#but. it's one thing to use your capabilities and social status to protect native people in a book from the 1920s
i know i say this knowing the source material and all that but zorro 2024 please don't turn this into a white saviour trope. even more
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firstginger · 4 years
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daemon roundup
NILGAI, Boselaphus tragocamelus Bio: The nilgai is the only member of the genus Boselaphus and the largest antelope in Asia. They are typically found in small groups and are generalist grazers; they will fluctuate between plants available and are seasonal migrators. Notoriously a quiet species that utilizes a latrine-based boundary system, they’re also known for their roaring noise when startled and will flee great distances away. Their demeanor is docile and timid, and they are easily domesticated. Traits: The nilgai soul is going to show hallmark traits of many antelope species: they’re hierarchical, defensive, socially dependent, and alert. The fluidity between social groups these animals show may demonstrate an individual who finds security being with others, though may be less loyal and more detached. They’re likely prone to being self-focused and willing to branch out within their niche; nilgai individuals have their preferences and are very aware of them, but have no issue with select adaptation, particularly if given the opportunity to plan ahead. They’re unassuming in a way — it’s likely they have a richer internal life than external one, and they do not have ease of emotional expression. Likely straight to the point when they do speak up, nilgai excel at developing personal boundaries, and don’t take well to spontaneity or disrupting the status quo. What’s theirs is theirs, and what’s yours is yours. Naturally cautious, a nilgai individual looks before they leap. Their fleeing behavior combined with their territorial natural may indicate a person who picks their battles, or someone quiet who will suddenly dig in their heels and display stubborn, defensive behavior when someone encroaches on their boundaries or possessions, or when an issue truly matters to them. Their ease of handling also suggests they’d rather not rock the boat and prefer a steady, collaborative environment, but have a tendency towards wariness around new individuals.
SQUIRREL GLIDER, Petaurus norfolcensis Bio: The squirrel glider lives in regions of southeast Australia in small groups of up to two or three adults. They're nocturnal marsupials that nest in tree hollows and make their nests out of leaves. Their diet is omnivorous and flexible, though they primarily feed on nectar and pollen. They aren't particularly noisy, but they communicate to one another through a variety of grunts and gurgles, including a loud yip to warn others when they're threatened. It forages in a very deliberate pattern. Their ranges are linear and they move between trees by gliding using their flying membrane. While typically shy and unobtrusive, they can be territorial as a family unit. Traits: The squirrel glider soul is going to show similar traits to other gliders in the Petaurus genus; they’re perceptive, dedicated, and value a sense of habit and stability. These individuals come across as reserved and introverted to most. They don’t thrive in large social situations and prefer to keep their life private from those they don’t know well, and can be naturally a wary and suspicious type of person. However these people are also going to bond closely with their loved ones; squirrel glider individuals enjoy communal environments, and are dedicated to the support of those in their group. Their independence emerges when they’re focused on a project and in that regard they do prefer to work in isolation, but ultimately the squirrel glider individual is someone who’s going to need to fall back on their friends. It’s likely that they’re more anxious and less confident without a group. However particularly within their comfort zone, a squirrel glider will show a degree of stubbornness when something rubs them the wrong way. They prefer a method of conflict-avoidance and not treading on anyone’s feelings to attract negative attention their way, but if they’re stressed enough, they will lash out. Their preference is an environment that is predictable and organized. When they feel in control of their surroundings, squirrel glider individuals are extraordinarily capable and efficient. They’re specialized: they naturally seek out their niche, and appreciate consistency in their companions and workplace.
RED-BACKED SHRIKE, Lanius collurio Bio: Also known as the butcher bird, is a carnivorous passerine native to eastern Africa. It (and other shrike species) gets its reputation by the way it will impale the bodies of its prey on thorns or barbed wire to eat more easily. It hunts from a perch and will drop on prey from above; interestingly, it always uses a mimicry of impaling prey in order to intimidation males and attract females during breeding season. Their migrations are straight and slow making them easy targets, and they’re also territorial and competitive over breeding and feeding space. Traits: The red-backed shrike soul is an incredibly shrewd individual who is incredibly adaptive to their surroundings. They're ambitious at their core: a red-backed shrike is naturally competitive, and this deep-seated desire to be respected drives them to continue to succeed. Contrary to birds of prey souls, however, this individual is far more communal and social. They thrive on external stimuli and have no issues socializing with a wide range of people, from large groups to small. Like the shrike itself, they are communicative individuals who openly express themselves and do not care to be anything but straightforward. This person does not mince words and does not particularly mind the fallout; they’re very self-assured, and have a thick skin regarding others’ opinions of them. At the same time they’re always extremely patient. While being opportunistic, certainly, they also have high standards and know what is worth their time. They are much more likely to drop a project (or person) that’s not working for them than to see things through to the bitter end. However this headstrong behavior also can trip them up. Red-backed shrikes are inclined to have strong faith in their own instincts and it can blind them to other opinions. While adaptable on their own terms, they’re stubborn when it comes to something they hold dear. It’s typical for them to be rather possessive over what’s theirs and bold over defending it. This isn’t to say they’re unpleasant: on the contrary, red-backed shrikes are known to be vibrant, playful, and close-bonding, though they do not have much sympathy for those who disappoint them.
PYRENEAN MASTIFF, Canis lupus familiaris Bio: The Pyrenean Mastiff is a beautiful Spanish breed of domestic dog that originated in the Middle Ages to herd and protect flocks of sheep in the mountains of Pyrenees. It is exceptionally large and can weigh between 130 and 200 pounds when full grown. They are a low energy and companionable breed among humans and other dogs alike. For a livestock guardian breed, Pyrenean Mastiffs are more tolerant of strangers. This gives them a rather gentle giant reputation — though at the same time, they're courageous and indomitable when it comes to genuine threats. Traits: The Pyrenean Mastiff soul will display the hallmark traits of any individual with a dog daemon: close-bonding, generous, empathetic, and expressive. Livestock guardian breeds are most typically dutiful, protective, and wary, and while the Pyrenean Mastiff soul is far more approachable than other LSDs. This individual is someone absolutely more reserved but definitely amiable; though they take a while to warm up to people, they’re polite in conversation and don’t have a defensive demeanor. For the most part, they’re rather easy-going. This is the definition of a person who enjoys their own work and their own lane, and enjoys that comfort of routine and doesn’t seek to involve themselves in matters outside of their business. Those who know someone with a Pyrenean Mastiff daemon would likely describe them as devoted without being overly emotional, and a dependable friend who likes to ensure their loved ones are taken care of. When it comes to matters that are important to this individual, they’re surprisingly confident and bold. They excel within their comfort zone and have a strong presence that makes them good leaders and followers both wherever they go. While this is a person who does best when they have work to do and a place to devote their energy, they need boundaries and enjoy their downtime. The best environment for them is one that displays clear communication, emotional stability, and appreciation for their work.
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thebiblesalesman · 4 years
Hero of Numbani new canon brands, products, tech, concepts, etc.
*SPOILERS FOR The Hero of Numbani AHEAD*
This list does not include Yoruba or Afro-Brazilian food/clothing/cultural concepts, which probably deserve their own list.
344X-Azúcar - A wireless signal used by Sombra.
3-D Puzzle: Horizon Lunar Colony - Efi and her cousin Bisi spent 400 hours putting this together.
Alatise Parkway - Street in the Numbani Arts District where a gray market auction house can be found.
Bankolé’s Grocery - A neighborhood grocery store.
Bello tower - Tower where Efi’s cousin Dayo lives.
Bisi’s laptop - An extremely high-end laptop that Bisi tries to gift to Efi. Capable of 3D holoprojection. Can crush logic exercises that cause “the most advanced omnics” to struggle in seconds.
Blanchet771 - A literary icon beloved by Efi’s father.
Breaking Circuits trilogy - A Flash Brighton movie trilogy where Flash is a human pretending to be an omnic pretending to be a human.
Carnival Calabar - Real-life Nigerian festival that occurs December 1-31. Efi mentions that Unity Day rivals Carnival Calabar in size.
Chinua Achebe - Real-life Nigerian novelist (1930-2013). A literary icon beloved by Efi’s father.
Compass Point Insurance - An insurance company used by Efi’s family.
Court-appointed cybernetic surgeon - Employed by world governing organizations for removing cybernetic implants from war criminals. One such surgeon removed most of Doomfist’s implants after his trial, a procedure apparently broadcast out to the whole world.
CraftLife 5000 - Premium power tools including a hard-light screwdriver.
Cybernetic brain upgrades - According to Efi, Sojourn has these upgrades, which consist of “bionic neurons” injected into the brain
Cyborg African wild dogs - These are things that exist. Efi encounters two dogs with spinal implants and flickers of green light in their eyes.
Dagger Sect - Enemy agents in the Breaking Circuits movie trilogy
Declaration of Unity - A declaration read and signed by Gabrielle Adawe during the founding of Numbani.
Delivery drone - Used to deliver things. Some are powerful enough to carry an 11-year-old.
efi_was_here_v3-39x.aipm - The name of Orisa’s personality matrix.
eNaira - Electronic Nigerian currency.
FacePunch - Site where Efi finds a lot of jokes and memes, such as Marley the Dancing Coconut.
