#by all I mean Mor Val Rhys Az and Cas
prythianpages · 7 months
since I brought up the next update, I do have a question.
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hellas-himself · 5 years
Crack Ship Holidays
Halloween- Pt. 2- Cassian x Feyre
Cassian walks into the kitchen as he ties up his hair. He smiles as I hold out a cup of coffee to him.
“Good morning,” he says, leaning down to kiss me. He takes the cup as he pulls away.
“Az called me when I got out of the shower. He’s staying home with Iliana so Elain can go back to work.”
“So, early day?”
He nods, taking a sip of his coffee before opening my fridge.
“I didn’t know you were staying the night!”
He shakes his head and closes the door.
“Wanna come to work with me? We can stop for breakfast.”
“Let me change,” I say, looking down at my clothes which is nothing more than his shirt.
“I mean… I wouldn’t mind,” he says as I walk past him. He slaps my ass when I flip him off. 
I put on a black skater dress with ripped tights. I find the socks covered in skeletons and tombstones before going after his leather jacket and my boots. I grab my messenger bag and make sure my sketchbook and pencils are in it before throwing my phone and wallet inside.
“Ready?” he asks and I nod. The way he’s looking at me makes me blush.
Downstairs, Cassian opens the door to his truck and takes me by the waist and hauls me up, saving me the embarrassment of trying to climb into the damn thing with a dress on. It’s an effort not to think much of the way his hands linger on my thighs as I pull my bag off and set it down.
Cassian lets me pick the music for the drive to the shop but we love the same music, so he doesn’t complain when I find the playlist we have been working on for the Halloween party next week. We sing along to a few songs until we stop at the café for breakfast. We take our order to go and hurry back to the truck.
I hold our food while Cassian unlocks and pushes up the storefront gate. I’ve been here many times and it still throws me off when I see the graffiti on the wall that he and I had done when he first bought the space. Cassian keeps pictures and discarded tattoo ideas on the walls in the break room. I love them all but two of them are my favorite: One is of all of us together shortly after Elain and Azriel got married. She’d gotten her first tattoo that day, the start of the half sleeve she now has of watercolor flowers[LS1] . The second is the day he adopted Valo. We’re sitting down with Val in my arms and Cassian has an arm around my shoulder. It was your typical post adoption picture taken at any animal shelter, the kind that gets posted on their social media for all the world to see and I love it.  
“I have a few scheduled sessions today,” Cassian says, bringing me from my thoughts. “It’s his day off, but Rhys is going to come by and take care of any walk ins.”
“I could watch Iliana for them,” I find myself saying. “It’s not like I’m doing anything.”
Cassian looks at me funny before stealing bacon off my plate.
“Bullshit. You’re helping me out today.”
“Doing what?”
When he grins, I already know and I groan.
“I hate you,” I say and reach over and take his bagel.
“You weren’t saying that last night,” he teases and I know I’m blushing.
“Fuck you, Cassian.”
“Here? I think that’s an OSHA violation-” Cassian laughs, even as I kick him under the table.
There are very few things I hate in this world, and answering phones is up there. But for Cassian, I suck it up. I get to sketch in between calls, and greet those who walk in. Rhys shows up and it’s as if he hasn’t seen me in years with the way he hugs me.
“Ignore him,” Lucien says as he comes to give me a kiss. “He went jogging with Valo this morning and had way too much sugar with his coffee.”
Lucien doesn’t stay long. But he does promise to come by for lunch and bring us all food. With Cassian and Rhys busy working, the group chat is silent. I text Elain to ask about Iliana and I’m surprised when she responds.
She’s still got a fever and if she throws up again Az is going to have to take her to the doctor.
I can help, you know.
I know, Feyre… But Nesta mentioned that job and I didn’t want to bother you.
It’s NOT a job… Just volunteering for now. Until then… I guess I’m answering phones for Cassian.
I watch the dots appear and disappear as Elain tries to respond. I want to call Nesta and tear her a new one, but it would be pointless and I can’t give her the satisfaction in knowing she’s pissed me off.
I can’t believe her!!!!! Well… I’ll be sure to tell Az that Cassian is torturing you. Rhys and Lucien watched Iliana for our date night last weekend… You can be next. ; )))))
It’s almost dinner time, but Cassian is still working on his last client. He’s almost done. I can hear Lucien and Rhys talking amongst themselves, but I don’t pay much attention. There’s something soothing, hypnotic almost, in watching Cassian work. It’s almost as if I am looking at myself when I’m painting or lost in a sketch. I cannot understand how Tamlin had watched me paint for hours and didn’t feel what I feel watching Cassian. Tamlin would leave my apartment in a shit mood or start bitching about being ignored. Cassian always looks at me in awe when I’m done with a piece. No matter how simple it is.
Rhys and Lucien leave once the client is having Cas take pictures of their tattoo. I get called over to look at it and like always, I’m blown away by his work. The contrast in his shading is impeccable and when I tell him so, Cassian actually blushes.
I help him clean up and notice the picture on the wall behind his table. It’s of me with Val at the park. I remember that, Cassian had taken the picture. There are other pictures of his brothers and our friends but mine is slightly set apart. I don’t say anything about it- in all the years I was with Tamlin, I never had his picture on my desk at work. But Cassian? My students used to think he was ‘Ms. Archeron’s special friend’. I smile just thinking about it.
Cassian lets me lock the door and the storefront gate. He throws an arm around me as we walk to his truck.
“Dinner at my place?” he asks as he opens the door for me.
I nod as he lifts me up by the waist and sets me down in the truck. He flashes me a smile before closing the door and I buckle up while he walks around to the driver’s side. The drive to his house doesn’t take long and once he parks the truck, I can hear Valo barking.
