yvonne-rutherford · 4 months
Location: Gideon’s place
Date: Early January
Félix knocked at the door and stuffed his hand back into his pocket, more for something to do with it than any cold. He bounced on the balls of his feet as each second dragged by, slower than the last. This was ridiculous. He could face down debates in the House of Commons with ease, but a flat in Islington was what sent shivers up his spine? Well, it was less the flat itself and more the resident of the flat.
His fingers brushed against the velvet ring box sitting in his coat pocket. That was the real reason he was here. The holidays had firmly solidified the fact that when he looked to the future, he saw Yvonne Rutherford there with him. And Christmas with the Rutherfords confirmed that it was Gideon, not Andrew’s approval that she would seek.
The door opened and Félix smiled at the other man. “Gideon, thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I promise I won’t take up too much of your time.”
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enxzo · 2 years
“You’d think I’d learn to speak mime after knowing one.” Enzo was getting nowhere with the ferryman, but it did remind him of an old friend who wasn’t exactly here, wherever here was. “Got any ideas?” He asked, hearing someone close by.
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Gideon había sido siempre su persona favorita, aquella en la que siempre podía confiar, la única con la que podía mostrarse vulnerable, aquella a la que las palabras te amo le salían tan naturales y sinceras que aun la asombraba, no era solo su primo, era una especie de pilar en su vida, y ahora lo había lastimado, de una de las peores maneras en su mente. Los simples recuerdos de como solo quería herirlo incluso cosas peores no dejaban de pasar por su mente como si fuera un disco rayado, y se odiaba por eso. Y ahora no tenía forma de verlo a la cara sin sentirse la peor persona del mundo. Por eso se había ido de la casa de su primo por unos días buscando refugiarse con Molly y sus sobrinos, aunque no podía ser la de antes, no podía jugar con Fred y George, o hacer reír a Ron, pues estaba rota. Dormir hace semanas había dejado de ser una opción por más pociones que tomara, así que su rostro lucía demacrado, y sus ojos estaban hinchados por todas las veces que había llorado cuando nadie la miraba.
Como los medimagos le habían dicho que estar al aire libre podría ayudarla, esa tarde la chica se encontraba envuelta en una manta en el jardín de la madriguera cuando sintió como alguien se sentaba a su lado, y claramente se hizo más pequeña al ver a Gideon. —Y-yo— trato de hablar pero las palabras se habían atorado en su garganta y sus ojos habían vuelto a derramar lagrimas
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 @gidsprewett​ .
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camillegladstone · 4 years
when: september 12th, 1979 where: the hog’s head who: @gideonprewonder
“Hey, what’s that you’re having? That looks splendid!”
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gideonprewxtt · 4 years
Let me in
Date: January 19th 1982
Location: Ryland’s home 
Starter: @rylandgreen​
Gideon had been feeling a bit lost since the disappearance of his closest friend and he was happy that he was back but he couldn’t get over the guilt he felt. He hadn’t pushed hard enough for them to go find him sooner and their relationship had suffered since his reappearance. Gideon felt a bit listless. Almost as if he no longer had a friend. Things hadn’t been well with his twin since he could remember and he was a bit desperate to get things back on track with Ryland. Though he wouldn’t admit to that even to himself. 
He had made all of Ryland’s favorite foods that day. He wanted him to be taken care of and he wanted even more to have an excuse to see him. He supposed he could just show up with nothing and ask to be seen but it was always better to come with something. He had decided to floo over to the home of his friend but upon his arrival he found himself stuck in the fireplace. Hurt was the first thing he felt remembering that there was once a time when he wasn’t stopped by any wards. “Ryland.” He called out his only hope that the man would hear him and let him in. “I’ve brought you something to eat. Won’t you let me in?” A moment passed and he grudgingly felt he had to mention “It’s Gideon.”
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davies-jake · 4 years
( feria)
—Deja ese pollo ya en los lockers y vamos a jugar Gotcha— expresó el chico una vez que se encontró con su amigo, sin duda esperaba pasar un buen rato con el contrario aunque tal vez no era la mejor idea que ellos tuvieran armas ( @gidsprewett​ )
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marya-whoisleft · 5 years
next great idea // marya & gideon
“Nathanial, where have you run off to?”
