schooloflock · 5 years
Damien practically stormed into the apartment he shared with Blair and Caleb.  “Ok that’s it we have to pack up and move now.” He called out, shutting the door behind him.  He couldn’t believe that Owen was here, and knew that they were here.  Damien was also shocked that Blair didn’t seem to be surprised by his presence, which worried him.
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owenpierce-blog · 6 years
New Partner
There had been many times Owen wanted to quit and move back to Alabama since moving to the city. Today was one of them. After the scuffle with Kevin at the strip-club, the son of a bitch had gone up the chain of command and made a complaint, thus prompting their Chief to force a partner on Owen. He had left the office in a huff, cursing under his breath as he made his way to PJ’s for lunch. It was a surprisingly small diner in the city that usually only had a crowd of elderly people. Owen just enjoyed it because it was quiet. He had agreed to meet his new partner, Blair, there. Eyes subconsciously rolled as he flung the door open and sat down at a booth. The Chief was supposed to tell her to meet him there, so where the hell was she? His brows furrowed as he looked through the menu, waiting impatiently. He worked better alone.. why did the Chief think he needed a partner anyway? All he did was take care of Kevin’s inappropriate behavior and somehow he was the one being reprimanded. Owen could feel his cheeks growing hot and his heart rate quicken. He was pissed.
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oliverbentleys · 4 years
where: oliver’s apartment in crescent cove who: @blcirx​ 
Sometimes the universe worked out in his favor. Sometimes. Oliver could count on one hand the amount of times the stars had aligned in order to gift him something good. Meeting a cousin whose existence he hadn’t even know about until she’d unceremoniously waltzed into his life was one such example. There was a part of Oliver that still couldn’t believe that Blair existed. He’d resigned himself to being sibling-less, cousin-less, family-less since early childhood that the announcement that he had a cousin, much less a cousin who was interested in getting to know him, made his stomach bottom out and his mouth go dry. He’d heard all the stories about people who’d been so desperate for connection that they’d allowed themselves to be catfished, and for a few moments after meeting her, Oliver had worried that that was happening to him; he’d been identified as an easy target. It had only taken him a few minutes to put that idea resoundingly to bed. It simply made no sense. 
“Hey bud, long time no see. ” Oliver said as he threw open the door to his apartment. They’d fallen into a steady rhythm of hanging out regularly. It was easy. Just like Ollie had always imagined having family would be like. “Are we heading out or staying in today?” 
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aiinsworths · 5 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR @withouthome​ !
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                   so … it was to be another loss. that was the sign the universe had given parker, at least. never in his life did he ever anticipate him being in the middle of so much LOSS. this time, it was melissa –– someone he didn’t particularly know at all firsthand, though her presence was still palpable. gone by the standard of leaving this earth was a completely different feeling as to gone, as in, gone home. and don’t even get parker started about the HORROR of her death. it’s appalling. he almost can’t believe what happened is real.
a call home went about as well as he had expected –– his father’s feigned shock and empty words were accompanied by keyboard clicks and an EMOTIONLESS tone. sometimes, parker didn’t even think he was listening on the other end, and only answered his calls to feel like he still had a hold in parker’s life. and of course, the sound of another woman’s voice calling his father in the background made his heart ache, amongst feelings of fear and regret. it had sent parker into a swirling pit of anxiety: not an unfamiliar feeling, but a far unwelcome one. little needles felt like they were piercing his heart, his chest, his soul … and once again, he felt clueless on how to ease the pain.
his soul searches for pieces of his memories that can bring him, joy, bring him happiness and calmness –– and his mind keeps returning to one hazel-eyed brunette. their last conversation had brought him HOPE, a feeling that he was clinging to by his fingernails at this point. a face in his mind that used to be associated with pain and hurt was now his anchor. and he didn’t know why.
well, he did, but he didn’t want to admit it.
but he doesn’t know why his feet bring him to blaire’s door, why there’s nothing more he wants than to embrace her again, to feel that SAFETY that he used to feel just existing next to her. he isn’t even sure that feeling will return if in the off chance she does accept a hug, but at this point, parker would do anything to TRY and lift this weight off his chest. she doesn’t answer the door when he knocks, not the first, second, or third time, and instead of returning back to his room, he feels his knees buckle underneath him. like he’s too fragile to trudge back to his dorm. instead, he sits, waiting … 
he doesn’t know how long he waits, but after a while, he hears the faint sound of the front door of the building shutting, light footsteps climbing up the stairs –– he knows her sound. parker could hear her coming from a mile away, and soon, she’s in his view again, and he’s looking at her with VULNERABLE, eyes that aren’t quite on the verge of tears yet. even the sight of her makes him feel calmer, feel at ease, despite the happenings outside that make him want to cry of fear. he stands, dusting his sweaty palms on his jeans before he realizes he hasn’t thought of what he was even going to say to her. “hi …” he starts before swallowing hard. he doesn’t look at her while he speaks, not at first. “i … i … i-i guess i don’t really know why i’m here, but … um. i just … wanted to see if you were okay.” not a word about how he feels like he needs her, how she has this calming effect that makes him feel at home again.
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
seems like Guerin and Blaire are getting kind of serious. Any thoughts on that?
“At least it’s still not Meredith. But good for them, I guess.”