Valo nearly knocks me down when Cassian opens the door.
“Hi, baby,” I say. Valo is almost as tall as I am, taller if he gets on his hindlegs.
Cassian whistles once he’s got the lights on and Val runs after him.
“Happy to see mommy, huh?” Cassian asks. “She’s so much prettier than uncle Rhysie, right?”
I laugh when Valo barks. I lock the door and hang my bag on the closet door before going outside. Valo is running around while Cassian texts Rhys his thanks for watching him. I walk down the porch steps and call Val over. I run around the yard with him until Cassian calls him back inside. He’s smirking when I walk up the stairs.
“You can’t just get me a dog to say sorry,” he says playfully, poorly imitating me.
“Okay, okay. It worked. But you didn’t adopt him until you got the house, so I had many years to get over it.”
“Uh huh. Whatever you say, bunny.”
I smack his arm and go inside. We take off our jackets and boots and I offer to bring them to the closet in the entrance hall so he can get a head start on dinner. When I go to the kitchen, Val is curled up on the floor watching Cas walk around. As usual, I help him with dinner prep but he handles the rest. I use that time to sketch, sitting on the floor and leaning back against the cabinet. Valo comes to cuddle next to me.
“He was so little when he came home,” I say softly, reaching out to pet him. Cassian looks back and just smiles.
We eat dinner in the dining room and Valo is falling asleep under the table. I offer to wash dishes when we’re done, but Cassian insists on doing it himself. But I’m just as stubborn as he is, so we end up working together.
“Hey, so do you want to stay a bit longer or want to head home?” Cassian asks as I hand him the last dish.
“Uh… Whatever you want. I can take a cab home so you don’t have to leave again.”
Cassian makes a face. “Why? I don’t mind.”
I clean my hands and rinse them off. He hands me a paper towel.
“Cas… You already stayed out because of me. I don’t want Val to start tearing the house apart.”
“He’s been outside plenty today, and he can come in the truck. It’s really not a big deal, bunny.”
I sigh. “Why don’t we finish that episode… Mor’s been bugging me about it.”
“I’ll take you home after?”
I roll my eyes and toss my paper towel at him.
“Yeah, Cas.”
“If you get bored tomorrow… Come by work,” Cas says as he parks his truck in front of my building.
“So I can answer your phone?”
“I was going to say to spend your day with your best friend, but sure. That works, too.”
I laugh. “I’ll think about it.”
I give Valo kisses as I wait for Cas to walk around the truck and help me out. It happens way too soon. Cassian’s hands linger on my waist once he sets me down.
“Let me know when you get home,” I say and he nods, looking over at Val who’s already whining. “Daddy isn’t leaving you, Val. I won’t keep him from you.”
Cassian has a stupid smirk when I look back at him.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“But you’re thinking it.”
Cassian pulls me in for a hug.
“I’ll call you when I get to the house.”
“Drive safe.”
Cassian kisses me and I want so badly to tell him to stay. But Val keeps whining and we both sigh. He gives me one more kiss before he walks away. I close the passenger door while he gets into the driver’s seat. Once he’s in, he starts the engine and I hurry upstairs. Cassian won’t leave until I turn the light on of my bedroom, something he does even if he walks me to the door.
Once I hear him drive off, I drop my bag on the floor and let out a sigh.
I’m getting out of the shower when Cassian calls me. I put him on speaker while I find something to wear.
“I’m home,” he says and I know that he’s stretching.
“Did he calm down?” I ask and I hear Cas chuckle.
“No,” he says, clearly teasing. “He misses you too much.”
“Well I always miss him when I’m here… And you, too.”
Cassian doesn’t say anything and I mentally curse myself. I settle on a pair of red plaid, flannel pajama pants and a worn-out t-shirt. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and shut off my bedroom light.
“I found your Iron Maiden shirt,” I say as I climb into bed. I set the phone on my chest once I’m under the covers. I hear when Cassian gets into bed, and when Valo jumps in with him. When I’m there, Val sleeps at our feet. When I’m there, I don’t have to lay awake in bed wishing I wasn’t by myself. Wishing I was with them.
“Fallin’ asleep on me, bunny?”
“No, that must be Val you feel on top of you.”
He chuckles. Then it gets quiet again.
“Hey, bunny?”
“Yeah, Cas?”
I hear him sigh and I can picture him running his fingers through his hair.
“I always miss you when you’re not here, too.”
Mor makes an unholy sound as she takes the first sip of her coffee. I hold the door for her as she walks out of the café. We are walking through town, intent on finding our Halloween costumes. Last minute, like every year. I use my straw to shake up my iced coffee and take a sip. Mor looks at me funny and I roll my eyes.
“So, what’s up with you and Cassian?” she asks as we cross the street.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you still fucking?”
“Christ, Mor!”
She laughs and loops her arm in mine.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
I know I’m blushing, which is stupid.
“Why?” I ask. I notice where we are and if we walk another block and make a right, I’ll see Cassian’s truck outside of the shop.
“What do you mean why? How long has this been going on? Six months? More?”
“Since New Year’s,” I say before I can stop myself. “I didn’t tell you until like… the second time it happened.”
“And that’s it?”
“No… Should something be different?”
Mor sighs as the thrift store comes into view.
“You haven’t wanted… more? Or are you two still playing the ‘this means nothing’ card.”
“That was in the beginning,” I say as we enter the store. A red gown catches Mor’s eye. “But… it’s not nothing.”
“What changed?”
I shrug but notice she’s not even looking at me.
“I don’t know…”
Mor pulls the gown off the rack and purses her lips.
“Dammit. This would only fit Amren.” She puts it back and I follow her down the aisle. “Is Cas still planning on being Khal Drogo?”