Marya knew that part of letting Nathanial grow up was giving him a little space here and there. After all, she didn’t want to accidentally turn into one of those helicopter parents that ended up with children who were unable to get by on their own. She remembered how poor Jared Chapman had gotten into trouble their first night at Hogwarts by trying to sneak out of the castle to get back to his parents. He became the first victim of their class’ rumor mill. Nathanial would not become Jared.
On the other hand, it was difficult to give him freedom when she felt a nagging fear in her stomach whenever he was out of her sight. Times being what they were and all.
But, she worked to combat that fear where she could. Today, it was during her excursion to the library. Marya wasn’t running the Books for Children benefit, but she had promised her friend Caroline that she would lend a hand with the last minute details. And while she had been talking with the librarian to finalize the speech for the night, she let Nathanial hang out with the group of kids gathering in the children’s section.
Now, she was peering around the bookcases trying to spot where her son had run off to. To her credit, her heart only fluttered a little bit quicker as her eyes scanned the small heads before landing on her Nathaniel’s. He was at one of those tables with short legs, fitted to be the perfect height for someone around four feet tall, talking animatedly to another boy with shocking red hair.
“Oh, there you are. Have you been having fun?” she asked, crouching down next to the pair.
“Yes, I’ve made a new friend,” he answered with the kind of energy he only really gets when he’s around kids his age.
“Well hello, new friend,” Marya said to the other boy. “What is your name? Are you here with your mum?”
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daniyah-whoisleft · 5 years
where we’re needed most // gideon & daniyah
The stillness was unnerving. Daniyah wasn’t sure how long she had been stationed in Hogsmeade, but it was enough time to pace the perimeter of the village multiple times, on the look out for anything out of the ordinary. They should be grateful for any information at all they were able to get about the heist that was to happen. Hopefully, it would be enough to stop the Death Eaters from getting their hands on something valuable. But it wasn’t enough to feel like they were one step ahead. And, in Daniyah’s opinion, when they weren’t one step ahead, they were three steps behind.
That feeling was confirmed the moment chaos started pouring out of the least likely of places. She heard it first, a low rumble that was quickly growing as whatever it was grew closer, and she immediately snapped her eyes to Gideon’s like she would find an answer there. When her mission partner had nothing to provide for her though, her head kept moving to find the source. And she found it indeed.
Students were rushing down the road from the castle at a pace that gave away their panic. Daniyah first started trying to count them but soon gave up on that. It would do her no good to figure out just how many students were making their way to the village or what had pushed them in that direction. “It’s a distraction,” she said for Gideon to hear, mind made up on the fact.
At least there was one silver lining in that: they now knew that whatever was going down was going down now. “We have to stay alert. Block out the kids and focus on what they might be sneaking out of here. We can’t let them get out from right under our noses.”
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lene-mckinnon-blog1 · 5 years
—Ven Gideon vamos a bailar— expresó la rubia tomando a su amigo de la mano para prácticamente obligarlo a bailar con ella en aquella fiesta, por una vez la chica no quería preocuparse de la guerra en la que estaban luchando y solo quería actuar como una chica normal de su edad y sabía que Gideon sería la compañía perfecta para lograrlo. A pesar de que ya no tenían nada amoroso la chica disfrutaba de la compañía del Hufflepuff como un buen amigo y siempre le tendría apreció ( @gidsprewett )
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mary-whoisleft · 6 years
‘cause it’s just another saturday night // mary & gideon
There was plenty that terrified Mary about graduating in just a few short months, but if there was one thing she could honestly say she was excited about, it was having access to more bars. The Three Broomsticks was a lovely and cozy place, but it lost some of its charm when it was one of two options offered to her on a regular basis. Of course, she didn’t have as much time to go out any more, what with N.E.W.T.s looming around the corner like they were ready to strike at any moment.
But on this one free night she had, she found herself sitting at a stool enjoying a Butterbeer. It tasted just like every Butterbeer she ever had here, and that was both tiresome and comforting at the same time. What wasn’t comforting was the casual friend she had come with had seemed to disappear. Probably off flirting with some boy or drunkenly decided to Irish Goodbye. Which wouldn’t normally bother her, except for the fact that now it meant she had to walk back up to the castle alone. A reality she was currently avoiding by having just one more drink.
