#c: caudecus
I took Gwen through "The Accusation," the follow-up to "The Fall of Falcon Company."
I talked a little here about wishing human PCs could be something other than totally uncritical Queen Jennah stans (it's not like plenty of human NPCs don't have issues with her!). In my head, if not on the screen, Gwen's street origin/revolutionary crowd has left her with very little investment in the status quo and she theoretically opposes royalty and (especially) aristocracy. But she doesn't want Jennah replaced by another (worse) monarch and the person/people plotting against the queen are responsible for the death or suffering of Gwen's sister, so for now, okay.
Anyway. Gwen enters the royal court for the first time in her life to find Logan just arrived, and Queen Jennah attended by Minister Arton, Countess Anise (problematic fave!!!), and Minister Caudecus. Given that Caudecus is the ultimate villain of the noble storyline ... hmm.
We jump into the cut scene and actually see Jennah for the first time:
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(Hope the throne room isn't drafty!)
The character design shows its age a bit, though I like the patterning on the gold overlay, and the neck piece. I also really like that she looks like a GW1 Krytan—I like that Ascalonians got less white in GW2, but Krytans got wayyyy lighter and I've always found it uncomfortable.
Right, back to the story. Jennah and Logan talk Very Normally about the treason and not about Logan's undying passion for her, and Gwen tells her about Tervelan's confession, without even naming the minister in question. Arton, who is elderly and seems pretty nice, immediately guesses the accused minister must be him and goes under voluntary house arrest.
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Also, I want his robe.
Enter Anise, whom Gwen briefly met in the street arc. Anise was introduced back then as the head of the Shining Blade—the group that helped save Kryta back in GW1 and seems an elite bodyguard for Jennah these days—and apparently keeps track of everything, since she recalls that a random sergeant transferred out of Falcon Company, back in the day. Logan knows where the guy is currently patrolling, so he sends Gwen off to question the sergeant while he stays and protects Jennah.
You can actually talk to Jennah herself afterwards, deferentially. She's actually pretty upset because Arton has always served both her and her father with every appearance of loyalty (as I recall, not something that could be said of all her ministers). The charm response was the more neutral ("Captain Thackeray and Countess Anise will ensure your safety"), so I went with that.
Anise remarks that accusing a minister in front of the queen is not only bold, as she knew Gwen is, but fearless. Gwen says, "Not fearless. Determined." Sounds about right!
Caudecus also has a dialogue option, but just kind of whines about all the commotion. Yeah, I've got my eye on him.
Meanwhile, in conversation with Logan, Gwen grimly assures him that if this sergeant knows anything, she'll get him to talk.
That's my girl :)
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
⚔️⚔️ for Kerra!
(I had this like 3/4 of the way typed out, and then my computer decided I WILL UPDATE RIGHT NOW and thereby managed to erase all of it asldjkfasdf, send help)
Gladly!! :D Kerra hours :)
First: Kerra uses Sohothin in her final fight against Balthazar, but, of course, it's not her sword. She has her regular weapons (sword, dagger, longbow) that she uses generally, and the sword she fights with is Caladbolg Rosa.
Accepting Rytlock's offer of using Sohothin has nothing to do with the power involved. Caladbolg is at least vaguely on a similar power level, and besides, at this point she'd be willing to go in with her bare hands if she thought she could. Kerra accepts because she wants to kill Balthazar with his own sword, and that's it.
(Side note, when I was thinking about this, I briefly contemplated whether or not she'd do a sword exchange kinda thing and allow Rytlock to use Caladbolg for the duration of that fight, but...nope. She has nowhere near enough trust in him at this point in the story to let him use that sword.)
Second: Kerra, somewhat notably, does not work with the Shining Blade during LWS3. She does a lot of hunting and tracking of Balthazar on her own, with input from various friends both in and out of the Pact. She's not really alone--she's constantly in communication with others--but it's also a period where she is very alone. Both her partners have their own responsibilities that are separate from hers, and the three of them are in very separate places.
The portal stone that you get in-game that takes you back to the egg chamber with Aurene is a canon magical item in my universe, and Kerra uses it on such a regular basis that the use of the stone combined with the various waypoints and asura gates she makes use of are a contributing factor to her being magically overloaded.
So LWS3-Kerra is a) in a very new romantic relationship, b) far away from many of her friends, quite a few of which are on bad terms with either her or each other, c) trying her best to be there for Aurene, d) working with one of her best friends to make sure she's not seeing ley line anomalies 24-7, and e) actively dealing with first Caudecus and then a rogue god. A busy year, to say the least!