I giggle. “I ordered the body paint like last month.”
“Why aren’t you dressing up as Daenerys then?”
“I don’t know.”
“Listen… Last year you convinced him to be Dracula and you were Mina.”
“We weren’t involved last year.”
“Not physically.” Mor hands me her coffee to look through the racks faster. “Tamlin was so pissed off that you still came to the party without him.”
“Why was I going to miss out because he was being an ass?”
“Not to mention the fact that you didn’t want to dress up with him.”
“He wanted me to dress up as a fucking fairytale princess.”
Mor laughs. “Your default picture until Christmas was of you and Cassian dressed up. And you only changed it because I got Valo that cute little santa outfit. Otherwise, I bet it would’ve stayed the same.”
“Not true. There were so many nice pictures of us that night the guys took us ice skating.”
Mor winces. “Don’t remind me.”
“You got a girlfriend out of it.”
“Yes, but having to wear that boot for three weeks was a nightmare.”
“Why aren’t you two dressing up as a doctor and nurse?”
When Mor blushes, I already know and I cackle.
“Don’t tell me you and Cas don’t dress up.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“That’s not an answer.”
I drink my coffee and Mor’s eyes go wide.
“Tell me.”
“Indulge me.”
I groan and look around. There’s hardly anyone else here.
“So… It wasn’t planned. You remember Viviane’s costume party? For her birthday?”
“Where Cas showed up like a football player and you-” Mor throws her head back laughing. “Oh my god. You wore your fucking cheerleader outfit from senior year.”
I regret every word that comes out of my mouth.
“You know Cassian makes everything into a joke,” I say, running my fingers through my hair. “So I teased him back and it was just…”
“You’re blushing! What did he say?”
“Nothing I will ever repeat.”
Mor laughs until she chokes on air and takes many sips of her coffee.
“Dress up as Daenerys. I’ll do your hair. Make up. Just, indulge me.”
“What if it puts him off?”
“Feyre… If Cassian hauled your ass into one of Viviane’s guestrooms then, I don’t see why he wouldn’t do the same now.”
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hellas-himself · 4 years
Crack Ship Holidays
Friendsgiving pt. 5 
The day after Thanksgiving is when our Christmas begins. We put up decorations and the tree and then our holiday season ends in the middle of January. I had meant to post this sooner but it’s been hectic lol but y'all already know the deal. 
“I’m so glad you could come with me,” Aelin says and loops her arm around mine. “Elide didn’t believe me when I said the lines wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Mor told me the same thing.”
“And where is she?”
“Hung over. She’ll be doing all her shopping from the comfort of her bed.”
“So smart… But I have no patience for online shipping.”
We put the bags in the trunk of her car.
“You still haven’t gotten anything for Cassian,” she says as we get in the car.
“You haven’t gotten anything for Rowan.”
“Touché, Archeron.”
I roll my eyes and laugh.
“What did you get him last year?”
I hate that I blush but Aelin is busy backing out to notice.
“I wasn’t working last Christmas… But I painted a few pieces for everyone. What did you get Rowan?”
“Two things- One present to open in front of family, and another for when we were alone.”
When I look at her, she’s grinning and wriggling her eye brows.
“Christmas is also when Cas and I started getting… closer. We didn’t actually do anything until New Year’s but that’s beside the point.”
“What do you give a man who has everything?” she muses.
My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my pocket. Adela Rodriguez tagged you and Cassian Rodriguez in a post.
“What is it?”
“Cassian’s mom… she posted something on Facebook- and tagged me in it.”
“Well, what is it?”
I tap the notification and watch the screen change from my home screen to a picture of Cassian and I with her. Cassian is standing behind us, trapping us in a bear hug. Adela and I are laughing.
“It’s us… She wrote me something… Mi yerna querida, gracias por amar a mi hijo como el se merece.”
“And she speaks Spanish, too,” Aelin deadpans before giving me a smile.  
I laugh. “Says the musician… But yes. I practically lived in their house, so I learned…”
“What does that mean, though?”
“My beloved daughter in law, thank you for loving my son the way he deserves.”
“Oh, my god. That’s so sweet! How did dinner go with them?”
“It was amazing. I can’t wait to get the Christmas card in the mail. I’m in it this year.”
“That’s adorable.”
“What about you?”
“It was really nice… Aedion and Lys came over with Evangeline. Manon and Dorian stopped by with Elide and Lorcan. Fenris and Connall always spend the holidays with us, they brought the dessert this year.
“Rowan’s parents passed away when he was really young, as did my mine… Rowan isn’t close to his family- Only his cousin Endymion. My uncle Gavriel and cousin Aedion are the only family I have left, well by blood. There are uncles and all that, but they weren’t in my life until I was already an adult.”
Aelin spoke so frankly…
“I’m sorry, Aelin.”
“I- Thank you, Feyre… Holidays aren’t the easiest but in the end, we choose our family and I’m really lucky to have been able to find them.”
“In that I completely understand.”
Aelin pulls into the parking lot of the pet store.
“Where are your parents?” she asks me and I shove my hands in my pockets, the action making me think of Rhys. Of countless times I snuck out of my house to knock on their door.  
“Suburbs… But I don’t speak to them. Neither does Elain- Our older sister, Nesta, she still talks to our mother.”
“I haven’t met Nesta yet.”
I sigh. “You probably won’t.”
Aelin raises a brow as we step into the store.
“Nesta and Cassian dated when he started college. She treated him like shit and she has the nerve to be upset that I’m with him now.”
Aelin whistles.
“Well. My friend Yrene is married to my first boyfriend, Chaol. They’re having a baby. My best friend Dorian was my… something at one point and he’s with Manon, another friend of mine.”
“Cassian and Rhys aren’t brothers by blood… But I kind of dated Rhys, too.”
