#and like i know i knoooooow that characters can have more than one thing going on. like bloodhound could have still been traumatised-
gladfang · 7 months
i think the biggest writing flaw with fusehound and maggie's involvement is that it not only does a disservice to everyone involved but it minimises the actual interesting conflict in their character writing in favour of relationship drama.
maggie's conflict with fuse isn't because he abandoned their efforts to save their planet from colonisation by the syndicate in favour of a blood sport, it's because maggie's framed as an abusive ex-girlfriend who didn't want fuse to 'follow his dreams' and leave her behind.
bloodhound's struggle to let fuse in emotionally isn't because fuse is complicit with the very people who caused their planet to be destroyed and mined out for resources, ultimately leading to their family being killed, it's because of what hapened to boone.
i don't even think fuse HAS much character motivation at this point. his whole character is that he's compliant with whoever's giving him the more interesting offer be it maggie, blisk or bloodhound. this in itself isn't a bad writing decision imo! i think it's interesting to have a character whose previous 'selflessness' was clearly selfishness as it becomes more and more aparent their morality is entirely based on their own comfort.
HOWERVER, the writing is sooo kind to fuse. apex wants you to think that fuse is in the right and maggie is in the wrong for trying to stop him, but they obviously don't want the message to be 'maggie is wrong for opposing violent colonisation of her homeland' so they cut it off at the knees once fuse and bloodhound are pushed together and made to kiss. that's ignoring the very CLEAR and more INTERESTING direction where they actually show bloodhound at odds with the fact fuse is just objectively not a very good man and that maggie alligns with bloodhound's struggles much more closely.
i don't understand in a game whose writers obviously loooove writing relationship conflict (will never forgive what they did to bangaloba and valkyrie as long as i live and breathe) why the one time they have a perfect set up they completely squander it.
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honeykpop · 2 years
8, 10, and 15 for SKZ with the kpop ask thing. ☺️ I'm super curious about your answer for 15.
Oh my goooood these ones are hard I'm so long winded sorry hah
8. Your favorite album?
Its hard not to pick one of the newer ones for the sheer factor of getting to experience it as it happens - I have serious like.....retroactive fomo (do people still say that???) that I wasn't in this since predebut BUT!! Based on sheer density of songs I love it would have to be I Am Who? like you're seriously going to give me question, insomnia, m.i.a, and awkward silence BACK TO BACK?? Insanity. AND MY PACE IS THERE..... Also maybe my favorite era for jisungs hair which is incredibly important to only me lmao i have considered paying real adult money for the photocards from the i am not/i am who/i am you era - which is a bit out of character for me - but they are (understandably) more expensive so I am hesitant
10. Favorite music video?
THIS IS ACTUALLY WORSE THAN FAVORITE SONG SOMEHOW??? I literally could think of a favorite song faster than I could think of a favorite mv (blueprint im almost 90% sure) can I cheat and say all the street versions???? Okay I'm gonna say Cheese only because I know if I think about it for too long I'll change my mind
15. What's a concept you would like to see them try?
So this is a funny question because I feel like I have different answers for musically and visually. If you ask me musically I would say that I knoooooow they've already done more rock leaning songs but I need MORE like the level of hype I get listen to YAYAYA and Rock is just off the charts give me more growly headbanging skz I know they can do it!!! And then visually....................mostly because I don't know if it would mess with their signature skz sound too much to do it musically
and hear me out I know its overdone practically done to death at this point
but I think they would look really cute in a retro concept
by the end of this I have already considered changing my favorite mv to Ex, Get Cool, and Any..........how do people decide.......
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years
i mean i only had three weeks to get it done so naturally i’m finishing it three days before the next ep airs, would you expect anything less?
Ok we start off hot with a subtly jealous Nick scene and I love it. Ellie is like stunned that such a thing even exists “a covid crush” because lets be honest, she probably has no eyes for anyone else at this point - even if it’s been a YEAR (well 10ish months) a whole ass YEAR since the jail cell scene and can I just tell you I am mad about that. Why they do us dirty and skip a whole dang year?? Why can’t we quick flash forward every couple of months?? I mean I know it has felt like an entire year has gone by in a week, RIP 2020 no one will miss you, but like I wanted to see it 😩 and I better get at least some kind of explanation for whatever the F has gone down between these two from “well what are we gonna to about that as we stand 5 inches apart” to now. I demand this explanation. 
Anyways, back on track here - Nick is jealllllllous BUT different kind of jealous for this man because for once he’s not all dark and broody about it. He’s over here willingly, *willingly* bringing up said jealousy aaaand he’s smiling about it (!!!) because despite them still not being together (where’s the Gibbs’ headslap when you actually need it amiright) he’s not worried about this crush. He knows her feelings and his so it’s like yeah I’m a little jealous but also I’m gooood, I got this one in the bag 😏 (also can I just say I need Ellie to show him he does not in fact ‘have this in the bag’ if he’s gonna act like a little shit and push her away). 
This whole thing about babysitting and not wanting to take care of other living beings is very very very interesting considering they both loved taking care of Charlie (Cody, I blame this on pregnancy brain thank you @thekeyboardninja) in the end AND EVEN TALKED ABOUT PARENTING EVENTUALLY. So like, where did we backtrack??? Excuse me who allowed you to do such things. I’m feeling like they likely backtracked (this was s16 after all) because once again, the dust settled after their super close vulnerable moment and they went and hid behind those stupid walls they both have and somehow convinced themselves that being alone was better for them. IT’S A LIE YALL IT’S A LIE. You being together and taking care of each other is exactly what you need and it’ll be perfect and amazing and just DO IT ALREADY 😭
The team moment with Jimmy is so 🥺 and throughout the episode. I’m not going to touch on that stuff much because this is ellick focused but also because I truly do not need to sob again (even if I called Breena dying from covid like months ago and knew exactly what was coming with all of it but you know, I still cry, it’s fine, I’m fine). 
Ellie knowing Gibbs uses a weighted blanket and Nick doubting her is just comical to me 😂 mini side note before we get into how they have a thiiiiiing and it’s called always getting dibs on the elevator in tandem for months and McGee HOW CAN YOU NOT TELL. These two are so in sync even if they are still spectacularly failing at talking this out & taking that next step. Also months of Gibbs riding down the elevator with just those two…….the third wheeling must be slowly killing the old dude, give him a break you two. 