“Hard to leave when it’s so warm in here and so cold out there huh?” she said to the person who had just moved onto the stool next to hers at the bar. He was vaguely familiar, like someone she had known once upon a time but couldn’t remember from where. Or maybe he was just a stranger with One Of Those Faces, which she could figure out soon enough.
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yvonne-rutherford · 11 months
Your Voice was All I Heard
Date: 17 October, 2023 Featuring: @drrutherford
Yvonne stared down at her phone and the Instagram post ready to be posted, her teeth biting gently into her lip. Now that almost three months had passed in her relationship with Félix they'd decided to make things official. And that their public debut would be at the Halloween parties. The thought of the public and her family finding out she’d kept her new relationship under wraps for almost three months didn’t scare her….except for one.
Glancing down at the post once more, she saved it as a draft before opening up her contacts and dialing one number in particular and a pit of nervousness settled in her stomach as her brother answered her call.
“Hey, Gid. I have some news I wanted to share with you before it goes public.”
After putting in a reluctant appearance to yet another London social last night, and having been foiled from making an eager exit, Gideon Rutherford is groggy and ill-tempered at the first arching lance of sun to meet his bedroom window that morning.  
It heralds a poor start to any conversation, no matter how automatically he reaches for his phone when Yvonne's unmistakable ringtone begins to sing its first few notes. The foreboding feeling sinking like a stone in his stomach upon hearing her greeting, doesn't help matters much either.
Great, he thinks, at least she's getting straight to the point.
"Why does this sound suspiciously like 'you're going to hate this but there's nothing you can do about it, especially now that I'm giving you fair warning'?"
The pit currently making itself at home in her stomach only intensified once Gideon answered. As much as she hated it, he was dead on the money with his assessment and the reason she was giving him the fair warning instead of letting him find out from Instagram. She started pacing around the room in a fruitless attempt to burn off some nervous energy as she continued on without answering the question.
"I'm seeing someone. Félix Rodriguez."
She rushed through the words before she could give herself a chance to chicken out and braced herself for Gideon's response. 
If he was in any parts groggy a few seconds ago, he isn't now, not when that name drops off her tongue; spoken so fast he might've otherwise missed it. He's swiftly on alert, throwing the covers off his legs as he pulls himself out of bed. 
"Someone?... Fuck, Yvie - that isn't just 'someone'." The eldest brother points out, marching over to the window in order to draw the curtains shut. "And what do you mean 'seeing'?... As in, more than once?" How many times had she 'seen' Rodriguez in a manner that wasn't confined to the safe distance of a newspaper or a tv screen?... And when exactly had it started?... He feels the beginnings of a headache pounding at his temples as he turns on his heel and heads for the ensuite.
Yvonne took a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut to ground herself as Gideon spoke. His reaction was exactly what she’d expected, but still a small part of the back of her brain hoped that his reaction would be a little less….intense. Though, she had to admit that he was right. Félix Rodriguez wasn’t just ‘someone’, not when he was currently one of the frontrunners in the election.
“I mean, we’re dating. In a relationship. Serious about each other. So yeah, a lot more than once.” Technically the words ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ were the right ones to describe her situation, but something felt juvenile about using them. Especially to describe a middle aged man….Which was where she was expecting the majority of Gideon’s objections to arise. She continued pacing through her room, and a part of her wished Félix was there, but she had a sneaking suspicion that would just make things worse than if she handled this alone.
“Serious about each other.” He echoes the words carefully, mouth tasting of chalk. How had it snowballed so fast?... It still feels like yesterday, the first time Yvonne had mentioned him. “Serious about each other, and you only thought to mention it now?"
There’s a part of him that can’t blame her. That knows exactly how difficult it is to air such sensitive matters to the family, especially when their own comes with such a vast array of differing opinions - not all of them wanted. At least, not all the time. It’s why he’d delayed telling them about Amélie, even as a man approaching his forties.
But that's just the thing. He’s a man approaching his forties, his little sister is over a decade younger, and yet Felix Rodriguez is much, much older than even Gideon. He can't pretend he doesn't worry about the imbalance, even if he knows Yvonne won't thank him for it. "Yvie..." The tender warning trickles into his tone, trying to soften the blow of his disapproval. "I don't think this is a good idea. In fact, whose was it?"
