital. (The Man Who Laughs)
Batman, Jim Gordon, and the newly elected Harvey Dent make a pact to take down Carmine Falcone’s criminal empire at any cost. (The Long Halloween)
Falcone reaches out to Bruce and claiming that their fathers were friends, asks Bruce to help him invest in Gotham Bank which Bruce is on the board of trustees for aka allow Falcone’s organization to launder money through the bank. Bruce refuses.
Selina, now reinvented as a socialite, revolves in the Falcones’ circles and begins dating Bruce.
On Halloween night, Carmine Falcone’s nephew is killed in his home, setting off a series of murders which occur on a holiday each month. (The Long Halloween)
Initially the targets are those close to Falcone but after his son, Alberto, is killed on New Years Eve they change direction and target those working for Sal Maroni. A war escalates between the two rivals over who is responsible. Both sides and the police begin to suspect Harvey Dent. Bruce refuses to believe it.
Falcone hires Poison Ivy to seduce Bruce Wayne so he can launder money through Gotham Bank, unintentionally taking Batman out of the equation. Selina figures it out and rescues him as Catwoman inadvertently revealing her identity to Bruce. He decides to do nothing about it for now.
Maroni agrees to testify against Falcone but he is really laying a trap for Harvey who he splashes in the face with acid in the courtroom as revenge for his father’s murder. Harvey is rushed to the hospital but escapes into the sewers. When Batman tries to go after him, he is attacked by Solomon Grundy instead. 
On Labor Day, Batman and Jim move Sal Maroni in order to draw out the killer. Maroni is killed by Alberto Falcone who is revealed to have faked his death. He claims to have been the Holiday Killer all along, motivated by a desire to prove to his father he is qualified to take over the family business.
On Halloween, Harvey Dent resurfaces and kills both Carmine Falcone and his corrupt assistant who enabled his attack. He announces himself as Two-Face and that there are two Holiday Killers before he is arrested and taken away.
Bruce wonders what he might have meant by this as he dispairs that he was just about to tell Harvey about his identity as Batman.
It is revealed to the audience that Gilda Dent was actually the original Holiday Killer but stopped after New Years when she believed Harvey had taken up the mission for her. Actually it was Alberto who saw an opportunity in the murders. Gilda destroys the evidence and leaves town.
Bruce falls into a depressive episode after failing to solve the mystery and losing the faith that he had in Harvey Dent as a beacon of hope for the city. His relationship with Selina suffers for it.
Part 2 of ?
Part 1 Here
Next Part Here
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natyune-writes · 5 months
picture this.
a widowed mother of two children meets a man. he promises to help her, stabilize her family, feed and clothe her and her children. all she has to do is accept his hand in marriage and help raise his three children. the three children are sweet and affectionate and get along splendidly with her own children. the woman agrees, and the man and woman are wed.
the first few weeks are bliss. the woman finally has some time for herself after spending most of her days worrying about her children. she packs lunches for the kids, cleans up after them, sends them off to school - everything is lovely.
things begin to change. first, the man suggests that his children - who are older - need her children's rooms. her children can share, he reasons. but his children cannot. theyre becoming too big, and sharing rooms is becoming unfeasible. the mother understands this line of reasoning and agrees and helps rearrange the children's rooms, putting her two children together in the smallest room in the house and allowing her husband's three children to take the remaining larger rooms.
one day, the mother's youngest son comes up to her and tells her that his stepsister kicked him. he shows off a new bruise forming against his arm. the mother is alarmed, but assures him it was probably an accident. she gives him an ice pack and lets him sit with her while she makes dinner.
a week later, it happens again. this time, the mother confronts the stepdaughter directly, asking her to be more gentle with her son. the stepdaughter rolls her eyes and stomps away, irritated. the mother frowns and vows to bring it up with her husband later.
when her husband comes home for dinner that night, she brings up his daughter's behavior. the husband scowls. "are you calling my daughter violent? she would never do such a thing. you should be ashamed of yourself for implying that."
the mother is shocked at this, but chooses to stay silent.
the abuse continues - her husbands children continue to assault her own children, sometimes even assaulting her. she doesn't know what to say. each time she tries to address it with her husband, he becomes increasingly agitated, accusing her of lying or making things up for attention. his children have done no wrong - has she asked if maybe her children did something to instigate? but the mother has watched her children interact with his children. no such instigation occurs. the abuse is spontaneous and random in nature.
one day, the argument with her husband boils over. the man becomes irritated that the woman keeps accusing his children of being abusive, so he vows to show her what real abuse looks like and proceeds to assault her. the woman is shocked, but choses to believe this isn't the real him. he's never done this before, she reasons. it won't happen again, he promises.
it does happen again. again and again and again, the man comes home from work and beats his wife. sometimes he encourages his own children to join in. the woman and her children become targets, assaulted and attacked for breathing incorrectly or preparing dinner too slowly. they are often left bloodied and bruised, and the woman has to be careful to make sure the childrens wounds are hidden such that they don't bother strangers with their pain. the woman becomes cautious, her entire life revolving around the whims of her husband, but she can never seem to please him. and so the abuse continues.
her children grow up only knowing this abuse. abuse against their family, instigated by the man who married their mother. the children can't do anything to help - they are smaller, weaker, and outnumbered.
one day, the youngest son has enough. after all his siblings and stepsiblings go to bed, he sneaks out of his room to the kitchen. he finds a knife and hides it in his shirt. he sneaks back upstairs, where his older stepsister lays asleep. in one swift motion, he stabs her.
all hell breaks loose. the stepsister begins screaming and crying out for help. the stepfather comes rushing into her room, yelling at the boy for his brutal actions. the stepfather calls for an ambulance, and the stepsister is rushed to the hospital.
the stepsister survives the attack. the news the next day displays a harrowing headline: young boy assaults stepsister with kitchen knife.
the stepsister cries in front of the camera about how evil and awful her stepbrother is. the stepfather vows to make sure "that boy" never steps foot in "his" home again.