Tell me why these two have the exact same stance in the bullpen- could you be more obvious?? You rubbing off on each other. And then the walking up to the barbershop scene I caaaan’t. Ellie is SO flirty. Like so flirty. Who is this new Ellie and why do I love her so much. But Nick gives it right back too and her little giggle with shoulder shrug is just perfect. She’s fiiiiinally letting herself *feel* more and let it be out in the open and it’s just so great. I love seeing this character development for her 🥺 walls coming down, being more forward with her flirting and feelings and it’s all I’ve ever needed. Also we’re gonna take a small detour into Nick’s pants I mean the notebook he casually stashes in the front of his jeans like it doesn’t make a person look RIGHT. THERE. Don’t ask me why it’s hot, I don’t know the answers to the universe, it just is. We knoooooow Ellie is loving it’s location there, she wouldn’t mind flirtatiously taking it out at the next stop to “check” where they needed to go. You know, just helping a partner out- don’t worry Nick she’s got it handled 😏😏🔥🔥 Ok back from our detour, when Nick asks if she’s got him and she answers so quickly and almost with the undercurrent of “of course I do how is that even a question I’ll protect you until the day I die” (yes this is what she says), I love. 
Ok since when does Nick like puzzles and how does Ellie know this??? He was most certainly NOT a puzzle kind of guy when he first joined the team so are you telling me that maybe Ellie and her nerdiness (come on there’s no way she doesn’t love puzzles) got Nick into puzzles??? Also also also does everyone remember that time in covid lockdown where literally everyone and their mother did five thousand puzzles because we couldn’t leave our houses? Soooooo is this a nod to Ellie & Nick spending some time together doing puzzles (at presumably Ellie’s apartment because she’d be the one to have said puzzles) and turns out Nick loves them even more than she did???? Is this what you’re making me read in between the lines NCIS? Because I am most certainly ok with this. 
Ooooooooh-kay this 8pm thing for Nick. SO many possibilities. It’s been confirmed it wasn’t Ellie (which I won’t lie was my immediate wish) via Steven Binder on twitter (which I also won’t lie, my angst heart loves it’s something else). My take is it’s something (not another girl though) personal- I would *love* if it was therapy or some type of personal development thing. I think he realizes over the past year he has involuntarily retreated emotionally from Ellie even if outwardly it doesn’t show (no personal space and continued flirting). I think he *knows* he’s doing it emotionally and yet can’t figure out how to stop himself from doing it- like on the outside of his body watching him make a dumb mistake but unable to change a damn thing. SO I feel like whatever this 8pm thing is will play into that. It’ll somehow be related to Nick diving deeper into himself and trying to get more in touch with the parts of himself he loves to ignore/hide/push down. That could be therapy, a self-help class, getting in touch with family (but I don’t think he would feel the need to get secretive about this. i mean he already brought up Lucia to this dude, why would he all of a sudden be ashamed of a dinner/meeting with his mom or dad or something? i just don’t buy that). But anyways back to the point- it’s something Nick feels the need to hide in shame because that’s how he’s been conditioned as an undercover agent who feels the need to be tough and strong for everyone and being vulnerable is WAY too scary (helloooooo enneagram 8 nice to meet you I’m also an enneagram 8 Nick isn’t it fun). 
I don’t know why them talking so casually on the phone, while Nick is getting ready for the day no less is so damn pleasing to me. The simple domesticity of it all because it’s totally something one would do with their spouse is just 🥰🥰 And then their little freaking smiles can THEY NOT. Ellie you like glazed donuts?? Is this some kind of hint? Innuendo? Just a glaringly obvious chance to flirt and you don’t give a rat’s ass you’re in the middle of the bullpen with Gibbs’ listening to your conversation so you’ll take that chance anyways because you’re head over heels for this guy? Either way Nick’s little smirk oof. I think he takes it as all three of those things and he’s *perfectly* ok with it. UNTIL until, there’s always an until with you Nicholas god damn. Ellie nervously asking about NIck’s apartment 🥺 she may be head over heels but she’s still a little shy and unsure. She thought that jail cell moment would break things through for them and yet she’s- not to quote Taylor swift or anything because why on earth would I do that- right where you left her. WHY NICHOLAS WHY. Since we know Ellie has seen and is very familiar with the inner workings of Nick’s apartment come 16x10, I presume he moved, and it sounds like recently. From the looks of this new place it’s niiiiice. For someone who doesn’t like a lot of things (see s14 when he joins team I don’t remember the exact ep sorry) - he sure managed to settle into that apartment quite nicely. It’s furnished well, it’s homey for DC. And if he’s moved into it since after the jail cell, letting Ellie in is likely a big step in his eyes. But we know this has got to be a weird shift for Ellie. Seemingly so comfortable in each others’ spaces and now she hasn’t even been invited over?? Yeah you smell something fishy girl just like I do. Even if Nick has a cute ass smirk at the end of his little charade to hang up the phone. Wipe that smirk off your face sir you owe us I mean Ellie an explanation and a visit to your apartment. SHE WANTS TO BE YOUR HOUSEGUEST. SHE WANTS TO BE IN YOUR HOUSE. SHE WANTS TO BE IN YOUR PANTS WHILE IN THAT HOUSE. JUST LET HER ALREADY. Ok I’m done, moving on. 
Ok the guys opening the doors dramatically to let the one (1) woman on the team make a super badASS entrance is just 🔥🔥🔥 yes love it. 
