#by virtue of like. genetics. but y'know. sometimes she looks LIKE HER MOM and she wasn't expecting it! it's sweet!
radioconstructed · 2 years
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⌖ This WAS supposed to be about the horrid custom Allegra Chicken socks + Margielas, but I’m FLOORED by how much I look like my MOTHER! <3
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autisticrosewilson · 6 days
thoughts on tanya and her relationship with deathstroke and the family? also any hc's ? 👁️
I think her relationship differs from the others by virtue of her being an adult when she meets him, she's a not a starry eyed/traumatized teenager looking for a family. She's still after a support system though, a team to be on after she leaves the Titans, an older mentor to help her better herself. So it's not quite a father daughter relationship, but she does probably admire Slades skill and she is willing to be vulnerable with him.
That doesn't mean she'll take his shit though, she questions his orders routinely, she refuses to be demoted to a sidekick. Just because she's a student doesn't mean she's subservient, it's something that definitely caused friction in the early days of defiance where she strained against his leadership in a way he wasn't used to. A grown woman forcing him to see her as an equal while he trains her is very different from impulsive teenagers disobeying orders and he's not entirely sure how to deal with it at first.
But if there's one thing about Slade it's that the more someone fights him, the more fond he is. Once they've worked together for a while things settle down, they learn to read each other better and trust gets built up. I think that Slade would consider her one of his kids, but Tanya sees him as like, the uncle she lived with in college y'know. He's not exactly happy about it but it's not like he's in any position to push. Compared to his actual children he has a pretty good relationship with Tanya which really solidifies his idea that it's some family curse or genetic disposition for sucking as a parent as opposed to like, generational trauma he should do something about.
I think she has a complicated relationship with the family. She doesn't really consider herself a part of it the way the rest are, but she does see some of the Wilson kids as siblings because it's hard to be on a team with people, fighting together, living together, seeing fucked up shit together without getting close.
I think she gets along best with Joey, he grew up in a lot of the same social circles and he also understands a lot of the belittlement she gets.
It's because of her camaraderie with Joey that she's not really fond of Adeline, being someone who also grew up mostly relying on her mom the radioactive relationship between the Kane-Wilson's is something she doesn't want anything to do with. Suffice to say that while she respects Adeline as a business woman she will not be accompanying Joey to any family parties or reunions.
Following that she's got the kind of "older sisters that always competed growing up but are also closer to each other than either of you are with your younger siblings by virtue of being closest in age" relationship with Sunny you either get or you don't. Very specific but I think they are fond of each other even though they fight constantly. Most of the time they're not even trying to fight, Slade will tell them to quit bickering and they'll look at each other in bewilderment because they were having a normal conversation.
I don't think her and Rose are close, I feel like Tanya just relates more to other people in Rose's life just because of the age difference. To Tanya, Rose will always be "Joey's little sister" or "Dick's teammate". That doesn't mean that Tanya doesn't care about her though, they still know how to work together and I think Rose has maybe asked her for advice more than once. Whether it be on stupid socialite etiquette, how to shut Slade up or even grieving with the loss of her mom. It's like having a younger sister you don't live with, and you two were never the closest but sometimes you come home to her in your new apartment because she needs to complain about your dad and a candle she saw at the check out reminded her of you, so she brought a house warming gift even though you moved in two months ago.
Now the relationship between her and Poppy is complicated because of their relationships to Tara. On one hand she doesn't want to step on Tara's toes by taking over too much with Poppy, but she also doesn't want to leave either of them hanging since neither of them really have anyone besides Slade. On the other hand Tanya sometimes worries that Poppy is after more of a mother figure than another sister, and she doesn't feel ready for that. So it's a balancing act between being supportive enough to bond with her without getting close enough to intrude on Tara's role or give Poppy the wrong impression.
Her relationship with Tara has the aforementioned issue and... Tanya is kind of freaked out by her. Like everything about Tara and her relationships to Slade, Rose and Poppy just really makes her sad but she also doesn't want to involve herself in all that crazy. Also Tara has A Thing for Beast Boy (It's not a crush in my rewrite, more of a hero worship thing for the person who broke up the Dark Side Club) who Tanya considers her best friend and it's really weird for her to hear and talk about.
I don't really see her liking Grant if he were alive, she would think him working specifically to piss off Slade is funny until it coincides with her own jobs. Mostly that's yet another complicated inner family dynamic she doesn't want to get close to. She's mildly fascinated by him the way a child's fascinated by a bug under a microscope, she's really curious to find out what being Slade and Adeline's least favorite kid does to a person. Their civilian personas have fake Twitter beef (she thinks it's a joke but he's very serious about it) though.
She sent Slade a card with a condom inside saying "put the dick down" when she found out about Respawn. (She doesn't know he's Grant's clone yet.)
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