#c: sapphire vandervort
filthy-reckless-rp · 4 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Sapphire Vandervort Pronouns: She/Her Age: 20 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Drifter, Dropout from Barnard College Social Status: Outsider (former Insider) Faceclaim: Madelyn Cline
Who Is Sapphire?
“It’s alarming honestly how charming she can be fooling everyone telling them she’s having fun.“
Imagine my shock and bewilderment when I returned to an Upper East Side without my sparkling Sapphire. I’ve looked high and low and still there’s no sign of you. No note? No forwarding address? Well, you know I love a mystery. The Sapphire I knew was popular, fun and the very last to leave a party if she did at all. The girl climbing the bar and demanding more tequila shots for all! Always shining, always spinning around and always, always pretending as if she was having the time of her life. No one could ever reach Sapphire Vandervort, she was always just a fingertip’s touch away from anyone who tried. You were once a worthy adversary and I might even regret pushing your buttons. Will you ever know that? Seriously. Where are you? From one lonely heart to another, if you see this message, call me back. After all, it’d be a shame to spill your secrets without you around to clean them up.
A Little Extra
Sapphire Vandervort used to be the definition of ‘insider’. She was at every party, gossiped about by all the right people and spent nights on end dancing and laughing at the top of her lungs. She always felt distant from her own life, filling herself up with whatever she could find whenever she could. It could be tough to feel grounded. Sapphire was always confident, brash and easily the center of attention. A shameless flirt, she had a knack for making other people feel special for a night or two but she’d never commit. She’s always been a runner. Of course that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love. Sapphire can be so full of love she doesn’t know what to do with it which, as it turned out, could be a problem. Now, the person who Sapphire loved more than anyone used to be her dad. Even when he left them for the mistress, she loved him. Furiously but all the same.
There was a time she thought she could kick and scream enough that he’d come back. He had to come back, right? Then the wedding invitations were sent out. That was probably when things really started to spiral. The spot of person she loved most rightfully went to her baby sister Sophia and the spot of person she fought with most? Well, that went to her older sister Scarlett. Their father hurt them all, terribly and for the most part Sapphire couldn’t get out of her own way. She lashed out, she acted out and made so many, many mistakes. There had been a life raft for her though, two actually which in hindsight, had been another problem. Jake Hunter had been her rock for as long as she could remember. Sapphire loved him so much that she could never do anything about it, you know? He was good, too good for her. In fact, Tyler Van Buren was too good for her too but that just...happened. Snuck up on her without much warning at all. She never wanted to hurt either of them but you can imagine how the story went (spoiler alert: there was no happy ending). Sapphire did manage to keep things together long enough to finish her Sophomore year at Barnard. After that? Well. No one around here has seen her since.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Sapphire was reluctant to support the Gossip Girl takedown but agreed for the sake of Sophia. Then Gossip Girl demanded that she stop it by throwing a wrench in Sophia and her boyfriend Jesse’s relationship. If not? GG would tell everyone she slept with Jake Hunter while she was supposedly dating Tyler Van Buren. Sapphire almost did it too, make a move on Jesse but she didn’t go through with it. Before her secret was spilled, she told Tyler herself which led to a messy break up. The secrets GG has on her now could be infinite... Hope she wasn’t planning on making amends.
Sophia and Scarlett Vandervort - her sisters. Sapphire loves them so, so much even if she hasn’t been a very good sister to them. Running away was selfish and Sapphire doesn’t expect to be forgiven. She sends Sophia the occasional message so there’s not too much worry.
Alex and Aaron Vandervort - her cousins. Alex and Sapphire had gotten really, really close since Alex’s pregnancy. Sapphire had been there for her almost from the start. Formerly they barely spoke.
Layla Vandervort - her cousin. They are the worst influences one each other! Whenever they get together there’s absolute chaos and disaster.
Camille Hunter - Camille is her best friend. They were each other’s person. Total soulmates. Between Sapphire leaving and breaking Camille’s brother’s heart... Her heart hurts just thinking about her.
