@hiddenagender14 and @bytheskies are some of my favourite people because even tho we've never actually talked, no matter what time of day or night I open this cursed app I find that they have both liked and reblogged their ways through all of the stuff I had just reblogged and I think that is the true spirit of Tumblr.
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cecilemetayer · 7 years
Meanwhile in Piriac... #sea #sky #waves #bythesea #bythesky #upsidedown #seaskyandsun #slowmotion
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medraut-pen-draig · 5 years
hola, i changed my url, used to be freedom-is-a-length-of-rope but felt like changing it idk so now it’s bytheskies which looks like it’s pronounced bytheskies and not by the skies but i can live with that so. yeah. just thought i’d give a heads up to avoid confusion :) carry on
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