Fadeout/Fading out - An omnic condition induced by a malicious code that self-replicates and overwrites the omnic’s native functions one-by-one. The name comes from the lights on an omnic’s head fading out when it is affected by this condition. Omnics experience severe program malfunctions during fadeout. For example, an omnic forklift operator might keep driving the forklift into a wall over and over again, or an omnic artist might destroy her own work. Fadeout also causes an omnic’s private wireless port to become publicly accessible, and if the malicious code is allowed to operate for long enough the omnic can lose all original programming and memory. Fadeouts were induced in Numbani by Sombra for a time after Doomfist’s attack on the airport. Because fadeout causes omnics’ wireless ports to become publicly accessible, an “antidote” code can be administered to one omnic and will be automatically distributed to all other affected omnics in the area.
Flash Brighton - An action movie character with numerous franchise films such as...
Flash Brighton and the Omnic Crusaders: Forty-Four Hours Till Midnight - Movie where Flash Brighton abandons werewolf pups to go looking for his brother’s assassin with a time machine.
Flash Brighton and the Omnic Crusaders: The Duel to Infinity - Movie starring Kam Kalu, Thespion 4.0, and A.I. Schylus, among others.
Flexxon Pro Micro T1 reactor - Alternative to the miniature Tobelstein reactor. Cannot maintain a graviton charge for more than a few seconds.
Free Thinkers - A website where Efi gets most of the open source code for her robots.
Harmony Key - A symbolic key presented by Gabrielle Adawe to the leader of the Numbani Omnic Union during the founding of Numbani.
HollaGram (or Hollagram) - Social media service where users can make multimedia posts and other users can award likes, claps, or shares and leave comments.
International Baccalaureate - A real-life instructional programming standard based out of Geneva, Switzerland. Efi is taking senior-high level IB instruction in calculus and physics at age 11.
Ipanema - Real-life neighborhood in Rio. Efi planned to take surf lessons here, and Lúcio’s studio is here.
Junker reactor - A graviton reactor purchased by Orisa when a miniature Tobelstein reactor cannot be found. Cobbled together from mismatched parts, with some graffiti on the side. Efi notes that it is probably irradiated and likely to blow up in Orisa’s face.
Junie (Junior Assistant) - A robot stand-in for social and professional situations, capable of broadcasting holograms of people and recording video/audio with a 360-degree camera. Hologram features can be upgraded with hardlight conversion kits. Invented by Efi Oladele. Holograms produced by Junies are referred to as [name-of-the-person-being-shown]-Junior. For example, Naade-Junior for a hologram of Efi’s friend Naade.
Lagos - The largest real-life city in Nigeria, on the coast.
Maxwell Interpreter - Part of Efi’s robot creation kit. Used for creating simulations by autosorting “eight billion permutations into virtual hash matrices.”
Modulated Biochemical Currency (MBC) - DNA-coded cryptocurrency used on the dark web. About the size of a sand dollar, they wiggle in your hand and contain synthetic blood with unique biological codes in it. Also known as bio gold, wiggle notes, glam clams, scritch scratch...
Nollywood - Real-life slang for the Nigerian film industry
Numbani civic codes - For example, Code 34-342b - Driving a vehicle with an expired registration. Code 92-574j - Pedestrian cross-traffic. Etc.
Numbani Civic Defense Department - Numbani government security forces/police.
Numbani Credit Union - A credit union. Efi stores her grant money here.
Numbani museum exhibits - Historical artifacts, omnic art, a walking tour of Overwatch’s presence in Numbani, Numbani native plants, and a diorama of the Declaration of Unity, among others
Numbani Omnic Union - An omnic representative organization present during the founding of Numbani. The leader was presented the Harmony Key by Gabrielle Adawe.
OmnicCon - A con in Numbani with a costuming contest.
OmniWorx - Company that produces synthetic greases in designer tins with different scents like mint and citrus. The product is used by omnics as an indulgence, such as on Unity Day in Numbani. Efi buys OmniWorx tins for her omnic friends.
OR15 auction - An auction that took place after the defeat of the OR15s by Doomfist at Numbani airport. The Numbani Civic Defense Department sold off decommissioned OR15s in lots of 10 that cost around 20 million naira. Bidders were not informed of the OR15′s defeat at Doomfist’s hands.
Overwatch cartoons - Cartoons Efi describes as “old” that are based on the lives of real Overwatch members like Sojourn.
Overwatch coin bank - Owned by Efi. Features Reinhardt protecting the bank with his rocket hammer.
Overwatch pajamas - Efi owns a pair of these.
Paper notes - Used to avoid digital filters at Efi’s school.
Peace Park - A park in Numbani which had a statue of Gabrielle Adawe. The statue ended up being destroyed by Doomfist.
Precision Core reactor - Alternative to the miniature Tobelstein reactor. Unit is the size of a car.
Rapid-X heliotherapy - A type of therapy that heals broken bones in the span of a few days.
Sky Postal - Delivery company that uses drones. Capable of executing Lightning-Priority deliveries.
Steppe Wanderer - A model of car.
Super Fun Family Time - A “game” Efi’s parents taught her where they hide in the interior bathroom of their flat whenever the warning sirens go off indicating a Doomfist attack.
Tiawo Boulevard - Street in Numbani that intersects Heritage Avenue
Tin Can Island Port - Port where Numbani omnics held a dockworkers’ revolt several years back.
Tonal Abyss - Omnic pop band with 38 members. Broke up at one point due to disagreements about which quantum clock standard to use as a time measure for their music. Reunited at Lúcio’s concert in Numbani.
University of Ibadan, University of Lagos - Real-life Nigerian universities that Efi’s cousin Dayo received acceptances from in the story.
Valor Matrix distributed computing project - Project that rewards loans of processing power with currency.
Version 3.44 VAvmpCompiler - Part of Efi’s robot creation kit. An alternative to a dedicated Maxwell Interpreter box.
Virtual Physician protocol - Downloadable physician protocol accessible to any robot or omnic.
Yankari National Park - Largest national park in Nigeria.
Yoku Voyager - A low-end car model with weak levrims.
Zobo Bot - Robot that makes juice drinks at Efi’s school. Known to be ornery.
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donnerpartyofone · 6 years
movie review fan lady here. I know it’s not yet BLOGTOBER, but in advance of that, what are some of the worst tropes of recent horror films, in your opinion? Of course, use whatever definition of “recent” suits your answer best! seems like you’re busy with new projects these days, hope all is well and that you have plenty of time to watch however many horror movies you like this fall!
(first of all, sorry for my uneven typing but i’m using a new laptop that has a really intrusive but also totally inconsistent autocorrect thing and I’m just sick of fucking with it) thanks for saying hello! I have been pretty dormant lately, and it’s encouraging to hear from people who enjoy reading what I write. the mental illness got me bad this summer. this was made unnecessarily difficult by the fact that I had arranged a month-and-a-half-long personal leave from work, during which time I expected to be able to return to “myself” and replenish my inner strength by doing only things that I care about, and most importantly, see what kind of life I lead when I’m not being crushed under the heel of my extremely demanding and shameful job–a perspective few individuals will ever have the privilege of gaining. of course, a lot of what actually happened amounted to a painful reminder of how little I’m really capable of as a person. this has been especially hard to recover from with the restored stress of being at the office. I had my first full-blown panic attack on my first day back. although I suffer from anxiety, I have always been hesitant to describe my episodes of escalating, wracking panic as “attacks”. this is because once when I was young, I witnessed someone going into a panic attack after confessing to me her history of childhood trauma; she went into a total fugue state, dragged her limbs, spun in circles, and made faces until she collapsed, never to remember anything about the experience. I thought, “so that’s what a panic attack is. basically, if you are aware of your surroundings, have basic control of your face and limbs, and can recall the event, then you don’t really have any kind of real problem to complain of.” my “panic attack” was still not as bad as that, but it did involve an interesting lapse of motor control on top of everything else, so I guess I’m giving myself credit for it.
