#by focusing on the wrong thing. anf then he explained what to focus on in the wuestions and the part he wqnted was
othercrossee · 1 year
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#z rambles#i just deleted two wall of texts talking shit about tmr course exam and the fuck ass teachwr#its so bleak 🥰#damned if u do damned if u dont type scenario eith this damn teacher its so crauzy#today was funny tho he was supervising todays exam and when he tried to make small talk everyone just stare at him#and no one said anything. WE DO NOT LIKE HIMMM#i mean why tf wouldnt we when he failed half the class during our midterm and gave all of us 60/100 for our oresentation#and one team even got 40#i still remwmbwr this cuz the audacity he has is insane#he explained to that team what to do and they did the way he wanted and changed a wording anf he said they got it all wrong#mind u? it didnt change the menaing at all like everything is all there and he undermined their effort entirely anf everyones ofc#another one is when he was like ouuu disappointed we failed our midterm and proceed to explain that we answer the question wrong#by focusing on the wrong thing. anf then he explained what to focus on in the wuestions and the part he wqnted was#not in the question. itw invisible. it is not there. he want us to answer shit that wasnt asked#great just. 10/10 all around this course#even worse if we fail this course? we csnt fucking gj to our next year cys its essential#babe how r we passing if he keeps failing us what🦧#its even crazier considering the midterm that half of us failed we answered exactly as he wanted when we were doing questions with our team#and EVEN CRAZIER me and my friend were checking our answers anr check in with someone who passed#and we wrote the same fucking reasoning and he decided ours wasnt good enough ☺#im tired man how tf can any damn score pull us this time when he faiked our midterm and our quiz and our project score is low as shit#its so fucking bleak#girl we dont even know what to review cuz he didnt say anything lmao#neat 🙏#rant#IM GOING TIRED ❗❗#not crazy cuz the wall of text swrves that purpose alrrady i need to sleep
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melofanish · 4 years
Drunk In This Love They Have
@carlosreyesweek Day 7: Writer’s Choice
Summary: Owen wakes up with a start. He's not sure what exactly roused him, but he's awake now. He rubs his eyes, taking a moment to stretch out on the bed. The flicker of the clock attracts his vision, and he reads the blue "1:23 AM" with a frown. Why did he wake up after midnight?!
The lights inside turn on, and the door finally closes. Owen takes a few moments sitting in the car alone, in the dark. He supposes he should feel some loneliness, but he doesn’t. All he feels is happiness and giddiness for his son, amusement regarding the entire situation, and hope for the future that TK and Carlos will be sharing together.
Tags: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, Owen Strand, Established Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Soft Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Sweet Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), Drunk Carlos Reyes, Good Parent Owen Strand.
Warnings: Drunk flirting and awkward dad existence. 
This is such a crack, dumbass fic but I love it so much. It has just been finished too. I have two settings apparently. Finish a fic a month before the event, or three hours before the end of the event.
This idea came from the  "Mi Amor Tarlos" discord server. Major kudos to Kate <3
As usual, @lire-casander is the best human to ever exist. I am, once again, writing this as she goes over the final edit of the fic. She's beauty, she's grace, she's right about the best thing I've gotten out of this fandom <3
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters depicted, they belong to their creators. I'm writing just for the fun
Read on AO3.
Owen wakes up with a start. He's not sure what exactly roused him, but he's awake now. He rubs his eyes, taking a moment to stretch out on the bed. The flicker of the clock attracts his vision, and he reads the blue "1:23 AM" with a frown. Why did he wake up after midnight?!
He turns to a side, pulling his blanket up around his shoulder and trying to find a position that'll send him back to slumber when his phone pings. He decides to ignore it, the edges of sleep tickling his consciousness when it pings again, and again.
With a sigh, he reaches forward and grabs his phone, the glare of the screen blinding him for a moment until he turns on the bedside table. He looks back at the phone, finding five messages from Carlos.
A chill runs through Owen. For a moment he thinks something happened with TK. But then he remembers that they're both off for the next day, and he knows that TK is asleep in his room down the hall. He relaxes immediately, only to frown again when his phone pings with yet another message. He opens the thread.