the news doesn't care about any of the background. all they care about is the boy who attacked his stepsister. they dont hear about the loss of territory, or the abuse he faced, the times he'd been left bloodied, broken and bruised by his own stepsister, or the fear for his life. all they care about is that one moment that got plastered all over the news. the context isn't important, they say. no one should attack someone unprovoked.
but the mother knows. the mother knows this wasn't "unprovoked." it was years of suffering that brought upon this tragedy. she is grateful her stepdaughter is alive - she has never been one to pray for harm upon anyone - but soon that gratitude turns into fear and terror as the abuse continues behind closed doors. ever since the day her son attacked her stepdaughter, the abuse became more and more unbearable. each day, they accuse her and blame her and assault her. they believe that she was the one who encouraged her son to commit the unspeakable act of violence. it becomes clear to the woman thatvthe media doesn't care about victims of violence. the media only cared about the one "juicy" story.
if you haven't picked up on it yet, dear reader, this is all one big metaphor.
palestinians are not monsters. palestinians have been abused and beaten and assaulted for years before october 7th. october 7th was a response to all the torture. was it moral? of course not. but there is context that so many people are missing which allows them to point fingers at palestinians and call them all monsters, ignoring the fact that monsters are made and not born. and now that the world is looking away, israel can continue their abuse unchecked. they can point to the actions of that one monstrous little boy and say, well, he started it! its self defense! we are just trying to find him and kill him for his actions!
but is it self defense to target civilans? is it self defense to slaughter people indiscriminately, claiming they are all the boy responsible for october 7th?
the boys actions were his own. they do not reflect the actions of anyone he may have talked to. hamas does not reflect the actions and opinions of all palestinians. why is that so hard to understand?
none of us want to die. many of us are simply peacemakers.
but there is no peace in oppression. there is no peace in genocide.
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stranger-rants · 1 year
No you don’t understand. I need that harringrove hanson yearbook au now 😤
First of all, anyone reading this should listen to Yearbook by Hanson if they haven't done so. (Yes, the Hanson of Mmmbop fame.) It's top notch, but so underrated.
Second of all, I read a book like this in high school. It's called The Body of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-Ucci. I don't remember a lot of it, but the basic premise is that a teenage boy becomes obsessed with figuring out where his classmate Christopher disappeared to, even though he was never close to him. Along the way he uncovers secrets about him and his family.
...but given Steve's tendency to get involved in things, imagine Steve and Billy having their little antagonistic relationship. Until. Billy is suddenly gone. The first week, no one really thinks of it. Rumors begin to fly once they hit the three week mark. Steve pretends not to care, but the way he just disappeared into thin air is nagging at him. There's no trace of Billy in town, and trust him - he's looked! He's driven by the guy's house.
The weird thing is that his car is still there. Unmoving. The light in his bedroom is never on. And, okay. Steve knows how this looks. He's not trying to stalk Billy, but he can't help but feel like something is very wrong. Everyone acts like it's normal. Billy was a wild guy. He's probably on a bender in Canada. He became a roadie for a popular band. He knocked a girl up and ended up trapped in a shotgun wedding. The gossip gets crazier and crazier the longer time passes.
Steve's investigations bring him everywhere. The woods where he finds Billy's lighter and beer cans. The motel where the old woman working the front desk confirms Billy had been there a few times, sometimes with older women and Steve feels sick to his stomach as he pieces together why Nancy's mom changes the subject so swiftly when he brings up the missing boy.
The worst part is no one reports a missing person. His sister Max is quiet. Susan avoids confrontation. All Neil has to do is stand there, intimidating anyone who comes around asking. When they're not home, Steve ditches school and enlists help to sneak into Billy's bedroom to look for clues. Billy's bedroom looks eerily bare, stripped of any personal items he might have had. He makes it out of Billy's house in time, but not before Neil sees Steve pull away from the curb in his car.
Steve finds evidence of Billy's things donated to local shops and combined with Neil's demeanor, he's now convinced that Billy's dad has done something terrible to him. He tries to go to the police, but they won't listen to him. Hopper has to warn him that if he keeps going after Neil that Neil will press charges against him, but he hints to Steve that something really doesn't feel right about the situation.
Eventually, Max asks Steve to meet her after school. She says Billy was taken in the middle of the night. Abducted. Thrown into a van and sent somewhere for "troubled teens." And Neil let it happen. He made it happen, and if she spoke out she could easily find herself "disappearing" too. She knows he's in danger. The people who took him did so violently while Neil called him every horrible name he could think of in the moment. Neil said he had a right to do it. That Billy was wrong and needed to be "fixed."
Steve and Max team up to find out where Billy's been sent. Max has her hands tied in terms of what she can do, so Steve builds up a movement to put pressure on local police and Neil Hargrove to find out where Billy went. After a long fight lasting almost a year, they find out where Billy was taken and Steve drives out to get him with Max. Asks Max what Neil will think and she says at this point she doesn't care. Hopper stops them from going by themselves, bringing a van full of their friends.
They find the facility. It's not good. Billy's head is shaved. He's thin. Real thin. His skin is worn and his eyes are dull. He won't talk. Hopper sees the state of the facility, and he has it shut down pending further investigation. Billy is taken to the hospital under protective custody. Neil isn't allowed to see him, even though he demands to. When the news breaks, Billy is inundated with cards and supportive messages. Steve's there every day to visit him and make sure he gets better. Then they work on building a relationship.
Note: This is also inspired by the fact that Neil did threaten to send Billy away, and the fact that teens like him are vulnerable to the troubled teen industry.
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
OKAY UHM - First of all gotta give respect, your homelander writing is //chefs kiss//
Ive had this idea/AU in my brain where Vought intentionally created villians to fight supes. Because yknow, that makes for great fear mongering and necessity for supes everywhere.