“You know… that doesn’t surprise me.”
“You remind me of Dorian and I. Because of your history, your connection to one another is deeper than anyone else- and it’s obvious.”
“It was fake at first,” I say and Aelin gapes at me. I roll my eyes and walk right to the dog aisles. “His girlfriend dumped him for some college guy so I kissed him in the parking lot to piss her off and then… That was that.”
Aelin cackles and throws an arm around me.
“That is the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”
“And Lucien… Well, people used to think we three were a thing.”
“Were you?”
“No… Not physically anyway.”
“Ah. Gotcha.”
I grab an elf’s hat and an antler head band.
“Let’s see what Cas thinks.”
“I like this, too,” Aelin adds, taking what looks like an ugly knitted sweater. It’s adorable.
I pull my phone out of my pocket and send Cassian a text. Elf or Reindeer? Though there’s ugly sweaters I like.
Dressing up for me, bunny?
I roll my eyes. No, dumb ass. Valo’s Christmas picture.
Cassian sends eye roll and thumbs down emojis before giving me a real answer.
Reindeer… But ugly sweater. Get both?
Alright, my love. Thank you. See you soon.
Elain is standing outside of my house, leaning against her SUV.
“I was just about to call you,” she says as Aelin and I get out of her car.
“Cas is probably in the shower or something,” I say as I fish for the keys in my pocket.
“No. He left with Az.”
“Did you forget what day it is?” Elain is smirking. She hugs Aelin and I before helping bring my bags inside. I don’t hear Val.
“Oh fuck,” I say, which makes Aelin laugh.
“What’s today?”
“Their fucking football game. I completely forgot!”
“And you have to be there,” Elain says. “It’s tradition.”
“Is this where all the boyfriends and girlfriends cheer their men on?” Aelin teases.
I look at Elain who’s smile goes wicked.
“Yes, Feyre. Even Lucien is doing it, and he’s playing, too.”
“Okay, I want to know what ‘it’ is,” Aelin says and crosses her arms.
“Let’s hide these in my art room,” I mutter and they follow after me. “Elain, Lucien and Adela have matching jerseys with their respective partner’s name- which is fucking adorable. But then there’s the fucking face paint and the pom poms-”
“Oh, my fucking god. Rowan has a game today- Please tell me Rowan is playing against Cassian.”
“He is, actually,” Elain says.
“I wear my high school cheer outfit every year,” Aelin happily adds. “Sometimes, I prefer it when Rowan’s team loses. The sex is amazing when he’s cranky.”
Elain laughs.
“Same with Az.”
“Wait, I don’t have one. A jersey, I mean.”
“That, baby sister, is where you are wrong.” Elain reaches into her enormous bag and hands me a folded jersey. “Had it made after you told me you were official.”
It’s black and white, with red letters. There are the numbers ‘07’ on the front and Cassian’s name on the back. It is so ridiculous and yet…
Aelin is waiting for Elain and I in the parking lot of the park. She has her hair in pig tails and she’s wearing a green and white cheer outfit with long sleeves. She even has pom poms.
“Elide is here already,” she says as she slips her phone into the pocket of her skirt and then she looks at me. “Damn, Feyre, I didn’t know you were hiding all that under those clothes.”
I sigh. I kept my hair down and tied the jersey at my waist, right where my long-sleeved white crop top stops. I paired them with waisted red leggings and the black, red and white sneakers I’ve had forever.
“Cassian isn’t going to be able to focus with all that ass.”
Elain snorts.
“And don’t act like I don’t see you, Elain,” Aelin says playfully. My sister blushes.
Aelin introduces me to her friends, all of them so beautiful I’m left dumbstruck. I introduce them to my sister as well as Adela and Elyse who immediately offered them sandwiches and coquito. There is music playing loudly and Iliana is dancing around her father who is absentmindedly spinning her around as he talks strategy with Lucien. Valo is rolling around in the ground with Aelin’s dog, Fleetfoot- a dog she and Dorian adopted together long before she and Rowan became a thing.
Amren is here as well, to my surprise but I see Varian chatting with Fenris and his twin brother, Connall- he made the boys’ team even. I see Cassian standing next to the tallest man I’d ever seen- brutally handsome with long black hair, tied up in a messy bun just like Cassian has his.
And then he sees me.
Aelin slaps my ass and winks before I walk over towards him. I hear her calling for Rowan in a sing song voice behind me.
“Hello, handsome,” I say as Cassian pulls me in for a kiss.
“I was going to ask you what you got me for Christmas,” he whispers into my ear as his hands wander down to grip my ass. “But it looks like Christmas came early.”
“Stop it!” I laugh and he kisses me again.
He seems to remember that his friend is standing there still. He isn’t smiling, but his eyes are alight with amusement.
“Bunny, this is Lorcan. He works with Rowan. Lor, this is my girlfriend, Feyre.”
I give him a wave.
“So you’re the girl in the picture,” he says and I look at Cassian expectantly. He laughs and rubs the back of his neck.
“What picture?”
“It’s nothing,” he says and punches Lorcan’s arm. “Let me introduce you to the guys.”
Lorcan smirks but when I hear Elide call his name, he smiles. A real smile. Cassian takes my hand and guides me away.
“What was that all about?”
“He’s an ass.”
“Clearly. But really, what picture?”
Cassian sighs. “I’ll show you later.”
I raise a brow and Cassian kisses me.
“Alright, Rodriguez. I won’t forget.”
“I’m counting on it.”
Fenrys is one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever met in my life. Like Rhys, and Dorian. He is just as flirtatious as Aelin and Cassian are but his twin brother is way more reserved and I am not surprised to see Connall navigate towards Azriel. Aelin’s cousin could pass as her twin brother but he also reminds me of Cassian in a way.