Carlos Reyes: HIIIIIII TJ
Carlos Reyes: TL***
Carlos Reyes: TK********
Carlos Reyes: i drank sooo mucj
Carlos Reyes: i am frunk
Carlos Reyes: i lobe yoi sooo muvj
Owen stares at his phone, blinking in confusion. Carlos is… drunk, that much he's sure of. And he loves his son, which he's glad about. But he also seems to think that Owen is actually TK. Which is unfortunate. He's about to reply with a clarification when he gets four new messages in quick succession.
Carlos Reyes: i niss tou too
Carlos Reyes: van i see yiu when I het hone?
Carlos Reyes: i wamma cuffle
Carlos Reyes: cuddle
He can't help the smile that graces his face. Seeing how Carlos still thinks about his son, even in a drunk state, warms a deep corner of his soul. It's the kind of love he's always hoped for his son.
Carlos Reyes: amd kiss tou
Carlos Reyes: ans fuck yoi
And then it's no longer wholesome. He groans, dropping the phone and covering his face, as if that'll somehow erase the image that's been painted in his mind. He moves his phone away, putting it down on the table when it pings again, and again, and again.
He groans out loud again, reaching for the phone as he takes a deep breath. Two more pings come in during the time it takes him to do that. He turns the screen on, bringing the thread back up.
Carlos Reyes: uoire thw best thinj to eber hapoen to me
Carlos Reyes: i wanma lobe yoi forevr
Carlos Reyes: ill dhow yoi wiyh endless kissed
Owen glares at the phone, as if it can travel through the phone and reach Carlos. He sees the three dots bubbling about and he makes a decision, bringing up his own keyboard to type a reply.
Owen Strand: Carlos, this is Owen. You're texting the wrong Strand.
The bubbles pause for a moment, and Owen thinks he's going to get an apology text, or maybe even he'll get ignored and that will be tomorrow's problem. But they come back on the screen three seconds later and then he's getting a message.
Carlos Reyes: anf lobing sex
Carlos Reyes: yoi shoufl pivk me up do we cab habe s fucj
In a decision made over a split second, Owen is getting out of bed and marching down the hall to TK's room. He pauses at the door, straining to listen for movement. When he doesn't hear anything he softly knocks on the door. He gets a soft "hmm" almost immediately. So he swings the door open.
He finds TK in bed, blanket crowded at his feet and a book in his hands, eyes wide and awake. He pauses for a second, he was sure TK would be asleep. They did just return from a twenty-four-hour shift a few hours ago. He’s about to ask when TK beats him to it.
"You okay?" TK asks, looking at the clock on his bedside table. "It's almost one-thirty, dad. Why are you still awake?"
Owen sighs, remembering the reason he came in search of TK in the first place. There's a lot of things he would have seen himself telling his son, his own blood and flesh, at an hour after midnight. This is not one of them. And yet.
"Your boyfriend is drunk and wants to have sex with you," he says, going straight to the point.
TK stares at him, head turning to a side in pure confusion as his forehead creases into a frown. "My what? What?!"
"Your. Boyfriend. Is. Drunk. And. Wants. To. Have. Sex. With. You," he repeats.
"Wait, how do you know, what are you talking about?!" He asks, putting the book down and coming to a weird half-seated position where he has one leg half bent out in front of him and the other is tucked underneath him.
As if on cue, Owen's phone pings two more times. He brings the phone up, reading the messages quickly and then he's stepping into TK's room, scrolling up to the beginning of the messages and handing the phone over.
Carlos Reyes: r u oivking me uo?
Carlos Reyes: ill oay you eith sex
He watches as TK's eyes move from one side to the other on the screen, smiling at parts and then eyes widening at others, before he ends with a hand to his face, hiding away behind his palms.
"Oh, god," he groans. "He's so drunk."
Owen can't help the snort that rises through his throat, shaking in head in amusement. "Yes, that's an understatement."