I never stopped watching movies, of course, but I almost totally abandoned letterboxd, save for a weird stint where I reviewed every single pre-Zombie HALLOWEEN movie; I actually suspect that for some reason, letterboxd only sent two of them into the activity feed, so no one even saw them all. so I stopped writing, and then I developed all this self-imposed guilt about failing to maintain my entirely voluntary pleasure-oriented routine, and my feelings of completely meaningless shame around this made it very difficult to start again. I think there’s also a sub-problem where, in actually recording my viewing habits, I started to get really stressed out about how much of my life I just waste on things I don’t even enjoy, just in order to kill time until I get to go to sleep again. for instance: yesterday I watched FATHER FIGURES, an ed helms-owen Wilson road movie that I was not even slightly intrigued by. in it, helms and Wilson are twins on the hunt for the dad they’ve never known, and they basically plod through a series of dopey vignettes: what if he was a MOVIE STAR? what if he was a FAMOUS FOOTBALL PLAYER? et al, ad nauseam. you can imagine what it’s like. *I* could have imagined what it was like. …but actually, there’s this weird sequence like an hour into the movie where (spoiler alert I guess), at the end of a string of dovetailing red herrings, the twins believe they’ve finally traced their real dad to a Boston suburb. they arrive at the guy’s house, expecting to meet a legendary supercop, only to find out that they’re at his wake. to make matters worse, the house is filled with young Irish American thugs who seem to be constantly on the verge of orgiastic violence, and who are already in a dangerously elevated emotional state. meanwhile, in this context, ed helms discovers that the woman with whom he had a one night stand two scenes ago is actually his sister. his and Wilson’s true identities, in addition to this sexual horror, come tumbling into the light of day at this worst of all possible moments, and the dead man’s own identical twin brother has to lay bare the sordid details of their family history to straighten everything out. I was embarrassed to find myself totally riveted to this sequence, which was something like THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW or THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE: ordinary people are absorbed into a secret, separatist subculture that is ruled by its own perverse systems of honor, incest and violence. I thought, “wait a minute, is this movie GOOD now??” of course the answer was, no, absolutely not! but it had me going for a second there. …but my point is, now I’ve seen that, and I still haven’t seen one single Eric Rohmer movie. part of the reason is, I’m afraid they’ll annoy me. don’t I have any kind of consistent thought? don’t I ever do a single thing with purpose?
god, remember when I used to use the anhed-nia blog to work out all kinds of really intense personal problems? I guess I stopped because I started feeling weird about what I was doing with the format, like I felt bad for people who followed during blogtober and weren’t expecting that kind of thing, which is so stupid, I mean it’s my blog and barely anyone follows it for me to worry about anyway. also the mental illness got me. I started feeling like, “why am I even writing this down, like what’s the point, I’m basically just masturbating and being pretentious and I’m not even having any revelations or whatever.” that feeling persists in my whole life, like a lot of people with depression. the constant why-ness of everything. it can be really extreme, like, “ok, I put my left shoe on, but is that REALLY a compelling reason to put my right shoe on? I mean I could just as easily be doing NOTHING instead!” anyway, watch out world, I might start putting personal problems on anhed-nia again.
but uhhh none of that answers your question. I don’t know if I have a proper answer! like, some things come to mind that are not necessarily “tropes” but I do consider them modern problems:
SETTLING UP WITH REALITY: we have this really sad situation now where, in order for a horror story to be compelling, every single movie has to suddenly slam on its brakes and examine what’s going on with everybody’s cell phone. did it get lost? is it broken? poor connection? as soon as this starts happening, all I can think is, “I’m watching a movie. this is the part where the writer has to take a number of laborious, repetitive steps, the conclusion of which I already know for sure, in order to explain to me that whatever is about to happen in the movie could definitely really happen in real life, for real, because the convenience of cell phones could not have prevented it. the writer knows that I have heard of cell phones, and so now we have to make a dry, methodical accounting of the status of all of the cell phones in the movie. once this has been finalized, the actual story may proceed.” I hate this so much. whatever inherent horror there may be in the failure of our phones in times of peril is completely negated by my awareness of the writer’s felt obligation to go around disabling each and every cell phone right in front of me before we can even begin to address the point of his story. let me put it a little bit differently: when we have a home invasion movie in which the villains cut the phone lines, that evokes a horror that is native to this genre. the protagonist feels personally violated, imprisoned, completely separated from their fellow humans, separated even from the form of reality they enjoyed before their victimhood began. the very definition of “home”, as a place that is private, safe, comforting, and under one’s one sovereign rule, is painfully inverted. that is the point of that specific story, in which the telephone has defined semiotic and psychological significance. on the other hand, the problem of cell phones is completely generic. now, in every horror movie of every subgenre, no matter where the characters are or what they’re doing or what we suspect will become of them, nothing can even happen without this dutiful address of the phones. this is only happening because of an absolutely ludicrous obligation people feel for their fantasies to resemble their reality as closely as possible, which flies in the face of the whole idea of having metaphors that help us explore our emotional and spiritual conditions. PS if you’re the kind of person who can’t watch even a really great movie without holding everyone in it to the standard of your own personal pragmatism and logic, then maybe you should ask yourself why the fuck you even watch movies in the first place.
BICKERING AS DRAMA: this may not be a specifically modern problem, although I *feel* like I encounter it most in horror movies from the last two decades. in any horror story with an ensemble cast, an important source of danger is the dissolution of personal relationships. under the strain of their predicament, people who desperately need to trust and protect each other become volatile, angry, cowardly, irrational. fearing for their lives, they lose their ability to cooperate, or even to agree on one most-hopeful solution to their shared problem. in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, the ongoing fight over whether to hide in the basement or the attic is agonizing, and helps to underline the preexisting, banal political tension between the main characters–in fact, the corrosive social forces of the 1960s are key to this film’s subtext–which now compounds the mortal threat posed by cannibalistic monsters. alternatively, you can have a movie like John carpenter’s THE THING that is mainly composed of protagonists in-fighting; in that case, the irresolvable conflicts strengthen the movie’s message, which is specifically about betrayal, alienation, and loneliness. what I see in a lot of movies now, instead of a focused, purposeful conflict like those, is a deteriorating situation of multiple characters incessantly bickering with each other over the details of their circumstances. no one is making a salient point, or contributing to our understanding of their conundrum, or revealing something particular about themselves. they’re just yelling and sniping and sulking and badgering each other about minutiae, or about the key problem in such broad strokes that their arguments cease to have any meaning. I actually think that this is a consequence of that same boneheaded obsession with realism of which I complained previously. I often feel like these protracted scenes of petty fighting about granular details are a way for the writer to paranoiacally defend themselves against persnickety viewers who complain about “stupid” characters who apparently fail to exercise heroic levels of sober judgment and practicality. these viewers, who are so happy to hurl accusations of “UGH HE SHOULDA JUST _____” at the screen, as if there is anything “just” simple and obvious about the story unfurling, are progressively ruining storytelling for everyone, necessitating these grueling character discussions about the potential consequences of every hair-splitting potentiality of every situation. 
EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY, OR LACK THEREOF: …this is sort of a different kind of point that I want to make, so bear with me. as a (secret, amateur) writer myself, I am plagued by the neurotic urge to explain exactly the way things happen in as comprehensive a fashion as possible. like, I don’t know, if I were writing a story about how someone inherits an old house, I’d probably start stressing out ridiculously about the bureaucracy of how this property changed hands, what kinds of officials would have to be involved, how the new owner evaluates maintenance needs, and EXACTLY how long everything would take. i have an irrational fear of leaving things out, when I absolutely need to leave things out in order for the story to simply be about whatever it is about–which is NOT property transactions. it’s not even that I’m anxious about “realism” precisely–this could apply to a fantasy framework just as well–I just lose track of which details are actually important, and which details I should give the audience credit for intuiting (or not even needing to know). because of this, I try to really notice when a writer deliberately, elegantly leaves a big gap in the action, in order to stay faithful to the story’s spiritual identity. I wish I could think of a good example! but I at least have a good anti-example, which is: I rewatched TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE NEXT GENERATION this year for TEXAS CHAIN SAW (sic) MASSACRE Day. that’s a really crazy fucking movie for a whole lot of different reasons, but one thing I noticed about it is, the DP shows EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS. this became absolutely hilarious to me pretty quickly. is somebody talking? point the camera at them! is somebody reacting facially to the person talking? point the camera at THEM! did someone just walk in the door? now point the camera RIGHT AT THEM, and make sure you get the door in the shot and show the whole thing until the door closes and something else happens! it’s so crazy and nervous. there’s a scene where leatherface has to put a character into a cooler where there’s already another character trapped, so he has to pick up the big hunk of machinery that he used to hold the door closed, and then find a place to put that thing down, and then put the character in the cooler, and then turn around and pick up the thing off the place where he put it down, and then turn around and put the thing back on the thing again, and they show ALL OF IT. it really cracks me up, it’s so unnecessary. I mean, the scene is already in chaos, you just have to show a bunch of motion with the piece of machinery coming in and out of frame, but instead you get this like anal retentive breakdown of exactly what happens to every object in the scene. anyway, I try to notice when I’m feeling compelled to do that kind of insane accounting of everything that happens, and I also try to notice when someone else is really good at NOT doing that!
anyway, thanks a lot for the question! it’s really good for me to get a prompt like that. blogtober is coming after all, and I need to Get Amped. this fall I have horticulture classes at the local botanic garden three nights a week, so it’s going to be tough! if you (y’all) have any movies I haven’t reviewed that you’d like me to talk about, I would be very open to hearing about it, I often get stuck. also feel free to follow me on letterboxd to help pressure me into continuing to use it. https://letterboxd.com/donnerpartyof1/
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howlifes-blog · 5 years
How was Twitter "reborn" when everybody was down?