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anghraine · 4 years
pro patria, 71-77
“These are no innocents, Advocate,” said Ihan. “They’re pirates, and a cutthroat bunch at that—bear that in mind.” Right, pirates. Thieves and murderers and gods knew what else; it still wasn’t the plan I’d have chosen, had another presented itself, but … well, they’d done worse themselves. I’d done worse, arguably, with all the bandits I’d killed—I regretted nothing, but risking murderers’ lives could be no worse than killing them myself, surely.
title: pro patria (71-77/?) stuff that happens: One minute, Althea's realizing that her life as an aristocrat does not represent a universal Ascalonian experience; the next, she's manufacturing pirate slang.
verse: Ascalonian grudgefic characters/relationships: Althea Fairchild, Ailoda Langmar, Agent Ihan; Captain Barnicus, First Mate Gaets, others; Althea & Ailoda, Althea & Ihan chapters: 1-7, 8-14, 15-21, 22-28, 29-35, 36-42, 43-49, 50-56, 57-63, 64-70
SEVENTY-ONE 1 According to our stories and records, all the Fairchilds alive today were descendants of Lady Irene Fairchild. Irene, a cousin of Duke Barradin and member of the first Vanguard, claimed that she’d left Ascalon on a mission before the Searing, and returned afterwards upon being summoned by Prince Rurik himself. She’d defied King Adelbern to help Rurik lead desperate survivors of the Searing to Kryta, and taken over the expedition upon Rurik’s death. She and some companions joined Kryta’s White Mantle government, only to turn on it when they discovered its corruption, at which point they became allies of the Shining Blade instead, and aided Queen Salma's ascension to the throne. Irene even left notes of something to do with a lich and Rurik, though she was vague on the details. The family story went that she became an agent of the Ebon Vanguard, first under Captain Langmar and then Gwen Thackeray, and helped establish Ebonhawke. It sounded like the stories were true—all of them. 2 It made for a pleasant diversion, but after that, I seemed to encounter something disturbing about my people everywhere I went. One man near the gates complained about his offspring creating a guild to attack Ascalonian children. The woman he was speaking to shrugged and replied, “Someone’s got to teach them a lesson.” And people wondered why we stuck to Rurikton and Salma. In the upper city, I overheard a man asking another man and a woman why we didn’t have more Ascalonian ministers, something I’d certainly wondered about enough times. The other man said grimly, “The usual. No land, no vote.” 3 That was what my mother thought; she only knew three or four other ones. Of course, nothing prevented people from voting for someone who just happened to be Ascalonian—but they almost never did. In the meanwhile, I heard various gossip about Queen Jennah, ranging from whispers about Caudecus taking over—over my dead body—to anxious curiosity about when she would marry, to staunch declarations of support. Something must have happened; Logan, evidently, had gotten in a fight with some of Caudecus’s people, though I wasn’t exactly sure when or why it had happened. I could think of any number of reasons, really. Exhaustion crept up on me, perhaps from the exceptionally long morning I’d had, but more than that, too. I had never wished for another heritage, another life, but sometimes I wished I could just get away from everything that came with it. 4 I didn’t want to be poor, of course. But I’d like to pass through my city without hearing about the war or the Charr, or any of the things that Krytans thought were wrong with us. Not bothering to hide my scowl, I made my way back towards Seraph Headquarters and the palace, where the city was particularly beautiful and the people particularly inoffensive. I walked around under the dangling moons and stars of the mossy courtyard until my mood and my headache improved—and even then, I couldn’t help but think of how few Ascalonians could simply show up for a stroll in the royal courtyard when the world became overwhelming. And here I was, the Lady Althea, daughter of a Langmar minister and a Fairchild heir, hero of Shaemoor, Advocate of the Crown, doing absolutely nothing for my people. Helping others in general, sure—but not Ascalonians, who needed it more than anyone else. Someday I would. 5 I promised myself that. Zhaitan or no Zhaitan, I would go to Ebonhawke, where my people had lived and fought for so long, where my own family had, where I’d come into the world. I would offer my services to the Vanguard, in whichever way they saw fit, whether sword and sceptre or political strings pulled or whatever else. I would earn a right to the Ascalonian banners that hung throughout every manor I’d lived in. I’d earn the right to say I am an Ascalonian. I would go home, at last. To Ascalon. 6 I returned to the Salma manor to rest, glad to see the familiar lines and curves of the place I’d known for so many years—a place where I knew myself to be safe from all the rest of the world. Another advantage that most Ascalonians wouldn’t share with me. I’d never thought of that before. This time, I did manage to sleep, my intended nap turning into the hours until dinner. Despite all the irregularities of my schedule, I scrambled to appear on time. My mother, entering the dining room from the opposite side, looked startled. “Althea?” 7 “You’re here!” she said happily. “I can’t stay long,” I replied, seating myself at her right hand, “but I did want to see you.” She smiled. “I would have come home earlier, had I known you were here—what have you been up to?” I weighed what I could tell her, and what I wanted to tell her. “Oh, I had a meeting with Logan and some other people,” I said, “and ran a few errands, and then”—I swallowed—“then I took a long walk about the city.” She gazed steadily at me, and said, “Was any word of that true?”
