#c!bench trio percy jackson au
michaels-two-dads · 3 years
yes i would like to hear about cbenchtrio percy jackson au !!
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-c!Tommy is a son of Zeus
-He is obviously sort of famous around camp as a child of the Big Three, he has a lot of high expectations placed on his shoulders, sort of Expected to do great things
-Despite the high expectations, Tommy is still himself. Loud, brash, annoying at first, lover of unlovable things… but then he can also summon lightning which is pretty awesome
-c!Tubbo is a satyr
-Tubbo is Tommy’s best friend, often regarded as a sort of sidekick to him, but Tommy will shock anyone who says that
-Tubbo is sort of an unofficial member of the Hephaestus cabin, he spends most of his free time in the forges, creating machines and armor and weapons
-c!Ranboo is unclaimed, but a lot of people sort of assume he’s a child of Hypnos because he’s got a weird sleep-walking thing going on
-Ranboo arrived at camp a little bit after Tommy and Tubbo, but as soon as he did they became an inseparable trio
-They go on a successful minor quest together once: Tommy- the prophecy kid- and his two friends. Over the course of the quest, the three of them grow even closer, especially Ranboo and Tubbo
-Then, about a month after their quest together, Ranboo goes missing
-No one knew where Ranboo had gone, not even Tommy and Tubbo. He took all his stuff with him, there was no sign of a struggle, no note
-Tommy and Tubbo basically go ballistic trying to find him, they search everywhere, ask everyone. They find no sign
-Two months later, Ranboo shows up to camp with no memories at all. He doesn’t remember camp, he doesn’t remember Tommy, he doesn’t remember Tubbo, he doesn’t remember what happened to him.
-Tommy and Tubbo are at first delighted to see Ranboo, but devastated when he shows no sign of recognizing them. -Tubbo takes it hard. Before Ranboo had gone missing, it had become painfully obvious to everyone but Ranboo and Tubbo that they had feelings for each other. Tubbo didn’t know about Ranboo’s feelings, of course, but he did have a crush on him.
-Ranboo feels a connection to Tommy and Tubbo, but he doesn’t remember them, no matter how hard Tommy and Tubbo try to get him to remember
-Ranboo gets claimed the second time coming to camp, and it turns out that he’s a child of Hades
-Almost immediately after Ranboo gets claimed, a prophecy is given that calls for the trio to go on a major quest
-Over the course of the quest, Tommy and Tubbo get to know the new Ranboo, and Ranboo gets to know them both for the second time
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michaels-two-dads · 3 years
May we hear more about the benchtrio PJO au?
What quest are they on? Also, did beeduo pull any matrimonial schemes during them or smth?
Of course! I’d love to talk about it! (I got a little carried away with this)
-The quest would be somewhere between The Lightning Thief, Sea of Monsters, exile, and the Disc Finale (I’ll explain)
-c!Dream is similar to Luke in PJO (minus romance subplots), as he is a jaded unclaimed demigod who secretly is working to bring back Kronos
-Tommy sees Dream as a mentor figure
-Tommy is loud, brash, and confrontational as ever, and he openly dislikes Zeus for being a shitty dad. This terrifies all the other campers, because when Zeus isn’t ignoring Tommy, he’s sending lightning bolts down to almost hit him
-When Zeus’s master bolt goes missing, all the evidence points to Tommy (Dream frames him)
-Ranboo suddenly appears back at camp with no memories as soon after the news of the missing bolt
-A prophecy is issued that calls for a son of Zeus, a child of Hades, and a satyr to retrieve the master bolt
-The three of them go to the Sea of Monsters under the assumption that Poseidon stole the bolt and is keeping it somewhere there
-So rather than underworld Lightning Thief shenanigans, we get sailing Sea of Monsters shenanigans. This gives more time for c!Ranboo to reform his relationships with Tommy and Tubbo, AND it gives us a fake marriage excuse. Stay with me
-SO at one point all three of them get captured by a cyclops that plans to eat them and Tommy’s powers aren’t working because his dad is angry with him and Ranboo doesn’t know how to use his powers properly and Tubbo is too worried for both of their safety to take on the cyclops himself (though he definitely could if he was on his own)
-The three of them put their net zero brain cells together and come up with a plan: Ranboo will marry the cyclops (he lost the Rock Paper Scissors tournament), and this is like the similar plot line in Sea of Monsters
-Tommy is kept around to officiate the wedding and Tubbo is kept around to make Ranboo’s dress and veil
-They keep trying to devise a plan to escape, but they’re all kept in separate cages and they aren’t able to talk to each other. Tubbo tries to delay the progress of the dress, but the cyclops starts threatening to eat him, so he ends up having to finish it
-They get all the way to the wedding ceremony, and Tommy is officiating. When he asks if anyone objects, Tubbo comes up with a plan
-Snippet below because it’s too clear in my mind to describe without just writing out the dialogue:
“I object!” Tubbo yells.
All eyes turn to him.
“YOU WHAT?!” The cyclops roars, making Ranboo flinch beside him.
“What are you doing?” Tommy mouths.
“I object to this marriage.” Tubbo says.
“WHY?!” The cyclops asks.
“Yes, Tubbo, why?” Tommy says.
Tubbo goes with the first excuse he can think of, “Because… Because Ranboo and I are already married!”
If sheep could gasp, Tubbo thinks that one of them would.
In the stunned silence that follows, Ranboo is the one to speak up first, “That’s… That’s right!” He says. “Tubbo and I are married. To each other.”
The cyclops immediately rounds on him, “Why did you agree to marry me if you were already married?!” He bellows.
“Well, because… because our marriage… is a… a secret.” Ranboo says. “Yeah! It’s, uh, it’s a secret marriage.”