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Two years in the past, folks wrote eulogy for Twitter. At the moment, the corporate had no chief, no product path, and consistently misplaced customers and advertisers. It additionally appeared to be unable to curb the account abuse disaster that severely broken its status. The workers left in teams and a whole lot of individuals had been laid off. It tried to promote the corporate however it additionally failed. For a bleak Twitter, the media, Wall Road and the general public are cold-blooded. The New Yorker revealed an article entitled "The Finish of Twitter." Analyst Michael Nathanson stated that Twitter has $14 a share. "There isn't any compelling motive to carry it." His friends additionally gave Twitter inventory "promote" scores. On a weekend in February 2016, greater than 1 million folks posted tweets on Twitter with the "#RIPTwitter" ("#Twitter Relaxation" bar) tag. Nonetheless, when these eulogies had been revealed one after one other, the scenario started to alter. Twitter's quarterly outcomes started to exceed market expectations. The unique star staff progressively returned, and the corporate's inner tradition grew to become completely different from the “poisonous” tradition they left earlier than, and have become extra lively. The advertiser is again and the person is again. The corporate lastly got down to resolve its community rogue drawback. Its inventory value was as soon as unattractive for analysts like Nathanson, and now it has exceeded $46. It’s nonetheless just a little taboo to say it, however it’s simple: Twitter is surprisingly a miracle of a comeback. It was the primary large-scale client social firm to start to renew substantial development after experiencing person churn. At present, Twitter's month-to-month lively customers are 336 million, up from 305 million within the fourth quarter of 2015 (when it misplaced 2 million customers), and in addition greater than 328 million a yr in the past. Twitter's income shrank within the first quarter of 2017, however elevated by 21% within the first quarter of 2018. BTIG analyst Wealthy Greenfield instructed BuzzFeed, "Within the Web world, if your organization's development begins to decelerate or collapse, it can disappear. The general restoration of Twitter may be stated to be By no means seen earlier than." The miraculous restoration of Twitter may be attributed to 4 important elements: It accepts that it's going to by no means change into Fb, which prompts it to resolve to give attention to the information media after Fb withdraws; It actively provides premium video stay streaming capabilities to its providers; CEO Jack Dorsey instructed the product staff to rethink every little thing; A key consider many nice comeback tales: the goddess of luck. Concentrate on information brings rewards Twitter has positioned itself as a media platform, and the significance of this resolution can't be overemphasized. For years, you possibly can ask Twitter: "What the hell are you?" However you gained't get a simple reply, as a result of Twitter doesn't absolutely determine it out. The big variety of communities fashioned on this service—sports activities, blacks, emoticons, celeb Twitter, and many others.—makes it obscure Twitter's positioning. And Twitter hasn't been in a position to decide what he's doing very properly. However in April 2016, Twitter made a alternative.It strikes itself from the "social community" part of the iOS app retailer to the "information" part, giving up on the social networking area with Fb and its widespread apps. After figuring out that he was a information media utility, Twitter instantly started investing in its core strengths. It promotes native information protection movies and highlights information content material on the timeline, which brings extra site visitors to content material publishers. As well as, it has minimize off some distracting initiatives, a few of which value a whole lot of tens of millions of {dollars} to purchase again, together with Cloth, TellApart and Vine. “Two years in the past, we did too many issues, however none of them did as a lot as potential.” An individual near the corporate instructed BuzzFeed: "There are fewer staff, however the product iterations are sooner. This reveals how bloated the corporate was when it tried to compete with Fb to recruit lots of people. It additionally reveals that these folks have How ineffective many individuals are." Twitter itself admits that it lacks focus. “Two years in the past, we did quite a lot of issues, however we didn’t do as a lot as potential,” Matt Derella, director of income and content material collaboration at Twitter, instructed BuzzFeed, “clearly know the place our focus is. Will make the entire group sober, which helps folks perceive what's going on." When Twitter entered the information media business, it was probably the most widespread occasions for folks to get information previously decade. Donald Trump's election as president in 2016, Brexit, and political turmoil all over the world have made folks change into extra involved about information so as to perceive the world round them. As a prolific person, Trump typically publishes tweets early within the morning. That is good for Twitter to keep up its activeness. At the moment, the variety of each day lively customers on Twitter has double-digit development for six consecutive quarters. To grasp the information's assist with Twitter, BTIG's Greenfield steered that BuzzFeed evaluate the inventory chart of the New York Instances with Twitter. The rising curves of the 2 firms echo one another.Though the involvement of the information media is just not the one motive for the resurgence of Twitter, its similarities with the New York Instances inventory charts are nonetheless very instructive. Power video stay An enormous effort to ship high-quality stay video has additionally introduced large returns to Twitter. The corporate's first shot within the subject was fairly daring: in April 2016, it signed a $10 million contract with the Nationwide Soccer League (NFL) to offer NFL Thursday evening broadcast providers. Subsequently, it finalized a sequence of follow-up transactions.It now broadcasts video each minute each day, and sometimes performs a number of video streams on the identical time. Former Twitter chief working officer Anthony Noto stated in an interview with BuzzFeed final yr that Twitter invested in high-quality stay video as a result of it promotes communication between Twitter customers fascinated with video themes, even when Additionally it is worthwhile to speculate sources in area of interest sports activities like lacrosse. Noto stated, "Our objective is to offer viewers with one thing they're fascinated with. Some skilled darts leagues have practically 300,000 followers; we will serve that a part of the viewers just like the followers of the Boston Purple Sox." With Twitter signing agreements with main media firms - in April this yr, Twitter introduced greater than 30 cooperation agreements with ESPN, Stay Nation, BuzzFeed and different media - it additionally considerably elevated the stock of high-end video advertisements for model house owners. Advertisers have additionally opened their checkbooks to pay for them. Aaron Goldman, chief advertising officer of 4C Insights, a advertising know-how firm and Twitter promoting API companion, instructed BuzzFeed: "In January 2018, video accounted for 90% of our complete Twitter promoting spending. In January 2017, this proportion was 75%.” 4C Insights clients launched greater than $1 billion in promoting final yr by means of Twitter. Jimmy Bennett, Wendy’s director of media and social technique, instructed BuzzFeed, “Stay content material and video is essential to us. It would proceed to be an space the place we sit up for investing, innovating and creating creativity.” Twitter's Drera's worth to the Twitter video technique is just not rumored. “Video is admittedly essential to us,” he stated. “It is likely one of the most efficient types of media we will generate.” Quick iteration In the summertime of 2015, when Jack Dorsey returned to Twitter and have become the CEO for the second time, he instructed his product staff to rethink every little thing. The corporate is in a horrible scenario, so Dorsey has no restrictions on something, even Twitter's 140-character restrict and its reverse-ordering timeline are not any exception. The product staff launched an algorithm to the timeline in February 2016 that undermined Twitter's purely reverse ordering mannequin and prolonged its character restrict to 280 phrases by the tip of 2017. Each of those adjustments have precipitated a powerful response from customers. Individuals reacted very strongly to this algorithm, and tens of millions of customers angered the tweet with the "#RIPTwitter" tag. After BuzzFeed first reported these adjustments, Dorsey additionally needed to deny that Twitter would proceed to implement these adjustments (it truly did). Though some folks can't stand these adjustments, they helped Twitter appeal to extra new and informal customers (those that used it earlier than, however then left Twitter) as a result of they didn't should wrestle to search out good issues on Twitter. "The foundation reason behind the Twitter drawback is that they're afraid to iterate over the product." Greenfield identified, "On the finish of the day,Twitter is a problem about machine studying. All good data is there; it must be offered to the precise particular person on the proper time.” On the finish of 2016, a sequence of devastating information stories and the departure of many well-known customers compelled the corporate to face a long-lost and extra difficult drawback: its providers had been extensively used to abuse and harass others. In 2017, Dorsey listed harassment as a high precedence for Twitter, and the product staff launched an anti-harassment characteristic for this notoriously gradual firm at an unprecedented charge. They blocked tweets that they thought could be abusive, they constructed anti-abuse filters of their searches, they usually started permitting customers to dam individuals who didn't confirm their e-mail handle, telephone quantity, or use the default avatar. They launched a masking filter that may be utilized to particular phrases. Twitter has additionally stepped up its efforts towards serial abusers and hate teams, increasing guidelines to cowl folks's conduct once they depart Twitter. The corporate started to restrict the affect of abuse accounts in February 2017 and eliminated the white supremacist certification badge. On Twitter, harassment and abuse are nonetheless removed from being resolved. Simply final week, after discovering that he was an anti-gay expression pack, actor Millie Bobby Brown left Twitter. However Twitter is not less than transferring in direction of a greater place. Danielle Citron, a regulation professor on the College of Maryland, stated in an interview with BuzzFeed: "They're very severe about insults, harassment, threats and reinstatement." Sitlan is a member of the Twitter Belief and Safety Committee. There isn't any cash relationship with the corporate. She stated that the scenario on Twitter is getting higher, not less than she is like this. “As a result of I wrote articles about net monitoring, harassment and threats, I obtained numerous emails. However complaining about Twitter has change into much less,” she stated. Good luck is stronger than something. In the long run, Twitter may be very lucky in some ways, because of elements past its management. The emergence of a worldwide bull market has helped its inventory value out of a powerful momentum. Earlier than Twitter decided to place itself as a media platform, Fb determined to withdraw from the media after a sequence of scandals. "Studying and Burning" communication utility Snapchat attracted quite a lot of advertisers' consideration earlier than and after the IPO (IPO), however its progress has slowed down noticeably, giving Twitter an opportunity to re-position itself. From the attitude of inner