#c: Natalie Torres
dickfuckk · 1 year
A list of season 2 cast and crew members, confirmed and speculated
I will try and keep this updated
Not counting the obvious ones
Please note that this is a list of both cast and crew members, so PAs and such are also included and not just actors
sorry in advance that 90% of my sources come from instagram
Aaron Morton (Camera) - he’s listed on the very last picture as the camera-man
Adam Stein (Writer)
Alan F. (English solider)
Alexandria S.
Alistair Gregory - from this tweet so uncertain, but followed me back on my bts instagram account so seems to have some interest in ofmd
Amy Tunnicliffe
Amanda M. (Wedding guest)
Andrew DeYoung (Director) - I don't remember if there was any other reason than the fact that he was in Aotearoa during filming
Andy Rydzewksi (Cinematographer)
Brian Badie (Hairstylist)
Bronson Pinchot ("Torturer")
Bryn Seager - I don't remember why but I follow him
Bryony Matthew (Food stylist)
Cora Montalban (Makeup and/or hairstylist) - I believe she was tagged in an instagram story once, and she's followed by a ton of cast and crew members
Daniel Fernandez (Spanish priest)
David G. (Stand in)
Dennis Bailey (Hairstylist) - Leslie revealed that he's there.
Don A. (Swampy Town folk)
Eliza Cossio (Writer)
Erroll Shand (Prince Ricky)
Fernando Frias (Director)
Grant Lobban
Gypsy Taylor (Costume designer)
Haroun Barazanchi - I'm gonna be honest, I have no memory of why I suspect this guy will be working on season 2, but I follow him hgjfdks
Jaden McLeod
Jason Samoa, possibly spotted on location
Jemaine Clement, pretty sure this is only based on his friendship with Rhys and Taika tbh
Jes Tom (Writer)
Jessica Lee Hunt (Makeup artist) - followed by a ton of crew and cast members and I believe she's been tagged in instagram stories and such
John Mahone (Writer)
Jono Capel-Baker (Groom)
Jonno Roberts didn't get the role from his audition, but could still have gotten a different role - hung out with Ruibo
Karl L. (Action extra)
Kate Fu
Kathleen Zyka Smith ("Red Flag")
Kosuke Iijima (Fabricator/Sculptor?) - due to interaction on this post
Kris Gillan (Fabricator/Sculptor)
Kura Forrester - followed by quite a few cast and crew members, but I don't remember if there was anything else to it
Laura Stables (SFX makeup artist)
Leanne - followed by cast and crew
Lee Tuson
Leslie Jones (Spanish Jackie) - she's spoiled this so many times, but gjfhdks
Leyla - followed by a lot of cast and crew members, don't remember if there was more to it than that
Luke V. (Stand in)
Ma Christina C. ("Red Flag")
Madeleine Sami (Archie)
Maddie Roche (PA) - read the tags idk lmao
Maddy Powell - this double rainbow photo is for sure from the first day of filming and nathan commented on her post
Maggie Philips (Music supervisor)
Mark Black (Henchman)
Mark Mitchinson (Hornigold)
Martin D. (Wedding guest)
Megan Vertelle (Set decorator)
Mike Berlucchi (Cinematographer)
Nareemun S. (Stand in)
Nat Van Halle - Has been hanging out on set with crew and cast
Natalie Torres (Writer)
Nathan Foad (Lucius)
Nathaniel Goodman - listed as camera-man
Nicola Dove (Photographer) - I'm guessing she'll be the season 2 version of Aaron Epstein
Paul Murphy (Director)
Ra Vincent (Production designer) - He's the one in a white t-shirt and sunglasses or smth on his head
Rachel Forman - followed by a lot of cast and crew (including taika, nathan, madeleine, alex etc.) and Fernando made a post saying goodbye to Aoteroa, and she commented and he said he would miss her
Rachel House - Suspected due to her hanging out with cast and crew, but could be nothing
Richard B. ("Republic of Pirates")
Ringo R. ("Republic of Pirates")
Rory Davis - followed by cast and crew
Ruibo Qian
Sha M. ("Republic of Pirates")
Simone Nathan (Writer)
Tammy Davis - pretty sure it's just based off of this post which could be nothing
Tara Lauren (Makeup artist)
Tenesse Murfitt (Hairstylist) - followed by a ton of cast and crew members, and I believe she's been tagged in instagram stories
Tino L. (Stand in)
Toa Paranihi - I honestly don't remember why this was speculated or possibly confirmed, but I follow him on instagram and so do a couple of the cast and crew members
Ty Evander
Vanessa Vandy (Cinematopgrapher) - don't remember why i suspect her, but i follow her
Will Giles (Set designer)
Zach Douglas
Zackery Alexander Stephans (Writer)
Zak Enayat - he has just been very openly working on the show, and is followed by cast and crew members
Zayre Ferrer (Writer)
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hedwig-dordt · 9 months
The Ig Nobel Prize, for scientific research that makes people laugh and then makes them think. This year's winners!
CHEMISTRY and GEOLOGY PRIZE [POLAND, UK] Jan Zalasiewicz, for explaining why many scientists like to lick rocks. REFERENCE: “Eating Fossils,” Jan Zalasiewicz, The Paleontological Association Newsletter, no. 96, November 2017. Eating fossils | The Palaeontological Association (palass.org) WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Jan Zalasiewicz
LITERATURE PRIZE [FRANCE, UK, MALAYSIA, FINLAND] Chris Moulin, Nicole Bell, Merita Turunen, Arina Baharin, and Akira O’Connor for studying the sensations people feel when they repeat a single word many, many, many, many, many, many, many times. REFERENCE: “The The The The Induction of Jamais Vu in the Laboratory: Word Alienation and Semantic Satiation,” Chris J. A. Moulin, Nicole Bell, Merita Turunen, Arina Baharin, and Akira R. O’Connor, Memory, vol. 29, no. 7, 2021, pp. 933-942. doi.org/10.1080/09658211.2020.1727519 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Chris Moulin, Akira O’Connor
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRIZE [INDIA, CHINA, MALAYSIA, USA] Te Faye Yap, Zhen Liu, Anoop Rajappan, Trevor Shimokusu, and Daniel Preston, for re-animating dead spiders to use as mechanical gripping tools. REFERENCE: “Necrobotics: Biotic Materials as Ready-to-Use Actuators,” Te Faye Yap, Zhen Liu, Anoop Rajappan, Trevor J. Shimokusu, and Daniel J. Preston, Advanced Science, vol. 9, no. 29, 2022, article 2201174. doi.org/10.1002/advs.202201174 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Te Faye Yap and Daniel Preston
PUBLIC HEALTH PRIZE [SOUTH KOREA, USA] Seung-min Park, for inventing the Stanford Toilet, a device that uses a variety of technologies — including a urinalysis dipstick test strip, a computer vision system for defecation analysis, an anal-print sensor paired with an identification camera, and a telecommunications link — to monitor and quickly analyze the substances that humans excrete. REFERENCE: “A Mountable Toilet System for Personalized Health Monitoring via the Analysis of Excreta,” Seung-min Park, Daeyoun D. Won, Brian J. Lee, Diego Escobedo, Andre Esteva, Amin Aalipour, T. Jessie Ge, et al., Nature Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 6, 2020, pp. 624-635. doi.org/10.1038/s41551-020-0534-9 REFERENCE: “Digital Biomarkers in Human Excreta,” Seung-min Park, T. Jessie Ge, Daeyoun D. Won, Jong Kyun Lee, and Joseph C. Liao, Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 18, no. 8, 2021, pp. 521-522. doi.org/10.1038/s41575-021-00462-0 REFERENCE: “Smart Toilets for Monitoring COVID-19 Surges: Passive Diagnostics and Public Health,” T. Jessie Ge, Carmel T. Chan, Brian J. Lee, Joseph C. Liao, and Seung-min Park, NPJ Digital Medicine, vol. 5, no. 1, 2022, article 39. doi.org/10.1038/s41746-022-00582-0 REFERENCE: “Passive Monitoring by Smart Toilets for Precision Health,” T. Jessie Ge, Vasiliki Nataly Rahimzadeh, Kevin Mintz, Walter G. Park, Nicole Martinez-Martin, Joseph C. Liao, and Seung-min Park, Science Translational Medicine, vol. 15, no. 681, 2023, article eabk3489. doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.abk3489 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Seung-min Park
COMMUNICATION PRIZE [ARGENTINA, SPAIN, COLOMBIA, CHILE, CHINA, USA] María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, Estela Càmara, Sol Fittipaldi, Lucas Sedeño, Agustín Ibáñez, Marcelo Berthier, and Adolfo García, for studying the mental activities of people who are expert at speaking backward. REFERENCE: “Neurocognitive Signatures of Phonemic Sequencing in Expert Backward Speakers,” María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, Estela Càmara, Sol Fittipaldi, Lucas Sedeño, Agustín Ibáñez, Marcelo L. Berthier, and Adolfo M. García, Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 10621, 2020. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67551-z WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: María José Torres-Prioris, Adolfo García
MEDICINE PRIZE [USA, CANADA, MACEDONIA, IRAN, VIETNAM] Christine Pham, Bobak Hedayati, Kiana Hashemi, Ella Csuka, Tiana Mamaghani, Margit Juhasz, Jamie Wikenheiser, and Natasha Mesinkovska, for using cadavers to explore whether there is an equal number of hairs in each of a person’s two nostrils. REFERENCE: “The Quantification and Measurement of Nasal Hairs in a Cadaveric Population,” Christine Pham, Bobak Hedayati, Kiana Hashemi, Ella Csuka, Margit Juhasz, and Natasha Atanaskova Mesinkovska, Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, vol. 83, no. 6, 2020, pp. AB202-AB202. doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2020.06.902 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Christine Pham, Natasha Mesinkovska, Margit Juhasz, Kiana Hashemi, Tiana Mamaghani
NUTRITION PRIZE [JAPAN] Homei Miyashita and Hiromi Nakamura, for experiments to determine how electrified chopsticks and drinking straws can change the taste of food. REFERENCE: “Augmented Gustation Using Electricity,” Hiromi Nakamura and Homei Miyashita, Proceedings of the 2nd Augmented Human International Conference, March 2011, article 34. doi.org/10.1145/1959826.1959860 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Homei Miyashita, Hiromi Nakamura
EDUCATION PRIZE [CHINA, CANADA, UK, THE NETHERLANDS, IRELAND, USA, JAPAN] Katy Tam, Cyanea Poon, Victoria Hui, Wijnand van Tilburg, Christy Wong, Vivian Kwong, Gigi Yuen, and Christian Chan, for methodically studying the boredom of teachers and students. REFERENCE: “Boredom Begets Boredom: An Experience Sampling Study on the Impact of Teacher Boredom on Student Boredom and Motivation,” Katy Y.Y. Tam, Cyanea Y. S. Poon, Victoria K.Y. Hui, Christy Y. F. Wong, Vivian W.Y. Kwong, Gigi W.C. Yuen, Christian S. Chan, British Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 90, no. S1, June 2020, pp. 124-137. doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12549 REFERENCE: “Whatever Will Bore, Will Bore: The Mere Anticipation of Boredom Exacerbates its Occurrence in Lectures,” Katy Y.Y. Tam, Wijnand A.P. Van Tilburg, Christian S. Chan, British Journal of Educational Psychology, epub 2022. doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12549 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Christian Chan, Katy Y.Y. Tam, Wijnand A.P. Van Tilburg
PSYCHOLOGY PRIZE [USA] Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman, and Lawrence Berkowitz for experiments on a city street to see how many passersby stop to look upward when they see strangers looking upward REFERENCE: “Note on the Drawing Power of Crowds of Different Size,” Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman, and Lawrence Berkowitz, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 13, no. 2, 1969, pp. 79-82. psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/h0028070 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Len Bickman
PHYSICS PRIZE [SPAIN, GALICIA, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, UK] Bieito Fernández Castro, Marian Peña, Enrique Nogueira, Miguel Gilcoto, Esperanza Broullón, Antonio Comesaña, Damien Bouffard, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, and Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido, for measuring the extent to which ocean-water mixing is affected by the sexual activity of anchovies. REFERENCE: “Intense Upper Ocean Mixing Due to Large Aggregations of Spawning Fish,” Bieito Fernández Castro, Marian Peña, Enrique Nogueira, Miguel Gilcoto, Esperanza Broullón, Antonio Comesaña, Damien Bouffard, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, and Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido, Nature Geoscience, vol. 15, 2022, pp. 287–292. doi.org/10.1038/s41561-022-00916-3 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Bieito Fernandez Castro, Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido, Alberto Naveira Garabato, Esperanza Broullon, Miguel Gil Coto
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sporadiceagleheart · 9 days
You're Tears the lord Jesus Christ will wipe It all away He's gonna wipe all of your tears away and make everything alright you got to hold on You can hold on school shooting victims including that Perry high school victim in January 2024 God healed them all and put wings and Halo on them lifted them up towards heaven we all can see then in spirit they may not be here with us anymore but they can still be here in our hearts it's alright to cry sometimes Because they are angels above us every year in heaven believe that here's the names of the victims Jeremiah Small, Dr Eugene P “Gene” Segro, Delano B Middleton, Sophie Jane “Soph” Lockwood-North, Charlotte Bacon, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Daniel Barden, Dr Liviu Librescu, Emily Morten, Jonathan Martinez, Russell Dennis King Jr., Emily Maureen Ellen Keyes, Rachael Elizabeth Hill, Kelly Ann Fleming, Paige Ann Herring, Demetrius C. “D” Hewlin, Randy Michael Gordon, Robert Nicholas “Nick” Creson, Ryan Christopher “Stack” Clark, Vivian Oletta Hart, Iola Irene Hart, Todd Terrell Brown, Shana Lorraine Fisher May 9, 2002 ~ May 18, 2018 16 Years Old, Adriana “Adri” Dukić, Kayla Renee Rolland, Natalie Danielle Brooks, Hallie Scruggs, Hana St. Juliana, Alyssa Miriam Alhadeff, Olivia Engel, Makenna Lee Elrod, Annabell Guadalupe Rodriguez, Maite Yuleana Rodriguez, Rojelio Fernandez Torres, Eliahna “Ellie or Elle” Torres, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Layla Marie Salazar, Alexandria Aniyah “Lexi” Rubio, Alithia Haven Ramirez, Eva Mireles, Maranda Gail Mathis, Tess Marie Mata, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Uziyah Sergio “Uzi” Garcia, Irma Linda Garcia, Jacklyn Jaylen “Jackie” Cazares, Nevaeh Alyssa Bravo, Cassie René Bernall, Corey Tyler DePooter, Melissa Helen Currie, Dr Maria Ragland Davis, Rachel Marie D'Avino, Kevin Allan Hasell, Josephine Grace “Joey” Gay, Dawn Alyson Lafferty Hochsprung, Madeleine Feng “Maddie” Hsu, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Stephanie Dawn Johnson, David Charles Kerr, John Alfred Klang, Jesse McCord Lewis, Mhairi Isabel Macbeath, Ana Grace Márquez-Greene, Grace Audrey “Gracie” McDonnell, Abigail Joanne “Abbie” McLennan, Anne Marie McGowan Murphy, Emilie Alice “Em” Parker, and I'll mention the rest in my next same edit
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mirandamckenni1 · 4 months
Cannons - Hurricane (Official Video) Official Video for “Hurricane” by Cannons   Listen & Download “Hurricane” now! https://ift.tt/5AZEGUu   Amazon Music: https://ift.tt/pTFkZm4 Apple Music: https://ift.tt/0dfkbSn iTunes: https://ift.tt/NygFvJw Pandora: https://ift.tt/UWBHkcl Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/y8fdVwF Spotify: https://ift.tt/S3Cg58l YouTube Music: https://ift.tt/Ug5pqRo YouTube: https://ift.tt/nfbv62Z   Fever Dream out March 25th : https://ift.tt/xyqiugh   Follow Cannons:  Instagram: https://ift.tt/xudb2kE TikTok: https://ift.tt/wrkeFhM Facebook: https://ift.tt/YydWvgF Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/c/cannonstheband YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/cannonstheband Website: https://ift.tt/KWLv7ne    Crew: Director & Editor - Ryan Rundle Producer - Benjamin Del Guercio  Executive Producer - Frank Borin Executive Producer - Ivanna Borin Director of Photography - Corey Jennings 1st AC - Dima Shorin Techno Lead Tech - Robert Warwick Techno Head Tech - James De La Torre CLT - Emilio Marcelino ACLT - Silver Hernandez SLT - Antonio Marasco Key Grip - Jake Reeder Best Boy Grip - Charlie McGlinsky Choreographer - Wendell Phipps Art Director - Alexandra Heine Leadman - Walter Morales Art Assistant - Angel Pinzon Wardrobe - Lyn Alyson Wardrobe Assistant - Alex Levey Hair - Sara Tintari Makeup - Kandi Hernandez Makeup Assistant - Nelly Santiago HMU Intern - Dulce Moran 1st AD - Tim Deal Production Manager - Kalid Hussein BTS Videographer - Antonio Reid BTS Photo - Mariah Lewis BTS Photo - Meredyth Lewis AD PA - Lynn Millspaugh Set PA - Natalie Stockwell   Colorist - Joseph Bicknell Color House - Company 3 Additional VFX - Sunset Edit VFX Artist - Mark Miko Camera & Lenses - Old Fast Glass Technocrane - Elite Camera Support Shot at One Big Stage   Commissioner - Bryan Younce Digital Marketing - Sarah Flanagan & Drew Schieffelin Band Manager - Jon Siebels   Cast: Michelle Joy Ryan Clapham Paul Davis Studio Director - Adam Brooks Studio Camera A Op - Harper Carney Studio Camera B Op - Romello Nelson Usher - Mark Gargnier Usher - Ben Hilzinger Choir Singer - Wendell Phipps Choir Singer - Chris Greenwell Choir Singer - Tricia Plinzke Choir Singer - Maryah "Jules" Handy Choir Singer - Victoria Estrada Choir Singer - Alicia Reason Healed - London Gargnier Healed - Topher Vibar Healed - Mike Scocozza Healed - Mariah Lewis Healed - Amber Clapham Healed - Drew Schieffelin Healed - Oliver Martin Lyrics: I can bring a change, I can bring the thunder and the rain Everything around me, everything will rearrange   I'm coming back like a hurricane I'm gonna take you higher On a cloud of silver haze I wanna take you higher Away, away, away   We can blow them over  We can take them out if you stay This is just a warning  Nothings standing in my way I told you before    Coming back like a hurricane I'm gonna take you higher  On a cloud of silver haze I wanna take you higher  Away, away, away   Take you somewhere far away  Take you somewhere far away  Away, Away, Away   I’m coming back like a hurricane I'm gonna take you higher On a cloud of silver haze  I wanna take you higher Away, away, away   #Cannons #Hurricane #FeverDream via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ2kSbSrDLs
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fentw · 8 months
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Link: https://brantsteele.com/survivor/37/r.php?c=cjDC3FrT
Umm, I don't know if Natalia's victory was deserved, I thought she was a little carried by her alliance because the ideas for most of the moves came from Angelina, but as Angelina didn't make it to the final, I think Mike was the one who deserved it the most.
