#but. i think the aro and ace identities are really interesting and i'm always intrigued by my relation to them.
thatdude-noah · 1 year
both aromanticism and asexuality are identities and labels that i feel could apply to me to some degree, but i struggle to wrap my head around what it means. i think it's just the autism talking, but both identities feel like they're dependent on the opposite end of the spectrum if that makes sense? like. you're asexual because you're not allosexual. and the reverse applies as well, obviously, but we live in a society where it's just assumed everybody is allosexual. the problem is, i have no idea what being allosexual is supposed to feel like. i don't know what sexual or romantic attraction feels like to most people. so i can never fully grasp the aro or ace labels, because i don't know what that identity feels like. maybe i'm on the aro spectrum, or maybe this is how romantic attraction feels to everybody else. maybe i'm on the ace spectrum, or maybe this is how everybody else experiences sexual attraction. i can never figure it out.
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