#that an antagonist in 2024
i know i say this knowing the source material and all that but zorro 2024 please don't turn this into a white saviour trope. even more
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You know what I think I love the most about Bill Cipher? It’s the ability for this one character to be the worst possible being known to man yet one thing can make us question everything we know about his character.
I think about the Axolotl poem A LOT and I think it speaks to how much one little thing can change everything. The Reddit AMA as well. There’s so many little things outside of the show that really made me (and I’m sure many others as well) feel not quite finished with Gravity Falls.
I think back to that interview Hirsch did with The Mary Sue way back when. The one where he talked about leaving Bill’s return up in the air in case he ever wanted to go back to it. I think this book is him coming back to it.
I don’t really know my point in this short ramble, I think I’m just really excited to see his point of view. His thoughts on the Axolotl. His silly little projection onto Mabel. Even if he’s lying, I want to know how this goofy fictional villain thinks. One minute he’s rearranging faces, the next? Silly Straws!
To me I guess I don’t really care about what his backstory ends up being. I don’t really care if he actually liked so and so character or not.
I just wanna know if he’ll slip up and tell the truth.
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fandomtrumpshate · 3 months
If you're having trouble using our donation proof form...
...you can just email us the receipts, along with a written explanation of which auctions they are for. The form is easier and more streamlined for us, but email still works!
We aren't going to be able to reply directly to those emails because we are still in risk-management mode with respect to maxing out our permitted number of daily emails, but we will let you and your creator know when your donation has been processed.
If you do send in your donation proof this way, please be sure to explain very clearly:
which donations are for which auction
how much money you are donating for each auction
This is especially important if you've donated to more than one nonprofit, but it's helpful for us regardless.
Please boost this post -- there are about a dozen people who have already emailed us to ask if it's ok to email in proof, and we want to let them know that it is without (again) flirting with our severe-but-oddly-nonspecific sent-email cutoff.
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faeriekit · 2 months
Lunch Break
a two-prompt phic phight fill for @fuyuthefoxwriter; demon!au and fangs
Notes: 1. This IS a continuation of my prev. demon!au (Visitation) 2. based on the laws of Phic Phight you CANNOT read the previous iterations, as it is nsfw and therefore cannot be linked 3. but for the already present fans…it’s a continuation from that. Also, it’s gray ghost. 
Valerie likes her boyfriend. 
He’s cute, with a button nose and blue eyes. He’s sweet. He’s kind, and he’s gentle, and if she leaves him alone he takes the toaster oven apart just to see how it works. It’s kind of like living with a small dog who takes apart pillows if you don’t give them enough attention. 
Valerie loves her boyfriend. 
…But the goddamn teeth. 
She pushes his face away, cutting off their kiss with no warning. Danny squawks. 
“Danny,” Valerie implores, again, because they are in public and not in the comfort of their own apartment, “If you cannot keep human teeth while we are making out, we are not going to make out anymore.”
Her stupid, human-shaped boyfriend pouts. Valerie should be pouting. Valerie has to avoid shredding her tongue like she’s kissing a cheese grater. 
Danny, who is the cause of all this, should not be pouting as if he’s been denied the opportunity to stick his tongue in her mouth for no reason, instead of his habit of turning his extremely normal and flat human teeth into something extremely hazardous to tongues and lips everywhere. 
Danny makes the world’s saddest eyes she’s ever seen. It’s very rude of him. Valerie deserves better. “But Val! I brought you lunch!” 
For one, it’s six in the evening. A more apt word might be ‘dinner’. Secondly…
“I work at a burger restaurant,” Valerie points out, arms crossing over the Nasty Burger logo on her shirt for extra emphasis. “I already have dinner. I also have to be back on shift in half an hour, so if you’re not going to put your teeth away, I’m going to finally finish Don Quixote or nap trying.” 
“Yeah, but you hate eating work food for lunch,” Danny points out, because he does do some very sweet things by 1) recognizing her likes and dislikes and 2) applying them liberally throughout their relationship. He holds up a weirdly large tupperware in his hands. It’s clear. It’s green. 
It’s Fenton salad. 
