#but I don't regret this at allllllll
xt0t4llys4n300x · 2 months
U should answer allllllll the horrible questionz >:3
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
My partner ♡♡
03: Do you regret anything?
I regret a lot of things, but I can't go back in time
04: Are you insecure?
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
By my own doing, or knowing that I'll die before hand
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
Softball, basketball, volleyball
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
A couple weeks ago
11: Do you like someone?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Yeah (psychosis ick ick)
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I hate a lot of people
14: Do you miss someone?
15: Have any pets?
I have 3 cats, leopard gecko and 2 birds
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Bored, a bit upset
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Nooooo I love spiders I loooove spiders omg :((
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I would like to think I would, but I don't want to go through all that again
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
What the balls is snogging
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
No, the thought of raising kids scares me so badly
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Just ear piercings, I want more
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
Math and art
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
26: What are you craving right now?
Peach rings
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I hope not
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
My guardian
31: Does somebody love you?
Yeah my partner♡♡♡♡♡♡
32: What is your favourite color?
Blue yellow and red
33: Do you have trust issues?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
My partner and a couple school people
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My grandma (gross)
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
It's easier to forget, honestly. If I don't believe you deserve to be forgiven, I'll go my whole like trying not to think about what happened until I really forget
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Yeah, but sometimes things are unbearable
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Talked to my partner
54: Is cheating ever okay?
No I don't think so, communication is key
55: Are you mean?
When people are mean to me first
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather?
59: Do you like the snow?
Nooooot really
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Hfjebriwirh3iiwnriqjdbiwurhehr ANR2IRJJWIEGQIFNJWUEGR
62: What makes you happy?
my partner, my hyperfixations, my moots
63: Would you change your name?
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Nope bdjsjrjeje rhehhrthhheheh
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Like irl? My best friend is my partner uhhhhh probably spin them into the sun
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Bro is this like opposite sex like sex at birth or what cause I don't understand
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My partner
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
Yeah my partners my soulmate
70: Is there anyone you would die for? 
My partner
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translightyagami · 3 months
i just wanted to say i love how you write the characters in your dn fics. do you have any advice for keeping the characters ic/getting their personalities right? or do you have a specific approach?
ack! I forgot this was in my inbox. You know, I worry about this allllllll the time. Especially because it seems to be a big trend in this fandom to comment publicly on what everyone gets wrong about characters – a trend that i've also particpated in. but ultimately, you just have to stay true to how YOU view the characters. consistency is what makes characterization: when characters act in ways that stay true to how they've portrayed themselves throughout the fic. you'll know when an action feels off, and when that feeling hits, don't ignore it. lean in and try to find a way to rewrite the scene so the character's actions read as genuine – or as genuine as anyone in Death Note can read, lol.
i wish i had better advice, but this is fanfiction. i regret every time i've gotten on my high horse about characterization because in the end, its all playing with dolls. whatever gets my boys to smash together the way I want is how i'm gonna write them.
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moonjxsung · 9 days
NOO ITS OKAY ITS OKAY‼️‼️‼️ uni has been beating the shit out of me so trust me ik how it is
I've been pretty good 💞 starting school again hit me like an absolute truck I was NOT prepared for the senior year workload 😭 but I'm starting to get back into it and I'm doing okay with all my classes this semester (so far...) I'm debating waiting a year to start veterinary school but I also feel like I should just get it over with 😭 the sooner I start the sooner I finish. Gap years are always hard but idk yet. I'm just excited to graduate from here man 😭 get me outttt
my birthday was fun 🙌 I usually don't do much but a couple of my friends wanted to take me out for the big 20. We went to a Keane concert down in Berkeley and it was really fun, they sound amazing still. And then we stayed there one night and went to a baseball game in Oakland while we were there. That's what I love about having a summer birthday; I can actually do trips and stuff without worrying about deadlines and things 😭
AND YES OMGGG I saw this one girl posting about ticketing for the Seoul concerts and there was like half a million people in the queue like just before her 😭 I am not going to survive ticketmaster
Also the time thing like hello??? what do you mean case 143 was not one but TWO years ago... that's not real. Honestly sometimes it feels like ATE and Rock Star didn't even happen 💀 like I forget about them and my mind just goes back to five star and oddinary sometimes on accident when I think of the last cb
and thank you so much for the advice I know it'll get better 🙏 now that it's getting closer it feels more real, but I do really think it'll be good in the long run, and that helps. I am also so excited for fall like it's literally my favorite thing ever 🤭 when I'm stuck in bed post op I will ABSOLUTELY be binge watching scary movies and my favorite fall shows and eating my weight in Halloween candy (probably not the best plan of action bc I'm going to be stuck there for a while but ykyk..)
I hope your meeting went well, the procrastinating sleep when I know damn well I'm going to need it is so me 😓 I know I'll regret it in the morning but like... staying up late and watching skz edits and content is so much more fun than sleeping, yk???