tradition, Twitter can also be very lucky. After two rounds of layoffs and a lot of voluntary departures, Twitter deserted the “poisonous” staff and retained the staff who really believed within the firm. When this core is built-in with new staff, the corporate has developed a more healthy tradition and bid farewell to the tradition that was also known as “battle zone” by former staff. Now, some outdated star staff are again, they usually even have a flattering nickname: "ReTweep." "It's now not a shipwrecking feeling, it's a rock-and-roll star's return to the sensation." A former Twitter worker instructed BuzzFeed about his conversations with outdated colleagues who're nonetheless working on the firm. In a telephone name final week, Wall Road analyst Nathan Sanson, who gave his "promote" score when his share value fell to $14, made it clear that "I'm pissed off." “The story of digitalization is a reversal of the story – they're based mostly on tales. The story is the hope of tomorrow, the hope we see.” Nessanson stated that Twitter's fundamentals are bettering, however its inventory value has far exceeded the scope of the valuation, particularly once you evaluate it with its rivals. Nessanson stated that Twitter's market capitalization is 25 occasions its earnings earlier than curiosity, taxes, depreciation and amortization, in comparison with 14 occasions for Alphabet and 12.5 occasions for Fb. When paying for Twitter shares, traders guess that the corporate might make greater income in some unspecified time in the future sooner or later – however given the corporate's turbulent historical past, that is removed from assured. Nesanson stated that Twitter will ultimately return to the mortal world. He nonetheless offers its inventory a "promote" score. However he admits that the corporate has probably the most essential issues available in the market at present: momentum. “The story of digitalization is a reversal of the story – they're based mostly on tales. The story is tomorrow’s hope and the hope we see. We at all times say that each nice development inventory wants a narrative and consider this. The story of the folks.” Nathanson identified, “They've mend their very own development tales.” 【supply:Netease Expertisefrom 】 (tagsToTranslate)Twitter What was Twitter that was seen by everybody previously? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "howlifes-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "33b10796d696d08b6edad8466445e6aa"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01LSUQSB0,B01LR5SEKE,B00MW8G62E,B01KIQH2VU"; All articles on this web site are shared by customers. If you wish to see extra, please go to howlifes Read the full article
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therewillbesparkles · 5 years
How To Start A Blog
You’ll be requested how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost and to provide a little bit of information about your demographics (age, location, etc…), however after that you can get going creating wealth by means of surveys. Then scroll all the way down to the part with the package deal data. Then level the name to your blog. You can purchase a website title by the company to repair this problem, however you’re still not in complete management of the blog as a complete, so it solely plugs the leak. Through the use of a blogging platform, you'll be able to write on a weblog like writing in Microsoft Word. You won't begin a weblog and make cash immediately. Studying how to start a blog that makes cash is not tough. There are many ways you can generate income using plenty of instruments, and the Web presents plenty of lucrative ideas that can provide help to complement your earnings. Assume you're the ultimate Fashionista? Give it some thought: if you recognize that Individual A at all times posts about evening-out make-up techniques, and you like going out, and Particular person B posts random makeup stuff, which web site you may visit first? E mail still works. You want to make it so easy for individuals to affix your electronic mail list that they barely think about it.
Examine that your e-mail deal with is right, for when it's worthwhile to reset your password in future. This is where you need to put your chosen blog title aka the URL you will sort to get to your webpage. Whatever subject you decide, you must find it irresistible, and naturally curious about it. Simply add what you’ve learned about that particular subject in the past 3, 6 or 12 months since you first wrote the submit. Provide you with an excellent topic and name in your weblog or web site. So, you have got everything lined and your first blog publish is live. And no doubt a superb looking and fast loading weblog will attract visitors and as stated: “the first impression is the final impression”. A concentrate on blog posts. That is the proper place for bloggers who like the idea of “reblogging” posts. Longer posts get better outcomes in terms of Google rankings and social shares. Local Information: Google also offers a platform “Google Guide” to popularize a specific place a person visits. Create Native Concentrating on Content material.
You now have a podcast episode that’s able to be uploaded to iTunes, SoundCloud, or anywhere else and promoted alongside the remainder of your content! You may set your content apart with gorgeous pictures and video. You possibly can either get the free model or selected a value point based mostly on the quantity of websites you’ll be using the plugin on. Are there any good free themes? Possibly you might be the following JK Rowling, however should you don’t put out your stuff on the market, we will never understand it. Test us out anytime for advertising tips and a free subscription to our innovative publication. Free area name. They provide free area identify registration with our account. Feel free to tell us what blog you began and the way you discovered using this guide including how we might enhance it to make the processing of getting began easier. So, you need to start a weblog, however you have no idea how to start a blog? I know some business house owners which have had great success on Pinterest. Article directories can be a terrific resource for articles to submit in your blog.
When you’re selecting a WordPress theme to get a new blog online, they are going to almost always have a sidebar on the appropriate aspect (some circumstances it’s on the left). It’s faster, more powerful, and more customizable than anything out there. WordPress is free, easy to use, very highly effective, and very popular. You can even simply change the feel and appear of your blog through the use of WordPress Themes. Create a title on your blog which is brief and memorable (three words, we’d say). As an example, let’s say you need to start a weblog for brand spanking new homeowners. As long as you'll be able to handle a laptop and have a couple of dollars for hosting fees, nothing can cease you from having a pleasant webpage or weblog. Jetpack is an all-in-one plugin that provides your weblog features like stats, related posts, seo, social sharing, protection, backups, pace, and e mail list administration. 5 Survival Tips For Local Bloggers It is no secret, one of the most significant variables to contemplate on when it comes to studying the place to start an online site that is specifically geared towards sustaining long-term how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost success is establishing a targeted niche. This means you should think of a really focused website that is certainly made to cater a unique sort of audience by showcasing a narrow, well-defined topic. The first thing that people need to know with blogging is always that in many guides on how to take up a blog website the steps may look extremely easy, it is simple, but there are lots of choices to consider. So you should be capable of getting over a couple of things first. One, what exactly is your own purpose for starting your blog post? Will it be your own web log, could it be for business, selling products, or will it be for marketing or networking and after that your niche market be? This way, as you go through each step to build your website, you already have a sense direction of where you're heading as you will be creating a number of other choices. 1. Practice self-control. A serious blogger has got the willpower to restrain himself from drifting while working on his blog. That means all unnecessary browser windows are closed (yes, no social network for the meantime). What you should simply have you can find blog editing tools. It's fine to disregard messages for some time being and you must put a 'busy' status in your IM (instant messenger) to let them know that you are pre-occupied. I'm definite that you could spare a number of your time and energy to those things after you might be finished with your article. This suggestion also goes to other non-virtual disturbances like having an internet speak to relatives and friends, or taking a break for the snack.
Step 2- Elimination - Now, you need to define your topic list depending on two ideas: the things you know as well as the things you can be interested to understand more about. It should lessen this list by half. You don't want to begin the wrong foot by choosing a blog topic that's totally foreign for your requirements. Just think of yourself as safe on this since you wouldn't like to have a problem in contemplating having fresh content to your blogs. Upon registering for WordPress, you're immediately capable of log into what is called the dashboard. The dashboard may be the convenient location of the blog; the place where different blogs, blog pages, links back and forth from your website, and design options can be accessed. The design will be found beneath the section entitled "Appearance" around the dashboard. From here, personal touches may be put into your site. To start, first of all , must be done would be to choose a theme. A theme is the thing that people see after they visit a blog, essentially the style of the blog. It also defines the control you've got over the blog regarding the feel and look.
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dsrajawat · 6 years
Realme has been presenting some stunning smartphones in the budget segment with decent performance backing them. However, with aggressive competition from the likes of Redmi, Samsung, and Asus stakes are higher. For the entry-grade Realme 2 successor, the Chinese maverick bets on MediaTek’s latest and greatest Helio P70 chipset, an upgraded camera, and the new trendy design. But, will all that be good enough? Is the Realme 3 better than the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7?
Well, the Realme 3 has been our daily driver for the last week, which has helped us evaluate whether this is a good buy for average consumers. So, let’s not beat around the bush and get right into the in-depth Realme 3 review.
Realme 3 Price and Specifications
Model Realme 3 Display 6.3-inches, HD+, 19.5:9 aspect ratio, Gorilla Glass protection Processor 2.1 GHz MediaTek Helio P70 Octa-core chipset; ARM G72 GPU RAM  4GB Internal Storage  64GB (expandable via a dedicated slot up to) Software Android 9.0 Pie-based Color OS 6.0 Rear Camera 13MP rear camera, f/1.8 aperture + 2MP Front Camera 13MP selfie camera, f/2.0 aperture Dimensions and Weight  – Battery 4230mAh, no fast charging support Others 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS/ A-GPS, Micro-USB, and a 3.5mm headphone jack Realme 3 Price in India
3GB + 32GB – Rs. 8,999
4GB + 64GB – Rs. 10,999
Realme 3 Unboxing
First of all, let’s know what’s all packed in the box. We opened up the grey-colored box with a Realme 3 branding to find the following:
The Phone of course, along with
Charging brick,
micro-USB cable
Sim ejector tool 
Transparent TPU case
Usual guide booklets.
Realme 3 Review: Display, Design, and Build
Realme 3 is a trendy phone that has been crafted for the youth. It has a seamless unibody design and is quite comfortable to hold. The tiny dewdrop notch, which is increasingly becoming common, is less obtrusive than the wider one we had on Realme 2.