1) she was vague on the details: the GW1 PC doesn’t cover themself with glory in their dealings with the lich; they’re constantly fooled through the first half of the game.
2) The family story went that she became an agent of the Ebon Vanguard: in the GW1 expansion Guild Wars: Eye of the North, the PC has the option to become an agent of the Ebon Vanguard, gaining ascending '[x] Agent' titles. The game isn't clear about what happens after that, but I imagine them (or at least Irene) sticking with the Vanguard.
3) a guild to attack Ascalonian children: an actual ambient conversation.  
---------------------------------------------------------------- SEVENTY-TWO 1 “Every word was true,” I assured her. “Vague, I grant you—but true, and no vaguer than they have to be.” She nodded, accepting this, or appearing to. “Can you tell me where you’re headed now?” Only then did I feel the weight of my next destination, a place I’d so often read of, heard of, seen on maps. I took a deep breath. “Lion’s Arch.” 2 “Lion’s Arch!” my mother exclaimed. “What in the names of the Six are—oh, you probably can’t tell me.” “I’m afraid not,” I replied. I didn’t quite regret it; I could only imagine how worried she’d be if she knew I was fighting dragon minions and chasing a deranged Seraph in the company of a spy. “Be careful,” said Mother, already looking worried. “The city’s not what it used to be. It’s full of unsavoury types who think they’re too good for the queen, and it’s crawling with Charr.” 3 Charr! I hadn’t thought of that. I should have. I’d heard that Lion’s Arch paid no respects to the lines between human and Charr, sylvari and Asura, any of them and Norn—paid no respects to anything at all, except money. To me, nothing but perhaps the architecture sounded appealing. Nevertheless, to Lion’s Arch I was to go, if only on my way to somewhere else. And I couldn’t deny a certain curiosity about the place. 4 “I’ll take care,” I promised. “You don’t need to worry—I can look after myself, I promise.” “Sometimes,” said my mother, “that’s what I’m afraid of.” I laughed. “Well, I won’t pick fights with anyone, either. Even the Charr.” But I’d given my word, so I added, “Not in Lion’s Arch.” 5 Mother sighed, but said, “I don’t suppose I can ask for more than that. You’ve grown up so much, Althea.” I picked up my fork, poking at our cook’s best attempts to make something of rationed food. Sometimes I didn’t feel very grown-up. More often, I wished I didn’t. But Tervelan’s plot had yanked me out of childhood forever, and Shaemoor and its consequences had done the rest of the work. “One minute I’m little Althea Fairchild,” I said lightly, “and the next I’m Advocate of the Crown.” 6 “You’re what?” I hadn’t meant it as a distraction, but I seized the opportunity when it presented itself. That was, I supposed, my way. “Queen Jennah appointed me this morning,” I told her. Only this morning? Holy Kormir, what a day. “It’s a sort of diplomatic thing.” 7 I half-expected her to press further, or at least express some disappointment or dismay at the secrecy, but instead, she lit up. “Oh, Althea.” She searched my face, then pressed my free hand, a trembling smile on her lips. “A government position? Darling, I’m so proud; I never dreamed that you’d follow me!” I couldn’t help but return her smile, even though I wouldn’t exactly call fighting undead following my mother’s path in the Ministry—but she’d started with battles against the Charr, hadn’t she? “It’s all very complicated,” I said. SEVENTY-THREE 1 Contrary to my own expectations, I slept as easily as a cat in the daytime. Unlike one, however, I woke at dawn—I had a substantial journey from Lion’s Arch to Lionbridge Expanse to complete this morning. According to a decidedly sketchy map in my collection, I’d go north out of Lion’s Arch into Gendarran Fields, head west out of Cornucopian Fields through Broadhollow Bluffs, and then run into the Expanse. The route would take me right past the Ascalon Settlement, the town that the first Ascalonian refugees in Kryta had established; with Ebonhawke and Rurikton, it was one of the main centers of Ascalonian culture. I’d always wanted to see it, but hadn’t dared the journey. Now, I couldn’t afford any detours—this time. But maybe I’d be able to go once this was all over. 2 I dressed quickly, gathered the supplies for the journey I’d packed last night, left a note for my mother, and headed out to the royal courtyard. I could go through Queensdale instead of Lion’s Arch, and felt strongly tempted to do so, but that would be pure self-indulgence; the Asura gate to Lion’s Arch gleamed right here in the courtyard. Once, I’d been composed of little but self-indulgence. Now, some things had to come first—and efficiency ranked high among them. Despite my best intentions, I hesitated at the gate. I wasn’t a healer, able to identify bone and organs at will, so I couldn’t say exactly what shivered in my chest as I stood before the gate. Did it matter? 