#c: azinhael
caterva · 1 year
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“Welcome to Tabletop Tavern! Can I get you anything? Rent a game, perhaps? A coffee?”
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caterva · 1 year
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Kind but cautious, Azinhael has always found himself on the outside of a world that he fears would judge and fear him for a demon.
LEGAL NAME: Azinhael Peterson
DATE OF BIRTH: October 21st 
AGE: 25
GENDER: Male, he/him
LANGUAGES: English, Latin, some Spanish
EDUCATION: Home schooled
OCCUPATION: Owner and Barista at Tabletop Tavern
RESIDENCE: Verse dependent
DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: Socially | Sometimes | A little pot, as a treat(edibles to help him sleep)
LIKE[S]: Serving people, animals, walks, picnics, a good quiet library, clear and sensical rules.
DISLIKE[S]: Cruelty, inequality, rude customers(including those who just talk too loudly/are obnoxious to the general café rather than him specifically), double standards
FEAR[S]: Being discovered and living out the horror stories he was raised with of his kind’s persecution. Finding out that he is what people fear him to be. Dolls.
POWER[S]: Mild pyromancy, increased strength and speed. The ability to disguise his true form with an innate glamour. 
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Friendly, quiet, and loyal. He’s got excellent customer service skills and is a true extrovert, craving time with people even once he clocks out for the day. He’s considerate and helpful, and is quick to offer aid and charity.
TALENTS: He’s inexplicably good at Uno, despite it being partly a game of chance. He makes a mean cup of coffee and can tie a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue. He’s excellent with his hands and is good at picking up new crafts.
HAIR COLOR: Glamoured: Black. Naturally: Deep crimson.
HAIR STYLE: Shoulder length and swept back from his false eye. Shaved on the sides and back of his head.
EYE COLOR: Real eye, glamoured: Grey. Real eye, naturally: Glowing gold with a black sclera. False eye: Variable; he likes to use fantasy eyes, flashlight eyes, and generally anything fun.
HEIGHT: 5′8″
Body language: Excellent posture, relaxed and open. He leans a lot when he’s not at work and cannot sit in a chair properly to save his life. 
Physical features: Glamoured, he has a varying amount of facial hair and appears to be of mixed Indian descent. Naturally, he has brownish-red skin that is covered with markings that resemble underlying bones.
MENTAL ILLNESSES & DISORDERS: Generalized anxiety, although he keeps it pretty well managed without meds.
At Your Service: Default verse which covers most threads. He’s a barista at the recently opened Tabletop Tavern, a board game café that recently opened in [location convenient to the RP].
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caterva · 3 months
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“Welcome to Tabletop Tavern! Can I get you anything? Rent a game, perhaps? A coffee?”
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