Excuse me why does Ellie feel the need to completely turn her body from the rest of the team/bullpen to be 100% faced on Nick. Body language don’t lie bitch I see you. And Nick stealing a glance at Ellie before having to answer McGee’s question about roommates…..interesting, very interesting sir. You thinking about how she’s going to react to some rando being in your apartment AND staying the night before she has?? You thinking about making her a permanent roommate?? But of course he turns to quick humor for a hot sec because this is Nick and then shockingly, like actually shockingly (is this that personal development, soul-searching, deep dive into emotional wonderland rubbing off on him??? Is it working is this foreshadowing???) he goes and gets deep on ‘em. And McGee calls him on it and I love it, I really think this is some foreshadowing here. I think we’re seeing some of the work Nick is doing on himself, getting himself ready for as serious as a relationship as he knows it’ll be with Ellie, paying off. He’s thinking about ~*emotional*~ consequences to actions and OOF yes. The growth, I live for the fucking growth. “It’s not easy to get through the tough transitions on your own” you say as you literally tried to do that for actual YEARS until you met this team. Until you met Ellie. Until you realized that emotional fallout was a real thing and you my friend are a terrible victim to it. Because guess what- exhibit A is right here about to ask you to dinner and you gonna turn her down. You quite literally tried to get through a tough transition (re: Ellie’s kidnapping & the two bombs) by yourself. That dust settled and you immediately emotionally retreated, not physically- emotionally. You went back to what you always knew, the lone wolf on your own, endure the tough transition. And yes you’ve been doing some work on yourself, but now- now you realize it. You can’t do work on yourself alone. You can’t go through this shit alone. You need your support system- your person. But that thought truly terrifies you. You’ve realized it but are you ready to act on it? Not quite yet. You might be close, but you still can’t bring yourself to be honest with her yet. When Ellie nervously asks Nick if he wants to grab a bite you can feel her start to (it’s probably been there quite a while but she’s tried to ignore the feeling of him emotionally shutting her out and pushing her away but the houseguest thing brought it back full force) really worry about where they stood. She won’t completely admit it to herself because she knows what was said in the jail cell wasn’t a lie or a dramatization for either of them, but that worry that’s been creeping in like a vine is taking hold. Nick saying “there’s something I need to take care of” hmmmmm I feel like this is SO vague. And probably purposely done so by the writers but I just - if it was solely him bringing the dude back to his daughter’s why wouldn’t he just tell Ellie that? What would be the harm in her knowing this? She’s aware you’ve bonded so why would he not just say that? I feel like there was definitely something else he thought he would go do after it. With all the talk of tough transitions and then his obviously pre-made plans to drop this guy off, I just feel like there was some other task he had planned before McGee called him. And him discussing the reset button (I’ll get to this) just kind of solidifies that for me. He’d been doing a LOT of reflection that day and he had something more major planned, I just wish I knew what 😩 Ok back to Ellie’s response, she’s honestly shocked and a little confused at his ominously vague answer. And I’d wager a tiny bit of hurt is in that expression too. All those vines of worry taking hold? Yeah, that’s why. They even just tightened and made her speechless for a second. The emotional withdrawal she feared was being confirmed in front of her very eyes. Because (at least on our screens) the last time Nick turned down a bite to eat with her? Oh yeah, he was dating fucking Elena. (Once again, I don’t think he’s got another girl but y’all this is the parallel Ellie could easily draw seeing as it was only a few months ago, supposedly.) And he even looks almost guilty about turning her down, like he knows it’s probably hurting her (and their relationship) but he can’t help it. He hates that he’s doing it and the words coming from his mouth (good lord it’s like the end of 17x07 with overprotective/you’re like a sister to me all over again) but he can’t stop it. And then my heart breaks for Ellie when she tries to put on a brave, strong face that claims she isn’t bothered by his rejection yet we all knoooooow 😭😭😭 He gives her a small little “night” and she’s just standing there wondering where the hell she went wrong with this, how she read them all wrong. 
Ahhhhh the glorious reset button, ya love to see it. When he claims he has the opposite problem you can see his faraway look in his eye. You know *exactly* what, or better yet who, he’s thinking about in that moment. He knows he has to stop avoiding his emotional growth with Ellie. He knows he has to stop hitting the reset button the second things between them get real. And I think he’s known this for a while now but is finally, finally coming to grips with taking real steps forward. Taking steps to embrace the vulnerability he’s terrified of. Finally putting that reset button away 🥺
Ellie knowing Nick has one tie is just another swoon moment. Yes I could get dirty with that (see my tags on previous gifsets for proof) but like, also this is so real of them? They know so damn much about each other it’s insane. She may not have even been in his apartment yet but she knows he owns one tie. Like- come on. Nick you think you’re emotionally distant from this woman but my god it’s the opposite. You two are so intertwined you don’t even realize it as you chuckle and try once again to avoid thinking about that reset button. And then Jimmy goes and reads that letter and I sob. Yes I sobbed. Like I said not getting into this part because my pregnancy hormones can’t handle this (I’m barely rewatching this part with audio ok). But Jimmy’s words voiced over a shot of ellick…take my heart why don’t you. “To hear a laugh, and know that your life would change for ever” like come ON. First, Jimmy you slay me and second, all I can picture is Ellie chuckling with Nick in the bullpen showing him the clicker settings and Nick loving it. Nick your life would be changed forever in that moment I hope you knew. Ellie, pulling her arm around Nick’s for strength, support, I just-. Despite the turmoil she’s been going through, the doubts and the worry that’s crept in- she still feels it. She still feels love for this man and knows her life was changed forever when she met him. No matter how long she tried to deny it, she knows. And that little piece of her that desperately clings to Nick getting his head out of his ass and opening up emotionally to her, that piece decides to break that sliver of personal space and lean on him for support. She needs to touch him- the man who she can’t picture losing like Jimmy lost Breena. She needs to feel him still there, even if he hasn’t completely realized his life changed forever because of her- she has. Gripping his arm for the comfort it gives in knowing he’s still by her side, his hand brushing hers as an involuntary “I’ve got you” (even a reset button pusher like Nick can’t help his reflexes). The gravity of the fragility of life weighing heavily on them both, they hold each other. They’ve got each other. And good god is that poetry we just need them to actually fucking TALK ABOUT IT 😩😭
I don’t know if I even have side notes but I do appreciate NCIS paying homage to the utter grief this pandemic has been. Jimmy being the one to lose a loved one was quite honestly the perfect scenario to me. It shows just how cruel this pandemic has been, ripping even the most optimistic, happy people down to their knees in grief. It’s something that shouldn’t be glossed over and I do hope they continue to have this arc of struggling with grief throughout the season. I think it is so relatable and refreshing to see played out legitimately on the screen. I don’t want happy, go-lucky stale content. I want something real and something tangible. Yes I love my mindless entertainment, but it’s also nice to see *real* drama on a TV drama. At least, that’s my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d apologize but isn’t that why you’re reading this to begin with? 😘😘
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hhawkeye · 3 years
🔥 MASH fandom
ok this is gonna be kinda mean
i dont trust most of the people in mash fandom who i dont recognise the urls of, there are a number of people who i think are big in mash fandom(??? is that even a thing. wtf is "big in mash fandom") who i cannot stand for one reason or another but mainly because they focus almost solely on shit like the beejhawk relationship which i knoooooow I KNOW i get it believe me but it's like hello. there is more to the show *rattling empty can* spare Any other character? anyone at all.
i dont like when people start with s4 it feels inorganic and i mean. just say youre watching bc you wanna fuck bj or think about him kissing hawkeye or whatever. it's fine just SAY THAT dont act like youre watching from that point onwards bc it suddenly became a masterpiece starting w s4 yknow. many of my favourite episodes are from s1-3 and i am also just a mean person who hates when people watch shows out of order? like suck it up guys it's what 75 episodes or something. just fucking watch it you'll be fine.
it is kind of wild to me how many people seem to only just be realising this show about the korean war might be... Problematic i'm like. yeah dude have we been watching the same show. for the time it was good but like... context babes! and also just bc it's bad in these areas doesnt mean you have to idk stop watching and blacklist it completely yknow. not to get into Cancel Culture but the show is fifty years old what did you expect was going to happen and also not to excuse it but it is better than a lot of shit that was airing at that time (altho my reference point for that time period is mainly uk comedy which um. well. should definitely not be a benchmark for Wokeness)
uhhhhhhhhhh idk if i can think of anything else
OH this one literally is not serious but there are ten mash fics on ao3 tagged w watersports and EIGHT of them are traphawk and only one is beejhawk and i have spent literal months shocked upset hurt and confused as to why people think trapper would be more into piss than bj. nobody shares my vision and im sick and tired of it. bj piss kink truthers speak up
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625: "Tension! Aokiji vs Doflamingo!"