Yvonne snorted before she could help herself. As if Gideon didn't know that this entire conversation was the reason she put off telling him until the last minute. She knew her brother well enough to know that their initial proposition wasn't something he'd approve of. It was sweet, that even after Katherine he still wanted and believed in romance for his sisters, but Yvonne had enough experience with men to know that there was always something they wanted from her. At least this time something tangible that couldn't be taken away from her was being offered in exchange. 
And despite what she’d promised herself, feelings were starting to sneak their way in. Which she hoped would at least soften the blow, thought she wasn’t holding her breath.
"I know you don't, Gideon." She took a deep breath but it did nothing to help with the nervous shake of her hands. "He approached me at Adri's birthday party. But-", she rushed to interject before Gideon coulr voice further objections, "this was my decision. And before you ask, yes we've talked about the age difference."
He listens to her sigh rippling through the phone line, listens with the mobile pressed hard against his ear as if might enlighten him as to every passing thought that's gone into that sigh; every tip of the scales that have led her to this choice in the first place.
"Do the others know?... Have you talked about it with any of them?" He has a sinking feeling in his chest that he might be the first; that she's chosen him first to test the waters. Selfishly, Gideon hopes someone other than him has already voiced their disapproval first, lest it lessen the blow in hearing it a second time.
Though it doesn't surprise him when she predicts his objection before it even lands. It's Yvonne, after all. "Mm, yes," He supplies cynically, "I suppose he would jump to reassure you that age isn't an issue, wouldn't he?... And just like that you believe him?"
It's my decision, she insists, and Gideon feels a nauseating mixture of hope and fear in his chest that that's true. Hope, that if it's true he'll have less cause for the anxiety already gripping him at the thought she's been manipulated into this by Rodriguez.
Fear, that if it's true she won't be likely to change her mind, either.
“You’re the first I’ve told,” Yvonne admitted. Gideon was the first one she thought to turn to, and honestly it had killed her inside to keep it from him for this long. But, at the same time, the bliss of having one thing for herself, a relationship that brought her more happiness than she’d had in a long time, had been idyllic.
Logically, she knew Gideon was just trying to protect her. She’d never told him the full extent of her previous heartbreaks, especially Jared, and she was planning on keeping it that way. But at the same time, if she tried to explain her decision making and the extent of negotiations she had with Félix before they made things official, it would only prove Gideon’s fears to himself.
“Yeah, I did, Gideon. Because we talked things through pretty extensively. And not just about our ages, but every imbalance we could think of.” Deep down, Yvonne knew she wouldn’t be able to convince Gideon, at least not through one phone call. There was a small part of her that worried she’d never be able to convince Gideon, but she took another deep breath to steady herself in a futile attempt to ignore it. “I know you don’t like it and I understand why, but I wanted you to know.”
'You're the first I've told.'
It's a dubious honour, and he feels once again torn between two competing feelings — gratitude and dread. He's touched that it's him she's thought to reach out to first within the family, and yet not so enfeebled by the flattery that he forgets the solemn responsibility he bears her. Incumbent upon him as is on any older brother to warn and protect, whether or not it means disappointing her in the process.
"Yv," He begins, looking for a way to break it to her. In the end, it's as unpoetic as it usually is with Gideon. "I don't care about "we"; about how Rodriguez no doubt waved away every barrier in the path and threw fairy dust over all the red flags." He growls, running one hand through his hair. "I care about you. That's it. So don't tell me about 'we'. Tell me about why you're so sure he isn't being a- a-..." lecherous social-climbing predator, he wants to say, but barely keeps it slotted behind his teeth. " — A user."
He hears her sigh through the phone. 'I know you don’t like it and I understand why, but I wanted you to know.' His eyes slip shut. It sounds too much like an impending see you later, like a my mind's made up, come hell or high water.
"Yvonne, we have to talk about this." He warns, and over the phone doesn't count.
"Do me a favour," Gideon adds, wary she'll end the call before he can request it. "Don't tell dad. Not yet." Oh, her father would fucking love this.
She wanted to laugh as Gideon voiced his concerns. She seriously doubted that telling how up front they both were about the benefit the other could provide would reassure him. Or that he’d believe that Yvonne herself was taking advantage of the connections being provided to her. “I feel happy, Gideon. This is something that’s just mine and he makes me feel good, special. I can talk to him.” She took a deep breath and decided to bite the bullet and drop the bomb he would no doubt hate. “But really, I’m never going to be able to avoid the fear of being used for my connections. Name me one man who wouldn’t benefit from being connected to a Rutherford. I know you’re trying to protect me, but you can’t lock me away in a tower from everyone.”