The phone rings again in TK's hand. They share a look before TK turns the screen on and reads the messages. Owen doesn't want to know what the contents are when they're the cause of a bright red flush that takes over TK's face and neck. Still, he can't resist when the opportunity presents itself like this.
"What's he saying?"
TK stutters, looking up at Owen then down at the phone. "He's asking if I'm picking him up. The designated driver is drunk too."
Owen might have not been there for the large part of his kid's life, but he still knows when he's hiding something. And right now, TK is hiding something. But he understands; he knows his relationship with TK isn't usual, he knows that they are way too comfortable discussing their sex lives, but Carlos isn't. And Owen can't do much more than nod in acceptance when his son is trying to protect and respect his boyfriend's dignity.
"Okay, get dressed. Be at the door in ten minutes," he gets off the bed, heading to the door.
"Wait, wait, what?" TK calls. "Where are we going?"
Owen turns around slowly, facing TK, as if the answer wasn't obvious. "We're going to pick him up. You don't have a license yet, so I'm driving," he explains. "So let's go, your man is waiting."
It takes TK a moment, but then he’s getting on his feet and moving around the bed into his closet. Owen closes the door and walks to his own room, changing his pyjama pants to sweatpants and slipping into a pair of sneakers. He’s at the front door in minutes, keys and wallet in hand. TK comes barrelling through the house behind him in seconds.
They’re in the car, Owen turning the ignition on, when a quick succession of four or five messages ping through. TK glances at him out of the corner of his eye before he focuses back on his hands and turns the screen on. Owen catches the edge of a picture, and, from what he could tell, it’s just a selfie of Carlos and his partner, Jack. He decides to focus on the task in hand, asking TK for the location of the bar and swerving out of their driveway.
The drive isn’t that long, the bar a mere fifteen minutes away from their home. They spend the ride singing along to the music coming from the Bluetooth speakers, until a few messages ping through, at which point TK would stop singing, pull up the messages, type something in reply, and then get back to the singing.
They’re about half-way there when the ringing sounds around the entire car. Owen recognises the call notification and presses on the reply button a little too fast for his brain to remember that Carlos is texting him right now, and this is probably Carlos calling, and the phone is connected to the car’s Bluetooth system.
“HIIIIIIIIIII!” Carlos’ loud, clearly drunk and slurring voice fills the car a bare second after he’s pressed the button on his steering wheel, his tone so high-pitched Owen finds himself wincing.
“Hi! Hi, baby, hi,” TK is already screaming in reply, bringing the phone to his mouth only to pull it away when he realises it’s all around him, and then just saying it into the void. “Are you okay? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything is perfecto,” Carlos answers with a sigh, his voice muffled and mixing with the bar around him now that he isn’t screaming. “I just miss you, so, so, so much. And I’m sad.”
Owen glances at TK, the look of worry on his face mirrored on TK’s.
“Why are you sad? Is everything okay?”
“Jack is hugging and kissing Alana, and I’m here, alone and lonely,” Carlos replies in a tone that makes Owen right about a hundred percent sure that he’s pouting. He shakes his head as TK chuckles.
“You’re not lonely baby, you’re there with your friends,” he reminds Carlos.
“But my friends are kissing each other and making out and I think Alana has her hand in Jack’s pants and I’m here without your hands in my pa-”
The rest of his sentence is cut by a short scream from TK as he fumbles with the phone, finally pressing the button that disconnects the Bluetooth. Owen manages to resist laughing out loud but he has no power against the grin that splits his face wide. He feigns ignorance as he listens to TK whispering his replies. Somehow, even through the phone and the distance, he still hears Carlos, loud, loveable and oh so drunk.
A few minutes later and they’re finally pulling up the bar, pulling into the parking lot. Owen finds the closest free spot, putting the car in park and turning to face TK, who has his head down, the phone still pressed to his ear. He seems to have not even realised that they’ve arrived at their destination.
“Hey,” he nudges TK, nodding towards the bar when TK looks up at him. “Go get him.”
TK smiles at Owen, opening the door and dropping his phone into the seat. “I’ll call you if I need anything?” he asks, closing the door and moving towards the bar when Owen nods.