Natalia Azoqa Winner Finalist 5 Votes To Win
Jeremy Crawford 2nd Place Finalist 3 Votes To Win
Mike White 3rd Place Finalist 2 Votes To Win
Angelina Keeley 4th Place Juror Lost Fire-Making
Pat Cusack 5th Place Juror 3*-1-1 Vote 2-1 Revote
Alison Raybould 6th Place Juror 3-2-1 Vote
Alec Merlino 7th Place Juror 3*-2-1-1 Vote
Natalie Cole 8th Place Juror 4-2-2 Vote
Christian Hubicki 9th Place Juror 5-1-1-1-1 Vote
Bi Nguyen 10th Place Juror 5-5 Vote 5-3 Revote
Nick Wilson 11th Place Juror 4-3-3-1 Vote
Gabby Pascuzzi 12th Place Juror 6-5-1 Vote
Lyrsa Torres 13th Place Juror 5-5-3* Vote 6-5 Revote
Elizabeth Olson 14th Place Pre-Juror 3-1 Vote
Jessica Peet 15th Place Pre-Juror 4-1 Vote
Carl Boudreaux 16th Place Pre-Juror 4-1 Vote
Kara Kay 17th Place Pre-Juror 5-3 Vote
Dan Rengering 18th Place Pre-Juror 7-2 Vote
John Hennigan 19th Place Pre-Juror 5-3-2 Vote
Davie Rickenbacker 20th Place Pre-Juror 5-5 Vote 5-3 Revote
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6 Gerichte der Native Americans, die du mindestens einmal probieren solltest
Allzu oft wird über die amerikanischen Ureinwohner und andere indigene Gruppen und Kulturen in der Vergangenheitsform und nicht in der Gegenwart geschrieben. Es ist zwar wichtig, die gewaltsame Kolonialisierung durch die amerikanische Regierung zu erkennen und zu verurteilen, aber ebenso wichtig ist es, zu erkennen, dass es sich nicht nur um Kulturen der Vergangenheit handelt, sondern um lebendige, widerstandsfähige und sich ständig modernisierende und anpassende Kulturen der Gegenwart und Zukunft. Seit etwa zwanzig Jahren gibt es in der kulinarischen Landschaft eine wachsende Bewegung indigener Menschen, die sich dafür einsetzen, die Zutaten und Ernährungsweisen, auf denen die USA aufgebaut wurden, zu präsentieren und gleichzeitig den Zugang zu indigenen Lebensmitteln in einer Vielzahl von indigenen Gemeinschaften zu verbessern. Nachhaltiges Essen ist seit langem ein zentraler Wert in der indigenen Küche, wie z.B. regenerative landwirtschaftliche Praktiken wie der Zwischenfruchtanbau (d.h. mehrere Pflanzen zusammen anzubauen) und die Verwendung der ganzen Pflanze oder des ganzen Tieres für abfallfreies Kochen. Hier sind nur einige der köstlichen indianischen Gerichte, die du unbedingt probieren solltest.
Blue Corn Mush
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Mais ist in vielen indigenen Gemeinschaften in den USA und Mexiko ein Grundnahrungsmittel, das eine heilige Bedeutung hat und sehr nahrhaft ist, besonders wenn es durch Nixtamalisierung verarbeitet wird. Obwohl Maisbrei in vielen verschiedenen indianischen Stammesgemeinschaften gegessen wird, ist blauer Mais einzigartig im Südwesten. Ursprünglich wurde er von der Hopi-Gemeinschaft angebaut und wird von vielen Gemeinschaften wie den Hopi, Acoma und Diné genossen. Blauer Maisbrei, auch bekannt als tanaashgiizh, ist ein Wohlfühlessen mit einer cremigen, gries- oder breiähnlichen Textur, die mit Wacholderasche bestreut wird, um ein kalziumreiches Essen zu schaffen. Diese Alternative zu Milchprodukten ist wichtig für eine Gemeinschaft, die dafür bekannt ist, dass sie größtenteils laktoseintolerant ist, da Milchprodukte nicht Teil der Ernährung der Ureinwohner waren, sondern von den Spaniern zusammen mit Weizen und Zucker eingeführt wurden.
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Banahas werden von der Food-Autorin des Kansas City Magazine, Natalie Torres Gallagher, als "ähnlich wie Tamales, aber ohne die Füllung" beschrieben. Die Choctaw-Bananen werden ähnlich wie Tamales gekocht und gegessen. Das Maismehl wird mit Wasser und wahlweise Salz und Backpulver vermischt, bevor es in aufgeweichte Maisspelzen eingewickelt und weich gekocht wird - etwa 30-45 Minuten. Die Choctaw Nation, die als drittgrößte staatlich anerkannte Nation in den USA gilt, liegt in den südlichen Regionen von Oklahoma. Anders als die meisten Tamales werden die traditionellen Banahas ohne Fleisch- oder Gemüsefüllung gegessen. Es gibt jedoch keine Regel, die besagt, dass du sie nur pur essen musst, um ihre indigenen Ursprünge zu schätzen. Du kannst auch Salsa, Bohnen oder andere schmackhafte Beilagen hinzufügen. Du kannst die Banaha auch in einzelne Scheiben schneiden und vor dem Servieren anbraten.
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Wie deine Lieblingsmarmelade, Preiselbeersoße oder Kompott besteht die Wojapi-Soße aus einer Mischung aus gekochten einheimischen und oft wilden Beeren. Sie eignet sich perfekt zum Übergießen von Fleisch, Wild, Maisgerichten und einigen Gemüsesorten, um ihnen Säure und Schärfe zu verleihen. Wojapi ist ein traditionelles Gericht der Lakota-Stammesgemeinschaft in South Dakota, bei dem einheimische Produkte wie Aronia verwendet werden, um eine reichhaltige violett-rote Soße herzustellen. Aronia ist nur eine der Zutaten, die in der indigenen Küche zeremoniell, medizinisch und kulinarisch verwendet werden, und sie ist bekannt für ihren ausgeprägt säuerlichen Geschmack. Außerdem sind sie unglaublich nährstoffreich: Aroniabeeren enthalten viele Antioxidantien und Vitamin C und haben entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften, was sie in vielerlei Hinsicht zu einer wertvollen Zutat macht. Aroniabeeren wachsen in verschiedenen Regionen und werden von vielen indianischen Gemeinschaften in Soßen wie Wojapi sowie in Kuchen und Puddings verwendet.
Wasna oder Pemmikan
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Getrocknetes Fleisch ist ein Grundnahrungsmittel vieler Kulturen rund um den Globus. Jerkies, gepökeltes Fleisch und ähnliche Produkte sind aus vielen Gründen so universell, z. B. wegen der saisonalen Verfügbarkeit von Tieren, langen Wintern ohne pflanzliche Nahrungsmittel und der Fülle an verderblichem Fleisch, das konserviert werden muss, sobald ein Tier getötet wurde. Bei den amerikanischen Ureinwohnern wurden Wildtiere wie Wildbret, Bison, Lachs und Truthahn auf diese Weise getrocknet und konserviert. Dazu gehört auch Wasna oder Pemmican, zwei unterschiedliche Bezeichnungen für dieselbe Art von Nahrung. Wasna ist ein Begriff der Lakota-Sioux-Gemeinschaft und Pemmikan wird von den Cree verwendet. Patties werden aus getrocknetem Wildfleisch hergestellt, das mit anderen lokalen Pflanzen wie gemahlenen Würgebeeren gemischt wird. Das Fleisch von Hirsch, Elch oder Bison wird zunächst getrocknet und zerkleinert und dann mit den wilden Beeren vermischt. Tierisches Fett wird als Bindemittel verwendet, um Patties herzustellen, die viel Energie und Nährstoffe enthalten und auch unterwegs leicht zu essen sind.
Drei Schwestern
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Obwohl Gedanken und Ideen rund um die nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in aller Munde sind (und aufgrund des sich schnell verändernden Klimas auch notwendig sind), ist die regenerative Landwirtschaft in den indigenen Gemeinschaften schon immer praktiziert worden. Bohnen, Kürbis und Mais sind als die drei Schwestern bekannt, weil das Trio in der indigenen Landwirtschaft oft in Gruppen zusammengefasst wird: Die Maisstängel bieten eine natürliche Stütze, an der die Bohnen klettern können. Der Kürbis breitet sich aus und schützt den Boden. Die Bohnen liefern Stickstoff, um den Boden für zukünftige Ernten zu regenerieren. Die Drei Schwestern machen deutlich, dass es von Vorteil ist, die Ernährung und den Anbau auf die Bedürfnisse der Umwelt auszurichten. Mais, Bohnen und Kürbisse lassen sich nicht nur gut sammeln, sondern passen auch gut zum Kochen. Eintöpfe, Salate und sogar vegetarische Burger können durch die Kombination der Zutaten zu einer köstlichen, anpassungsfähigen und nährstoffreichen Mahlzeit werden.
Chaquewa oder blaues Maisporridge
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Blaue Maissorten, darunter Hopi und Navajo (Dine), sind im gesamten Südwesten der USA zu finden und werden auf verschiedene Weise verwendet, von Tortillas über Maisbrot bis hin zu Brei. Dieser blaue Maisbrei, auch bekannt als Cheque oder Chaquehue, wird in der Regel zum Frühstück gegessen, ähnlich wie Haferflocken. Er kann süß oder herzhaft serviert werden und mit verschiedenen Zutaten wie Pekannüssen oder Piñon bestreut werden. Eine dieser blauen Maissorten, die unter der Bedrohung durch den Kolonialismus fast untergegangen wäre, war die Sorte Yoeme im Norden New Mexicos, die weniger bekannt ist als andere Pflanzen in der Region. Die Samen wanderten schließlich nach Arizona ein. Samen, genau wie Menschen, lieben es oft zu reisen! Dank eines Mitglieds der Yoeme-Gemeinschaft in Arizona, das in den 1980er Jahren einige seiner Samen an eine Organisation namens Native Seed Search weitergab, sind sie inzwischen wieder in New Mexico angekommen. Native Seed Search ist eine von vielen Organisationen, die Saatgut bewahren und das Saatgut mit seinen Ursprüngen in den indigenen Gemeinschaften in den USA zusammenbringen. Organisationen wie diese tragen dazu bei, breitere Netzwerke innerhalb der indigenen Bewegung für Ernährungssouveränität zu fördern und zu unterstützen.
Originalartikel von ADRIENNE KATZ KENNEDY:
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espacioclaudelina · 2 years
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#Repost @fiberartistsmiamiassociation with @use.repost ・・・ FAMA and The CAMP Gallery @thecampgallery invite you to: Women Pulling at The Threads of Social Discourse: A Room of One's Own. Opening on Friday, October 28th, 2022, 6-9 pm Curators: Melanie Prapopulos @melanieprapopulos & Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco @gabidigiammarco Address: 791 NE 125th St. North Miami, FL 33161. Hours of operation: Wed - Sat, 11am - 5pm On view: Oct 28 - Dec 10, 2022 Artists: Aida Tejada @aida.tejada, Alina Rodriguez Rojo @alinarodriguezrojo, Alissa Alfonso @alissaalfonso, Amy Gelb @amyabelsgelb, Angela Bolanos @_angela_bolanos_, Anna Biondo @a_biondo, Aurora Molina @auroramolinafiberartist, Carolina Romeo @cromeo1206, Debora Rosental @debrosental, Donna Ruff @donnaruffstudio, Evelyn Politzer @evelynpolitzer, Grayson Beaulieu, Jeannette Gonzalez-Crato, Joan Wheeler @joanwheelerart, Juliana Torres, @juliana_ntj Karina Hovaghimian, Laetitia Adam-Rabel @laeti.artist, Laura Villareal @lauravillarrealstudio, Liene Bosquê @lienebosque, Lisa Rockford @lisarockfordart, Lydia Viscardi @lydiaviscardi, Mabelin Castellanos @mabelincastellanos, Margaret Roleke @margaretroleke, Marilyn Valiente @marilyn.valiente.art, Maru Ulivi @maruulivi, Mirele C C Volkart @mirelevolk.art, Monica Avayou @mavayou_piezas, Monica Czukerberg @monicaczukerberg, Natalia Schonowski @natalia.schonowski.artist, Natalie Plasencia @natalieplasenciafineart, Orly Kadosh @orlykadosh, Paola Mondolfi @paola_mondolfi, Patricia Cooke, @misstreesh Patty Suau @pattysuau, Rita Valley @ritavalley1, Sandra Onetti, @espacioclaudelina Sharon Berebichez @sharonbere, Shelly McCoy @shellymccoyart, Shirley Chong @theshirleychong, Silvana Soriano @silvanasorianoart, Silvia Yapur @silviayapur.art, Sofia Jacobs @chicajacobspics, Sooo-z Mastropietro @sooozdoula, Star Trauth @startrauth, Tatiana Zaytseva @tzvisualartist #WomenPullingatTheThreadsofSocialDiscourse, #ARoomofOnesOwn, #thecampgallery, #FAMA, #FAMAThreadingtheCity, #ThreadingtheCity, #MiamiTextileBiennial, #fiberartistsmiamiassociation, #melanieprapopulos, #gabidigiammarco, #fiberart, #textileart, #artinmiami, #miamiartscene (en MIAMI florida / EE.UU) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkUR6fAODN9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rai-r · 7 years
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doubleattitude · 3 years
Radix Dance Convention, Phoenix, AZ: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: Lucia Piedrahita-’Fields of Gold’
2nd: Brighton Taylor-’Fabulous’
Mini Solo
1st: Esme Chou-’Particle’
1st: Victoria Martinez-’SIX’
2nd: Isabella Piedrahita-’All Along’
2nd: Peyton Nowacki-’Angels to Fly’
2nd: Sasha Milstein-’Ephemera’
2nd: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Trouble’
3rd: Brooklyn Ladia-’Caruso’
3rd: Winter Eberts-’Dreamlike’
3rd: Kaydence Mardis-’I’m Available’
3rd: Diana Kouznetsova-’It’s In His Kiss’
4th: Elsie Sandall-’Almost Gone’
5th: Paizley Cogswell-’A Moment Apart’
5th: Phoenix Notary-’New Form’
6th: Aubrey Tolentino-’Foortwurkin’
7th: Sabina Vess-’I See Fire’
7th: Vanessa Soto-’Speechless’
7th: Annie Carlson-’YOUNG’
8th: Isla Gardner-’Don Juan’
8th: Ashton Wullbrandt-’Risk’
8th: Kendyl Miller-’Stand By Me’
9th: Violet Rush-’Change is Everything’
9th: Italia Torres-’Sparrow’
10th: Elias Elkind-’Lost A Friend’
10th: Lucy Wirick-’Save Me’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’Covergirl’
2nd: Madison Ortega-’A Winged Victory’
2nd: Laci Stocio-’Mein Herr’
2nd: Kira Chan-’Pump’
3rd: Claire Wirick-’Capita-Lis’
4th: Campbell Bas-’Alice’
4th: Audrey Domingo-’Eclipse’
4th: Avery Lee-’New York, New York’
4th: Gage Davis-’Saturn’
5th: Jasmine Sison-’Across The Ice’
5th: Hailey Fagenblat-’Blackbird’
5th: Reese Tolentino-’Recomposed’
6th: Scottlyn Lucas-’Grow As We Go’
6th: Megan Reta-’The Dance’
7th: Presley Green-’Born, Never Asked’
7th: McKenzie Robinson-’Dream’
7th: Allie Scrimpshire-’Matter of Time’
8th: Tiffany Morales-’Over The Love’
9th: Brenna Bieler-’Oracle’
9th: Peighton Rolfe-’Thrift Shop’
9th: Rylee Ropa-’Til Enda’
10th: Ryleigh Hutta-’Come Fly With Me’
10th: Ryah Moshier-’Soleil Noir’
10th: Kiley Ko-’Try’
Teen Solo
1st: Dyllan Blackburn-’Haunted’
2nd: Devin Mar-’Lonely Place’
3rd: Anthony Curley-’Put It On Me’
4th: Kaitlyn Ortega-’All Human Beings’
4th: Willow Notary-’Expo’
5th: Kenzie Jones-’Flightless Bird’
5th: Rachel Loiselle-’RUN’
5th: Rosendo Arechiga-’Thanks For Asking’
6th: Isabella Warfield-’Nicest Thing’
6th: Jesse Detroy-’Once Upon A December’
6th: Ava Greenwaldt-’Quill’
7th: Hallee Goates-’All Mine’
7th: Katy McIlwaine-’Heavy’
7th: Imogene Elias-’Timer’
8th: Makena Covington-?