3 Footsteps sounded behind me, and someone said, “Are you going through?” I turned, saw a man in merchant’s clothes, saw him step back. “My lady,” he added hastily. “Pardon,” I said, embarrassed at my own weakness. Determined to cast it aside, I summoned up all the resolve I possessed, and continued, “Yes, I’m going.” With that, I paid the Asura by the gate, and stepped through. 4 I only dimly remembered the last time I’d taken an Asura gate, when my family left Ebonhawke. One moment, I was crying as Aunt Elwin kissed me goodbye; the next, with a flash of purple light, I was staring around at Rurikton’s narrow walls and tall buildings. This gate seemed both like and unlike that memory, and like and unlike the waypoints I used so often. As my vision filled with purple, my body felt oddly compressed and heavy, while my heart raced and my stomach clenched down on nothing. But then everything cleared and my feet landed on solid ground, without any lurching disorientation. I took a few steady steps down a wooden ramp, and looked around with interest. So this was Lion’s Arch. 5 I stood on a sort of mossy circle, which centered on small levels rather like a fountain leading up to a flowery crystal. On one side of the circle, a stone ramp ran up to the main city, which from here looked like a very dramatic collection of shipwrecks; on the other side, a wooden bridge headed off into some trees. All around me, Asura gates cast light from their rocky pedestals just beyond the edges of the circle, each accessible by another ramp, and guarded by soldiers of various species. Including Charr. I steadied my nerves; they weren’t even looking at me, but talking in their low growls to a sylvari gesturing at the gate. Something, something Black Citadel. Sweet Lyssa, who would want to go there? 6 I’d heard little of it, of course, and had no interest in finding out more. But I knew that it was the Charr capital, deliberately built on the bones of slaughtered Ascalonians. This must be a gate to Ascalon. I eyed the Charr guards, unable to repress a curl of my lip. I’d never go this way. But they didn’t matter, I told myself; what they stood for mattered, but these were just two monsters among thousands, perhaps millions. I turned away. 7 My gate was likewise guarded, by two professional-looking Seraph who appeared remarkably sanguine about the Charr so near to them. I greeted them by rank, which seemed to gratify one of them, and then said, “I need to go to Gendarran Fields.” “We’re not tour guides,” said one of the Seraph, but the other hushed him. “You go all the way north, past Trader’s Forum,” she told me, and when I thanked them and headed off, she hissed at her companion, “Don’t you know who she is?” “Why should I care?” he said. “She’s Captain Thackeray’s right hand!” He scoffed, saying, “No, that’s Lieutenant … wait, you mean that was the hero of Shaemoor?” SEVENTY-FOUR 1 I nearly got lost about a half-dozen times on my way to the Trader’s Forum, as I navigated assorted buildings pieced together out of assorted ships—many of them looked very much the same, even with strings of glowing lights and the occasional waypoint lighting the way. And the crowds were like nothing I’d ever seen before, even in Divinity’s Reach on its busiest days. Everyone was shouting and shoving and jostling on the ways to the bank and the Black Lion market, which lay right in my path. Once, a Charr actually touched me as she pushed on by. My stomach turned and I jerked away. Eventually, however, I found myself in the much more sparsely populated stretch of crafting stations along the northern edge of the city, very little different from those in the Commons back home. I repressed the urge to stop and look at jewelry and clothes, and more relieved than not, strode through the portal. 2 I emerged into a landscape of green fields and hills, and took off running to the west. At first it looked nearly idyllic—an impression that lasted the three minutes that passed before I encountered giant spiders spitting poison. I killed them without very much difficulty, though I felt decidedly queasy, and raced onwards until I nearly collided into a green and purple sylvari. “Hello!” she said. “I am called Brigid. And you?” “Althea,” I said, certain that neither lady nor Fairchild would carry any meaning for her. 3 “It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?” she continued happily. “So green and fertile.” I nodded, and she chattered on, talking about the apparently hard-working farmers of Applenook, along with the dangers of pirates. While I certainly disapproved of piracy as both a fellow citizen and a loyal subject to the queen, it came as quasi-welcome news in this case. Evidently, I’d arrived at the right place. “Thank you,” I said, and we parted ways, Brigid peering around herself as I took off for the west. Onwards. 