He follows TK until he disappears into the threshold of the bar, then closes his eyes and rests his head on the backrest of his seat as he sighs. He isn’t sure how his night came to this end, but here he is. He’s also sure he would have never done the same for any of TK’s previous boyfriends. But Carlos isn’t any boyfriend. Carlos is… Carlos is good. Carlos is a different type of man than the ones TK has been with. Carlos is nice, and respectful, and sweet. Carlos loves his son.
He supposes that’s what this all comes down to. The fact that he knows that Carlos loves his son, the way he always knew TK deserves to be loved. And he knows that TK loves Carlos, too. It’s the love that he’s only ever dreamt of TK having, a dream that seemed to get farther and farther away with every new man TK introduced him to. Until Carlos walked into TK’s life. He doesn’t want to undermine TK’s own work and tribulations to make himself better, but Carlos has no doubt been a large part of the support system he’s had during that time.
And so, if Owen has to wake up at one-thirty in the morning to drive his son to a bar so he can pick up said son’s drunk boyfriend, he’s willing to do that in a heartbeat.
A dull crash against the side of the car has Owen opening his eyes in alarm and looking at the side-mirrors of the car. He doesn’t see anything in the driver’s side of the car, but when he looks towards the passenger’s side, well, he sees TK, back pressed to the side of the car. And he sees Carlos, hovering over TK. And he sees two tongues fighting in the middle of the space between them before their mouths slam back together. And then, through the car, he hears the loud, unmistakable moan.
“Oh, no. No, no, no,” he groans, looking back in front of him. It’s one thing for him to read what Carlos wants to do to his son, it’s a completely different thing for him to see it starting to happen. He takes a few deep breaths, glancing at the mirror every few moments. When he sees that they’re still in the same position, he leans over the console, knocking on the window until TK breaks the kiss and turns around.
His eyes widen when he sees Owen, hands coming up from wherever they are to hold Carlos around the shoulders. TK might have seen Owen, but Carlos seems to still be in his own fairyland; he trails kisses down TK’s neck until he gets to a spot and then his head stops in there. Owen doesn’t need to guess what Carlos is doing right now, the way TK’s eyes flutter shut tell him all he needs to know.
But no, this is too much. He leans over, knocking on the window again until TK’s eyes open and takes a deep breath, hands tightening around Carlos’ shoulders as he slowly pulls him away. Owen did not need to see the line of saliva connecting Carlos’ lips to TK’s neck.
He hears them exchange a few sentences, voice low and sultry, if he has to guess. Carlos’ eyes are blown wide, a smile permanently glued on his face, even as he nods and shakes his head in reply to whatever TK is saying. He hears Carlos giggle one last time and then TK is moving them back enough to open the back door.
“Hello, Mister Strand,” Carlos greets him the moment the door is open, words slurred, smile wide and eyes bright. “How ya doin?”
“I’m all good, Carlos, how are you?” he asks, chuckling as TK helps Carlos settle in.
“I’m fantastic! Did you know that TK came to pick me up because I asked him to?!”
This time Owen really can’t help the laugh that booms out of his chest. He hears TK snicker as well, Carlos joining in at the end. “Did he now?”
“Yes, yes, he did,” he nods his head almost aggressively. “He’s the bestest ever. I love him so much.”
“I love you too, baby,” TK replies, kissing Carlos softly on the lips as he finally finishes securing the seatbelt. Owen turns around, focusing on turning on the car -as if it takes that much concentration- to give them a moment alone. He hears them exchange “I love you’s” a few times and then TK retreats, closing the back door and opening the front one to get his own self into the car.
TK is barely a foot into the car when Carlos calls from the backseat. “TK?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” he asks, turning around in his seat to look at Carlos.
“Why are you so far away? How am I supposed to hold you?” Carlos speaks in the same tone as earlier, the one Owen thought was coming from a pouting face. Looking at the rearview mirror, he sees that there is indeed a pout on Carlos.