But the program got decommissioned and forgotten about back when soldier boy was put on ice. However, there was one they tried rearing at the same time as Homelander, perhaps as a killswitch to stop him if it ever came to it. It's you, and you were raised violently and brutally, next to John. However you two as children always got along and found comfort in one another, no force on earth could keep you apart. When John came of age to go out in the world, something in you had broken. A split in your brain from the sheer force of the trauma you experienced. All that anger and hatred became someone else entirely, and at that moment, they realized they could no longer control you and you were also "decommissioned". John was told his best and only friend died in a lab explosion, and over the years he moved on.
20 years later, you wake up being lifted up by a very handsome man with a beard and British accent. They tell you they found you in a ditch outside a car accident and want to help you. You believe them, you cannot remember a single aspect of your life before that moment, barely even your name.
With The Boys, they tell you about their mission, what they're trying to do. They look at you weird, like they don't trust you. But you offer to stay and help, after all, this Homelander sounds like a monster meant to be stopped. And you are far too eager to repay your debt to them to walk away now. Billy smiles at you for the first time since you woke up.
You don't know why you ache when you see Homelander on tv, or look at those defaced photos on the hideout walls. When the time comes, you're with Billy and Soldier Boy at Herogasm, he tells you that this is your chance. This was what they all had been waiting for.
Homelander enters the room to confront them, but he see's you first. Your eyes lock, and he looks like he's seen a ghost. You hadnt aged a day since being iced, he has. And now there you stand, with the man he swore to scorch the earth with, and the world's first number one hero. His baffled, confused expression also confuses you.
Because when you woke up after them shooting half your skull open and leaving you for dead, you had forgotten about John too.
(cont) Some flash back John has, reminds him of you breaking locks and mechanisms in doors and security checkpoints with your mind alone. Hand in hand as children, you told him you wanted to see the stars together. Even when he still struggled to learn to fly, you helped him by levitating him off the ground an inch or two. You were giggly, soft and kind. While he became colder, you were always soft, and warm. Which should have been the first warning something had gone wrong. They pitted you against eachother. Determined to ruin the bond. But you never hated John. Even when he broke your bones in a fight, even when he lasered through your sternum or into your major organs. You had rapid healing, you were always fine. Except you weren't. He remembers the day you snapped. Guards had tried pulling you out of his room, you both were 13 and rebellious. You screamed and struggled, and one hit you across the face. Before he could act, their bodies exploded outwards, as if packed with explosives. Your eyes were glassy, your expression cold and empty. You weren't you anymore. They called you Viscera, something cruel and brutal to potentially market off with the edgy anti-hero fan base. You hated it, it reminded you of being made to be evil. He remembers the sparing you two had. Throwing fists, lasers and telekinetic punches. You always bounced back, and he felt like you drew your punches. You were a glass cannon, always afraid to push too far and break. He admired that about you. They had made you to be a foil to him, an end to him, an end to eachother. But that only drew you closer. Young love turned into needs and lust. Many nights snuck away and finding new ways to explore and understand yourselves, together. They made you to kill him, and in a way, they succeeded. The day before he came a hero, they told him you were gone. It broke him, and cut the tethers tying him to his humanity. Any good in him had shriveled up in the time he spent without you. He no longer knew how to form bonds, to make friends or even love properly. He became twisted and diluted over time without you. Twenty long, empty years.
so like......... this is your way of telling me you're writing this fic, right?? and that i get to read it?!?!?!?
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vipier · 6 months
❝  listen to me. you go too far in this. i will not be able to protect you.  ❞
EVEN NOW, TRISTAN FLAT OUT REFUSES TO LOOK AT THE CAPTAIN FROM WHERE HE SITS ON THE FLOOR WITH HIS BACK TO THE CORNER OF HIS DRAFTY CELL. he knows he’s being obstinate, perhaps too much so. he knows cassian’s frustration and anger with him continues to mount. he doesn’t care. scarif’s aftermath had released a wildfire, a demon, one which has absolutely no intention of groveling to rebel high command — nor indeed even to @k4ssa himself — to excuse his actions. on the contrary, he owns those actions fully. he will not apologize to those who would consider the most important person in his life so expendable for so many years, imbuing cassian himself with the same notion until he ultimately tried to destroy himself on their behalf. and he certainly will not apologize to the man who had attempted to utterly waste so many years of tristan’s forgiveness by leaving him one last time with such finality, with no input, no choice, no agency of his own. perhaps it was he who had been expendable all along.
cassian’s words hang heavy in the air. tristan remains utterly silent in response, his gaze fixed on the untouched ration tray sitting in the opposite corner of the small space. he feels the captain staring at him from where he’s perched on the cot, the only seating available in this sad square prison ; unlike most, he’s unafraid to enter tris’s cell, even unarmed, and tris wishes bitterly that he wasn’t right to be. he wishes, entirely in vain, that he could clear the space between them and squeeze the breath from cass’s throat himself and feel nothing but gleeful satisfaction for his trouble. but he can’t, for despite all the lives he likely destroyed in the wake of his insurmountable grief, he remains poisonously in love with his heart’s greatest traitor. the irony of it would border upon comedy if it did not so painfully rake his heart over burning coals again and again. he had not planned to emerge from his crimes alive. he wonders if cassian has yet consciously realized that fact.
