#c: r-sbm/rev
sandcastle-art · 1 year
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YAY :)
OC-tober day 1: favourite oc! Can't have just one..
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sandcastle-art · 1 year
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from left to right: Evie (they/them) - Rev's sibling, has a talent for manipulating void energy (they're a space wizard), currently trying to apprehend Rev Rev (he/him) - Evie's brother, separated himself from the hive mind-ish situation his species has going on and is currently trying to hide from his government Jack (it/its or no pronouns)- tiny squid alien :) escaped lab experiment that definitely doesn't have anything strange going on.
Alright writing time 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Rev did not feel good at all. But being nearly unconcious did that to a person.
Evie had managed to track him down yet again. Unfortunately this time Rev just so happened to not be alone, which would normally be a good thing, except that the poor folks in his vicinity really did not deserve to have their ship rocked by void explosions.
That was certainly one of the things making him feel like shit at the moment.
The other thing… Considering he was one of the only crew members able to survive outside of the ship without needing to waste time putting on a space suit, he had taken the responsibility of rushing out the airlock in an attempt to get his sibling off the ship's ass. It did not go well, to say the least. Evie had much more practice and actual training than he did when it came to weilding void energy, on top of literally being better built for it than him. It didn't take long for them to tire him out.
"Awww, you're no fun, I barely got started there! You never should have gotten those cords cut, you could have been such a powerhouse!!" Evie blippped, in the same annoying synthetic tone as usual. Rev attempted an answer, but all that came out was a low bass-y drone, trailing off into a distorted crackle. That didn't sound good.
"Yikes, that sounded bad." Evie hummed with faux concern. Ugh. Rev managed to look up at them and glare. "Well, I guess I should at least put you out of your misery for a bit before I turn you in. Certainly wouldn't want any trouble." If they could sneer, they probably would have. Oh they were insufferable.
With a mechanical growl, Rev flew towards Evie, his wings and horns glowing brighter as he prepared to hit them with everything he had. Evie's eye widened suddenly, and they let out a short, high-pitched note as they quickly dashed out of the way. They hadn't been expecting him to react so intensely, but he wasn't nearly quick enough to catch them completely off-guard. He quickly shut down his jets and attempted to whirl around to face Evie again, when a sudden impact in his back sent him reeling.
Glancing down, he could clearly see shards of metal floating around him, and bright blue void fluid leaking out of his back into the surrounding space. That was definitely not good. Turning around, he could see Evie had their hand out, still wreathed in lingering multicoloured energy. The playful buzz emanating from them earlier had completely vanished, now they emitted only a dark, quiet drone.
"I'm not going to let someone like YOU get the jump on me like that." They whirred angrily.
Rev saw their eye and wings flaring up, ready to cast a final attack, when the attention of both machines was drawn back towards the ship by a sharp ringing sound. The noise grew louder and louder as a light coming from the airlock grew brighter and brighter.
Suddenly it collided violently with both of them. Evie let out a synthetic shriek as their systems came into contact with the incredible amount of void energy it was producing. Rev was thrown back a short ways, towards the ship. He squinted at the bright object that currently had Evie in it's clutches, and noticed a tiny hint of bright green amidst the intense sparks.
He hadn't realized he'd managed to say the tiny alien's name out loud until the light suddenly died down as it glanced towards him, fear and concern filling it's eyes. In it's moment of distraction, Evie growled, grabbing it's helmet and wrenching it off of them. They pointed their eye square at Rev's head, and began charging energy once more, this time clearly aiming to do more than just incapacitate him. Jack reacted quickly, sparking up again with such rage that Rev swore he could feel it from where he was floating.
Evie's eye laser was knocked off course by the sudden attack, clipping Rev's chest and doing more damage to his back. A horrible roar echoed from the veritable supernova that was Jack, and Rev felt a wave of force propel him back towards the ship. His vision going white from the sudden energy.
And that was what brought him to where he was now. On the verge of unconsciousness, feeling terribly guilty for making the crew deal with Evie, and leaking precious void fuel all over the airlock (He was in the airlock now?) and the rest of the ship. He'd have to apologize to Hrr'Gr'Ah for the mess later. Faintly, he felt the vibrations of the crew running towards him and Jack (when did Jack come in here? Where was Evie??), voices chattering trying to ask both of them what happened, Jack making panicked sounds as it gestured towards his shattered processors.
With his vision and hearing rapidly failing, he was about to happily pass out until the whole ordeal was over. Until a sudden violent spark in his back wrenched a horrible discordant scream from his very cores. The last thing he remembered was more yelling from the crew, the lingering ring of a powerful void spell, and a terrible writhing sensation travelling rapidly through the flesh underneath his shell.
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sandcastle-art · 1 year
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Stuff from yesterdayyy
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