4 Despite the occasional fight along the way, I made good time, and ran through grass and clumps of cheerful yellow flowers to arrive at Lionbridge Expanse early. Ihan was, of course, already at the bridge. Well, under it. At first, when I didn’t see him, I shrugged and clambered down the slope to the stream flowing beneath the bridge. A large skale attacked me, so I thought I’d pass the time in fighting it. “Advocate, over here,” whispered Ihan. I flung aether towards the skale and whirled about. 5 My long skirt whirled with me, and settled neatly back down again, rather to my relief; Faren would have approved, though I couldn’t imagine Ihan cared one way or the other. I could only make out a vague figure in any case. Then Ihan stepped forward, himself once more, and murmured, “Keep your voice low.” I hadn’t said anything, but I nodded. “The pirates are still spooked from Kellach’s attack,” he said. “They won’t be quick to trust newcomers.” I didn’t mean to be impatient, but— 6 “We need them to tell us what they know,” I said firmly. “How do we get them to talk?” Ihan gave one of his thin smiles. “Don’t worry, Advocate. The Order’s been thinking ahead—it’s what we do. The Order of Whispers is the oldest organization in Tyria; we’ve managed to survive this long because we always have a plan.” I’d hoped to hear that.
“I’m listening,” I told him. “What do you suggest we do?” “I’ve hidden special torches on the outskirts of the pirate camp—they’re enchanted with pure life force by a priest of Melandru,” he said. “The power of these torches will draw in the undead, but nobody else will notice the difference.” “Draw in the undead?” I hissed. “That’s dangerous!” That was what he’d been doing while I slept?
1) jewelry and clothes: you can develop crafting abilities in the game, including as a jeweler and a tailor, though Althea would probably just buy things.
----------------------------------------------------------- SEVENTY-FIVE 1 “People could get hurt,” I added. “These are no innocents, Advocate,” said Ihan. “They’re pirates, and a cutthroat bunch at that—bear that in mind.” Right, pirates. Thieves and murderers and gods knew what else; it still wasn’t the plan I’d have chosen, had another presented itself, but … well, they’d done worse themselves. I’d done worse, arguably, with all the bandits I’d killed—I regretted nothing, but risking murderers’ lives could be no worse than killing them myself, surely. I nodded, not quite trusting myself with words. 2 “Disguise yourself,” said Ihan, “and attempt to join the crew. When the undead attack, prove yourself defending the camp. They’ll trust you after that.” Well, now it made sense. It was much easier to do something like this with a clear objective in mind, and clearer plan for achieving it. “I’ll maintain the torches,” Ihan continued, “and watch for undead. I’ll be nearby in case the situation escalates out of control.” 3 That sounded promising. Ihan set a pack down on the bank of the stream, opened it up, and started rummaging inside. He emerged with some things that someone more generous than me might have called clothes. There were leather trousers, which I could have expected. There was a feathered hat—all right. There were assorted belts and straps and scarves, and unexpectedly, a half-corset, something I’d never imagined pirates wearing. There was not a shirt. 4 “Here, put on this disguise,” he told me, his mouth quirking as he glanced from the fashionably slashed caps of my sleeves to my long skirt. “No one’s going to believe you’re a pirate in your current get-up.” “Uh,” I said. “What am I supposed to wear here?” I gestured vaguely at my chest. Ihan, thankfully, didn’t look. “This.” 5 He tossed the half-corset at me. “Fine,” I said, “but what am I wearing over it?” “Nothing,” said Ihan, a trace of impatience touching his even voice as he handed over the rest of the quasi-clothes. “You’re a pirate, Advocate. If you’re going to continue in the Order of Whispers, you have to learn to set Lady Althea aside, and become whatever is needed.” I had never said anything about continuing in the Order of Whispers! I preferred them to the others—maybe—but— 6 “Now you’re Yardarm, Rock Dog of the Eastern Sea,” he added. “Right,” I said faintly. “Now, hurry up.” “Well, turn around,” I said, though with that corset, it hardly made any difference; he’d see everything anyway. Everyone would. I shuddered, but remembered the undead, and once he turned his head aside, swiftly disentangled myself from my coat and skirt and did my best to figure out the pirate gear. With deep reluctance, I said, “Done.” 7 Ihan turned back to me and glanced at the outfit; to my relief, it was only a glance before his eyes returned to my face. “Good. Are you ready?” “Is there anything else I need to know about being a pirate?” This horrible outfit couldn’t be enough. “Work on your swagger, your swearing, and your slang,” he said, and smiled again, more warmly. “You’ll be fine.”