“ I don’t remember asking for your protection, ” tristan finally answers, his low, deep tone half a growl even as he continues to refuse to look at the other man directly. something unidentifiable twists in his gut, forcing him to clench his jaw a little tighter to contain his own emotion. he is nothing but a caged animal being offered scraps by the one who caged him, both in mind and body. it had been the loss of cassian which drove him to his crimes in the first place, that unyielding hold the other man had upon his head and heart since childhood ; and it had been cassian who finally captured him, neutralized him, all but placed him in this very cell. part of him wishes he could see the captain as an enemy. but all he sees, even out of the corner of his eye, is the physical shape of his grief, of his heartbreak. his chest strains from the inside, as if held together by fraying strings. “ what am I meant to do, grovel for them? I won’t. ”
the determination behind his voice cuts through the emptiness of the cell, chilling.
for a few long moments, he remains silent again, leaning his head back against the metal wall. he swears he can sense the frustration radiating from cassian even several feet away, but he says not another word, even as his gaze remain fixed on the prisoner. bitterly, tris wonders what he must be thinking, seeing him here on this cold floor, refusing now for two days to eat anything they provide to him, refusing even to speak to anyone else. the wound of it all, the sickened disappointment, has been clear since cassian first tracked him down on batuu, since their violent confrontation in the cantina in the outpost. now, he wonders if it mixes with disgust or, worse, pity, for the pathetic position in which he finds himself. the very thought makes tristan’s skin crawl, overtakes him with the prickle of a cold sweat at the back of his neck, as if nauseous. if there is one thing he cannot abide, cannot stomach, it is the thought that his lover — the man who had been forever his best friend before that fated day on scarif — would even for a single moment pity him.
“ why did you come get me, cass? ” this time, his voice emerges hollow, half-hoarse, practically monotone. it’s foolish to ask when, in the core of him, he knows the answer. it is the same as the reason he will always find cassian in return, the same reason he wreaked destruction on as much of the rebellion’s hard-won victories as he could in retribution for cass’s alleged death. even now, tristan’s insides burn in hate and resentment in the wake of being so callously deserted — yet despite that, he cannot to himself deny how he aches with the same love that has stitched itself into the very fabric of him so thoroughly that he knows it can never be removed. “ I wasn’t supposed to come back. shouldn’t have. didn’t fucking want to. what’s the difference if they decide to do away with me now. what do I care. let them kill me. ” he still refuses to look at cassian. he knows that, if he does, he risks showing him every rancid thought that swims in his mind. I have done the unforgivable to you and I know you will no longer want me. and if you no longer want me, then what use am I in this godforsaken galaxy. you are the good in me, your name is written on my bones, carved into my very being. the only home I have travels with you ; if you turn me aside, I will never be able to return home again. how will I live with that? tristan realizes too late that he’s bitten the inside of his cheek perhaps a bit too hard. the taste of metal leaks onto his tongue and he swallows it back, along with the resurgence of nausea. whether its anxiety or hunger that turns his stomach, he does not know or care. “ what’s the use in protecting me? I’ve been as good as dead since that day. ”
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afterthegreatunknown · 7 months
asoue au where gregor anwhistle is alive and the stepfather of fernald and fiona, part one:
in a ripple effect that can't be explain, the mother of fernald and fiona -frigga- still in the process of a divorce with her husband thursday, despite it seemingly confirming the so-call rumor she cheated on thursday with gregor and said rumor ruined her marriage, frigga decides to go after gregor.
gregor is a handsome man that while not frigga's personal taste, is still eye-catching. and gregor is an intelligent man she gets along with well, as work associates and regular associate. and her children (well, fernald at least) knows him, as well as like him. or at least has no complaints with him.
of course, the problem at hand is that frigga doesn't know if gregor thinks of her other than a work associate. so it surprises her when gregor agrees to go on a date with her one afternoon, and then another a few days later in the evening.
it was the second date that has frigga finally popping the question of them becoming a couple. gregor agrees with no hesitation.
gregor, despite having feelings for a certain no hesitating submarine captain, knows that his feelings will never be return. gregor knows that widdershins doesn't and will never, see him in a romantic light.
so gregor figures, if he has to spend the rest of his life with someone, frigga would do. she's someone who his mother would approve of, ignoring the small age difference. and frigga is someone he does gets along with well, as a work associate and as a regular associate.
with frigga and thursday's divorce finally settled, frigga and gregor go on several more dates, before deciding to get marry. it was in the papers, for the anwhistle name is quite well-known, and it is a family in the organization that is old and such has lots of respect.
and such respect has the organization willingly to be more accepting of the volatile fungus deportation project. it was a project that had a couple of great intelligent working on that is thought of to be grand. it would the thing that ends the schism once and for all!
but it didn't. it instead created a schism within a schism. some of gregor and frigga's associates thought it dangerous. that the couple was playing with fire, and would destroy everything.
associates like kit snicket. associates like widdershins.
kit and widdershins and others of gregor's generation came together, and agree that the anwhistle couple must be stop. after a long time planing, with the help from one of gregor's brother who was going to be leaving the city and relocated to a village in the hinterlands, widdershins and another associate was able to sneak into anwhistle aquatic late one night, ready to destroy the fungus.
said other associate was a vfd superior of frigga's generation: ishmael. kit and widdershins and everyone else in the know were wary of his presence. he was vocal about his his dislike for the volatile fungus deportation project, but never he tried to go persuading his associates to turn against the idea.
still, having one associate of frigga's generation gave the group the confidence they need to sneak into anwhistle aquatic.
but gregor and frigga knew of the plan. or at least, suspected it. gregor's other brother and his wife, while disagreeing with the idea of the mycelium, didn't like the idea of losing family, especially in a violent matter. they told gregor about the possibility of someone going after him and his wife, and told them to be careful.
gregor and frigga didn't want to lose their lives' work, especially to those they thought they could trust. such perspective betrayal had the confrontation between the four ending in fire and death.
ishmael barely escaped with his life due to finding the one working bathyscaphe that the marine research center and rhetorical advice service had. not before setting a fire without mercy, wanting to spite gregor for what he had done, to the organization, and himself.
gregor escaped the fire by stealing the queequeg, crying his eyes out for the betrayal and lost of the one person he truly loved. while never having proper submarine training, he did had a few lessons underneath his belt due to widdershins' teaching him.
frigga was injured by ishmael via gunshots, for ishmael brought a revolver. the blood loss had her dying before the fire. but she would have perished in the fire anyway if she wasn't shot, risking her life to save her research, forgetting about her children at home.