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One a scale of one to Kuzan, how bad is Doflamingo’s day going?
Only have time for one episode today but luckily it was a good one. 625 was crammed with intrigue and plot acceleration - not to mention adorable slice of life moments.
I know the next three episodes are filler (the thumbnail at the top corner of each video gave it away). Are they worth watching? I think I spied the Kung Fu Dugongs in the preview to 626. Those little guys were brilliant. xD
Mmmm... Dat Delicious Peril
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Must confess I was hyped for this episode. The action continued were 624 left off: Doflamingo astride Smoker with Kuzan at his back.
“I need you to get off my friend.”
The way Doflamingo reacted to the imminent danger was interesting. The slow creep of ice towards him was a warning. He didn’t move. Slasher smile fixed to his face, he glanced about, considered: am I calm enough to retreat and let this slide?
Doflamingo served a large helping of Hell No.
He decided, “Screw it,” and went for the kill. Smoker almost went to the Big Cigar Shop in the sky. Luckily, his awesome friend had his back and froze Doflamingo’s feathery ass.
I knew Doflamingo wasn’t beaten because the cheeky little glint of his frozen shades told me so. He broke out of Kuzan’s ice casing and just stood there, staring at Kuzan, chuckling like a madman. (Also I love how Kuzan’s Devil Fruit lets opponents escape with all their clothing and accessories intact. He’s a good guy, really.)
For a second, I thought there might be a fight. Dramatic music kicked in. Kuzan and Doflamingo stared each other down. Then Doflamingo sauntered straight past Kuzan like it was nothing.
“I don’t want to fight you,” he said. “But if I can’t keep Smoker’s mouth shut, I will have to change my approach.”
Straight up threat there. Smoker now knows he can’t go blabbing about what Vergo has done. It’s probably in Smoker’s best interest, to be honest. If Vergo infiltrated the Marines, there might be more of Doflamingo’s agents crawling about the woodwork. Then again, Akainu is now in charge, and I’ll bet he’d love nothing more than to detect and crush any hidden pirates in the Marine ranks.
Doflamingo’s next dig was more interesting.
“But could you tell me one thing? Just what are you now, Kuzan? The things I’ve heard about you aren’t cool. The face of a vagabond is different from one who has a purpose.”
Now I’ve watched Film Z, Doflamingo’s comment “What are you now?” echoes what Kuzan said about himself. At that point, Kuzan wasn’t sure and even asked himself, “Just what am I now?” He sort of answered his own question, referring to himself as “an ally of justice.” Maybe. 
I still don’t know the full significance of Doflamingo’s pointed dig at Kuzan, but from the way Kuzan reacted once Doflamingo, Baby 5 and Buffalo flew off and Smoker said, “You’re not connected with the underworld, are you?”.... well, it got me wondering.
Kuzan sent the nosey G5 guys away while he had a quiet word with Smoker.
“I’m still the same person, Smoker.”
“That’s good then.”
I wonder if this means Kuzan *is* operating in the underworld, but that he told Smoker he was “the same person” means Smoker is no longer above dodgy dealings as long as Kuzan is still on the right side.
“At any rate, don’t take your eyes off Doflamingo. He is both a Shichibukai and a king of Dressrosa. He is an extremely dangerous pirate.”
Well, the king status explains why he has a massive house and a ton of servants. But this further complicates matters. Is Doflamingo an actual king, like one of the World Nobles? Or is this something lost in translation, like a kingpin, drug lord type of a banana republic?
“Tell Sakazuki to get the admirals moving. In the worst case scenario, the cogs will be destroyed and this will become the biggest threat that Sakazuki’s new Marines will have to face. I’ve warned you.”
Laying aside the whole aura of menace and the existence of important (metaphorical?) cogs, the fact that Kuzan is still willing to work with Akainu (Sakazuki is his real name, right?) speaks volumes about his character. I’m still not certain if Akainu knows Kuzan is still supporting them or whether this is a voluntary thing on Kuzan’s part and he continues to help from the shadows because he feels he must.
Either way, I like it.
Also laughed a lot when he forgot he was going to ask G5 to keep what had happened a secret. Lol, he’s still absent-minded. 
Still, the escalating sense of imminent conflict is great. Glad the plot is building towards something again. I wonder if the Marines know about Doflamingo, Kaidou and SMILE? Maybe Kuzan knows and that’s why he’s secretly warning Akainu to mobilise?
Maybe it’s something completely different.
Either way, I place some of the blame on this guy.
Hi, Caesar!
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Aww, look. He’s thrilled to be the cause of it all. xD
On board Sunny, Law explained the trade relationship between Doflamingo and Kaidou. For some reason, he was cool explaining the plan to Foxfire and Momonosuke, who were hanging around listening in for no real reason. Still not sure why Law was cool with the alliance’s secret plan being heard by a pair of randoms from Wano, but I’m sure there is a reason.
I loved that even Foxfire and Momonosuke were shocked at the Alliance going after Kaidou.
Law also explained the plan in greater detail, which is great for us fans.
“To defeat Kaidou,” he said, “we must whittle down his fighting force. Kaidou has been buying many Zoan SMILEs from Doflamingo. There are many risk to SMILEs, but despite that, Kaidou now has over five hundred Devil Fruit users in his crew.”
First off, holy crap. Five hundred Devil Fruit users in his crew? That is a number, it really is.
Secondly, I was wrong about Kaidou wanting to use the SMILEs to boost his own beastly strength. He’s creating stronger crew. That’s definitely better. Much more of a threat if you have strong crew as well as being an absolute unit yourself.
Thirdly, there are risks to SMILEs. I wonder if these risks will give the StrawHearts (my new name for the Alliance) an in with Kaidou’s crew? As in, the ones SMILE didn’t work on will be injured or bitter and willing to betray Kaidou? Hmm...