Jake Hunter - her most special friend. Sapphire loves Jake so much and she always knew that he was in love with her. She never meant to hurt him but she did.
Tyler Van Buren - Tyler was her tutor, that’s how things started. She always thought she was too jaded for crushes but there he was. Then they were dating, sort of and she had all these feelings... Then she ruined it.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Aaron Vandervort Pronouns: He/Him Age: 22 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Employee at Donovan Industries Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Who Is Aaron?
“I'm not falling behind or running late, I am not standing still, I am lying in wait.”
Well, if it isn’t the Upper East Side’s very own old reliable. There’s no one steadier than you, Aaron Vandervort. There’s no one more predictable. Sure, you might have shocked everyone when you finally snapped and blew the lid off the ‘Isobel Scandal’ but then what, Aaron? Back to the dull and dreary? I digress. You’d thinking someone would have tried to take up my mantle after my unfortunate absence. I suppose when you’re the sibling of someone like Alex Vandervort, being a dud is your only option. You’re smart, of course, and are never caught dead in anything less than a three piece, designer suit, knowing that appearance is all. Your family name and more importantly reputation is all. You’re happy to tow the line, check all the boxes, take part in every obligation that comes your way. After all, someone has to do it. You’re looking to make something respectable of yourself and I support that. I promise. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Aaron Vandervort is the perfect child and, if we’re being honest, his parents’ only hope. There was once a time when he and his little sister Alex were a perfect pair. Two angels all dressed up and already gossiped about at the big family gatherings. There have always been high hopes and great expectations placed on Aaron’s once small shoulders and it’s his greatest fear to not live up to them. To his potential. To his- his parents’?- dreams. Aaron never had time to wonder what he might like to do or say for himself. Perhaps in ten or twenty years he might finally catch a break between school, work, networking and trying to soothe things over between his parents and his darling baby sister. As usual however his hopes are not high. Now, Aaron may not be as serious as he seems but he’s not about to let anyone know that.
He puts hard work first and leaves little room for anything else including but not limited to friendships, romantic relationships and any coffee order that would take more than half a minute to ask for. Aaron has his principles and he sticks to them. Of course, he’s had his slip ups in the past with his feelings (he was a foolish teenager at the time, mind you). These things are just lessons to be learned though. Aaron can take the high road when he needs to. But he can also hold a grudge and be pettier than even Gossip Girl themselves. It may be a little known fact but crossing Aaron Vandervort is not a smart idea. Pushing him to his limits takes hard work but it is possible and he’s not above reacting. For the most part though: ‘conceal don’t feel’. Things have been busier than ever for Aaron and with Alex’s pregnancy in, um, full swing... They can only get busier (or messier). Needless to say his stress management techniques have been pressed to their limits.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Aaron had never done anything ‘Gossip Girl’ worthy a day in his life even when he was the high school sweetie of Isobel Prescott. And then he pulled off running said high school sweetie out of town and exposing her big #lie about being in love with Oliver Andrews. Taking credit for the video evidence of Isobel in full flirt with her bestie’s beau, GG has another theory about who took the video and just how that little truth might re-open old wounds.
Alexandra Vandervort - the baby sister! Alex dedicated her entire life to being the disruptive wild child that took every opportunity to piss off their parents. It left Aaron to smooth things over and stand up for her. Things hit their breaking point when Alex told them she was pregnant (and refused to say by whom) and they all but kicked her out. Aaron is desperately trying to stay in everyone’s good graces and make sure they’re all okay.
Scarlett, Sapphire, Sophia and Layla Vandervort - the Vander cousins. Worrying about those four could very easily take up his entire day, every day.
Isobel Prescott - former Queen B Isobel was Aaron’s high school sweetie. They dated from Freshmen year and he was totally enamored by her. Head over heels. Until she cheated on him with- excuse the sound of grinding teeth- Huntzberger.
William Huntzberger - Huntzberger!! Public enemy #1.