as for widdershins, gregor in the confrontation grabbed a sample of an prototype fungus on his desk, and shoved it into widdershins' mouth, forcing the man to swallow it. then, gregor pushed him out the top window. if the fall didn't kill widdershins, the mycelium did.
despite having a surname that is associated with being unlucky, widdershins got all the luck in the world that night.
gregor's brother hector, the one who helped kit and widdershins and others, had a feeling something would go wrong. on the night he was suppose to leave, hector instead stole a boat, and went to anwhistle aquatic, just in time to see the flames engulfing the center in the early morning. in the distance, he sees a floating body.
the body floating by, is widdershins. hector rushes to bring the man aboard, and in his horror, sees widdershins is infected not just by the fungus, but the prototype, which is more volatile. it's growing out of his mouth, trying to take over his entire body.
it's a lucky thing that hector came prepare with a jar of grated horseradish. hector was able to cure widdershins of the prototype, though he now has 'scars' on his neck, his chest and stomach, and almost all of his left arm.
hector eventually does as he was told. he relocate to the village of fowl devotee, and he takes widdershins. hector asked widdershins upon their return back to hector's soon-to-be-former apartment, if he wants to leave with him, and widdershins agrees with no hesitation. he feels no loyalty and love to the organization that saved him, even to the man he calls father. the two go to the village, after some careful paper work that has widdershins going back to his biological name. widdershins is no longer v. widdershins.
widdershins is now back to veasna heng. most people refer to him as heng, for they can't pronounce his first name. well, except hector. and hector has the honor of still being able to call widdershins 'widdershins', at least when alone together. hector had fears the other man wouldn't like to be call by his old surname, but widdershins told hector that he can be the exception.
the village had initial objections to hector bringing in an outsider they weren't inform of, but they accepted the outsider after they got him on the platform, and questioned him nonstop to learn anything about him. hector was quite worry the elders would reject widdershins, or that widdershins would get himself into trouble and burn at stake.
with the elders accepting widdershins, hector can finally take his place as the handyman, with widdershins as his assistant.
hector quite likes living far away from the city, and the ocean. most importantly, hector likes having the company of widdershins. with widdershins around, hector has something to talk to, to vent to. hector realizes that he has someone to comfort him when thinking of past that has hector feeling close to tears. having widdershins around has hector realizing his dream of living in his self-sustaining hot air mobile home would be incomplete without company.
widdershins dislikes the hinterlands, for it's far from his element of the water, and it rarely rains. when it rains, it's short or too long and muddy. being around hector though, widdershins can forget his element, and the pain it caused. widdershins feels while not a different person, feels better than he had in years. being around hector has widdershins realizing that there's more to life than he once thought, and that he doesn't want it to disappear.
one day hector does a grand proposal; if hector has to spend his life with one person, it would be widdershins, flaws and all.
and widdershins didn't hesitate to say yes; if widdershins has to spend his life with one person, it would be hector, faults and all.
with their decision made, the two soon spend their days repairing and taking care of the village, as well as building the self-sustaining hot air mobile home, ready to escape and be free of the past, ready to start a new life together.
at least until three orphans decided that the village of fowl devotee be their new home. at least until another familiar face shows up, with hector and widdershins doing their best to defend the three children who were accused of killing said familiar face, and failing.
hector and widdershins realize as they escape the village with duncan and isadora quagmire, force to leave the baudelaires on land, that they can't escape the vfd. they see it's catching up to with them, and it reveals itself at open sea where it all began.
(it's always the ocean.)
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arcthebreeder · 3 months
Dark Dragon Retrievement Operation_13:
That crazy asshole began attacking as soon as we stopped guarding for a second.
The battlefield divided itself once he arrived.
The Vortex Warriors, Zephagamon and Medieval Dukemon, who are facing Voltobautamon along with Rasenmon and Arcturusmon, this to minimize the chances of Quarzione infecting anyone again, if he is entertained with 4 digimon to fight he and his tamer must forget about the others...
Tlalocmon and Marin Angemon are going against Tactimon, who is more than annoyed to fight two small digimon.
As for Dinorexmon and UltimateBrachimon, they are still against Cannondramon and Spinomon.
But against Brigadramon and Darkdramon, Kuzuhamon and Siriusmon are taking the lead.
This while Regalecusmon is being brutally demolished by Fenriloogamon once again, and Cthyllamon is being retrained by Rasenmon and Canoweissmon.
Andromon, on his part, is taking care of Tyutyumon.
And thus... The battle begins.
Voltobautamon, being the main menace here, is prey of multiple attacks from all directions, almost all being dodged, tho he appears to take some damage from things like Medieval Dukemon's Lance, Dynas, and he takes... Some kind of sweet pleasure when being hit.
Like he is enjoying being hit but still fighting, a sinister mock at its opponents skill maybe... Whatever the case is, it allows him to move at a devilish speed, like a bat wandering around and violently flying in the middle of the night. Using a wicked dance, it tries to target all the digimon on the field with the Palazzi Valzer, the little Spiedini, however, are blocked by the Gale Braver, an attack where Zephagamon turns its blades into boomerangs, and throws them to the battlefield, this time, with a defensive porpoise, however, the caring intentions don't stop the tornadoes that form around Voltobautamon, trapping him into a loop similar to the one we used last time against "S'" digimon, however, that would be pretty predictable to use again...
So this time Cannondramon fired a Grenade Storm into the sky, trapping the grenades inside the tornado, making them explode!
To that, Voltobautamon tries to respond quickly, but Rasenmon lends out a roar, akin to that of Fury Mode, using the Spinas Qualialise Blast, and sending Voltobautamon flying!
The battle is not only occurring in the air tho!