“But Kaidou won’t be making any more,” Law added, and looked straight at Caesar.
Caesar was like, “Who me? Ehehehehe.”  I loved that moment when Chopper was like, “Omg, you create the ingredients for SMILE? That’s really impressive!” and when Law said, “Nah, he just improved Vegapunk’s work,” Chopper was like, “Oh.”
Totally don’t get why no one is impressed by that, to be honest. Science is all about improving and refining others’ work, even things that seem to be completely new. If Caesar adapted and improved SMILE, that’s still a legit achievement, I think. (I can’t believe I’m sticking up for Caesar. xD)
At any rate, Law also revealed there is another SMILE factory on Dressrosa. Their mission: find and destroy. Once that’s done, Kaidou won’t he able to increase his forces. The only caution (and a significant one at that) is that Doflamingo is a total pro and will not sit idly by while the StrawHearts mess up his business.
Luckily, Dressrosa is also where Foxfire and Momonosuke need to go. Apparently, they’re off to rescue a comrade who is imprisoned there. (Maybe that’s why Law was okay for Foxfire and Momo sticking around. It seems like Oda is going to include them in next arc’s plotline too. I think this is the first time this has happened in One Piece. And not only to them, but a villain too!)
This Was Just Great
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Once Law was done explaining the plan, clouds gathered overhead. It was slice of life time. I know I love plot and intrigue but I also cherish those little peaceful moments between arcs, when the Strawhats are just hanging out on Sunny, enjoying the freedom of the sea.
There was a hair-raising moment when Sunny was almost crushed by a single giant hailstone (thanks Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Franky for timely avoidance tactics.) Momonosuke was super impressed by the Coup de Burst and Nami offered him a tour of Sunny.
I was like, “Yes! Give him a tour so I can see it too!” xD
Nami spent hours taking little Momonosuke round Sunny. He saw the fish tank, the library, got some lunch from Sanji, was examined by Dr Chopper - complete with hilarous tache - and sort of spoiled it with that moment in the bath with Robin but... meh, it’s Oda’s humour so whatever. :)
The nighttime scene was nice too. Usopp and Chopper dressing up in samurai armour and messing about on deck. Luffy fishing in armour (lol). Foxfire and Zoro sparring because Foxfire thought Zoro was the zombie swordsman from Thriller Bark because he had Shunsui (lol). Foxfire’s fiery sword slashes waking up and almost frying Caesar (double lol).
Brook said some pretty smart things about Doflamingo right at the end, which I am eighty-five percent certain no one will have heard because he was half talking to himself.
“Between losing his place as a Shichibukai and fighting a Yonko. I rather expect him to do neither and come after us.”
Me too, Brook. Me too.
And there was a rabbit turtle thing plus a guy with flowing cape, top hat and scary, shiny monocle. I’m guessing he is the filler bad guy?
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Listen to Broooook. He knoooooows.
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gffa · 5 years
Scattered Star Wars Thoughts: - I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this in the last five minutes, but The Star Wars Show is just so delightful to me in pretty much every way!  I look forward to it every week and it has this really light-hearted, silly sense of humor (I was practically honking with laughter during the Valentine’s Day special CD with Anakin & Padme, but today’s “Clone Wars quote or Facebook mom quote?” also had me CACKLING), and two hosts that really come across as just genuinely loving what they do.  I know that’s their job, but it really feels like they do enjoy Star Wars and seeing Andi and Anthony’s excitement about the new Celebration guests, including Ahmed Best, was just adorable! - re: yesterday’s YouTube problems:
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OMG THANK YOU FOR THE TIP, ANON.  ♥  I admit, I watched a bunch of Tiny House videos (and some Amazing Showers videos) and that helped, but this is perfect, and if anyone else wants the tip, there you go! - I’m pleased to have finally gotten back into the swing of reading--both fic and novels--so I’m almost 3/4ths of the way through Queen’s Shadow and also already despairing that this pile of recs isn’t going to write itself.  But it feels good to be reading again!  Also, I’m catching up pretty quickly on the Aphra comic and I’m going to be so sad when I have to wait a month in between issues.  On the other hand, it’ll be nice to be able to talk to people who are reading the issue as it comes out, which I enjoy very much.  (I like binge watching, it’s preferable as an experience for consumption, but the fannish experience of reading something month to month, the time you have to really linger over each issue and pore over it, talk to people more in-depth, is something I greatly miss about not being current with the comics.) - Less than a month until Celebration!  I keep looking at the schedule of upcoming things for this year and it’s already ridiculous how much is coming out, and you know we’re going to get more announcements for comics and books and games.  HOW MUCH MORE CAN THEY PACK INTO THIS YEAR? It’s already going to be intense with The Mandalorian coming out later this year, never mind IX, and Fallen Order.  (I’m hoping we’re going to get some info on Fallen Order out of Celebration, maybe also Vader Immortal?)  And that’s even before we get a Road to IX (assuming we get one, which I think is a fairly safe assumption), which will probably be another dozen books+comics. I am SO CURIOUS what they’re going to focus on.  New IX characters?  Or are we going to flesh out the time between ROTJ and TFA finally, now that the Skywalker Saga is being closed up?  Or will they pull Resistance into this and we might get a novel or at least a comic mini series about it?  (I know there have been standalone issues of Star Wars Adventures and such, but nothing dedicated just to Resistance--was Rebels the same way?  Did it take awhile for stuff to come out?  *can’t remember*)  I WANT TO KNOOOOOOW. Also, still terrified about M&A coming out.  And that O&A book in three days that I’ve been spinning around about for a month now.  I am however looking forward to Vader - Dark Visions #2, PLEASE BE AS RIDICULOUS AS THE FIRST ISSUE.  I mean, I’m still rolling my eyes at the whole “a side of Vader you’ve never seen before!” because I have been on the internet, believe me, I have seen a lot of people put Vader on a god-like pedestal, despite that he’s a disaster of a human garbage bag (I LOVE HIM SO MUCH), that ain’t new.  But I am super here for anything that has Vader being an Extra AF Drama Lord because there is little in Star Wars that is funnier than Anakin Skywalker trying to be a dramatic edgelord!  XD Scattered Star Wars Thoughts/2019 Resolutions Update: - The Star Wars Show 2019.03.13 - Age of Republic: General Grievious #1 - Clone Wars Adventures - volume 06 - 10 - Rebels Magazine #9-10 Current total:  113/520
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King: A Summary – The Plot Twist King
Shocks and revelations! Sassfests! Backstory awesomeness! Team spirit! The Josten Glow Up™! Me losing my shit! But most importantly – plot.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to sum up The Raven King.
