duckislord · 4 years
Ducks were supposed be nice. You fed them bread, they quack, shake their tail feathers, and then fend off the government spies that masqueraded as Geese. It was a mutually beneficial relationship. So when Dalton fed the ducks on his route he was expecting everything to be fine. What he was not expecting was for them to come after him and rip his pants, leaving him with a very uncomfortable breeze. Well... It was kind of nice, he couldn’t lie. One quick google search lead him to a local seamstress shop, or what he hoped was one. A little waddling later he pushed through the door. “Hello? I was hoping for some help with a duck emergency. Or really its a post duck emergency. But a duck was involved as well as my pants”
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crossmeivy · 4 years
“Who decided this was a good idea? This was not a good idea.” Ivy was looking pale, her skin was pasty and eyes sunken, which was the remnants of a heavy night the night before. Still she had agreed to meet Maria for a brunch coffee and maybe putting something in her stomach would help her feel a little better. Or maybe it would just be the weed she’d smoked before coming out that had made her feel so chilled. Jury was still out. Throwing herself down at the cafe table she let out a huffing breath, like a sour teenager. Rubbing a hand across her face she tried to pull herself together, it wouldn’t be fun if she was being a wet blanket the whole hangout session. “I haven’t been up and out of the house this early since the last time I went to church, and that was fucking years ago.” Ivy murmured under her breaht. @absinthecism​
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deadlycgifs · 6 years
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colins-bridgerton · 2 years
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the ultimate female awesome meme
4/50 females dynamics
maria deluca &liz parker roswell 
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blesseduminekojpegs · 7 years
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Blessed image of Maria
Cleaned, redrawn, and colored from Twilight 540px Transparent? Yes! Use for blog themes with credit (@blesseduminekojpegs or @aceyasu)
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moodybites · 7 years
Tony is a writer for a new sitcom about a human family and their demon son-in-law. 
His younger sister, Maria, is an Astrophysicist  who works for the WATO equivalent of NASA. 
Tony’s full name is Antonio Juan Roberto Anang Inini Walter. 
He’s fluent in Spanish and Objiwe and English.
George and Catalina adopted him after a friend found him abandoned in their barn. He was only a few months old at the time and they agreed to temporarily look after him until they could find his parents/family or a werewolf family that could adopt him. When this proved fruitless, George and Catalina-who had come to love Tony as their son and had quickly bonded with him-immediately began the adoption process.  
He is a full blooded werewolf who doesn’t need to rely on the moon for his transformations. 
Puberty sucked for him because of the above information. 
He is aware that he is adopted and often wonders about his parents. Thankfully, George and Catalina were and still are very open with him about his adoption and didn’t shy away from talking about it with him/providing a safe space where he could always talk about it with them. 
He has a werewolf mentor, a man named Marcus (or Uncle Marcus to Tony and Maria), who taught him everything he needed to know about being a werewolf in a modern world. George and Catalina found Marcus when Tony was three, at first to help them learn how to raise a werewolf child and then later to provide Tony with the information they wouldn’t be able to provide him. 
He loves his parents and sister very much.  
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“Guess what I found in Honeydukes!” Maria paused and held up a bag of candy. “Muggle candy corn! I’m so happy!”
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chsesteinarchived · 6 years
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kate’s tv female characters: (updated) 1/50
↳ maria deluca
↳ roswell 1999-2002
↳ “ok, i don’t know what you’re thinking, mister, but maria deluca, right here? not for sale”
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“I want to have a foursome way with Natasha, Hill and Sif.”
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wagsconfession · 7 years
C:Maria Cataleyla block me in IG 😂 I don't understand the C and NAC can you explain this to me btw?
C means confession and NAC means Not a Confession. So what you just dent in was a NAC -Ralu
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deadlycgifs · 6 years
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colins-bridgerton · 4 years
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kate’s gif request meme: roswell new mexico + favorite female character
asked by @katasstrophee
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blesseduminekojpegs · 7 years
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Rare blessed image of Battler, Maria, & Jessica Cut and redrawn from anime episode 1
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shnxmin · 6 years
same side of the coin | maria & minho
O dia estava estranhamente ensolarado demais tendo em conta a estação do ano em que se encontravam naquele preciso momento, portanto o lufano aproveitou que o clima estava propicio para passar algum tempo no exterior e caminhou até à cabana de Hagrid. Aquele era um dos seus lugares favoritos e na verdade pouco frequentado por outros alunos, sendo esse um dos maiores motivos para ele ir ali e passar um bom tempo conversando com os seus amigos que iam ao seu encontro assim que sentiam a presença do mesmo chegar naquele lugar. -- Venham ver o que trouxe para vocês. -- chamou e sorriu alegremente quando viu o grupo habitual de esquilos caminhar apressadamente na sua direção, sentando-se no chão e retirando debaixo da capa um pequeno pote que trazia escondido nas vestes. “O que tem dentro desse pote?” ele ouviu um dos seus amigos perguntar e fintou o mesmo com um largo sorriso no rosto. -- Tem várias frutos secos aqui, nozes, bolotas, amendoins... -- enumerava a variedade de frutos secos que tinha dentro do pote, sentindo o seu colo ser atacada por um dos esquilos que tentava roubar o amendoim que o loiro estava segurando. -- Calma Cho, tem que chegue para todos vocês. -- ele pediu, afagando o pequeno corpo peludo do animal e lhe oferecendo em seguida o amendoins. “É o meu favorito de todos.” o loiro soltou uma risada quando ouviu a animação de Choi que saltitou no seu colo antes de descer para o chão e focar a sua atenção no alimento. -- Eu sei que é o seu favorito. Na verdade eu sei o favorito de todos vocês. -- respondeu o garoto enquanto remexia no pote e pegava a maior noz que se encontrava dentro do mesmo, estendendo-a logo de seguida na direção do esquilo maior e aparentemente mais forte. -- Trouxe este especialmente para você, Kyu. -- falou e o seu sorriso aumentou ainda mais quando ouviu a exclamação de admiração vinda do animal que caminhou um pouco preguiçoso na direção do garoto para enfim pegar o seu alimento.
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chsesteinarchived · 6 years
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kate’s tv otps (updated) 1/100
↳ michael guerin&maria deluca
↳ roswell (1999-2002)  
↳ ❝i just wanted to say this whole thing has been screwed up from the beginning. you and me, us. just the whole long stupid story… but i wouldn’t trade it for anything. it’s meant so much to me. you know, from day one. from the moment i kidnapped you and stole your car, i knew you were the girl for me. i never wanted anyone else. i still don’t. just know wherever i’m going, and whatever i’m doing, just know i’ll always love you❞  
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