“I’m right here, baby,” TK answers, extending an arm to rub at Carlos’ curls.
“But, you’re so far away. I’m all alone in this big seat! You should sit here! With me! You can even sit on m-”
“OKAY!!!!” TK interrupts yet again. “Let’s not do that, baby. We need to be safe.”
Owen hears a sigh and then Carlos is mumbling his approval. He waits until TK is twisted back in his seat and has put his seatbelt on before he starts the journey back.
It’s only then that he realises they haven’t discussed where they would be driving back to.
“Where are we going, TK?”
“TO SEX LAND!” Carlos screams, and a perfectly coordinated groan leaves both the Strand men.
“Carlos, no!” TK retorts.
“Carlos, YES!” Carlos says back.
Owen sees TK opening his mouth from the corner of his eye, but Carlos evidently isn’t finished speaking.
“Hey, Owen, you should take us to my house, that way we can make as much noise as we want,” he says, much to the dismay of everyone that isn’t Carlos. He doesn’t seem to realise what’s wrong with what he’s saying, he just keeps talking. “TK gets really loud at times, and I do too to be honest, and it’s so hard to stay quiet when we are in your house, so we should go to my house.”
As funny as this entire situation is, the conviction with which Carlos says it leaves Owen no choice but to respect him, even as TK tries to sink deeper into his seat in an attempt to blend with the upholstery.
“Okay, Carlos, I’ll take you guys to your house,” Owen says, shaking his head at both Carlos and TK’s shenanigans.
“Thank yooou, Owen,” Carlos says. Owen is about to focus back on the street when Carlos gasps, and the sound of skin hitting skin echoes around in the car.
Owen looks through the rearview mirror, finding Carlos with his hands covering his mouth, and eyes wide, as if he just saw something from his nightmares. The empty streets make it easy for Owen to cross two lanes and stop in the sideway, both Strands turning around to face a now teary-eyed Carlos.
Owen turns on the overhead lights as TK fumbles with his seatbelt, trying to get it undone, even as he keeps his eyes on Carlos, asking him what’s wrong. It’s only when he’s in the backseat with him that Carlos unclutches his face and wipes his tears.
“I was rude to your dad, TK. I was so rude to your dad, my mom is going to be so mad at me,” he whispers. “I didn’t say mister, TK.”
Owen feels the concern -so thick a moment ago- melt and dissolve into nothing. He sinks into his seat, turning to sit straight. TK stays back with Carlos, wiping his tears and whispering sweet nothings as he assures him that his mother would not be mad at him. Carlos tries to fight him on it, saying that she most definitely would be, but he stops pretty quick once TK asks if he trusts him.
He uses the distraction to grab his phone from the glove compartment, where TK disposed of it earlier. He brings up the camera, making sure that the flash is off, and presses on record.
He can’t see the screen and what he’s filming, but through the rearview mirror, he sees TK wiping Carlos’ tears, forehead leaning on him as he presses kisses to his temple in between whispers and smiles. He sees Carlos hold onto TK’s arm, looking up at him with a soft smile and wet tears. A few moments later Carlos giggles and TK smiles at him, pressing a final kiss to his forehead before he straightens up and buckles himself next to Carlos.
He’s about to turn off the camera when Carlos presses a kiss to TK’s shoulder and lays his head onto it. His hand runs along TK’s arm, intertwining their fingers. “I love you,” he whispers.
TK takes a breath, a soft smile gracing his face as he turns his face to another kiss atop Carlos’ curls.
Owen turns off the screen, putting the phone away and switching off the light. He turns on the car, focusing back on the journey.
By the time he’s pulling up into Carlos’ driveway, the back seat is quiet. He switches the car off, looking back to find Carlos -head still on TK’s shoulder- with his eyes closed and mouth open in soft, almost inaudible snores. TK has the fondest expression on his face as he looks down at Carlos, a hand wrapped around his, the other sweeping around Carlos’ head, playing with his curls.
He almost regrets bursting their bubble, but he doesn’t think the car is the most comfortable place for them all to be right now. So he lays a hand on TK’s knee, waiting until he looks up at him, looking almost dazed. “We’re here,” he whispers.