1) At this point in the story, Althea’s standard outfit is this; the pirate costume is this.
--------------------------------------------------------------- SEVENTY-SIX 1 Swagger I could handle. As for swearing and slang, I didn’t know what about me gave the impression that I might be conversant in either. I didn’t even know people who were; Logan didn’t bother, Faren found them inelegant, Deborah … well, all right, she swore like a sailor when she got angry. I strained to remember some of her more vivid insults. “All right,” I told him. “Thanks, Ihan. Here I go.” 2 Despite all my apprehensions and discomfort, the plan went off like a dream. I made my way to the camp, ignored the low, drunken singing of a small group of pirates, and was promptly directed to the captain by a surly underling. The first mate stopped me on the way there. “Get out of here before I use your parts for chum, you swine-hugging lowlife,” she snarled. I eyed her coolly. “Big talk from someone who smells like an unwashed dolyak.” “That's the best you got?” 3 She gave a hoarse laugh, adding, “Your wits are 'bout as quick as a pregnant cow.” My wits were just fine, and I didn’t care one way or another what some pirate thought of them. My first inclination was to shrug and continue on my way, but I remembered Ihan’s advice, and tried to imagine what Deborah would say. “Hey, don't go bringing your mother into this,” I said, and smiled cheerfully, making sure it showed my teeth. “Someone might get hurt. You, in fact.” 4 She didn’t look intimidated, but her eyes narrowed, which I counted as a success of sorts. “What’s that?” she growled. “I'd murder you right now if I didn't mind getting the blood of a Charr-loving rat-catcher on my blade.” A Charr-loving— Me? Me? My vision tightened, narrowing in on where she stood before me, a sneer on her face, and—I didn’t normally condone them, but I had half a mind to to challenge her to a duel on the spot. 5 In other circumstances. Not now, when I needed information, when undead were loose in Kryta. I forced my fury to a reasonable simmer, steadied my hands and breaths. “Oh, please,” I told her. “You even think about murdering me, you better stop yourself and apologize, skritt-licker.” To my astonishment, she chuckled. “Good one!” 6 “I like you,” she added, grinning down at me. “You can live for now.” “Thanks,” I said, “but I don't need any favors from you, flotsam-face.” I tipped my hat; it seemed a pirate-ish thing to do. “See you around.” I very much hoped I wouldn’t. For her sake. 7 She marched ahead of me as I walked towards the captain, my heart thudding, and Ihan’s torches shining clear and bright around the camp. “Splendid view, isn’t it?” the captain told her. “Only thing missing is our bloody ship! We never should have let that Seraph dog board the Ravenous again.” My nerves all seemed to spring to life at the same time, but I tried not to look too obviously interested. She saluted and said, “Ravenous died a noble death, Cap’n: on fire and full of holes.” Apparently that was their idea of nobility. SEVENTY-SEVEN 1 The first mate sniffed. “She went down fighting, like the grand dame she was.” “Aye, that she did, that she did,” Captain Barnicus said gravely. He glanced my way, and his eyes narrowed. “Here, who’s this new lubber come to stare at us?” I saluted him, aiming for a mix of deference and assurance—like a rough-around-the-edges Logan, maybe, though I could just imagine his face at the comparison. Especially considering the corset. 2 “Reporting for duty, captain,” I said, dropping my voice. “They call me Yardarm, Rock Dog of the Eastern Sea. I hear you’re looking for a new crew?” The captain’s scowl deepened. “You heard wrong. We’re looking for brothers and sisters of fortune. Sailors that’ll stand by us when the blood starts flowin’.” 3 “Now sling your hook before I—” A sylvari pirate (not two words I would have ever expected to use together) swivelled about towards us. He shouted, “Captain! The undead are back! We’re under attack!” The menace on Barnicus’s face turned into surprised fury, his hand already brandishing his sword. “Damn them!” 4 He pointed at me with his other hand. “You there, Yardarm! If you want to earn a berth on my ship, draw your weapon and risk your neck with the rest of us!” Ihan’s plan, such as it was, had gone off perfectly. I seized my own sword and leapt into the battle, dodging the rotting limbs, decaying weapons, and inexorable tread of the Risen. The aether lashing through my sceptre and my illusions destroyed undead as well as anything else. Not easily, though: they just kept coming and coming, and I spent as much time protecting and bracing up pirates as I did fighting—victory wouldn’t go very far if Barnicus lost his crew with it. 5 After three waves of attacks, this group of undead lay, well, dead. We burned the corpses and scattered the bones; you couldn’t really be too careful. Then, astonishingly, the pirates returned to drinking, singing, working, and/or mourning the ship, as if nothing had happened. I’d worried about them figuring out the cause of the attack, but they didn’t even try to guess. Barnicus gave me a slightly painful clap on the arm. “You did well, Yardarm, but if you’re lookin’ to join my crew, fightin’ ain’t enough. You need sharp wit, too.” 6 “My wit?” I said, not prepared for this, but not willing to abandon the plan. “What does that have to do with anything?” He shook his head, hand still on my bare arm. I refused to flinch, though every particle of my body urged me to cringe away. “Listen ’ere, matey. My crew has to settle scores with words, or we’d kill each other off! Speak with Gaets, she’ll set you to rights.” 