Realme offers large screen real estate, thanks to the slim bezels and a moderately narrow bottom chin. The display is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3, which is more resistant to scratches than drops.
The tall 6.3-inch screen has HD+ resolution and 19.5:9 aspect ratio. The display is reasonably bright and ensures good viewing experience outdoors. The colors are punchy and considering the price it caters to, we won’t go pixel-peeping (but yeah, full HD resolution would have been better).
On the flipside, we have the Realme logo at the bottom-left corner. Vertically up, you have the dual cameras and flash. Right next to it, place your finger on the circular scanner to unlock the phone. The fingerprint reader is aptly reachable and works fine. You also get the option for Face Unlock. However, its finicky in low-lit conditions.
Nothing at the back protrudes out and therefore no apprehension on using the phone while it’s lying down. Finally, the three color gradients i.e., Dynamic Black, Radiant Blue, and Black add to the charm. The best part is that the gradient finish isn’t overly flashy and should work for people of all tastes. 
The glossy plastic back feels a bit cheap to touch, but that’s only when you use the phone without a case.
Down at the bottom, resides a micro-USB port besides a speaker grill and a 3.5mm headphone jack on either side. To the left, stays the power button and right side houses the volume rockers. The keys are tactile and easily accessible for single-handed usage.
Realme 3 Review: Performance and Software Experience
Starting with the hardware, octa-core Helio P70 mobile platform powers the phone, which is Mediatek’s flagship chipset. Going by the benchmarks, it’s on par with Snapdragon 660 when it comes to raw performance.
We have tested the 4GB RAM and 64GB onboard storage variant, and we were indeed impressed by how good the performance these days is on affordable phones.  
Benchmark Tests Realme 3 Scores AnTuTu 136100 3D Mark OpenGL ES 3.1 1214 3D Mark Vulkan 1177 Geekbench 4 Single-core 1476 Geekbench 4 Multi-core 4950
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Realme 3 performed well in almost all heavy games we threw at it including the Asphalt 9, Mortal Combat and PUBG (Medium settings). Overall, It is a reliable performer in moderate to heavy real-life usage and a good pick for gamers on a budget.
That’s not how we feel about the Software, though. Realme has coated the feature-packed Color OS 6.0 which puts us in a tough spot. We will start with the good, followed by the bad (things that could be improved) and fret not, there’s no ugly.
We love the ability to uninstall most of the bundled apps without a hitch. This means more space for your apps and data. Even those that can’t be debloated are utilities like Radio, voice recorder, weather, and cleaner.
The inbuilt launcher gives you options to choose the home screen layout, navigation gestures, and other customizability. Gamers would appreciate the inclusion of ‘Game space’, a  game optimization service with add ons like do-not-disturb mode, brightness lock.
Dig deep into the software and you could tinker lot many features like Real-time network speed indicator, battery percentage, data saver, color temp, audio equalizer, private safe, screen off gestures, a half-baked smart assistant, motor ride mode and a neat option to turn on sports scorecards.
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Surely enough, Realme has packed a galore of bells and whistles with their new device. But all is not sunshine and roses.
From our use, we felt the Realme’s native OS rendition, needs to improve on fluidity. The animations and the notification drawer feel clumsy and heavy at times. The heads-up notification stays for a little longer than required, while the drawer shows up a blank space betwixt notification messages. We’d also want better optimizations for the notch. All you see on the status bar is system icons. And there’s no L1 certificate or HD streaming support. 
Having said that, we agree that some of these are nitpicking while others are bugs which could be resolved with a software update. It must be noted that the new Color OS 6.0 is a significant step up from the last generation interface. 
Also, Realme 3 comes with its bootloader unlocked and all advanced users will hopefully be able to root and flash custom ROMs after a while.
Realme 3 Review: Camera Performance
Realme 3 packs a 13MP (f/1.8) primary shooter accompanied by a 2MP secondary sensor at the back. Coinciding with the rear, it sports a 13MP (f/2.0) selfie snapper up front. Now, let’s dive into the photography experience.
realme 3 chroma boost
The camera app packs the usual features and much more like Portrait mode, Panorama, and Nightscape mode. The beauty mode nicely touch-up your selfies, while the Chroma Boost mode smartly enhances shots to churn “social media ready” photos. We found that the aforementioned boost mode takes a tad longer to process the photo, but it certainly works.
This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Kudos to Realme for providing Camera API 2.0 native support! This means you could take the optical prowess up a notch by installing the Google Camera app. As you can see from the samples, the Google Camera delivers better details and better metering. But, Realme camera takes wider shots capturing a larger field of view.
realme 3 google camera
realme 3 chroma boost
realme 3 normal mode
From our usage, the Nightscape mode didn’t shine as touted. The selfies tend to be a little too polished by the beauty mode sacrificing some details. However, in good lighting scenarios, the phone is capable of taking bright, vivid shots with good detail and exposure.
Realme 3 nightscape
realme 3 front camera selfie
On the video front, Realme 3 could record up to 1080p Full HD clips and the company has also baked in 90fps/720P slow-mo video-shooting. You could have more fun with videography.
So, yeah! considering the price, you get a commendable snap shooting experience out of Realme 3. Finally, for getting the maximum output out of the Realme cameras, we recommend installing Google camera.
Realme 3 Review: Battery, Connectivity, and Audio
Realme 3’s 4230 mAh battery should endure for more than a day for most users. We were bummed by the lack of fast charging support, but since our unit’s fuel fared well during the day, we hardly felt the urge to charge.
As far as connectivity options go, it brings all the basics to the table and we had a smooth experience with voice calls, dual VoLTE, data and the rest. There is no dual-band Wi-Fi support, though.
The earpiece sounds loud enough. However, the same can’t be said for the loudspeaker. The audio output via speaker is average at best.
Realme 3 Review – Should you buy it?
Well, Realme 3 has all boxes ticked when it comes to a budget buy. For those among us whose software taste goes with Stock, this could feel a little overwhelming. Having said that, we are quite happy with the overall package it delivers, and that too at a very aggressive price.
The USP of the phone has to be its gaming and camera performance. Other things to look forward to including its long-lasting battery, elegant looks, and a dedicated card slot.
So, if you have a tight budget and want a decent smartphone, this could be your pick. The other option is Xiaomi’s new Note 7, which costs a couple of thousand more.
Drop your comments down below about this new Realme budget smartphone. We would love to know your views and inhibitions and will surely help you out in picking your next smartphone.
Excellent performance
Great camera for the price
Dedicated card slot
Trendy design
No dual-band Wi-Fi support
No HD streaming
Display could have been sharper
Realme 3 Review: A Real Deal at an Unreal Price Realme has been presenting some stunning smartphones in the budget segment with decent performance backing them. However, with aggressive competition from the likes of…
0 notes
Preston and Associates
Quality Tips For Finding The Best Family Lawyers
With regards solicitors brisbane to hiring high quality family lawyers, you're advised to think about numerous various things. Considering the character of these legal issues, you need someone that is experienced as well as specialized in these matters. With so many alternative options obtainable to you, making the proper selection can, generally, become a troublesome one. Listed here are a number of the important issues in your greatest help solicitors brisbane city:
When you are performing a research for finding the suitable type of lawyer, you should know the significance of phrase of mouth. Seek steering and ask for recommendations from people like family and friends members. They are the very best individuals who can offer you finest assist if they've had comparable experiences.
In the event you wouldn't have any hyperlinks to succeed in to dependable professionals, you might have to find one by your self. There are numerous different locations and sources for finding what you're in search of. Web is the very best place to be able to discover a lawyer that can tackle your concerns in the very best way. Attempt to make a listing of legal professionals providing their legal services in your local area.
After you have made up a list of legal professionals, you'd then need to go through their private attributes and other essential points. Discover out whether they have their own web site or a weblog the place they've showcased their providers. Most attorneys would often have web sites or blogs to assist shoppers in gaining access to them easily.
Verify to see if the professional have desired amount of experience in coping with these issues. The more experience he has bought, the higher it will be in your trigger. To have a firm concept concerning the experience of the lawyer, you can test his status in the area, or ask totally different folks.
There may be another essential factor, which is worth to be thought-about earlier than making any alternative. That necessary aspect is the certification of the lawyer. You would have to make sure Wikipedia Here that the lawyer has acquired obligatory certification from the involved associations within the nation. To have the ability to know the identification, you can ask for the license quantity.
Finding quality household legal professionals is never simple, especially in case you are doing it for the first time. Nonetheless, for those who observe these steps, you'll maximize your probabilities of getting prime notch providers, with out going for too costly choices. Research as much as you may, so you will not need to regret in your resolution.
If you wish to select the very best household attorneys in your local area, then you would have to keep just a few vital things in mind. Along with the emotional ache, you would additionally need to take care of the authorized issues that stem from painful growth in relationships like divorce. Discovering the divorce lawyer will be a simple process when you comply with these crucial tips and suggestions.
Whenever you need to discover such authorized assist, be certain to being your search by asking individuals around you like folks in your family or friends. Likelihood is that you may come across a couple of names that fit your needs perfectly. They'd be more than pleased to refer you any good attorney which have used before for such functions.
