theendcaller · 2 years
Morning has come and club Euphoria has officially closed its doors until evening rolls around once more. The hosts who have not left crowd around the bar. Hoots and hollers follow the sound of a cork being popped.
Although Fandaniel was the one to suggest a round of drinks before heading out into the dark of the early morning, he has casually slipped off, unnoticed. It goes without saying he has something other than silly merrymaking on his mind right now. He has a dragon to snatch a hold of before he leaves.
But of course, it is impossible for him to do this like a normal person.
“Yoo hoo, Romanus!” He calls in a voice entirely unlike his own. That is because he is not using his own voice. He isn’t even using his own face and body, for that matter. With but a mere flick of the wrist, Fandaniel has glamoured over his own the appearance of a certain tall, busty woman who not too long ago had been rumored to have attempted to put soap in his drink once upon a time. Theatrics, obviously.
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“I was wondering if you were interested in joining me for a little stroll out to some uninhabited, open space now that we are free from work.” He says this casually leaning idly against the wall, shapely hip popped. The newfound curves convey a level of sassiness that would not be present otherwise.
“Something has been itching at my curiosity ever since our little meet up at the cafe, you see. I’m wondering if you could scratch it for me this morning. I promise it won't be tedious!”
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ryuujin · 2 years
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"Oh, my dear, sweet Romanus!" It doesn't take long for Ryuujin to throw his arms around his fellow dragon, practically yanking the young man down into a tight embrace. "What a splendid sight you are! You have quelled the brutal storm that has been relentlessly wreaking havoc in my poor, little heart!"
To be frank, he was on the precipice of intense panic upon waking up here again with memories of his last involuntary stay. Seeing a familiar face is fortunately helping but who knows how long this warm sense of relief will stay?
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