Spinomon and Dinorexmon are fighting like they were in the jungle, using their sharp blades and nails to take care of the other! To then set a confrontation between the Ogre Flame and the Blue Prominence, that ends up in the victory of the Ultimate Blast from UltimateBrachimon, that intervened to help its partner, to then be blasted off by the Dyna Cannon, enforced by the power of mother nature! Tlalocmon used the Nahui Quiahuitl to cast a powerful beam and try and force UltimateBrachimon out of the platform, but it took advantage of losing balance, by using the Ultimate Quake, to destabilize all the digimon in the field, tho that didn't appeared to surprise Tactimon, who took advantage of Tlalocmon's absence to support Regalecusmon on its battle against Fenriloogamon and the Hróðvitnir clone, this fight however, was nothing for the two beasts who used the Jötunheimr Gale to burn to ashes their opponents weapons, to then, merge into one again, and release a powerful Ragnarök Howling that knocked out both of the enemy digimon!
Cthyllamon is now being managed by Canoweissmon and Marin Angemon, who, despite their different abilities, have managed to combine them to stop Cthyllamon from even moving!
There's one fight that I don't wanna look at too much tho...
Since all this started, I've been hearing Siriusmon and Kuzuhamon fighting against Darkdramon... Yelling at him to finally get back to his senses but... It's been useless...
Darkdramon's screams, are also full of pain, but are silenced by the sound of Brigadramon's machine guns, the Genocide Rain may be there just to mock our tries to get Darkdramon back but...
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independent-variables · 6 months
Fox and Riyo Bodice Ripper? I need to know more
LOL, this one actually takes place in the PwaTE universe, i know i have talked about it before but i can't find the post, so i might be repeating myself, but yeah.
this is not like. bodice ripper bodice ripper, but does play with some of the concepts. basic premise: takes place like seven or eight years post primroses. cody and mos have started a full out war with the outer rim slave trade. fox, being fox, does a lot of the undercover work. so he's undercover with one of larger pirate groups, he's been there for like a year and more or less earned the trust of the captain. and then in the course of pirates doing pirate things senator riyo chuchi's ship is taken and the senator herself is captured.
captain wants to ransom her, ends up putting her in fox's care because he both trusts fox not to kill her and thinks fox will hurt her. fox is pissed because the ransom detour is new to him and is going to fuck up his plans to murder the captain in his sleep. riyo is pissed because she is missing an important election.
after a couple of days of fox not hurting her but trying very hard to make it look to the captain as if he is hurting her, she starts to realize there is more going on here than meets the eye. so she confronts him about it and basically tries to make a deal for her freedom. like. hey. i'll play along as the damsel in distress if, when you kill the captain, you free me. and fox does not explain who he is or what he is doing but he is impressed she picked up on the mutiny vibes, and agrees. so now this is a game they're playing, betting their lives against the captain and crew, and they are having an absolute blast.
hiding a snippet because groping and violent fantasies <3
“Hey Ten, catch!” And then she is shoved directly into the broad chest of the man with the dead eyes. She tries to throw herself backwards but he moves faster than she can follow, catching her bound wrists and twisting them up at the small of her back, pinning her flush against him, chest to chest. He is just short enough her chin is pressed uncomfortably against his shoulder. Even through thick spacers leathers she feels muscle shift as he tightens his hold. “What am I supposed to do with this?” he asks, and his voice is just as empty as his eyes. The captain laughs. “Whatever you want, as long as you don’t kill her.” Her ear brushes his jaw. If they hadn’t fucking gagged her she would turn her head and rip his throat out with her teeth. She can still taste the blood from the captain’s filthy hand, hot and metallic like forge-warmed gold. “Do I have to share?” he asks, with the barest hint of curiosity. The captain laughs harder. Riyo runs her tongue over the back of her teeth. The man-- Ten, the captain called him, and with those eyes no wonder he didn’t have a real name-- adjusts his grip, holding her wrists with one hand. The increased pressure at the small of her back forces her to arch, forces her up on her toes. His hand slides from her waist to her rear but doesn’t squeeze. Just rests there, proprietary. She sinks her teeth into her tongue and thinks about the wet snap of breaking bones.
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chimerabytes · 1 year
Imperius tries So Hard to act like he doesnt have a crush on Inari. Like, theyre so cute it makes him mad. Almost triggering the whole cuteness aggression thing but like. Not nearly as violent. Just like, hes so grumpy wumpy. And this cutesy little fox spirit dude who HAPPENS to be a Nephalem, nevermind that Nephalem havent appeared for thousands of years before the appearance of them in Diablo 3.....
(read more bcs this got long OOPS. sorry)
and like, this big gruff archangel of valor, holy fury and righteous wrath is in Such Disbelief that this, THIS ditzy, clumsy little buffoon is a Nephalem!!!
Also nevermind the fact that as they grow into their powers, Inari's strength begins to rival that of Imperius himself. And he spends so much time fervently denying he has any goodwill about Inari, that when he finally has to confront the fact that yes, he is extremely infatuated with them, he just like. Mentally having an episode about it.
Meanwhile Inari is clueless about any of this, still thinking that Imperius doesn't really like them. And theyre not here to challenge him because, from what Tyrael has told of him, Imperius is extremely resistant to change and difficult to convince him of something he so stoutly disagrees with.
They work tirelessly with the other angels and archangels of the Heavens, repairing the arch and relieving the angels of the corruption caused by the demons. They work to calm the Khazra, to make amends with them, and to help relieve the pains felt throughout the rest of Sanctuary.
Inari, in the beginning, was seen as a bad omen, a bringer of death, cursed even, due to their unique talents. But now? They're seen as a bringer of goodwill, although most are still very wary of them because of skepticism and all of that are still very rampant. Because when you were saved by someone who has such amazing powers to quell restless undead... It all seems like an unbelievable daydream, right?
Imperius takes so long to be convinced that having Inari around is a good thing. He's suspicious of them - Nephalem have both angelic and demonic blood in them, and hes so sure that some point Inari is going to suddenly... Turn around, and become a demon.
Its very unlikely to happen though.