“...So my Mom packed you leftovers after I picked up stuff at the Ops Center, since she knows you like the dill vinaigrette she makes after the ectology conference every year, and she added the shredded carrot and the crumbly cheese you like since no one else in the house eats it, plus some of those little orange slices and the croutons…”
Valerie’s lips purse. Fenton salad. Her favorite. 
…She takes the container from Danny’s outstretched hands, determined to ignore his smug look. Valerie prefers to be right, but higher in priority comes accepting free food from her boyfriend’s mother.
“You’re welcome,” Danny offers, smugly sweet.
“If I kiss you, will you get me with your teeth again?” Valerie asks. She’s deeply suspicious of both his motives and the timing. 
Valerie looks at him. “Change your answer.”
“Close enough.” Valerie draws him in, and Danny lets himself be drawn in; the kiss is sweet, and short, and tastes kind of like mandarin oranges. 
He definitely had some of her salad before sharing. Whatever. It’s a good thing she likes him. 
The kiss is lovely, and not very long; separating is a little harder, though, when Valerie realizes that Phantom’s tail is still wrapped around her waist. 
“I have a shift to get to.”
“Yeah,” Danny agrees, entirely ignorant to his least controlled limb holding her back. 
“So,” Valerie continues, and then scratches at the fur in his tail until he flinches with recognition. “Unwrap me, please.”
“Do I…have to?”
Valerie’s look flattens. Danny makes entirely unacceptable goo-goo eyes at her. 
“I have a shift in ten, and your mom’s salad to devour. Move it or lose it.” 
Danny’s tail unwraps. Danny sighs, leaning in for one last peck—
Valerie feels the tips of fangs bite explicitly into her lips. 
Her growl is hardly intimidated by Phantom’s rush of guilty laughter, her demon-shaped boyfriend slipping out of her fingers. Great. Now she can taste blood— the thing she was trying to avoid. 
Seeing him in all of his claws and fangs and teeth and horns in daylight was always a little strange; he was never quite opaque in sunlight. He was always a touch translucent, only just shifted outside of reality. 
And the stupid cow ears.
No, they're not endearing. Shut up.
It certainly didn’t help that if someone saw him turn into a demon, his whole ‘hiding his identity as a half-demon’ thing would be over! He needs to pick better spots for his random acts of infernal dramatics!
“I’m sorrrryyyy,” Phantom shouted from a healthy fifty feet away, floating in the air. It made him hard to reach, but an excellent target. “I looooovvee yoooouuu!” 
No. Valerie will resist reaching into her armor for a weapon to shoot her boyfriend out of the sky with. It is rude. It is unkind. More importantly, Valerie’s not interested in having a public identity reveal behind the Nasty Burger any more than Danny is. 
It’s fine. There’s other options. 
“Put a shirt on!” Valerie hollers back, hands over her mouth. 
Phantom’s mouth drops in the distance, little fangs glinting in the evening sunlight. His clawed hands go over his chest, looking for some perceived gap in his coverage. “I’ve got fur! I don’t need one!” 
“Exhibitionist!” Valerie heckles back. “Nudist!” 
Phantom squawks in offense. “Come on! I’m covered!” 
“Get some pants!” Valerie shouts back, finally attracting the attention of one of her employees. At the sound of the Nasty Burger’s nasty back door creaking open, Phantom bolts off. 
Good. That’s what he gets. 
Temerity peeks through the back door. Her name tag is upside down, again. “Boss…?”
Valerie brushes herself off, grabs a plastic fork from where it was sitting on her ebook reader, and reclines back onto the plastic lawn chair that counts as their ‘break room’. “It was nothing, Temmie. A demon got into the dumpster again.” 
“Oh.” Temerity’s countenance warms. She’d always had an interest in the local occult scene. “Did it leave anything behind?”
“Nah,” Valerie replies, popping open her tupperware. Just her lunch, apparently. “You need any help…?”
“Nope! We’ll be fine until you get back in.” 
That for sure means something’s wrong. Whatever; Valerie is totally satisfied to finish off the last fifteen minutes of her shift with some literature, a bucket’s worth of satisfaction, and her boyfriend’s dismayed texts pinging in bursts onto her phone. 
