#by how I sometimes mention Morro redemption arcs
afandomroom · 2 years
Talking about Morro again: In my opinion (which has changed since I first started posting here) Morro did not have a redemption arc per-say but rather an acceptance and retirement from villainy arc. 
Meaning that the story we’ve seen for him so far was, in my eyes, a story about him accepting that he wasn’t the green ninja and finding peace for himself, and leaving villainy behind. He’s intent on doing the right thing when it comes down to it, and has clearly found peace in the departed realm, but hasn’t tried apologizing or making right on what he’s done. 
So he’s not gone through a full redemption arc, but he’s ready to go through one if that’s the path he wants to take or finds himself needing to. 
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destinysbounty · 2 years
Morro for the opinion bingo? :o
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Ooh im conflicted on this one. I mean, hes a great villain and probably one of the most interesting antagonists in the series, and I think there is so much untapped potential in his character that never got fully utilized. There are so many mysteries to him as well that id have loved to see get answered. But the part im conflicted on is what kind of screentime he should get.
On the one hand, he absolutely deserves a full redemption arc and not just a quick scene or two like in DotD. I think the Morro stans could explain this better, but between his rough childhood, his complicated motivations, and the fact that he was like 16 (a CHILD) when he died, i think he definitely deserves a redemption arc. Not to mention that seeing Wu and Lloyd in particular try to navigate their feelings about him would be very compelling. And we could have an interesting narrative about redemption and how redemption does not automatically necessitate forgiveness, and that forgiveness is not earned but freely given, and how redemption isn't something you can achieve but something to constantly strive towards.
And itd be interesting to deconstruct Morro's character from that angle, and dissect WHY he wanted to be the green ninja so badly and WHY he was so determined to be the best (maybe Wu pushed him too hard when training him? Again thats a question for a Morro stan). Not to mention that Morro's character generates a lot of interesting discussion about destiny, and bringing Morro back in a redemptive capacity could allow the story to explore just how harmful the green ninja prophecy has been to everyone involved.
On the OTHER hand, Morro's death was narratively satisfying, and im also of the opinion that even if a character deserves redemption, doesnt mean they have to get it in the end. Sometimes bad things happen, and people dont get the happy endings they deserve. Morro's character arc is a tragedy from beginning to end, as this orphaned kid who became so determined to prove himself to the man who took him in that he began to equate his worth with his relation to destiny, and died young and alone and in pain on a quest to prove destiny wrong. And then, even with the threat of dying a second time, well. "You can only save those who want to be saved." Does he say this because he realised the error in his ways and doesnt think he deserves to be saved, or because he still cant bring himself to be weak and reliant in front of his old teacher, is still too terrified of depending on others to accept Wu's help even in his final moments? Idk. Its a bit of both, i think. Either way I really do enjoy Morro's character arc as a tragedy, and part of me almost doesnt want him to come back just to change that.
But again, im pretty conflicted on it, and I havent quite decided either way on whether or not id like him to be redeemed. I see the merit in both options. That being said, the Morro redemption fic "Forgetting the Coin for the Ferryman" is by far one of my favorite fics in this fandom.
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that-one-small-boi · 3 years
I’ve been dead forever so take some insecurity hcs
I’m back, to make you suffer /hj
TW for sh mention
Cole:  -He is insecure about his weight, sometimes people comment on it jokingly, but its ~manifested~ into something he’s insecure about -He doesn’t really like his eyes, all he can see is his mother, it hurts to much to think about her sometimes
Jay: -His height :D       -We all saw that coming, as the shortest ninja (even shorter than Nya and Lloyd) he gets teased a lot for it, but he never stops them -Confrontation, he hates it, especially if it’s from friends
Nya: -Her level of education (this actually comes up quite often in the Smith line). She didn’t finish school, remember? Even if she did study quite a bit after thanks to Loki’s notes he lent her, she still feels like she missed a lot of potential for her intelligence
Kai: -His looks, not that surprising lets be honest      -He has a lot of body scars insecurities, especially of the sh scars on his upper arms (raising his sister since he was little with no outlet for his emotions definitely played a part to that)  -Also his level of education. He had to drop out early on when he was 15 or so to work full time to support Nya
Lloyd: -His body shape, (i hc him as intersex) due to the extra estrogen he has, it effected his body, leaving him with a very feminine figure after the tomorrow tea incident -He tries not to let his short schooling time to bother him, it does
I have changed my oc’s name to Loki I like it better: -His face scar, and his other body scars (hes basically in the same boat as Kai) -He’s trans, so his dysphoria counts too
Zane: -Programming glitches, remember when he was talking backwards? he feel really embarrassed and insecure about himself when things like that happen
Wu: -He’s actually insecure about stuff! He still has that old “if you dont marry and have kids you failed as a member of society” mentality in the back of his brain -Failing another student like he did to Morro? Biggest insecurity regarding his teaching
Morro: -After his redemption arc (please writers- he deserves it), he gets nervous that he could get bitter like that and harm his now friends again -Being left alone reminds him how shit his mental health is, he also tries to hide that from everyone 
Aiko: -That people don’t take her seriously in her genderfluidity, or as the perfect mold of the FSM’s child that everyone expects them to be
Garmadon: -That no matter how much he fights the darkness, it will always come back
Ray: -Again, his level of education -He had to drop out early to work with his mom to help get enough money to send his little brother to a good post-secondary school (he doesn’t regret helping him he just wished he could have finished school before the Serpentine wars broke out too)
Maya: -Her mental stability      -I’m serious, this chick has some serious trauma, and she worries she projects onto Ray sometimes (I might make a story about this but we’ll see)
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