By the time he confronts his attraction to them, Imperius is still convinced he's falling for a demon. He's so sure that its almost like Inarius and Lilith all over again. And he admittedly still harbors some sour feelings over their whole matrimony, and especially for his brother in arms, Inarius. He misses him dearly, but even if he perished he would never admit that.
Inari is very prickly towards him at first, as when they first met in Act 4, Tyrael had to physically restrain Inari from attacking the already weakened Imperius.
After Act 5, a few months pass, and Inari and Imperius are on talking terms. Inari's mellowed down after absorbing the powers granted by the soul of their deceased mentor, as well as being empowered by confronting the tormenting shades that Diablo tried to use to scare them away from fighting him.
Inari is much kinder, but is rather closed off and stern when they meet with the archangel of valor again. Almost wondering "Is he going to go off on me again?"
But that never comes. Just a cool, but detached and cold, conversation. This conversation comes after Imperius had witnessed Inari be injured months previously in the confrontation against Malthael. They almost failed, had it not been some sort of divine intervention that allowed them to grasp the upper edge and defeat the hallowed husk that was once the archangel of wisdom.
Imperius decides he's going to watch over Inari, in a literal sense. Tracking their every move, making sure they don't leave his sight... Although that means having to be around Tyrael. The feelings towards one another are still bitter. They don't get along too well. Inari usually has to be the middle person and get them to separate.
He initially justifies this by wanting to ensure that if they do fall to evil, he will strike them down the moment it happens. Inari doesn't think much of it; but the actual reasoning is far different.
Imperius has been watching them, from the beginning of Act 4 to after Act 5. And he has to admit that hes curious about them. Despite all their hardships, Inari is still a gentle person. They hold no ill will towards anyone offput by them and their talents.
Speaking of their abilities...
Initially, Imperius was disgusted by Inari's abilities to divine with the dead, to qualm their souls, and to dispel them if they harbored unkindness towards the living. They comfort those in their final moments, and send them to the afterlife. Most people see Necromancers as nuisances at best, at worst creepy, terrifying or just horrible to be around. Inari still has their ill-fated reputation of being cursed to be around, despite all that they've done to assist the people of Sanctuary and repelling continuous undead and demonic barrages from destroying cities.
But over time, he becomes intrigued by their abilities. Their gentleness, in dealing with all manners of death, and Inari's resilience and pride in making sure that the restless can finally be laid to rest, and those in their final moments are given grace and comfort. He sees angels and demon alike regard Inari with the same kindness they gift others, and he just can't seem to figure it out!
Their kindness begins to penetrate his stone-cold attitude, and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy when he sees them. But of course, its just because its so hot, right? Or maybe hes feeling ill and needs to rest? And definitely, surely not because he's in love or anything! The archangel of valor has rarely, if ever been interested in love, and he has rarely thought about it himself.
But there's something about Inari that he cant shake away...
(I headcanon Imperius as gay demiromantic / demisexual.)
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killjoy-prince · 2 years
Two people are stuck in a timeloop. The way they handle being in the loop is opposite to each other. One person plays along like everything is fine. The other is violently against it, denying everything. They think the other is responsible for putting them in the loop.
#prince's talk tag#whenever im doing a task at work where i can kinda shut my brain off my head sometimes comes up with prompts i wanna see#this one is my most recent one#has this been done somewhere? i feel like it was#its not original but i love me some timeloops no matter how much its been done#adding more to it is like the person going along with it is losing their mind as much as the person violently against it#but keeps it together bc they think the other is the one causing it and doesn't want them thinking they're winning#on one hand i saw it as the one violently against it being the main focus with them trying various ways to get out of it but to no avail#and then at one point switching the pov to the one going along with it and seeing they are also stuck and putting up a good facade#on the other hand i thought the one going along with it being the focus#and they do something different each day making you think it's a different day each time#but youll see the date hasnt changed and they're just trying different things hoping this activity will get them out#but once you get to see what they're really thinking you can see them losing their mind#and the one going along with it thinks the one against it is responsible and vise versa bc they noticed they're doing different things#even though the day is the same and everyone else is doing what they were doing on repeat#the one violently against it tries to confront them but the one going along with it pretends not to know what they mean#while the person going along with it thinks the other person is playing mind games with them#idk im rambling at this point#if you read this far thank for sticking til the end
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
yandere!EraserMic x Reader
Mic skips a couple of steps and brings their darling home earlier than planned.
18+ only
tw: mention of blood, kidnapping, restraints
Hizashi felt panic bubble up his throat as he aggressively ran his fingers through his hair. This wasn't good, he wasn't good. He fumbled around trying to pull out his phone so he could message Shota.
-Sho, when are you getting home???
Probably in a few hours...-
Shaking, the blonde continued:
-I brought her home
Hizashi was convinced he'd burn a whole in the rug with his pacing. Staring at his phone screen it looked like Shota was responding, then it stopped, started, stopped, and started. Finally after what felt like forever he got a simple reply:
I'll be home in 15 -
"Mic, what did you do?" Aizawa sighed. The grumpy man intended to scold his partner but he couldn't bring himself to do so when Mic was so close to a full on panic attack.
"She agreed to meet up with her ex, he was talking about getting back together and I panicked."
Aizawa sighed; he understood where his partner was coming from. Even though Hazashi had abandoned their plan to wait, he was no longer surprised by Mic's actions. There was an understanding between the pair as the atmosphere softened.
Mic lead him down the basement stairs, instead of using the overhead light there was already a dull glow from nightlight that allowed the Pro Heroes to see well enough. On the bed in front of them the comforter rose and fell along with the breath of their darling.
"She should be asleep for another hour or two," Mic whispered. "I only cuffed one wrist to the bed, I figured without her quirk she won't be too troublesome."
Aizawa lovingly rolled his eyes. His partner was such a softy. Nodding in agreement he moved the blanket aside to see the clunky metal quirk-cancelling cuff encircling her ankle. The two had plenty of equipment from their jobs that allowed them to make a "safe" space for their girl.