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dommnics · 7 days
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FAIRY TALE ART SERIES | Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Little Mermaid' | PART VII
Finally, here's the last merperson before I move on to the human characters for my interpretation of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid story. I included the potion she gives to the little mermaid as well as her toad and snake pets mentioned in the story!
Bonus: this is an initial design I drew for the sea witch character, which I did after designing Iniya/the little mermaid, and before I designed the mermaid sisters and royal family. After I did the other characters, I felt like her look was really underwhelming, so I went back and revised most of it, and ultimately I'm a lot more satisfied with the final design.
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esti3 · 3 months
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shinigami-striker · 2 months
IHop X Sonic Collaboration | Monday, 04.01.24
This just in: IHop is officially collaborating with Sega to bring Sonic the Hedgehog-themed delectable breakfast items between now through Sunday, May 5, 2024!
Plus, you can use this opportunity to get that "Modern Amy" DLC skin for Amy in Sonic Superstars, as well as full game downloads for selected Sonic titles for your home console or PC of your choice!
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violetren · 3 months
When Inigo Montoya experiences immeasurable loss and mental anguish that propels him to a path of vengeance that he temporarily gets lost on, becoming a worse version of himself, a roving mercenary who even inadvertently ends up furthering the goals of his sworn enemy until he meets an opponent who makes him stop take stock and recognise how lost he has become and how he doesn't have to be in this alone, swiftly followed by him killing the target of his revenge and riding off into the sunset with his new friends everyone is lining up around the block to applaud,
However when the Dragon in Damsel follows the same story beats in a font just different enough to keep from getting sued...
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aroaessidhe · 4 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Most Ardently
YA historical romance
retelling of Pride & Predudice following a closeted gay trans boy who’s expected to attend balls and look for suitors
he sneaks out at night dressed as a boy, and ends up spending a lot of time with a boy who’d been rude to him at a function, but is more open with him like this
as they grow closer, and he faces increasing pressure to get married and to be a proper woman, and has to decide how he’s going to face his future
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jacarandaaaas · 8 months
not only was someone saying smth about alma being the same level of evil as SCAR but I checked their account and surprise everyone it’s a pro shipper who ships 15 year old mirabel with her 50 year old UNCLE.
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glitter-andgold · 5 months
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"I wanted you to see what you made me. A monster."
- The Devil Within (Digital Daggers) ("I'm underneath your skin, the devil within") - Unstoppable (Disturbed) ("Vengeance is coming, believe it now, you won't survive") - Choke (I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME) ("If I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die.") - Haunted (Diamante) ("I've got a hold, you think by now you'd know that you'll never be alone") - I'm Your Nightmare (The Brains) ("I'm the creature that hides inside your brain, and I will always haunt you, you'll never sleep again") & more! Image Sources: x/x/x/screenshots from the film -------------- One of the big cosplay projects I'll be working on in 2024 is Gabriel May from Malignant so here's the (still growing) playlist I made to listen to while I work on it! I don't know if anyone still talks about this film but it's one of my all time favourites (I could talk about it for hours, I even have a tattoo of Gabriel's trophy knife). Needless to say I'm super keen to get started on this project!
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actionsurges · 18 days
i love watching procedurals from different eras because it is fascinating how their relationship to 'average' people and their portrayal of police and the leniency they grant to police evolves and changes. it's fascinating.
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solradguy · 2 months
Sephiroth is very funny, M. Radguy. They made him and Cloud very homoerotic in the requel (remake-sequel). He was born a monster. He was mostly fine until he didn’t sleep for like 120 hours and then he had a breakdown he never recovered from. Everytime he meets Cloud it feels like he penetrates him with his sword almost immediately. Top ten funniest antagonists in Final Fantasy. Funnier than the clown, not funnier than Garland, M. Radguy
The first yaoi I ever saw was on DeviantArt back in 2004-2005 and it was Sephiroth x Cloud. I want to be free of this curse, this white haired bishounen menace, anon. He haunts me. Cloud Strife is his excited little puppy and I'm so tired... so tired...
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totaldrama-sideblog · 3 months
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MK disguised as a Intern
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9wun0 · 5 months
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mikimeiko · 5 months
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I Leoni di Sicilia | Season 1 (2023), Paolo Genovese
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