8th: Tegan Chou-’Multiverse’
8th: Isabella Lynch-’Residue’
9th: Alex Dinero-’Afternoon’
9th: Piper Camm-’DRONES’
9th: Izabella Alagao-’Tempo’
9th: Aaliyah Landreaux-’Volcanic’
10th: Zoe Konhilas-’Dust & Water’
10th: Rubi Lucas-’Gypsy’
10th: Alysha Ritschel-’Made of Water’
10th: Brekyn Knowels-’Ornament’
Senior Solo
1st: Selena Hamilton-’Black Car’
1st: Ella Horan-’Not A Woman’
2nd: Aspyn Morrell-’Love Song’
3rd: Skye Notary-’Orange’
3rd: Makenna Taylor-’Red Skies’
4th: Olivya Sessing-’The Hill’
5th: Lauren Wallingford-’Entanglement’
6th: Payton Martineu-’Passion Fruit’
6th: Aliza Workman-’She Was Right’
6th: Ella Szymanski-’Unarmed’
7th: Milan Furtado-’As We Appear’
7th: Trinity Gray-’Laughing On The Outside’
7th: Kaylee Watkins-’The Source’
8th: Ariana Moreno-’Mercy’
8th: Bianca Capanna-’Unchained Melody’
9th: Natalie Smith-’Rooftop Dancing’
9th: Shane Higa-’Superpower’
10th: Colie Naraghi-’Coffin’
10th: Brianna Rodems-’Lonely’
Rookie Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Deluxe-’What’s Inside’
2nd: Dance Deluxe-’Baby Mine’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Deluxe-’We Want It All’
2nd: Project 21-’I Am The Cute One’
3rd: Dance Deluxe-’Hocus Pocus’
3rd: Prodigy Training Centre-’So Long Dearie’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’Fight to Protect’
2nd: Dance Deluxe-’Emergency’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: CanDance Studios-’Temple’
2nd: Elektro Dance Academy-’Extra Extra’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Like You’ll Never See Me Again’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Serpent’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Revolution’
3rd: San Diego Dance Collective-’Not Who We Were’
Rookie Group
1st: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
2nd: Dance Deluxe-’Cheetah Girls’
3rd: Dance Studio C-’Piggy Bank’
Mini Group
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Prodigy Training Center-’Money’
3rd: Elektro Dance Academy-’Urban Jungle’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
2nd: Project 21-’Wegue’
3rd: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’Bring On The Men’
2nd: Elektro Dance Academy-’E Boyz’
2nd: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Screaming Infidelities’
Senior Group
1st: Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’I Won’t Complain’
3rd: San Diego Dance Collective-’Somebody to Love’
3rd: Elektro Dance Academy-’The Island’
Rookie Line
1st: Dance Deluxe-’Cafe’ Parfait’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Get Right’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
3rd: Dance Deluxe-’The Princess Inside You’
Mini Line
1st: Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
2nd: Dance Deluxe-’Gratitude’
3rd: Dance Deluxe-’Smile’
Junior Line
1st: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Here We Go Again’
3rd: Dance Deluxe-’Steam Heat’
3rd: Dance Precisions-’Where or When’
Teen Line
1st: Project 21-’Post That’
2nd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Can I’
3rd: Elektro Dance Academy-’Motorcross’
Senior Line
1st: Elektro Dance Academy-’Soul Food’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Falling Asleep At The Wheel’
3rd: San Diego Dance Collective-’Hypnosis’
Junior Extended Line
1st: CanDance Studios-’Room Where It Happens’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Next One’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Awoo’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Elektro Dance Academy-’Babylon’
2nd: Project 21-’Desoleil’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’The Colony’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Dangerous’
Mini Production
1st: CanDance Studios-’Let’s Get Loud’
Junior Production
1st: CanDance Studios-’Power’
Teen Production
1st: CanDance Studios-’Throw It Back’
Senior Production
1st: Elektro Dance Academy-’Nobody Cares’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
Dance Deluxe-’Cheetah Girls’
Rookie Musical Theatre
Dance Deluxe-’Cafe’ Parfait’
Rookie Lyrical
Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
Mini Jazz
Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
Mini Contemporary
Elektro Dance Academy-’To Love’
Mini Musical Theatre
Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
Mini Lyrical
Dance Deluxe-’Gratitude’
Mini Specialty
Elektro Dance Academy-’Tetrad’
Mini Hip-Hop
Prodigy Training Center-’Money’
Mini Ballroom
Dance Deluxe-’Come Back My Love’
Junior Lyrical
Dance Deluxe-’Here Comes the Sun’
Junior Contemporary
Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
Junior Ballet
The Industry Dance Academy-’Spring’
Junior Specialty
Project 21-’Wegue’
Junior Musical Theatre
Dance Deluxe-’Steam Heat’
Junior Jazz
Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
Junior Tap
Dance Precisions-’In The Mood’
Junior Ballroom
CanDance Studios-’Kiss Kiss Bang’
Junior Hip-Hop
CanDance Studios-’Next One’
Teen Contemporary
Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
Teen Lyrical
Danceplex-’If I Say’
Teen Jazz
Project 21-’Post That’
Teen Hip-Hop
Elektro Dance Academy-’E Boyz’
Teen Specialty
Dance Studio C-’Walk The Line’
Teen Musical Theatre
Dance Deluxe-’Blackbird’
Teen Ballroom
CanDance Studios-’I Got The Boom’
Senior Specialty
Elektro Dance Academy-’Soul Food’
Senior Contemporary
Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
Senior Jazz
San Diego Dance Collective-’New Dorp, New York’
Senior Lyrical
Dance Deluxe-’Shine’
Senior Hip-Hop
Elektro Dance Academy-’Nobody Cares’
Best of Radix:
Dance Deluxe-’Cafe’ Parfait’
CanDance Studios-’Get Right’
The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
Dance Studio C-’Piggy Bank’
Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
Elektro Dance Academy-’Urban Jungle’
The Industry Dance Academy-’Mambo 5′
CanDance Studios-’Let’s Get Loud’
Dance Deluxe-’Gratitude’
Prodigy Training Center-’Money’
The Industry Dance Academy-’Clairvoyance’
Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
CanDance Studios-’Here We Go Again’
Dance Deluxe-’Blue’
Dance Precisions-’Where or When’
Dance Studio C-’Black and White’
San Diego Dance Collective-’End of Love’
Dance Precisions-’When Tragedy Strikes’
Visionary Dancer-’Hope Is A Dangerous Thing’
Danceplex-’If I Say’
Elektro Dance Academy-’Babylon’
Project 21-’Post That’
CanDance Studios-’The Colony’
The Industry Dance Academy-’In In’
Dance Deluxe-’Heaven’
Elektro Dance Academy-’Nobody Cares’
Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
CanDance Studios-’I Won’t Complain’
San Diego Dance Collective-’Somebody to Love’
Studio Standout:
Dance Precisions-’When Tragedy Strikes’
Dance Deluxe-’Heaven’
Dance Studio C-’Black and White’
Elektro Dance Academy-’Nobody Cares’
Project 21-’Post That’
The Industry Dance Academy-’In In’
Visionary Dancer-’Hope Is A Dangerous Thing’
CanDance Studios-’The Colony’
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kittychicha · 3 years
catching up with all of this!!! 💕 anyone that tagged me wanna do any of the other games feel free babes ♥
put favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come on
i was tagged by @zhaozi and @musicdramalove 💕im just gonna put my liked songs on spotify on shuffle
october - alessia cara
love on the brain - rihanna
la mejor version de mi - natti natasha/romeo santos
drifting - two lanes
hasta la raiz - natalia lafourcade
lluvia - natalie perez
no te debi besar - c tangana
nostalgia - ximena sariñana
moça - mariana froes
mujeres - remix
catch up meme - answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
tagged by @jenniepanhan 💗
favourite color: pink or blue!
last song / album: the ones i shuffled for that first game lmao but ive been listening to este corazon by diego torres since it came up on the radio yesterday
last movie: my most recent discovery was that if you click on the picture of an actor on dramacool it shows you all the stuff that they’re in so ive been going through whats on there for kento yamazaki and ryusei yokohama lol, last one i saw was a forest of wool and steel and i actually loved it a lot.
currently reading: arte cinetico y neocinetismo - elena oliveras i bought this book to skim through when i was writing my thesis a few years ago but now that i dont have to look for specific quotes im enjoying it as a book not an assignment haha
currently watching: the devil judge (in theory - im so behind), light on me, extracurricular, and i started todome no kiss yesterday :)
currently craving: anything chocolate
coffee/tea: i like both but i drink more tea than coffee
tagged by @sunsetknowsaboutyou to post my lock screen, the last song i listened to and the last photo i took. ty!!♥
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tagged by @musicdramalove ​ to do these highlight/these or that ♥
Enemies to lovers or Friends to Lovers / Chosen One or The Corrupt / Two against the World or Found Family / Save the World or Save My Lover / Time Travel or Alternative Universe / Everyone Almost Dies or Everyone Gets Separated / Strangers to Lovers to Enemies or Enemies to Allies to Lovers / Competition Rivals to Allies or Friends to Rivals / Protective Siblings or Protective Found Family
light colors or dark colors  / long nails or short nails/ boots or sneakers / cold weather or hot weather / high waisted jeans or low waisted jeans / crop tops or band t-shirts / cool showers or hot showers / kpop or pop / day or night / sunset or sunrise / singing or rapping / chocolate or candy / apples or bananas / writing or reading / coffee or tea / strawberries or raspberries / roses or tulips / tattoos or no tattoos / piercings or no piercings / night drives or evening walks / long hair or short hair / chokers or necklaces/ soda or energy drinks (neither ha)/ hot sandwiches or cold sandwiches / stay up or go to sleep early/ dogs or cats / horses or sheep / pasta or rice /bubble tea or banana milk / nude lipstick or red lipstick / dyed hair or natural hair/ texting or calling
sage green or baby blue || moon or stars || paperback or hardback || piercings or tattoos || drawing or writing || saturn or jupiter || ancient greece or ancient egypt || prague or amsterdam || dark academia or light academia || indie aesthetic or cottagecore || stargazing or late night drives || strawberries or watermelons || rings or necklaces || extrovert or introvert || dragons or griffins || ocean or mountains || silver or gold || dawn or dusk || early bird or night owl || cook or bake || dagger or sword
tagged by @metawin​  to list 4 songs that have constantly been on repeat
este corazon - diego torres
mala - ozuna
back - jung jin hyeong
que mas pues? - j balvin
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booksfriendsnews · 4 years
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[eBOOKS GRATUITOS – 25.04.2020] Vários livros e séries incríveis de diversos gêneros (fantasia, horror, ficção científica, policial, suspense, mistério; jovens e adolescentes; ficção: clássica, história e contemporânea; romances e erótico) estão disponíveis gratuitamente na Amazon.
ATENÇÃO!! Confira os e-books gratuitos dos dias anteriores, a partir do dia 22.03.2020. Alguns ainda se encontram gratuitamente.