Yvonne’s tone darkened at the mention of their father. “Don’t worry, I had no intentions of sharing this with him.” Or really anything. This definitely wasn’t the time to talk about her growing disillusionment with Andrew Rutherford, both brother and sister knew that the second he found out, he would be taking advantage of the situation even more than Gideon was afraid Yvonne was being taken advantage of.
'I feel happy, Gideon.'
His heart squeezes painfully in his chest. For all that he's desperate for answers, reasons, explanations, things difficult for anyone to give while in the persuasive throes of love, her words give him pause. It's not good enough – not when she can still have the wool pulled over her eyes, still be used and abused in all the ways that he fears – yet simultaneously, it's all he's ever wanted for her.
For Yvonne to be happy.
It shows in the hesitation that slows his cadence when he speaks again. "But those things you said... The fact that he's yours, the fact that he makes you feel special and you can talk to him... Yvie, don't you see that those are things anyone can and should make you feel in love?" Don't you realize it doesn't make him special? Gideon doesn't voice it, although the grudge he's beginning to bear Rodriguez grows at the thought.
And whatever relief he feels that she doesn't plan on telling their opportunistic shark of a father, is somewhat waylaid by her words about being a Rutherford. 'Name me one man who wouldn’t benefit from being connected to a Rutherford...'
He won't tell her, but all it does is make him wish all the more ardently that he could lock her safe in some tower so as to better protect her heart. However irrational.
However unfair.
He struggles for an answer to that, the lines on his face deepening in their frown. "I don't know," He confesses at long last, into the silence. "But that doesn't mean you can't find one... You're still so young, Yvie. You've got your whole life ahead of you."
Yvonne reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose. It was growing clear that the pair were reaching an impasse. She'd known when she called Gideon what his response would be, but a small part of her had hoped she'd be able to convince him that this was, in fact what she wanted. That this was the happiest she'd been in a relationship in years.
“So why is it so wrong that he makes me feel this way?
She understood where Gideon was coming from, she truly did. That didn't mean she liked it. “You really think I’m throwing my life away here?” She held her breath, unsure of whether she truly wanted an honest answer to the question she posed.
'So why is it so wrong that he makes me feel this way?'
Gideon runs a hand through his hair, silently willing her to understand. Because he's a politician? Because he, more than anyone, knows exactly what to claim to get what he wants out of you? Because he's our dad's age?... Because it's exactly this sort of relationship that carries the highest risk for power imbalance abuse?...
Instead, he lets out a sigh and opens a topic he's rarely discussed with his little sister in the open. "Yvie, we haven't talked much about marriage, because you were young when it all happened and I didn't wanna put it on you. But maybe we should... Just not over the phone." He glances at the clock; he needs to get ready for work.
"It's harsh to say you're throwing your life away. I can't predict that and I don't want to. But more than anyone I know how destructive it is if you give your heart to the wrong person... How it chips away pieces of your life – pieces of yourself – that you'd never anticipated losing. That's not a risk you can esteem lightly, especially when it comes to a man like Felix. Tell me, at least, that you can appreciate that."
Pieces of yourself. This time Yvonne didn’t stop herself from the dark chuckle that left her lips. There were multiple pieces of herself strewn across the streets of Cávado, thanks to Jared and the Kings. And her own stupidity. 
“I agree. We should talk.” Yvonne took a deep breath once again, sending up a silent prayer that she didn’t have to see the look on Gideon’s face as she said this. “There’s something I should probably tell you too. Because I do understand what happens when you give your heart to the wrong person, more than you think I do.” She reached up to wipe at her eye and her finger came back damp with tears she didn’t realize she was crying. After all these years, how did the mere thought of Jared still have that power over her?
“Just tell me when you’re free and where you want to meet, okay? I’ll be there.”
He can just barely make out a wistful chuckle in response to his words, and the sound of it plucks a discordant note through his heartstrings, deepening the foreboding.