“Why is it a secret?” The cyclops asks. His tone has quickly turned from rage to genuine curiosity.
“Well, be-because… because… uh…”Ranboo sputters, “Because…”
“Because we couldn’t tell Tommy!” Tubbo interjects.
The cyclops turns towards him again, “What? Why not?”
Tubbo shuts his eyes, “He doesn’t believe that two men can marry.” He says with a sniff. “He would never approve our love.”
Ranboo nods solemnly, “It’s true.”
“What?!” Tommy says. “I’m not- I’m not fuckin’ homophobic!”
“The boy is in denial.” Tubbo explains. “But we knew- we knew that if we ever told Tommy… he wouldn’t want to be friends with us anymore. So, we had to keep it a secret!”
“You know what, Tubbo? I think I actually will not be friends with you two anymore. I think that’s a great idea.” Tommy says in the background.
“See?” Tubbo says.
-From there, in proper comedic fashion, I think the cyclops would proceed to tell Ranboo and Tubbo that their love is beautiful and valid, and that any friend who won’t accept you for who you are is not a real friend, anyways. Then I think the cyclops would try and eat Tommy, but he would get the ability to send down a lightning strike just in time, and the three of them would escape
-Towards the end of their quest, the trio would find that the lightning bolt was not in the possession of Poseidon, but was actually in the possession of Dream
-Dream would reveal that Ranboo was the one who actually stole the master bolt for Dream (reason pending), and that he had his memories wiped in the River Styx afterwards in order to get rid of the evidence
-Tubbo and Tommy would obviously be pissed at Ranboo, and Ranboo would feel awful about himself, but they wouldn’t allow Dream to turn them against each other
-During their fight, Dream would at some point manage to hold Tubbo hostage, and he’d force Ranboo and Tommy to drop their weapons, using their respective emotional attachments to Tubbo as a reason for why attachment makes people weak, and how Kronos understands that, etc etc
-While Dream is monologuing, Ranboo would finally figure out his powers (which he had struggled with for the whole quest) in order to summon a skeleton to rip Dream’s weapon out of his hand and allow Tubbo to get away
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michaels-two-dads · 3 years
Absolutely living you pjo benchtrio au so far! It's so cool! Sad tho too, ;-;
Thanks so much!!! And yeahh I’m sorry, I have a penchant for angst. Perhaps I will say a bit more here (focusing on c!Beeduo because. yeah)
-It’s hard for Tubbo, traveling with someone who he had such a close relationship, and having to start it all over.
-At the same time, he’s trying not to take advantage of the situation, and so he’s a lot more closed off than he was the first time around with Ranboo
-Ranboo is deeply intrigued by Tubbo and he feels a connection with him, but Ranboo can tell the underlying sadness in every interaction, and he hates that he’s the reason that Tubbo is sad
-One day on their quest, Ranboo gets an idea. He suggests it to Tommy first, and Tommy likes it. Ranboo’s idea is to take a book and to have Tommy tell him moments that he can remember from when they were friends before, so that Ranboo can write them all down.
-Ranboo keeps the book a secret from Tubbo at first, not wanting to bring up the fact that he doesn’t remember on his own, and instead, any time that Tubbo explains something that Ranboo doesn’t remember, Ranboo rushes to his tent afterwards to scribble it down
-Ranboo reads over the book every day, until the memories almost feel like his, and he can practically remember them like he was there (though he was there, or at least, a version of him)
-Accidental snippet I wrote below
One day, Ranboo and Tubbo are out gathering firewood, and Tubbo looks at Ranboo with a smile, “Hey, remember that time when we were learning to build a fire, and-” Tubbo stops mid-sentence, his face falling as he realizes his mistake. “Oh, I- Nevermind. Sorry, I-”
But before Tubbo can finish apologizing, Ranboo rushes to complete the story, “Do you mean when Tommy accidentally caught the edge of his shirt in the flame?”
Immediately, Tubbo’s eyes brighten, “Yes! Yes, that’s exactly what I meant! How- How did you know that?”
“I didn’t remember it.” Ranboo is quick to say.
Tubbo’s eyes dim, “Oh.” He says.
”But I- I’ve kind of been working on something,” Ranboo says, dropping his firewood to take the book out of his pocket, “Here.” He says, holding it out to Tubbo.
Their fingers brush together for a moment as Tubbo takes the book, his expression full of curiosity. After a nod from Ranboo, he opens the book, and begins to flip through the pages. It takes him a while to understand, but when he finally speaks, his voice is soft.
“It’s… It’s a memory book.” Tubbo says.
”Yeah!“ Ranboo answers.
”When…?” Tubbo trails off.
”I’ve been working on it for a couple weeks now.” Ranboo answers. “Tommy helped.”
”But… why?” Tubbo asks.
”For you.” Ranboo says. “Or- for me, really. To remember you. To… I don’t know. I just… You always seem so upset, when I can’t remember, and I just… I really hate seeing you upset, and I wanted to do- to do something to help…”
Tubbo closes the book, stepping closer, his eyes welling up with tears, “Ranboo… you… you didn’t have to do that.” He says.
”But I wanted to.” Ranboo responds, clear and simple.
Tubbo lets out a sound between a sob and a laugh, “You always say that.” He says.
Ranboo tilts his head, “I do?”
”Yeah.” Tubbo sniffs, and a tear drops onto his cheek.
Without even thinking, Ranboo reaches out to brush the tear away. His hand lingers at Tubbo’s face, and they both stop breathing for a moment.
Then, Tommy yells something about them taking too long, and they both snap out of it.
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michaels-two-dads · 3 years
I’m not saying I have a c!Bench Trio Percy Jackson AU in my head but if I did would anyone like to hear about it…….?
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