TK looks out of the window, recognition dawning on him. He nods in reply before he focuses down on Carlos, whispering to him softly as his eyes flutter open and he slowly rouses from his doze.
Carlos looks up at TK, a brief moment of a smile coming onto him before he stretches his limbs out as much as the car allows and then he curls back into his place, mumbling incoherence.
“Come on, baby, we’re here,” TK whispers. “Let’s go inside.”
Carlos opens his eyes at that, staring up at TK. “We gon’ cuddle?” he asks.
TK chuckles, shaking his head, the loving look never leaving his face. “Yeah, let’s go cuddle.”
Owen watches as TK helps himself and then Carlos out of the car, and then holds Carlos around the waist as they walk up the porch. TK takes a moment to slip his hand into Carlos’ front pocket, producing a set of keys that he inserts into the front door lock.
As they move into the house, TK turns and nods at Owen, and he returns it. When Carlos looks at him though and turns to do the same, with much more enthusiasm, waving at him, face scrunched with a wide grin, Owen can’t help but repeat it to him, waving back at the giant dork.
The lights inside the house turn on, and the door finally closes. Owen takes a few moments sitting in the car alone, in the dark. He supposes he should feel some loneliness, but he doesn’t. All he feels is happiness and giddiness for his son, amusement regarding the entire situation, and hope for the future that TK and Carlos will be sharing together.
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Do it keep tagging you? @ozarkthedog
Day 3: Daddy Kink
Warning: dubious concent if you squint
"F-Fuck!" you softly moan into your sheets gripping your blanket as you haphazardly finger yourself, trying to gain any sort of satisfaction only to come up with nothing.
The reason you found yourself so pathetically horny was because of that bastard Tsukishima. If you could curve stomp the bastard, you would in an instant. Since the day you showed up to watch your new friend Hinata's volleyball practices, he has disliked you. The only reason being was the fact that you were the same height as him and it bruised his ego. "Eh, what's with Jane the Giant over here." You look around confused at who goldie locks were talking about, anf when you realized it was you, you were unamused.
"What do you mean bro we are the same height?!" you ask standing up hands on your hip trying to look intimidating. "Not with that obnoxious hair your not." that comment irked you, but you remembered your anger management classes and took a few deep breaths, "This is just how my hair is." you reply pulling a strand of curls smirking at the scoff the boy made as said strand reached your chin before snapping back up into your fro. "Yeah well, it's obnoxious."
Ever since then your rivalry had been unleashed from you challenging him to a game of volleyball, which he beat you at, to him challenging you at basketball which you beat him at. It was non-stop and never-ending but both of you would rather choke and die before apologizing to the other and honestly, you two were pushing Dachi to his limit intolerance.
To your surprise, you had been invited to join the team at the Nekoma Training camp despite not being apart of it what so ever. "It'll be a learning experience for all of us so why not invite our biggest cheerleader!" Dachi explained as you helped take in the bags. You could hear Tsukishima scoff behind you and you wished he choked on that breath as he shoved past you. "You aren't wrong about her being our biggest." You growl and throw a water bottle at his head hitting right on target
"Yeah well you couldn't handle all this even if you tried." you respond sensually gliding your hands along your waist and up your chest ending in a macho pose making Suga cover his mouth to hide his laugh. Instead of responding to the insult Tsukishima's eyes intently follow your hands, eyes spending a longer time at your wide hips than most of your body. His eyes trail higher and finally meet yours sending a shiver through your body. His gaze was quite unsettling and it didn't lessen when he turned around wordlessly carrying his luggage on his shoulder.
"What the hell was that?" you muttered scratching your hair flitching as your nails caught on a stray hair sticking out your twists.
Later on in the day, you opted to cook for the boys while they all showered. Well, almost all of them to your dismay, "Didn't know a giant could cook, what a surprise." you heard Tsukishima mock from behind you ask he sat on the kitchen island. "You know that this is an open space and you could be anywhere else?" you sigh cutting the fire off and making everyone a plate. "Yeah but I like making you uncomfortable so this is nice and fine for me." you shook your head asking God to give you strength.