7 It sounded positively deranged to me, but I agreed; I hardly had another choice—and it gave me some distance, at any rate. When Gaets turned out to be the first mate I’d exchanged words with before, however, I nearly balked. If she called me a Charr-lover again, I’d … well, in all honesty, I’d probably just endure it again, but I wouldn’t forget. Luckily, Gaets seemed to pride herself on a certain level of originality; each insult she threw at me was unique—lily-livered bilge-rat, lice-infested hammock hanger, and the like. Even more luckily, I had enough inventiveness (and enough memories) to return each insult in kind. She took a deep, satisfied breath. “That was amazing.”
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xkanin · 5 years
30 Days Guild Wars 2 Challenge
Day 5: My favorite story mode dungeon.
Uuh so i don't really enjoy doing dungeon, i only did them for the achievement points and occasionally do them for runes.
I will just share some screenshots because that might me more fun^^
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Me and my friends dying to Seamus (fun times)
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Me (the big salad) and my friend (smol salad) were trying to duo caudecus' manor and at one point she noticed how thin and small her sylvari was compared to my boy. We put on the same outfit to have a better look and were laughing our asses off xD (we did finish the path tho)
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The NPC in the Ascalonian Catacombs bugged out so we couldn't finish the path and decided to take screenshots c: (i think we did finish the path after relogging)
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In the Crucible of Eternity dungeon one of my friends just couldn't make it past the lasers and was trying again and again. The armor started to break and after a while her character was even naked! It was really funny!
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novasiri · 6 years
Seeing the 4.5 trailer is making me really remember I NEED to actually GET to Stormblood. Caudecus, hurry your ass up boi! BC Caudecus- We only JUST finished Ramuh! :c
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adurna0 · 7 years
World building wednesaday, IIIIII wanna know about Sophie :D (and my homegurl Thyra if u up too).
Shit I forgot to add Soph to the tags! Lemme just go under a cut here…
Worldbuilding “Wednesday”
full name: Sophia Iliades
gender: Female
sexuality: Lesbian
pronouns: She/her
family: No immediate family, probably has some relatives in Greece she’s never even met
birthplace: New York
job: Stuntwoman
phobias: Falling back into her depressive phase like when her parents died
guilty pleasures: Watching really trashy movies, riding really fast on her bike in empty streets
morality alignment?: Chaotic Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice (though she has fortitude as her virtue in game)
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: depends lol, generally agreeable but can get angry fast
cautious/reckless: reckless af
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: neither, really, she’s more of a loner
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: kinda pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
ot3: Sophia/Aphrodite/A badass bike??
brotp: meh
notp: Fratboy-Whose-Name-That-Starts-With-A-V
full name: Thyra Hertha
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
pronouns: She/her
family: Has a rather extended family who lives in Hoelbrack, family dinners are a drunken mess
birthplace: East of Hoelbrack
job: Commander of the Pact, formerly a freelance engineer
phobias: Dying again??? Failing all the people who’ve come to depend on her
guilty pleasures: Singing in the middle of the night while working
morality alignment?: Neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: a mix
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader, but doesn’t mind following
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: a mix, she loves norn traditions but is also interested in keeping up with modern developments
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: Thyra/Peace
ot3: Thyra/Peace/Quiet (no but really, she’s too busy leaping from one world-threatening situation to another to really develop any romantic feelings atm)
brotp: Canach all the way
notp: Idk like Thyra/Caudecus lmao
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I finished the "Missing Sister" arc! It was only a single mission and pretty straightforward, but idk, I didn't find it anticlimactic or anything.
