#bye anywaythis is long
meangirls2004 · 6 years
ok story time 😛 so i homeschooled for the first semester of 8th grade and then i went to public school for the second semester of the year bc my mom wanted me to make friends but i couldn’t bc my social anxiety had gotten 10x worse than it was before so i was just a really really quiet student who never had any friends (oof) and so ofc i was also closeted shahjjjwksd & i remember i had this elective of .smth i forgot the name of the class but every thursday a professional would come in and talk to my class about ethics and decision making and morals. n this one time she handed out a sheet of paper that listed a bunch of statements, one being “i think it’s okay to use ‘gay’ as an adjective with negative connotations”, and she had us pick whether we strongly agreed, agreed, were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed. obviously i strongly disagreed with that particular statement lmao. but there were also statements about abuse and rape/rape culture and mental health like “depression can easily be cured if you just stop being sad” and “girls who are sexually assulted have to take some responsibility if they were wearing revealing clothing” and “girls wear makeup in hopes of attracting boys” (i chose strongly disagree on all of those too lol). so after everyone filled out their papers individually, the teacher went through and publicly discussed them all with the class. hh and when she got to the ‘gay as an insult’ one she asked the people who chose strongly agree to raise their hands (as in: they think it’s okay to make fun of someone/thing and use the word ‘gay’ as an insult or something negative) and literally. more than half the class raised their hands. lmao. so the teacher tried to tell them Why It Wasn’t Okay! but it was obviously half assed and u could tell she didn’t really even believe what she was saying herself and then the entire class sprung into a discussion about gay people as if the classroom was full of straight people. and the assistant teacher in the classroom literally. She literally was like “let me guys tell you a story! ☺️ when my daughter was 4 she heard about gay people for the first time and asked me about them and i just told her gay people are just happy people! she’s 5 now and she still thinks gay means happy! because how am i supposed to tell my child about gay people you know?” and she and the rest of the class justfuckign. laughed like it was Jolly Good Time! 😃 and then they moved on to the other questions about sexual assault and rape and depression and basically. almost everyone agreed that depression isn’t a real mental illness and that sexual assult victims are somewhat to blame for their choice of clothing and ihad to sit there, closeted, suffering from depression/anxiety, and trying to heal from years of childhood abuse, and say nothing. so BASICALYL. i had to ask to go the bathroom because i felt an oncoming panic attack and i cried in the stalls . teachers can suck my dick
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