Luckily he seemed to have heard your prayers as the other guys began pouring into the room and you handed each of them their food. "Well I've already eaten, so I'm going to go take a shower!" you declare wiping your hands with a cup towel proud of your job well done as you watched the blissful faces of your newfound teammates.
The shower was long and hot and you walked in peace as you fiddled with the soft fabric of the towel wrapped around you. "Thwack!" you stopped at the unusual sound and jerked your head around wildly trying to figure out where it was coming from so you could expertly walk in the opposite direction. "Thwack!" the sound was louder at this point and you deducted that it was coming from in front of you, unfortunately, the only thing behind you were the showers and the last thing you wanted was to be cornered so you held your ground. "Thwack"
You run forward and send a hard punch into the darkness only for another hand to encase around it, "What the hell are you doing, freak!?" came the annoying voice of Tsukishima, and for a moment you wished it were an intruder. "Why are you making creepy-ass noises in the dark!?" you retort tightening your towel around you to gain some source of dignity. Through the dim lighting, you could see Kei roll his eyes as he held up a lanyard of keys. "I was swinging these around dumbass." You looked at him for a moment before shaking your head in mock disapproval as you try to walk away.
Before you could get far, you feel a large hand yank your arm back, "Hey even though it's me and I wouldn't want to be within 6 feet of your giantess body, You shouldn't walk around in only a towel, this is open property." You nod in understanding as you look up at him choking on your breath as you're once again met with that strange look of determination on his face. You can't quite place it, but now in the chilling air with darkness so thick you could barely see 6 feet in front of you, it was exciting.
"Why are you just standing there like a fork int the road?" Tsukishima deadpanned as he turns to walk away, "By the way, everyone went out exploring so make sure your door is locked!" You pout before kicking yourself for hoping something would happen. "Like hell I'd let him touch me!" you grunt kicking open the nearest door and plopping on the bed arms folded in childish frustration. You absentmindedly stroke the arm he was holding and your mind went back to that look he revealed to you two times already today. It was a bit determined but what it was directed towards was a mystery.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath in acceptance. "Feeling good one time wouldn't hurt, I mean just to get it out my system." you reason with yourself as you climb under the sheets that felt strangely not like your own but you were too focused on your objective to care as you unwrap your towel.
You weren't usually one to speed through your special moment but your me-time could be cut short at any minute so it was best if you hurried. You suck lightly on your fingers to lube them up as you lightly graze your clit, using your imagination to reinvent your rival's look of determination though you would never admit to it. As you trail your wet fingers down you realize that it was the same look he gives during games. A look that meant he was sure of his movement and already knew the outcome. Your breath hitches as you sink your middle finger slowly inside of yourself gently prodding at your walls trying to make room. "I'm at least doing two today."
You bring your other hand around your neck loosely cradling it before squeezing ever so slightly before dragging the hand down to your large breasts. You weren't surprised that the cold air had made you nipples harden as you take them in between your manicured nails. You hum trying to stay quiet so you could listen to your surroundings. Soon however, your patience runs out and you finally slip in a second finger using your essence as release groaning lightly at the burning stretch that was uncomfortable but not unwelcomed. At that moment you recall the firm grip Tsukishima had on your arm and the hardness of his voice when he reprimanded you. Much to your dismay, your mind began to supply numerous insults he could say to you at this moment.
"Look at you taking my fingers so greedily my little giant." you shiver as you imagine the places his much longer fingers could reach inside of you as you struggle to reach the spot that was so close yet so far. You use your other hand to massage your small bud in time with your thrusts. "What is it not good enough for you? Are you such a slut that you need something bigger already?!" Your legs quiver and you nod to the non-existent voice mocking you in your head. As long as you didn't acknowledge it, the voice had no relation to someone with blond hair and glasses.