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richgirlvenus · 5 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR @blaire--easton​
Venus was ready to get shit-faced. Constantly having cameras on her was turning out to be harder than she had anticipated. It was as if she was being judged for every move she made, even if half of them were made when she was drunk, or high. She showed up at Blaire’s place, not bothering with her usual caked up makeup or heels. Venus had snuck a few bottles of tequila into a bag for the two of them. She knocked on Blaire’s door, pulling the bottles out of her bag while she waited. As the door opened, Venus shot the girl across from her a smirk, “Ready to get fucked up?”
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joshroszx · 6 years
Acababa de recibir la visita de Josh y Aiden debido a las nuevas quejas sobre su conducta y no había cosa que lo irritara más que sus padres le dijeran que fuera mas como Melanie, estaba harto de eso de que le dijeran cosas como aquella desde que era pequeño y como siempre que se enojaba con su familia termino buscando a la otra parte de su familia así que termino buscando a Blair por toda la escuela hasta que la encontró en uno de los jardines —¿te he dicho que a veces odio a mis padres?— expresó a la par que se recostaba en las piernas de su media hermana ( @harvxstwitch )
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nathancrazywolf · 6 years
Nathan y Sirius muchas veces parecían uno mismo, tenían la misma actitud fiestera y que desfiaban a la autoridad pero la única gran diferencia de que Sirius si se enamoraba y una de las personas que tuvo la suerte o la desgracia de robarse su corazón fue Blair Mikaelson y aunque hace un tiempo habían tenido una relación lo habían dejado antes de lastimarse por conflicto de intereses pero aun la quería, así que cuando la vio sola en el baile no dudo en acercarse —-¿Gustas?— expresó ofreciéndole un vaso de bebida obviamente adulterada. ( @harvxstwitch )
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sarafinequeenwitch · 6 years
Sabía que uno de sus grandes errores era haber engañado a Blair, y parecía que la vida se la había cobrado de la peor manera haciendo que ahora Josie fuera novia de la chica Mikaelson. Claramente eso enojaba a Lena pero como siempre no lo iba a demostrar abiertamente. Aquella tarde la bruja se encontraba en los jardines de la escuela estudiando uno de sus libros de magia cuando detecto la presencia de Blair. —¿Necesitas algo?— preguntó sin levantar la mirada del libro ( @harvxstwitch)
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lunarchld · 7 years
“Is that my shirt?” Abe to Blair
"There was blood on my dress.” Blair deadpanned, shrugging her shoulders. Her most recent feeding had gone terribly wrong (for her victim, at least) and one of her best dresses had been ruined by it. She had already planned on being at Abe’s and they never stayed dressed for long when they were together so she didn’t think he’d mind if she borrowed a shirt for a bit. Blair put a hand on her hip and grinned. “Do you not like me in nothing but your shirt?” This was a thing that human men liked, wasn’t it? Surely Abe would enjoy it too.
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Blair: “It’s storming pretty bad out there, I think we have to cancel our Halloween plans…”
Dela popped her head in the hall from her spot in the bathroom, face half painted in blue. “Really? But i’m almost done! It took two hours!”
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aiinsworths · 5 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR @withouthome​ !
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                      parker really wasn’t sure about this. they hadn’t spoken a SINGLE fucking word in six months. six goddamned months, and he barely could even glance at her during imperium meetings. and now, two conversations in the span of twenty-four hours? it just … didn’t seem like a good idea. for him, at least –– god knows if blaire was hurting at all, if she had doubts about speaking to him, or if she had just completely moved on and didn’t care if they talked or not. but parker still felt like he needed to get something off his chest.
it just didn’t sit right –– zephyr yelling at her, drunkenly or not, it wasn’t warranted. sure, she had broken his heart, ended the most epic of love stories that parker had experienced in a snap, she’d caused him endless, UNCONTROLLABLE pain … but it wasn’t her fault that she just seemed to fall out of love. she was allowed to do that, and no doubt, parker took it much harder than most other people would have –– being as soft and gentle as he was.
parker, in a fitted sweater and jeans, had paced back and forth, headache still raging as he nursed the worst hangover he had endured in the past semester ( he really couldn’t do that again ANY time soon … ). but eventually, after a few minutes, he mustered up the courage to knock a few times at her door. he wasn’t sure if he should call out, if he should explain why he was here before she had the chance to turn him away, but before he could finish contemplating, the door swung open, revealing her face –– and he wasn’t ready for it.
her features, softened by the morning, seemed a lot more vulnerable, more familiar than they were the night prior, and more PERFECT than the night before. he was left speechless for a moment before he remembered why he was standing here in the first place. “hi, um … can we … can we talk?”
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
Thoughts on Guerin and Blaire?
“At least it’s not Meredith.”
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completemessx · 8 years
@kimkardashianofrp liked this for a starter
“ Mira ” comenzó, sacándose uno de los guantes para acomodar un mechón de cabello que se había escapado de su cola de caballo y también quitarse uno de los audífonos que traía puestos. “ No se quien te crees que eres, pero si tienes alguna queja de como golpeo la bolsa mejor que me lo digas en la cara antes de andar hablando ahí con quien sabe quien a mis espaldas “ hizo un desdén, no temía si la criticaban o la halagaban. Había decidido venir directamente al gimnasio después de la universidad, no tenía ganas de regresar a casa tan temprano esa tarde. 
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“Oh for crying out loud, shh!” Jaime waved to the air, his head jerking up quickly. “My bad, the spirits get restless around homecoming, too.” 
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