“Evangeline is amazing. I love having her in class,” I say to Lysandra and Aedion who are looking at her fondly. Evangeline is blushing. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the art show.”
Rhys and Lucien finally show up, with Helion and Aurelie in tow.
“Sorry we’re late,” Rhys says.
“You went black Friday shopping, didn’t you?” Cas asks and Rhys just shrugs.
“He and Mor were gone all morning,” Lucien replies and Rhys looks at him as though he’s been betrayed. “Hungover my ass.”
“Well, I’m here now!”
Lucien rolls his eyes and ties up his hair.
“I will ask one of Rowan’s friends to switch with me so I can kick your ass,” Lucien snaps at Rhys.
“Do it then.”
“Hey, I know you two like to argue as foreplay but this is Feyre’s first game as Cassian’s girlfriend,” Azriel says in a rather saccharine tone. It’s almost condescending. “Let them have their moment.”
I can’t help but laugh as Rhys and Lucien practically pry me away from Cassian to apologize and hug and kiss me profusely. I can hear Adela scolding Azriel but the tone in her voice is jovial.
Vinny calls for them to separate into teams. Lucien does in fact switch places with Fenrys, who is all too happy to be on ‘the team that Feyre is cheering for’.
I take my seat beside my sister and Adela as everyone takes their place on the muddy field. Vinny is acting as goal keeper. I had always cheered the boys on, though Elain and Adela are always the most vocal. Nothing has changed in the way Cassian smiles when our eyes meet, or the way I jump to my feet to cheer him on as he makes a goal. I just can’t believe I’d never noticed it before. I have been to nearly every one of Cassian’s footballs games, even when he was dating Nesta. I’ve seen him lose some, seen him win but it never gets old.
Aelin is betting Elide that Cassian is going to hand Lorcan his ass while Manon shouts at Rowan’s team- she should have been a coach. They don’t get into a fight, but it is obvious they are not used to actually having to worry about the opposing team. It’s amusing, but I know that someone is going to be bruised and aching later.
When the game is over, I am not surprised that Cassian’s team won but I am caught off guard as Cassian makes his way to me and lifts me off my feet. He kisses me, ignoring Elyse’s sounds of disgust. When we stop to breathe, I smooth his hair away from his face.
“Your football games would have been so much more fun if this was how they ended,” I say teasingly. Cassian laughs. “That was a good game, Cas.”
“I am beat,” he says as he sets me down.
“You guys were showing off.”
“Of course,” he says as he throws an arm around my shoulder. “I have to impress my girlfriend.”
I poke his side. “You don’t have to impress me. Win or lose, I am always proud of you.”
Cas looks at me and smiles.
“Hey, Cas!” Lorcan shouts as Elide hands him a small ice pack. “Rematch next weekend?”
“You’re on Salvaterre!”
Elide and I share the same look of exasperation.
“So, bunny, I made a stop or two before Az and I went to the park.”
“Did you?”
I follow him into the garage. He turns the light on and there are several bags and a large box…
“You got a Christmas tree?”
I walk right over to it and turn it to see the picture. It’s pre-lit, which is smart and has little red berries in it.
“If you don’t like the ornaments, I’ll go change them for something else.”
I give him a look before I look through the bags.
“Red and gold is perfect, Cas.”
“You sure?”
I nod. “Can we put it up tonight?”
He smiles. “I was hoping to.”
“I want to shower first though…”
I wave him off. “I’ll go preheat the oven for cookies and put a movie on.”
I pull a pair of stockings out of a bag and laugh.
“Cas, you didn’t!” They are red knit stockings with our monograms on them in white, there is even one for Val. “I love them so much.”
“Where should we hang them up?”
I look around the living room and my eyes fall on the little accent table he has against the wall where he’s setting up the tree. He keeps the remotes and controllers to his game consoles in there among other things. He has a few picture frames on it but nothing more.
“If you’re not opposed to putting holes in the wall… Maybe we can put a little shelf up there? I can put lights and our Yule log up there and then hang the stockings from it.”
Cassian looks at where I point to and gives a nod.
“Yeah… I think that would be nice. Let me get the tree up and then I’ll go see what I have in the garage.”
Once the tree is up and plugged in, Cassian disappears into the garage. I start putting up the ornaments- red and gold traditional ornaments, glittery birds and butterflies, snowflakes and icicles. I hear hammering and then the loud clang of the hammer falling before the drill goes off. Val and I look towards the garage curiously.
Cassian comes back with a shelf and the drill, as well as the leveler ruler.
“Tell me where,” he says and I set the box of ornaments down to mark the right spot on the wall. Val barks as Cassian drills the nails into the wall but stops when Cas looks back at him. Once the shelf is up, I hand Cassian the Yule log to set in the middle, then the candles decorated with holly and pine before he carefully arranges the white Christmas lights around them. He hides the switch behind one of the candles.
Cassian is grinning after I finish putting up the stockings and I find myself blushing.
He shrugs. “I don’t know… It’s nice. Getting to do this with you.”
I slide my arm around his waist.
“It is, isn’t it?” I lean into him. “I’ve never done this with anyone.”
“Neither have I.” He presses a kiss to the top of my hair. “Outside of family, anyway.”
I laugh. “How did you even manage to find a shelf so quickly?”
“Oh… Well, it had been meant for the guest room but I never got around to it so it had been sitting in the garage since I got the house.”
“I’m glad I was able to give it purpose.”
“Yeah… you do have a tendency of doing that.”
I poke his side. “Stop it.”
“Seriously… Anyway, let’s go finish the tree. Rudolph is starting soon and I want to be laying down by then.”
“We have that movie on DVD, Cassian.”