ANYWAYS I wish you the world's longest naptime filled with cool pillows and soft blankets and warm kitties like momo and miley and many many hours of good quality sleep ❤️🤞 I love you so so much and I send you a virtual kiss along with your daily kitties and a sungie
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💋💋 MWAH MWAH I love you star 💕💕💕
UGHHH that sounds so stressful I am so sorry bby ☹️ sending u allllllll the love and good vibes in the WORLDDDDD u got this I believe in u so hard !!!!!
Also no way you were in OAKLAND????? LIKE OAKLAND CA???????? STOPPPPPP YOU WERE LIKE 40 MINUTES AWAY FROM ME EJFKCKDKDMDFJJDKSJE THATS INSANE ????? I hope you had the best time ahhhh that sounds like so much fun!!!! I haven’t been back to Berkeley in a little while but I was there for a concert a few years back and we stopped at this waffle dessert place that was sooooo fucking good I still think about their Nutella waffles every single day of my life 💔 I’m taking you out for Nutella waffles next time you’re in Oakland
MDJFKSKFKFJFK ISNT IT CRAZYYYY HOW FAST TIME IS GOING like wym case 143 was 2 years ago????? Somehow I feel like I’m still stuck in 5-star era I swear we got the s-class teasers just last week 😭 the tour looks like sooo much fun and I’m so excited to see what else skz have in store for us AAAAAA I can’t wait for them to come back to Cali for tour 🤞☀️🫶
I can’t believe September is just breezing past too like we’re almost a month away from your surgery!! How are you feeling about it? Are you nervous at all? I tend to feel really excited when I have surgeries bc I just get to lie in bed all day and everyone takes care of me LMAOOO I hope it’s the same thing for you bby!!! Pls watch all the fun Halloween movies and eat so much candy for me 🫶 I’ll eat my weight in Halloween candy so we can twin
Anyways I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH MY ANGEL I am sending you sm love I can’t wait to hear all about how the rest of your September goes and I’m rooting for you until surgery 🫶 also I can’t remember if I have you on discord but if you need anything until then or you need to chat while you’re in recovery, feel free to hit me up there !! (Moonjxsung) I LOVE UUUUUUU 💞🫶💓💓💓💓❣️🧚‍♀️ here’s momo she loves u so much ‼️‼️
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unsaid-stardust · 6 years
Love Don’t Roam
So after digging through the Doctor Who soundtrack, I came across the song “Love Don’t Roam” which is what plays at Donna’s wedding reception when Ten has his flashback of Rose. I had made a post earlier about how the song actually reflects the Doctor quite well and even though we don’t actually hear what the Doctor tells Rose on the beach, this song does. It wasn't long enough though, and some people wanted more so, here’s take two. In this essay I will-
Verse 1
Well, I've roamed about this Earth With just a suitcase in my hand And I've met some bug-eyed Joes I've met the blessed I've met the damned  But of all the strange, strange creatures In the air, at sea, on land Oh my girl, my girl, my precious girl I love you, you understand
We start the song with words that speak of a traveller who has gone all over the world and is just left with his suitcase. Sound familiar? Just a little? It should. Because this traveller is none other than the Doctor. 
The whole show is about his travels and the people he meets and songs aren’t random in television, or good television for that matter. They’re carefully picked and the fact that this song plays when the camera focuses on the Doctor hints that it’s about him.  
To go even further, he’s the last of his kind and the TARDIS, or the suitcase, is all he has left. He’s met “the blessed” and “the damned”. All different kinds of people, but also, gods and devils e.g The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit. 
But, Sab, strange creatures? How does that relate to the Doctor?
Good question. The answer?
Also, The Satan Pit. 
In that episode, The Doctor is faced with the actual devil and when he does he has this super long monologue. Long, but super important. He talks about how he’s met so many gods in his lifetime and seen them with his own eyes. He knows they exist; a question that most humans contemplate today. 
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He goes on to say how even though he's actually seen all of these gods, he doesn’t believe in any of them. Who does he believe in then? Rose Tyler. Yeah, we know, Sab, why are you telling us something we already know? Well, because this exact monologue is also described in the song...just much simpler:
“I’ve met the blessed I've met the damned, But of all the strange, strange creatures, in the air, in the sea, on land, oh my girl, my girl, my precious girl, I love you, you understand”
It can best be explained as this: Blessed and damned-gods and devils. But out of all- besides the numerous gods and devils. My girl-Rose Tyler. I love you- I believe in her.  
Not only can this line refer to the monologue, but it could also just refer to all of the companions the Doctor has met, which I will go more in depth with when I get to verse 3. 
But for now, I’m gonna skip the chorus and go straight to the second verse because that’s where the song begins in the actual scene and really takes a look at the doctor’s psyche. 
Verse 2: 
I have wandered, I have rambled I have crossed this crowded sphere And I've seen a mess of problems That I long to disappear And all I have's this anguished heart For you have vanished too Oh my girl, my girl, my precious girl Just what is this man to do?
Again, it speaks of a man who’s travelled which is established to be The Doctor.  It’s confirmed with the next line:  
“I've seen a mess of problems, that I long to disappear”. 