In case you can not find a reliable supply for locating an attorney, you could have Internet as the most suitable choice to start with. Look through Google listings and phone book to find native choices that fulfil your required criterion. Make sure that to always search for local professionals, as they are higher acquainted with local laws and legal matters.
Upon getting came upon a list of fine attorneys, you would need to check what kind of authorized background they have, and what is their status. Additionally, check into their websites or blogs if they've any. Nonetheless, most professionals have their very own websites, especially contemplating the importance on-line advertising and enterprise promotion.
Discover out the amount of experience the professional has obtained in the area or space you might be hiring him for. Affirm their speciality and preferences before making any determination. Ask for PrestonandAssociates buyer references and other vital data immediately from the skilled. The extra you recognize in regards to the lawyer, the higher the outcomes for you. Perform a check on their popularity as nicely.
Certification is a crucial characteristic of quality attorneys. You must never ever select an legal professional having no certification or license from the involved authorities. Earlier than you select someone to maintain your legal issues in courtroom, you should make sure the professional fulfils all desired necessities. You'll be able to ask for the license number to make sure of their authenticity.
Individuals seek representation each day on quite a lot of family-associated legal points together with divorce, youngster custody arrangements, and traffic lawyer even adoption. Retaining an On-line Family Lawyer will assist make any authorized process go smoother whereas assuring your rights are protected.
A household lawyer is an lawyer that focuses on family regulation. When families go to court, it may well have severe lengthy-time period penalties for these concerned. Deciding to finish a marriage will be particularly devastating, more so if the couple has children. Or suing a former spouse for little one assist might be traumatic. Working with a household lawyer that can present step-by-step legal steerage, can lessen the burden whereas making sure you walk away with a good settlement.
Family regulation is a rising industry thanks largely to legislative adjustments that have an effect on households. These vary from frequent legislation marriages to kids's rights. National debates on household issues proceed to form national, state, and local household laws.
An knowledgeable on-line family lawyer might help negotiate youngster custody preparations which are passable for both events. Along with property distribution, youngster custody is probably the most contentious points of family law. It is difficult for parents who beforehand made joint choices regarding the properly-being of their kids to immediately should act alone and possible in opposition to the other dad or mum.
Probably the most historic adjustments made in household legislation over the years is the acknowledgement that youngsters have rights as people separate from the family unit. Relying upon related laws, children may be allowed be a judge to pick out the mum or dad with whom he wishes to reside after a divorce. It could actually present advice on the best way to proceed in conditions like this.
Even couples who have been by no means married might must retain the companies of a family attorney, particularly if they have children collectively. It is best to have somebody representing you who knows the courtroom course of, including filing petitions. Skilled household attorneys are up-to-date on all laws and are able to present top quality representation.
The best family attorneys are these that are familiar with the laws and have successfully represented clients in your state or jurisdiction. It takes time to grow to be aware of the complexities of laws so you do not need Preston and Associates Social Profile an lawyer with little or no experience in your state. When you seek an internet household lawyer, you may be given info on attorneys in your state as well as these legally capable of follow legislation in your state.
Experienced family lawyers could possibly present clients with options to litigation. Arbitration is now available in lots of household courts as an choice for disputing couples. At your preliminary solicitors brisbane west consultation with an lawyer, you will probably be presented with these choices before continuing. Your attorney may even assessment the data he will want from you to make your case.
The perfect household attorneys in Australia are these with accreditation in their field. If you're on the lookout for a prime household lawyer then Accredited Household Law Specialists with state accreditation are the ones to employ. There are lawyers throughout Australia, however you will see that the best are those that supply counseling, and battle decision, slightly https://prestonandassociates.com.au/ than attorneys who advise you on going to court docket as your first possibility. More and more the highest Australian household attorneys are looking for to maintain household circumstances out of court and mediation and counseling can sometimes stop messy divorces and custody battles, so minimizing the consequences of divorce on the children involved.
Dobinson, Davey, Clifford are Canberra primarily based, and all three, Julie Dobinson, Phil Davey and Lois Clifford are legislation accredited specialists who help and encourage their clients explore different solutions to their problems. They offer mediation and negotiation processes which are tailored to go well with the individual wants of their clients. In addition they perceive the monetary influence of divorce and other household points and have independent monetary advisors and baby specialists accessible to their purchasers. Counseling is accessible to all their clients too as a matter after all.
Harris Friedman is a firm which operated in Sydney and New South Wales on the whole. They've a workforce of highly specialised household legal professionals and their Julie Shedden is an accredited legislation Preston and Associates family law solicitors brisbane specialists. Apart from being dedicated to providing resolutions to all regulation points they also supply free seminars for most of the people who really feel they want to learn more about legislation.
These seminars present an outline of Australian regulation and take care of the problems of parenting, child help, property solicitors brisbane conveyancing division and different related matters, and each offers an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about law.
Nearly half of all marriages at this time finish in divorce and effectively trained divorce lawyers are required to guide individuals via the method of filing for a divorce. These legal professionals have specialized in both divorce and household click this legislation and assist give representation of individuals in the household and divorce circumstances. Nonetheless, you might want to get the best attorneys as a way to get fast outcomes since these cases can sometime show to be difficult.
A good lawyer should have a tactful method to get through the case as fast as doable, in an effort to transfer on with your normal life. He ought to be prepared to barter the fees in order that you'll be able to handle not solely the monetary costs, but also the emotional costs as a result of separation. It doesn't matter the place you reside, however the strategy of divorce needs to be as painless as attainable.
Family attorneys for quick divorce symbolize shoppers in marriage break-up proceedings which are usually finished in entrance of juvenile, probate or civil courts. A number of the cases that the family legal professionals signify include: these of kid custody, circumstances which might be related to alimony, child assist, division of property that was owned collectively and divorce amongst others. They write and file contracts, agreements and motions that assist to characterize the shopper's greatest interests.
It's common to seek out them drafting alimony, custodial agreements and prenuptial. Throughout the preparations of cases, these attorneys advise people on authorized points that are associated to the divorce. It is usually widespread to search out most circumstances settled by mediations such that no one goes to courtroom.
Family issues are uncontrolled and it is for this reason that an experienced household lawyer is required to represent them. Whenever you appoint one of the best lawyer to represent your side of the state of affairs, then it's the finest method to win your case. He'll do something in his energy to get you the answer that you just hop over to this blog seek. The 2 of you need to be dependable particularly relating to inserting appointments. You are suggested to present each element nonetheless small, to assist your lawyer in taking the perfect plan of action. This manner, your case will not delay for months since every part will probably be in place in your protection.
An knowledgeable household lawyer is the very best bet if you happen to require help in household issues. He must be possessing cleverness, confidence, expertise and familiarity on the laws which are related to family issues. You are able to do your property work and seek for the very best household lawyer in your locality. It's attainable to search out them on-line too. A couple of searches through the websites can land you on one of the best lawyer ever.
There are community boards where you'll be able to exchange ideas with individuals who have had search circumstances earlier than and they will be prepared that will help you out. Family buddies can be helpful especially if they know such an excellent lawyer. Examine the totally different rates charged by the different attorneys and if you happen to discover one whose rates are inside your budgetary needs, you can choose him. There are contacts displayed on the websites so to name should you want additional clarifications.
Almost all households across the word are facing different sorts of household issues. Such household authorized issues embrace prenuptial agreements, domestic violence, divorce, youngster custody, little one help, adoption, division of properties, rights on properties, and plenty of extra. Family issues might appear to be wide in classes however complicated in nature, that is why it requires legal help to be able to take care of it appropriately.
Coping with household points might not be as easy as talking issues over dinner. It could want the assistance and authorized recommendation of a good family lawyer. Each time you're facing authorized problems that entails your family, no other higher option to face the issues than having a great household lawyer who can do all the necessary procedures to get you through all these authorized matters. It solicitors brisbane is important to get the most acceptable legal help from the well-experienced lawyer to ensure justice and judicial support. You'll find a great number of legal professionals who completely deal family issues, however it is best to decide the best one who can deal with the case and approach every legal procedure with ease to give you the best service for the very best settlement or resolution doable.