- Como se Aventurar com uma Condessa (Amores Indecentes - Spin Off) -  Michaelly Amorim: https://amzn.to/2VzwsNE
- Ao Meu Redor -  Elysanna Louzada: https://amzn.to/2VB6IQX
- Tenebris: A Herdeira do Sheol (Trilogia Tenebris #2) - Erika Gomes: https://amzn.to/2Y2FJiS
- Ama-me À Segunda Chance (Os Frinsheens #2) -  Alessa Ablle: https://amzn.to/2xQDJQm
- Meu Querido Chefe (Homens Poderosos #1) - Caroline Almeida: https://amzn.to/2S7TusX
- Aquele Homem -  Nana Pauvolih: https://amzn.to/3aDAIjm
- Cordão Negro - Elias Ribeiro: https://amzn.to/2VCKbUb
- Apenas um erro -  Mariana Cordeiro: https://amzn.to/3cNwXcI
- Nada é por acaso...: Recomeço - S. Cristine: https://amzn.to/2VALXVC
- Seduzida (Série Segredos #3) - Nana Pauvolih: https://amzn.to/2Y6U3XB
- Recomeços - Nana Pauvolih: https://amzn.to/2WbErjl
- Libertina - Nana Pauvolih: https://amzn.to/3bPjcdm
- De Volta Ao Prazer -  Nana Pauvolih: https://amzn.to/2zw6JNF
 - Amor A La Mexicana - Sarah Summers: https://amzn.to/37uYtsH
- Um Amor como Esperança (Paixões Gregas #10) - Mônica Cristina: https://amzn.to/2yLGy4Z
- Maria (Será que é amor? #4) - Vania Freire: https://amzn.to/3aEn7IT
- Perfeitos Estranhos -  Gileade Wenceslau: https://amzn.to/3byZDpe
- Perfeita Bailarina: Um spin-off de Perfeitos Estranhos - Gileade Wenceslau: https://amzn.to/39pj8PF
- O que acontece em Vegas, nem sempre fica em Vegas -  Natalia Aparecida Marques Martins: https://amzn.to/3eRtWtS
- Marido sob Contrato - Yara Beker: https://amzn.to/2VCIG8v
- Tudo a seu Tempo -  Lari Pontes: https://amzn.to/31hZSQp
- Ricardo e Rafaella (Contos de Bancas #1) - Anny Tavares: https://amzn.to/2xV8jrL
- Tradicional Essência - Ray Pereira: https://amzn.to/3b6dwv0
- Amor Virtual: Volume único da Duologia Amor & Sexo - Luísa Aranha: https://amzn.to/2Xyfhhc
- Ainda não acabou - Janaina Soares: https://amzn.to/357kHkB
- O Rei Escravo - Henrique Augusto: https://amzn.to/2zwr9WT
- A rosa enfeitiçada (Série Magia & Sedução #1) - P. F. Gomez (fantasia): https://amzn.to/2IN3Ds6
- Liberto (The Tough and Strong #2) -  Caroll Z. S.: https://amzn.to/37RDbW3
- Medo de te Amar: Um Milionário Disfarçado - Natalie K. Lynn: https://amzn.to/2yIJhMG
- La Lune (O que não se pode esconder #1) - Lorena Silva: https://amzn.to/3f0nssO
- Sem Pudor - A. K. Raimundi: https://amzn.to/2JDztWr
- Lealdades Retorcidas: Spin-Off Corrompidos - A. K. Raimundi: https://amzn.to/31SwS1Y
- As Lágrimas dos Anjos - Jamila Mafra: https://amzn.to/2xXTPrh
- Menina Má - Maria E. Rodrigues (conteúdo adulto): https://amzn.to/2UDWeSf
- ELLY: Livro I: A Ameaça Esquecida - Fábio Hingst: https://amzn.to/2S3coBa
- Depois do felizes para sempre (After Dark) - A. C. Meyer: https://amzn.to/2KxEGzD
- Dia dos namorados especial (After Dark) -  A. C. Meyer: https://amzn.to/2VB9YvE
- Surpresa para Você (After Dark) - A. C. Meyer: https://amzn.to/2VD1UdT
- Marcas de amor vão além dos lençóis - Flavio Chame Barreto: https://amzn.to/2xONIpl
- Ruy e Lolita: "A Maldição da Bruxa de Évora" - Benedito Inácio Neto: https://amzn.to/2UYfo4v
- Entre o real e o surreal: O jogo do amor - 5 capítulos - Nina Muller Duarte: https://amzn.to/2Y4xQJV
- Adriana: Os Guardiões - Andréia Pontes: https://amzn.to/2YbCCWd
- Os Guardiões da Aliança: Adriana livro II -  Andreia Pontes:  https://amzn.to/2xYgIee
- A Guardiã (Os Guardiões da Aliança #3) - Andréia Pontes: https://amzn.to/3eWpNFd
- A Loba: Uive... (Melinda Sinclair #1) - Andreia Pontes: https://amzn.to/2KLkB9j
- Fantasia de Tom -  Tânia Giovanelli: https://amzn.to/2xWkXa0
- Perdida: Na floresta ((Des) encantos #2) - Tânia Giovanelli: https://amzn.to/2UMSGwN
- A Bruxa do Arco (Arquivos da Foice #1) - Alan Barcelos: https://amzn.to/2zvexze
- A Mulher do Buraco de Bala na Cabeça (Arquivos da Foice #2) - Alan Barcelos: https://amzn.to/3cRdQyF
- Killian, Robert Killian - Eduardo Alves: https://amzn.to/3eSWfIa
- As Crônicas de Asreel: Karl e Agnes -  Michael Ribeiro: https://amzn.to/2xYka8G
- A Menina Invisível - André Rebello: https://amzn.to/3cL4bcQ
- Um amor para Laura -  Laís Alves: https://amzn.to/2W1BeCR
- Bettany a fada de Dryons: Conto -  J. Rodrigues: https://amzn.to/3bySfL0
- Em Apuros no Halloween: Um Conto de Terror - J. Rodrigues: https://amzn.to/3byq7aV
- JOGANDO COM A SEDUÇÃO (TRILOGIA JOGANDO #1) - Larinha Vilhalba: https://amzn.to/2IStEUl
- JOGANDO COM O DESEJO (TRILOGIA JOGANDO #2) -  Larinha Vilhalba: https://amzn.to/2SuSqOZ
- JOGANDO COM O AMOR (TRILOGIA JOGANDO #3) - Larinha Vilhalba: https://amzn.to/2U1neaz
- A Bella Arrependida - Clys Oliveira: https://amzn.to/2IGjaY3
- Certeza do Amor - Clys Oliveira: https://amzn.to/2VzTLqF
- O Verdadeiro Propósito -  Clys Oliveira: https://amzn.to/2VB6DN9
- Por Amor aos Meus - Clys Oliveira: https://amzn.to/3aze1gx
- A Lanterna dos Afogados (Arquivos da Foice #3) - Alan Barcelos:  https://amzn.to/2y1DBgT
- Deserto - Vol. 2 - Letícia Black: https://amzn.to/38vp5dz
- Me usa e abusa (conto) - Letícia Black: https://amzn.to/2MPO7ON
- Arnold: Spin-off da Trilogia Rendida por você (Entre Sombra & Luz #1) - Danúbia Ferreira: https://amzn.to/2DnGY1a
- Seleção de Sermões de Padre Antonio Vieira (Clássicos Melhoramentos) -  Padre Antonio Vieira: https://amzn.to/3cR6pXZ
- Os Contos Perdidos de Caledora: A TORRE BRANCA – RENASCIMENTO – FAROL NEGRO - O PÔNEI SANGRENTO - Ricardo "Mestre" Urbano & Daniel "Ragabash" Ferrari: https://amzn.to/2KLooU5
- A Cidade e as Serras (Clássicos Melhoramentos) - Eça de Queirós: https://amzn.to/353taW6
- O Primo Basílio (Clássicos Melhoramentos) - Eça de Queirós: https://amzn.to/3cRg7Kd
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 12/04/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 12/04/19 ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Adventure Finders The Edge Of Empire #4, $$3.99 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir Season Two Volume 9 Double Trouble TP, $$8.99 Princeless The Raven Pirate Princess Volume 7 Date Night TP, $$14.99 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Animosity #25, $$3.99 Dark Ark After The Flood #2 (Cover A Juan Doe), $$3.99 Dark Ark Volume 1 Arc One HC, $$49.99 Mary Shelley Monster Hunter Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $$14.99 Midnight Vista #4, $$3.99 Rough Riders Lock Stock And Barrel The Complete Collection HC, $$49.99 ALTERNA COMICS Eden TP, $$14.95 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Pellucidar Wings Of Death #3 (Cover A Roy Allen Martinez), $$3.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie #709 (Cover A Elsa Charretier), $$3.99 Archie #709 (Cover B Paulina Ganucheau), $$3.99 Archie #709 (Cover C Sweeney Boo & Paulina Ganucheau, $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Robert Hack), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Matthew Dow Smith), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Bill Golliher), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover D David Mack), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover E Tim Seeley), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover F Andrew Pepoy), $$3.99 B & V Friends Jumbo Comics Digest #276, $$7.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover A Audrey Mok), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover B Laura Braga), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover C Rebekah Isaacs), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover D Greg Smallwood), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover E Wilfredo Torres), $$3.99 BOOM! STUDIOS Adventure Time Marcy And Simon TP, $$19.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer #10 (Cover A Marc Aspinall), $$3.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer #10 (Cover B Kevin Wada Spotlight Variant), $$3.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer #10 (Cover C Jakub Rebelka Hellmouth Connecting Variant), $$3.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer #10 (Cover D Ryan Inzana), $$3.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer #10 (Cover E Yasmin Putri), $AR Buffy The Vampire Slayer #10 (Cover F Miguel Mercado Anya Demon Vampire Variant), $AR Folklords #1 (Of 5)(Peter Bergting 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Ghosted In L.A. #6 (Cover A Siobhan Keenan), $$3.99 Ghosted In L.A. #6 (Cover B Sina Grace), $$3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #3 (Cover A Mona Finden), $$3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #3 (Cover B Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews), $$3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #3 (Cover C Qistina Khalidah), $AR Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #3 (Cover D Pius Bak), $AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover A Dan Mora), $$4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover B Goni Montes Raphael Red Helmet Variant), $$4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover C Goni Montes Michaelangelo Red Helmet Variant), $$4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover D Goni Montes Leonardo Red Helmet Variant), $$4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover E Goni Montes Donatello Red Helmet Variant), $$4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover F Kevin Eastman), $AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover G Kevin Eastman Black & White Variant), $AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover H Blank Variant), $AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Cover I Goni Montes One Per Store Variant), $AR Over The Garden Wall Soulful Symphonies #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Keezy Young), $$3.99 Over The Garden Wall Soulful Symphonies #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Missy Pena), $$3.99 Ronin Island Volume 1 TP, $$14.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Volume 5 TP, $$16.99 Smooth Criminals Volume 2 TP, $$14.99 Strange Skies Over East Berlin #3 (Cover A Evan Cagle), $$3.99 Strange Skies Over East Berlin #3 (Cover B Raul Allen), $AR COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1694, $AR DARK HORSE COMICS Butcher Of Paris #1 (Of 5), $$3.99 Choke Gasp The Best Of 75 Years Of EC Comics HC, $$49.99 Crone #2 (Of 5), $$3.99 Disney PIXAR Toy Story The Story Of The Movies In Comics HC (not verified by Diamond), $$19.99 Disney The Little Mermaid #2 (Of 3), $$3.99 Everything #4, $$3.99 Kill Whitey Donovan #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Jason Pearson), $$3.99 Kill Whitey Donovan #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Natalie Barahona), $$3.99 Ruby Falls #3 (Of 4), $$3.99 She Could Fly Volume 2 The Lost Pilot TP, $$19.99 DC COMICS Absolute Dark Knight III The Master Race HC, $$125.00 Batman #84 (Cover A Mikel Janin), $$3.99 Batman #84 (Cover B Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), $AR Batman Universe #6 (Of 6), $$4.99 Batwoman Supergirl World's Finest Giant #1, $$4.99 Black Orchid TP (New Edition), $$19.99 Collapser #6 (Of 6), $$3.99 Crisis On Infinite Earths #8 (Facsimile Edition), $$3.99 Deathstroke #50 (Cover A Carlo Pagulayan & Jason Paz), $$4.99 Deathstroke #50 (Cover B Skan), $AR Dollar Comics Birds Of Prey #1, $$1.00 Dreaming #16, $$3.99 Final Crisis Omnibus HC (New Edition), $$150.00 gen:LOCK #2 (Of 7), $$3.99 Green Lantern Blackstars #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Liam Sharp), $$3.99 Green Lantern Blackstars #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Darick Robertson), $AR Harley Quinn #68 (Cover A Guillem March), $$3.99 Harley Quinn #68 (Cover B Frank Cho), $AR Hawkman Volume 2 Deathbringer TP, $$16.99 Infected Deathbringer #1, $$3.99 Inferior Five #4 (Of 6), $$3.99 Injustice Gods Among Us Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $$125.00 Justice League #37 (Cover A Francis Manapul), $$3.99 Justice League #37 (Cover B Tony S. Daniel), $AR Justice League By Scott Snyder Deluxe Edition Volume 1 HC, $$39.99 Lois Lane #6 (Of 12)(Cover A Mike Perkins), $$3.99 Lois Lane #6 (Of 12)(Cover B Elena Casagrande), $AR Man And Superman Deluxe Edition HC, $$19.99 New Year's Evil #1, $$9.99 Superman For Tomorrow 15th Anniversary Deluxe Edition HC, $$49.99 Superman Secret Origin Deluxe Edition HC, $$39.99 Superman Up In The Sky #6 (Of 6), $$4.99 Teen Titans Deathstroke The Terminus Agenda HC, $$24.99 Wonder Woman Come Back To Me #6 (Of 6), $$4.99 Young Justice #11 (Cover A John Timms), $$3.99 Young Justice #11 (Cover B Nick Bradshaw Card Stock Variant), $AR DENPA BOOKS Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji Volume 1 GN, $$21.95 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $$3.99 Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover B J. Bone), $$3.99 Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover C Dave Acosta), $$3.99 Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover D Photo), $$3.99 Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover E Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant), $AR Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover F Dave Acosta Virgin Variant), $AR Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover G Dave Acosta Black & White Virgin Variant), $AR Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover H J. Bone Virgin Variant), $AR Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover I Dave Acosta Black & White Variant), $AR Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #4 (Cover J Photo Virgin Variant), $AR James Bond #1 (Cover A Jim Cheung), $$3.99 James Bond #1 (Cover B Jim Cheung Black & White Variant), $AR James Bond #1 (Cover C Jim Cheung Tint Dressed Variant), $AR James Bond #1 (Cover D Jim Cheung Black & White Tint Dressed Variant), $AR James Bond #1 (Cover E Jim Cheung Pencil Variant), $AR James Bond #1 (Cover F Vintage Paperback Variant), $AR James Bond 007 Volume 1 HC, $$24.99 James Bond Felix Leiter TP, $$19.99 Pathfinder Volume 4 Origins TP, $$19.99 Red Sonja #11 (Cover A Amanda Conner & Paul Mounts), $$3.99 Red Sonja #11 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $$3.99 Red Sonja #11 (Cover C Khoi Pham), $$3.99 Red Sonja #11 (Cover D Mirko Colak), $$3.99 Red Sonja #11 (Cover E Cosplay), $$3.99 Red Sonja #11 (Cover F Roberto Castro), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover G Andrew Pepoy Seduction Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover H Roberto Castro Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover J Amanda Conner Black & White Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover K Amanda Conner Tint Dressed Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover L Joseph Michael Linsner Tint Dressed Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover M Joseph Michael Linsner Black & White Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover N Khoi Pham Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover O Andrew Pepoy Seduction Black & White Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover A Lucio Parillo), $$3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover B Ben Oliver), $$3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover C Buzz), $$3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover D Cosplay), $$3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover E Michael Sta. Maria), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover F Ben Oliver Virgin Tint Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover G Buzz Virgin Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover H Lucio Parillo Black & White Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover I David Finch Icon Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover J Cosplay Virgin Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover K Ben Oliver Black & White Virgin Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover L Lucio Parillo Black & White Virgin Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover M Ben Oliver Black & White Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #3 (Cover N Ben Oliver Tinted Variant), $AR HUMANOIDS Omni #4, $$3.99 Strangelands Volume 1 TP, $$14.95 IDW PUBLISHING Back To The Future The Heavy Collection Volume 2 TP, $$29.99 DuckTales Volume 6 Mischief And Miscreants TP, $$9.99 Mickey And Donald's Christmas Parade 2019 (Cover A Giorgio Cavazzano), $$6.99 Napoleon Dynamite #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Sara Richard), $$3.99 Napoleon Dynamite #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Photo), $$3.99 Napoleon Dynamite #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Jorge Monlongo), $AR Ragnarok The Breaking Of Helheim #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Walter Simonson), $$4.99 Ragnarok The Breaking Of Helheim #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Walter Simonson Black & White Variant), $AR Star Trek Year Five #8 (Cover A Stephen Thompson), $$3.99 Star Trek Year Five #8 (Cover B J.J. Lendl), $AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell #5 (Cover A Mateus Santolouco), $$3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell #5 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $$3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell #5 (Cover C Sophie Campbell), $AR Transformers Legacy The Art Of Transformers Packaging SC, $$29.99 Usagi Yojimbo #7 (Cover A Stan Sakai), $$3.99 Usagi Yojimbo #7 (Cover B Campbell Whyte Pixel Art Variant), $AR IMAGE COMICS 20XX #1, $$3.99 Birthright Volume 8 Live By The Sword TP, $$14.99 Copra #3, $$3.99 Dead Eyes #3 (Cover A John McCrea), $$3.99 Dead Eyes #3 (Cover B Gerardo Zaffino), $AR Death Or Glory #7 (Cover A Bengal), $$3.99 Death Or Glory #7 (Cover B Lewis LaRosa), $$3.99 Die #10 (Cover A Stephanie Hans), $$3.99 Die #10 (Cover B Anna Dittman), $$3.99 Kick-Ass The New Girl Volume 3 TP, $$17.99 Manifest Destiny #39, $$3.99 My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies TP, $$12.99 Nomen Omen #3 (Of 15)(Cover A Jacopo Camagni), $$3.99 Nomen Omen #3 (Of 15)(Cover B Sara Pichelli), $$3.99 Nomen Omen #3 (Of 15)(Cover C David Lopez), $$3.99 Spawn #303 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $$2.99 Spawn #303 (Cover B Todd McFarlane Variant), $$2.99 Spawn #303 (Cover C Todd McFarlane Black & White Variant), $$2.99 Undiscovered Country #1 (Giuseppe Camuncoli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 INSIGHT EDITIONS Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance Inside The Epic Return To Thra HC, $$50.00 Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Cookbook HC, $$35.00 KODANSHA COMICS Attack On Titan Volume 29 GN, $$10.99 LDK Volume 14 GN, $$10.