#buuuuuuuuut i’m going to keep committing sewing crimes so i need the tank
britcision · 6 months
So this week in “the universe makes a concerted effort to give me more panic attacks”:
- my sewing machine has broken for the second time this month. Last time it fixed itself. This time it will not. Tried replacing the plug in just in case it wasn’t the whole machine - no good
- went hunting for mother’s sewing machine, which needs an extra huge transformer to be plugged in in this country without burning down the house
- found mother’s machine. No transformer. Pooled the family brain trust. The transformer may have been thrown out (mother’s machine also despises me and was why I never picked up sewing again for a decade)
- partner’s mother’s sewing machine is 3 hours drive away each way, and they do not currently have anywhere we can stay over while retrieving it (this machine also HATES me and will not sew for more than 2 inches without jumping)
- we have at least 3 costumes to finish by mid May, all of which are at least 6 different garments - and another 2 by mid June
- my disabled ass has finished two costumes in May before, both much smaller and I nearly died
- just found out I need to entirely redo the lining on one of them from scratch because one of my panels was too small but I trimmed the goddamn seams early to try and french seam the fraying fuck
- for some ungodly reason the embroidery thread I was using to try and make a lil doll face is bleeding black dye across the fabric that will not wash out
- just found out I’m not getting anymore billable hours at work, possibly until mid April
- my insurance company has now decided to stop covering half my meds up front, correctly deducing that it’s gonna be way harder for me to submit receipts for reimbursement because their online portal is a hellscape. Unrelated to sewing crisis, just not helping
Fortunately I do not stand alone against said universe and between us partner and I were able to sneak in on a huge sale today and afford an actual new sewing machine, which can be repaired by the shop we bought it from if it also dies
(If we’d waited another 2 days no chance we could not have afforded it, woulda had to get a dinky baby machine and hope it was as powered by dark gods as the last one or go thrifting
One friend who went to sewing school has told me multiple times my previous machine should not exist (sewed 8 layers of insulated padding on tension setting 2) - the model is completely discontinued and I couldn’t even find refurbished
Another friend has now acquired 3 thrift/given machines, none of which actually work and are all missing parts
This was somehow literally the best week this could have happened if it had to happen at all)
So yeah hyperventilating still happened but I am learning new tricks to stop that and didn’t get a full blown panic attack, we remain triumphant
And we made pancake cookies
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