So, last time, Gwen gathered information from Tervelan's former messengers and found that a) Minister Arton is likely innocent and b) the survivors would likely be held by a nearby gang who trade in/keep human slaves.
In this episode, "Liberation," Logan shows up to help her "investigate" the bandit camp. They briefly talk over who the real mastermind of the whole plot must be. Gwen concludes that it's got to be someone with "money, power, and ambition," which unfortunately describes a large portion of the Ministry.
Logan, a bit confusingly, remarks that the plot weakened the Seraph, pushed public opinion against the queen, and "almost worked." I mean ... it did work, unless the mastermind was hoping for an even greater impact than it had. But I get the impression that it's only piece in the larger maneuvering.
Gwen: "I want to see if these bandits have any answers, and, if Dwayna is smiling on us, find my sister."
I like the reference to Dwayna, too!
Outside the cut scene, Logan makes a melancholy remark about people turning on each other instead of working together—"if we can't trust each other, we can't possibly face the dragons." True, though some people have some pretty solid reasons for not trusting each other. For one, the Ministry folk are Just That Sketchy. Gwen points out that there are always villains, and that's why heroes need to step up, which he seems to find comforting. He assures her that her deeds for Kryta won't be forgotten.
There's not a lot of subtlety in the mission objectives. In the next part, Gwen and Logan stroll in and attack the bandits. It's not a difficult fight (least of all with Logan along). They do manage to question one bandit about who was behind it at all; she says it was (gasp!) Minister Caudecus, but gloated we'd never prove it and died.
Well, no surprise there.
Afterwards, there are a handful of clearly battered prisoners in the remains of Seraph armor (one may or may not have lost an eye). Their conversation is kind of quietly horrifying.
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I think this would be particularly difficult for Gwen (rather than my aristocratic human, Althea) to hear, given my headcanon that she and Deborah fought over Deborah joining the Seraph and were estranged before this happened. And then, to make the pain even sharper, it's immediately followed by the second prisoner assuring Gwen that Deborah always said her family wouldn't forget her. So despite everything (including torture, apparently!!), Deborah held out faith that Gwen would come through for her. ;_; but also <333
Anyway, the last prisoner is a slender blonde woman in worn clothes. Deborah!
Deborah is coughing and unsure if she's dreaming or not at the sight of Gwen. Logan assures her that she's safe now and asks for her account of what happened. Deborah basically recaps what they already knew between coughs and Gwen tells her the nightmare is over and they're going back to Divinity's Reach together. Deborah thanks Gwen and Logan and insists they're both heroes. Logan, however, gives all the credit to Gwen.
It's possible to talk to Deborah afterwards, though only briefly, with the usual personality options. The ferocity option seemed the most appropriate for Gwen: "It's all right, Deb. I'm here now. Those bandits will never threaten you again." Logan will also talk a little, though only to say the Seraph will look after the injured soldiers and give them a hero's welcome in DR. Gwen replies, "We'll never forget what you did for us today."
So that's "Missing Sister"! Despite a certain amount of predictability, I think it's genuinely heartwarming, the villains are suitably loathsome, and the consequences of what happened were actually pretty severe.
I wish there was more continuity with the storylines—Deborah's in pretty bad shape at this point and I've always wondered how she gets from here to my vague memory of encountering her much later. But I understand that bringing her into the other storylines would be a pain when some PCs don't have a Deborah backstory, and at least there's a possibility of meeting her again.
My only gripes with "Liberation" itself are pretty limited. The use of ethnicity to generate Deborah's appearance doesn't really follow from the greater diversity of GW2—Ascalonian NPCs can look like any RL ethnicity in GW2, but Ascalonian Deborah is automatically a light-skinned white person like in GW1.
Also, your family's ethnic/cultural background has zero effect on anything other than Deborah's appearance, despite it seeming like it'd be a pertinent a lot of times. Like when Charr refer to Adelbern as "your king," it seems like a Canthan PC would be ??????? Meanwhile, I recall that in Ebonhawke, you're basically forced to act like you have no cultural ties to them and are a neutral party, even though Ascalonian PCs are very unlikely to be neutral about it. I know it'd probably be a pain to incorporate, but I do wish it were a bigger deal. I'd honestly prefer a more consequential cultural option in character creation instead of the social class option, for as much fun as I'm having with the street origin—I just think the human cultures are richer and more interesting.
Nevertheless, "Missing Sister" is definitely my favorite of the backstories and I really enjoyed revisiting it and seeing Deborah again. And it's also fun to headcanon what the consequences might be for Gwen and Deborah and their differences before Gwen gets caught up in the Order storyline.
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