Jason Walker, Nick Vanderbilt and Benji Howell - listen, what happens on ‘boy’s weekend’, stays on ‘boy’s weekend’. Bonded for life.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Scarlett Vandervort Pronouns: She/Her Age: 21 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Senior at Brown University Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
Who Is Scarlett?
“She used to rule the world, she can’t believe she’s become a shell of herself, oh because she used to be a pearl.”
Now who is that with a glass of red in her hand? It can’t possibly be Scarlett Vandervort, could it? Still keeping everything together, no? Well, I’m sure I’ll find out all about it now that I’m back. I hope you’re not still upset about me updating my followers on daddy dearest’s engagement - I’m sure he was just about to tell you himself. The big day must be getting close now and it looks like you’re set to have a new mommy. How exciting! At least you haven’t literally run away from your problems unlike baby sis but there are other destructive ways to cope. Last time I was around, you were still clinging to the role of sensible, together, good big sister. Keep your mouth shut, mind your manners and do better. If you could just get the grades, get into medical school, be the best of the best then maybe things would get better. Well, I won’t blame a gal for trying. Let’s grab a drink some time, I’m happy to lend a listening ear. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Scarlett Vandervort is the eldest of the Vandervort sisters and yes, has played the role of ‘mom’ to the rest of her family (even to their mom). She’s always been a perfectionist, a golden child, an overachiever because if she could achieve, then she would be noticed. She’d be praised. And if she did really, really, really well... Maybe her dad would notice. Maybe her dad would come home. When they were young, Mr Vandervort had an affair but unlike with most frivolous affairs on the Upper East Side, this one stuck. One day he packed up his bags, broke his girls’ hearts and moved the mistress into his penthouse apartment. Scarlett was furious, heartbroken and the one who had to keep it all together. She became the glue, the one who took care of everyone else. The one who held sweet Sophia when she was crying, the one who argued until she was blue in the face with Sapphire when she acted out. The one who made sure their mom was tucked in, wine glass tucked into the dishwasher, safe and sound.
Scarlett wasn’t allowed to fall apart though. No, Scarlett had to be perfect. She was doing really well too, you know? Focusing on her work, on logical solutions and letting the cold, hard truth of her father’s betrayal keep her from wavering. Then the announcement was made, the ‘save the dates’ were sent out. He was going to marry the mistress. It hit Scarlett like a freight train. She cried for the first time since he left and she didn’t stop. She started drinking a little too much wine, started missing deadlines. She started to unravel. Perfect Scarlett Vandervort couldn’t fall apart though, that wasn’t a part of the plan so maybe she took a little something to get back on track. To get her concentration back. It was just for studying, okay? And she’s so close to graduating from Brown and getting into medical school. She’s so close to being the perfect person she always wanted to be. Always thought she wanted to be. Thought her father would want her to be. If she just ignores the rest of the world - even her damn family - and focuses on herself, then she can do this. Right?
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Scarlett was absolutely not involved in any Gossip Girl takedowns, thank you very much. However, she does hate that damn blog. Good riddance. Unfortunately for her, Gossip Girl might just catch wind of what she’s been up to so she can stay up too.
Sophia and Sapphire Vandervort - the sisters! Scarlett always got on better with sweet baby Sophia than with Sapphire. She and Saph were constantly at each other’s throats, cruel truths and vicious remarks thrown at each other. It was because of Him, of course. Their father and for a while, they realised that and for a while, it was better. Until it wasn’t. Now Sapphire’s gone and Scarlett doesn’t have the time for sweet baby Sophia.
Faith Mendez - the best friend forever. Faith and Scarlett have been friends since they were kids, sharing a career dream and a real disregard for Constance Billard’s cliquey BS bonding them for life.
Addison Sherwood - college bestie. Scarlett, Faith and Addie are the future-docs-of-the-UES club.
Logan Hunter - Scarlett tutored Logan in high school (perhaps the greatest challenge of her life at the time) and, admittedly, had a giant crush on them. She didn’t trust him though, believing whispered rumours about his reputation. Thankfully, they managed to get past that. Logan is the one person she can still be soft with.