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOS Over The Ropes #1 (Of 5), $$3.99 MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #35 (Cover A Tony Daniel), $$3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #35 (Cover B Dave Johnson 2020 Variant), $AR Amazing Spider-Man #35 (Cover C Arthur Adams 8-Part Connecting Variant), $AR Annihilation Omnibus HC (New Printing), $$125.00 Annihilation Scourge Fantastic Four #1 (Cover A Josemaria Casanovas), $$4.99 Annihilation Scourge Fantastic Four #1 (Cover B Phil Noto), $AR Annihilation Scourge Nova #1 (Cover A Josemaria Casanovas), $$4.99 Annihilation Scourge Nova #1 (Cover B Eduard Petrovich), $AR Avengers Epic Collection Volume 24 The Gatherers Strike TP, $$39.99 Avengers Vs Fantastic Four TP, $$34.99 Black Cat #7 (Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $$3.99 Black Cat #7 (Cover B Olivier Vatine 2020 Variant), $AR Black Cat #7 (Cover C Otto Schmidt Venom Island Variant), $AR Champions By Jim Zub Volume 2 Give And Take TP, $$15.99 Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Carlos Pacheco), $$4.99 Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Neal Adams), $AR Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)(Cover C TBD), $AR Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Giuseppe Camuncoli Virgin Connecting Variant), $AR Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)(Cover E David Finch), $AR Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Stone Variant), $AR Daredevil #14 (Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $$3.99 Daredevil #14 (Cover B Skan 2020 Variant), $AR Daredevil By Chip Zdarsky Volume 2 No Devils Only God TP, $$15.99 Ditko Is Amazing King-Size HC, $$100.00 Doctor Doom #3 (Cover A Aco), $$3.99 Doctor Doom #3 (Cover B Patrick Zircher 2020 Variant), $AR Excalibur #3 (Cover A Mahmud A. Asrar), $$3.99 Excalibur #3 (Cover B Khoi Pham Venom Island Variant), $AR Ghost Rider 2099 #1 (Cover A Valerio Giangiordano), $$4.99 Ghost Rider 2099 #1 (Cover B Ron Lim), $AR Ghost Rider 2099 #1 (Cover C Kyle Hotz), $AR Immortal Hulk #25 (Alex Ross 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$5.99 Iron Man The Mask In Iron Man Omnibus HC, $$75.00 Magnificent Ms. Marvel #10, $$3.99 Marauders #3 (Cover A Russell Dauterman), $$3.99 Marauders #3 (Cover B Jee-Hyung Lee), $AR Old Man Quill #12 (Of 12), $$3.99 Savage Avengers #8, $$3.99 Spectacular Spider-Man Lo This Monster TP, $$19.99 Spider-Man And Venom Double Trouble #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Gurihiru), $$3.99 Spider-Man And Venom Double Trouble #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Peach Momoko), $AR Star Wars #1 (Facsimile Edition), $$3.99 Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Will Sliney), $$3.99 Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Paul Renaud), $$3.99 Star Wars Saga #1, $$3.99 Sword Master #6, $$3.99 Thor The God Butcher Marvel Select HC, $$24.99 Thor The Worthy #1 (Cover A Kim Jacinto), $$4.99 Thor The Worthy #1 (Cover B Walter Simonson), $AR True Believers Conan Serpent War #0 (The Valley Of The Worm), $$1.00 True Believers Star Wars According To The Droids #1, $$1.00 True Believers Star Wars Death Probe #1, $$1.00 True Believers Star Wars Hutt Run #1, $$1.00 True Believers Star Wars The Hunter #1, $$1.00 True Believers Star Wars Vader Vs Leia #1, $$1.00 Venom 2099 #1 (Cover A Clayton Crain), $$4.99 Venom 2099 #1 (Cover B Ron Lim), $AR Venom 2099 #1 (Cover C Otto Schmidt), $AR Web Of Black Widow #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Jung-Geun Yoon), $$3.99 Web Of Black Widow #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Audrey Mok), $AR X-Men #3 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $$3.99 X-Men #3 (Cover B Alex Ross Marvels 25th Variant), $AR X-Men #3 (Cover C Mike McKone Venom Island Variant), $AR ONI PRESS Night's Dominion Volume 3 TP, $$15.99 Rick And Morty Volume 10 TP, $$19.99 REBELLION/2000AD Dark Judges The Fall Of Deadworld Volume 2 HC, $$24.99 Djinn Volume 3 GN, $$18.99 RED 5 COMICS Angela Della Morte #1 (Cover A Salvador Sanz), $$3.95 ROTHIC Ancient Dreams #9, $$3.99 RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PRESS Holocaust Graphic Narratives Generation Trauma And Memory SC, $$24.95 Only At Comic-Con Hollywood Fans And The Limits Of Exclusivity SC, $$29.95 Superhero Symbol Media Culture And Politics SC, $$29.95 SCOUT COMICS Headless #4, $$3.99 Stabbity Ever After Wonderland #1 (One Shot), $$3.99 SELFMADEHERO H.P. Lovecraft At The Mountain Of Madness GN, $$19.99 SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT Arifureta From Commonplace To World's Strongest Light Novel Volume 7 SC, $$14.99 Arifureta I Love Isekai Volume 1 GN, $$12.99 Dragon Quest Monsters+ Volume 5 GN, $$12.99 Gal Gohan Volume 1 GN, $$12.99 How A Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom Light Novel Volume 5 SC, $$13.99 Ideal Sponger Life Volume 4 GN, $$12.99 Monster Musume Volume 15 GN, $$12.99 My Father Is A Unicorn Volume 1 GN, $$13.99 Our Dining Room Volume 1 GN, $$12.99 Plus-Sized Elf Volume 4 GN, $$12.99 Reincarnated As A Sword Volume 1 GN, $$12.99 SIMON AND SCHUSTER BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS Becoming RBG Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Journey To Justice HC GN, $$19.99 SO WHAT? PRESS Tales Of The Night Watchman Featuring Red Hook The Untold Legend Of Luna #1 (Cover A Dean Haspiel), $$7.99 Tales Of The Night Watchman Featuring Red Hook The Untold Legend Of Luna #1 (Cover B Emily Pearson), $$7.99 STORM KING PRODUCTIONS Storm Kids Monica Bleue A Werewolf Story #1 (Of 5), $$3.99 TEN SPEED PRESS Ninja The Most Dangerous Game Volume 1 GN, $$16.99 TITAN BOOKS Joe Alves Designing Jaws HC, $$39.95 TITAN COMICS Disney Frozen 2 The Official Movie Special Magazine, $$9.99 MediEvil HC, $$12.99 Minions Volume 4 Paella #2 (Cover A Renaud Collin), $$3.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #1 (Cover A Alice X. Zhang Sherlock Variant), $$4.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #1 (Cover B Alice X. Zhang Watson Variant), $$4.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #1 (Cover C Photo), $$4.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #1 (Cover D Jay), $$4.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #1 (Cover E Will Conrad), $$4.99 TOKYOPOP Deep Scar Volume 2 GN, $$10.99 Scarlet Soul Volume 1 GN, $$10.99 VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Psi-Lords #7 (Cover A Ariel Olivetti), $$3.99 Psi-Lords #7 (Cover B Juan Jose Ryp), $$3.99 Psi-Lords #7 (Cover C Juan Doe), $$3.99 Psi-Lords #7 (Cover D Scott Forbes Pre-Order Edition Variant), $AR VERTICAL COMICS Paradise Kiss 20th Anniversary Edition GN, $$29.95 YEN ON Worldend Light Novel Volume 5 SC, $$14.00 YEN PRESS Re:Zero Starting Live In An Another World Chapter 3 Truth Of Zero Volume 9 GN, $$13.00 ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Belle Oath Of Thorns #3 (Cover A Sean Chen), $$3.99 Belle Oath Of Thorns #3 (Cover B Jason Metcalf), $$3.99 Belle Oath Of Thorns #3 (Cover C Derlis Santacruz), $$3.99 Belle Oath Of Thorns #3 (Cover D Geebo Vigonte), $$3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #33 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $$3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #33 (Cover B Harvey Tolibao), $$3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #33 (Cover C Michael DiPascale), $$3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #33 (Cover D Julius Abrera), $$3.99 Mystere #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Martin Coccolo), $$3.99 Mystere #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Sheldon Goh), $$3.99 Mystere #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Derlis Santacruz), $$3.99 Mystere #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Igor Vitorino), $$3.99 GAMES NECA/WIZKIDS Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Cannonball, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Cyclops, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Emma Frost, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Magik, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Magneto, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Psylocke, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Storm, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Warbird, $AR Marvel HeroClix Deep Cuts Unpainted Mini Wolverine, $AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 4D Game Of Thrones Dragon Egg 3 Piece Puzzle Set, $AR 4D Game Of Thrones Westeros And Essos Puzzle, $AR Aggretsuko Con Exclusive Deluxe Gift Set, $AR Angry Aggretsuko Figural Mug, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt LG, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt MED, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt SM, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt XL, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt XXL, $AR Batman Super Powers Maquette Variant, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt LG, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt MED, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt SM, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt XL, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt XXL, $AR Bleach And Naruto Shippuden 6 Inch Deluxe Action Figure Assortment, $AR Borderlands 3 Claptrap Cable Guy, $AR Call Of Duty 4 Captain Price Cable Guy, $AR Call Of Duty 4 Ghost Cable Guy, $AR Classic Godzilla Mini Figure 24 Piece Blind Bag Display, $AR Conan Serpent War #1 Poster, $AR Corgi Zip Around Lunchbox, $AR DC TV Heroes Titans Constantine Incantation Convention Exclusive 3 Inch Figure, $AR DC TV Titans Arrow And Canary Convention Exclusive 3 Inch Figure 2 Pack, $AR Disney Aladdin Genie Lamp Sculpted Ceramic Teapot, $AR Disney Jim Shore Bambi Thumper And Blossom 4 Inch Figure, $AR Disney Jim Shore Winnie The Pooh And Piglet 3.8 Inch Figure, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt LG, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt MED, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt SM, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt XL, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt XXL, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt LG, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt MED, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt SM, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt XL, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt XXL, $AR Disney Showcase Tiana And Naveen As Frogs Figure, $AR Doctor Who 13 Is My Lucky Number 11 Ounce Mug, $AR Doctor Who Kawaii Titans The Thirteenth Doctor Kerblam Edition Convention Exclusive 3 Inch Figure, $AR Doctor Who Thirteenth Doctor TARDIS Figural Cookie Jar, $AR Dragon Ball Android 18 Figure-Rise Model Ket (New Package Version), $AR Eternals #1 Facsimile Edition Poster, $AR Excellence Spencer T-Shirt MED, $AR FiGPiN Mini Toy Story 4 Buzz Lightyear Pin, $AR FiGPiN Mini Toy Story 4 Woody Pin, $AR Fluffy House My Home Cat Mini Series 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, $AR Fluffy House Series 2 My Home Cat, $AR Friday The 13th Camp Crystal Lake Counselor Fanny Pack, $AR Friday The 13th Image Capture Canvas Tote, $AR Gremlins Image Capture Canvas Tote, $AR Guardians Of The Galaxy Groot PVC Figural Coin Bank, $AR Gudetama Sushi Plate Set, $AR Gundam Build Divers 04 Gundam Justice Knight 1/144 HGBD Model Kit, $AR Gundam Hathaways Flash 229 Penelope HGUC 1/144 Model Kit, $AR Harry Potter Marauders Map 11 Ounce Mug 2 Pack Set, $AR Harry Potter Trunk Backpack W/Removable Fanny Pack, $AR Horror Freddy 3D Soft Touch PVC Magnet, $AR Horror Jason 3D Soft Touch PVC Magnet, $AR Incoming #1 Poster, $AR Injustice 2 Supergirl Previews Exclusive 1/18 Scale Figure, $AR It Chapter 2 Gallery Pennywise PVC Figure, $AR Legend Of Zelda Precurved Trucker Cap, $AR Little Battlers Experience 10 Pandora LBX Model Kit, $AR Little Nessies PVC Figurines Blind Mystery Box, $AR Magic The Gathering Con Exclusive Lanyard With Pin Set, $AR Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk Cable Guy XL, $AR Marvel Avengers Endgame Iron Man Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Black Panther Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Captain America Shield 13.5in Wood Wall Clock, $AR Marvel Carnage Mini Bust, $AR Marvel Deadpool Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Graphic Comic Box Annihilation, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt LG, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt MED, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt SM, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt XL, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt XXL, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt LG, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt MED, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt XL, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt XXL, $AR Marvel Miles Morales Spider-Man Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Spider-Man Web Shaped Deco Wall Clock, $AR Masters Of The Universe Con Exclusive Bag Clip 3 Piece Set, $AR Mortal Kombat Scorpion/Sub-Zero 7 Inch Action Figure Assortment, $AR Munchkin Disney Ducktales Card Game, $AR Murder Falcon Eat Metal Pin, $AR My Hero Academia All Might Beret, $AR Mystery Minis Five Nights At Freddy's Pizza Simulator 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, $AR Naruto Shippuden 4 Inch Poseable Actio Figure Assortment S2, $AR Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington Figural Coaster 4 Piece Set, $AR Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington Figural Storage Jar, $AR Nightmare On Elm Street Dream Warriors Poster Snapback, $AR Nightmare On Elm Street Poster Canvas Tote, $AR Nintendo 2-1/2 Inch Figure Deluxe Underwater Playset, $AR Nintendo 2-1/2 Inch Figure Underwater Playset, $AR One Piece Stampede Roronoa Zoro Ichiban Figure, $AR One Piece Stampede Sanji Ichiban Figure, $AR One Piece Stampede Tony Tony Chopper Ichiban Figure, $AR One Piece Stampede Usopp Ichiban Figure, $AR POP Animation Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta Previews Exclusive Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Games Pikachu Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Marvel 80th Deadpool First Appearance Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Movies Jumanji Alan Parrish Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Movies Mister Rogers Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Movies Scary Stories Jangly Man Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NBA Dallas Mavericks Kristaps Prozingis Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NBA Dallas Mavericks Luka Doncic Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NBA Indiana Pacers Victor Oladipo Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NFL 49ers Nick Bosa Home Jersey Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Town Harry Potter Hagrid's Hut With Fang Vinyl Figure, $AR POP TV Walking Dead Alpha With Mask Vinyl Figure, $AR POP TV Walking Dead Michonne Vinyl Figure, $AR Shining Twins Image Capture Canvas Tote, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog Knuckles Cable Guy, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic Cable Guy, $AR Spider-Ham #1 By Will Robson Poster, $AR Spyro The Dragon Cable Guy XL, $AR Star Wars Boba Fett Embroidered Snapback Cap With Sound Chip, $AR Star Wars Comic Kanji 20 Ounce Mug, $AR Star Wars Darth Vader Cable Guy, $AR Star Wars E9 Droid Runners Dark Royal 940 Snap Back Cap, $AR Star Wars E9 Rebel Training Storm Gray 3930 Flexfit Cap, $AR Star Wars E9 Starfield Black Knit Cap, $AR Star Wars Kylo Ren And Trooper Con Exclusive Bag Clip 2 Piece Set, $AR Star Wars Planet Killer Retro Business Travel Tumbler, $AR Star Wars Porg All Over Print Travel Tumbler, $AR Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Clear Vehicle Bandai Spirits Model Set, $AR Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker Bump-N-Go D-O Plush, $AR Star Wars Stormtrooper Cable Guy, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt LG, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt MED, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt SM, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt XL, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt XXL, $AR Symbiote Spider-Man #1 Poster, $AR Telltale's The Walking Dead Disco Broccoli Pin, $AR Transformers Skywarp Furai Model Kit, $AR Umbrella Academy Composition Notebook, $AR Unicorn With Rainbow Hair Figural Mug With Lid, $AR Venom #21 By Clayton Crain Poster, $AR Walking Dead Rick's Sheriff Badge Pin, $AR Walking Dead RV Pin, $AR
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La Terra d'Otranto in un prezioso arazzo (3/3)
di Maria Grazia Presicce e Armando Polito
Passiamo ora alle immagini dei monumenti e degli stemmi contenute nei medaglioni sottostanti le coppie di nomi. Siccome tutti i monumenti si riferiscono a Lecce, l’unica concessione fatta a città diverse consiste nella riproduzione del loro stemma in riferimento al personaggio, a cui dette i natali,  indicato nel cartiglio. Da notare, però come i medaglioni, i cartigli e la stessa figura centrale siano legati tra loro da elementi decorativi di natura vegetale che conferiscono al tutto un senso di compattezza e di straordinaria unità nella diversità. Di stemmi e monumenti forniamo anche l’immagine recente per consentire al lettore un immediato riconoscimento-riscontro. Di solito in lavori del genere per la rappresentazioni di paesaggi era normale avvalersi a mo’ di modello di foto, possibilmente di fotografi famosi. E non si può fare a meno a tal proposito di pensare a Pietro Barbieri ed a Francesco Lazzaretti. Pietro Barbieri, di origini modenesi, Insieme col fratello Augusto trasferì lo studio da Modena a Lecce, ove i due operarono dal 1878 al 1905.  Pietro fu anche pittore di ritratti, le cui foto serviranno di base ai pittori. A lui e al fratello fu commissionato un album fotografico sulla Terra d’Otranto da donare al sovrano insieme con l’Illustrazione dei principali monumenti di Terra d’Otranto, che raccoglieva i contributi monografici di Giacomo Arditi, Francesco Casetti, Luigi Maggiulli, Cosimo De Giorgi, Luigi De Simone e Sigismondo Castromediano. Questa sorta di catalogo venne pubblicato con il titolo di Illustrazione dei principali monumenti di Terra d’Otranto per i tipi di Campanella a Lecce nel 18891. Le foto dei Barbieri, per i quali una sorta di gemellaggio, sia pure in formato risotto, con gli Alinari non sarebbe fuori luogo, vennero utilizzate a corredo di parecchi testi geografici, alcuni dei quali avremo occasione di citare più avanti.
