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omw2happiness · 1 year
HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 33:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 33: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 05.05.2023
《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Relying on the Teacher亲近善士IP/赞颂:相思湖畔https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp9t7-k0Ynk请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
文殊赞(二)HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 54:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 54: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 20.09.2023
文殊赞(二) 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Prologue/ The Greatness of the Teaching 皈敬颂 造者殊胜IP/赞颂:文殊赞(二) https://youtu.be/T7nQEPTkQsY?si=KCMZI4S2va7qwJ2z 请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
跟上文殊行 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 53:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 53: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 19.09.2023
跟上文殊行 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Prologue/ Atisha/ The Greatness of the Teaching 皈依颂 造者殊胜, 教授殊胜 IP/ 赞颂:跟上文殊行https://youtu.be/H96CW33tn9c?si=D1ENu2orjSzkwmGM 请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
祈请大师颂 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 52:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 52: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 18.09.2023
祈请大师颂 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Prologue/ The Greatness of the Teaching/ The Greatness of the Teaching 皈依颂 造者殊胜, 教授殊胜 IP /赞颂:祈请大师颂 https://youtu.be/VYvZ7chqQQw?si=BxkjlGTefkI8tsC3 请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
杰仁波切 (2) HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 51:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 51: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 17.09.2023
杰仁波切 (2)《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Prologue/ Atisha 皈依颂 造者殊胜 IP /赞颂:杰仁波切 (2)https://youtu.be/hX-U8v0h2mQ?si=GyM3fuzjNXwzD8tF请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
思念的河 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 50:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 50: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 16.09.2023
思念的河 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Prologue/ Atisha 皈依颂 造者殊胜 IP /赞颂:思念的河 https://youtu.be/zqx7UhIB7nQ?si=rUtvfisD93GtuSHq请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
踏浪而歌 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 49:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 49: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 15.09.2023
踏浪而歌《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Prologue/ Atisha 皈依颂 造者殊胜 IP /赞颂:踏浪而歌 https://youtu.be/J0jc_t6Hzfo?si=ThcpDvqPClzNBVnG 请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
般若波羅蜜多心經 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 48:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 48: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 14.09.2023
般若波羅蜜多心經 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Meditative Serenity, Insight科判: 奢摩他, 毗钵舍那 IP/赞颂: 般若波羅蜜多心經 https://youtu.be/BrKZAldb5ew?si=BQi1o-BhRwrVaQo2 请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
文殊菩萨祈求颂 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 47:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 47: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 13.09.2023
文殊菩萨祈求颂《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels & The Precepts of Refuge, The Perfection of Meditative Stabilization and Wisdom, Meditative Serenity, Insight科判:皈依三宝, 般若波罗蜜, 奢摩他, 毗钵舍那 IP/赞颂: 文殊菩萨祈求颂https://youtu.be/jEZlUJxRg50?si=h13tydQa6_nDMBES 请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
灵凤箜篌曲 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 46:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 46: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 12.09.2023
灵凤箜篌曲《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Meditative Serenity, Insight科判:奢摩他/毗钵舍那IP/赞颂: 灵凤箜篌曲 https://youtu.be/Qt6SaHH3cz0?si=e0szWxZls624NHop请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
正念威武 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 45:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 45: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 11.09.2023
正念威武 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: How to Listen to and Explain the Teachings, The Stages of the Path for Persons of Great Capacity/ Compassion, the Entrance to the Mahayana / The Seven Cause-and-Effect Personal Instructions / Exchanging Self and Other / The Ritual for Adopting the Spirit of Enlightenment, Meditative Serenity科判:听闻轨理, 菩提心次第, 奢摩他…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
月光下 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 44:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 44: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 10.09.2023
月光下《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: The Perfection of Joyous Perseverance, Meditative Serenity科判:静虑波罗蜜, 奢摩他 IP/赞颂:月光下https://youtu.be/-10alCheU60?si=OtZxPJpL78gzebB3请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
You are by my side HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 43:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 43: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 09.09.2023
You are by my side《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Relying on the Teacher亲近善士 IP/赞颂:You are by my side https://youtu.be/XajZLrtq1E8?si=-LMHCoHhKXiyAgR9请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
树影婆娑明月照 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 42:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 42: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 08.09.2023
树影婆娑明月照 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Relying on the Teacher亲近善士 IP/赞颂:树影婆娑明月照 https://youtu.be/pfvkRsrRGns?si=rBuYpL200Urn1Diz请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s Path.…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
喜迎菩萨冉冉来 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 41:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 41: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 07.09.2023
喜迎菩萨冉冉来 《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行 :赞颂与广论》 Table of Content/科判: Relying on the Teacher亲近善士 IP/赞颂:喜迎菩萨冉冉来 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgB4ge6TCOs请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s…
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omw2happiness · 1 year
拉紧我的手 HEARTSTRINGS OF PRAISE:《为毘婆舍那做前行 40:赞颂修行》Pre - Vipassanā Discourse Preparation 40: Cultivation Through insightful Praise 06.09.2023
Table of Content/科判: Relying on the Teacher亲近善士IP/赞颂:拉紧我的手-新版 https://youtu.be/KT9BmS5kV58请您听着赞颂,学着广论,得师长加持, 永远追随佛陀。 Let’s listen to Insightful Praises as we learn the Lamrim and be blessed by our lineage masters and eternally follow Buddha’s Path. 拉紧我的手《Offering Insightful Praises is Cultivation》《赞颂即是修行…
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