#c: Jessica
sexierthanaman · 2 days
@glitchexmachina continued from x.
Jessica saw the sticker and chuckled softly. "Well in that case we will start with making sure you eat and drink. Can't have you passing out on me."
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strongerthanaman · 7 months
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“What the hell kind of greeting is that?!”
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merylstreep-hf · 11 months
Hey. Its been a while since we chatted. It has been way too long. How are you doing? Sorry I have been quiet recently. Just been spending some time with the children and the grandchildren.
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glcriouspvrpose · 1 year
Loki had been playing guard outside the balcony doors when his brother took Jane out for a private moment before the wedding -- but that was before the flower girl made a beeline across the palace. Which is why he was currently carrying her everywhere, so she wouldn’t have to get ready for the ninth time, but also so they didn’t lose her again. ‘Hiiiiiiiiii,’ Morgan said, giving the word multiple syllables when she saw Jessica walking towards them from the opposite direction. Loki rolled his eyes and met his girlfriend in the middle of the hallway. “Hi.” He leaned down and kissed her. When he pulled back, with the hand that wasn’t keeping Morgan secure in his hold, Loki raised Jessica’s and kissed the back of it. “You look beautiful, darling.” He boosted Morgan back up on his hip when she started making herself slip. “Stark was about to have an aneurysm. Or throw her back down the bifrost, I wasn’t sure.”
; @akastartatthebeginning​
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adriaarjcna · 5 days
Okay, forgive me while I fangirl for a sec, but I just found out you studied Pantomime in Europe before becoming an actress? I mean, is there anything you haven’t tried?! You’ve officially left me in awe. You’re such an inspiration to dive into new things—even the ones that make me nervous. I’m sure you would’ve been an amazing mime, but I’m beyond grateful you chose acting instead. The world (especially me!) simply couldn’t handle missing out on your incredible talent. / @jessiicalange
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jetaiimee · 1 year
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"We have to start getting ready now, Will.." Jessica looked back at him after opening the blinds, checking if the soon-to-be newly-weds would have nice weather on their wedding day. "..And you need a shower," the blonde shook her head at him, turning down his offer of a second round. Jessica had already showered and done a million steps to prepare for the wedding, spending a good hour in the bathroom pampering herself. "I know this place is giving such a romantic vibe," she would admit that she felt a certain way being around all this love and good-looking people, Will included. "Whatever's on your mind, you can save it for later," she smiled and walked over to the bed that once was tidy and now a mess. She sat down on the edge of the bed, wearing a silk slip while her body lotion was drying. There was no way she would let him mess her up again now. @bywhatitfedon
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fvlcxns · 5 months
"Objections to sneaking out with this bottle I snagged? Because I have a migraine from mingling. Also -- " Sam stopped and looked at her. "Not that I mind seeing your hot ass face, but why are you here? Super freak party doesn't seem up your alley, baby cakes." ; @akastartatthebeginning
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drfcstrs · 1 year
"Okay, so. I'm pretty sure I mixed them up," was what Jane said when Jessica walked in. She was staring down at her newborn daughters, expression completely blank. "I was giving Thor hell for freaking out about this and now I don't know which one is which." ; @akastartatthebeginning
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garethsouthgate-hf · 1 year
I really hope you don't mind me being your roommate for this trip. I am not someone who can be annoying so you don't need to worry about. I should introduce myself. I'm Gareth.
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j-stcrm · 2 years
Johnny was turning the corner, having just left the training room, when he nearly collided with someone coming the opposite direction. “Fuck,” he mumbled, under his breath, and then he saw who it was. “What the hell. You have a hit on me that you’ll fully carry out yourself now?” / @akastartatthebeginning​
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parkerlucked · 1 year
“Okay,” he said, “let me get this straight. You remember me? From high school?” Peter leaned against the wall, arms folded across his chest, and frowned. “Dude, no one remembers me from high school. Unless it’s as like, the kid I used to beat up between class periods.” The kid whose uncle was murdered, what was his name again? The kid who always vanished during school assemblies. The kid no one cared enough about to count on.
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In a lot of ways--some that counted, some that didn’t--he’d come a long way since high school. In a lot more, nothing had changed at all. “Seriously, you’ve gotta be messing with me. What’s your end game here?”
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sexierthanaman · 8 months
Open to: Any Connection: Stranger/Taboo/ Whatever
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Jessica came to the bar often, drinking heavily even though it didn't affect her much do to everything IGH had done to her. She had been flirting with the other pretty heavily and decided to cut to the chase. "I'm heading towards the bathroom. Follow me and show me what you can really do."
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strongerthanaman · 6 months
@glitchexmachina liked for a starter from Jessica.
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"Tyson, is that actually you? It has been so long since I've seen you," Jessica said as she saw him, having not seen him since they graduated high school.
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cptcvrter · 2 years
“what do i do now?” ;@akastartatthebeginning
" - what do you do for what, love?" Peggy asked, putting the files she carried in on her desk. She hadn't really looked at Jessica, knowing she'd be there since she asked her if she wanted to get lunch (or drinks, she assumed was the most likely case.) But then she looked up and sighed. "Honey," Peggy started, walking over to her. "Bad case? You look exhausted."
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glcriouspvrpose · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked: Flirt ; @akastartatthebeginning​
Loki walked up behind Jessica when he finally found her and slid his arm around her, gently bringing her back against his chest. “Hjartað mitt,” he said, softly, kissing the side of her head as he moved his other arm around her. He dropped another kiss to her shoulder. “Keep running off on me and I’ll think you’re avoiding me.”
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mrstvrks · 2 years
 “people don’t change. opinions do.” ;@akastartatthebeginning
" -- I still need to sue whoever it was who took these pictures, though," was what Tony followed up his little speech with, staring at the magazine spread out in front of him on his desk. Pout clear on his face, he lifted it up to show Jessica. "They aren't even good pictures of me. Like, if I'm going to have a borderline stalker taking pictures of my every move, take good pictures of me? What the hell? That's rude." He laid the magazine back on the desk. "Taking ugly pictures of me is ruder than stalking me."
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