#by boone AND struggling with the fact fuse is in support of the syndicate for his own selfish gain. but they're not. it's just boone.
gladfang · 7 months
i think the biggest writing flaw with fusehound and maggie's involvement is that it not only does a disservice to everyone involved but it minimises the actual interesting conflict in their character writing in favour of relationship drama.
maggie's conflict with fuse isn't because he abandoned their efforts to save their planet from colonisation by the syndicate in favour of a blood sport, it's because maggie's framed as an abusive ex-girlfriend who didn't want fuse to 'follow his dreams' and leave her behind.
bloodhound's struggle to let fuse in emotionally isn't because fuse is complicit with the very people who caused their planet to be destroyed and mined out for resources, ultimately leading to their family being killed, it's because of what hapened to boone.
i don't even think fuse HAS much character motivation at this point. his whole character is that he's compliant with whoever's giving him the more interesting offer be it maggie, blisk or bloodhound. this in itself isn't a bad writing decision imo! i think it's interesting to have a character whose previous 'selflessness' was clearly selfishness as it becomes more and more aparent their morality is entirely based on their own comfort.
HOWERVER, the writing is sooo kind to fuse. apex wants you to think that fuse is in the right and maggie is in the wrong for trying to stop him, but they obviously don't want the message to be 'maggie is wrong for opposing violent colonisation of her homeland' so they cut it off at the knees once fuse and bloodhound are pushed together and made to kiss. that's ignoring the very CLEAR and more INTERESTING direction where they actually show bloodhound at odds with the fact fuse is just objectively not a very good man and that maggie alligns with bloodhound's struggles much more closely.
i don't understand in a game whose writers obviously loooove writing relationship conflict (will never forgive what they did to bangaloba and valkyrie as long as i live and breathe) why the one time they have a perfect set up they completely squander it.
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