In 2013, now-renowned author Nora Sakavic blessed us with The Raven King, book two of the All For The Game trilogy. In this second installment of orange gay sporty murder shit, ex-runaway, part-time sassmaster, and all-time Exy nerd Neil Josten meets the Edgar Allan Ravens, a team that is exactly as dark and fucked-up as their completely unsubtle name suggests.
Especially Neil has reason to fear them: Star player Riko Moriyama, also known as That Fucker™, and his father Tetsuji are Neil's crime lord father's crime lord bosses and are exactly 0% fooled by his runaway act. However, as Neil is a 100% impulsive savage sassmaster, he consistently picks fights with them anyways, which Riko repays by revealing his true identity to Kevin.
But that's not all there is. Just when the Foxes' start to form some actual team spirit and real friendships, our heroes experience the shock of the century: At the Hemmick's family Thanksgiving, goalie, snarkmaster and court-approved maniac Andrew Minyard is raped by his long-time childhood abuser Drake. In his brother’s defense, Aaron rushes in and kills Drake - a ruse set up by Riko Moriyama.
In order to free his boyfriend teammate from the Moriyama-bribed doctors Andrew was sent to for rehab, Neil agrees to spend Christmas with the Ravens, which is exactly Not A Fun Time. There, he is tortured, abused, cut, burnt, tattooed against his will and generally made to look as if he had a fun encounter with a meat chopper. Bruised and beaten, Neil returns home to his Fox family and swears everlasting vengeance on The Raven Fuckers.
And that’s The Raven King for you.
Did I like it? Hell fucking yes.
Did I prefer it to the first book? Hell fucking yes.
Seriously, The Foxhole Court was wonderful, all good things in there, all the exposition a girl could want, but The Raven King was where shit finally, finally started going down.
There was PLOT. There were brain-mushing twists and jaw-dropping revelations, breath-stopping shocks and heart-clenching emotional moments galore.
This, as predicted last time, was the book where the arc of suspense picks up speed. It’s a basic - but effective - trilogy setup: The first book sets the scene, introduces the theme and the characters and gets the reader invested in the story. The second book dishes out the truly gripping plot points, keeping the reader at it and paving the way for the big finale. Finally, the third book is where shit truly goes down: Here, the last big twists are revealed and everything culminates in an epic finale.
It is Every Trilogy Ever, and it works like a fucking charm.
Personal highlights of this book include, but are not limited to:
THE FALL BANQUET SASSFEST. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. I will probably never shut up about this ever. "Dan, I said please" honestly ICONIC. 
"I don't think Riko likes me very much"
The second banquet, but for entirely different reasons - reasons being Neil's newfound guard dog attitude and my newfound tears
Renee’s backstory can I get a hell yeah
Nicky teaching Neil how to cellphone uhmmm sign me the eff up
Thanksgiving. We don't talk about Thanksgiving but. Honestly that chapter.
The very last two chapters scared the crap out of me but honestly, they were so well-written and so amazing so suck it I'm including them here seriously they were so good
Same as last time, but updated: Opinions on characters!
Neil is still my son, but wow, introducing Son 2.0 in the Updated Version: Now featuring Facing Your Problems, Dealing With Shit and Actual Responsibility! With a guaranteed 20% less emo and 100% more awesome! Buy now, get one punch in the Raven jaw for free. No, seriously, Fearless Neil Josten is my favourite Neil Josten. He is right on the same level as Sassmaster McSavage Neil Josten, followed by Responsible Neil Josten, with Angsty Dramatic Runaway Neil Josten coming in last. (Sorry, book 1.)
Andrew has risen through the ranks of my favourites faster than mentos in a coke bottle. I LOVE HIM. Thanksgiving has cemented this. He is my small gay angry knife murder son and I will protect him five-fucking-ever. He is the main reason I am hella excited for TKM because Andrew!! Off!! His!! Meds!!! Imma pass out I'm so excited.
Kevin has definitely improved as well – the awesome 'I Have Adopted This Team And I Will Make Them Great, Suck My Dick Riko' scene, anyone?
Nicky has won back my heart for good by now - the Teaching Neil How To Phone Incident has definitely rid him of any and all past mistakes in my book. Also, he is the fuck precious and continues to bring sunshine into all our bleak lives. 
Aaron has gained mad, mad sympathy points in this book. He suddenly has a PERSONALITY, you guys. Also, the Thanksgiving incident. THE THANKSGIVING INCIDENT. Anyone hating on Aaron from this point on can fight me. Also Katelyn is an a+ cutiepie.
My opinions on Renee, Matt and Dan are pretty much the same as before, if heightened by the reveal of all of their awesome backstories. An ex-street gangster, an ex-junkie and an ex-stripper all loving and supporting each other and being their own family?? Sign me the fuck up.
The only one I'm still kind of 'meh' about is Allison. Where's her backstory. Pls. I want it.
Wymack, Abby and Betsy are the Fox Parent Triumvirate, my opinion on them hasn't changed either. Also Dadmack!
And my opinion on Riko and his bastard posse should be clear. Kind of split on Jean (he's a victim etc etc, still doesn't excuse him imo, but maybe he’ll become more likeable later), but that's about it.
Let's take a look at some predictions I made last time, shall we?
They’ll deal with Seth’s death – some better, some worse pretty much exactly sums it up, go me
The banquet thing will happen and it will be hella awkward and hilarious and something Super Dramatic And Important will happen OH MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD OH MY OH MY
Neil will master the Raven drills Kevin is making him do and it will be EPIC so he did pass them apparently, but I actually had to read back on this to be sure, sooo - no epicness. instead: heavier racquets! when will Kevin chill, the answer is never
Andreil will continue having Important Gay Moments™ uhmmm hECK YES lotsa andreil in this book, ya girl is happy
The “Kevin and Riko know Neil” situation will not be addressed (!) (I’m expecting that to be in the last book, near the final epic smackdown) GIRL YOU WERE EXPECTING WRONG BAHAHAHA
Neither will we meet Neil’s father (again, last book) ok I'm sticking with this tbh
However, we will meet Tetsuji and shit will go down oh hon
Also, we’ll meet some Ravens I suppose, since it is the Raven King after all "WE WILL MEET SOME RAVENS, I SUPPOSE" oh HON OH HON
We will find out Renee’s backstory y e e e s
We will find out something – if maybe not everything – about the Minyard-Hemmick backstory Y E E E E E E E E S oh dear
Some more kisses will happen. I don’t care who kisses whom. Probably not Andreil (yet). Let it be Abby and Wymack. Aaron and his irrelevant girlfriend. I don’t care. Give me kisses. excuse you, "irrelevant" psshh, but yeah that's the only kisses in this book :(
And because I don't learn from my mistakes, let's do this one last time - Shit I Think Will Happen In The Kings Men:
HANDS UP FOR CANON ANDREIL I'm sorry, I know this is happening, tumblr told me :/
Will they kiss tho?? Will they have actual love declarations?? Sexy times maybe even????? WHO KNOOOOOOWS
I will love the USC Trojans 1000% if they are huffy puffs I will love them
Someone's gotta die who are we kidding
Hopefully no one of our guys
We will finally get that sweet Allison backstory (come on girl don't let me down)
We will meet Neil's dad. This cannot not happen.