“But you know it isn’t the same.”
I sigh and roll my eyes. But I know he’s right.
I come back from the kitchen with a plate of cookies and a mug full of milk. Cassian is sitting on the sofa with his sketchbook on his lap while he flips through the channels.
“Here,” I say and hand him the plate before I pull down the little arm rest of the sofa to set the mug in a cupholder. It’s a perfect excuse to take his sketchbook and sit on his lap. I reach for the blanket and drape it over our legs as he slides an arm around me, holding me against him.
“So, I had free time at work the other day and was just… drawing bullshit. Warming up. Az wants to add to his sleeve but he hasn’t decided how. Anyway, I was sketching some shit out and I got this idea.”
Cassian sets the remote aside and opens his sketchbook. I’m mesmerized by all that I see as he flips through it and then he stops.
“It wasn’t supposed to be you, but when I started drawing her face… I couldn’t help it.”
“This is beautiful, Cassian.”
She’s a faerie of some kind, with wings like a bat rather than butterflies and a crown of moons on her head. Her dress isn’t complete, but I can tell it will be a gown of some sort.
“Lorcan saw it when he and Rowan stopped by to go over our plans for today.”
“I hope you finish it.”
“Yeah?” He kisses my cheek.
“I’ll let you tattoo it on me somewhere.”
“Bunny, don’t tease me like that. You know Rhys has been trying to be the one to give you your first tattoo.”
“He can give me my second one.”
“You serious?”
“I mean… why not? I would wait until Christmas break though-”
Cassian kisses me.
“I’ll make you something better than this. I promise,” he kisses me again. “But first, our movie marathon.”
I laugh. “I love you so much, Cassian.”
“I love you too, bunny.”
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hellas-himself · 5 years
Crack Ship Holidays
Friendsgiving Pt. 1
Soooo this is starting off where we left our two dorks last. This is going to take place before, during, and a bit after thanksgiving  Friendsgiving because I don’t celebrate but I do love the day off with my loved ones (and my grandma’s food but that’s besides the point) November is also Rhysand’s birthday month so NATURALLY that’s going to come up. major shout out to @bookloveaffair for letting me drop this crack ship on yall no shame. 
I hum along to one of the songs playing on my phone as I tap my pencil against the counter. I have three different budget options laid out in front of me and none of them work. The first one, I pay the rent and my car insurance but not my phone. The second, I pay the rent but not my car insurance to have my phone active in case the school called me. The third- I laugh. I can’t not pay rent. The bar had sent its last check but it was not enough. I was screwed. I only have until the fifth to pay my rent before my asshole landlord starts bitching about kicking me out. 
When I hear the front door unlock, I gather my bills and the envelopes I wrote on and put them into a pile. Cassian steps into my apartment and pulls off his hat.
“Can you believe it’s already snowing?” he asks as he closes the door.
“I hope it sticks,” I reply as I slide off the bar stool to greet him. His coat is wet and cold when I hug him but I don’t care. Not when he kisses me the way he does.
“Ready to go?” he asks and I smile.
“Let me go get my coat.”
He kisses me again before I hurry to my room. I grab the bag I packed with more clothes as well as the big bag full of my art supplies. Cassian had said I should have it just in case the school called me so I could just leave directly. His optimism is touching.
Cassian is leaning against the counter when I step out. He looks pensive but once he notices me, he grins and pushes himself off to take the bags from my hands.
The car ride to his house is quiet, but Cassian holds my hand the entire way. Every time he looks at me, I blush. Once we get to his house, I bring Valo outside while Cas carries my things to the bedroom.
“How was work?” I ask when Cassian comes to stand beside me. He puts an arm around my shoulder.
“It was great. Az and I got to work on a piece together. I wish you would’ve been there to see it.”
“Maybe next time?”
He presses a kiss to my temple.
“Yeah. We aren’t done by a long shot.”
“I can’t wait then.”
“What about you, bunny?”
“Well. When I wasn’t texting you, I was cleaning up the apartment and finishing up on laundry. I got my last check from the bar so I deposited it in the bank. I saw Aelin,” I say. “She was on her lunch break. I can’t believe we’d never run into one another before.”
Cassian chuckles.
“Oh and the groomer called to confirm Val’s appointment tomorrow. I told her I’d be there.”
“Thank you, bunny.”
I shrug and call our giant puppy over. Valo runs right into me and I don’t fall thanks to the arm Cassian has around me.
“Hey! Be careful, Val!” Cassian reprimands. Val whines and walks in a circle around us before bumping his head against my hand.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re happy I’m here, huh? I am too,” I say and kiss the top of his head.
Cassian lets me go and walks over to the small bin in the corner of the porch and pulls out a ball. He whistles to get Val’s attention before he throws it. I’m surprised it didn’t go over the fence by the force of it. Val barks and takes off after it.
“Will you be alright?” Cassian asks me.
“What do you mean?”
“With rent and all that?”
Oh. I blush and shove my hands in my pockets.
“I’ll figure it out.”
I don’t have to look at Cassian to know that he’s not satisfied with that answer. But he puts an arm around me and kisses the top of my hair. When Val comes back, I take the ball and Cassian laughs when I throw it. It doesn’t get very far but Val is thrilled.
“Why don’t you go pick a menu from that drawer in the kitchen and pick something for dinner? There’s cash in my wallet.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I would rather spend the next forty minutes with my beautiful girlfriend and our oversized lap dog than have to go inside and cook today.”
I giggled. “Alright. I’ll be right back.”
I give him a quick hug before I walk towards the door.
“Oh, and bunny?”
“Yes?” I stop and turn to look at him.
“I’ve got you,” he says. “Don’t worry about anything.”
I realize he isn’t talking about paying for dinner.