Federico Lazzaretti  (1858-1937), invece, nato a Lecce, vi aprì nel 1884 insieme con il fratello Luigi la Premiata litografia, uno studio che si occupava anche di legatoria e fotografia. Nel 1905 insieme con Luigi Conte rilevò lo studio dei fratelli Barbieri.
Nonostante per certi soggetti l’inquadratura sia quasi obbligata, volta per volta riporteremo per ogni dettaglio paesaggistico contrassegnato da un numero sull’insieme la foto che potrebbe aver funto da modello ed una recente.
1 A sinistra lo stemma di Lecce2, a destra la chiesa dei Santi Niccolò e Cataldo.
Foto Barbieri tratta da Gustavo Strafforello, La patria. Geografia dell’Italia. Provincie di Bari, Foggia, Lecce, Potenza, Unione Tipografico-editrice, Torino, 1899,  fig. 63, p. 200
2 Piazza Duomo. In questo caso il modello potrebbe essere stato Federico Lazzaretti (1858-1937). La foto, sua,  che segue è  tratta da Giuseppe Gigli,  Il tallone d’Italia, op. cit., Istituto italiano d’arti grafiche editore, Bergamo, 1911, p. 25.
 3 A sinistra lo stemma di Brindisi3 (patria del De Leo), a destra l’Istituto Marcelline.
Qui come elemento di raffronto siamo in grado di proporre solo due cartoline del 1901 (data d’inoltro), comunque preziose a testimoniare il cambiamento del paesaggio in un secolo.
Questa seconda offre una prospettiva molto vicina a quella dell’arazzo.
4 A sinistra Porta Napoli, a destra stemma di Gallipoli4 (patria, per alcuni, del De Ribera)
L’inquadratura obbligata rende problematica l’individuazione del modello, che potrebbe coincidere con uno dei tre proposti di seguito.
Foto Barbieri tratta da Gustavo Strafforello, La patria …, op. cit., fig. 59, p. 196
Da Le cento città. Supplemento mensile illustrato del Secolo, Sonzogno, Milano, n. 9420 del 28 giugno 1892.
Foto Lazzaretti tratta da Giuseppe Gigli, Il tallone …, op. cit., p. 29
5 Palazzo dei Celestini e Basilica di S. Croce
  Foto Lazzaretti, tratta da Giuseppe Gigli, Il tallone …, op. cit., p. 43
6 A sinistra la Torre di Belloluogo, a destra lo stemma di Taranto5 (patria di Paisiello e di Archita). Da notare come nello stemma Taras (il mitico fondatore della città) in groppa al delfino regge con la destra un tridente raffigurato in verticale, posizione diversa rispetto a quella dello stemma attuale e ispirata a quella delle monete antiche di datazione più recente (III secolo a. C.6; in quelle precedenti il tridente è assente).
Foto Barbieri tratta da Gustavo Strafforello, La patria …, op. cit., fig. 75, p. 212
La comparazione che segue tra l’immagine originale del Barbieri (che nello Strafforello risulta tagliata) e quella dell’arazzo mostra la loro perfetta sovrapponibilità. Molto probabilmente proprio la foto del Barbieri funse da modello per l’esecuzione del dettaglio dell’arazzo. Se ciò risponde alla realtà dei fatti possiamo stabilire un elemento di datazione, per quanto approssimata, dell’arazzo, dicendo che esso è probabilmente successivo al 1889, anche se il Barbieri avrà sicuramente realizzato la foto qualche anno prima di tale data.
Per la prima parte: https://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2019/12/29/la-terra-dotranto-in-un-prezioso-arazzo-1-3 
Per la seconda parte: https://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2019/12/30/la-terra-dotranto-in-un-prezioso-arazzo-2-3/
1 Il volume è raro (l’OPAC segnala una copia nelle seguenti biblioteche: Ugo Granafei  di Mesagne ( BR),  Nicola Bernardini di Lecce, Pietro Siciliani di Galatina (LE), Pietro Acclavio di Taranto, Apulia di Manduria (TA) e Reale di Torino. Una copia manoscritta (ms. N/14) è custodita nella Biblioteca arcivescovile A. De Leo a Brindisi, naturalmente senza le immagini (http://www.internetculturale.it/jmms/iccuviewer/iccu.jsp?id=oai%3Awww.internetculturale.sbn.it%2FTeca%3A20%3ANT0000%3ACNMD0000209597&mode=all&teca=MagTeca+-+ICCU).
2 (immagine tratta da https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lecce-Stemma.png)
Sullo stemma vedi La Terra d’Otranto ieri e oggi (8/14): LECCE, in  http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2014/02/17/la-terra-dotranto-ieri-e-oggi-814-lecce/
3 (immagine tratta da https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/5/55/Brindisi-Stemma.png)
Sullo stemma vedi Brindisi e il suo porto cornuto in http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2013/09/09/brindisi-e-il-suo-porto-cornuto/
4 (immagine tratta da https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/b/b9/Gallipoli_%28Italia%29-Stemma.png)
Sullo stemma vedi Bartolomeo Ravenna, Memorie istoriche della città di Gallipoli, Miranda, Napoli, 1836, pp. 25-27 (https://books.google.it/books?id=fM8sAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=it#v=onepage&q&f=false)
5 (immagine tratta da https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Simbolo_Taras.jpg)
6 (immagine tratta da http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/greece/calabria/taras/BMC_214.jpg)
Verso di un nummo d’argento. Taras nudo seduto sul dorso di un delfino regge con la sinistra (nell’arazzo con la destra) il tridente.
Sullo stemma vedi http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2017/01/25/taranto-suo-stemma/.
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saintlexii · 5 years
| S a i n t s R o w | C a s t |
Eiza González as Alexandra "Lexi" Torres // Samuel L. Jackson as Julius Little // Bradley Cooper as Troy Bradshaw // Daniel Dae Kim as Johnny Gat // Jordan Fisher as Dexter Jackson // Mario Casas as Miguel Mendoza // Dylan O'Brien as Liam Torres // Lucy Liu as Lin // Halle Berry as Aisha // Lewis Marnell as Tobias // Ann Cusack as Laura // Don Cheadle as Samson // Danny Trejo as Victor Rodriguez // John Leguizamo as Hector Lopez // Gabriel Sloyer as Angelo Lopez // Odette Annable as Luz Avalos // Cheech Marin as Manuel Orejuela // Michael Clarke Duncan as Benjamin King // Mila Kunis as Tanya Winters // T.I. as Warren Williams // Terry Crews as Anthony "Big Tony" Green // David Carradine as William Sharp // Pitbull as Joseph Price // Andrew Kishino as Donnie // Clancy Brown as Richard Hughes // Lauri Hendler as Jane Valderamma //M.C. Gainey as Richard Monroe // Terrence Howard as Marshall Winslow // George Takei as Mr. Wong // Carlos PenaVega as Carlos Mendoza // Eliza Duskhu as Shaundi // Dulé Hill as Pierce Washington // Jaime Pressly as Jessica // Robert Allen Mukes as Maero // Max Harris as Matt // Neil Patrick Harris as DJ Veteran Child // Paul Campbell as The General // Lance Reddick as Mr. Sunshine // Manny Jacinto as Shogo Akuji // Ken Watanabe as Jyunichi // Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Kazuo Akuji // Jay Mohr as Dane Vogel // Eric Dane as Eric Gryphon // Monika Schnarre as Monica Hughes // Tyler Posey as Josh Birk // George Clooney as Phillipe Loren // Nikki Bella as Viola DeWynter // Brie Bella as Kiki DeWynter // Yuri Lowenthal as Matt Miller // Dave Bautista as Killbane // Rey Mysterio as Angle de la Muerte // Alex Désert as Zimos // Natalie Lander as Kinzie Kensington // Jay Cutler as Oleg Kirrlov // Burt Reynolds as Burt Reynolds // Tim Thomerson as Cyrus Temple // Saycon Sengbloh as Kia // Keith David as Keith David
[A/N: Appearance only, voices remain the same unless it's an OC of course, with the exception of Lexi, who's Female 1 from Saints Row The Third (Laura Bailey), and the images taged are specific and also for those of you who have never heard of them before now.]
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dear-indies · 5 years
Dear Cat & Mouse: I am in dire need of help finding a fc for a character whose origins go back to the Fertile Crescent. She's female, mid-30s to mid-40s. If you could please help me find someone I'd be so so thankful!
Shannon Elizabeth (1973) Syrian, Lebanese / English, Irish, German.
Dina Azar (1973) Lebanese.
Hilda Khalife (1973) Lebanese Maronite.
Traci Dinwiddie (1973) Syrian / Cherokee.
Joumana Mourad (1973) Syrian.
Viviane Ndour (1973) Lebanese / Mauritanian, Malian.
Suzan Najm Aldeen (1973) Syrian.
Dania Khatib (1973) Lebanese.
Sabine Nahas (1973) Lebanese.
Senta Moses (1973) Lebanese / Italian.
Razan Moughrabi (1973) Lebanese.
Bassima / Paula Al Turk (1973) Lebanese.
Jillian Michaels (1974) ½ Syrian, Lebanese, ¼ Italian, 1/8 Russian Jewish, 1/8 Austrian Jewish.
Maysoon Zayid (1974) Palestinian.
Suheir Hammad (1974) Palestinian.
Aline Khalaf (1974) Lebanese.
Alissar Caracalla (1974) Lebanese.
Clauda Chemaly (1974) Lebanese.
Nicole Saba (1974) Lebanese / Armenian.
Isabel Bayrakdarian (1974) Lebanese, Armenian.
Ana María Orozco (1973) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other].
Annie Parisse (1975) ½ Italian, ¼ Syrian, ¼ Slovak.
Dima Orsho (1975) Syrian.
Coraima Torres (1973) Venezuelan [Lebanese, Possibly Other].
Saba Mubarak (1976) Palestinian / Jordanian.
Rasha Rizk (1976) Syrian.
Soulafa Maamar (1976) Syrian.
Rania Kurdi (1976) Jordanian Arab, Syrian Kurdish, British.
Cherien Dabis (1976) Palestinian /  Unknown, possibly Jordanian.
Najwa Nimri (1976) Jordanian / Navarrese.
Dima Al Jundi (1976) Syrian.
Saba Mubarak (1976) Jordanian / Palestinian.
Marwan Naji (1976) Lebanese.
Mireille Safa (1976) Lebanese.
Laura Khalil (1976) Lebanese.
Maya Nasry (1976) Lebanese.
Ana Roces (1976) Lebanese, Filipino.
Katia Kaady (1976) Lebanese.
Maya Nasri (1976) Lebanese.
Yasmine Hamdan (1976) Lebanese.
Diana Haddad (1976) Lebanese Arab / Lebanese Maronite.
Charla Baklayan Faddoul (1976) Syrian, Armenian.
Sulaf Fawakherji (1977) Syrian.
Raya Abirached (1977) Lebanese.
Cyrine Abdelnour (1977) Lebanese, Greek.
Amal Hijazi (1977) Lebanese.
Elissa / Elissar Zakaria Khoury (1977) Lebanese / Syrian.
Tania Khalill (1977) Brazilian [Syrian, Spanish].
Lilia al-Atrash (1977) Syrian.
Paula Sharim (1977) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish, possibly other].
Joelle Mardinian (1977) ¼ Lebanese, ¼ Syrian, ¼ Armenian, ¼ Italian.
Rima Maktabi (1977) Lebanese.
Bárbara Mori (1978) Uruguayan [Lebanese, Japanese, Basque, Spanish], some Mexican.
Zain Awad (1978) Jordanian.
Mariam Ghani (1978) Lebanese / Pashtun Afghan.
Amal Clooney (1978) Lebanese Druze.
Rola Saad (1978) Lebanese.
Eman Fustok (1978) Syrian, unspecified other.
Yasmine Al Massri (1978) Palestinian / Egyptian.
Natalie Saleeba (1978) Lebanese.
Clarice Assad (1978) Brazilian [¼ Lebanese, ¾ Unspecified Other].
Klára Issová (1979) Syrian / Czech.
Maguy Bou Ghosn (1979) Lebanese.
Maysoon Shaladi (1979) Syrian.
Nelly Makdessy (1979) Lebanese.
Re-Mi Bendali (1979) Lebanese.
Dana Hamdan (1979) Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian.
Rindala Kodeih (1979) Lebanese / Unspecified.
Hala Shiha (1979) Lebanese / Egyptian.
Dima Kandalaft (1979) Syrian.
Darine Hamze (1979) Lebanese.
Carole Ammoun (1979) Lebanese.
Nadine Al Rassi (1979) Lebanese.
Nadine Saab (1979) Lebanese.
Nadina Zarifeh (1979) Lebanese.
Tulip Joshi (1979) Lebanese / Gujarati Indian.
Joelle Behlok (1979) Lebanese.
Clemence Achkar (1979) Lebanese.
Verónica Orozco (1979) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other].
Lena Chamamyan (1980) Syrian, Armenian.
Nadja Haddad (1980) Brazilian [Lebanese].
Nadine Salameh (1980) Palestinian.
Yasmine Hanani (1980) Iraqi.
Jenny Esber (1980) Syrian / Ukrainian.
Jaclyn Stapp (1980) Jordanian.
Jenna Dewan (1980) Lebanese, Polish / German, English.
Ayah Marar (1980) Jordanian / Czech, Bulgarian.
Naty Botero (1980) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other].
Viviane Mrad (1980) Lebanese.
Cynthya Karam (1980) Lebanese.
Cristina Abuhazi (1980) Venezuelan [Lebanese].
Lamitta Frangieh (1980) Lebanese.
Abeer Nehme (1980) Lebanese.
Dominique Hourani (1980) Lebanese.
Christina Sawaya (1980) Lebanese.
Maya Diab (1980) Lebanese.
Katia Khatchadourian (1980) Lebanese.
Viola Haqi (1981) Iraqi, Dutch.
Shiri Maimon (1981) Tunisian Jewish, Syrian Jewish, Moroccan Jewish, Algerian Jewish, Greek Jewish.
Majida Issa (1981) Colombian [Lebanese, Italian].
Darine Chahine (1981) Lebanese.
Aline Lahoud (1981) Lebanese.
Darine Hadchiti (1981) Lebanese.
Shatha Hassoun (1981) Iraqi / Moroccan.
Elsa Zgheib (1981) Lebanese.
Bethany Kehdy (1981) Lebanese / Unspecified.
Carla Haddad (1981) Lebanese.
Sabrina Sato (1981) Brazilian [Japanese / Lebanese, Swiss].
Valerie Domínguez (1981) Colombian [Lebanese / Unspecified].
Myriam Atallah (1981) Syrian.
Waad Al Bahri (1981) Syrian.
Martha Issová (1981) Syrian / Czech.
Mais Hamdan (1982) Palestinian, Jordanian, Lebanese.
Nadia Jebril (1982) Palestinian.
Tamara Jaber (1982) Lebanese / Unspecified.
Rouwaida Attieh (1982) Syrian, Lebanese.
Nadia Buari (1982) Lebanese / Ghanaian.
Haya Awad (1982) Jordanian.
Samia Longchambon (1982) Lebanese, French / English.
Layal Abboud (1982) Lebanese.
Dina Hayek (1982) Lebanese / Syrian.
Marcelle Bittar (1982) Brazilian [Lebanese, Portuguese].
Adriana Tarud (1982) Colombian [Lebanese / Unspecified].
Sandra Rizk (1982) Lebanese.
Kinda Alloush (1982) Syrian.
Nesreen Tafesh (1982) Palestinian, Algerian.
Melissa / Myriam Shehab (1982) Lebanese [Iraqi].
Mai Selim (1983) Palestinian, Jordanian, Lebanese.
Meytal Cohen (1983) Iraqi Jewish.
Tammin Sursok (1983) Lebanese, Unspecified Other.
Nancy Nasrallah (1983) Lebanese.
Yara / Carla Nazih al-Berkashi (1983) Lebanese.
Lolita Chammah (1983) Lebanese, Italian / Hungarian Jewish, Slovakian Jewish, German Jewish, Austrian Jewish, French Jewish, French.