"Good girls get to cum you know. You can't ignore me forever. Y/N what is my name?" you whimpered, "Fuck!" you whined as you turn to your side, the pace of your little thrusts doing their best to speed up despite how tightly your legs were wrapped around them. "Say my name!" the voice came again more aggressive this time. "K-Kei." you whimper covering your hand over your mouth in betrayal. You imagined the voice that you finally acknowledged to be Tsukishima, take form like a figure sitting above you watching your pathetic displays of arousal as he refused to reach deeper in the way you knew he could. "That's not my name little giant, say my name." you shook your head gipping the pillow above you. In your imagination, Kei sharply pinched your quivering thighs, "Say it!" Unable to hold back anymore, you let out a broken and defeated moan "Daddy!"
You had finally found the position that let you reach a place so deep and so right, you saw sparkles of light behind your eyelids. You could feel the pit of your stomach begin to warm up as your release came close. As you try to focus on that, you miss the small dip in the sheet next to you but freeze when you feel a large cold hand come over yours, it's thumb gently massaging your clit sending shivers down your spine at the contrast in temperature brought you closer to your sweet release.
"W-Who are you?" you stutter out alarmed as the hand slaps yours away dragging a finger through your arousal before completely pushing the long thick digit inside of you with no regard to the size difference. Arching your back in ecstasy, a choked sob leaving your hand as you try to suppress your noises. You open your eye and blink rapidly trying to adjust to the darkness you were no longer used to. "What, don't you recognize your daddy?" came the voice of the real Tsukishima. "N-No, I-" you gasp as the long finger finds your g-spot and rubs against it like a man that found gold. You buck into the hand wrapping your legs around the long arm gripping onto it with your hands as if it was the only thing keeping you anchored to reality.
You barely touched yourself, now to have another person touching you so intimately was too much for your mind to bear. "T-T-To much please!" you whine as the finger prods at that one spot before you once again felt a cold thumb roughly massage your soft bud. There was an annoying click of a tongue as you feel yourself being turned on your side and a warm body slid behind you. "You have the nerve to be making demands after being a whore on my bed!" the fingers sped up and you could no longer hold back your moans as you felt your release reach its peak. "Don't be shy, say it again, call me your daddy." You shook your head defiant before you were jerked forward by a harsh slap on your thigh.
"Say it giant!" Kei growls in your ear leaving kisses along your neck. It would have been sweet had he not continued to say condescending remarks and hard bites that without a doubt would lead to hickeys. "Say what you fucking said Y/N. You know your place now be a good girl and say it or I'm not letting you cum." True to his word you could feel his finger leaving your warmth and you do your best to not let that happen. "Such as slut trying to suck me back in. I'll keep going if you use your pretty little mouth to say my name." You cover your face, "Please Kei." with a broken moan you jerk in reaction to Tsukishima twisting his finger inside of you harshly dragging his knuckle against your walls. "That's not my name and you know it." With a defeated wine you arch your back rubbing your ass against Tsukishima's groin, "Please Daddy, make me feel good!"
Tsukishima scoffed to hide his arousal, "Always like you to go above and beyond my little giant." As if feeling how close you were, Tsukishma's other hand reached from under you to grab your throat preventing any noise from leaving your mouth pushing your orgasm right out of you as the lightheadedness made the pleasure unbearable.
As you came down from the pleasure you could feel weariness overtake you and you sighed as you felt yourself being raised up to have a large shirt pulled down your body. You look over at Kei as he stood up and walked off, "Where are you going?" you asked as you pull the soft blanket cover you again. "I came in here because I forgot my deodorant." He smirked looking down at you but you were too tired to retort.
The next day you hid your face in embarrassment as Hinata was consoling Tanaka after he discovered the plentiful bruises littering your neck. "How can you even see them, I'm dark!" you whine as Suga pats your back reassuringly. "You being dark makes it more noticeable if I'm being honest Y/N." Tanaka lt out a loud wail, "Who would taint the pure soul of our precious Y/N?!" All while this is happening Tsukishima sits on the couch eating his udon, unbothered by the hysteria. And if one were to look they would see the satisfied smirk adorning his features. "Looks like I could handle all that." he whispered to himself
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