On his travels, the Doctor’s goal is always to solve what is wrong with that particular place. Sometimes he’s meant to go there specifically because of the problem, other times he just happens to be there when bad things happen, but whatever the case, he never leaves without fixing it. However, he does leave, or “disappear”, when the cleaning up needs to be done. 
Not only can this refer to physical problems, but emotional ones too. The Doctor has extreme emotional baggage, Regret, loss, pain, and his whole character development is revolved around trying to heal from it. Specifically, in Ten’s case, the pain of losing Rose to the parallel world. 
This reception happens and the song plays just after he’s lost her. More importantly, this verse plays just before he has a flashback with her in it. This can all be traced back to the line “And all I have’s this anguished heart, for you have vanished too,”.
The Doctor is constantly left with loss and regret, and this is only heightened when he loses Rose. She made him better; helped him heal. But, now that she’s gone, all he’s left with are the problems and an “anguished heart”. 
Verse 3: 
Well, you took me in You stole my heart I cannot roam no more Because love, it stays within you It doesn't wash up on a shore And a fighting man forgets each cut Each knock, each bruise, each fall But a fighting man cannot forget Why his love don't roam no more
Now this is the verse that really gives us a look into the Doctor’s heart. What’s super important about this verse is that it’s what plays when The Doctor has his flashback of Rose. The line “you stole my heart” coincides with the beginning of the flashback and the exact moment that the Doctor catches Rose.
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Call it meta, or literal, or whatever you want, but this doesn’t happen just by chance. In fact, the song’s been playing since way before the flashback happens which shows that this verse is meant to be playing when the flashback happens. 
What does it actually mean, then? Well, just as the lyric says. Rose Tyler stole the Doctor’s heart, er, hearts that is. The fact that he catches her at the exact same moment says it all; The Doctor loves Rose Tyler. 
As for the whole “I cannot roam anymore”, well, that goes back to what I was saying about the companions in the first verse. 
He’s met so many people over his 900 years of existence and he’s travelled with many, many, companions. Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones, Donna Noble. The list goes on. And he’s cared about them all. All in different ways.
But the thing with all the other companions, is that he was perfectly fine leaving them. He knew it was going to happen at some point. He wasn’t necessarily okay with it, but he was content. It was just what happened. He was a traveller and he didn’t stay in one place or with one person too long. 
With Rose, though, it was different. She stole his heart. This was established in the first verse. He’s met all these strange creatures, or all these different companions, but it was Rose that he loved. He couldn't just leave her, hence the lyrics “I cannot roam no more, because love stays within you, it doesn’t wash up on a shore”. 
Rose stayed with him, even though she wasn’t physically there. She stole his heart and with her gone, he didn’t really have one. He was just left with all this turmoil, unable to just replace her with another companion, like he would do with others. 
And not only does the line “it doesn’t wash up on a shore” refer to The Doctor’s inner psyche, but it could also refer to the actual beach that he left Rose on; Bad Wolf Bay. While an actual duplicate of him showed up on the shore, it wasn’t him. The duplicate had the memories and the love for Rose, but he himself wasn’t physically there. It was the duplicate that was. 
But Sab, we don’t know the Doctor loved Rose for certain, he’s never said it.
uh-huh. Well, if you really need me to tell you, I don’t think we’re watching the same show, but for good measures, here’s the chorus. 
Reel me in, my precious girl Come on, take me home My body's tired of traveling And my heart don't wish to roam
This is what plays just before the Doctor has his flashback. As he’s watching all of the people on the dance floor, his eyes fixate on this one specific couple, the woman having blonde hair, just like Rose did. He fixates on this couple just after the lines  “My body’s tired of traveling, and my heart don’t wish to roam”.
It’s also important to note that the man dips the woman while dancing, and “reels” her in, which is when the flashback of Rose begins in which a similar thing happens. This is important because again, it solidifies that this song is about the Doctor and Rose. 
So, what about the rest of the chorus, then? Well, it’s basically all been said. The Doctor has had all of these different companions which whom he loves and cherishes. However, the chorus adds this idea that he doesn’t want to, or physically can't, be with all those companions anymore.
All he wants is to live a life where he can grow old like humans and not have to live with all of this constant regret and pain that comes with the passing of time. He just wants to settle down, have a more permanent life. He doesn’t want to do it alone, though. No, he wants to live a permanent life with Rose.
“My precious girl, come on, take me home” says it all. He wants to be the one standing on that beach. He wants to be in Pete’s world with Rose. He doesn’t want to travel with all of these different people anymore. He only wants her. 
And that’s because the Doctor loves Rose Tyler. 
If you still don’t believe me, maybe you’ll believe Murray Gold, who composed the soundtrack:
“In the 2006 special “The Runaway Bride” we needed a song that reflected the Doctor’s inner thoughts whilst also being something you could imagine a crowd at a wedding dancing to. The third verse is especially inspired by David Tennant. The song is as much his as Song for Ten was before” 
I know what you must be thinking now. Sab, why go through all that trouble when you could’ve literally just posted this quote? I could’ve, but what’s the fun in that?
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