Audrey Assad (1983) Syrian / Unspecified Other.
Vinessa Antoine (1983) Trinidadian [African, Syrian].
Nadia Manfoukh (1983) Syrian.
Dena Takruri (1983) Palestinian.
Nancy Ajram (1983) Palestinian Arab / Lebanese.
Diana Karazon (1983) Jordanian [Palestinian, Syrian].
Maha Yakoub (1983) Palestinian, Italian.
Domino Kirke (1983) Iraqi Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Scottish.
Susie Youssef (1984) Lebanese.
Kinda Hassan (1984) Lebanese.
Darine (1984) Lebanese / Romanian.
Valeska Saab (1984) Ecuadorian [Lebanese, Spanish].
Nadine Nassib Njeim (1984) Lebanese / Tunisian.
Lara Maria Kay (1984) Lebanese.
Daniella Sarahyba (1984) Brazilian [Lebanese / Spanish (including Galician), Portuguese, possibly other].
Fozi Mozi (1984) Palestinian.
Amelia Vega (1984) Dominican [Lebanese, Cuban, Spanish, English].
Rola Yammout (1984) Lebanese / Egyptian.
Nourhanne (1984) Lebanese, Armenian.
Kinda Hanna (1984) Syrian.
Nancy Afyouny (1984) Lebanese.
Mashael (1984) Lebanese.
Sulaf Jalil (1984) Iraqi.
All from @tasksweekly masterlists! -C
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norikateatro · 5 years
Norikateatro’s Bootleg List! 💙
As of:  January 6th, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want a bootleg! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Miss Saigon Manila: December 24th, 2000 Full Show Cast: Lea Salonga (Kim) , Will Chase (Chris) , Leo Tavarro Valdez (Engineer), Ron K. Smith, Lisa Capps (Ellen), Robert Seña (They), Isay Alvarez (Gigi) Miss Saigon London 5/19/14 Highlights (Tanya Manalang as Kim)     Cast: Tanya Manalang, Alistair Brammer, Jon Jon Briones Highlights include: Kim’s Nightmare - The Fall Of Saigon - Sun and Moon (Partial), Sun And Moon (Reprise), Movie In My Mind, The American Dream, Maybe, I Still Believe, The Last Night Of The World - Morning Of The Dragon (Partial), Why God Why. Musicalmania123’s master. Miss Saigon 5/13/17 Lianah Sta. Ana (alt. Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Rachelle Ann Go (Gigi) Matilda: Broadway March 6th, 2013 Cast: Oona Laurence, Bertie Carvel, Gabriel Ebert, Lesli Margherita, Lauren Ward, Karen Aldridge, Jack Broderick, Frenie Acoba Matilda: Broadway December 31st, 2015 Cast: Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Lauralyn McClelland (u/s Mrs. Wormwood), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Philip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Colin Israel (u/s Party Entertainer), Geoff Packard (Doctor/ t/r Sergei),Michael Minarik (The Escape Artist), Jennifer Bowles (The Acrobat), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Brooklyn Nelson (u/s Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Gia Nina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein (u/s Tommy)Ensemble: Michaeljon Slinger, Marisa Kennedy, Amanda LaMotte, Travis Waldschmidt Notes: Quite a long black-out at the beginning of each act. Aladdin (OBC) A Chorus Line: Broadway- September 30th, 2006 Cast: Ken Alan, Brad Anderson, Michelle Aravena, David Baum, Michael Berresse, E. Clayton Cornelious, Natalie Cortez, Mike Cannon, Charlotte D'Amboise, Mara Davi, Joey Dudding, Lyndy Franklin, Jessica Lee Goldyn, Deidre Goodwin, Tyler Hanes, Nadine Isenegger, Pamela Jordan, James T. Lane, Lorin Latarro, Paul McGill, Heather Parcells, Michael Paternostro, Alisan Porter, Jeffrey Schecter, Yuka Takara, Jason Tam, Grant Turner, Chryssie Whitehead, Tony Yazbeck Notes: Previews Aladdin: National Tour-Chicago April 16th, 2017  Cast:  Adam Jacobs, Anthony Murphy, Isabelle McCalla, Jonathan Weir, Reggie De Leon, JC Montgomery, Mike Longo, Zach Bencal, Philippe Arroyo. Notes: Beautiful HD capture of the newly launched tour. A terrific cast and a few new small variations to accommodate the tour on the road. Anastasia: Broadway June 28, 2017 Cast: Christy Altomare, Derek Klena, John Bolton, Ramin Karimloo, Caroline O'Connor, Mary Beth Peil. Beauty and The Beast:  Broadway- April 28th, 2002 (Need Link) Cast: Sarah Litzsinger as Belle, Steve Blanchard as Beast, Bryan Batt as Lumiere, and Beth Fowler as Mrs. Potts, and Nicholas Jonas as Chip Beauty and The Beast: US Tour- January 19th, 2014 Cast: Hilary Maiberger, Darick Pead, Tim Rogan, Jardan Aragon, Hassan Nazari-Robati, James May, Stephanie Moskal, Paul Crane, Roxy York, Jack Mullen, Kieron Cindric, Tony D'Alelio, Bonnie Kelly, Sarah Gawron. Chicago: 1st National Tour: 1978 Cast: Melody Adams, Kristen Childs. Chicago US tour: November 23th,  2005  Chicago, IL Cast: Paige Davis, Brenda Braxton, Tom Wopat, Carol Woods Chicago: Broadway September 18th, 2002 Cast: Michael C Hall (Billy), Amy Spanger (Roxie), Stephanie Pope (Velma), Rob Bartlett (Amos), Roz Ryan (Mama), R Bean (Mary Sunshine). ​ Chicago: Broadway May 22, 2007 Cast: Amy Spanger, Amra-Faye Wright, Billy Ray Cyrus, Cory English, Carol Woods, R. Lowe Chicago: Broadway 1996- Press Reels Ann Reinking, Bebe Neuwirth, James Naughton, Joel Grey. The pro shot video that was used to make the reviewers reel; excellent quality with the time code bar at the bottom; not the complete show, songs only but great video A+ Cats- UK tour, Wolverhampton 30 March 2013 full show Cast: Joanna Ampil (Grizabella) Katie Warsop (Rumpleteazer) Clare Rickard (Jellylorum) Melissa James (Bombalurina) Lily Fraser (Demeter) Alice Redmond (Jennyanydots) Alicia Beck (Victoria/White Cat) Dawn Williams (Jemima) Nicholas Pound (Old Deutoronomy) Ben Palmer (Munkustrap) Oliver Savile (Rum Tum Tugger) Joseph Poulton (Quazo/Mistoffelees) Paul F Monaghan (Asparagus/Bustopher Jones/Growl Tiger:) Barnaby Thompson (Mungojerrie) Ross Finnie (Skimbleshanks) Jessica Buckby (Cassandra) Lizzi Franklin (Tantomile) Joal Morris (Carbucketty) Richard Astbury (Coricopat) Cameron Ball (Admetus/Macavity) James Darch (Alonzo) and Will Lucas (Bill Bailey). Cats Broadway: July 2016 VOB (no small) Cast: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Giuseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival) Cats Broadway: November 30th, 2017  Cast: Mamie Parris, Andy Huntington Jones, Quentin Earl Darrington, Jeremy Davis, Tyler Hanes, Francesca Granell as (u/s) Jennyanydots, Corey John Snide as (u/s) Mistoffelees. Great HD capture of the final Broadway Revival cast. Mamie has such a strong voice and is a wonderful Grizabella. ​ Come Far Away (OBC) Cinderella:  Broadway March 2nd, 2013 Cast: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Prince Topher), Victoria Clark (Fairy Godmother), Harriet Harris (Evil Stepmother), Ann Harada (Charlotte) Cinderella:  Broadway August 21, 2014  Cast: Paige Faure (Cinderella), Joe Caroll (Prince Topher), Victoria Clark (Crazy Marie/Fairy Godmother), Nancy Opel (Madame), Stephanie Gibson (Gabrielle), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Todd Buonopane (Jean-Michel), Branch Woodman (u/s Lord Pinkleton), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian), Andy Mills (Footman), Michael Callahan (Driver), Jill Abramovitz (Lady of Ridicule) Dear Evan Hansen (Broadway) Cast: Ben Platt, Laura Dreyfuss, Will Roland, Kristolyn Lloyd, Mike Faist, Rachel Bay Jones, Michael Park, Jennifer Laura Thompson (OBC) Falsettos Broadway: October 28th, 2016 Cast: Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells (Whizzer), Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Tracie Thoms (Charlotte), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia) Link: Follies: Broadway  September 18, 2011 Cast: Bernadette Peters, Jan Maxwell, Danny Burstein, Rod Raines, Elaine Paige, Jayne Houdyshell, Rosalind Elias, Susan Watson, Terri White, Florence Lacey, Mary Beth Peil, Don Correia, Brian Shepard as (u/s) Young Ben, Christian Delcroix, Kirsten Scott, Lora Lee Gayer. Finding Neverland (OBC) Wicked Broadway:  Preview October 12th, 2003 Original Broadway Cast Cast: Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Kristin Chenoweth (Glinda), Norbert Leo Butz (Fiyero), Carole Shelley (Madame Morrible), Joel Grey (The Wizard) Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Christopher Fitzgerald (Boq), William Youmans (Dr. Dillamond) Wicked Chicago:  July 1, 2005- Cast: Ana Gasteyer (Elphaba), Kate Reinders (Glinda), Kristoffer Cusick (Fiyero), Gene Weygandt (The Wizard), Steven Skybell (Doctor Dillamond), Rondi Reed (Madame Morrible), Heidi Kettenring Nessarose), Telly Leung (Boq) Wicked (Broadway): January 8, 2006 Cast: Shoshana Bean (Elphaba), Megan Hilty (Glinda), David Ayers (Fiyero), Rue McClanahan (Madame Morrible), Ben Vereen (The Wizard), Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Rob Sapp (Boq), Sean McCourt (Dr. Dillamond). notes: Shoshana’s, David’s, Rue’s and Michelle’s last performances. Camera wanders at points due to the master’s blind filming. Wicked (Broadway):  May 28, 2006) (Megan’s Last) cast: Eden Espinosa (Elphaba), Megan Hilty (Glinda), David Garrison (The Wizard), Derrick Williams (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Jenna Leigh Green (Nessarose), Rob Sapp (Boq), David McCourt (Dr. Dillamond) Wicked First National Tour PROSHOT May 2006 - Victoria Matlock (s/b Elphaba), Kendra Kassebaum, Nicolas Dromard (u/s Fiyero), Jennifer Waldman (Nessarose), Alma Cuervo (Morrible), PJ Benjamin (The Wizard) *Proshot from one camera at the back of the house. Sound is patched in from the soundboard and is incredibly clear. Some washout, but amazing to see the set and choreo like this. Wicked: México Mayo 2006 Proshot  Elenco: Daniela Ranz (Elphaba), Liesl Lar (Galinda), Omar Muñoz (Fiyero), Laura Korl (Madame Morrible), Fernando Diaz (Boq), Ileana Muñoz (Nessarose), Hector Kori (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Pro-Shot Multicameras excellent production of the Thomas Jefferson Musical School. Includes future Wicked Mexico City  understudy for Glinda, Liesl Lar Wicked: México, Veracruz | Multicam Proshot | A | 2 DVDs- Elenco/Cast: Odette Villarreal (Glinda), Andrés Elvira (Padre de la Bruja), Natalia Valdillo (Madre de la Bruja), Angelina Viesca (Partera), Luz María Santana (Elphaba), Patricia de la Garza Noble (Nessarose), Roberto Rodriguez (Boq), Amanda García (Madame Morrible), Paulina Cañedo (Pfanee), Melissa Cruz (Shen-shen), Andrés Dordón (Fiyero). Notes: Includes rehearsal footage. Directed by future Mexican Dr. Dillamond Beto Torres! Wicked London: October 18, 2007 Cast: Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Dianne Pilkington (Glinda), Oliver Tompsett (Fiyero), Susie Blake (Madame Morrible), Nigel Planer (The Wizard), James Gillan (Boq), Katy Rowley Jones (Nessarose) Wicked Broadway: July 17th, 2008 Cast: Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Kendra Kassebaum (Glinda), David Burnham (Fiyero), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Ben Liebert (Boq), Lenny Wolpe (The Wizard), Jayne Houdyshell (Madame Morrible), Steven Skybell (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Kerry’s first on Broadway Wicked Chicago: December 13th 2006 Cast: Dee Roscioli (Elphaba), Megan Sikora (u/s Glinda), Brad Bass (Fiyero), Rondi Reed (Madame Morrible), Gene Weygandt (The Wizard), Adam Fleming (Boq), Heidi Kettenring (Nessarose), William Youmans (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Blooper during Popular. Featuring a young Jennifer DiNoia as Elphaba’s mother! (Need Link) Wicked 1st National Tour: March 4, 2007    Baltimore, Maryland  Cast: Victoria Matlock (Elphaba), Christina DeCicco (Glinda), Cliffton Hall (Fiyero), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose), Barbara Tirrell (Morrible), P.J. Benjamin (Wizard), Josh Lamon (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dillamond),Paul Slade Smith as Witch’s Father/Frex, Lori Homles as Witch’s Mother/Melena, Leslie Becker as Midwife/ Nanny Wicked Broadway: October 9, 2007 (mp4) Stephanie J. Block (Elphaba), Annaleigh Ashford (Glinda), Sebastian Arcelus (Fiyero), Kathy Santen (Morrible), Lenny Wolpe (Wizard), Logan Lipton (Boq), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Steven Skybell (Dillamond) Wicked Broadway: July 17th, 2008 Cast: Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Kendra Kassebaum (Glinda), David Burnham (Fiyero), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Ben Liebert (Boq), Lenny Wolpe (The Wizard), Jayne Houdyshell (Madame Morrible), Steven Skybell (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Kerry’s first on Broadway Wicked: Stuttgart February 20 2009 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Lucy Scherer (Glinda), Mathias Edenborn (Fiyero), Barbara Raunegger (Madame Akaber), Stefan Poslovski (u/s Der Zauberer), Nicole Radeschnig (Nessarose), Robert Knorr (u/s Moq), Michael Günther (Doktor Dillamonth). Wicked 1st National Tour-February 28, 2009 Cast-Stephanie Torns (Elphaba U/S), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Richard H. Blake (Fiyero), Lenny Wolpe (Wizard), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Morrible), Amanda Rose (Nessarose), Ben Liebert (Boq). Notes: Spotlight washout on wides. Blackouts for applause. Nice quality and pretty well filmed (though there are some odd closeups in DTL). Wandering cam at times. Wicked Broadway: March 8, 2009 -Nicole Parker (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Aaron Tveit (Fiyero), Jayne Houdyshell (Morrible), PJ Benjamin (Wizard), Alex Brightman (Boq), Cristy Candler (Nessa), Timothy Britten Parker (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Final performance for Aaron Tveit. ​ Wicked: Broadway  September 27, 2009 Cast: Dee Roscioli (Elphaba), Erin Mackey (Glinda), Kevin Kern (Fiyero), Rondi Reed (Morrible), PJ Benjamin (Wizard), Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Alex Brightman (Boq), Timothy Britten Parker (Dillamond) Master: SunsetBlvd79 Wicked: National Tour  5/22/10 ~ Charlotte, NC Cast: Vicki Noon, Michelle London (u/s Glinda), Chris Peluso, Don Amendolia, Merilyn Caskey, Laura Pugliese (u/s Nessarose), Zach Hanna, David DeVries, Don Richard, Lindsay Wood (u/s Witch's Mother) About a minute of the beginning of WITF is blacked out, full show otherwise. Filmed with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups; slight washout in some of the wides, but nothing too terrible. No significant obstruction, good clear sound and picture; good video. Wicked Broadway: February 1, 2015 Cast: Lilli Cooper (s/b Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Jerad Bortz (u/s Fiyero), Brian Munn (u/s The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Robin De Jesus (Boq). Wicked: Singapore April 22nd, 2012 Cast-  Zoe Jarrett (understudy Elphaba), Suzie Mathers (Glinda), David Harris (Fiyero), Anne Wood (Madame Morrible), Elisa Colla (Nessarose), James D Smith (Boq), Glen Hogstrom (u/s The Wizard) At just over 2 hours long, this is missing a few sequences, but all the big numbers and memorable dialogue scenes are intact. It’s shot from the very front row of the stalls at the side so, although this causes a lot of problems for the brave person who filmed it, we DO get many nice close-ups and a chance to see the show from quite an unusual angle at times! Very clear sound throughout. Wicked Korea (Date: November 2013 ) Cast: Oak Joo Hyun (Elphaba), Jeong Sun Ah (Glinda), Lee Ji Hoon (Fiyero), Nam Kyoung Joo (The Wizard), Cho Jung Keun (Doctor Dillamond), Kim Young Joo (Madame Morrible), Lee Yea Eun (Nessarose), Kim Dong Hyun (Boq) Wicked First National Tour: February 24th, 2013 Cast: Dee Roscioli (Elphaba), Cassie Okenka (u/s Glinda),Cliffton Hall (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kim Zimmer (Madame Morrible), Demeree Hill (Nessarose), Justin Brill (Boq), Clifton Davis (Dillamond)   Wicked; 1NT January 27 2011 Cast:  Jackie Burns (Elphaba), Chandra Lee Schwartz (Glinda), Richard H. Blake (Fiyero) Wicked  2nd National Tour (Madison, WI): May 28, 2013    Cast: Jennifer DiNoia (Elphaba), Hayley Podschun (Glinda), David Nathan Perlow (Fiyero), Walker Jones (The Wizard), Gina Ferrall (Madame Morrible), Zarah Mahler (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Jay Russell (Doctor Dillamond). quality: An absolutely beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Jennifer is wonderful as Elphaba. Wicked West End:  25th October 2014 Evening | Cast Change Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Savannah Stevenson (Glinda) *Final performance of Kerry Ellis, Sue Kelvin, Paul Clarkson and many ensemble members. Wicked  West End: October 27th, 2014 Cast: Jennifer DiNoia (Elphaba), Savannah Stevenson (G(a)linda) Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Liza Sadovy (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Katie Rowley-Jones (Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Philip Childs (Dr. Dillamond) Wicked Mexico: November 18th 2014 Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa, Crisanta Gómez (s/b), Jorge Lau, Anahí Allué, Paco Morales, Adam Sadwing, Beto Torres. Notes: Highlights include “No One Mourns the Wicked”, “Dear Old Shiz”, the Room Assignment scene from Let Her GO! to “What Is This Feeling?”, “Popular”, “Defying Gravity”, “Thank Goodness”, “No Good Deed” and “For Good”. Wicked Mexico: January 18, 2015 (Evening) Danna Paola (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (The Wizard), Anahi Allué (Madame Morrible), Marisol Meneses (Nessarose), Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Doctor Dillamond) Notes: Closing night. Highlights including Room Assignments, The Wizard and I, 2 x Popular, 2 x Defying Gravity, As Long As You’re Mine, No Good Deed and For Good. Varying video quality.   