“Feyre’s here. I’ll call you when I get home… I love you too, Az.” Elain smiles at whatever Azriel is saying to her on the phone before she hangs up and slides the phone into her back pocket. She pushes herself off her SUV and opens her arms to me.
“Hey, you,” Elain says as I give her a hug.  
“Hey! I hope you weren’t waiting long. There was so much traffic coming here from the dog groomers.”
She kisses my cheek. “No, I just got here. Besides, it makes me feel like I’m in high school again when Az and I talk on the phone. I like it.”
Elain gives me a wink and when she grins, I already know what’s on her mind.
“You look happy.”
I know I’m blushing as Elain links her arm in mine.
“I am.”
“Az says Cassian has been smiling like an idiot lately. I wonder why.”
I roll my eyes but I can’t help the smile on my face.
“He asked me to be his girlfriend, El.”
“He did? When?”
“After the Halloween party.”
“About damn time,” Elain mutters and lets me go to grab a cart. She pulls a list out of her pocket and hands it to me. “Iliana’s been pestering me about you two, she’ll finally leave me alone.”
We share a laugh as we step into the store. Elain’s grocery list is divided by groups and despite the glitter gel pen used, this is Azriel’s handwriting.
“Your husband is so organized,” I say as we make our first stop.
“Well. Since I’m in charge of Rhysand’s birthday cake this year, I figured I’ll get some stuff now so closer to the date I’m not running around. With my luck, I wouldn’t find what I want if I leave it for then.”
“I agree with that wholeheartedly.”
“Speaking of which, I need your help designing it.”
“What’s the theme?”
“Lucien has no idea how to top Mor’s Harry Potter theme last year. The only thing Rhys loves more than that is The Wheel of Time and Lord of the Rings.”
“Oh! I can work with that.”
I hand Elain the list and pull out my phone.
LUCE!!!! Wheel of Time or LOTR? I can do either or. Or both. I hit send and slip my phone into my back pocket. We talk idly as we make our way down Azriel’s perfectly organized list.
“Cas and I take forever to do this,” I say as I grab a tub of ice cream from the freezer. “I might have to steal Az’s idea.”
Elain snorts. “That’s because you two are children. How does Cassian even fit in these carts? I don’t know how you’re still allowed to shop here.”
I smile and push the cart for Elain as we head towards the cashiers to pay. I feel my phone vibrate and pull it out of my pocket.
“I wonder what he decided,” I say as I unlock my phone. But it isn’t a text from Lucien. But from my bank. I don’t realize I’ve stopped walking until Elain tugs on my sleeve.
I breathe in sharply and let it out. I clear my throat and shove my phone back in my pocket.
“It’s nothing. It wasn’t Lucien.”
“What’s wrong?”
I shake my head and try to keep going but Elain stops me.
“Feyre. Is Tamlin still bothering you?”
I don’t like the way his name still pierces my heart and makes me feel afraid.
“No. It isn’t him… It’s just…” I stop and look away, needing to keep myself from crying. “Stupid car insurance already took the payment and so did my phone. I’m so fucking screwed.”
“Hey… If you need help, you know Az and I can take care of it.”
I shake my head with a sniffle.
“No. I’ll figure it out.”
Elain puts a hand over mine and nods her head.
“Let’s go pay for this,” she says. “I’m bringing Az lunch today. We can surprise Cassian, too.”
I nod and return her smile.
I don’t see Cassian when Elain and I step into the tattoo shop. But Az notices us and is already making his way over. He kisses Elain as though he hasn’t seen her in forever, leaving my sister blushing. Rhys has gratefully come to sweep me off my feet, literally.
“Hello, darling,” he says with a grin. When he sets me down, Az comes to give me a hug.
“Hungry?” Elain asks, and holds up his Marvel lunch box, a beat up, metal lunch box he’s had since grade school and Iliana had found at her grandmother’s house last summer and he’s used ever since. Az looks at his lunch box and then looks at Elain with a smile.
“I’m starving.”
“Stop it,” she whispers loudly and lets Az lead her away.
“What about me?” Rhys whines and I laugh.
“We both know Lucien is bringing you something.”
Rhys is beaming. “Aurelie is sending left overs.”
Rhys puts an arm around my shoulder and guides me to the break room. Cassian is walking inside from the back door when we step into the hallway.
“Hey, Cas.” Rhys wiggles his eye brows at us before he goes off to pester Elain and Az. “Elain made lunch so I brought you some.”
By some weird coincidence, my pink bento box was in Elain’s kitchen cupboard. It’s covered in purple butterflies and blue bunny rabbits. Cassian closes the space between us and takes it from my hands with an amused smile.
“Now I know I didn’t lose your lunch box,” he says and gives me a kiss. “When Lia stayed the night for their anniversary, I packed her school lunch with this.”
“That was months ago, Cas.”
He shrugs and I roll my eyes. I take his hand and lead him into the break room where everyone stops and stares at us. I have to let him go to take off my coat but once it’s hung up, he takes my hand again.
“Finally,” Az says and bites into his sandwich. Elain slaps his arm which seems to amuse him further.
Cassian sits down in his usual seat and pulls me down onto his lap. He slides an arm around me and uses one hand to open the bento box to pull out the sandwich Elain had made. I’m content to lean back and listen while he and the boys talk about their morning. Their plans for the evening.
“What’s wrong?” Cassian asks softly. I shake my head. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah… El and I ate before we left the house.”
“Valo still with Amanda?”
I nod. “He should be done soon.”
I can tell the others are trying and failing at pretending they’re not listening to our conversation despite having their own.
“I’d go with you to get him but I’ve got someone at one.”
“It’s okay,” I say and press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll walk him over later so we can ride home together.”
