#c: ben anak bandi
kenxmatsui · 2 months
for: @readbentweenthelines type: paired activity
"Which torture method do you prefer?" Ken's question rang out. Already vexed with what the day had in store was not the best mood to be in, but the energy he had maintained up till now had dipped drastically. While he couldn't deny that he did have fun, the effort he had put into participation felt wasted when it came down to the end. And given how everyone had treated Leyla, did nothing but sour his mood further. Realising that a fresh level of hell was in-store for them as everyone seemed to get paired up for more nonsense, Ken did not hide his scowl. But at least, there was one morsel of sanity left to not make him completely walk out, despite knowing this was mandatory, he would've done so were he paired with anyone he truly disliked. Ben was okay. Looking at the options they had available though, a heavy scoff fell through, "These are all hell. But here's one that seems quick. Observations." Reading details he turned to Ben, "You're Ben, you're not Ken," he said, "Now say that back with an I statement so I can be on my way. Task done."
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jonahxrivas · 10 months
for: @readbentweenthelines location: ben's campus office
As time rolled without stopping, Jonah had no choice but to follow along. Despite wanting to confine himself indoors there were moments when he felt walls were closing in on him, spiking unnecessary panic into his already rattled system. Respite, thought little, thankfully wasn't non-existent, moments where he smiled and even laughed without guilt bearing down but it didn’t last though, restarting the cycle anew. Thoughts both aided the heaviness and offered a distraction, and one such thing took up more prominence in his head than anticipated, especially since the Murder Mystery dinner, perhaps this wasn’t a good idea, perhaps it was, either way this conversation went he’d have an answer and that counted for a lot these days. 
Weaving through the campus, Jonah wasn’t, for once, a bundle of nerves. Something about the place that made comfort seep into him, a familiarity in atmosphere if not halls, brought forth an easy peace that settled in nicely as he knocked on Ben’s door. They weren’t strangers but he had checked ahead for availability out of politeness. “Hi,” the greeting followed a smile once the door opened, “Do you have a minute to talk about the environment?” Letting out a laugh with the question, Jonah relaxed a little more, “Oh, wait, waxing poetic about nature is more your style right, Professor?”
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lunarcovehq · 11 months
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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot." 
Welcome players for the game is on! The Lunar Covians who rsvp'd have all received their roles and clues for the evening. But, now it is time to put them into action.
You all have been invited to the billionaire and inventor of the newest steam engine on the market, Mrs. Cara Davers, dinner party for one reason or another. Some of you were brought here under the guise of a social event for the elite, others felt as though they had been threatened to attend and even more believed they were there for a dinner in memory of the late Mr. Davers. But, what is certain upon arrival is that this isn't your typical dinner party...
Join us on Saturday over in discord for our Murder Mystery dinner! While the event is mandatory, this IC discord event is optional and is sure to be a bunch of fun. Participation will count as activity for the week as well for those who RSVP'd last week and are active within the discord channel.
We have sent out all of the invitations detailing out your character's persona and clues your character is personally privy to, but if you have not received one yet, please send a message to the main so that we can resend it to you.
The instructions for how the murder mystery dinner will play out will happen in the discord channel step by step, but if you have any questions in the meantime concerning your character's role or clues, feel free to reach out privately to Becca so that we can talk you through it.
Also, please keep your character's clues to yourself for now. The fun part of the game is trying to uncover clues from everyone else as you go.
How you can prepare: Before Saturday, if you can create a new discord tupperbot or temporarily edit the name of your discord tupperbot to reflect the persona your character will be taken on that would be great. There will be some admins examples in the chat shortly. Below is also a list of the attendees that you can review before the dinner party begins.
And last but not least, we hope you have a brew-tiful time!
Your Host, Mrs. Cara Davers - Played by Brielle Rivas
The Hollywood Starlet, Blaze Starlight - Played by Mason Mahir
The Drunk Sea Captain, Captain Richard C. Mahn - Played by Culver Blithe
The Professor, Professor Blake Nightshade - Played by Kui James
The Butler, Ms. Pennington "Penny" Pennyworth - Played by Elif Karadaş
The Heiress, Ms. Milan Marriot - Played by Safiye Yildiz
The Cook, Ms. Ginger Schnapps - Played by Dilan Selvi
The Nurse, Nurse Joy - Played by Jonah Rivas
The Widow, Mistress Ivy Hemlock - Played by Briar Reed
The Cars Salesman, Camry Chevrolet - Played by Ralph Middlemas
The Valet, Addie Valley- Played by Aiyla Baysal
The Maid, Mademoiselle Pain- Played by Ben Anak Bandi
The Social Climber, Carrie Eastwood - Played by Julian Chandler
The Working Wife, Mrs. Goldie Berg - Played by Poppy Hastings
And her Trophy Husband, Mr. Heiss Berg - Played by Aaliyah Rose
The Uninvited Guests:
The Inspector - Played by Sheriff Cavanaugh
