artstargloww · 1 year
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hahah story that pretty much only exists in my brain go brrr
welcome to orbitverse, here's some storm content for you :>
"...is this good enough for you?"
wip of an animatic of tenpo seme? by kqa
ah this is such a weird target audience lmao
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lipu nasin ni li insa lawa mi :>> ona li muuuuuu
o kama pona! ni li ma Opiwasan (Orbitverse)! sitelen ni li jo e jan Son (Storm), o moku e ni :>
"... ni li pona ala pona tawa sina?"
mi pali e sitelen tawa. ni li sitelen wan pi sitelen tawa. sitelen tawa ni li kepeken kalama musi "Tenpo Seme?" tan jan Nikoleta
a, mi wile e kulupu pi jan ante mute... kulupu ni li nasa (pona), wile mi li nasa a a a
(kin, nimi "story" pi toki Inli li seme pi toki pona? ni la mi kepeken lipu nasin, taso mi sona ala e pona ni)
(toki mi li pona ala pona? toki pona mi li ike ala anu ike lili, tawa mi, taso mi wile e sona)
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emojistargloww · 1 year
hey! i'd just like to let everyone know i have commissions open! i've recently updated my prices and stuff :>
i need a new computer and you can see my progress on my ko-fi! anything's appreciated, even just donations if you'd like to do that for some reason, i doubt it but go ahead :> all prices are in usd!
i'd also like to thank @hearts-that-are-golden and @idkimnotgonnablog (am pretty sure) for commissioning me already! i'd also like to add that from now on emote commissions will be treated as normal drawings :>
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starglowwos · 2 years
honestly may as well do this so uh take things
wil rb on all my other blogs as well :>
@goldstargloww - main account, mainly just me saying things
@emojistargloww - i make emojis here sometimes
@liomstargloww - liom stuff, i sometimes coin things
@gold-collecting-things - my identity hoard :>
@artstargloww - my art :o
#c:/starblobs - anything we post
#c:/starblobs/gold - anything i post
#c:/starblobs/gold/gold saying stuff - me saying stuff
#c:/starblobs/gold/coining stuff - me coining something
#c:/starblobs/gold/coining label - me coining a label specifically
#c:/starblobs/gold/coining flag - me coining a flag specifically
#c:/starblobs/gold/emoji - an emoji i make
#c:/starblobs/gold/wordmoji - a wordmoji i make
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artstargloww · 2 years
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ref :D
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artstargloww · 1 year
got commissioned by @lunar-starscape!! im pretty proud of these :DD
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emojistargloww · 1 year
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commissions for @gaydrianlol :D
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