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Why Travel To New Mexico
Are you curious about planning your next vacation in Mexico? Some are flight offers and might provide that kids fly for free, which is great for these giant family vacations. The Nationwide Museum of Mexican Railroads and the Chihuahua Pacific Railway are additionally two stops that many visitors make while in Puebla. At the moment, yow will discover folks of African descent in many areas of Peru, though the densest populations are in Lima, Callao, Ica, and Nazca. cheap hotels myrtle beach sc From San Diego, you'll be able to join an Ensenada Day Tour, which is a great way to begin your summer time trip. The perfect time to go to Cancun relies upon partially on whether or not you prefer to spend a lot of time on the seaside and within the water, or for those who like to spend most of your time buying, eating and visiting the various attractions within the area. Regardless of which of the two roadways you take to get to Hierve el Agua, your ultimate destination, you may move goats, sheep and/or cattle being herded either on the aspect the highway or right in entrance of you dictating that you yield to the flocks. How much time you set aside for this trip drastically impacts the entire mileage you'll put on the odometer, as does the number of people in your automotive. How one gets round Mexico whereas backpacking and traveling looks as if a really primary query. Getting a passport takes time. Cozumel Tours supply ATV jungle excursions in and around the Mezcalitos area. If an all-inclusive resort isn't one thing you're in search of there are various resorts that don't supply it. A typical Cancun tour permits you to witness and expertise Paradise Island, the well-known dancing dolphins within the turquoise blue Caribbean, the Atlantis Submarine, and naturally the Mayan ruins. San Jose del Cabo, nevertheless, is a quieter environment stuffed with seashores, golf, and procuring galore. Protected by the Mexican government, only some tour corporations have permission to convey company to the island. Each lodging should be capable of point you to options to an on website pool such one of the water parks located along the highways entering the town. Certainly, China has change into a popular place for American investments, but Mexico has that closeness hooked up to it. In different words, Mexico is correct on our doorstep. Professional ATV tour guides not solely know the place to look in the jungle for exciting adventures, however additionally they know how one can hold you protected. Located near historic Pensacola, America's first settlement, Perdido Key affords a unique blend of traditional seashore pastimes like angling, deep sea fishing, and water sports activities alongside and procuring, golf, and historic and artistic flavor. You might not be sufficiently old to recollect the music, but it was produced a few years in the past in 1946 and was a fairly common American tune. There may be so much to do and see away from the wonderful seashores that you'll be spoilt for alternative on your low cost holidays to Mexico. As we speak the state has made large progress in dairies, farming and solely water is scarce, however natives are doing every thing to reserve it, earlier than New Mexico turns right into a desert. Some standard traditional New Mexican dishes are Carne Adovado, which was developed originally by the Spanish as a method to protect pork after butchering. After the 1994 financial debacle, Mexico has made a powerful restoration, building a modern and diversified economic system. However if you wish to feel pampered, relaxed, and unstressed when traveling to Mexico, you higher avoid wasting money for a great keep in a resort, corresponding to Grupo Mayan. In fact, Mexico is likely one of the prime 10 worldwide destinations for people flying from the US and in response to the Department of Commerce Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, there was an increase of 5% in the variety of travellers flying from the US to Mexico in 2008 versus 2007. Nezahualcoyotl was the ruler of Texcoco, a city-state in the plateau area of Mexico. There are a lot of wonderful resorts that cater to quite a lot of tastes, from the exclusive to the family. Also, it is very important to know that Elite Status designation can't be obtained via resale purchases and that not all affiliate resorts permit the Membership membership rights to transfer on the resale market. The same individuals in the U.S. advising household and buddies to keep away from travel to Mexico is perhaps appalled to be taught that areas in the U.S. they themselves journey to or name residence may be on one other country's listing of locations to keep away from. The vacation spot you choose will be important in determining what you'll learn and see whereas on a guided tour. The Promenade is a nice example of stunning mix of beautiful outlets and wonderful eating places in a gorgeous setting the place you can find something for everyone. Central Mexico is where the heart of town lies, enclosed by pure environment, picturesque cities, stunning colonial cities. Greenbrier State Park has lots of leisure actions for its guests in its multi-use park. If you're inquisitive about touring the less beaten path, there are quite a few grime street trails all over La Paz, Loreto, San Jose del Cabo and Todos Santos that may check the boundaries of both you and your bike! You start (or end) out from the wild Oregon shoreline, travel by way of more and more numerous terrain, to - and thru - dense city populations and end by the serene waters of Cape Cod. The inns and resorts in Cancun also provide short pamphlets as part of their advertising and marketing. And then there is the flowing stream of robust German beers and sipping via huge mugs quite flasks like are at the least some six million people who find themselves residents and boozers from everywhere in the world. In case you are touring to Mexico by land or sea, the United States provides a U.S. Passport Card. A good (or unfair) comparison may be made if when the LA Riots erupted after the Rodney King verdict in the US in 1991, if individuals from around the globe had the perception of, "don't go to the United States, there is violence and looting within the streets and the place is burning down!" I actually would not go to South Central Los Angeles that week, but it surely's not going to cancel my journey to San Diego. Alvin Starkman received his Specialised Honors B.A. in Social Anthropology from Toronto's York University in 1974, then his Masters in Social Anthropology from York in 1978, subsequently teaching sociology and anthropology at York, Sheridan School and other institutions till he started his authorized training in 1981 at Osgoode Hall Regulation Faculty. However right here is the catch; most of the time genealogy deals with people who are deceased resembling our great grandparents or people who came to the country lots of of years in the past. Some very basic backpacking and touring Mexico information for one to know is that the traveler (from outside of Mexico) will probably be noticed by the locals wherever they might travel and camp. When you go to the Rivera Maya or Yucatan you will not even notice it. Additionally, many of the violence is between Mexican police and drug sellers and virtually by no means entails vacationers. The positioning is current and can offer messages from many potential travelling companions from around the globe. Many of those parks are situated within or near purchasing and eating, so that after a tough day of play the entire family can calm down. This is going to leave a devastating hole in your bank card, but if you want to go all out and leave the children lamenting their lack of inheritance, now's your chance. It's also apparent during this weekday visit that many people on board are taking part in some kind of a convention - whether or not it's enterprise, social or household-oriented. Within the five years that Large Brother Sweden has run, the house has been located within the fabulous city of Stockholm, the nations capital. If artwork is more your type, you may go to local studios, or stop by the Pensacola Museum of Artwork, which gives every thing from wine tasting courses to Saturday Artwork "Ed-ventures" which embody tours of the museum and fingers-on creative activities for kids. US authorities mainly issue warnings relating to certain states, however they also advocate caution everywhere in Mexico due to the rise in kidnappings and robberies. But their particular attraction is in the number of items and foodstuffs these fellow vacationers could possibly offer in commerce in barter. Cancun Tips about Authorized Entry to the Country and handling any issues you'll have in Mexico. The Yucatan Peninsula is right for travelers who want to study extra in regards to the ancient history of Mexico. The guided tours provide nice perception and might be a great way to expertise the websites and sounds of Mexico. It takes not less than an hour and a half to get by way of the market, so the promise of a dishful of ice cream (actually a healthier sorbet referred to as nieve) whereas within the marketplace does the trick. You will have the opportunity to get pleasure from this country with several discounted charges, however there are specifically two promotions which might be active truly that will will let you find travel offers to Mexico with up to a ninety seven.three% low cost. Though you are more seemingly to have the ability to get a superb worth ticket to a different Canadian airport around the time of the Olympics, you will be faced with a really lengthy drive. As an example, cruise buddies could decide to go their own way by day however meet for dinner and the show every night. Not to fear, Mexican legislation says that each one ice cubes bought commercially have to be made with purified water. Ensanada is positioned within the Mexican state of Baja California and is simply eighty four miles south of San Diego. If you're vacationing in or around the Cancun space, you may be able to schedule an ATV tour with Jungle Jim's ATV Adventure. A superb Road Trip Planner can create a kaleidoscope of experiences alongside this route because it takes you from primitive forests, secluded hideaways, historic towns to major cities with the latest innovations, always flanked by a surprising shoreline holding beaches and seashore-lovers of every form and measurement. However, staterooms are small and you do have to be able to get alongside nicely for the time you spend in your room. At you can use the internet to plan and book your travel arrangements, whereas discovering the most effective travel offers all over the world. You start (or finish) at the white-sand- clear-blue-sky beaches of San Diego, by means of the cacti-dotted southwestern desert, travel alongside the plains and into the Deep South cotton lands and plantations. Main U.S. airlines provide non-stop or direct flights to a wide variety of Mexican cities. You might have Mexico City, with wonderful examples of structure like the previous buildings within the Historic Middle and the outdated world style of Basilica of Guadalupe. Town is totally lovely, situated on the coast with plenty of beach and solar to go around. The Cabo Surf Resort is the choice for you; a boutique seaside resort positioned on one of the crucial privileged beaches in Los Cabos. For those who journey the route on a Sunday, there's no higher place to keep the youngsters in awe than on the Tlacolula market... the colours, array of sale items, sweets, reside turkeys, music, hawkers, and the handicraft market. The ancients believed in the rule of seven-that every seven years, there's a great crop. One other destination is New York; right here there are a variety of things for everybody within the household to do. In the Museum of Pure History, you possibly can learn extra about what New York has to offer online. Mexico, with different legal and political programs both historically and in contemporary times, would seem to have a distinct perspective in direction of defending its citizenry traveling overseas, a minimum of to Canada and the US, and definitely the federal authorities does not appear to have the identical authorized legal responsibility considerations, not having developed a British widespread regulation system which gives residents significant rights relating to claims of negligence. What they want to do is locate somebody who is alive at present and residing in Mexico. Whilst in Orlando you would possibly need to take a look at Universal Orlando, Nickelodeon Family Suites by Holiday Inn and of course SeaWorld Orlando marine park which is a unique Discovery Cove experience. Larger Miami is among the centers of trend, commerce and entertainment in the world past its being a tropical paradise bounded by spectacular seashores, palm trees and ocean surf. The Tepanecs had come from the neighboring city of Azapotzalco; after several years in hiding, Nezahualcoyotl joined an allies' military and led a siege against Texcoco's new rulers.
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