The Lighthouse Keeper, Old Mr. Jenkins - Played by Nico Castillo
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pengikatkenangan · 6 years
Selama saya disini, terhitung 4 bulan kurang seminggu, batu kali ini saya sakit, dan lama. Iya, sebenarnya saya jarang banget sakit, setahun palingan cuma sekali, dan mungkin ini jatah sakit tahun kemaren yang belum kepake. Entah dapet tempelan virus darimana, saya sakit gondongan saudara-saudara. Bahasa kerennya, parotitis. Tanggal 10, pas pagi pagi ke pasar mbe mba bandi, aku wes ngeluh "mba, kok ngisor guluku loro yaa, koyo mlanjeri gitu". Dijawablah dengan santainya " paling arep gondongen". "Oraaakk ahh." Iya, gejala seperti rodo susah nelen sudah mulai terasa, tapi panas dan pusingnya belum muncul ke permukaan pemirsa. Dan, setelah itu adalah kegiatan posyandu. Pas posyandu, tak tanyain lah sekalian. Dan taraaa, jare bu bidan, ho'o. Kui gondongen. Aku shock. "Jangan maen maen dulu, itu virus bisa nular, di rumah ada yang gondongan?" "Ga ada bu" "Ya besok ke puskesmas aja". " Ya bu". Siang sampai sore dan malamnya, mulailah penderitaan saya. Panas mulai meninggi, pusing tujuh keliling, makan ga enak sama sekali, sampai malamnya, kaki rasane keg kudu tak bantingi. Puegele puoolll. Ga tau, nggon kentol kui na sampe dlama'an sikil. Subhanallah. Tidur udah dari sore, bangun bangun masih jam 8. Kok ra esuk esukk :( Pokok e malam itu, terasa puanjaaaaaaaaaaaaannng kae. Hampir 2 jam sekali nglilir, dan sampai tiba saatnya ora betah mbe pegel e sikil, akhirnya tak blonyoh i freshcare sak embuh embuh. Adem. Suwe suwe puanaasss bingit. Tapi penak penak wae, arep barang angger ora pegel, gitu batinku. Sungguh malam yang menyiksa. Jam 8 pas aku goes to puskesmas, pendaftaran, trus ke bagian gizi, trus ketemu dokter umum. Trus ditanya, "Hamil ya?" "Iya dok" "Besar" Aku refleks berdiri nunjukin perut yang sudah rodo mbedunduk dan buk e bilang "Gondongannya" Wkwkwk, kudune ki yo kode seg nag meh ganti topik yaa, ah elah maemunah. Trus tak tunjukkan pembengkakan di bawah telinga kiriku. Trus di cek panasku, 37,9° C. Pake termometer dahi do'i. Cetikk, udah tau. Trus dikeki resep. Trus ke apotik sekalian bayar. Dikek i obat 3 tok. Penurun panas, obat pusing mbe buat bengkak e. Bayare, sepuluhewu. Ho o, gur sepuluh ewu. Karena, jare memang ga ada obat e, tergantung tubuhmu sendiri mau sembuh e cepet ato lama. Oh iyo, kui na, hari kedua kui, aku bener bener blek sekk nan kamar tura turu tok. Bengkak e semakin menjadi jadi. Ora isah isah, umbah umbah, nyapu, adus, blass ga ngopo ngopo pokok e. Tangi gur pipis, mimik, maem sak kecrit. Nah, pas kui, nan mba bandi malah dikek i iwak truwok. Jare kon mangan aku, ben anak e rai ne apik. Yunow truwok? Guglinglah. "Di ntek ne, di mamah seg suwe, seg lembut ben gampang ngolu ne" Dalam hati esmeralda berkata "gagasane, mangap we kangelan, mangan we patuto gur di olu rasah di mamah gen ra cekut cekut, malah iki kon mamah sampe lembut -_- " alhasil, aku mengajukan ayahh alias bojoku untuk mewakili makan iwak truwok. Hati ketiga, wes alhamdulillah, rodo baikan. Esuk e, pak e pek pohung, rutinitas mbok e nggo gae tape. Aku dong, seg mlaku jek alon alon, dengan bangganya, reka e ngewangi oncek pohung. Urung etuk separo, wes nggliyeng. Wes nyokott bengkak e. Trua aku pamit sarapan mbe pak e. Daaaannnn, tumbang. Bar sarapan geg mik obat, dedek kesakitan seperti sedia kala. Alhasil ra bali ngewak i pak e. Gur pringisan nan kamar sampe jam 1 an. Padahal seg belakang telinga ki wes rodo kempes, tp pindah nan pipiii. Jadilah pipiku gedi separo. Po goro goro bobokku miring le kiri terus ya? Entahlah. Gatau jugak. Ini hari ke piro, limo. Obat e we arep habis, kudu mari. Tp bengkak e masih segede ini. Ya gapapa, yg pntg makan sudah enak, pusing dan panas sudah lenyap, bengkak angger ga nyokot ya gapapa, tp cepet kempes aja. Nag jare gugel, akan sembuh dalam 10-14 hari. Neg ra satu sampai 2 minggu. Ah elahhh :( kesuwen dek. Selak ra cek cek kesehatan iki. Btw, kemaren darahku mudun meneh, mosok gyr 90/60. Hemmm. Semoga saja nanti pas cek kesehatan, wes sehaaaattt walafiatt.. Wes, wassalam. Doakan segera sembuhhh yeass...
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jonahxrivas · 8 months
for: @readbentweenthelines time & location: present time, ben's office on campus
A feeling he couldn't quite place took hold as he walked these halls to Ben's office again, ever present nerves stilled for the moment and comfort that the campus had provided in the past remained as such - in the past. A blanket numbness had gripped him since New Years and refused to leave. Keeping himself busy with work or other things to keep his mind occupied worked for a bit, but thoughts still took over in the pockets of quiet offering no peace, no calm, just an incessant buzzing to mark yet another time where he almost died. He must've laughed a little, a hollow thing no doubt, because he received a strange look from the person he passed by, causing him to duck his head and move a little faster.
He had a lot of time to think, far too much for a decision that was made on the spot. Mind was partly made, to give himself some credit and ease on the spontaneity, but ending up in the hospital sealed that choice solidly. Ben's visiting became something of an influencing point and each visit, because there were multiple, took him by surprise, realising he took the time and cared enough to do so. Really, there was nothing he could lose with this. No longer wishing to delay this, Jonah knocked and waited. "Hi.. uh... you must be getting sick of seeing me..." he said when the door opened, "Unfortunately, the news I have likely won't change that."
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