Some championship shit will happen in which the Foxes either a) win or b) don't win but The Real Prize Was The Friendships We Made Along The Way
Nicky's bullshit dad will get the court case he deserves (if this doesn't happen I'm the fuck quitting)
Cats are probably important somewhere
Phew. That's it for this book, then. As always, thank you guys are so much for sticking with me through this. You are the backbone, the spirit, the motivation of this blog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
See you soon with the third - and final - book. I am not ready.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing (still working on that laptop), please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <33
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lollytea · 7 years
Yknow what upset me about the SU fandom (before wanted and Lars head)? How they could let every other character have flaws except him. I know he did some shitty stuff but doesn't everyone at some point? Pearl can be selfish, Steven can get angry, Garnet can be unfair. But when Lars shows signs of cowardice or anger or negativity, people HATE it. Flaws are what make us human, and I hate how people just couldn't let Lars make mistakes. That's what growing up IS. Blarg rant over, lot o feels sorry!
I knoooooow dude. It was annoying as hell. Like? Give the kid a break. It was also pretty fucking hypocritical when people would crucify Lars for being a moody and generally hot tempered teenager while simultaneously FAWNING over the Crystal Gems for their realistic flaws.
Lars hasn’t even been alive longer than 20 years and he still got shit all over because yep. This is it. He’s gonna be like this for the rest of his life. He’s the spawn of Satan and will never emotionally grow. There is no changing this kind of behaviour. MEANWHILE the THOUSAND OF YEARS OLD gems who have had plenty of time to grow and develop as people, still fuck up and make morally ambiguous decisions. Do we even need to go into the amount of shit the gems did? I mean, I love them but these are not perfect angels, my dude.
But God no, Lars is clearly the one at fault here for rejecting Steven’s high five that one time.
Also, all these people were so down for mental illness representation until it showed an actually mentally ill character being mildly unpleasant. Because sometimes that’s just what mental illness is. We’re not all going to be a beam of sunshine to be around sometimes. He wasn’t alright in the head and often lashed out as a result. For both mentally ill people and teenagers alike, this is a pretty common thing. Are these people seriously saying that they never once saw themselves in Lars? Becaaaaause I did. Like regularly. To me, he was like a summary of teenage struggles in a nutshell.
Lars had very obvious social anxiety (His desperation to impress the cool kids, his reluctance to be himself in their presence, how to make it seem like he wasn’t “Trying too hard” Like he was simultaneously excited and dreading this potluck because he let himself overthink too much. Also straight up deciding that he just COULDNT show up to the potluck. Anxiety tends to work in pretty paralyzing ways, stopping you from doing things you know in your heart you SHOULD do. Lars let it affect him)
Lars had depression (Okay this is more of a headcanon than a fact but I am almost certain that his grades are so bad cuz he cant find the motivation to do shit. Also, according to his parents, all they’re asking for is “A little effort” implying he straight up doesn’t even try. Also “Sadie, do you ever feel lonely? Even when you’re around people?” That is a depressed boy, my dude.)
Lars hated himself. (Buddy, did you HEAR that speech he gave in Stuck Together?? Like dude “I’m a wuss. I’ve always been stupid and afraid” He just sounded so done, so angry, so fucking frustrated. Like this shit had been weighing down on his shoulders forever. With that clear anger towards HIMSELF, it doesnt surprise me in the slightest that he had a tendency to take it out on those around him.)
Now, I don’t think Lars’ habit of being a dick in early seasons should just be overlooked or excused as “Depressed.” Like no. Whatever goes on in your head, whatever comes out of your mouth, regardless of your mental state, you still need to take responsibility for it. The fact was that Lars WASNT taking responsibility, was probably the biggest flaw he had. Because he could just be shitty in general sometimes. A very human-like trait to have. But we’ve all been shitty people in the past and I never understood this “He’ll never change” mentality.
Like Lars in early seasons was intentionally written as a bit of a prick and it wouldn’t matter in the slightest if you didn’t like him. It was understandable. I mean, he blamed Rose for a problem, and yelled about it, referring to her as Steven’s “Weird mom!” Like yeah, that was pretty low. But as soon as Steven yelled in retort, Lars’ face dropped like he regretted his words instantly. It was little touches like these, that really highlighted him as the person he was. Kind of a dick, kind of spoke without thinking sometimes but ultimately not heartless.
The series comes from Steven’s perspective so there are a lot of thing we’ll never see unless he’s present but according to Sadie, Lars is generally a lot kinder in private. We don’t know the extent, we don’t know if he’s nice enough to excuse his public persona but welp, I guess that’s a topic of debate that anyone can have a different opinion on. Sadie seems to think positively about him anyway.
The most annoying part of all of the hate, felt like the fandom was trying to rush Lars’ development. Like there was this pressure in every episode he was in and if he wasn’t perfect yet, he was just gonna get shit on some more. He was being scrutinized for every action WAAAY more intently than any other character.
But like the crewniverse was certainly TRYING. There was clearly something big in store for Lars and I don’t think any of us ever imagined what we ended up getting(HE’S PINK) but patience was a big factor here. You just needed to have faith that this shitty kid would sort himself out eventually. But so many people didn’t believe in him at all and honestly it was kind of disheartening.
But damn, man. He got his big hero moment and I’m so proud of him. While I don’t think his story is over yet, I feel as though Lars Head definitely wrapped up this whole arc that’s been budding since season 1. Honestly, while I still feel that his early actions could have been forgiven with just gradual attempts at kindness and opening up, I’m so happy with what we got instead. Like the crewniverse did not have to go all out. They didn’t  have to make Lars save all those gems, they didn’t have to make him die trying to help, they didn’t have him be the reason Steven made it home safe. They could have redeemed him in such a smaller subtler way but nah man. If that had happened, there would still be a split division of people who STILL didnt like him or felt as though he shouldnt be forgiven.
But the way his development was executed was done in such a big badass extra way, that there would be absolutely no argument whatsoever that Lars had finally proven himself as a good guy. Even people who don’t like him, have to agree now.