He likes it even less when she hints at something to tell him, suggesting some intimate knowledge of what it means to give one's heart to the wrong person. The older brother hopes – as far fetched as it seems – that it's Theo she's talking about; old feelings that maybe she'd never had the chance to share, given how much flack they'd all given her for sleeping with the dangerous mobster some three years ago. But even as he hopes it, some part of Gideon knows better.
Knows it isn't Theo, she means.
"Alright." He concedes, pulling open his closet door. He stares blankly at the array of suits, his mind still on his sister. "Well... Thank you for telling me." He adds after a beat, even as the words stick like tar in his mouth. Still, it's true. Gideon doesn't like what he's heard, but it's better than not to have heard it; better than to have learned it all second-hand through the unforgiving reach of social media or other people's gossip.
"I do appreciate it, Yvie." Another beat as he racks his mind to remember his schedule. "I can do dinner in two days. Meet me at The Wolseley, 7pm."
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olivier--fontaine · 6 years
Going to a hospital was never fun to begin with, but it was even more daunting and nerve-wracking to go with one’s parent for a problem of their own. Olivier in particular hated hospitals. It wasn’t even the smell or the horrible bare walls, it was just the atmosphere that was unsettling for him. His father never even made it to a hospital so it wasn’t that he associated it with the man’s death directly, but being in a hospital always did remind him of that day. Maybe it was because of the paramedics who came and the fact that the atmosphere around them so closely resembled the one in the stark building, or maybe it was just that so many souls had departed from such a sterile location and, despite all the staff, it felt...empty.
Though Olivier and his mother was close, she liked to keep her health concerns to herself because she knew how concerned the boys were about her well-being after her husband’s death. For the most part, aside from some occasional slightly high cholesterol levels, she was in good health. Something strange showed up a little while ago, though, and she’d kept it from Olivier until the week before she was to go in for a talk with a recommended surgeon. She trusted her primary doctor so much she refused to hear about even considering someone else aside from who he recommended, so Olivier just barely managed to keep his mouth shut and agreed to come with her for support. She was scared, and all she had to do was tell him that for him to agree to be at her house at 9 sharp and outside the surgeons office before 10. In all the discussions, she hadn’t mentioned the surgeon’s name once. It wasn’t until Olivier was sitting outside the man’s office that he realized where exactly he was, and as he sat as still as he could, inside he was antsy and bordering on fuming.
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Desde lo ocurrido en la fiesta de las pociones, las cosas en su casa se habían puesto insoportables para Andrea ya que al parecer nadie en su familia perdonaba que hubiera acabado en el hospital mágico, y aquella preocupación excesiva y que la estuvieran juzgando todo el tiempo estaban volviendo loca a la chica. Por lo que a la primera oportunidad que tuvo tomó una pequeña maleta con sus cosas y no tardó en aparecerse en la puerta del apartamento de su primo, esperando encontrarlo en casa, pues a pesar que recordaba la conversación que habían tenido esa noche y que era un tema que no quería volver a tratar Gideon seguía siendo su lugar seguro —¿puedo quedarme unos días?— pregunta una vez que se encuentra con el mayor mientras le pone su mejor cara de cachorrito —Mis padres y hermanos me están volviendo loca y prefiero dormir en un sillón a estar un día más en casa— 
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para @gidsprewett​ 
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sixthfloorsouls · 6 years
Running into students outside of school was one of the things Gideon hated the most. But there they were. "God why can't I shop for groceries just once without-- Hi how are you?" Gideon plastered on a fake smile as he greeted them.
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She still looked a bit of a mess, if at least a freshly showered mess. Her hair was wet and messy, falling down her back, and she wore borrowed tracksuit pants and a hoodie. She didn’t really want to be walking around the mansion, but there was someone she wanted to find. To gauge the reaction of. 
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davies-jake · 4 years
Una vez que supo que Zabrina al menos de momento no iba a participar en todo lo que involucraba su decisión con Grace y lo de ser padre, Jacob tuvo que seguir con sus planes de otra manera así que le pidió a Gideon, Cassia, y Ted que se reunieran, no les había dicho para que solo esperaba que pudieran verlo en la entrada del Londres Muggle, pues realmente lo que necesitaba era encontrar el anillo perfecto para pedirle matrimonio a Grace —Hola que bueno que pudieron venir— expresó con una sonrisa una vez que los tres llegaron ( @edxteddyxtonks​ @littlercdbird​ @gidsprewett​ )
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