Cassian smiles.
After lunch, Cassian shows me the tattoo he’s working on. It’s a full sleeve.
“Bunny,” he says and puts his arm around me. “You zoned out. You didn’t even notice Az’s joke.”
“I did?” Fuck.
“What’s wrong?”
I let out a sigh and lean into him.
“The fucking car insurance and my phone payments went through this morning but that was rent money and I can’t believe I forgot to ask them not to use the auto pay this month.”
“Hey… hey, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
“Cas…” I want to cry. I hate how much I want to cry.
“We’ll talk about this when we get home,” he says and pulls me in for a hug. “Just… consider it. Please.”
I nod. “Let me get out of here,” I say, though I do not wish to be anywhere but here in his arms. “Val should be done soon.”
Cassian kisses me softly. “I love you,” he says.
“I love you,” I say back, and force myself to leave.
My arms are around Cassian’s neck, holding onto him as he kisses me ardently. His grip on my thigh is almost to the point of pain and I know it’s going to bruise. I don’t care. He’s panting when we stop to breathe, and I meet his gaze when he looks at me and I smile.
“Holy shit,” he says breathlessly and adjusts himself so that he’s merely laying on top of me. I don’t want to move. I’m not sure if I could if I tried. “That was…” He whistles.
“You’re carrying me around for the rest of the night,” I manage and he laughs.
“My pleasure.”
Cassian goes quiet as I run my fingers through his hair.
“Bunny,” Cas says, his voice like gravel. “Move in with me.”
I pause. “What?” My voice is no better than his.
“I’ll break the lease.”
“No… I mean. You’re serious?”
Cassian pushes himself up to look at me. The look on his face makes me want to kiss him.
“I don’t want you stressing over something so easily remedied. You practically live here anyway. The apartment isn’t anything more than storage.”
“But Cas…”
“When you start working, you can fight me on bills.”
I scowl and he leans in to kiss me.
“If it’s too soon, I’ll pay the rent.”
I shake my head, hating that there are tears in my eyes. Cassian panics but I reach up to pull him against me again.
“Okay,” I say.
“I’m sorry I’m crying… I’m just so overwhelmed and-” Cassian interrupts me with a kiss. He rolls us so that he’s on his back and I’m on top of him. My hair falls over my shoulders, and he reaches up to tuck some of it behind my ear.
“You’ll move in with me? Like for real?” He sounds the way he does on Christmas morning and he’s about to get his present.
“Yeah. For real.”
He sighs with relief and then his expression softens. I close my eyes and I feel him brush away the tears still falling from my eyes.
“Don’t apologize for how you feel. Least of all for crying.”
“I know, I’m-” I stop and open my eyes to look at him. I blush. “I’m trying.”
He places his hand at the nape of my neck.
“I know, bunny… I know.”
I smile. “You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Though he flashes me a cocky grin, he’s blushing.
“I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”
“You’re making me blush,” he says in a rather conspiratorial tone. “I have a reputation.”
“But I like it when you blush,” I say with a pout. It’s so hard not to laugh.
“Fuck my reputation,” he declares and kisses me in such a way, I know we’re not going to bed anytime soon.
“Can I have this?” Mor asks and I look up from where I am sitting on the carpet. She’s holding up a red sweater I’ve never worn before.
I go back to unscrewing the bedframe. Mor had taken the liberty of going through my dresser and closet while Cassian, Az and Rhys moved the heavy furniture downstairs to put in Cassian and Azriel’s trucks. I am giving it all away. Lucien has been changing my address online most of the morning, he even submitted the form to the post office for me.
“Hello, hello!”
I look up to find Aelin standing in my doorway.
“What are you doing here?”
She shrugs and walks over to where I am sitting. I give her a hug when I stand up.
“Rowan had wanted to go to the gym with Cassian but he said he was busy moving his girlfriend out of her apartment and into his lovely home,” she says and pokes my side. “When did this happen?”
“Just a few days ago.”
“That’s unacceptable. I gave you my number, right?”
I shake my head, and she groans. With a laugh, I unlock and hand her my phone. She takes ONE selfie and saves it for her contact picture.  
“In one try?” I ask, completely taken aback.
“It’s all about knowing your angles,” she says proudly. “I can show you.”
“Uh… Yeah. Maybe once I’m all settled in.”
Aelin beams at me and hands me my phone.
“Now you have no excuse. I want to know everything. I need to know else I’ll die.”
“Ignore her. She’s no better than Tinker Bell.”
Rowan walks into the room with Cassian right behind him. He comes to hug me hello and he keeps an arm around my shoulder before reaching out to pinch Aelin’s cheek.
“So. Tell us what to do. We’re all yours today,” Rowan says.
“Damn babe. I thought you were kidding when you said you wanted-” Rowan silences Aelin with a glare that has her cackling.
“Uh… My bookshelf? I have a separate bin for the fragile stuff.”
Mor peers out of the closet. She looks like she’s up to no good.
“Let Rowan do the shelf. Come help me get these clothes sorted,” she says to Aelin who wriggles her eye brows as she walks off to join Mor. Rowan follows her and says hi to Mor before shrugging off his coat.
Cassian makes his way towards me as Rowan grabs himself a cardboard box and unfolds it before the bookshelf.
“You alright?” Cas wraps his arms around me. I bite down a shiver from how cold his sweater is.
“Yeah… You?”
“I ordered pizza. Elain is on her way over here with Iliana.”
I smile and give him a kiss.
“I’m leaving with Az to drop the furniture off. But call me if you need anything.”
Cassian kisses me, earning a sound of disgust from Mor. When we look at her, she stops and sighs.
“God, I love you guys,” she says and before I notice, she’s got her phone out and I am blinded by the flash. 
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