Jason Walker - oh, Jason... They were maybe going to be something, you know? Maybe. If he’d ever say anything instead of punching out her dates instead.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Layla Vandervort Pronouns: She/Her Age: 21 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Socialite Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Elizabeth Gillies
Who Is Layla?
“There is no place like home.”
My, my if it’s isn’t Layla Vandervort. I don’t even have to ask- I know you’ve been causing absolute carnage in my absence and for that I’ll thank you. I know you shouldn’t have favourites but you’ve always held a special place in my heart. You have all the usual trademarks of my scandalous elite- absentee parents, poor impulse control and designer shoes- with that extra special spoonful of chaos. When you see an opportunity to make a scene, you take it. When there’s the worst possible person to hook up with around? Well, you’re only human. You’ve never had to want for anything (exception maybe unconditional love and affection) and it shows. It’s easy to become bored when you can have everything, isn’t it? The money, the drugs, the privilege... But you’re not about to pull a Nate Archibald and turn your back on it all. You like the money, the drugs, etcetera. Plus, the less time you spend thinking about it, the more time you have to shop. You’re just the type of wild card I’d love to have up my sleeve. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Growing up Layla Vandervort (cousin of all our own Vandervort faves) had all she could ever wish for, ponies, a swimming pool, several vacation homes, the very latest toys and technology. All thanks to her wall-street bigwig father of the Vandervort dynasty, nothing was too expensive or over the top for his wife or his little girl, after all, he had to make up for his absence at home somehow. And the easiest way was to indulge their every whim. But that didn’t mean that she had a happy childhood. Like many children on the UES, she was raised by someone else. She saw her nanny more than she did her own mother, who preferred spending her days either shopping, drinking, or having affairs as opposed to looking after her little girl. Layla’s mother was literally never home, at least never when Layla was around to see her. She would come in late, reeking of cigarettes and strange cologne long after the nanny had read the little girl her bedtime story and tucked her in. Ultimately, her parents marriage hit rock bottom and Layla was torn from her life in New York to live with her mom and the new boyfriend.
She hated everything about it. She hated it there, she hated the stupid suburban middle class house, hated the boring girls at school who had never even heard of Jimmy Choo. But her mom was happy. The only thing that kept Layla even remotely sane was the understanding that once she turned eighteen she could move back to the place that had always been her home, her father had always promised her that she would be welcome there. And that’s exactly what she did. The minute Layla stepped out of the arrivals terminal, it felt like something that had been thrashing around inside her for the past four years had calmed. She was home. Tragically, she now has to share Daddy dearest with a new trophy wife and all around evil stepmother. Thankfully, there are plenty of distractions to keep Layla occupied. Shots, dancing on bars, drugs, you name it and Layla will probably do it at least once a week. She loves nothing more than feeling the burn of alcohol as the dance music thrums beneath her skin. Well, except shopping. If it’s designer or expensive, she has to have it. And it’s all well and good with Daddy dearest footing the bill. Bottoms up.  
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
addiction cw: Layla was so not involved with the Gossip Girl ‘takedown’. She loves drama way too much. As for what Gossip Girl has on her? Well... Layla was in a private rehab facility for cocaine addiction. Her dad forced her to go otherwise he would cut her off and kick her out of the Palace, so she went. She stayed sober for approximately half a day after getting out.
Scarlett, Sophia and Sapphire Vandervort - Layla’s cousins! She’s closest with Sapphire but they’re terrible for each other, both bringing out the worst and most destructive behaviour in the other. It’s fun though. Scarlett is a bore (although, lately...) and Sophia is too much of an angel.
Aaron and Alexandra Vandervort - more Vandervort cousins! Aaron is the most stoic, responsible and boring person alive- duh. Alex, on the other hand, is an absolute riot! You can just imagine the family disaster dinners, non?
William Huntzberger - oh, William. If there was ever an Upper East Side villain that Layla wanted to be the partner and crime of, it’s William Huntzberger.
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