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Tagged by @ohbeeone, thank you!!!
-do you have any secret talents?
I'm not a super talented person, but I think I can make some pretty awesome twice baked potatoes.
-have you ever met a celebrity and if you’ve met multiple, what was your fave experience?
I haven't :/ But that's probably a good thing because honestly I'd probably just embarrass myself anyway.
-what’s a song you really like right now?
"Caught In the Middle" by Paramore
-if you could play any musical instrument what would it be?
I'd love to play the piano, but it would probably be more practical to say guitar, because I have one gathering dust in my room right now and it really deserves better from me.
-what’s one of your very favourite places in the world?
By a lake where my Grandpa built a little camping spot in the '70s. We used to go several times each summer when I was little. It's too hot and full of bugs and things are kind of old and falling apart now, but I love it anyway
-what was the first fandom you got started in?
Maybe Narnia? I'm not quite sure what constitutes being in a fandom and what doesn't, but I was pretty into the Narnia books when I was ten. LotR is the first fandom I ever created anything for (if you can call the trash I write "creating" anything oh my goodness).
-how did you get started on tumblr?
I think I wanted to know if there was any kind of semblance of a fandom for Villette, one of Charlotte Brontë's less-popular-than-Jane-Eyre novels. There wasn't really (surprise!) but there was an enormous 1D fandom and somehow I got sucked into that. My first ever post was actually a Harry Styles fanfic, oh my gosh. I was reading other people's, and I was like, "Psshhh I bet I can write something as good as that." I should probably delete that...
-if you could be siblings with a celebrity who would it be?
I don't knoooooow I keep racking my brain and coming up empty. I don't know much about any celebrities. Maybe Daisy Ridley? She seems like she'd be a pretty cool sister.
-how many times have you been the hospital?
For myself only once, besides when I was born. It was a short visit to the ER when I lost a baby tooth and my gum wouldn't stop bleeding? I have had a couple blood tests and back x-rays (I have kyphosis, which basically means I'm slightly hunchbacked, isn't that nice?), but I'm not sure if that counts.
-what’s something you’ve done or made that you’re really proud of?
*mumbles* I kind of like the LotR chapter fanfic I wrote a year-ish ago? (Except I really wish I'd done the ending differently.) It's my baby, you know? Like, it may be an ugly baby, but it's still my baby.
-what is the best advice you’ve ever received?
Maybe something Christiany and cliche but nonetheless extremely important like, "Just follow God first, and then all the other details of life will fall into place." One of those things that's very good and very easy to say and very hard to figure out how to do. Honorable mention for my dad's advice for years that I should get a pixie haircut. I actually did it when I was nineteen and it was such a fun hairstyle and I got tons of compliments on it.
My questions are:
1. If you were automatically amazingly talented at everything, what would you choose as a career?
2. If you had a big box of every kind of chocolate you could imagine, which one would you eat first?
3. Describe one of your happiest memories.
4. If you had super friend-making powers and you could have a group of friends made up of anyone ever (including fictional characters, celebrities, and people who aren’t alive anymore) who would be in that group?
5. Have you considered any names for your possible future children (or pets)?
6. What is the funniest thing you can think of right now that you’ve ever done or said or come up with yourself?
7. What is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?
8. Describe your sense of style!
9. Is there anything (interesting or uninteresting, profound or mundane) that you’ve learned recently?
10. Tell me all about the best meal you’ve ever had.
11. What is your favorite candle scent? (Or, if you were going to invent your own, what would it be?)
I’m going to tag: @moonclothrobe, @readbyathief, @canadiangold, @autumnwalksandtea, @jupiterlandings, @elven-flower, @g0blin-rave, @steampunk-highway, @naugrimmellon, and of course anyone else who’d like to do this :)
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kewltie · 7 years
one of the things that bug me about myself personally is that i can’t ever shut up about my writing when i technically should be doing exactly that. YOU COULD BE USING YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY AND WORK ON YOUR HUNDRED OF WIPS INSTEAD OF POSTING THESE USELESS THOUGHTS ONLINE which im sure someone out there would tell me and im just like yeeeees omfg i knoooooow. i would be 100000% more productive in my stories if i stop posting these fic rambling which goes on and on and can be as long as a goddamn essay. all that energy and time i put into these thoughts about characters, plot, notes etc could be put into actual fic content and i could produce more stuff if i learn how to shut the fuck up but i can’t. I DON’T KNOW HOW. 
but for me it’s more than just i can’t seem to stop but “--donghae got to learn to goddamn fly when all he had ever known is how to swim” when i wrote that line it fucking hit me. that’s the best description of donghae’s situation i have ever wrote. I LOVE THAT SENTENCE I WANT TO MARRY THAT SENTENCE. it made me understand donghae’s character even more which sounds ridiculous bc i been working on this stories for 3 years now but still i have still so much to learn. honestly i work best when im working through my thought process and writing it all down and explaining what’s going on in my head. so once i get into the zone i start connecting the pieces and plot points and the characters start to reveal themselves to me. 
i love just talking about my writing process and what’s going on in my head bc 80% of the content never make it to the actual fic bc i either dont have the time for it or it’s a commitment i’m not sure i want to be sucker into (lol regency au). the ‘verse is always 100000% larger in my head and if i work on every one of these ideas that come my way i would be so exhausted and bored out of my mind constantly working in the same ‘verse. so yea i tend to write a little something of a ‘verse as a short fic but the major fic content are stuck in my head and when i do a ramble about a scene that happen in the ‘verse itself or maybe expand on a idea, theme, or character analysis it let me explore that ‘verse without fully committing to the actual writing process. it’s my cheat sheet what can i say. 
AND hey the best part is that as im rambling on these posts im working out the kinks of the plots, characters developing, and my own understanding of the theme of the ‘verse. idk if it’s obvious but i rarely do any planning and just ya know go with my guts and tinkering with the complex thread just by the seat of my pants. majority of the time i have scenes and general idea how something could go or what i want to see and then as i write i work it out how it happen and things change. THINGS ALWAYS CHANGE. so with that im kind of working off general instinct and only when i truly understand and connect with a ‘verse is when im actually working on it or writing about it as a ramble. it’s not a perfect method bc lol instead of putting thousands of words talking about my thought process i could actually be writing but it works for me and that’s ultimately the most important bc in the end that’s best for the story overall when i feel happy and understand the story and the characters the way it’s meant to be. 
so yea thanks for putting up with these nonsensical fic rambling!! legitly 95% of my blogs is either actual fic content or me talking about the fic content i could be writing lmao. 
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