The couple had stumbled across you on accident; you worked at the new cat cafe that opened near their home. The two quickly became regulars and you snagged their hearts when you recognized them as cafe regulars. They went every Sunday, you had their orders memorized and even told them which cats seemed to miss them the most. Hizashi fell hard and fast. It wasn't until Aizawa found you crying in the ally after one of your shifts that your fate was sealed. You told him that one of the cats ran out of the cafe earlier that day got hit by a car. Learning about the death of a cat wasn't the only thing breaking his heart.
When he got home that evening he told Hizashi. They both agreed that you needed to be protected, shielded from the pain of reality, and never subjected to cat-death-by-car ever again. Essentially they baby proofed their home for you. Anything dangerous (from silverware to chemicals) was locked away. Eraserhead installed cameras throughout the house that streamed to both of their phones. The windows were locked and shatter resistant and they even installed a top of the line security system.
Then came the stalking, both kept tabs on you - in their minds they both casual about it. Aizawa even visited you (broke in) one night to bug your phone. This was how the learned about your ex. The breakup was amicable enough that you two occasionally checked in on each other. After all, you had been together from middle school all the way through your teens. The two of you just wanted and were ready for different things.
Sure enough, two hours later they could hear your faint scream travel up from the basement. Mic had taken care of the acoustics, of course. He made sure that not a peep could be heard from outside of the house; even before you were in the picture this was in place for his quirk. Between each floor of their house he also added sound minimizing flooring and installation. They needed to be able to hear you but also maintain their sanity.
"M-mr. Yamada? Mr Aizawa?"
Your wide eyes were filled to the brim with tears. As Mic sat on the edge of the bed you withdrew as far as you could from him.
Aizawa seemed more conscientious of your space; instead he knelt in front of the bed so he was at least on your level.
He was the first to speak, "There's no need to scream, y/n, you're safe here. It's just Zashi and I."
The tears finally spilled over. You tried asking them to let you go, that you wouldn't say anything. You told them you had work this evening (even if you didn't) and that they'd know something was wrong if you didn't show up. What made it worse was that the men just kept nodding, taking in every plea you made.
Finally Mic cut you off, "You don't have to worry about work anymore, me and Sho are gonna take care of you, it'll be great. We won't have to wait a whole week to spend time together."
"You can't," You hiccupped, "this is illegal. Once they find out you'll be in trouble."
It was as if they didn't hear you. Mic just kept rambling about what you three could do together and how perfect everything was and how you'd love living with them.
Aizawa on the other hand sighed and indicated to Mic that he should get off the bed. "It's a lot to take in right now, new environments can be scary. You should get some more rest, Zashi gave you a pretty strong sedative."
That explained the pounding in your head. You didn't bother to keep yelling as the ascended the stairs. Instead you focused on not crying. You kept telling yourself that now wasn't the time for tears. You needed to get away from your abductors. You had never been in handcuffs before, you tried pulling against the bed frame in hopes that something would give way. As you expected, nothing really happened. The cuff was secured tightly around your wrist and with every pull came a dull pain in your hand. There wasn't anything useful within your reach.
After crying on the bed for what felt like an eternity you were all out of tears. You thought back to a movie you saw last summer, this detective was cuffed to a furnace and he pulled his hand free. However, that guy definitely lost the flesh on his hand and probably broke something. Your stomach churned at the thought. Then your mind wandered to terrible things the men could do to you. What if they were cannibals? Or wanted to sell your organs on the black market? Weighing the pros and cons you began to pull violently away from the bedpost. The metal dug into your skin and you couldn't help but scream. Hopefully your captors wouldn't come until you were free. There was a small window at the very top of the adjacent wall maybe you could squeeze through.
The searing pain became too much and you stopped to collect yourself. There were already gashes along the base of your wrist and blood coated the handcuffs. You stifled a cry as you resumed your work. You let out a blood-curdling scream when you felt a pop. Instead of freedom, you felt even more trapped. Your thumb looks wrong and looked like it was caught half way in the handcuff and halfway out. Movies make everything seem so much easier.
Light poured in as the door to the basement opened. Panicking you concealed the evidence under the blanket. Both of your hands and parts of your clothes were painted with blood.
"Hey kitten," Aizawa cooed. "We brought you some water. Are you feeling any better."
It was Mic who noticed first. You flinched as his hands cupped your face, his thumb ran along your cheek and you felt something slick.
His voice was rushed and panicked, "Sweet girl, this is blood. Shota come here, y/n is bleeding."
The blonde man handles your face and neck trying to find the source of the bleeding.
You pulled the blanket tighter, "I'm okay, please let me go."
Then Aizawa noticed the specks of blood on the sheets. He tugged at the blankets until you couldn't hold on any more. You were really only holding on with one good hand. You couldn't recall seeing that much emotion on his face in the past.
"Mic go get the first aid kit, now," Eraser's voice was strained and quiet but it sent the other man scattering up the stairs. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the cuff. Instinctively your cradled the hand to your chest, crying for the umph-teenth time that day. The scruffy man pulled you on to his lap, cradling your head to his chest like you would a child.
"You're okay, Mic's gonna get the first aid kit and we're gonna get you all taken care of."
When it came to flight or fight involving direct confrontation, you chose the third option: freeze. You focus on your breathing as the man continued to soothe you. You could hear Mic nearly throw himself down the stairs as he made his was back to your side.
Mic was gentle with your wound, after cleaning the blood off the cuts were visibly deep but not as bad as it seemed. Aizawa told him that it looked like your thumb was dislocated and that he would fix it once the bleeding stopped.
As Hizashi continued to apply pressure you were able to hear him sniffling as he held back tears of his own. Aizawa reached over to comfort Mic as he continued his fawning over you, "You're safe, everything's okay now. We should've known that you would get scared, all by yourself down here. We won't leave you alone again, especially while you're adjusting to your new home."
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