Wicked Broadway: January 2, 2015      Cast: Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Robin de Jesus (Boq), Arielle Jacobs (Nessarose), Timothy Britten Parker (Dr. Dillamond) Wicked  2nd National Tour: 10/29/15 Cast: Mary Kate Morrissey (s/b Elphaba), Carrie St. Louis (Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Liana Hunt (Nessarose), Wendy Worthington (Madame Morrible), Stuart Zagnit (The Wizard). Lee Slobotikin (Boq), Chad Jennings (Dr. Dillamond) Wicked 2nd National Tour: November 6th, 2017 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Allison Bailey (u/s Glinda), Jeremy Woodard (Fiyero), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Sam Sefarian (Boq), Chad Jennings (Doctor Dillamond), Stuart Zagnit (The Wizard), Wendy Worthington (Madame Morrible). Wicked 2nd National Tour September 24th, 2017 Cincinnati, Ohio Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Ginna Claire Mason (Glinda), Jon Robert Hall (Fiyero), Isabel Keating (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Sam Seferian (Boq), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Harry Bouvy (Dr. Dillamond)​ Notes: Jessica Vosk’s final show. Wicked Broadway:  June 21, 2016  Cast: Rachel Tucker (Elphaba), Ginna Claire Mason (s/b Glinda), Jonah Platt (Fiyero), Peter Scolari (The Wizard), Judy Kaye (Madame Morrible), Dawn Cantwell (Nessarose), Zachary Noah Piser (Boq), Michael Genet (Doctor Dillamond). Wicked San Francisco: September 5, 2010 (Last Show) Marcie Dodd (Elphaba) Alli Mauzey (Glinda) Clifton C. Hall (Fiyero) Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible) Tom McGowan (The Wizard) DeeDee Magno Hall (Nessarose) Etai Benshlomo (Boq) Wicked 1st National Tour: December 12, 2007; St. Louis, MO. Carmen Cusack  (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Cliffton Hall (Fiyero), Alma Cuervo (Madame Morrible), Lee Wilkof (The Wizard), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr. Dillamond) Wicked UK/International Tour April 15th, 2017 Jodie Steele (alt. Elphaba), Carly Anderson (Glinda), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Mme. Morrible), Steven Pinder (Dr. Dillamond/Wizard), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) Wicked: Broadway August 11th, 2017 Cast: Jackie Burns (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Rondi Reed (Madame Morrible), PJ Benjamin (The Wizard), Ashley Parker Angel (Fiyero), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Jye Frasca (Boq) Notes: Excellent HD capture of Jackie’s return to the role, captured from the Orchestra. Waitress (Broadway) − June 14, 2016: Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Keala Settle (Becky), Kimiko Glenn (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr Pomatter), Nick Cordero (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie) (OBC) Waitress ( Broadway) April, 2017 Cast: Sara Bareilles, Charity Angel Dawson, Molly Jobe as (u/s) Dawn, Chris Diamantopoulos, Will Swenson, Dakin Matthews, Eric Anderson, Christopher Fitzgerald The Producers 4/25/01 ~ Broadway Cast: Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Roger Bart, Gary Beach, Brad Oscar, Cady Huffman. Slight spotlight washout, bar in the way version. Cam Video Video includes the 2001 Gypsy of the Year skit after the show The Drowsy Chaperone 10/8/08 ~ Sacramento, CA Cast: Jonathan Crombie, Georgia Engel, Alicia Irving, Jen Taylor Farrell as (u/s) Janet Van De Graaff, Noble Shropshire, Mark Ledbetter, Richard Vida, Cliff Bemis, Linda Griffin, Paul Riopelle, Peter Riopelle, Dale Hensley, Natasha Yvette Williams. Filmed in widescreen with no obstructions and almost no blackouts, great picture that follows the action very well. The Book Of Mormon:  London - 03/01/18 Blackout at certain parts, filmed from the circle. Overall watchable.Known Cast: KJ Hippensteel - Elder Price Cody Jamison Strand - Elder Cunningham Stevie Webb - Elder McKinley The Play That Goes Wrong: Broadway May 2018 Cast: Akron Watson, Mark Evans, Quinn Van Antwerp, Preston Truman Boyd, Harrison Unger, Amelia McClain, Alex Mandell, Ashley Bryant Frozen: Denver (Try Outs) October 1st, 2017 Cast: Caissie Levy, Patti Murin, Jelani Alladin, Greg Hildreth, John Riddle, Timothy Hughes, Andrew Pirozzi, Robert Creighton, Alya Schwartz, Audrey Bennet. Notes: Final performance. There are scene changes, an added song just before For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) sung by Elsa (in the tune of the pop version of Let It Go), and “When Everything Falls Apart” was completely removed ​ Frozen: Broadway May 3rd, 2018 Cast: Caissie Levy, Patti Murin, Jelani Alladin, Zoe Glick, Mimi Ryder, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila, Greg Hildreth, Timothy Hughes, Andrew Pirozzi, John Riddle, Tracee Beazer, Wendi Bergamini, Ashley Blanchet, James Brown III, Claire Camp, Lauren Nicole Chapman, Jeremy Davis, Kali Grinder, Zach Hess, Donald Jones Jr., Nina Lafarga, Ross Lekites, Austin Lesch, Synthia Link, Adam Perry, Olivia Philip, Noah J. Ricketts, Ann Sanders, Jacob Smith, Nicholas Ward  Notes:  NYCG8R’s Master   ​ Les Miserables: West End- September 17, 2010 Cast: Christopher Jacobsen, Earl Carpenter, Madalena Alberto, Gareth Gates, Katie Hall, Rosalind James, Ashley Artus, Lynne Wilmot, Jon Robyns El Hombre de La Mancha: Santiago, Chile Teatro Munipal:: 1974 Cast: Frankie Bravo, Jose del Campo, Omar Galarcé, Fernando Gallardo, Mary Hernandez, José Maria Langlais, Valentina Martinez, Alicia Quiroga, Carlos Trujillo El Hombre de La Mancha: Madrid, Teatro Lope de Vega de Madrid Cast: David V Muro (Cervantes / Quixote) The rest of the cast is unknown Evita: Broadway 1980 (OBC)- Cast: Patti LuPone, Mandy Patinkin. Notes: Decent for its age and one of the best copies I’ve found and in Color! B+ Evita: US Tour 1999- Cast:  Natalie Toro, Raul Esparza, Raymond Jaramillo McLeod, Tom Flynn, Angela Covington Evita: Costa Mesa December 14, 2013- Cast: Cast: Caroline Bowman (Eva), John Riddle (u/s Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Peron), Krystina Alabado (Mistress), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi). ​Evita: Broadway Revival July 28, 2012 Cast: Christina DeCicco (u/s Eva Peron), Ricky Martin, Michael Cerveris, Max von Essen, Rachel Potter Notes: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Great clear video with nice picture and sound; great video 2 DVDs. https://www.4shared.com/folder/FTw9s2y8/Evita__7-28-12_.html Evita: Broadway Revival July 28, 2012 Cast: Christina DeCicco (u/s Eva Peron), Ricky Martin, Michael Cerveris, Max von Essen, Rachel Potter Notes: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Great clear video with nice picture and sound; great video 2 DVDs. Legally Blonde: Broadway (MTV Filmed) September 9th, 2007 Cast-Laura Bell Bundy, Christian Borle, Orfeh, Michael Rupert, Kate Shindle, Nikki Snelson, Richard H. Blake Mary Poppins- US tour February 15 2013 Full Show Cast: Con O'Shea-Creal (Bert), Madeline Trumble (Mary Poppins), Madison Ann Mullahey (Jane Banks), Eli Tokash (Michael Banks), Chris K. Hoch (George Banks), Kerry Conte (Winifred Banks) Man of La Mancha - Cast: Joan Diener as Aldonza (Dulcinea); Richard Kiley as Don Quixote (Cervantes); Dianne Barton as Antonia; Lee Bergere as Dr. Carrasco; Renato Cibelli as Captain of the Inquisition; Jack Dabdoub as The Innkeeper; Edmond Verrato as Sancho Panza (U/S); Eleanore Knapp as The Housekeeper; Robert Rounseville as The Padre; Ted Forlow as The Barber/The Horse (U/S); John Aristides as Juan; Robert Cromwell as Guard/Man of The Inquisition; Fernando Grahal as Tenorio/Dancing Horse; Laura Kenyon as Fermina; Jeff Killion as Man of The Inquisition/Guard; Hector Mercado as Dancing Horse/Jose; Rita Metzger as Maria; Shev Rodgers as The Horse/Pedro; Bill Stanton as Paco; David Wasson as Man of The Inquisition/Guard. Man of La Mancha: Broadway November 24th, 2002 (Previews)- Cast: Brian Stokes Mitchell (Don Quixote), Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (Aldonza), Ernie Sabella (Sancho), Stephen Bogardus (Dr Carrasco), Bradley Dean (Anselmo), Natascia Diaz (Antonia), Mark Jakoby (Padre), Olga Merediz (Housekeeper), Jamie Torcellini (Barber), Don Mayo (Innkeeper). Mamma Mia! Broadway - November 21, 2012 (VOBs + smalls) Christy Altomare (Sophie), Natalie Bradshaw/Monica Kapoor* (u/s Ali), Thomasina Gross (Lisa), Felicia Findley (Tanya), Laureen Cohn (Rosie), Judy McLane (Donna), Zak Resnick (Sky), Graham Rowat (Harry), Daniel Cooney (Bill), Aaron Lazar (Sam) Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812 (Broadway) − October 29, 2016: Josh Groban, Denee Benton, Brittain Ashford, Nicholas Belton, Lucas Steele, Gelsey Bell, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812 (Broadway)- December 29, 2016 Cast: Josh Groban, Denee Benton, Brittain Ashford, Lucas Steele, Nicholas Belton, Grace McLean, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray, Gelsey Bell, Paul Pinto, Reed Luplau, Ani Taj (OBC) Once On This Island-Rendondo Beach, CA  2017, March 4 I VOB + smalls & MP4 Cast: Leah Stewart, Cooper Howell, Erika Bowman, Keith Jefferson, Jay Donnell, Dominique Kent, Daebreon Poiema, Edred Utomi, Kayla Joy Smith, Jenna Gillespie, David T. Morris, Nic Hodges, Christopher C. Fishburn, Gabrielle Jackson, Mia L. Jones, Jade Payton, Eran Scoggins, Kennedy Nibbe, Mackenzie Nibbe, Inaya Reddick ​ ​Hamilton: Broadway December 29, 2015 Lin-Manuel Miranda (Alexander Hamilton), Leslie Odom Jr. (Aaron Burr), Jonathan Groff (King George III), Renée Elise Goldsberry (Angelica Schuyler Church), Phillipa Soo(Eliza Schuyler Hamilton), Christopher Jackson (George Washington), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Maria Reynolds/Peggy Schuyler), Daveed Diggs (Thomas Jefferson/Marquis de Lafayette), Okieriete Onaodowan (James Madison/Hercules Mulligan), Anthony Ramos(John Laurens/Philip Hamilton) (OBC) Hamilton Broadway August 13th, 2016 - Javier Munoz (Alexander Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Hamilton), Sydney James Harcourt (u/s Aaron Burr), Renee Elise Goldsberry ( Angelica Schuyler), Christopher Jackson (George Washington), Andrew Chappelle (u/s Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Ephraim Sykes (u/s Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O’Malley (King George), Roddy Kennedy (u/s Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Thayne Jasperson (Samuel Seabury), Neil Haskell (Charles Lee), David Guzman (u/s George Eacker), Ensemble: Carleigh Bettiol, Hope Easterbrook, Karla Puno Garcia, Gregory Haney, Sasha Hollinger, Seth Stewart, Kamille Upshaw​ Hamilton: Chicago 2016-10-02 Joseph Morales (alt. Alexander Hamilton), Ari Asfar (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Jonathan Kirkland (George Washington), Chris De'Sean Lee (Marquis de Lafayett/Thomas Jefferson), Karen Olivo (Angelica Schuyler), Alexander Gemignani (King George), Jose Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Samantha Marie Ware (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds) Hamilton: National Tour- Los Angeles Michael Luwoye - Alexander Hamilton Joshua Henry - Aaron Burr Rory O'Malley - King George III, RUBÉN J. CARBAJAL - John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton Jordan Donica - Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson; Amber Iman - Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds; Isaiah Johnson - George Washington; Solea Pfeiffer - Eliza, Emmy Raver-Lampman - Angelica Schuyler Mathenee Treco - Hercules Mulligan/James Madison. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: April 1st, 2017 Heathers- Concert reading at Joe’s Pub - September 14 2010 Cast: Annaleigh Ashford (Veronica), Jeremy Jordan (Jason Dean), Jenna Leigh Green (Heather Chandler), Corri English (Heather McNamara), Christine Lakin (Heather Duke), James Snyder (Kurt), PJ Griffith (Ram), Julie Garnye (Martha) Heather Off Broadway- Cast:  Dan Domenech as JD, Barrett Wilbert Weed as Veronica, and Charissa Hogeland as Heather Chandler Into the Woods -July 27, 2015 Cast-Heather Headley (The Witch), Rob McClure (The Baker), Erin Dilly (The Baker's Wife), Ken Page (The Narrator), Elena Shaddow (Cinderella) , Ryan Silverman (Rapunzel's Prince), Andrew Samonsky (Cinderella's Prince/The Wolf), Jason Gotay (Jack), Sara Kapner (Little Red Riding Hood), Ellen Harvey (Cinderella's Stepmother), Samantha Massell (Rapunzel) ​Phantom of the Opera: Broadway (June 21, 2016): James Barbour (Phantom), Ali Ewoldt (Christine), Jordan Donica (Raoul), Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Richard Poole (u/s Monsieur Andre), Craig Bennett (Monsieur Firmin), Rebecca Eichenberger (Madame Giry), Kara Klein (Meg), John Easterlin (Ubaldo Piangi) Wants: Anything from Wicked's Japanese Cast and Wicked's  UK/ Ireland National Tour also Australian Cast and any production of A Chorus Line/ Cats, The Phantom of the Opera ​ Looking for: Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, Heathers, The Wizard of Oz, Drowsy Chaperone,  Into the Woods plays/ musicals in Spanish and anything I don’t have!
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