#c: gunnar avery
filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Gunnar Avery Pronouns: He/Him Age: 21 years old Hometown: Leesburg, GA Occupation: Junior at Columbia University, Waiter at ‘Olive Garden’ Social Status: Wannabe Faceclaim: Jake Manley 
Who Is Gunnar?
“I still say yes sir, ma'am and y'all, so don’t you be hatin’ on the way I talk, hoss.”
Gunnar Avery, are you still here? Mark me down as impressed. I was sure the second you had your silly heart broken by one of our more callous residents, you would have turned tail and run home. This place isn’t for everyone but here you are, still standing. Still smiling. When you first arrived in New York, you were bright eyed and so excited you could barely contain it. Having only glimpsed the lives of my scandalous elite on Insta and armed with a few key details from our darling Sophia Vandervort, you may as well have been meeting your heroes. Which, well, you really should never do. Despite diving into everything heart first, you’re still standing. Let’s see how long your permanent residence on the bright side really lasts, Gunnar. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Gunnar Avery grew up in a small town roughly a million miles away from the big city he dreamed of moving to one day. Gunnar has never had a bad word to say about anyone or anywhere but staying there for the rest of his life? He couldn’t do it. You can love your family and you can love your hometown but Gunnar needed to get out. He wanted to see everything and anything. He wanted the bright lights, new people and if he was lucky, to even meet some of the people he saw on Sophia Vandervort’s Instagram stories (and Sophia too, of course). Or be on one! Gunnar romanticizes most things and falls in love with every pretty smile or sweet nothing that comes his way. He knows that not everyone is going to be genuine but why not offer the benefit of the doubt? When it came to applying to colleges, Gunnar was over the moon and stars to be accepted into Columbia University on a scholarship.
He packed up his three flannel shirts, pulled on the same boots he’d been wearing most of his life and kissed his mama goodbye. Gunnar had always been a people person so making new friends at college wasn’t a problem. A little naive, Gunnar might have gotten his feelings hurt a few times when he first arrived. He knew that he didn’t exactly fit in with the ‘scandalous elite’ (as Gossip Girl would say!) but he wasn’t about to pass up the chance to be invited to the party. Sophia was a lifesaver for him since she was the only person he already knew in the city. They’d been pen-pals for a couple of years before meeting. In a way, it almost felt like Gunnar knew the people Sophia wrote about. Soph couldn’t be with him all the time though. Gunnar quickly learned how to stand on his own two feet and to never trust pretty boys named William Huntzberger. He’s pretty much got the hang of things now. Uh, yeah. Pretty much.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Is it just the absolute worst that Gunnar read Gossip Girl? He couldn’t help it, okay? Of course he doesn’t agree at all with the mean things GG has said especially about his friends but... You know how sometimes you just can’t look away? Yup. He was in support of the Takedown but Gossip Girl is his guilty pleasure.
Sophia Vandervort - Sophia and Gunnar started out as pen-pals, sharing with each other their thoughts, feelings and a little gossip. They were so excited to meet when Gunnar came to New York for college. They’re just sunshine besties!
Sapphire Vandervort - one of Sophia’s sisters and, y’know, wow. Gunnar could never get too much of a sentence out around Sapphire at first and she was definitely a bad influence.
William Huntzberger - speaking of bad influences... Gunnar met William at a club and could have died on the spot when he invited him over to the VIP section. One thing led to another and, well, they spent the night together. Gunnar was kinda giddy about it but in the morning? William was gone with an unkind note and he’s barely acknowledged his existence since.
Logan Hunter - Logan is one of the coolest people Gunnar has ever met. They’re just so nice and totally gorgeous and well, who isn’t a little in love? They even had a little thing and are still good friends!
Xander McAllister and Tessa Cooper - the two grumpiest people Gunnar has ever met and loved.
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